technogunblade · 7 years
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  Jake cursed himself out as the unholy chorus of ghoulish screaming and snarling echoed around them, intensity magnified as bounced from wall to metro wall in a fashion that made it seem like there were thousands everywhere.  Though there may not have been thousands, there were still more than he had anticipated.  That dawning horror hit him hard, anxiousness hyping him up.
  They were everywhere; he just didn’t realize because he neglected to properly check the bodies strewn around them.
  Hands flying to the gun at his side, Jake drew his sidearm and quickly began his work.  Ghoul after ghoul was dispatched loudly, gunshots ringing painfully in his ears.  Of all the fucking times to forget to wear his stupid earplugs…Gritting his teeth and baring the pain, he continued to down the irradiated monsters one after another with surprisingly well-aimed shots for a blind man.  Call it luck, or call it cheating via magical abilities.  Whatever you call it, he and the two lovebirds were doing a pretty bang up job of dispatching the horrors.  He had to admit, they made a pretty alright team, like him and-
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  Jane had been towards the tail end of the group!  Jake had completely lost track of her!  This was going completely fucking sideways, god damn it!  
  Removing the tether he held on Max’s emotions, Jake quickly tore back the way they came, plowing through ghouls in a mad dash to try and find his sister.  Reaching out with his abilities, ones so clearly empathetic, he searched desperately for Jane to confirm that she was alive.  The tether kept finding nothing as he combed the tunnels, pausing at a fork in the path to focus.  He stood for a few moments, and then a few moments more, but still his search was fruitless.  The sounds from behind him made it hard to tell if there were any ahead of him, and with no luck in finding the traces of her heart…No, don’t go there.  Don’t go there, she’s going to be alright!  I just have to find her, it’ll be fine!
  The tether latched onto a familiar soul.
  Jake lit up, racing down the rightmost turn as he could clearly hear a commotion up ahead.  He ran as fast as his legs could carry him, practically flying over rubble as the morbid sounds of a blade sinking into flesh became all too clear.
  A pause, followed by a thump and uneasy silence.  God, he hated being blind…What was happening?!
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  Jake, would you shut up!!  You’re most definitely going to attract more of these accursed creatures if you continue, so please!  Just shut-
  Her words were cut off by Jake tackling into her, pulling Jane into a suffocating hug.
  Oh my GOD i was so afraid you had died!  Im so sorry for not checking the bodies that was my duty as lead of the party im so SORRY jane!
  It’s alright!  It’s a mistake, they happen!  Now please, I would really rather have this be the way I die, thank you!  Glad to see you, too, brother dearest, but please, I implore you, to realize the fact that I - like yourself - need to breathe!
  He didn’t see breathing as necessary, clearly, as Jake continued to hold Jane in a very protective and concerned hug.  Having been frightened by the attack, he honestly needed it.
Caught up in the adrenaline and familiar gunfire, Dirk faltered when the tether was removed, tripping up momentarily as the eyeing weight was lifted from his soul. He recovered quickly enough, enough to catch that Jake was running back and away from them. His mind replayed the shout he gave just before the link was broken. Lara. ... FUCK.
Retreating from the fray for a moment, his hand sparked and glowed magenta, familiar threads wrapping around his fingers and shooting out towards their owners. Pink led to the hand Roxy was using to steady her rifle as she gave the ferals the same treatment one would a shooting gallery. Emerald and cyan.... were thankfully equally intact, and in nearly the same direction. Okay, Jake has this handled, she’ll be fine, it’s fine.
Fuckin’ hell, Crocker...!
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The expletive was through grit teeth, concern heavy in his voice and on his face, the strings being dismissed before the swordsman reentered the fight, not noticing his slip up.
The other blonde gave a pause of her own, spotting Jake barrel through the ferals with a force worthy of a Charger, and couldn’t help wondering where the fucking fire was. The yelling before had been drowned out by her bullets and trained concentration, but it didn’t take being a genius for her to guess.
Awww fuck, Janey--!!
Roxy’s cursing was a hissed whisper, one she caught the tail-end of and bit her tongue for, panic spiking at it possibly being overheard by Dirk. Thankfully he didn’t notice-- too wrapped up in his own exclamation...
He said her name, he remembers her, he knows, has known, he-- No, she had to calm down, she already found out earlier from the call, and this wasn’t the time to bring it us-- when would it ever be? --so she should just let it slide, he didn’t even notice so it’s fine! Why would she bring it--
“JANE!” echoed through the tunnels straight to them, cutting through the growls and screeches and bloodshed, unmistakably heard by the both of them as they froze in worry and fear.
Dirk ripped his katana from a ghoul’s shoulder, kicking away the irradiated corpse before turning to dash down the metro, towards the scream, instinctively set on ensuring their friend was okay-- 
Gunfire began anew behind him, sounding as though it was coming from every direction, as orderly and as deadly as a firing squad when the bullet-to-squelch ratio came out a solid 1-1. He turned just in time to see the horde of ghouls drop like dominoes, small wispy portals floating at eye level where they just stood that were fading away. A larger portal floated in front of Roxy, rifle barrel still smoking and aimed ahead, her expression obscured by her bangs.
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Her magic faded as the gun was lowered, a tense silence falling between them, the only sound being the echoes of both Jake and Jane further away, hushed and muffled more than just the distance could cause. It set the Strider’s nerves alight, knowing the secret was out in the open now, his actions-- reactions --speaking for him, outing him with no way to argue or back-peddle. He had ran for them, hadn’t questioned the change in name-- fuck, now he realizes what he had said, how is he a genius again? Shit.
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His name came out as a commanding bark, loud and sharp, bouncing off the rounded walls. Turning just a sharply, Roxy fixed him with a chilled stare-- almost a glare, if not for the hesitation on her face and hurt behind her eyes. She bit at her lip and looked away after only a moment, not able to keep it up, instead busying herself with getting her rifle set on her back again.
...We’re talking about this, all of this, later.
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Roxy, c’mon, I can explain--!
Explain later! ... Let’s go check on Jake and Jane.
Dirk couldn’t get any argument out, too struck by how quietly-- sadly  --she said their names after so long, the tone foreign on her voice, on those words. She brushed past him on her way towards their friends, head lowered and footsteps uncharacteristically heavy, a blatant show of her frustration with him.
 He couldn’t help his own anger flaring to life, remembering that he was not the only one at fault here, that she was the one who kept them from him first. With a clenched jaw and sheathed sword, he followed behind her, already hating the shift in mood surrounding them.
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technogunblade · 7 years
  Jake gave a snort at Max’s response, trying not to laugh at the verbose nature of it, and rhyming - intentional or no.  What he said wasn’t funny, per se, but Jake found the way he did at least a bit amusing.  Thankfully, it made it seem like he was in line with Marie’s giggling, so a small snort didn’t seem none too out of place.
  That description intrigued Jake, honestly.  A nice looking place in these here wastes?  Jane’d love to see that, he figured.  If they’d found out about this supposed haven far to the north back when he could still see at least a little proper, then they definitely would’ve made the trip up…Ah well, the Ruins were just fine.
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  Admittedly im having a bit of a rough time conjurin up that image in my head.  That just sounds like such an oxymoron!  Somethin as stunnin as ye claim it to be in the eastern commonwealth?  Now i know i am stirrin up old quarrels and rivalries based on some curious prewar correspondences weve dug up on them dysfunctional terminals bout the old commonwealths and whatnot but i HIGHLY doubt that there exists somethin as gorgeous as you put it in any part of wastes!  Ive heard of the horrors of THE commonwealth and its glowin sea and of course theres the hell thats the white house so how could somethin smack dab in the middle of it all be that pretty!  Know i dont DOUBT you im just havin a hard time believin it.
  Jane’s voice trailing from behind the group quickly cut in, causing Jake to groan loudly.
  Ya just said ya don’t believe him again, Tony!  You said the same thin’ twice! 
  And thats darin to suggest that YOURE any better!
  A loud sigh from Jake.
  I really dont mean any offense by what i said.  Im just so used to these parts that i cant even begin to comprehend what you speak of.  Its more my problem than yours.  Is it REALLY that nice?
Roxy gave a loud snort at Lara’s interjection and Tony’s following comeback, Dirk’s shoulders shaking with quiet laughter alongside her. He looked back towards the other man, having found himself turned to Roxy at some point.
Yeah, man, it really is. The mountains made a hell of a shield against the blast waves an' radiation storms, the biggest source of rads is the river and fogs, plus the occasional auto ‘plosion. Y’all should really check it out at some point, it’s a damn beut of a--
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Dirk froze. A hand was jutted out from the pile of bodies beside him, bones-- not nails -- digging into his pant leg, the ghoul it belonged to either using him as leverage to crawl out or trying to drag him down towards it. A startled scream caught in his throat, his blood turning to ice and slowing his normally lightning fast reflexes. His hand landed on the hilt of his katana just as a deafening screech was let out by the feral, only to be cut off by a resounding crack and snap. 
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Roxy’s hand landed on her friend’s shoulder just as the creature’s left his leg, her boot lifting away from it’s now crushed and torn neck, leaving it twitching on the floor paralyzed. Taking the rifle off her back, she popped it once in the head in mercy, pausing to look at the absolute horde rising around them thanks to the fallen’s cry.
Awwww, hell nah. They don’t look too happy bein’ woken up, y’all...
Y-yeah, no kiddin’... Let’s get ta work.
I was just ‘bout ta say the same thing~
Dirk unsheathed his katana and kicked away the dead ghoul, gathering his bearings again before going after his chosen targets, slicing through melted, dried flesh with quick precision. Roxy couldn’t help but smile at that as she held up her gun, aiming and cutting through her own cluster of off-brand redeads in a barrage of bullets.
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technogunblade · 7 years
  -Begin message-
  hiii, roxyyy….its jade
  weve got a bit of a problem going on here?  its nothing for you to pack up and immediately act on, but its certainly something you should be aware of like right now
  its about dave
  he just got back from a job from what im certain is one of the more dangerous worlds and im not even absolutely sure it was because he wont tell me but
  roxy you know how much i like to be right, right?  
  well it fucking sucks right now because i think karkat and i are RIGHT about him, and yes it does have to do with what i asked you to talk to him about
  he came back with something hanging over him!!  this dark, creepy looking silhouette that hung over him and seemed to originate from his shadow!! it was big, transparent, and had these really creepy wings
  i couldnt see a lot of detail other that but
  somethings up, and weve got to deal with it when you get back!!  dirk and i havent exactly been all that honest with you and were really sorry about that - at least, i am and i have no idea if dirk even is but
  im not asking you to leave wasteland!!  you guys kind of have to be there right now!!  im just letting you know in case you have SOME suggestions as to what to do!
  yeah thats all i had to say, i dont want dave finding out i called you
  kind of afraid he might blow up at me with how VOLATILE hes been lately
  talk to you later, roxy!
  -End of message-
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Roxy let her hand fall limply on her lap, the hold on her phone loose as it quietly recited the voice mail options. She stared off into the long-ruined metro storage room she snuck away to, trying to process all that Jade just laid on her.
The description of the... thing that Dave had with him brought back adrenaline-fuzzy, trauma-muddled memories from years ago. The fall of the Circle, Dirk beaten-- dying --and trapped by Noir, her having to fight off that horrific Guardian of his in order to save her best friend’s life, the suffocating darkness that followed her sacrifice.
She shook her head quickly, refusing to let those thoughts fester again.
Dave had a Guardian.
Only humanoid heartless are capable of having one, and even then it takes an extreme negative dark influence to condone it’s creation. It’s extremely rare, even rarer than an humanoid heartless.
Numbly she saved the message, forcing herself to breathe properly again, having to settle for shaky at best, near-hyperventilation at worst.
No one had told her that Dave might be a heartless, only that he’d been acting strangely and using dark affiliated magic more freely. She had even seen it herself when they sparred for fun that one weekend.
She had a feeling this might’ve been the case, and had hoped she was terribly wrong. It could’ve just been the affiliation being stronger now, the stress of a falling world waking it-- it was a stupid excuse of a wish, in retrospect, it couldn’t explain everything and she knew that.
Optimism and denial went hand in hand and had fucking clotheslined her. Again.
But she couldn’t do anything about that yet, not until they got home. God fucking dammit.
...What did Jade mean by her and Dirk not being honest? What had they kept from her now? They had already tried to keep the surgery from her, only finding out thanks to Hal ratting them out.
It had taken Dirk a month to recover fully and return home, and he came back an absolute zombie of himself. No patient should come home that exhausted unless they did more than healing, went outside of standard doctor’s orders to do Gods know what else. Whatever they did secretly was during that time, Roxy was sure of it.
And “you guys kind of have to be there right now”? The hell does she mean by that? They had come here for fun! ...Hadn’t they?
Now that she stopped to think on it, it was weird that Dirk easily accepted her request all of a sudden, and so soon after recovering, too. He seemed eager, which was hardly synonymous with his normal reaction to Wasteland.
He... Oh Gods, he got along with “Tony” and “Lara”, was fine talking to them, traveling and joking around with them. He hated interacting with strangers normally, shut down and put walls up around people he didn’t know, especially people as dangerous as Wastelanders. But he’s been laughing and chatting it up, leaving himself open to them as far as he could with their cover story, friendly as he can get.
...Her-- his --phone has been missing since December, around the time he had started leaving the castle more, going to the Islands only a little while later for his eyes.
Dirk took back his old phone. Dirk must know who Tony and Lara really are, if he’s acting like this, and has probably known far longer than Roxy has.
Dirk remembers Jake and Jane.
Jade knows that, too, if that cryptic comment says anything.
For fuck’s sake, Jade had even yelled about them during New Year’s, and Dirk didn’t even react! Those two have known this entire time, have been hiding it from her this entire time, have lied this entire time. White lies are still lies, half-truths are still lies.
They must be here for Jake and Jane, that’s why Dirk was eager to come and that’s what that weird comment of Jade’s must mean. The timing of the sugery, and the long recovery time, the exhaustion--
Roxy... couldn’t get mad at them for any of that, honestly. At least not too mad right now.
There were more important things to worry about: getting Jake and Jane the hell out of here and somewhere safe, and helping Dave as soon as that’s done.
Letting out another shaky breath, the distressed waver of it leaving her feeling absolutely pitiful, she tried to calm down, tried to press back the wall of emotion that threatened to leave her eyes in tears and mouth in curses.
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Well that failed.
Roxy bit back against everything, even as stray drops fell onto her lap, her body shaking in the effort not to let it out. She couldn’t, not right now, not yet. They were still in Wasteland, she had no proper explanation if they found her breaking down, no cover to take that’d keep away their worries and questions.
She’d have to talk with Dirk later, when they were alone. About Dave, of course, and without the help of the voicemail. Not out of pettiness(alright, maybe a bit), but because of the cryptic confession in it. She... didn’t know how to approach that topic, her guilt over keeping something like that from him making her too scared to even try, winning over her anger by a landslide. She’d leave it to him or Jake and Jane to bring it up, if they even could tell it was them between Jake’s worsened sight and Jane’s amnesia.
Gods, this was a fucking mess.
Longing for nothing more than a bath and Eridan’s pile, Roxy pulled herself together again, wiping away at her eyes and pocketing her phone. She stayed there a few minutes longer, getting her breathing to settle and her face to cool, making sure they’d have no clue she nearly broke down in a post-apocalyptic closet of all places.
She gathered up her things, grabbed the supplies she used as an excuse to come here, and put on a brave face(you don’t grow up as a Strilalonde and not learn something like that). Skipping out of the storage room as if she wasn’t carrying the dual baggage she was, Roxy called out about her finds proudly, nearly tripping over an old ghoul cadaver in the process.
“Hey, check out what I got--!”
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“SHIT, FUCK-- ...I’m fine!”
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technogunblade · 7 years
Dirk: Proceed to have "fun times" with Roxy. You know you want to.
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TT: ???????
AR: ʏᴏᴜ'ʀᴇ ᴀ ᴍᴏʀᴏɴ, ʏᴏᴜ ᴋɴᴏᴡ ᴛʜᴀᴛ?
TT: ??????????????
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technogunblade · 7 years
hey roxy betchu wanna have a FUN TIME with dirk eehhh? eh? EH?
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TG: nnnnnnooooooo?????
TG: maybe
TG: possibly...
TG: u dont know my life s h o o s h ////
TG: im havin plenty of a fun time w him as is so s h u t
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technogunblade · 7 years
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Groans inwardly at the message alert on his eyes, which just happened to have woken him up.
TT: Harley, doesn’t Capital and the Islands run on the same damn timezone? Do I even have to ask if you know the time right now?
TT: Can’t a dude get some goddamned sleep around here after walking and fighting his ass off all day and night and day, shit--
TT: Did you say Weir?
Flops down again, turning off his ping notifications and discreetly popping in his wireless earbuds on low volume. He curled up further in his sleeping bag(thankfully actually his own and not native to Wasteland), making sure no light from his phone would escape it. 
Clicks play, and proceeds to scream internally.
TT: !!!
TT: Fuck. Goddammit. Why now.
TT: I wanna skate now, you did that on purpose, you shit.
TT: Fuck, I need that full set. I am getting that full set.
TT: Yeah, that was totally Weir-inspired, no doubt about it. I’d recognize that slide anywhere.
TT: ...Pissing Hell, how am I going to sleep now? Damn you, Harley.
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  Grabs her phone and sends the link to a certain new PV to Dirk, because she knows that Roxy would flip her shit and blow their cover instantly. 
  GG: karkat is currently screaming his nubby horned head off and im DYING you need to see this!!!!!!!!   GG: that is TOTALLY weirs performance!! >:Oc  watch it when you can!!!
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technogunblade · 7 years
Roxy, did you ever find that phone you lost
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TG: sweet baby jesus u scared me u fuck i thought i was on do not fuckin disturb
TG: wtf r u talkin about i didnt lose any phone
TG: nah dude all my phones(which is 1 btw) r accounted 4 an i aint got any others
TG: nope. totes dont have any other phones mine or otherwise
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TG: ok so i may have lost track of a CERTAIN SOMEONES old phone an i may b tryin not to flip my fkn lid over it
TG: i had that shit squirreled away til the right time where tf did it GO its been missin for months now
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technogunblade · 7 years
do he still got that booty tho
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TT: If this even a question? Like really? 
TT: The English assets are a universal constant and consistent, never in doubt.
TT: So the answer is: Duh. If anything, it’s only gotten better. 
TT: Goddamn.
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technogunblade · 7 years
does he still have the heart tat
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TT: Hell if I know. I haven’t exactly been looking for it, considering the more important circumstances that have been taking up my time and thoughts.
TT: I have no clue if he still has it, it’s been years, but my guess is a solid probably. Hopefully.
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TT: ...Oh fuck OFF, he just turned around, I can see it from here. Fuck everything.
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technogunblade · 7 years
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TT: Oh great, these show up here, too.
TT: I may or may not, but I’m curious as to what you think you’re referring to.
Opens up his old phone, ignoring the dated homescreen images and going to his gallery.
Flicks to photos from back at the academy of Jake’s Hope wings across his back and Heart crest on his chest, Dirk standing beside him with the same wings across his chest. Rubbing over the spot it was now fading and partially scorched, his face pulled taut.
TT: Yup, there they are. But as I didn’t agree to this betting pool, I keep my Lincoln.
TT: ...Aw shit, he still has them probably.
Peeeeeeks up from his phone, eyes landing on Jake’s back, spotting a small patch of faded yellow visible through torn clothes and-- Ohhh no the muscles moved, fuck.
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Aw shit, he still has them.
Maxie, come an’ check this out!
Quickly pockets the phone in a flash’.
Yeah, yeah, babe, I’m comin’, wait a sec!
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technogunblade · 7 years
  A curious, but non-committal raise of an eyebrow was the first of many responses to the grim Shimada, as the hand of the law shifted to the side as she swung her trusty cane over her shoulders.  A slight chuckle escaped her dagger-like whites that shone pearly even in the dim light.  Her head tilted to the side in a played up attempt to show a sign of disappointment, an exaggerated pout pressing her lips together and hiding those fangs that could easily gut the beast with the toughest hide on dear old Alternia.  
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His posture deflated minutely at the rejection, even as he worked to keep his lips from quirking upward at the game of it all. Sharp eyes watched the ever sharper fangs of Blindeye, unafraid but acknowledging their presence all the same, understanding the proud threat in her grinning maw and comfortable in the fact it wouldn’t be made true on him. “Yamato’s” hands slid smoothly into his jean pockets, an accompanying lean and slump of his shoulders, his person relaxing. A small break of character, just barely out of the Shimada’s normal actions. It was remedied by the prideful tilt of his chin and his smooth voice, though it was lightly forced now, his nerves beginning to fray at the upcoming topic.
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Of course, of course. If you ever do decide to step away from the court for a small reprieve, I do hope you’ll keep my offer in mind, it will still be there I assure you.
My departure was for... Well, I’d best describe it as a medical leave, a necessary break for the good of my physical health. Hard to believe, given I returned seeming half-dead, but that too has an explanation. Correlation between the two, not causation.
As for what the leave was about...
He sighed to himself and reached up, lifting his shades to rest them against his hair, getting his first non-obscured, fully colored look at the troll in front of him. He’d of course seen her these past few days, adjusted, but had always had dark glass between them, waiting until now to finally remove it. His role dropped, fresh new molten eyes glancing over to his friend, nervous of her reaction.
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I was over at Jade’s place. She gave me... new eyes; I can see in full HD color now, no lag, the whole nine yards. Skin-graphed the scarring around them, too. Spent most of the time I was gone recovering, honestly, and the rest I was working on a collaboration with her, which is what tired me the fuck out so bad.
So... yeah.
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technogunblade · 7 years
Since they’d stepped into the subway and came across their first trail of offed ghouls, Dirk has had his eyes off. He could already tell this would be a pattern, so there was no need to be too on guard. It also meant he wouldn’t have to see the cadavers, or their bleak close-quartered surroundings that threatened to trip off his claustrophobia and paranoia. How long were these things again? The downside to having them off, however, was that he could no longer see the two in front of him, a crime really. It was probably for the best, through, considering the anxious excitement still quietly thrumming through him since it was probably-- no, definitely them.
And “Tony” was still “watching” him, even as he was turned away and talking, so he had to keep himself in check-- Oh wait, he was speaking to him. Oh.
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Nah, not really. ‘Least not like this. We’ve mostly got them above-ground cable trams that mosey along the streets, used ta be fer tourists an’ vehicle-lackin’ folks who could not be fucked ta’ bother wit’ the buses an’ that. Could hop right on an’ off of ya choosin’, ‘long as ya didn’t get made ta paste by the cars. ‘Pparently they were real lovin’ of the natural look they had goin’ on so they didn’t wanna fuck wit’ it like everyone else did. Good reason, too. It’s gorgeous up there with the mountains an ‘falls, tons a trees an’ shit still goin’ strong. Fuckin’ miracle, that is--
He suddenly was jabbed by an elbow in the side by Roxy(he was rambling again, oops) followed by her giggling at him(but he didn’t say anything wrong, phew).
So, yeah no, we ain’t got metros. That’s Apple’s sit-i-ation a’ tram station.
That earned him another jab, he just smirked.
  The dark tunnels of the DC metros were suffocating, but probably more so for someone who could actually see.  Despite the handicap, the blind guy lead the group through the musky underground, through horde after horde of…dead ghouls.  It was mostly trudging through the dead bodies of someone who beat them to the kills.  Jake could practically hear the disappointment in Jane’s voice, and he couldn’t agree.  He had been itching for a fight, and corpses just wouldn’t do.
  Ah well, at least this was a better situation for escorting the two lovebirds…
  God, this was boring.  Might as well make small talk…Christ.
  Hey max.
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  Do they have many prominent subway systems up in keene?  Or are yall lucky because ye dont have mandatory prisons left an right because some prewar fucks decided its smart to build these death traps?
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technogunblade · 8 years
–The moment - the second - Miss Marie pointed out the “Brotherhood blokes” comment, a swift kick to the back of Jake’s shin was administered by Jane, her face a picture of innocence as a distracting and contrasting constant to not draw suspicion to her disciplinary act against her brother.  Jake stood as vigilant as a statue and hardly flinched at the literal low blow, but he got the message.  He had to go and use that word, the one that stood as clear as a Glowing One in a crowd of Ferals; oh, they were going to get it now…
–But that didn’t deter Jane’s act as she continued as if Jake’s queer language wasn’t brought front and center to stand before the firing squad.
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–”Well, the way I see it, it certainly is!  Sounds like somethin’ out of one of them books o’ fairy tales!  Or those romantic holotapes, of dashing, foreign princes sweeping young maidens to their castles off in the misty lands of legend!” Jane enthused with a grin.  “Besides, this is coming from a gal who’s spent most of her life here in D.C., I don’t have much for a comparison!  Sounds like a right an’ proper haven, if y’ask me!”
–Despite her chipper demeanor, and trusting smile, Jane didn’t like the way these two were acting.  That look of horrified shock from Marie, coupled with her sudden slouch as if her bones turned to jelly?  Max’s impossible-to-read poker face, thanks to the shades perched on the bridge of his nose, hiding…well, obviously his eyes, but she dearly wished she could see the color to let Jake have a better picture of who they were dealing with.  She knew he wasn’t too keen on them when they first started chatting the other party up (both he’s, really!  She could sense the initial animosity from Jake, and could see the apprehension clear in Max’s posture!), but she also had a feeling there was something else to this tall, blond man.
–Max and Marie’s relationship was a very interesting dynamic, from what had been displayed.  Stereotypical sweethearts, with sweet gestures left and right; the pet names, the hair kiss, and Max’s guardian attitude towards his romantic companion.  All doubts that they were faking were thrown out the window, as it just seemed so natural for them; so there was absolutely no question that they were legit when Marie mentioned Rivet City and its…certain installment.
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–”Y’don’t say!  That old tanker?  Well, that is a lovely destination choice of yours!”  Jane’s initial excitement subsided long enough for her to give a small smile at Marie, steepling her fingers in front of her mouth as the grin spread.  Oh, wasn’t that just lovely!  She was a bit hesitant to admit that she was on board for Jake’s “subtle” plan, but was now fully on board with actually being nice for once, especially if it were leading to such a cute cliche!  “I’m sure the two of you will enjoy yourselves there thoroughly!  It…it’s a bit of a trek, as you supposed…but…We could-?  Tony?”
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–Jake hadn’t spoken a word since he had gone on his little monologue, zoning out something fierce after Jane had kicked him.  He’d let her do the talking, as she seemed so keen on doing so.  That gave him the time to actually try and utilize one of the abilities he discovered while in the wastes: the fact he was a goddamned empath thanks to his insane light abilities.  Being a Hope affinity was certainly something, especially considering the stigma surrounding being one and how close their abilities were to the fabled Princesses of Heart…Fucking hell, Strider’d be having a shitfit over this revelation, if he were alive.
–While the three talked, Jake refocused his abilities.  He normally kept them tethered on Jane so that he wasn’t overwhelmed by everything in a ten mile radius (resulting in being finely attuned to everything his sister dared to feel, worse so when it was that time for her), but it didn’t take much to readjust it to Miss Marie.  While he couldn’t actually sense the light or darkness that dwelled within her (a trait he ran into occasionally when dealing with folks in the wastes, so he figured it had to do with innate magical abilities she wasn’t aware of), he could still get a read of her emotions.
–It was a mix that could best be described as concerning.  With hints of panic, shock, and fear, Marie was clearly hiding something with her tone that only wavered once.  Panic stood out the most amongst the group, contrasting greatly with her generally even tone…but there was a fear he couldn’t figure out the origin of.  But his earlier assessment was quickly dashed, as the shock turned into…excitement?  Ugh, it had to do with what she and Jane were talking about.  Not hitched yet, but heading to Rivet City?  Yeah, that was obviously grounds for excitement.  If he wasn’t too focused on getting a read on these two, he’d express similar sentiments to Jane’s.  
–Though, now he was done with Marie, it was time to move onto Max.
–As they continued to talk, Jake shifted his attention over to the blond (if Jane was to be believed).  With his flat voice, but obvious affection towards Marie, Jake had an idea of what he was feeling.  He was guessing intoxicating fluffy thoughts, and other cavity-worthy feelings all aimed at Marie.  Maybe caution, but mostly overwhelming, well, affection towards the young miss.
–That wasn’t it.
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–The first thing Jake noticed was excitement that was being reined back; excitement of the…longing kind?  Followed by anxiousness that seemed to resound through his head, and then a tint of…was that lust?  None of that matched his outward guise of a protective boyfriend that liked to pamper his dame, so he was clearly acting.  Marie seemed legitimate, and her attitude matched her emotions, for the most part.  But Max…didn’t.  There were tones aimed at Marie that matched their story, but none conveyed anything Jake sensed.  Restrained, anxious excitement?  And a lust that…well, that could still be aimed at Marie, but it never surfaced when he addressed her.  What was that about-
–Oh fuck, Jane was trying to get his attention.
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–A loud sigh came from Jane as he heard the telltale sound of her smacking her forehead in frustration - he could only assume she was proceeding to drag her hands down her face, as that was what she usually did.
–”Oh give me a break, Lara!  I hardly slept a wink last night, and you know that.  Forgive me for zonin’ out for a second or three.”
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–”I’m goin’ to assume ya heard none of that.”  Probably a safe bet, considering their act.  She quickly recapped the conversation in a few, curt - and quite rude - sentences, before following it up with the question she was going to ask initially.  “What say you to letting them travel with us?  Rivet City’s ‘bout a three day journey from here, if you think it alright.”
–Jake paused and tapped his finger on his arm.  He was still tuned into Max’s emotions, so he couldn’t fully tell if Jane was acting or not.  That didn’t matter, he’d stick with this asshole for a while to try and sort out this confounding matter of his brew of feelings.  How to go about this offer, though, as Marie was clearly hinting at it none too subtly… 
–”Well, I wouldn’t mind someone new to talk to, as it does get dreary talking with the same person over and over again, rinse and repeat about a million ti-” He was promptly backhanded, Jane hitting his arm with enough force to be heard, but not enough to actually hurt him.  All this did was interrupt his speech with a loud yelp that melted into a snort that then morphed into a short, mocking laugh.  “But that depends.  What do you two think?  
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–”Willin’ to sacrifice your precious time alone to travel through dingy metros filled with the shamblin’, irradiated bastards that found themselves with Luck’s worst hand?”  
–He seriously hoped they’d accept.  Normally, he wouldn’t be this quick to offer up this kind of help, as they could easily have them a gunpoint in a matter of seconds, but he wanted to solve the conundrum that was Max…whatever his name was.  He’d get to the bottom of this, and the first step would be gauging Max’s reaction to the question.
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“If anythin', we’re more like a handsome female robin hood stealin' away the equally pretty foreign prince every night~” She said coolly, as always knowing her implications. A small noise from Dirk told her he was red faced, making her smirk. “I can see ya point, though, an' it is pretty cool so I can’t argue.”
“Yup~ Heard it was ‘bout safe as they come ‘round here, seemed ideal for settlin’ down a tiny bit ta explore.” Roxy caught how Lara (or “Lara” if her suspicions were correct) perked up at the hint of surprise matrimony, wondering in amusement just how badly she’ll get yelled at later for it. From either Dirk or Jane, but likely both. She was about to thank them for the coerced offered help, only to blink in confusion up at Tony, or rather, Jake.
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Dirk didn’t take notice of, well, basically anything at the moment. He was preoccupied by the needling feeling of being looked over, examined, his very soul being scanned. It threw him off, surprised by the sudden invasiveness of it. He’s felt something similar, when he got help from Terezi and her Mind powers on bad days, but those were thoughts and memories not... not emotions.
His throat closed up and face grew tightly neutral, closing himself off on instinct, but it did nothing to stop his feelings from flowing freely inside him, now stained with panic. His eyes regained focus, darting to find what was doing this, landing on the light yellow beam-- not string? --connecting him and Jake that likely only he could see. Hope. Of course. He was a Hope, positive emotions, antithesis to Rage and Doom by what the academy taught them. He was reading his emotions, he was an empath now apparently, he--
H҉è́’̴͘s̀ ͜p͏͘͟ee͟͜k̷̀͞įn̶̷̕g҉̕, ̵̴i̴̢͠s̸͝͡ ̴w̸ha̛t̕͠ ̵h̡e͞’s̶̴̀ d̕ǫ̶į̕n̛g͢͟. Go away. H̕el͢͞l҉̢͜ ͝no̕, ͏̶d̶̷ò͢ ̴y͏o̸͜͡u k͟n͞͞o̧̧w h͜oẁ͜ ̵̴m̵҉uć͡h͡ ̸̢̕w̢e͠i͏r̸͏͢d́́̕e̡̧r͝ t̵h̢i͢s̀͜͢ i̢͠s̡ ̛͟͝fo̶r̷̢̀ ́m̕͘͢e͡?͏ ̨͠H͟e̡ ̵́n͢e͝e͜ḑ̧s̢̢ t̶o f̡̢͘u͘c̀̕͝k̶ ̢́ơ͘͢f̴͢f̸͝͝. You need to fuck off and stay quiet.
Successfully shooing away his (seemingly distressed?) Nobody, he tried to calm himself down, at least his own distress at being watched so that he might not get caught. No such luck. He was taught to not let them show, but not to not feel them, which made for some poorly maintained emotional imbalance. Wasn't too bad before, his only worry was not expressing them properly, but he didn’t account for not knowing how to stop having them. So really, it only left him with more panic and frustration for his effort.
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Dirk jumped slightly when “Tony” spoke, jostled out of his own head while the other stayed firmly put. How. How the fuck. He forced himself to pay attention, because he hadn’t heard almost any of it either, whoops.
So. Roxy’s hinting worked, and they’d all be travelling to Rivet City together? Made sense, and it meant they wouldn’t lose track of them for three days, hopefully enough time to sort this all out. Which, seemed to be just what Roxy had wanted. Clever girl, as always. 
...He really wanted-- needed --to tell her he remembered, it was cruel and unfair not to, but preferably after they confirm it’s them and he’s no longer being scrutinized. Later, later.
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“We wouldn’t mind one bit! A lil company can’t hurt, ‘specially after travelin’ down 'ere by our lonesomes. ‘Sides, bein’ social’ll do Maxie some good~” She didn’t mention how badly she looked forward to the ferals, itching for a fight since Dirk had taken the only kill so far. How much of it was moirail influence or was it just herself? No clue. “’M sure we can handle those mean ol’ metros, an' all the better with y’all’s help! Should be smooth as a Gauss through butter!”
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“Yeah... smooth...” Dirk croaked out, uneasy already making itself cozy in his stomach. He hated ferals, he hated ferals, he hated--
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technogunblade · 8 years
–At the mention of the strangers’ place of origin, both Jane and Jake raised their eyebrows at that.  Well, damn.  Keene?  That was sure as hell a long journey.  They’d definitely heard of that place, a damn near sanctuary from way up north.  Now that meant two things for these people:
–They either were lying out of their asses, or they were filthy rich tourists.
–The two were hoped the latter.
–And at the sight of that fancy, fake arm of Marie’s, it was almost definitely the latter.
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–”Y’don’t say!  I’d’ve never guessed that y’all were from that far north!  I heard it is absolutely divine up there, I dare say I’m mighty jealous of you northern folk!  ‘Ve heard whisper and tale of the stronghold of a trading post that is your Keene from caravaners ‘round here, but ne’er had I dreamed I’d get to meet some Yorkers in the flesh!”  Jane’s smile spread across her face from feigned excitement.  Lara was the explorer, not Tony.  As much as she knew Jake wanted to go up there instantly, she had to act the part as painful as it was for the both of them.  
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–”Alright, my bets were off.  And here I was, guessin’ y’all were from out west.  Gotta say, travelin’ that far from the north…y’had ta make it outta Commonwealth somehow…must’ve been a trip, what will the Glowin’ Sea and all.  Surprised the two of ya made it through with hair still attached firmly to y’all’s skulls.”  Jake shifted his weight to the side, making it look as if he were looking Marie over (the boy couldn’t see for shit, and didn’t help he broke his glasses recently in a fit of rage and no longer wore them).  “Cute?  Dunno ‘bout that, ma’am, I’d say cautious.  Ye gotta be, considerin’ where we’ve currently rooted ourselves to the ground to gab ‘bout.  Dunno if yer talkin’ with your next life companion via the human tradition of camaraderie, or the inhuman trend a’ bomb collars.  Ye’ve gotta understand where we’re coming from.  We’re friendly folk, and we don’t mean no harm - honest to the God who forsook us all.”
–Jake paused and waited to see if Jane would answer Marie’s question, and when she didn’t open her mouth to speak, he sighed and took the task upon himself.  Ah well, he was usually the one to do it anyways - this world was his forte, after all.
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–”I can assure y’all that where we were bred wasn’t nearly as prestigious as Keene, or nearly as adventurous and darin’ as Sunbelt sounds.  Family might’ve been migrants once ‘part of them NCR bastards comin’ over with some of them Brotherhood blokes, but Lara and I were born here, stakin’ it out in the ruins.  You get to know them all friendly like, and the Hellhole becomes one of the safest places here in the wrecked Capital.  It’s really all about learnin’ the lay o’ the land, ‘cause once ya got that, it turns from the concrete jungle, to the concrete playground, y’know?”  Jake could feel the glance from Jane, a signal he was starting to ramble.  Had to reel it back in.  “Like I said, not as pristine or pampered as Upstate, but not as excitin’ as cyclone territory sounds.  Just some Capital Wasteland assholes, nothin’ new.”
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–”Of course, by asshole, he means himself.  Don’t mind his pessimistic self in the least bit.  I hope we didn’t put the both of ya off with our forwardness!  The both of you seem like fine folk.  If ya don’t mind me askin’, where the two of you lovebirds heading?  A honeymoon by the Potomac is bound to get a little…crabby.”  Jane, that was a horrific pun, and you know that.  God damn it.
Certain that the not-so-subtle subtleties in her gestures had been caught and accounted for, Roxy wrapped her fake arm around Dirk’s, hugging it to her chest as she continued leaning on him. She rocked to and fro slightly, humming softly, seeming completely content listening to the wasters while holding tight to her “boyfriend”. Honestly, she practically was, the sweet talk from them vaguely familiar and soothing, the smile on her face genuine even as she stayed alert.
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“Yer makin’ it sound like some old time fairytale kingdom an’ not some lucked out backwoods settlement. Really all we got ta thank for it bein’ so fancy is some mountains an' the ‘falls, blockin’ out all the waves from our Titanic neighbors hittin’ it big, if ya know what I mean.” She laughed quietly, spotting her friend roll his eyes from this angle. “We really aren’t that fancy-schmancy, honest. Just lucky is all.”
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Dirk hummed in agreement, shifting his posture and blocking her view of his expression much to her displeasure. It was the only way he could get away with the look of furrowed suspicion towards the other man for looking her over, but more so he wanted to hide his own searching eyes. Who the hell spoke like that, especially in Capital Wasteland? Far too complicated words for any normal wastelander, even for children of the NCR. Too proper, educated, methodical, near-monologued like from a film noire or something similar. And the accents; Lara’s an only all too familiar movie-like southern belle, and Tony’s sounding foreign around words that definitely were not, both practiced but not natural. ...He payed way too much attention to voices, he blamed being in a family of movie and music fanatics, and the fact of his blindness. Focus, Strider, and actually speak yourself.
“We stuck to the coastline fer the most part; less Glowin' Sea, more marshlands. Meant lotsa mirelurks, but not nearly as many Radscorpions or ‘Claws, an' way less radiation poisonin'. Coulda done without the muck but rather ‘ave dirty skin than no skin.” 
He nodded in response to Tony’s rhetorical question. It was a good strategy, living somewhere infamously treacherous if you were used to it, perceived and literal dangers acting as standing defenses-- Why had Roxy froze? Dirk looked down at her, questioning concern slipping through his mask easily.
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“'Brotherhood blokes'...?” She repeated quietly, nearly mimicking the accent, just less... meshed. There was only one person she heard refer to them as that, and all too often in his rants. Quickly, she caught herself, covering the awkward moment with a laugh, Dirk recognizing it as fake instantly. “First time I’ve heard that one before! There you go with the cute talk again, I love it~ I’ve gotta use that sometime. I’ve got this whole thing with alliteration you see, it’s way too fun to use, especially with words like that!” Her accent and vocabulary got away from her as she tried to not get ahead of herself, her mothers’ influences shining through like they always did whenever she panicked. Roxy forced herself not to dart her eyes between them, but failed to not process their eye and hair color, age, height, the goddamn names. It couldn’t be them, it was a coincidence, maybe a multi-universal constant, but not them. Either way, please don’t let him notice, please--
In a similar situation of “oh shit, oh fuck, it might be them, oh shit”, Dirk made a point to not let it show, and had a... surprisingly easy time doing so. Probably since he knew they’d be here somewhere, he just hadn’t expected to have (possibly) found them so soon. He was less panicked(which he felt guilty for, knowing just why she was), more... excited? Relieved? It definitely wasn’t a negative feeling whatever it was, even though the suddenness left him ill-prepared, which never ended well for him or anyone. He was trying to think rationally, trying to not get his hopes up, not until he got the opportunity to actually confirm it. His brain currently had about as much self control as a dog seeing a leash, impatiently waiting to hear the magic word. So, really not much at all. If Roxy was catching onto it, too, enough to fall into her “proper panic”, this had to be something.
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The prince tugged the rogue closer, hiding his face in her braided hair, whispering for her to calm down, encouraging her that it was fine. He pulled away giving her a hair kiss for comfort and cover, an amused smile on his face at how red her’s became. Couldn’t blame her, this wasn’t commonly so reversed, so it was kinda embarrassing.
“’Not fancy-schmancy’, she says, then turns ‘round an’ pulls that outta nowhere.” He jokes lightly at her expense, relieved when she recovers enough to pout up at him angrily for it. “Nah, y’all ain’t puttin’ us off any, just not too common we come ‘cross the talkative types. I ain’t exactly use to it 'cept from m' own kin, so it was mighty suspicious. Water under th’ bridge, now. Right, doll?”
“Right, babe~” Her words were as salty as they were sweet, frustrated with him. Christ, he’s gonna kill me at this rate, oh my God. At least it didn’t seem like he noticed anything, and being flustered was a good enough distraction for her, allowing her to focus again.
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“Sorry ta disappoint but we ain’t honeymooners, ain’t hitched either. We’re headin’ to Rivet City, though, an’ might stay for a bit, enjoy the commodities an’ all~” She gave a knowing wink towards them, discreetly lifting her finger in a universal shhhhh. She knew they had a church, Dirk didn’t, which made the motion all the more legit and hilarious to her. “Considerin’ the ruins an' metros, it’s gonna take a bit ta’ get there, ‘specially since we’re new ‘round here, which’ll be a pain...” Was she baiting them, hoping for more time to figure shit out? Maybe. Was she sorry? Nah.
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technogunblade · 8 years
Person B: *planning to do something unnecessarily dangerous*
Person A: *interrupting* Um honey, babe, sweetheart, sun of my life, moon of my heart, star of my soul, dear angel, beloved of mine...?
Person B: *sheepishly* No?
Person A: No, you fucking moron! Do you have a death wish?!
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technogunblade · 8 years
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~follow for more contest aesthetic~
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technogunblade · 8 years
–While it may have taken a moment to get to these tourists, it gave Jake enough time to come up with all of the reasons why they were probably going to try and kill them (not like that was his plan initially).  Actually hearing their greeting only eliminated a few of his suspicions, while solidifying others.  Bonnie and Clyde situation?  Oh wait, that was him and Jane…Could be a black widow type and her bodyguard, but he seemed just a tad too protective.  New flame, that may just end up falling to her based on Jake’s assessment of her being a black widow?    Maybe…Hm.
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–Jane hardly seemed bothered, however.  With a smile painted on her lips, she seemed to completely ignore the rude tone from the taller man (who still failed to match Jake’s height, ha).  She placed her hands down in front of her, meshing her fingers together to make a very clear show of saying she’s not going to do anything and keeping her hands where they could see them (you know, ‘cause she’s totally innocent).
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–”And hello to you two, as well!  Name’s Lara, and this is-”
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–”Name’s Tony.  Salutations to the both of you, g’day, and all of that standard introductory poppycock that’s normally thrown ‘round in these kindsa greetin’s.  Nice to meet y’all.”  That statement earned him a quick thwack from Jane, not skipping a beat as she continued over Jake’s laughter.
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–”Didn’t mean to make you suspicious or anything, we just saw you two and wanted to see if y’all were friends or foes!  Now I can clearly see that it’s the former, and thankfully not the latter, I hope you don’t mind if I ask you what it is the both of you go by?”
–Jake shifted his stance as he shoved his hands in his pockets, pausing before looking the two over.  “And if you don’t mind me askin’, just to sate my curiosity here, where’re you two from?  Ya don’t look like wastelanders from ‘round here.  Y’guys tourists?”
As they approached, Dirk’s eyes flickered on behind his thick aviators, wanting to keep a close one on them as his soul vision only told so much. Their heights explained the size of their souls easily enough(Christ, that guy is huge), but not the intensity of the one, even if it felt...muted? It was insane, matching-- possibly exceeding --Eridan’s, and if there was any trace of darkness it surely was burnt up or smothered by the sheer light. Even with sharing the affinity it put him off, he couldn’t begin to imagine how Roxy felt. He gripped her hand tighter at the thought, eyes narrowed at the offending Wastelanders.
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How she felt? Small, enveloped, cornered by the three lights. Yet, oddly enough, thankfully nonexistent. Roxy knew they wouldn’t sniff out a trace of darkness-- or any affinity for that matter --on her, blissfully arid magically by nature. Of course that was if they even knew to begin with, as anyone was capable of such alignments. With that comfort, her cheerful demeanor didn’t waver even as she gave an acknowledging tug back at Dirk. This gave her time to take notice of just how attractive the other two were, and she certainly noticed.
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“Blessed ta be with ye as well~” She replied playfully, followed by a dismissive giggle, gesturing with her free(prosthetic) hand. “M’ name’s Marie, an' the stick in the mud here is Max. We are friendlies, swear it, even if he’s lookin’ mean-- We’d just been wonderin’ the same thing is all, y’know how it goes~ C’moooon Maxie, play nice, they’re fiiine.” The word was drawled with shameless duality, a sly smirk slipping as she bumped shoulders with him.
Dirk grunted in response, reluctant on easing up but doing so nonetheless, if only minutely. He refused to acknowledge that comment, though, even if he wholly agreed. “’S pleasure ta meet ya both.” His accent flowed freely, making the short, slightly clipped sentence at least a bit friendlier. 
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“Y’all’s dialogue’s makin’ me wonder if we should forgo the natural verbal flow and be askin’ you that first an’ foremost, y’know.” The rhyming slips off his tongue naturally, no effort and organic, almost accidental. It still earns him a correcting elbow bump from Roxy, the rogue catching it instantly. He pouts, slightly, in thought and indignant, muttering under his breath. “'S just curious is all...”
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“Sorry ‘bout him, he’s been a grump all day.” Because we got attacked earlier and you’ll still probably do the same. “Ignorin’ that-- We just came down from Commonwealth, wantin’ to explore more southbound. Y’see, we’re from Keene born an’ raised, so all we know is up.” She laughed at that, having done research, pleasantly surprised that her equivalent home was so well off. Safe, if not spoiled by it. “Didn’t say bred, since that only applies ta’ me if ya couldn’t tell. He’s from--”
“Sunbelt. Family moved north since they were tired a’ those windy fucks spewin’ bullshit. ...Oh, an’ the cyclones.” Dirk joked, relaxing after covering the alibi correctly. He hadn’t known whether to laugh or be worried learning Houston was like a huge Goodneighbor. Made sense, but still.
Roxy snorted, leaning against him to cover her subsequent embarrassment, literally waving it off with her hand. “Alright, y’all, your turns. He wasn’t lyin’, that’s some real cute dialect y’all got goin’ there~ So, where ya from?”
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