td-shipping-week · 5 hours
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For Day 1 of @td-shipping-week: everyone's favorite fairy godparents
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td-shipping-week · 6 hours
Day 1 - Total Drama Shipping Week 💞
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td-shipping-week · 14 hours
it’s today for anyone who wants to participate:]
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td-shipping-week · 21 days
I see u used my suggestions for the shipping week *grins*/j or maybe it coincidence lol
yea I liked some of them (and my brain was dead😭😭) thanks for the ideas anon!!
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td-shipping-week · 22 days
Do they have to be different ships each day or can the same ship be used for all prompts?
It can be different ships, or the same ships for each day! It’s your choice:]
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td-shipping-week · 23 days
October prompt list!
Submissions open October 1st-7th
Day one:
Halloween — we fell in love in October by Girl in red
alt prompt: fall
Day two:
Gender swap — I/me/myself by will wood
alt prompt: Outfit swap
Day three:
First kiss — I kissed a girl by Katy Perry
alt prompt: First date
Day four:
Highschool AU — First date by blink-182
alt prompt: Coffee shop AU
Day five:
Soulmates — Hey lover! by Wabie
alt prompt: future
Day six:
Broken up/breaking up — Favorite crime by Olivia Rodrigo
alt prompt: fighting
Day seven:
free day!
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td-shipping-week · 23 days
Welcome! To…Total! Drama! Shipping week!
Total drama shipping week is a week long challenge where you can make works of you favorite td ships based on prompts for each day!
Late submissions are allowed but will not be reblogged
NO nsfw! This means no smut, and nothing too suggestive, themes of kissing or making out is okay though.
Please tag the blog or use the tag #Total drama shipping week. when you make a post
Ships must be LEGAL any Proships or illegal ships WILL NOT be reblogged
How will it work?
I will post a prompt list before the first day of each month, so you have time to get ready, the shipping weeks will start on the first and end on the seventh. There will be an alternate prompt and a song based prompt for each day!
Is posting everyday required?
nope! Not at all, you can post one day or everyday! I’m happy with any submission!
Can I post on other socials?
of course! But at least post it on tumblr!
AO3 collection
October prompt list
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