teganwinters · 3 years
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@castellanko @posiviibes @kirsty17-blog1 @w-i-n-t-e-r-wonderland 
Ray-Ban Sunglasses
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teganwinters · 3 years
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@castellanko @posiviibes @kirsty17-blog1 @w-i-n-t-e-r-wonderland 
Ray-Ban Sunglasses
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teganwinters · 4 years
Cleaning Guide 2020 free download pdf
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Cleaning guide 2020Download
Hi, guys!!
Today, I have created you a FREE CLEANING GUIDE , to help your house cleaning on track.
It’s hard to know where to start cleaning. You may think doing the dishes keeps the house clean, but there are a few small things that will keep you up to date and your home looking spick and span for much longer . I have been learning so much from my job as a…
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teganwinters · 5 years
My Experience on Anxiety Medication.
My Experience on Anxiety Medication.
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Anxiety is a real thing people deal with on a daily basis. It was difficult to come to terms with the realisation that I couldn’t fix this on my own and I needed help. My anxiety got so bad it not only effected me emotionally but physically as well. In fact It affected my entire mental function. To sum this up I was a zombie.
What is anxitey?
To quote googles definition; Anxiety is your…
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teganwinters · 5 years
Creating better habets in 2020
Creating better habets in 2020
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I can’t believe it we have made it to 2020 !! Congratulations on getting this far. Although with the way the world is going lately, I’m not so sure we will make it to another decade.
But, let’s put that aside and start implementing better habets that are going to
1) not only help the enviorment you have built yourself
2) But create life changing growth and further your comuncation skills
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teganwinters · 6 years
Changing My Life In 365 Days
Changing My Life In 365 Days
This is my journey in changing my life now before we begin I did not intentionally set out to change my life but I knew I wanted to do something and not be stuck in the same place with the same routine.
Last year I moved out of home for the first time.
I packed my things about setting out on a new adventure I picked up a job as a live-in nanny. This was the first time I not only had to take care…
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teganwinters · 6 years
Finding Self -Love & Acceptance
Finding Self -Love & Acceptance
Self-love is self- acceptance.
We need to accept who we are and identify the strengths in that and let those strengths guide our growth as people  (sherry Benton)
To me when I first hear the word self-love I think of taking a bubble bath and drinking wine🍷 pampering yourself and yes those are indeed some ways to relax and take care of yourself but I am talking about.
  learning how to accept…
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teganwinters · 6 years
I Feel God.
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This past month I have felt god speak to me and I’m not talking about him literally being able to hold a face to face conversation. What I mean to say is I have felt him I have felt his words as I listen to others speak about there personal experiences and advice on life, love and growing that connection with god and his son.
I have always talked about going to church and learning more about the…
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teganwinters · 6 years
Where Have I Been.
If you have been following my blog for some time or your new hello .
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You will know that my uploading has been quite all over the place basically iv uploaded when Im inspired.
But It has been quite some time now where I haven’t paid any attention to this website.
The truth is I have been dealing with allot of anxiety ,personal health problems and I just needed to take a step back from social…
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teganwinters · 6 years
1770 Easter Holiday Weekend Getaway
Hey guys this easter weekend we decided to take our van , bikes and go on holiday at 1770 A little place in Gladstone Australia .we have been loving our fold up velectrix bikes and have taken them all over Australia this place 1770 was the perfect little spot and its famous for Captain cook stopping here for two weeks.
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teganwinters · 7 years
Attempting To Live A Waste Free Lifestyle
Attempting To Live A Waste Free Lifestyle
Living waste free is easily done. But it can be hard when you live with a family who doesn’t want to.
That is why I have started and changed a simple thing to help our environment. Besides, why wouldn’t you want to keep the only living planet healthy?
Here are some simple things you can do to stop wasting goods.
Replace your straws with stainless steel or bamboo. Think about how much plastic, the…
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teganwinters · 7 years
New Adventures
Hello guys
So quite recently my life took a turn as it always does but i kept positive and was able to scramble my way into something great.
Whats knew for me ? So guys I’m moving to Sydney with $500 to my name and no car or family.
I will also be living rent free for 3 months.
How you ask well I will be an Aupair. Thats right i’m going to be nannying in exchange for a room ,food , pocket money…
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teganwinters · 7 years
80+ Self Date Ideas
Growing up I was surrounded by family and friend’s who had the day planned out for me it was easy to find things to do.  My family would take me to the markets and I would run around loving all this stuff I wished I had and the enjoyment of buying something for a dollar made my day.
Then life happened we grew up and got bored of singing karaoke, playing with barbies and too poor to go to the…
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teganwinters · 7 years
Mind Body Soul - How To Find Happiness.
Mind Body Soul – How To Find Happiness.
Finding happiness is so important for our souls we are just a soul placed inside a body and we spend our whole life’s shaping ,hurting, feeding. My question is why ? Our body is the screen we display our true feelings. What we put in our bodies will show up on our skin the scars from the desire to look perfect.
Have you ever Hurd the saying we our beautiful just the way we are but that is not…
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teganwinters · 7 years
What I have learned from  2017.
Growing up is hard I’m 19 and because I left school early I don’t have the points to get into uni not that I could afford uni anyways. So I’m stuck working in shitty jobs and doing small courses that will hopefully lead me into a more fulling career as long as I pass my course because let’s face it everyone wants you have some kind of experience and a certificate to be even considered for a half-decent position.
Working hard and getting out of the house aka bed actually pay’s of and scrolling around the internet and applying for jobs and taking surveys gets you nowhere.
Eating healthy does nothing if you don’t work out.
Bills don’t pay them self’s and they keep piling on.
Everything cost.
You are not independent if you still live at home rent-free.
The Struggles of a Young Adult.
  The idea of not working sounded so great to me but little did I know that I would get bored of watching movies and I have run out of things to watch. I got bored of sitting at home and having nothing to do. But I recently just finished doing a Christmas casual job and I got so used to having something to do each day. But now that I’m back at home I have nothing to do and I hate sitting around doing nothing I actually want to go to work.
Big Hopes and aspirations. 
Thinking about moving out living on your own decorating your apartment Like a Pinterest page.  But there’s the issue of never owing enough money and not being able to make money on youtube like all the famous YouTubers. Then we take a trip to target all look at all the decor fall in love with it. look at the price tag to find it’s $300 like what this girl on the tv bought like 5 of these how does she do it.
The difference between expectation and reality kicks in.
The Struggles of a Young Adult. What I have learned from  2017. Growing up is hard I'm 19 and because I left school early I don't have the points to get into uni not that I could afford uni anyways.
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teganwinters · 7 years
Living Keto.
Hello everyone!!!
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So this week I have been 💯 keto Iv been using the app lifesum witch is so great at tracking my food intake I have been following the app the recipes here is some of my results.
This year I have made the decision to live a more holistic lifestyle meaning I will feed my body what nutrients it requires. I have cut out dairy and switched it for soy. I don’t like to have to much soy…
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teganwinters · 7 years
Sweater | Jeans
Hey everyone! Today I wanted to share some holiday gift ideas! The family and I have been saying “Okay send me your Christmas list by the end of TODAY” for like 2 weeks now… Neither of us have bought a single present!!! Putting this together for you guys actually helped me out with my wishlist! I hope this helps you too!
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