tf2 simp station
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teeftoobaybee · 4 years ago
thanks for the love & follow <33 i'm glad you enjoy my work :]
Hi! May I request Sniper with a reader who is Pansexual and is fairly quiet?
absolutely! this also serves as a reminder that lgtbq+ are always welcome on this blog!(-from a fellow bisexual❤)
sniper with a quiet & pansexual s/o
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sniper has no qualms with you being pansexual (or any of the mercs, really). he loves you for you :)
he gets really defensive if anyone discriminates against you for being pan. he tells to them to piss off & takes you somewhere else because he. does. not. tolerate. BULLSHIT.
being honest, you sometimes scare sniper whenever he doesn’t realize you’re there. he’ll run into you on accident and jump from the sudden contact. it’s like a mini jumpscare for him (he’ll apologize afterwards lol)
you two mix very well as sniper is considered quiet. he does have the occasional social flare (which he doesn't force you to follow along with), but at the end of the day he enjoys relaxing with you within the peace & quiet of his van
he enjoys the small talk that occasionally happens between you two. if you constantly engage in romcom-like banter he can't resist the goofy smile that takes over his face
sniper sometimes doubts the validity of his relationship with you, but feeling your presence (however quiet you may be) is enough for him to shoo those thoughts away :]
almost 300 followers wtf 😭 thank y'all so much! in the distant future would anyone be interested in a Q&A (or something interactive like that 😌)?
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teeftoobaybee · 4 years ago
Hey so this is my first time asking for a headcanon but how would the mercs (of your choosing) feel about an s/o with really long hair? Sorry I know this is specific but hndbsnjs I love your writing
i used to have long hair and i would daydream about how people would play with it lol (and tysm!)
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the man is constantly playing with & touching your hair, no exceptions. whenever he has a second of free time he already has a few locks of said hair around his fingers. he offers to try and style it, but don't expect too much as he'll find a way to mess it up.
a hoarder in bed. he'll wrap your hair around himself like a scarf so be ready to loose a few hours of sleep. as much as he's annoying with it, scout really likes your hair and shows it anyway he can (which is obvious by now)
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an expert in hair care. growing up with 3 sisters, he'll constantly insist in braiding or brushing it for you. taking care of your hair relaxes heavy and reminds him of simpler times back home.
when preparing for battle, he'll offer to tie it up for you so it doesn't get in the way (honestly, accept the offer. you'll look amazing in any style heavy does for you. most importantly, it won't get loose) he'll secretly make sure it doesn't get damaged in battle as well.
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second to heavy in hair care. somehow knows what exact products you need and already has them available for you. he'll even brush it for you if he's in a good mood.
putting effort in appearances is important for spy, so seeing you taking care of your hair so diligently makes him happy. he'll occasionally help you in the process and is always amazed at how beautiful you look at the end. he likes your hair just as much as scout would.
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teeftoobaybee · 4 years ago
this is why i almost never have dialouge in my stuff ever 😭
me rereading any dialogue I’ve ever written
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teeftoobaybee · 4 years ago
i have an unfortunate announcement;
my mom has covid so i won't be posting much at all until her 2 week quarantine period is over. i do have a post on queue for this week so be on the look out for that. stay safe y'all :)
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teeftoobaybee · 4 years ago
literally did god's work with those merasmus posts. he's so underrated 😩💕
i'd like to say i did a decent job so tysm! i'm glad i provided much needed content to merasmus lovers out there <3
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teeftoobaybee · 4 years ago
oh my gosh you're back!! hiiii! :D it's so good to see you!! love ya!! first anon
hello first anon!!! tysm for sticking with my blog for this long, ilyt <3 i'm happy you like my writing this much <333
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teeftoobaybee · 4 years ago
Hey I hope you're doing well! I'd like to know what you think the mercs love languages are and a few things they like for a partner to do that fall under that love language. You can do as many or few as you want(obviously) but if it's not too much trouble could you include Engie and Heavy? Thank you!!
thank you for the concern, i hope you’re well too! i'll write all 9 mercs as a treat for not posting in forever </3
the mercs' love language!
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physical touch & quality time! scout is very affectionate with his partner, so someone who is comfortable constantly touching/being touched is directly up his lane (cuddling is his favorite). he also enjoys someone who he can actually enjoy his time with, since all of the other mercs can never quite match his energy. simply spending lots of time with him outside of battle (i.e pranking said other mercs) is already a step in the right direction!
quality time & acts of service! good company is one of sniper's biggest priorities when it comes to a relationship, so simply having the ability to constantly be comfortable with sniper is good. he also looks for someone who acknowledges & appreciates small gestures/acts of service (sniper's favorite is coffee + breakfast in the morning)
words of affirmation & physical touch! soldier is always in a good mood, but hearing you shower him in positive affirmations is one way to earn his heart. words along with lingering touches is a holy combination that will 100% charm him. soldier might unconsciously look for your hand sometimes, so prepare to hold a sweaty but well meaning hand.
giving gifts & quality time! this classy frenchman is used to spoiling his partners with gifts, & you are no exception. spy typically looks for someone who can appreciate and reciprocate the art of gift-giving, because deep down he wants to be spoiled just as badly. on top of high end gifts, if you ever give him something that ties back to a memory you two share, he will go wild (in a good way). quality time is something he also prioritizes because at the end of the day, he wants to settle down & enjoy life with someone he likes spending time with.
quality time & acts of service! actions mean more to heavy than words, so love that shows itself physically is the best way to go. similar to sniper, indulging in small but meaningful moments by your doing is one of the best things heavy can imagine in life. breakfast in the mornings, doing daily chores, etc. treat him every so often to situations like those and you'll have a one way ticket to heavy-ville
physical touch & acts of service! while engie isn't busy with work, he likes to snuggle up with his partner. he also favors small physical touches to remind him of your presence (like a hand on his shoulder/back). although engie doesn't enjoy others meddling with his inventions, he does appreciate it when his partner does small chores whenever he's not able to (such as breakfast/dinner, occasionally cleaning, etc.)
quality time & words of affirmation! it's known that demo struggles when it comes to his self-esteem, so occasionally encouraging/hyping him up with kind or flattering words is something he imagines in an ideal partner. someone who can also inspire him to be more active in the relationship itself his #1 goal, so id you see demo seemingly scheming all day, don't be surprised when you get treated amazingly the next day. he wants to make every second with you amazing.
physical touch & giving gifts! pyro is fond of constant hugs & physical touch in general, so giving the same amount back is great for a potential relationship. they are also fond of giving & receiving gifts such as drawings, hand-made knickknacks, etc. one extra thing i see pyro liking is a positive or bubbly attitude. pyro is (ironically) full of life, so being around someone who has that same personality is great!
physical touch & words of affirmation! since medic doesn't have copious amounts of free time, a way to woo the doctor is to occasionally drop in with soft but noticeable touches (which can grow in intensity the closer you get). another thing medic tends to enjoy is your words, specially when you hype him up. like soldier, he sometimes needs a small pep talk, so make yourself known during those times and you might have a chance with the man.
quick note, sorry for the incomplete post! i don't what happened lol (but yay, i posted something!)
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teeftoobaybee · 4 years ago
hey babes u doin alright?
yea, just unfortunately not motivated enough to write for this blog :[ i do have a post coming tomorrow so yay for that but thanks for your concern <3
also this one fan art. jotaro i love you. a lot
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teeftoobaybee · 4 years ago
alright boys, i'm goin on a hiatus. i don't feel the same spark for tf2 BUT i will still be active! there's no guaranteed date for the next request.
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teeftoobaybee · 4 years ago
not a request- bubbly chemist anon again and thank you sm!! i giggled when i read medics bc yeah, mad scientist duo. we will take over the world. sniper wanting to make his jarate deadlier is on brand. pyro owns my whole heart as always<33 but uh yeah thank you!! they’re perfect! your writing is perfect!!
no problem! it was a joy to write :)
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teeftoobaybee · 4 years ago
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once again i'm writing for @nibs-stuff and her oc, the decoy! go give her & the decoy (@ask-the-decoy) some love!
(the way the lyrics are written takes up a bunch of space, sorry about that 😅)
Scout had always enjoyed music. Even as an infant he would jiggle as much as his baby body would allow him, so when he heard singing coming from somewhere in the base, he was enthralled.
"Fly me to the moon"
Ah, this song. It was all over the radio.
"Let me play among the stars"
As Scout grew closer, he realized the voice was female. Could it be Decoy?
"Let me see what spring is like, on a-Jupiter and Mars"
As he turned the corner, he discovered that it was. She was in the kitchen area, making some lunch for the day. He decided to let her sing some more, just for the hell of it.
"In other words, hold my hand
In other words, baby, kiss me"
It reminded him of his mom. She would often hum a song in the few moments of tranquility in the Bostonian household.
"Fill my heart with song and let me sing forevermore"
He missed ma'. He should call sometime.
"You are all I long for"
Coming back to the present, Scout decided to not disturb Decoy. He liked her singing, it was soothing. Maybe he could ask for a song next time.
"All I worship and adore"
Sometime these days.
"In other words, please be true"
Maybe tomorrow?
"In other words, I love you"
He'll try tomorrow.
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teeftoobaybee · 4 years ago
hi!! ive never requested anything before so idk if this is okay but could i get medic, sniper, and pyro with an S/O who’s also a merc but like a bubbly scientist/chemist person please? maybe a nurse instead if that easier? i’ll be happy with anything tbh i love the way you write the mercs <3
😭thank you!!! (i'll write the reader insert as a chemist)
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love at first sight, friends to lovers, happy ending, 300k+ words, s/o my beloved-
you two are unstoppable. very chaotic dr. frankenstein vibes. while there's not a shared profession, there's a shared sense of questionable morality & non-professional practices (let's be honest, you have to be slightly insane in order to be a tf2 merc)
medic doesn't realize it, but when he's having a shitty day he relies on your positivity to keep his composure. try to be patient as he can say some pretty colorful things about everything
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medic widepeepoHappy
when he first finds out about your profession, he thinks it's cool. occasionally asks what you're doing but doesn't bother you too much whenever you're busy
he soaks up your energy like a sponge. he could be in the middle of cursing spy to the moon & back, but as soon as you walk in he's all smiles :)
jokingly asks if you could make his jarate deadlier (he says he's joking but deep down he's actually curious)
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thrives with you. a bubbly personality is directly up pyro's lane, so constantly being with someone as joyful as you just amplifies their energy tenfold
they follow you 95% of the time. the battlefield, the common area, literally everywhere. sometimes they disappear (where? who knows) but they usually come back with drawings of you two <3333
if pyro ever sees you working on any chemist-related things (idk what to call it lmfao 😭) they'll sit & watch. they like how passionate you are about your craft & cannot get enough of it. literally just vibe with your work and pyro is in love
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teeftoobaybee · 4 years ago
WAIT UM??? TAVISH??? ??????????!??
and hello! i've missed your content :)
I promise I’m not dead
Was anyone going to tell my dyslexic ass that Demo’s name is TAVISH and not TRAVISH? I’ve been putting an R????????
Also re-reading my work and boy howdy are there spelling errors.
So I’m gonna go back for the next few days and correct the errors and Tavish’s name in every thing
(I’m so sorry Demo, I’m dumb forgive me)
(Also yall plz don’t kill me for my lack of updating 😅)
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teeftoobaybee · 4 years ago
everyone shut up it's damon albarn's birthday
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teeftoobaybee · 4 years ago
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tumblr??? bestie??? you ok???
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teeftoobaybee · 4 years ago
If you have time, could you make a merasmus x reader who becomes his roommate? Maybe with lots of pining?👉👈
for the sake of fluidity i'll have this be a sequel to the previous merasmus ask :)
becoming merasmus' roommate w/ lots of pining!
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certified pure 😭
determined to become the greatest wizard of all time, you ask merasmus if you could move in with him to fully enhance your learning experience. normally he would cackle at the mere thought of anyone besting him at magic, but he's so caught up with the fact that you want to move in with him that he doesn't even acknowledge it
please help this old man with house chores. cleaning, doing the dishes, or literally whatever. soldier left a very purtrid taste on merasmus' tongue so just act like a decent person and he'll praise you like a god lmfao
every so often he (somewhat clumsily) tries to show his affection for you. hand-made gifts, hand touches (like gently holding your hand when he's talking to you), words of affirmation, etc. merasmus is very domestic when it comes to affection so don't expect any grand gestures.
whenever merasmus is alone he imagines all of the ways he could've interacted with you better or directly told you how he feels (he does this everyday but never acts on it lol)
merasmus will never approach you on his own, so ultimately you'll have to be the one to initiate anything with him. start by giving him hugs every once in a while and things will go smoothly from there :)
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teeftoobaybee · 4 years ago
y'all i just wnt down the slasher-fucker rabbithole and i gotta say,,, sheeeeesh
i'll have content out in a few days :)
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