tenacitybred · 4 years
Ok, officially moved to @tragicblood 1. Because id need to delete a lot on here i dont want to for the start i want and 2. My tumblr is still only letting me make posts via mobile. Idk how it got messed up for my laptop. But ill try and hunt down drafts and follow people today
Changes have been made to her appearance and backstory and slightly to her personality
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tenacitybred · 4 years
Ok, officially moved to @tragicblood 1. Because id need to delete a lot on here i dont want to for the start i want and 2. My tumblr is still only letting me make posts via mobile. Idk how it got messed up for my laptop. But ill try and hunt down drafts and follow people today
Changes have been made to her appearance and backstory and slightly to her personality
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tenacitybred · 4 years
Ok, officially moved to @tragicblood 1. Because id need to delete a lot on here i dont want to for the start i want and 2. My tumblr is still only letting me make posts via mobile. Idk how it got messed up for my laptop. But ill try and hunt down drafts and follow people today
Changes have been made to her appearance and backstory and slightly to her personality
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tenacitybred · 4 years
Ok, officially moved to @tragicblood 1. Because id need to delete a lot on here i dont want to for the start i want and 2. My tumblr is still only letting me make posts via mobile. Idk how it got messed up for my laptop. But ill try and hunt down drafts and follow people today
Changes have been made to her appearance and backstory and slightly to her personality
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tenacitybred · 4 years
|| so i was gonna do drafts but apparently tum.blr wont let me load drafts or anything on the pc. 🙃 Guess ill work on Fayes stuff and lurk
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tenacitybred · 4 years
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tenacitybred · 4 years
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Bust 4/5: Olgan @ira-sturm
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tenacitybred · 5 years
“I wanna be your  friend!” Abby exclaimed excitedly and grinned back. She had to admit most of the time, she choice in friends wasn’t the best but she wasn’t getting the crime-y vibe from Faye.
“Let’s go do something now!” Abby couldn’t contain herself, she was bouncing in her seat at the idea of doing something fun and exciting. “I am big into peer pressure,” she joked and shot her friend a wink. “Shove my ass out of the plane if I tell you that I don’t want to jump.” She chuckled.
          “You may regret those words later but it’s too late to take it back now,” Faye wrapped her arm around Abby and pulled her into a friendly sort of hug. The idea of a new friend and one willing to join her in more terrifying hobbies and adventures was more exciting than she could’ve imagined. She was quick to adapt to those around her but typically the ones in bars and clubs didn’t quite seem too interested in doing more than drinking or dancing. 
          “If you wanna jump outta a plane then I got good news for you. I got a friend who does sky divin’ and I think I could get us a pretty good price. But that’s only if you’re actually wantin’ to do it. While i love tryin’ to talk friends into new stuff, I don’t want you to try and back out because I will push you out that plane.” She warned.
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tenacitybred · 5 years
          “Hey, it takes practice. You ain’t gonna be good at it right off the bat. Well, unless you’re one of them people that’s just good at everythin’ they do,” she paused for a moment, “I despise those types of people.” They’d been lucky in coming across the abandoned gear but after a quick inspection it was easy to see why it was abandoned. The lines were tangled and twisted even in the reel.
          “You been fishin’ before, yeah?” she questioned, steadying her hands before she slowly began working the knot, not allowing herself to grow frustrated. This required patience and careful eyes to see where and how the knot was exactly tangled. Once they got them all out they’d be set for some actual fishing.
@tenacitybred ❤'d for a starter
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"I can do it." He's frustrated, and he doesn't mean to take it out on his companion. And surely Faye would understand if he brushed her off. His fingers continued to work the fishing line as it coiled and tangled at his feet. The knot kept slipping, his fingers rendered shaky and sloppy. A sigh dripped from him as he handed it off to Faye, not saying a word of his defeat.
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tenacitybred · 5 years
Roleplaying Profile Meme
PLEASE REPOST, DO NOT REBLOG! Feel free to add to any of your answers!  The purpose is to tell your partners about the way you write!  For the multiple-choice ones, BOLD all that apply and, if you want, italicize if it’s a conditional answer!
– B A S I C S –
NAME : Monster
ARE YOU OVER 18? Yes / No
IF YOUR MUSE IS CANON, HOW MUCH TO YOU ADHERE TO CANON? Not at all / A little / Somewhat / Mostly? / Strictly / (OC)
WHAT POST LENGTHS DO YOU WRITE? One Liners / Single-Para / Multi-Para / Novella
DO YOU USE ICONS AND/OR GIFS? No / Gifs / Icons / Gifcons
WHAT LEVEL OF PLOTS DO YOU WRITE? Unplotted  / Open-Ended Plots / Semi-Plotted / Fully Plotted Epics
HOW QUICKLY DO YOU USUALLY RESPOND TO THREADS? Very Slow / Slow (4-6 Weeks) / Average (1-4 Weeks) / Fast (Less Than One Week) / Very Fast (Less Than One Day)
WHAT TYPES OF THEMES DO YOU LIKE? (feel free to add!) Fluff / Angst / Smut / Action / Tragedy / Domestic / Family /Conversational / Hurt-Comfort / Dark / Violence
WHAT GENRES DO YOU LIKE? (feel free to add!) High Fantasy / Supernatural / Science Fiction / Historical / Horror / Comedy / Romance / Drama / Action / Adventure / Espionage / Crime
– S H I P P I N G –
WHAT TYPES OF RELATIONSHIPS ARE YOU OPEN TO? Romantic / Platonic / Familial / Physical / Sexual 
WHAT TYPES OF PRE-ESTABLISHED RELATIONSHIPS ARE YOU OPEN TO? Romantic / Platonic / Familial / Physical / Sexual(Remember! All must be discussed with me first!)
DO YOU HAVE OTPS? No / Chemistry only / Yes
DO YOU HAVE NOTPS? No / Yes / I don’t know yet
Heterosexual / Heteroflexible / Bisexual  / Homoflexible / Homosexual / Pansexual / Demisexual / Sapiosexual / Asexual / Questioning
HOW EARLY IN A RELATIONSHIP DO YOU SHIP ROMANTICALLY? Autoship / During Plotting / After A Couple IC Interactions / Several IC Interactions / Slow Burn / Depends on partner & muse
ARE YOU OPEN TO TOXIC SHIPS? No / Selectively / Yes
ARE YOU OPEN TO PROBLEMATIC SHIPS? (canon history, age difference, complicated, etc.) No / Selectively / Yes
tagged by: the amazing and fantastic @desxderium
tagging: @vendettacanons @thxwxlf @t-chambler @multusxcastalides  @hermosa-pesadilla @crimson-warrior
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tenacitybred · 5 years
“Really?”  He asked with a laugh.  “Well shoot, alright then!”  Let’s see now…should he start with a girly drink?  He could, since they’re so delicious, but he would get drunk faster.  Dang it…  Oh wait!  Lemonade Smirnoff exist!
“I’ll take a Lemonade Smirnoff.”  He said as he playfully bumped his shoulder into Faye’s.
          “Hell yeah! What’re friends for?” She asked, trying to decide herself. She was thinking of some type of plain hard liquor for herself but at the mention of Lemonade Smirnoff she couldn’t help but change her mind. 
          “Make it two,” she said to the bartender who had been within earshot. Faye bumped her shoulder back against his. “You’ve got good taste my friend. You drink often or are you just lookin’ to do some stupid shit tonight with me?” She asked, fully aware that by the end of the night the town was going to despise her and possibly even him.
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tenacitybred · 5 years
     The thunderous boom of the conclave’s demise had been heard from miles around. And if that wasn’t enough to warrant worry and caution the sky had been torn by a large rift. The tear cloaked the surrounding area in an eerie and ominous hue of green that devoured everything but a feeling of imminent dread. It was just the type of atmosphere that drew Faye in like a moth to flame. She had arrived after the woman had walked out of the rift before dropping to the ground. She followed the troops to Haven where she watched and waited for the opportune moment to introduced herself.
     She remained in the shadows, getting a good feel for the people and how the new Inquisitor was handling the burden before deciding she did in fact wish to join. While she had been watching she was aware Leliana had been keeping tabs on her but wasn’t concerned. The two had crossed paths previously and knew where the other stood. 
     Pleased with what she was seeing, the elven woman walked across the grounds, watching the soldiers practice under their commander before nearly running straight into the Inquisitor. Her eyes immediately glanced down to look at her minimal armor.
          “Guilty!” She shrugged, offering a kind smile. Her eyes fell to the woman’s afflicted hand. “I take it you’re the inquisitor? Word is startin’ to get out that you’re lookin’ to close the hole in the sky and I’m lookin’ for a death defyin’ adventure. Figured I’d see if I could tag along and offer my services as a mercenary.”
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     To say she was getting used to this whole… Inquisition thing, was an overstatement, to say the least. And a lie, to say the most. The way people were staring at here just gave her the heebie jeebies. She watched people follow her with their eyes every time she walked by, and didn’t even look away when she looked them straight in the face. They saw her as some kind of hero. Or at least, some of them did. Others just looked at her like she didn’t belong. But that was nothing new.
     She was making her way out of the Temple and towards the gates of their encampment, the idea being to sit on the edge of the frozen lake for a while, and not think about the fact that she was apparently going to have to save the world and everybody in it.
     Instead of having a clear path through the open gates, she suddenly had to weave out of the way of oncoming traffic. Well… traffic was just one person. She still weaved though. “Oh shit, sorry, didn’t see you coming there.” She stopped and looked at the woman for a moment, arching an eyebrow. “You must be new. Plenty of women here, plenty of women in armor even, but very few in none-regulated armor.”
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tenacitybred · 5 years
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I ate 112 ounces of pudding
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tenacitybred · 5 years
“I’m not intending on tangling with him if I don’t have to, don’t worry about little old me.” It was her fight, after all. He could give her the gun and he could even load it if he chose.
At least Devil wasn’t intending on getting involved, at least not personally. That was for a younger self.
“You ready to talk about it yet? Not to rush you, of course. I can always wait until the second drink– or the third. I’m patient.” He nearly emphasized it with a gentle sip of his own drink, gloved fingers playing with the cherry fastened to the glass.
     Faye looked down at her glass knowing if she didn’t speak soon she’d most likely panic, leave in fear and guilt, and have wasted his time. Her index finger tapped on the glass for a moment before shrugging to herself and threw the rest of her drink down her gullet. She placed the class on the table with a soft clink and looked him in the eyes.
          “To summarize: Ethan is the one I was involved with in my previous company. He played us all and sold us out to the crime lord we’d been buttin’ heads with for years and wiped out nearly all of us besides myself, my twin, and father. After I recovered and went off the rails and came to my senses again I’ve been doin’ what I can to track him down. He’s always a slippery bastard and always seems to be two steps ahead of me but I’ve slowly been workin’ on cornerin’ him. I know he’s still in the States and I’ve got some of my contacts keepin’ an eye on all the back ways out but I still can’t pin point him. 
         “I just need some type of assistance. He’s worked his way up with the gang he sold us out so he’s very well protected. Even with my skills I doubt I could get much of anywhere. I’m heavily out numbered but I don’t need to kill everyone. Just need a...path per say. I can’t let him escape. I have to fix my mistake,” she didn’t take her eyes off him, allowing him to see the grief and guilt expressed in her eyes. It was something she never did, not wanting others to see how vulnerable she truly was.
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tenacitybred · 5 years
A VERY DESCRIPTIVE PROFILE OF YOUR MUSE. repost with the information of your muse, including headcanons, etc. if you fail to achieve some of the facts, add some other of your own!
NAME. Faye Raven Sheppard
NICKNAME(S). Red, Spitfire
TITLE(S). The Phoenix (Assassin alias)
AGE. 26 most verses
SPECIES. Human most verses
GENDER. Cis female
ALIGNMENT. Chaotic Good
INTERESTS. Animals, Adventure/exploration, Ocean, Space 
PROFESSION. Freelance Mercenary 
BODY TYPE. Curvacious
EYES. Deep blue (left), Deep green (right)
HAIR. Red/auburn
SKIN. Lightly tanned skin and freckled on face
FACE. Slightly angular but with soft features, scar on right side of chin
HEIGHT. 5′3″
VOICE: Clear, carries well, and on the softer side. Singing VC is Lzzy Hale from Halestorm
COMPANIONS.Verse dependent (typically alone)
ANTAGONISTS. Ethan (ex/traitor), her father
FRUITS. Pineapple, peaches
DRINKS. Black Tea
ALCOHOLIC BEVERAGES? Whiskey or Bourbon are her go to
SMOKES? Occasionally
DRUGS? Occasionally (nothing too addictive)
DRIVERS LICENSE? Yes (verse dependent)
Tagged By: The Queen @desxderium
Tagging: @thxwxlf @t-chambler @lostchildofthematrix @theillusionixt @irsalladin @cyberneteks @godblessrickgrimes and YOU. Just tag me
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tenacitybred · 5 years
          “Hey, your style is all you. It don’t matter what I want it to be,” she replied before watching Tara toss the items on the bed and began stripping. It didn’t phase her much, having never been one to really care for “decency”. Everyone came into the world nude and clothes were really only meant to be for protection and warmth in her eyes. Not only that, but they were both women and had all the same parts and gadgets. Faye laughed as she turned to rummage through the dresser, still dripping everywhere. A chill coursed its way through her, reaching down and straight to her bones. It became hard for her to figure out it was her teeth or bones chattering at one point. 
          “Just to warn you, I will either starfish or curl into a ball but I’m like a personal heater so you won’t be cold either way,” she said, pulling out a plain blue blouse and gray slacks that looked a bit too big. But beggars couldn’t be choosers and she could find a quick fix if she needed to. Much like Tara, she stripped down and pulled on the dry clothes, finding that the pants were rather long on her and the shirt didn’t fit right either. Again, beggars couldn’t be choosers. She shuffled out into the hall, grabbed the sleeping backs and threw them onto the bed after unrolling them. 
          “Looks more appealin’ for sure,” she grabbed her sopping wet clothes and did her best to wring them out before throwing them over the shower curtain. “I say we check the kitchen for any possible edible food.”
“Do you want it to be my style?” Tara mused before she rooted through the drawer some more. Settling on a pair of slacks, she tossed her items onto the bed and turned her back to Faye. With lack of any decency, she began stripping out of her wet clothes and let them hit the floor. “It’s like peeling off a –fucking boa constrictor.” She hated the inconvenience of drenched clothes, but to be free of them? Euphoria. She shivered slightly until she pulled the new blouse over her head and the wiggled into the slacks.  The were a bit tight, but it would do until they could get back home to the Hilltop. 
She looked like a lawyer from SVU.
“We can plop those sleeping bags on this ginormous bed and have ourselves a great sleep.” The Hilltop wasn’t too shabby, but they certainly didn’t have memory foam padding on their cots. 
At Faye’s question, Tara peered back into the dresser and tilted her head slightly. “More of the same. Blouses. Slacks. Nothing too casual about these folks. Not a single hoodie.” Still, she was dry and for that she was grateful. She scooped up her wet clothes and headed for the attached bathroom to hang them out to dry.
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tenacitybred · 5 years
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Bust 3/5: Nate for @redbritishsniper
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