Textpost Ronpa 2: Electric Boogaloo
277 posts
Welcome to Textpost Ronpa, a blog dedicated to Danganronpa textpost memes! Ultimate Admin's username is @mykaela1019, so pls go check out that account for non-DR content!
Don't wanna be here? Send us removal request.
textpost-ronpa · 9 months ago
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textpost-ronpa · 2 years ago
Ultimate Admin wanted to post something but apparently she was too drunk and recorded this instead
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textpost-ronpa · 2 years ago
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textpost-ronpa · 2 years ago
OK, I need to say it now because (not to be rude) it's easier for me to say it once publicly than to keep replying to DMs I'll most likely never read.
If you wanna do any voiceover for my textposts, you are ABSOLUTELY allowed to! All I ask is that I am credited and sent any published videos so I can hear you guys!! 💜
-Mod Admin
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textpost-ronpa · 2 years ago
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textpost-ronpa · 2 years ago
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textpost-ronpa · 2 years ago
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textpost-ronpa · 2 years ago
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textpost-ronpa · 2 years ago
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I hope I'm still welcome...
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textpost-ronpa · 3 years ago
I’ve been considering getting into vtubing, are you willing to share how you got started?
I'm still a small VTuber, so this is just from my personal experience:
Of course, you'll need all the basic streaming stuff (OBS, a good PC, a mic), but you don't have to break the bank to get them when starting out. OBS is free to download/use, and I just use the mic on my headset. Just don't try streaming on a laptop that isn't built for gaming. Most VT software like VTube Studio (2D models) and Wakaru (3D models) are also free on Steam.
If you can't afford a model (they're usually super expensive), you should start off as a PNGtuber and wait for when you get a fairly sized following/sub count to invest in a rigged model. You also don't have to worry about not having a webcam or face-tracking software if you use only a png. If possible, DIY your stream assets and search for free ones to use when you start out (I actually made my current layout myself for free using Canva!)
Indie VTubing also requires a lot of self-promotion and networking w/ others. The majority of them are on Twitter (which is why I'm rarely on Tumblr anymore), so reach out and follow other VTubers, but ONLY if you're interested in their content. "Follow 4 follow" is a cheap tactic in the VTubing scene and people can easily tell if that's your motive. It's never guaranteed, but they may follow back and spread the word about your content.
In terms of actual content, my best advice is to be yourself and do what you want. Don't play a game or make certain types of content solely because it's trending/popular. (if you're genuinely interested in something trending, then go for it!)
Everything else is up to you: NSFW vs SFW content, 2D model vs 3D vs PNG, Youtube vs Twitch (sometimes both). In this regard, there is no wrong way to be a VTuber!
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textpost-ronpa · 3 years ago
It's ya girl, "Mod Tsumiki"
...been a while, huh?
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Sadly, this is not me announcing that I'm coming back (but that's still not completely out of the question since some of my posts have been featured in others' YT videos lately). I just thought y'all would like an update on how I've been doing.
For those of you who didn't know yet, I've switched to becoming both an original writer under the pen name "Mykaela Hiwaga" and an independent VTuber under the alias "Mystikaela". The reasons for the latter are complicated, but the important thing is that this new identity will help me with my future writing career.
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Originally, I was planning to be a Danganronpa-centric VTuber to have it tie in with the fact that I ran this blog. (and maybe pander to DR fans) Of course, that's not what happened as new games came out and I made friends both inside and outside the fandom. Maybe I'll stream Ultra Summer Camp sometime, who knows? 😅
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If you'd like to know how VTubing and writing have been going for me, here are my Twitter, Youtube, and Twitch links. I'm still very small, but I'd appreciate any and all support for me following this path!
Just... don't call me "Mod Tsumiki" on those sites, okay? Consider that alias dead beyond this blog. 👻
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textpost-ronpa · 4 years ago
just so I know, is one of those dreams you're pursuing being a vtuber? :o
...if I say yes, are you gonna judge me...?
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textpost-ronpa · 4 years ago
I think a proper explanation for my absence is far overdue at this point.
First of all, let me preface this by saying that I freaking love(d) running this blog. I greatly appreciate all the followers who like my posts, and almost nothing makes me happier than seeing people enjoying them. At first, I fully enjoyed doing this even though I never expected so many people to like this stuff. I could never imagine myself abandoning this blog. But I'll be brutally honest with you guys: over time, I began dreaming of doing much larger things outside of DR textpost memes/just DR in general. (ofc writing is one of them) And almost all of those dreams require connections with a variety of people to have any chance of success.
I don't want DR to be the only thing that defines my online presence. I don't wanna be known solely for identifying as a DR character. But I honestly feel trapped here, like DR is all I'm allowed to post. It's nbd when 1 or 2 people unfollow me for whatever reason, but when the follower count drops by at least 10 once I post something not exclusively related to DR or even something DR-related that they don't agree with (i.e: that one ask about Hiyoko), I can't help but panic and think I committed a cardinal sin. I know I have my main blog to post whatever I want, but it just feels like I'm talking to a wall.
Don't get me wrong; I still like the series (USC has me hyped af), but at this point, it no longer has as much importance in my life as before (but I still get excited when someone else gets into it). I've strayed pretty far from DR in favor of sharing my love for other fandoms w/ others.
Over the past 6 weeks or so, I've decided to begin working on fulfilling these new dreams. After meeting a variety of people (the kind of variety I feel like I need for the future) who shared similar dreams/ideas, I've had so much fun in this new community that I nearly forgot about this blog. And quite frankly, I no longer feel obligated to lazily post at least once a week or so.
The point is that with the new path in life I've taken, you shouldn't expect any new posts from now on. I will likely be working on my own projects and focusing more on the things that I wanna do. Of course, there's a slight chance I'll come back and begin posting here again, but rn I don't see when that'll be...
I'm so sorry for pretty much abandoning this blog, but I can't keep dealing with this constant feeling of stagnation. I gotta start working more towards my own goals at some point, y'know...?
I hope you all understand. Hope to see you guys soon!
- Mod Tsumiki
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textpost-ronpa · 4 years ago
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Really sorry but, are y- /j
Oh my god I had no idea it would come out like that lmao 😂
- Mod Tsumiki
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textpost-ronpa · 4 years ago
Rb'ing because it's been 2 years since we lost him... 😢
CW: Mental illness
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Hi, guys. I know it's my namesake's bday and all, but the bday of a real person like Etika is even more important than that of a fictional character. As someone who's also dealt w/ mental health issues, I'm still crying over his story. If you ever watched his stuff, pls remember him fondly. 😢
- Mod Tsumiki
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textpost-ronpa · 4 years ago
Just popping in to say that you seem so genuinely chill and just??? I feel like it's hard to manoeuvre through Tumblr fandom stuff sometimes– like, you can't swing a cat around without hitting a discourse post. But your blog is just so relaxing and casually hilarious and I love it here. Keep up the good work :D
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Yeah, I hate conflict and drama so I do everything I can to avoid it. With how different everyone in the fandom is, I wanted to make this a blog where people won't be judged for their opinions/feelings. I just don't see any reason for me to start discourse on this site or essentially shun anyone for thinking differently.
The only exception is when someone either tries to force everyone to think the same way, or if they practice discrimination of any kind.
-Mod Tsumiki
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textpost-ronpa · 4 years ago
Is it okay if I'm allowed to dub some of your textpost memes? Credits will be given!
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Yeah, go on right ahead! All I ask is that other than crediting me, you also send me a link so I can watch it!
- Mod Tsumiki
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