thatannoyingfriend · 1 year
Math is really tiring, im so glad i finally get to relax and do some knitting and crochet and i oh god oh my what the fuck
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thatannoyingfriend · 1 year
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I never did post the completed hedgesune miku.... well here she is!
Bonus glow in the dark shot (pre haircut):
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thatannoyingfriend · 1 year
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thank god for american public transit !!! 🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸
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thatannoyingfriend · 1 year
Welcome to art group! We are an inclusive online space for all artists. We are here to learn and grow and most of all support one another!
Here are the rules
-no nudity ever including bare nipples. No not even if it's a Greek statue or an ancient hieroglyph. Nipples and nudity are not art.
-no violence or depictions of weapons or blood. Will this rule extend to photos of generic white people holding spears in their play-pretend pseudo native American garb? Probably not.
-nothing too political, this is art group not debate group! Everyone knows art is only ever aesthetic and carries no political baggage. Don't make people think too hard and for the love of GOD Don't challenge any preconceived notions.
-never ever hint that anything you make could possibly be available for sale, ever. Yes I know this group is about supporting artists but we didn't mean like. Physically in any way.
-No art that makes mod Steve sad :(
-if your art is ugly tag it with a trigger warning
-have fun!
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thatannoyingfriend · 7 years
the signs when HIGH
(just silly stuff, mostly based off of people i know lol)
(also  guess who’s high right now lol)
aries: the DJ, the one sitting near the speaker with their eyes closed,swaying, looking like the music is literally IN their SOUL. plays the weird stuff that always seems to work
taurus: the one who doesn’t even seem high, sits there basically acting the same except there will be a few little actions they do that make it clear - touching their hair a lot, laughing a little more. probably the one getting snacks
gemini: the active one, lots of nervous talking, looking around, can’t seem to stop rubbing their hands or knees, can’t. stop. moving!!
cancer: the ~~out of their shell~~ one, oh boy do the crabs come out when they r high, suddenly joking, really funny and weird, lots of really, really weird comments like “wtf i didnt know they were like this,” also probably gets HELLA munchies 
leo: the hook up, gets the weed, rolls the joint (or whatever), they are the PROVIDER, makes sure everyone is taken care of, generally talks and laughs more, super friendly when high!
virgo: the sleepy one, will straight up pass out on the couch. like they’re the ones who smoke, eat some cereal, and then just go to sleep while everyone else is still fucking around, honestly they’re the stereotypical “tired” “stoned” stoner
libra: the helpful one, when they r high its kinda like taurus, its not super easy to tell, but libras r way more willing to help out when high, they’ll grab u a snack, some water, down to talk to anyone, da real MVP
scorpio: the deep! philosophical talks! one: tbh they’re fucking socrates when high, has really philosophical talks with people but if anyone else heard it they would just sound hella dumb LOL, will probably be the one up till 3am
sagittarius: the one who always fucking runs outside, is just like “guys lets go outside!” or to the park! or to in n out!!, just wants to fucking move around, not a lot of talking tho, mostly laughing and singing
capricorn: the one sitting in the corner just chilling, just doesn’t really get hyperactive when high but just relaxing to be around, also willing to take care of people if they don’t pass out first like virgo lol
aquarius: the where they fuck did they go? one, randomly decides to go on a walk and everyone’s like uhh is aquarius ok? and they come back an hour later looking chill, will occasionally join in to scorpio’s ~~deep talk~~ but doesn’t talk as much
pisces: the quiet smiley one, so fun to be with, will just quietly stare at everyone smiling, laugh every now and then, they always have a go to when they get munchies OR they make hella weird food combos, no in between. the EMBODIMENT of CONTENT
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thatannoyingfriend · 7 years
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thatannoyingfriend · 8 years
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thatannoyingfriend · 8 years
new aesthetic: man covered in cacti, surrounded by confused police
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thatannoyingfriend · 8 years
Oh fuck dude watch out! its Vriska Undertale!
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thatannoyingfriend · 8 years
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thatannoyingfriend · 8 years
ive been alive for almost twenty one years and im still…. shocked and offended every time it gets dark at 5pm
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thatannoyingfriend · 8 years
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Based on this tweet
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thatannoyingfriend · 8 years
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Mad Love by nebezial (stjepan sejic)
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thatannoyingfriend · 8 years
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Text: Patrick Farley Illustration: Jon Wolter
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thatannoyingfriend · 8 years
No, punching a neo-Nazi in the face does not make someone “just as bad as them.” Punching someone in the face is NOT equivalent to preaching, practicing, and supporting white supremacy, eugenics, racism, xenophobia, anti-Semitism, Islamophobia, ableism, homophobia, transphobia, and misogyny. Get your “Hug a Nazi and smother them with love,” bullshit outta here. 
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thatannoyingfriend · 8 years
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thatannoyingfriend · 8 years
obama’s wife was disrespected, his daughters were disrespected, HE was disrespected but he never resorted to acting like 5 year old on social media and to the press
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