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Welcome to my blog, I post random shit. I'm a beginner writer (same username on ao3), and a toe bean enthusiast.
Don't wanna be here? Send us removal request.
thatlocalgermanpunk · 1 year ago
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thatlocalgermanpunk · 2 years ago
I don't know who needs to hear this
But if you go into the comments section on AO3
And type
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Then replace image url (keep the " marks) with the url of a picture
You can leave fan art in the comments of a fic
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thatlocalgermanpunk · 2 years ago
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We know, but hey...
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thatlocalgermanpunk · 2 years ago
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i’m replying to a lot of ao3 comments for the first time in my life, so my brain conjured this meme
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thatlocalgermanpunk · 2 years ago
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thatlocalgermanpunk · 2 years ago
today in social media...
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thatlocalgermanpunk · 2 years ago
FLUFFY FEBRUARY 2023 DAY 24 BUBBLY @fluffyfebruary
The moment their lips met it became Lance's best first kiss. This kiss was truly what all first kisses were meant to be, short, sweet and innocent. Lance had never felt joy bubble up and pop against the insides of his stomach quite like this with anyone before Keith.
SUMMARY: Keith takes Lance on a abnormal yet wonderful fourth date.
Lance questioned for a second how he managed to get himself here, Keith's puckered lips coming closer and closer, until… Wow.
Keith’s hand holding his. Lance’s other hand in Keith’s soft as a kitten mullet. Lance leaned more over the center console keeping them apart to get closer and in the process creating a more natural and pleasing angle.
Keith's lips we chapped from all the time he had spent out in the hot, salty, ocean air. Lance could taste lingering watermelon juice from earlier on their date on Keith's lips.
It had run down both their arms and chins as they sat on the beach getting to know one another. They had held one another's sticky, sweaty hands and ran into the ocean together. Neither of them let go until they reached the sea. The two of them had managed to wash most of the juice off their skins in the ocean.
Here they were, as strange as it is. Inside an automated car wash. They were at the phase of the automated car wash where the soap sprayer was rotating around them coating the car in rainbow bubbles. The hum of the machines surrounded them blocking out the sounds of cars and the ocean. The foam obscured the windows turning Keith's car into the couple's own little private bubble. The car’s air conditioning contrasted with the warm environment the two of them had created.
They pulled apart their noses brushing, after what must have been only around 15 seconds.
Keith was looking at him, his normally pale face tinged pink. His gaze flicked away shyly when they made eye contact. Still holding hands, Lance cleared his throat loudly and turned to watch the water glide over the car washing away the bubbles.
Eventually the machines made a final clunk and the blow dry sequence started up in front of them. From the passenger seat Lance saw the light turn from stop to go. Giving Lance's hand one final squeeze, Keith reluctantly removed his hand from Lance’s to slowly pull out of the car wash.
The air from the blow drier blasting them was unneeded as they drove out into the gas station parking lot. The temperature was record high for the area. So high that this morning Lance couldn't open his front door because the sealant in the doorframe melted the door and the door frame together the previous day. It had cooled and rehardened overnight. He had to defenestrate himself through a downstairs window to be able to get out of the house that morning. His lanky body perfect for the task. At the time he had been desperate to arrive on time for their date so as not to give a bad impression.
The menacing splotch of crusty, dried, seagull poop that had previously covered a decently sized portion of the windshield was gone. Keith noticed the spot Lance was staring at.
“Third car wash this week.” Keith stated solemnly, breaking their bubble of awkward silence.
“Well, we live in a beachside town and statistically birds do prefer to poop on red cars.” “Damn, So I unknowingly made myself a target when I bought this car?” Keith exclaimed, horrified. Laughter bubbled out of Lance at Keith’s realization.
“This is why blue cars are superior." Lance supplied. Keith snorted. "Sorry to break your bubble Lance, but your saab that keeps breaking down is not superior." "Everyone seems to hate that car but me, the person that actually loves and drives it." "Lance, tell me, have you ever actually taken a ride in the back seat?" "No?" "Well as someone who has been I can tell you there is 0 leg space. There's a reason why you don't see people driving saabs very often, you know. Because when you do see them they are normally broken down on the side of the road." Keith lectured, his tone playfull. Lance huffed, amused, knowing that Keith was right.
Trying not to acknowledge the sense in Keith's point, Lance changed the subject by asking, "Where to next?"
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thatlocalgermanpunk · 2 years ago
Nothing else I buy this year could possible top this
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thatlocalgermanpunk · 2 years ago
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thatlocalgermanpunk · 2 years ago
Read this acrostic poem like "school is where i..." and then the sentence after the letter.
Stay awkwardly silent when the principal walks up to me and asks a bunch of rhetorical questions.
Continue to work this 8 hour job with mandatory overtime that I get nothing out of even though it is slowly killing my livelihood.
Hold in my pee.
Observe roast battles from a safe and sane distance.
Only drink out of my water bottle because certain students do nasty things to those water fountains.
Leap over gigantic puddles in the hallway.
*Insert sad violin music.*
Step through metal detectors holding my computer and water bottle to prove I'm not bringing a gun onto campus.
Write crappy fanfiction during PE.
Have friends who ditch class, vape, smoke, do drugs and create yandere fan pages for the principal on the internet and then accidentally forget the password to it.
Eavesdrop on the uperclassmen complaining about the freshmen.
Read surprisingly educational material in my free time.
I hate the fact that this is such a waste of everyone's time.
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thatlocalgermanpunk · 2 years ago
TOE BEAN TUESDAYS #5 - ode to the toe (a poem about toe beans)
always cute.
The big pad is shaped like a heart.
They are nature's greatest work of art.
Pictures filling up my pinterest faster than Usain Bolt.
I've officially joined a one person cult.
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thatlocalgermanpunk · 2 years ago
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thatlocalgermanpunk · 2 years ago
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I give you...the Mermandalorian.
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thatlocalgermanpunk · 2 years ago
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thatlocalgermanpunk · 2 years ago
TOE BEAN TUESDAY #4 - haiku about my other dog's toe beans
Black fluff hides her beans.
Crossed paws, so charming she is.
Derpy, pink tounge out.
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thatlocalgermanpunk · 2 years ago
Ceramics is fun because of all the physical art mediums (glass blowing, metal working, wood working, etc) it seems like one of the chillest but it has like underlying chaos. Like youd think glass blowers are doing dangerous and chaotic shit but pottery is literally taking mud with thousands of microorganisms spinning it really fast then drying it out and blasting it for hours at temperatures of over 1000 degrees then melting glass over it. And fun fact about said glass, you can never tell what color its gonna be. Like you can put a green goop on and it’ll turn purple. Also the kiln gets so hot that if you put metal in your ceramic structure it would melt into a puddle. Also the absolutely chaotic shit that we use. Like everything in the studio can give you diseases. Inhale the dry clay, disease. Mix glazes kind of bad, disease. Get too close to the kiln, 3rd degree burns. Miss cut the clay, whoop there goes your finger. Also like everything explodes. Too thick, boom. Air bubbles, boom. Im pretty sure if i glazed weird it would explode. And i never know what a piece is gonna turn out to look like. Ceramicists are totally the “drinking tea while reading a book by fairy lights surrounded by plants” but don’t forget. We use an unhinged medium
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thatlocalgermanpunk · 2 years ago
TOE BEAN TUESDAY #3 - I just wanted to share this picture of glittery cat toe beans I found on google
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