hearthstonesentries · 7 years
What about archery makes you like it?
Bang! But with less BANGHearthstone
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hearthstonesentries · 7 years
When on a quest what do you hate most? (Other than the emotional trauma that generally happens)
Even less sleep than normal. Hearthstone
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hearthstonesentries · 7 years
I really really really REALLY hate school Any tips to surviving it?
Study and do all of your homework and especially get sleep. You may hate school now, but the harder you work in it, the more fun you'll have once you get out of it. Hearthstone
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hearthstonesentries · 7 years
Sleep isn't at thing I've been getting recently...I don't feel tired but I am pretty out of it. Your opinion on sleep?
It looks like a ton of people haven't been sleeping based on my messages. Sleep is important, even if you hate it. Get your body on track to go to bed a little earlier each night. And one thing that'll refresh you more than you'd think is drinking a lot of water. That could improve your health a lot. Take care of yourselves. Hearthstone
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hearthstonesentries · 7 years
Happy Deaf Awareness Week! You're amazing!
Thank you! I appreciate the support
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hearthstonesentries · 7 years
Any tips on how to sleep? I always have to get up super early for school and I'm always SO TIRED bc I never get any sleep. I try going to bed early and even put my phone out of the room and remove all distractions but I still can't sleep. My parents blame it on "looking at a screen all day" but that's not true. I'm barely on it. Maybe a few hours a day. I can't get melatonin or anything bc of my parents. Do you have any advice?
Using music helps a lot of people fall asleep. The main thing is finding a way to relax yourself and calm down to let everything go. Especially don't stress about the next day or assignments or projects. You can do it tomorrow. Hearthstone
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hearthstonesentries · 7 years
Your aesthetic must get really hot. How do you keep up the leather, the scarf, and the black clothing on without dying of heat stroke?
I'm willing to suffer. Hearthstone
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hearthstonesentries · 7 years
How often do you wash your scarf?
Not as often as I should...
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hearthstonesentries · 7 years
Tea. Thoughts?
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hearthstonesentries · 7 years
Is your hair soft?
His hair is silky and fluffy
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hearthstonesentries · 7 years
I recently started school and I've already been bombarded with projects and quizzes and loads of homework. Any advice on how to deal with all the stress?
Take everything one thing at a time. Make a to-do list and prioritize. And take a lot of breaks, get sleep, and drink water. You'll be okayHearthstone
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hearthstonesentries · 7 years
psst... are you dead?
Only on the inside.
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hearthstonesentries · 7 years
So, we all know that Hearth loves Heelies (ironically or not, who knows), but Blitz, in your own professional opinion, what do you think of Heelies?
They’re.... efficient. 
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hearthstonesentries · 7 years
Hearthstone, just admit it, you think Blitz is a total babe and a 10/10 would bang
Everyone's very obsessed with that thought. Hearthstone
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hearthstonesentries · 7 years
*Heelys (I have made a grave mistake. I knew something looked wrong so I googled it after I asked that. Stab me in the face.)
My life is a lie. Hearthstone
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hearthstonesentries · 7 years
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hearthstonesentries · 7 years
*too (in your bio. too, as in, also.)
My bad! Thank you!
Edit: I just checked and it's written fine! It's supposed to be that here's here to answer as well. I think you may have misread it but it's no problem!
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