teuranghae · 1 year
[teu-party] :: nct | [teu-mate] :: mark lee, na jaemin, lee haechan [teu-love] :: walmart ramsey, spirit animal and troublemaker [teu-class] :: headcanons | [teu-hwaiting] :: autumn / marklilies
# the golden trio :: dude, babe and sweetheart
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pairings: mark x gn!reader, jaemin x gn!reader, haechan x gn!reader || wc: 2.9k || warnings: swearing, mentions of illness, surgery, knives/swords, anaesthesia, harmful thoughts, fighting, blood, wounds
the entire stadium shakes with the cheers that erupt from the audience when mark makes one last successful shot, winning the game 135 - 97.
sweat drips down the side of mark’s face as he is lifted into the air on his teammates’ shoulders, who carry him around the court like it’s a parade. beaming and pumping his fists into the air, mark shouts the team motto, and soon everyone’s chanting along with him, an anthem of triumph. he feels like he’s on top of the world.
but the second he gets back to the changing rooms and checks his phone, his euphoria collapses in on itself, panic replacing it.
[16:54] must give hugs: good afternoon, this is stratford hospital. you are receiving this message because you are listed as y/n l/n’s emergency contact. y/n l/n is currently undergoing surgery for appendicitis. please come as soon as possible.
“shit.” mark stares at the message, heartbeat speeding up exponentially. running a hand through his hair frantically, he stuffs his phone into his pocket and starts haphazardly throwing his things into his duffel bag, not bothering to change out of his basketball jersey. “shit, shit, shit.”
more under the cut!
“hey, cap, we’re heading to that fancy japanese place for our celebratory dinner, you coming?” jeno pops his head out from behind his open locker door, looking quizzically at mark.
“sorrycan’tgottagobye!” mark slams his locker door shut, and it closes with a loud clang, startling many of the other basketball players in the room. hefting his bag onto his shoulder, he dashes out of the room, his heart beating a mile a minute, not even sparing a wave to the rest of his team.
bursting out of the stadium doors, the bright sunlight hits his face, overwhelming his eyes, and he has to use his hands to shade them in case he accidentally goes blind. he’s completely frazzled, having no idea what he should do. how is he even going to get there? he has no vehicle, and it’ll take too long to wait for a taxi. he’s bouncing on the balls of his feet, anxious about your condition, needing to know if you’re okay or not.
“ah, fuck it.” mark gives up on thinking, and simply breaks into a run.
passers-by watch him running like a madman with curiosity and annoyance, but he couldn’t care less because his best friend is having an operation for appendicitis and he has no idea if it’s even safe. i mean, it’s probably safe, right? mark’s thoughts race almost as quickly as his feet. right?!?
he careens into the nearest bus stop, whipping his phone out to check for directions. the moment he’s gotten them, he’s off like the wind, the adrenaline in his blood masking the burning of his legs and searing of his lungs.
finally, finally, after about thirty minutes of non-stop running, mark crashes his way into stratford hospital’s front doors.
brows creased and body throbbing, he bends over to catch his breath. “damn,” he wheezes, panting so hard it’s actually even harder to breathe, “at least in basketball we have quarters.”
in his worried haze, he somehow manages to find the counter, and they lead him to your ward.
when he enters the room, you’ve just woken up, and you’ve been propped up on pillows.
“heyyyy, marky-poo,” you giggle, making grabby hands at your closest friend. mark stops short, looking bewilderedly at you and the nurse.
“y/n’s still a little loopy from the anaesthesia,” the nurse chuckles, seeming to find mark’s confusion amusing.
mark nods, still a little flustered from how strange you are acting, and thanks the nurse, who promptly takes her leave.
“you’re okay.” once mark sees that you’re fine, albeit calling him cutesy pet names that he’s never heard before, he deflates, feeling himself relax. now that the adrenaline is wearing off, the fact that he’s just run for thirty minutes straight is catching up to his body, and his limbs are starting to feel like jelly.
“how you feeling, y/n?” he grabs a chair and turns it around such that the back is facing you and sits, arms around the chair back and chin resting on the top.
“like i just got catapulted to jupiter and back.” you giggle some more because something about that was funny, and you sigh contentedly, clutching the sheets. “aren’t you supposed to be at your game?”
“nah, we’re done. we won,” mark says softly, pride evident in his tone.
“what about the victory dinner?”
“skipped it.” mark tucks a stray strand of hair behind your ear, and you barely even react.
“whyyy? you never skip free meals,” you cross your arms like a petulant child, words slurring together and your eyes barely open.
“got the message about your surgery, so i came down to see if you’re doing okay.”
“hehhehe, yeahh?” mark nods, gazing at you affectionately. “hehe, do you like me or something?”
mark freezes, because he knows you probably wouldn’t ever ask that if not for the drugs. your filter is very thorough. then it occurs to him that if even your filter has been compromised, you won’t even remember this whole conversation, and he can be completely honest with you.
“hmm. maybe just a little,” mark’s voice is low as he watches you begin to doze off, eyelids drooping.
“i kinda knew.”
mark raises an eyebrow, a smile tugging at his lips. “yeah? was i that obvious?”
“hehe.” you turn your head to the side to meet his eyes, though your vision is sort of unfocused from the drowsiness. “then date me.”
“date me to prove you really like me.”
mark stares at you incredulously, but you’re already falling asleep. “...sure. i’ll date you, y/n.”
“i knew you would.” just as you’re about to drift off, you whisper, “i love you, bro.”
mark smiles at you, feelings welling up in his chest. you look adorable sleeping, and however short-lasting this relationship may be, he’s still in it. with you.
“i love you too, dude.”
you look up as jaemin runs towards you, backpack bouncing against his torso.
“what took you so long? i’ve been waiting for fifteen minutes, nana,” you pout, sticking your bottom lip exaggeratedly in mock dejection.
jaemin is positively radiant right now, a huge grin plastered all over his face. “sorry, sorry, i was talking to someone.”
you chuckle, pushing your phone into your jacket pocket as you start walking home with him. “so what’s for lunch?”
since you were toddlers, jaemin’s house has been your second home and ultimate playground. jaemin, being your childhood best friend (and crush, but we don’t talk about that), also has been to your place too many times to count. it’s a tradition for you to study together after school every day, and you alternate houses. today, both of you are headed for jaemin’s house.
“mm. i think my mom mentioned cooking samgyetang,” jaemin replies cheerfully, slinging an arm over your shoulder and pulling you closer to him.
“yes!!! your mom’s samgyetang is the best thing ever.”
all the way on the walk home, you joke around with jaemin, carefully avoiding his many attempts at flirting while concealing the fluttering of your heart.
stepping into jaemin’s house is like stepping into paradise. here, you can do whatever you want, and be whatever you want, because the whole family adores you. not only that, but the savoury aroma of samgyetang permeates the house, and you can hear your stomach growling.
you dump your bag up in jaemin’s room and duck into the kitchen, enveloping yourself in the homey fragrance of boiling ginseng soup. you take a deep breath, inhaling the smell of good food.
“hello, y/n! we always love having you here. at least you can keep an eye on that one over there,” jaemin’s mother teases, gesturing towards jaemin, who is trying to drink soup straight from the pot. she slaps his hand away, giving him a stern look, and jaemin whimpers because his mom is really strong.
“heh. i doubt i’ll be much help in that department, ma’am,” you laugh, watching the mother and son duo. sometimes you feel like jaemin’s family is too wholesome to be true.
“well, the soup’s ready! grab your bowls and cutlery, we’re eating on the porch today!”
-------------------- time skip --------------------
“hey, what’s the answer for number thirty-four?” jaemin doesn’t answer you, and you look over at him, forehead creased. he’s staring at the blank sheet of paper in front of him, completely spaced out.
“hello? earth to jaemin, i repeat, earth to jaemin, please!” you wave your hand in front of his face, and he snaps out of his reverie, eyes focusing on you.
“what’s up? you don’t usually get distracted so easily,” you ask light-heartedly.
“no, i just… are you sure you’ll be okay if i tell you?” jaemin purses his lips, anxiously awaiting your response.
“yeah, of course. why wouldn’t i be?” now you’re genuinely worried. what on earth would jaemin be nervous to tell you about?
“i, uh, i got a girlfriend.”
your smile slips off your face like oil off ice.
“we’ve been dating for about a week, and i actually have a date with her later, that’s what took me so long earlier. is that… okay with you?” jaemin’s eyes are wide, and he’s biting his lip in trepidation.
staring into his beautiful brown eyes, you can’t help but hate yourself. jaemin’s been nothing but a good friend to you for all your life, and yet you just can’t bring yourself to be happy for him.
it feels like someone’s driven a knife through your heart, twisting and twisting.
you force a smile back onto your face. “of course! why wouldn’t i be okay with that?” your voice sounds so phoney, so falsely cheery, that you want to throw yourself off a cliff.
the only good thing is that jaemin doesn’t notice. “oh, thank goodness. i was so worried you’d be opposed to it, and now i know you’re not, it feels like a huge weight off my chest!” he laughs.
the weight seems to have been transferred.
he beams at you, continuing, “thanks for taking it so well. but don’t you worry, i’ll still make time for you. after all, i looove youu!”
maybe you’re the only one that can sense it, but the air around you is dead. lifeless, laughless, loveless.
jaemin crawls over to where you’re seated on the floor and pretends to kiss you, because that’s just what he does. and you’d have loved that any other time.
now, it just feels like he’s too close. everything’s too close, and it’s suffocating you.
you swat him away half-heartedly, almost forgetting to keep that bright smile on your face. it’s okay, you tell yourself, everything is going to be just fine.
all of a sudden, the doorbell rings, and jaemin’s mom opens it, yelling, “jaemin, it’s your girlfriend!”
jaemin’s eyes widen and he jumps up, shouting, “coming, mom!”
he turns to you and winks, his charming features still looking as perfect as ever. “well, i gotta run. stay as long as you want, my mom doesn’t mind if you sleep over. catch you later, babe!”
you watch him go, your porcelain heart shattering into a thousand jagged pieces too sharp to be touched, because you will never hear jaemin use that word on you the way he will on her.
“donghyuck has yet again topped the ranks. i hope all of you can learn from him. he truly is a skilled sword fighter.” a smattering of applause follows the general’s comment, and then everyone is dismissed for the day. you are the only who stays in the arena, hoping to squeeze in some more practice.
since the beginning, donghyuck has been outdoing you at every tournament. even though you put in the work and practise every single day, you can only clinch second place. second, second, second, to none other than donghyuck, who does nothing but horse around with the other trainees.
you find your favourite wooden dummy and begin your daily routine, starting from the simplest moves and moving to the more complex ones. your silver blade is nothing more than a blur in the air, making loud thuds as every move you execute lands a perfectly clean cut in the wood.
“you’re doing it wrong.”
startled, you almost let your guard down, but manage to recover in time, returning to your cold demeanour without giving away your emotions. you pause for just a second before continuing to massacre the dummy, not bothering to acknowledge his presence.
“slice down at a sharper angle. it’ll be more effective.” donghyuck’s voice alone is enough to piss you off, but especially when he says it so intolerably arrogantly.
you bring your sword down really hard just one last time, splitting the wooden dummy’s head in two, before whipping around and hissing, “what do you want?”
donghyuck looks around nonchalantly, shrugging his shoulders with his hands in his pockets. “nothing, just to see what second place looks like. i don’t really think i have cause for worry.”
“get out.”
“let’s spar.”
you don’t pay him any more attention, returning to your practice.
“unless, of course, you’re too worried about losing. i would be, too, if i were you.”
damn it. he always knows just how to get to you and make your blood boil. wordlessly, you walk over to the sword rack, throwing one at him without looking.
it would’ve pierced anyone else, but donghyuck steps aside easily and grabs the hilt just as it goes whistling past him, twirling it deftly to hold it in front of him, ready to fight. showoff.
you do the same, standing on the opposite end of the ring, sword at the ready. you mentally prepare yourself for the toughest fight you’ve had in a while.
there’s no way you’re going to let an opportunity to shred donghyuck to pieces just slip by.
when the match begins, you spar for your life, doing your best to make each and every slash count. you swear it’s the hardest you’ve ever fought, and you’ve been in some rough fights.
the twin blades whirl through the air, each mirroring the other’s action, and it’s basically impossible for you to get in a good blow.
you bring the sword up to donghyuck’s face, but he counters, and then the two swords are pressing against each other, and it’s a test of strength. your arms feel like they’re on fire, but you ignore their pleas for rest, instead pushing them even harder in an attempt to get a cut on his annoying face.
donghyuck smirks at your efforts, having barely even broken a sweat. “weak,” he mouths at you.
you clench your teeth and dodge, slashing underneath his sword and slicing a shallow cut into his torso. he growls and lunges forward to attack, and the match goes on.
after about fifteen minutes, donghyuck has you worn down and your attacks are nothing but gentle taps against his blade. when he forces you back for the umpteenth time, you are bent over, trying to regain your breath and strength. he walks towards you to deal the finishing blow.
i can’t let him win.
just as he nears you, you pull a trick out from up your sleeve, a move that you have been practising for ages.
you stab the blade into the ground and leap up, using all your strength to flip yourself up and over donghyuck’s head, pulling the sword back out of the ground as you right yourself on donghyuck’s shoulders. legs wrapped around his neck, you place the edge of the sword against his jugular, panting triumphantly, “give up. i’ve beaten you.”
donghyuck’s muscles tense up underneath your weight, and he doesn’t move his head. his arms fall to his side.
he’s going to admit defeat. to me.
but alas, it was too good to be true, and quick as lightning, donghyuck brings his sword up, using it to fling the hilt of your blade out of your reach, before flipping around in the air to dislodge you from on top of him. you barely manage to orient yourself before landing, grunting as your knees come into contact with the ground.
you kneel on the dusty floor, coughing up blood, limbs all scuffed up. in just one fight, donghyuck has given you a thousand tiny cuts, and they run the length of your entire body. even your clothes are torn. looking down at yourself, you bite your gum. what a sorry sight you must be.
donghyuck strides towards you, not a single scratch upon him, except for the one cut you got in on his torso. his shirt has been slashed open, and you can see his skin underneath.
stopping in front of you, he puts the tip of his sword to your throat, sneering when you begrudgingly put your hands up in surrender. breath ragged, you spit at him, livid that he has bested you yet again. he avoids it without difficulty.
he lifts your chin with the blade, forcing your eyes to meet his. the edge of the sword digs into your skin and draws a little blood. “you’ve gotten good.” he drops down on one knee so you are eye to eye. “but i’ll always be better.”
he drops the blade and gets up, dusting his black training trousers off. before leaving, he spares one last glance at you, smiling sweetly.
“better luck next time, sweetheart.”
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© marklilies, 2021. all rights reserved.
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taglist: @jensrose, @neocuddlytechnology, @moontines, @minhyunct, @/f1vorite, @moonsclover, @beombon
networks: @kflixnet, @/ficscafe
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teuranghae · 1 year
[teu-party] :: enhypen | [teu-mate] :: sim jaeyun | [teu-love] :: aussie puppy [teu-style] :: fluff, established relationship [teu-class] :: headcanons | [teu-hwaiting] :: sab / icysab
jake boyfie hcs ✫彡
requested here!
tags: fluff, gn reader
wc: <150 probably
a/n: bro i don’t think i’ll ever get over these jake pics they changed my life I NEED SILVER JAKE BACK AGAIN
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- as evvvvverybody knows, jake is the biggest puppy boy
- he’s so adorable i swear to god
- if you do something kinda dumb but funny (like putting metal in the microwave, tripping over air, or asking if the phrase “four score and seven years before” was from the lord of the rings — based off a real interaction i had with someone btw) he’d laugh so hard he couldn’t breathe and make SO much fun of you
- would bring it up a week later just to be a little shit
- “jake did you eat my cookies?? i specifically asked you not to T-T”
- “okay maybe i did, but at least i didn’t almost explode our microwave by putting a spoon in it”
- piggy back rides!
- if he was giving you a piggy back ride and you gave him a lil kiss on the cheek he’d literally halt in his tracks because he’d be so flustered
- has your name on his phone saved as something cute but doesn’t tell you because he’s embarrassed
- if you play with his hair, i think he’d melt
- i feel like he’d be scrolling through tik tok or twitter or something on his secret account and show you edits or something of himself to try and seduce you LMAO
- (it works)
- if you’re taller or shorter than him, he’d either bend down or stand on his tippy toes a bit when you’re talking to him about something so he can look you in the eye
- flirts with engenes during meet and greets and lives and stuff to mess with you
- will hear you talk about something you’re really interested in and then try to get knowledgeable/good at it and fails miserably… it’s funny though LOL
- volunteering at animal shelters dates. i said what i said.
- he’d be so cute omg imagine his big puppy eyes looking at all the dogs
- and he’s all over this giant great dane, petting her like crazy
- jake would prank you lmao (niki’s influence 😔)
- but it’d be in the stupidest ways
- “y/nie i accidentally dropped your toothbrush in the toilet”
- you can’t ever be pissed at him though because he’s too cute </3
- jake = cutest boyfie
348 notes · View notes
teuranghae · 1 year
[teu-party] :: nct | [teu-mate] :: na jaemin | [teu-love] :: spirit animal [teu-style] :: fluff, hurt, comfort, established relationship, hogwarts au [teu-class] :: drabble | [teu-hwaiting] :: mari / hirokari
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of amphibians and nicknames.
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p: slytherin!jaemin x hufflepuff!reader (gender neutral) | wc: 0.6k | g: hogwarts!au, sliiightly hurt/comfort, fluff, established relationship | a/n: !!! im so soft at the idea of slythering jaemin hehehe | taglist: @soobin-chois
"Na Jaemin,"
The boy can't help but let a small smile grow on his lips at the sound of your voice saying his name. Abandoning his divinations textbook, he turns around and his chest swells at the sight of you stalking towards him, though the expression you give him tells him he should feel otherwise.
"It was you, wasn't it?"
"Hello to you too," He quips back, hand reaching out to tug on your silk robe, admiring the reflecting yellow adorning your uniform. You ignore the slightly intimate action, adjusting your hold on your denim satchel filled with your textbooks.
"Hi," You sigh, giving into his antics. "Be honest with me, Jaem,"
Ah, that name you've given him, the name only you call him by and no one else. He can't help but gush at the fact that only you could call him that.
"did you turn Jung Pyeong into a salamander?"
"You look really pretty right now," Says Jaemin, averting the topic to you as he brushes the tip of his finger against your nose. You frown, nose scrunching when you move away, "Stop changing the subject."
Nodding, the slytherin sighs, rolling his eyes, "Okay, fine, yes, I did turn Jung Pyeong into a salamander. What else was I supposed to do?"
"Not turn him into a salamander?"
"Would you have preferred a frog?"
"Don't turn him into an amphibian, Jaemin," You upbraid, pinching the bridge of your nose. He raises his brows, "I knew mammal would have sufficed."
"No," You sigh as you set your satchel down to land a firm smack on the boy's arm. "Don't turn him into anything. Leave the poor dude alone,"
"What, and let him talk about you like that? Let him call you stuck-up, snobby-- he called you a mudblo-"
"He wasn't the only one," You mention, regarding to when you'd first met Jaemin. Having found out you were muggle-born, third-year him didn't seem to like that fact and started calling you names. You elected to be mature and have a civil conversation with him instead, and when he insulted you more, you settled for a good punch to his face.
And he supposes he fell for you... quite literally. Bottom first to the ground, but he'd still had never act like that towards him-- let alone a hufflepuff.
Jaemin winces at the memory, bottom lip jutting out as he meets eyes with you, a guilty glint in them, "C'mon, love, you know I'm sorry about that. I'm not going to let some asshole call you it, either."
Letting out a long breath, you look up at him, blowing against his face. Jaemin doesn't mind you, in fact you think he relishes the feeling as he closes his eyes. Arms wrapping around you, Jaemin keeps his hands at your side, "What can I do to make it up to you, then?"
"I'm sorry."
"Not to me, doofus," You chuckle, patting his chest. Jaemin makes a sour face, "You want me to apologize to him?" You hum in responses, nodding. He pauses, eyes squinted in contemplation as he watches you shake your head up and down, at some point following you.
"...No..." He drags out, still nodding. "Yes," You insist, nodding along.
Deciding he can't resist your persuasive charm (all you did was give him a pleading smile), Jaemin caves in and groans, "Fine, you win. I'll apologize in like, a week."
"Good enough." You sing, giving your boyfriend a toothy grin. Seeing as its contagious, Jaemin breaks out in a grin as well, tucking his divinations textbook into your satchel and swinging it over his shoulder, his free arm wrapping around your waist as you both walk down the void hallway.
"Actually," You say. "If you'd have turned him into an axolotl, I think I would have kept him in a tank in my dorm."
"An axolotl next time, then,"
"Not what I meant, Jaem."
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© hirokari, 2023.
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teuranghae · 1 year
[teu-party] :: enhypen | [teu-mate] :: sim jaeyun | [teu-love] :: aussie puppy [teu-style] :: fluff, crushes to lovers [teu-class] :: timestamp | [teu-hwaiting] :: ela / dearhee
;; 𝟖:𝟑𝟓 𝐏.𝐌
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➞ pairing: jake x gn!reader.
➞ genre: fluff
➞ tw: none.
a/n: dedicated to one of my fave jake stans @bej0ye ily bestie🫶
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“oh my god!”
you exclaim scared, grabbing tightly the hand of crush!jake during your first date at the movies. he stares at you wide eyed, then, he glances between your hand holding his and your eyes.
“i-i’m sorry—” you stutter, thanking the heavens that the cinema is dark enough to cover your now reddening face, and when you’re about to pull your hand away, he is quick to intertwine his fingers with yours and gives a gentle, little squeeze at your hand, smiling reassuringly at you.
“don’t worry! i’m here to protect you,” the blond boy mutters to you, even if he was as frightened (or more) than you. then, he leaves a little kiss in your cheek.
jake seems calm on the outside, but in the inside, he swears he feels like his heart is about to combust out of his chest.
to him, you were the cutest person in earth.
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PERMANENT TAGLIST: @pshchives @squiishymeow @noa-record @wonielvr @sunoksunny @chaerybombs @strwberrydinosaur @reinahwanggg @stepout-09-15 @ahnneyong @j-wyoung @yjjungwon @ghostiiess @boowoowho (if you’re interested in joining pls fill this form or send me an ask!)
COULDNT TAG: @luvj4ke @multishipperfangirl @bangtancultspost @Lovelisulli
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teuranghae · 1 year
[teu-party] :: txt | [teu-mate] :: choi beomgyu | [teu-love] :: beagle leader [teu-style] :: fluff, established relationship [teu-class] :: headcanons | [teu-hwaiting] :: sab / icysab
beomgyu boyfie hcs ✫彡
requested here!
tags: fluffy fluff! gn reader, i kind of get more descriptive with reader than i usually do which i kind of don’t like so sorry in advance (no physical features or pronouns used but still idk :/ lmk how you feel about this versus my normal stuff)
wc: <125 fs
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- blows you kisses!
- leans his weight onto you all the time oml (shoutout to that one person who requested a matchup you gave me the idea for this 🙏🏽)
- links pinkies with you :D
- bro finds a way to always be touching you
- will 110% stumble over his words if you brush his bangs out of his eyes when he’s talking
- never shuts up about you fr
- when i tell you yeonjun has HAD IT.
- (jk he secretly thinks you two are cute but you couldn’t pry that out of his cold, dead body)
- LOVES LOVES LOVES watching you excel in the things you’re good at
- bro will NEVER call you by your government name. only nicknames or pet names
- will teach you guitar, if you don’t already play, and really badly try to seduce you by like wrapping his arms around you and putting his hands over your hands etc
- but the even more embarrassing part is that it WORKS. and you are seduced.
- if you had little siblings or cousins etc. that you were close to, he’d make faces at them behind your back
- can’t help but smile when you smile, cry when you cry, and be angry when you’re angry
- really, really supportive when you’re down <3
- lets you cry all over his shoulder if you need to and just listens
- only looks at you on stage when he’s dancing
- has all of your favorite things memorized and when you ask him how he remembered that thing you mentioned two months ago offhandedly he just shrugs
- ugh he’s so babygirl
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teuranghae · 1 year
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━━━━━━━ ❝ 나는 악마 천사처럼 옷을 입고 ❞
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━━━━━━━ © 2023 TEURANGHAE
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2 notes · View notes
teuranghae · 1 year
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tags organization — i just wanna be your dog!
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[📢] announcement — like the tag suggests!
[✨] loki's recs — fic recs!
[😣] i guess i'm in love — where loki shows her unconditional love bc loki tends to love people who don't love her back
[💌] all my favorite conversations — asks from everyone
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tags under the fic recommendations
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[teu-mate] : character / artist name (ex: park jihoon)
[teu-party] : tv show / movie / group name (ex: treasure)
[teu-love] : nicknames (ex: the love of my life)
[teu-style] : genres (ex: fluff, angst)
[teu-class] : type of work (ex: drabble)
[teu-hwaiting] : blog name (ex: alohajun | loki)
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1 note · View note
teuranghae · 2 years
[teu-party] :: all of us are dead | [teu-mate] :: lee cheongsan [teu-love] :: chicken | [teu-style] :: apocalypse au, confession, fluff [teu-class] :: drabble | [teu-hwaiting] :: mako / seolboba
Look Before You Jump
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Summary: Cheongsan plans to confess to Jisun but Gwinam stops him from doing so getting revenge on Jisun for breaking his heart.
Warnings: blood, zombies, If I missed anything please tell me!
Word count: 480
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Hwang Ji-sun the captain of the dance team at school was suddenly blown into the apocalyptic scenario. It was something she never dreamed of but was still in survival mode regardless. While dismissing the team, one of the team members Jeong Yeoreum heard groaning and weird noises. “Unni. What is that noise?” Yeoreum asked. “What do you mean?” Jisun asked looking into the hallway.
While looking into the hallway a zombie approached the dance team as panic started to ensue around Hyosan high school. Namra, Onjo, Joonyeong, Isak, Jimin, Gyeongsu, Nayeon and Woojin were able to stay in a classroom away from the zombies. Jisun who was with her best friend at the time Goo Hyejeong was turned into a zombie. Jisun panicked in horror trying to find an empty classroom to take shelter in.
Cheong-san who was looking out the window noticed Jisun her black hair with blue streaks were noticeable. “JISUN-AH COME IN!” Cheong-san yelled as Jisun made her way in. “Are you hurt?” He asked examining her body. “I’m fine” she reassured him looking over at Nayeon who looked offended. “WHY IS SHE HERE?” Nayeon yelled as Cheong-san held her hand without notice. “Because she can!” Joonyeong defended her.
“But-but she could be infected!” Nayeon tried to make her statement present but only to have them grumble. “Are you sure you’re okay?” Onjo asked Jisun who nodded. “I’m okay I promise” she smiled before turning her attention to Isak and and Jimin. “Isak are you okay?” Onjo asked seeing Isak acting weird. “Y-yes I’m fine” she insisted slowly turning into a zombie.
The group slowly tried to put Isak back where the zombies were. Onjo looked like she was gonna cry as Suhyeok comforted Onjo. Jisun felt remorse looking up at Cheongsan who also comforted Jisun. “Guys. We need to find a way out of here and make it safely” Namra told the members of the group. “We need something to defend ourselves” Suhyeok protested. “let’s try to find something” Jisun nodded trying to find something to defend herself against the zombies.
Looking around the group ran around to go to the roof. “CHEONG-SAN!” A voice from behind them echoed. “It’s Gwi-Nam!” Jimin yelled as they tried to run but Gwi-nam caught up to them grabbing Jisun making sure she doesn’t escape. “Let’s go!” Nayeon yelled. “We can’t leave her behind” Cheongsan ran to Gwi-nam as Gwi-nam stopped him midway. “What if I told you I could make your life miserable?” gwi-nam’s smirk caused chills to go down her spine.
Joonyeong and Daesu distracted the zombies coming towards them with Suhyeok and Namra throwing things at Gwi-nam to free Jisun. As his grip loosened she went into Cheong-san’s embrace as he looked at her dead in the eyes. “I am going to protect you I promise” His words felt comforting and reassured her that they will survive.
A/N: Hwang Jisun is played by my OC named Song Jia my txt OC. Thank you guys for reading this I’m sorry if it’s crappy but I hope y’all give it a lot of love ❤️
Tags: @liliansun @one16core @cafemilk-tea @minho-hoho @sunoo-bby @tfwheeseung @doehee @jaehunnyy @waezennie @timenote-library @the-k-neverland @https-gigi @ttyunz @aerisfy @deeznutsriki @bbujiikseu @txt-yaomi @vmpkilla @anotherimaginesaccount @alohajun @nyangified @eisa-core @svnoohe4rtsmainblog @sunsunghoon @leonsmain @ateezbiia @boba-beom
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teuranghae · 2 years
[teu-party] :: enhypen | [teu-mate] :: park jongseong | [teu-love] :: husbando [teu-style] :: fluff, friends to lovers [teu-class] :: oneshot | [teu-hwaiting] :: robi / heeracha
## possible thing. — p. jongseong
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synopsis: park jongseong believed that half of the things in the world are impossible. one of them being you feeling the same way as he is. until he learned that it was possible after all.
alternative ending for the only "right thing".
pairing: jay x f!reader
content/genre: friends to lovers, fluff
warning(s): swearing (?) i just assume that there is swearing, mentions of eating, unproofread. tell me if i missed something !!
word count: 1k (1039)
note: here is the happy ending i promised !! although if you didn't read the original one (the only "right thing", link is below synopsis), i do highly recommend reading it to fill you in on what's happening lmao. i hope u enjoy this !! aaaa <3
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Years passed, things have changed. Does Jongseong even remember who you are? You don’t even know how he reacted to the book he gave you. All you remember was how nervous you were on telling him you love him, hence running away before he can even say anything. 
As you took up the steps to his front door, your hand was trembling as it reached the doorbell. But before you could even press the button, the door had already flung open. Your right thing is here. In front of you. His eyes lightly wide as he takes in your appearance. You were there, right in front of him.
Hi, Jongseong. You wanted to say, but no words came up.
“I was just about to go to you.” He softly says and a soft laugh bubbles out of your throat. Not saying anything, Jay comes forward and wraps his arms around your waist as you wrap your own around his neck. He presses a soft kiss on your ear as he lifts you off the ground, causing you to chuckle.
“You missed me, too much, hm?” You softly tease.
“You have no idea.” He answers and you smile. Jay puts you down and you look at him. He’s grown so much, but still, he remains as your only right thing. The one and only. 
“Walk with me?” You softly ask and he nods, closing the door behind him. You take his hand and Jay takes the initiative to intertwine your fingers. As you two start to walk, it feels like everything in the world is okay again. Not perfect, but okay since you have one thing that is right. “How are you?” You ask, looking at him.
Jay only smiles. “Okay,” he answers. “But better now that you’re here.”
You spend the whole day with him. It felt so good to be with him again. You two went to a restaurant, eating as you two talked about almost everything. Almost. You were scared to bring up the book you gave or your runaway confession. But you couldn’t help, but wonder what’s the gift Jay’s carrying around. He said he was going to you, maybe it’s for you.
“How long will you be here?” You ask and Jay hums.
“Two weeks.” Jay answers. “You?”
“Same.” You say and you already feel sad about it. After two weeks, no more Jay again. He looks at you as you duck your head down, looking at your food as you force a smile. “So, how’s Jake and Hoon?” You say and Jay moves his plate beside your as he stands up, sliding on the seat beside yours.
“We won’t lose contact again, okay?” Jay says and you look into his eyes, seeing how much he doesn’t want you two to separate again. But you two still have your own jobs. “Look,” Jay pauses, looking at the ceiling as he thinks. “Just like in the book,” he suddenly says and you swear your heart almost stops beating. “We take turns to visit each other, we’ll video call as much as we can, we can text all the time. For holidays, we will be here, at home.”
The corners of your lips twitch up into a real smile and Jongseong grins in an instant. “I love that.” You say, bringing your phone out as you give it to him so he can type his number in. “For now, let’s just…”
“Enjoy being together.” He finishes and you nod, smiling. “The two miss you, by the way.”
More conversations were opened as you two spent laughing and talking together. At some point, your hand held by his again, fingers tangled together. You can’t help but feel your heart flutter as Jay talks, his hands gesturing with one of his hands intertwined with yours, not wanting to let go.
When the waiter tells you two that they’re closing, you and Jay giggle, not thinking about the time as you two (just Jay, as he insisted) paid and left a huge tip for letting you stay until closing. Jay decides to walk you home, like he used to.
“Y/N,” he calls when you two arrive in front of your house as you go up the steps. You turn to look at him with a soft smile.
“Yeah?” Jay gestures on the gift he has for you before handing it to you. “What’s this?”
“A cabinet.” He deadpans and your hands fall on your side as you give him a bored expression which causes him to laugh. “I’m kidding, I’m kidding. Just a little something I’ve wanted to give you.”
“Thank you.” You say. “I love it.”
“You haven’t opened it yet.” He softly reminds you with a teasing tone.
“I love everything you give me.” You say and he smiles.
“One more thing,” he says and you hum, looking up at him. He gently cups one side of your jaw. He looks into your eyes, looking for any signs of uncomfortableness. When he sees none, he closes the space between and presses his lips against yours. You close your eyes, wrapping your arms around his torso as you kiss him back. 
Gentle, soft, comfort. Trademarks of one Park Jongseong.
He softly pulls his lips away from you, pressing them against your temple as he hugs you. “I love you, too.” He whispers in your ear and you smile. He pulls away, smiling at you as he takes steps back before turning around and going home.
You smile, looking down at the gift. You carefully remove the wrapping paper and see that it was the same book you gave him. You look at it, it was the same. Your tabs were still there, stuck in so it wouldn’t bend. But there was one that was sticking out of the book. You open the page and see that a new annotation was added, by Jongseong. He underlined the line.
I had no idea it was possible for you to want me as much as I want you. — never in a million years would i have thought that you felt the same way. it made me believe everything is possible.
If Jongseong is your right thing, you are his possible thing.
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line is from:
book lovers, emily henry. (18+)
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tagging: @sophiko22 @j4y-lvr
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teuranghae · 2 years
[teu-party] :: the boyz | [teu-mate] :: ji changmin | [teu-love] :: dolphin-min [teu-style] :: fluff, crack, college au, friends to lovers [teu-class] :: smau | [teu-hwaiting] :: milky / milkybonya
25. jeju-don't kill the vibe
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[💌: hiii i had my first class of the term today ! i hope you're all doing well ♡ i'm also super excited for treasure and stray kids' comebacks!! oneus' has been amazing too ☆_☆]
taglist: @semanticbias @sunoo-bby @baekhyuns-lipchain @sickvision @yogurteume @xavi-in-kpopland @lilyujin @lumixen @chewryy @jeonnyread @kyufessions @alohajun @hursheys @ksunwooqt @ilovechanhee @winterbeartaehyungbestboy @maybeifyoutrieddd @jwnghyuns @nindzilla @deobijjang @sulkygyu ♡ ask to be added!
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teuranghae · 2 years
[teu-party] :: the boyz | [teu-mate] :: ji changmin | [teu-love] :: dolphin-min [teu-style] :: fluff, crack, college au, friends to lovers [teu-class] :: smau | [teu-hwaiting] :: milky / milkybonya
24. the end is just a new beginning
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°•.🎾 next to part 25. jeju-don't kill the vibe
[💌: if any of you are in school/college and your classes have started/are starting soon, i'm wishing you all the best <33 make sure to not be too hard on yourself and enjoy your time as much as you study ! i know you'll do great ♡]
taglist: @semanticbias @sunoo-bby @baekhyuns-lipchain @sickvision @yogurteume @xavi-in-kpopland @lilyujin @lumixen @chewryy @jeonnyread @kyufessions @alohajun @hursheys @ksunwooqt @ilovechanhee @winterbeartaehyungbestboy @maybeifyoutrieddd @jwnghyuns @nindzilla @deobijjang @sulkygyu ♡ ask to be added!
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teuranghae · 2 years
[teu-party] :: the boyz | [teu-mate] :: ji changmin | [teu-love] :: dolphin-min [teu-style] :: fluff, crack, college au, friends to lovers [teu-class] :: smau | [teu-hwaiting] :: milky / milkybonya
23. d-day
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[💌: the poetry slam went well ^-^ i even made a friend? who drove me home ?!?! i wanna go again next month and actually compete instead of just doing open mic!]
taglist: @semanticbias @sunoo-bby @baekhyuns-lipchain @sickvision @yogurteume @xavi-in-kpopland @lilyujin @lumixen @chewryy @jeonnyread @kyufessions @alohajun @hursheys @ksunwooqt @ilovechanhee @winterbeartaehyungbestboy @maybeifyoutrieddd @jwnghyuns @nindzilla @deobijjang @sulkygyu ♡ ask to be added!
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teuranghae · 2 years
[teu-party] :: the boyz | [teu-mate] :: ji changmin | [teu-love] :: dolphin-min [teu-style] :: fluff, crack, college au, friends to lovers [teu-class] :: smau | [teu-hwaiting] :: milky / milkybonya
22. where is Younghoon?
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°•.🎾 next to part 23. d-day
[💌: my poetry slam is tomorrow... the first time i'll be reading aloud in over 2 years i'm so. scared. i know all the poets there will be so much better than me i'm,,, aH]
taglist: @semanticbias @sunoo-bby @baekhyuns-lipchain @sickvision @yogurteume @xavi-in-kpopland @lilyujin @lumixen @chewryy @jeonnyread @kyufessions @alohajun @hursheys @ksunwooqt @ilovechanhee @winterbeartaehyungbestboy @maybeifyoutrieddd @jwnghyuns @nindzilla @deobijjang @sulkygyu ♡ ask to be added!
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teuranghae · 2 years
[teu-party] :: the boyz | [teu-mate] :: ji changmin | [teu-love] :: dolphin-min [teu-style] :: fluff, crack, college au, friends to lovers [teu-class] :: smau | [teu-hwaiting] :: milky / milkybonya
21. telling the friends
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°•.🎾 next to part 22. where is Younghoon?
[💌: nothing to see/say here :o just a smol milky who fears the future but also cant wait to be done with their toxic uni]
taglist: @semanticbias @sunoo-bby @baekhyuns-lipchain @sickvision @yogurteume @xavi-in-kpopland @lilyujin @lumixen @chewryy @jeonnyread @kyufessions @alohajun @hursheys @ksunwooqt @ilovechanhee @winterbeartaehyungbestboy @maybeifyoutrieddd @jwnghyuns @nindzilla @deobijjang @sulkygyu ♡ ask to be added!
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teuranghae · 2 years
[teu-party] :: treasure | [teu-mate] :: hamada asahi | [teu-love] :: hi-kun [teu-style] :: soulmate au, strangers to lovers, fluff [teu-class] :: text chats | [teu-hwaiting] :: milky / milkybonya
online bestie _ asahi
order 58, anon: small milk tea smoothie with lychee jelly and red bean for treasure Asahi
#: y/n's contact randomly gets saved to Asahi's phone and vice versa :O, soulmate!au, strangers to lovers!
[💌: oh, to have Sahi as an online friend :") i'm so sad yet, i haven't watched treasure's recent contents since the comeback.. any recommendations?!]
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teuranghae · 2 years
[teu-party] :: treasure | [teu-mate] :: yoon jaehyuk | [teu-love] :: mr yoon [teu-style] :: fluff, best friends to lovers [teu-class] :: oneshot | [teu-hwaiting] :: jaydi / acaiasahi
. ୧ ⠁ ⟡ falling in love — yoon jaehyuk.
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SYNOPSIS: spending a day at the park turns into a unexpected date with your best friend.
INFO: fluff, yoon jaehyuk x gn!reader, 1,020 words.
WARNINGS: kissing, grammatical + structural errors, lowercase and smaller text intended.
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the spring breeze flings your hair from your face, as your clothes ruffle in the wind. your nose fills with the sweet scent of your best friend, the smell of his clean clothes, light perfume, and shampoo calm you down more than you'd like to admit.
your head lays on his chest, book above your head as you read out loud for him. you're not reading anything special in particular, just some random book he had laying around in his car that he thought would be good addition to your trip to the neighborhood park.
though the action itself is sweet on it's own, what's even sweeter is that jaehyuk just wanted to hear your voice. he could care less about the storyline, he just wanted to hear you speak, the sound of each word that flutters past your lips ushering him into a deep slumber.
his chest that once was breathing consistently had slowed down, his heartbeat calm as you cease your reading when you had realized. dog-earring the page you were on, you close the book before tossing it on the picnic blanket haphazardly.
scrambling off of him, you whip your head to see your best friend sound asleep. you snicker as his face twitches uncontrollably, choosing whether you should wake him or leave him be.
you ponder on that thought a little more, taking the time to snap a couple photos of him while doing so. shuffling yourself closer to him, you brush a couple strands from his face as you shield him from the blazing sun as you decide to cut the boy some slack and let him sleep.
the sound of kids fill your ears, children who laugh along as their parents as they catch them while they glide down the slide happily, or how they swing along the monkey bars, daring other kids to hang on the them upside down like they were bats.
you can't help but smile, flashbacks of you and jaehyuk doing the exact same things at their age. as you let yourself get lost in your environment, the sound of your sleeping friend rustling around causes your ears to perk up.
looking down at him, you see his face scrunch up before peering open to take a look around. he blinks the sleep from his eyes, rubbing them before laying his hand upon his chest. "hi," he whispers.
your smile is shy as you mutter a 'hi' back while you both stay silent. he looks up at you, eyes twinkling as he lets out soft chuckle, "how long was i out for?" he asks, small smirk gracing his unbelievably pretty face.
"not long," you shrug before laying on his chest again. he hums in acknowledgment, "you can't blame me for falling asleep y'know," he starts, choosing to run his hands through your hair. "oh yeah? and why's that?" you ask curiously.
as he continues to speak, you feel his chest rumble, "your voice is my favorite lullaby," he says sweetly before another giggle flutters out and into the air. your laughter adds with his, a sweet harmonious mix that fills both of your hearts to the brim with joy.
"my god, i love you," you mutter softly, before snuggling into his chest even more. it's not like you and hyuk haven't said those three words to one another but this time it just felt — different.
and it seems like he feels the same way too as he stiffens upon hearing the words. a few good seconds of silence passes by before the wind flows his words into your ears, "i love you, too."
your lips can't help but fall into a small grin, hands coming up to your face as you cover it in embarrassment. he laughs at your coyness, removing his hands from your hair to pluck away the limbs that cover your pretty face.
you sit yourself up, the giddiness of the whole ordeal causing your cheeks to flare up in a soft strawberry tone. "you're so cute when you're shy!" he wails out, quickly getting up to ease your embarrassment.
"you're cute too," you whisper before finally looking at him. he shares the same face as you, cheeks blooming into a beautiful faded ruby color, small smile present as he shuffles closer to you on the gingham patterned blanket.
you both sat there for awhile, just staring at one another. no words needed to be exchanged, there already was a mutual understanding of how your feelings were aimed at one another and now felt like more than perfect to confess those feelings.
a soft, fleeting kiss is pressed upon your lips, before quickly retreating. you unconsciously search for his lips again, but come up unsuccessful. you sigh in annoyance, opening your eyes to see the boy giggling at your frantic need to kiss him.
your brows furrow in faux annoyance, arms across your chest as you lay back down, eyes fluttering close. you can still see the sun behind your eyelids, the heat emitting from the sun warms you up.
that warmth quickly disappears as something blocks it's clear path to you. opening your eyes, you see jaehyuk above you, grinning stupidly.
"don't be upset," he teasingly says to you before leaning down to press another kiss to your lips. you sigh in content, wrapping your arms around his neck as you reel him in closer. chest to chest, his arms rest on both sides of your head as he slightly tilts his head to kiss you deeper.
you hum in delight, but pull away before anything else happens. eyes still closed, the bliss of his touch still evident on your face as you scratch the soft hair on the back of his head.
"i love you, y/n," he repeats himself before giggling softly, situating himself between your legs as he shyly shoves his face into the crook of your neck, leaving a soft kiss behind your ear.
you continue to run your fingers through his hair comfortingly, smiling up at the blue sky while simultaneously thank all your lucky stars.
"i love you too, hyuk."
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ʕ •ᴥ•ʔゝ☆ treasure taglist! @kflixnet ... @yogurteume ... @tayhunwoo ... @h4chi ... @enhacolor ... @wonluvrbot ... @youngminhee ... @setakdongies ... @ncizen ... @kyufilms ... @saeromiz ... @sunoo-bby ... @dancinginthetaillight ... @seung-scrittore ... @sseastar-main ... @changmin-wrlds ... @hanjisungpark ... @existnesia ... @ily-cuz-i ... @i-luvsang ... @wyynn ... @luvyoonbot [click here to join!]
JAYDI'S NOTES: hey y'all! it's been awhile n i'm sorry for that, life's crazy so yk... but i hope u enjoy, ty for being patient w me! <3
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teuranghae · 2 years
[teu-party] :: the boyz | [teu-mate] :: ji changmin | [teu-love] :: dolphin-min [teu-style] :: fluff, crack, college au, friends to lovers [teu-class] :: smau | [teu-hwaiting] :: milky / milkybonya
20. not manifesting but fr
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taglist: @semanticbias @sunoo-bby @baekhyuns-lipchain @sickvision @yogurteume @xavi-in-kpopland @lilyujin @lumixen @chewryy @jeonnyread @kyufessions @alohajun @hursheys @ksunwooqt @ilovechanhee @winterbeartaehyungbestboy @maybeifyoutrieddd @jwnghyuns @nindzilla @deobijjang @sulkygyu ♡ ask to be added!
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