Reblog if you say "fuck" more than 5 times a day.
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Corbyn: *breathes*
Christina: Look at him over there. Breathing and shit. Fucking rude
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Sirius: I never brag.
Remus: Sirius, you once said that your face was the proof of god's existence.
Sirius: Am I wrong though?
Remus: No. No, you are not.
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Molly: So what's everyone bringing to Christmas dinner?
Harry: Well I'm bringing negativity and no will to live.
Arthur: Sounds delicious.
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Draco: *stands on common room table and clears his throat*
*Slytherins actually pay attention for once*
Draco: When I die, you better not say shit like "I know he's watching me from heaven." like you don't know I'm going to hell.
Slytherins: ...
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Zion: What if people had food names and food had people names?
Austin: Hey spaghetti, dinner's ready!
Edwin: What is for dinner?
Nick: Brandon is for dinner tonight
Brandon: Why am I friends with you guys?
Austin: Shut up potato
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Zach: I'm going to marry you.
You: Good luck, I'm a handful.
Zach: Lucky I have two hands then, huh?
You: ...
Zach: *blushes profusely*
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richie: 'sleepy' is so much cuter than 'tired.' everyone needs to stop saying 'tired' and start saying 'sleepy.'
Eddie: I'm so *air quotations* 'sleepy' of your shit.
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Richie: Words that end in "ie" are so cute! Like cutie, sweetie, cookie-
Bill [looking off into the distance]: Die.
Richie: No!
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You: When you said you did magic in bed I wasn't expec-
Peter Parker [holding up 9 of diamonds]: Is this your card?
You [whispering softly]: Holy shit.
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Harry, screaming drunkenly: SEVERUS SNAPE WAS A FUCKBOI
Draco: it is 2 am shut the FUCK up
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Draco: Pansy isn’t really my type.
Harry, trying to be cool: What is your type?
Draco: Boys, mostly.
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Peter: My day was just made!
Tony: What kind of dog was it?
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Hufflepuff: Hey gryff? Can you give me some dating advice?
Gryffindor: Just because I'm dating Ravenclaw doesn't mean I know how I did it!
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Corbyn: I mean, small animals are way more vicious. It’s because their anger has less space to be bottled up in.
Jonah: That’s ridiculous. Give me one example of this.
Daniel: Wasps.
Jack: Chihuahuas
Zach: Jack
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