teneedwards · 3 years
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REPEAT AFTER ME: I have acknowledged my past mistakes and I have chosen to forgive myself.
Get your copy of @walkwithwingsbook here: https://www.teneedwards.com/books a book written to help you from your past, feel understood and inspired to create the life you deserve.
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teneedwards · 4 years
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It took me a long time to accept that the past is the past and that there is nothing I can do to change that. Life is all about trial and error, and I think it's time for us all to accept that we will all do things we never thought we'd ever do. We may not be able to change our past but we can certainly reshape our future and it starts with self-forgiveness.
REPEAT AFTER ME BELOW: I have acknowledged my past mistakes and I have chosen to forgive myself 👇🏾
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teneedwards · 4 years
Regardless of the challenges and obstacles that have been put in front of me, I am staying optimistic about the remainder of the year.
- Tene Edwards
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teneedwards · 4 years
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Page 117 of Walk With Wings. Insta: @teneedwards
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teneedwards · 4 years
What helps me to be at peace with where I'm at right now in life is remembering that everything happens in its own time, at its own pace.
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teneedwards · 5 years
I know it feels like the pain will never go away. Its hard to accept that the one you thought you’d be building a future with has turned their back on you. Like how can somebody who claimed to have loved you turn so cold? I remember not even knowing what to tell my friends because I was trying to make sense of it all myself. The embarrassment. I loved him harder than I ever loved anyone, why would he betray me? It took me years to understand that life can be brutal at times and lessons are sometimes taught in the most distasteful of ways. I cannot tell you that you will stop loving him. Maybe you won’t. But I do believe that after some time the love will change shape. Once you start to focus on yourself, you will begin to think about him less. Other things will become important and other things will excite you more. Sometimes we grow together with people, and other times we grow apart. You will meet new people to love and you will love yourself differently.
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teneedwards · 5 years
Life can be brutal at times and lessons are sometimes taught in the most distasteful of ways.
- Tene Edwards
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teneedwards · 5 years
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teneedwards · 5 years
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Don’t be afraid to love again. I know how hard it is to let your guard down when heartbreak has struck you too many times. I remember not trusting a single word any guy showing interest would say to me. He’s just another fuck boy I’d convince myself. Becoming cold hearted was my defence mechanism against heartbreak. I just couldn’t bring myself to fall again. I feared the worst and led my mind to focus on all the negative things that could happen. I was trapped inside my misery and put strong barriers up to stop myself getting close to anyone. I was playing it safe, so I thought... until I started my journey of healing and changed the words I spoke over myself. In Chapter 5: Summer Freedom you will find a number of pieces I wrote to myself that helped restore my faith in love. Now I wouldn’t say that my fear of heartbreak has disappeared altogether, but I surely have come a long way. I will always find it difficult to open myself up to love, but I have learnt that the opposite of love is not hate, but fear, therefore closing yourself off pushes love away and blocks it from entering your heart. The sad thing is many of us are wounded from heartbreak and are walking through life in fear of it. Some part of us want connection and love but this frightens another part of us. When the opportunity presents itself I say take the risk and give love another shot. Always give love another shot. I have.
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teneedwards · 6 years
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I post more on Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/teneedwards/?hl=en
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teneedwards · 6 years
I PROMISE to QUIT making excuses. I PROMISE to STOP saying yes when I want to say no. I PROMISE to FOCUS on opportunities over obstacles. I PROMISE to PROTECT my space by keeping the people who emotionally drain my energy at a distance.
- Tene Edwards
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teneedwards · 6 years
IN 2019 I WILL:
Speak more kindly to myself. Keep my vision board in sight, and surround myself with the people who uplift me, inspire me and love me the way I am.
- Tene Edwards
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teneedwards · 6 years
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I post more on Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/teneedwards/?hl=en
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teneedwards · 6 years
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Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/teneedwards/?hl=en
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teneedwards · 6 years
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6 Reasons Why I Wrote Walk With Wings:
1. To heal.
2. To empower those suffering in silence.
3. To deliver comfort and hope to those feeling lost and alone.
4. To encourage those who struggle with fear.
5. To help others cultivate a more supportive and loving relationship with themselves.
6. To inspire freeeedom.
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teneedwards · 6 years
I am on a self-love journey; still learning how to love myself. I carry wounds that I have not yet healed from; somedays they seem to disappear and other days they bleed heavily.
- Tene Edwards
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teneedwards · 6 years
They say “follow your heart,” but sometimes the heart can be unreliable when it tangles in the blindness of love.
- Tene Edwards
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