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🔴騎士ライダー:ナイツ・オブ・イーツ 2024.06.26 Android / IOS Games APK
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【きららキャラット2月号】「魔王の娘からは逃れられない」のうら先生新作ゲスト! 「異世界イーツ」は仕事に疲れた食事配達員が異世界に!? 自転車で異世界を駆けぬけます。あれ、そういえば3枚目の画像のこの人…。誰?という方は全2���絶賛発売中の「魔王の娘からは逃れられない」コミックス��確認だ! https://t.co/IMDa7H0oIJ Source: https://pic.twitter.com/IMDa7H0oIJ
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. #知立39eats #知立39イーツ メニュー見て行ったけど欲しいのは売り切れだった!けどそのおかげで #マッサマンカレー #カオマンガイ を食べた。 懐かしい!とテンションの上がるタイ米仕様。 美味しくいただきました! #知立エール #ちりゅっぴ いたよ (パティオ池鯉鮒(知立市文化会館)) https://www.instagram.com/p/CAhC8SMjziI/?igshid=8t46t0siy10h
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【裏渋屋の味をお家で】 今日のお昼は特別メニュー。 「おんどるイーツ」で裏渋屋のメニューを宅配してくれるとの事でお弁当などを注文しました。 スタッフさんが車で家まで来てくれて、直接受け取れたのが嬉しいです(^^)。 お弁当はイベリコ焼肉弁当は私が、イベリコそぼろ重を父がいただきました。 お家で味わう裏渋屋の料理、美味しかったです(^o^)。 イベリコカレー���豚しゃぶしゃぶもゲット。冷凍なので食べるのが楽しみです(^^)。 お家まで来てくれてありがとうございました😊 また落ち着いたらお店にも行きますねー(^^) @ondoru #裏渋屋 #裏渋屋旧渋谷おんどる #渋谷おんどる #おんどるイーツ #お弁当 #テイクアウト #宅配 #おうちごはん #食べて応援 #stayhome #家で過ごそう (裏渋屋-旧渋谷おんどる) https://www.instagram.com/p/B_1PkRNg8tI/?igshid=1jb8zzqwfvudy
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Drama CD: [幽幻ロマンチカ・真骨頂] ≁Karasutengu Hifumi・Baku Utashiro≁
Ok I know this is out of order (I skipped over the previous Hatenkou discs, which I will do later), but I reallllly adore the Shinkocchou concept. This came at the end of a HECTIC week, so to myself and any readers out there, I say a well-deserved: お疲(憑か)れ様でした!
In this disc - the first in this subtitle - Crow-Heavenly-Dog Hifumi and Dream-Eating Animal-Thing Utashiro team up to fight crime and save the Universe... of Nanagiri High School.
Before I say anything else, first look at the hidden msgs (x2) in the tracklist:
1.壱、都市伝説『すきま』 2.弐、スイーツに囲<ま>れて 3.参、湧き出た<も>のは 4.四、陰<り>から立ちはだかる 5.伍、穏やかな夜だっ<た> 6.六、戦うなら<い>っしょに 7.七、都市伝説『すきま』看破 8.キャストトーク
Hifumi: bold⋆ spells 「すきだから」 (’Because I like you...’)
Utashiro: <⋆> spells 「まもりたい」 (’...I want to protect you.’)
(゚艸゚(。艸。(゚艸゚(。艸。(゚艸゚(。艸。(゚艸゚(。艸。(゚艸゚(。艸。(゚艸゚(。艸。 ) スペシャルウンウン
We also find out bits about each character's past - like how Hifumi had been cold and uncaring when he first mixed with the human world, and how he developed a taste for sweet foods because that's what people used to give him as offerings. AND how hilariously angry U-kun gets when people try to point out that deep down he's really just a softie/sweetie.
NB. The audio track is a bonus bit at the end of the final cast commentary track where the two of them do a hilarious 'Free Talk' in character.
[The First Rumour: Urban Legend ‘Sukima’]
Something's lurking in the cracks and corners of Nanagiri High School. So far five students have disappeared, starting with a girl in 1st year. Everyone is freaking the fuck out, and even the police have got involved, but this being a paranormal case ofc they are not going to find anything.
On the orders of Toilet Flower Dude (abbreviated TFD), Hifumi and Utashiro are investigating the urban legends to prevent them from destabilising the forces of the Supernatural Seven. And they have come to you for help - after all, youkai get their powers from the goodwill of humans. TFD has even coined a team name for the three of you: DARK DESTINY FAN CLUB. And ofc you are the leader, because vagina power.
As part of the investigation, first you all go to... the nearby cafe and eat cake. Because Marie Antoinette said so. Because apparently a couple from your school was attacked when they went on a date there.
Hifumi decides that you have to act like a couple to bait the monster into attacking you. (Except this is more like a 3P scenario and for some reason nobody finds that just a little bit odd...?) The two of them start feeding you and wiping extra cream off your face, and ofc you become all shy and resistant. So then both of them possess your body and start putting their lips on you to 'make you understand how the cake feels'. #mfw = (*>艸<)キャァッ. (Not even kidding, I actually made this face when I was listening to this.)
You finally cannot put up with this treatment anymore, and when they stop, you pick up a chair and start hurling it at them. Damn girl u so hot when u maddd. So much for Battle Plan RaiseBloodSugar1. XD
Plan #2: Ya'll patrol the empty classrooms after school to look for clues. Eventually you find a ...fluffy/slimy-looking... monster consuming a 1st-year boy. When the three of you approach, the monster devours him whole and disappears.
You suggest using yourself as bait, with the both of them possessing your body to fight the monster in invisible mode. Sounds all fine and dandy... except their demon powers totally don't even work against this mochi-mochi monster!! After some failed attacks, Utashiro forms a protective shield to fend off the monster and allow Hifumi to fly you off to safety. (Such beautiful teamwork I could cry...)
Later Utashiro catches up to the two of you. It seems that the monster is so 'impenetrable' because it is feeding off the energy of some human somewhere, whose vulnerabilities it is exploiting. At this point you are still reeling from the narrow escape, so your two manservants boyfriends manservants decide to call it a day and escort you home.
Back home, you refuse to sleep, so the two of them dogpile you on your bed (is it just me or does that sound kinda dirty, sports fans? ( ͡~ ͜ʖ ͡°)). You request that they both change into their chibi forms and hug them to sleep. Hifumi doesn't mind at all but Utashiro hates it!! XD
Turns out you can't sleep because you are still terrified from the episode earlier. So they change back into their hot-guy forms and possess your body (because your bed is too small XD) and hold your hand and caress your head. After you finally fall asleep, the two of them commence the BL action pillow talk:
Utashiro is feeling down and blaming himself for not noticing your fear sooner. Hifumi is all like ‘I KNEW U WERE A SOFTIE U SEXY TSUNDERE’, but Utashiro tells him that all the other baku perished because they were forgotten by humans, and this is why he can't forgive and embrace humanity the way that Hifumi does.
As Hifumi correctly figures out, Utashiro is/was the Chief of the baku, even though he was not the most powerful nor the eldest. But Hifumi thinks it's enough that Utashiro did his best for his companions, just like *you* always do, you useless piece of sh... person!! I mean person!!. Hifumi trusts you even though you are a human, but Utashiro is unconvinced, since you never risked your life for him (the way you did for Hifumi)...
...Aaaand you wake up to the kinako-mochi monster in your room!!! Hifumi flies both of you out the window, but it's too heavy for him and he and he drops you both. Orz (well U-kun cushions your fall ofc b/c what are manservants for, amirite?). Meanwhile the monster has followed you out here and multiplied, so you all escape to the school grounds.
In the school gym, the monster and its spawns appear again, and Hifumi tries to fight them off, maxing out his energy much to Utashiro's alarm. Hifumi explains to Utashiro that he was born out of people's wishes,... and just when he was about to be forgotten, *you* appeared and gave him a new meaning to life. So he can't help but be fond of humanity and want to do his best for them.
You stop Hifumi from over-exerting himself, and volunteer to be swallowed alive by the monster so that ya'll can fight it from inside its stomach. Hifumi is all like ‘LET'S DO THIS LEADER >:)’, but Utashiro FREAKS THE FUCK OUT X( and offers to come with you, forming a protective shield to protect you. At some point he finally admits that it would be 'troubling' if something happened to you... This is about as much of a love confession as you’re ever gonna get here, so I'm savouring the fuck out of this line indefinitely <3.
Inside the monster's belly, you find... a girl that was eaten, and pull her into the safety of Utashiro's protective shield. The monster grows weak, and Hifumi uses this opportunity to blow it up into smithereens. All its spawns become inactive as well.
The girl turns out to be the aforementioned 1st-year who was the monster's first victim. She appears to be asleep, so Utashiro takes a peek into her dream: she is infatuated with a senpai, but too shy to talk to him, and can only watch him from afar. The pain of her unrequited love bore cracks in her heart, which the kinako mochi monster has exploited and subsisted on.
You ask Utashiro to change the contents of her dream from #badend to #goodend. As he does this, the cracks in her heart start to mend, and the monsters disappear. But ofc, changing her dream doesn't do much irl; she still needs to make her own happy ending.
Thus, peace is restored to Nanagiri High School!! >:D The five missing students are all found safely and soundly asleep in the school gym, and the first girl finally found the courage to speak to her senpai.
Hifumi teases Utashiro for risking his own life to protect you during Battle Plan MonsterBelly1, but Utashiro claims he only 'changed his mind a little bit about humans'.
But then Hifumi readily admits that he got to see both cool and uncool sides of you during this adventure, and it makes him like you more <3. Upon hearing this, Utashiro is all like ‘GET YOUR HANDS OFF HER’ and instructs you to stick with him so that he shall protect you from the Crow-Dog-Whatever that is *even more dangerous than any urban legend ever*! <333333
[Thoughts] OH WOW I got so used to the DiaLovers twisted personalities that I figured this was going to be like a Versus disc where they compete and fight with each other over you. But like I said, the teamwork/bromance is so beautiful it brings a tear to my eye :').
First of all, as KENN observes in his part of the Free Talk, this disc is kind of a parallel world where you are not strictly *romantic* with either of them. But at the same time both of them seem ok with some 曖昧さ (e.g. light touches/kisses) here and there. I guess it's less like a FB "it's complicated" situation, and more of youkai having some harmless fun with a human.
[cf. Remember how all the vampires stripped Yui down to her undergarments and bit her in all the embarrassing places, and she STILL thinks: 'They only see me as food T_T.' Yes that's totally non-suggestive, yes yes, carry on.]
Secondly, like Kimura-san notes, the two personalities make a striking contrast, and Utashiro seems *even more* tsundere than usual compared to Hifumi. But because Hifumi has one more disc than Utashiro, I think he's had more opportunities for character growth, so I'm optimistic about U-kun :)
I think between the two of them, Utashiro is the more mature and sensitive one - as shown by their hidden msgs, Hifumi's feelings lean more towards 'I like you'/displays of affection, whereas Utashiro is more about protecting you & supporting you emotionally.
Hifumi has a more impulsive/careless personality; sometimes he misses little details, and he's ready to take risks if you are. In that regard I think they counterbalance each other quite well, Utashiro talks sense and 'anchors' the situation; Hifumi brings the positivity and the momentum.
Using the two roles of the manzai (traditional Japanese standup-comedy) for analogy, U-kun is the 'straight man' who provides the tsukkomi, and Hifumi is the boke or the one with all the gags.
...Also it just occurred to me how most of the time the tsundere role is either like a younger/spoiled brat type, or a kichiku megane (à la Sakamaki Reiji). Utashiro is kind of like a... tsundere-oniisan? XD Not sure if that's a type, but in any case it’s kinda refreshing, plus he's precious and I love him :3
NB1. KENN's chibi voice is THE BEST. X3
NB2. I wonder what trousers (「なっちゃうパンツ」) Kimura-san was wearing in the recording studio on his dates with 'Dummyko-chan' - which is what he calls the dummy-head mic XD. Now, I'm not sure about this, but there is a good chance that he's the one who came up with the worst nickname in the entire universe 'M-neko-chan'...
#otome#drama cd#rejet#yuugen romantica#shinkocchou#yuroma#hifumi#kenn#seiyuu#utashiro#kimura ryohei#youkai#tsundere#supernatural#mystery#kaidan
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. No.1542【巣イーツ】 #art #artwork #drawing #illustrator #illustration #illust #paint #scketch #アート #ドローイング #デザイン #イラスト #イラストレーション #スケッチ #絵 #tonnotil #honeycomb #softcream #蜂の巣 #ソフトクリーム https://www.instagram.com/p/CDgaKjmlZbZ/?igshid=1jkpq55u1z8rj
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【個展開催のお知らせ】 後藤貴志 個展 『AMAMI』
2020年6月8日(月)~6月20日(土) 11:30-19:00(土曜17:00まで) 日曜休廊 GALLERY HOUSE MAYA 東京都港区北青山2-10-26
今年3月、絵本『ケーキたべよっ!』(岩崎書店)を刊行しました。 制作している間、スイーツのことばかり考えていたので 甘くて元気いっぱいなスイーツの世界を描きあげることができました。
そして今度は、大人の嗜好でス イーツの世界にスパイスを効かせた 少し刺激のある世界観を仕立ててみました。
甘味モチーフの描き下ろし作品と、絵本『ケーキたべよっ!』の特別展示とで Bitter & Sweetな作品展をおこないます。
このような世情だからこそ 濃厚なAMAMIで多幸感を味わって頂けましたら幸いです。
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To the season which sweats.


YouTube > 元気に泳ぐカモの親子(41秒)








で、目に留まったのが「ピザのお持ち帰り半額」 (期間限定5月13日まで) 。今日の夕食に決定!

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((6) プノンペンまるちゃんイーツ🇰🇭さんはTwitterを使っています 「まじかっ!! トゥクトゥクとデリバリークラフトビールをかけ合わせたBEER BAR TUKTUK。 https://t.co/3mPtIRxd8f」 / Twitterから)
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おはようございます😊 セラフィム・ワンの今日は何の日〜❓ 3月12日は、ス(3)イーツ(12)の日です🍮🍰 スイーツの日って、何だかいいですね〜😀 今日は、美味しいケーキを買って 2個ぐらい食べようかなぁ〜😁 アルコール濃度30%のウェットティッシュの ご紹介です。シールのフタの部分に名入れができます。企業のPRやノベルティ、啓発等にオススメです。 まずは、ご相談ください🤗 ☎️093-562-6333 #3月12日何の日 #オリジナルウェットティッシュ #オリジナルグッズの作製 #デザイン作成 #セラフィムワン #北九州市 #ていたんとブラックていたん #キャラクターボールペン作製 https://www.instagram.com/p/Ca-7a_bvXdq/?utm_medium=tumblr
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今週末から!知立でもドライブスルーで #知立エール飯 が買える! #知立39イーツ https://www.instagram.com/p/B_6XrPPjMmp/?igshid=nq3jfqyriole
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