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rennebright · 19 days ago
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童貞を殺すつもりが返り討ちにあって拗ねちゃうお姉ちゃん by スタジオぽこたん [Twitter/X] ※Illustration shared with permission from the artist. If you like this artwork please support the artist by visiting the source.
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luckylunatix · 4 months ago
Halloween Horror Nights is starting up again and I feel like I should inform all y'all who love it of these sweet little bears:
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These 3 are mascots of HHN in Japan and they are as fascinating in their lore as they are adorable
Hamikuma/ハミクマ (middle): Hamikuma has been a part of the event since about 2021, starting as a walk around character inhabiting the Scarezones until graduating to the official icon of the event in 2022, when he was given a stage show called Hamikuma Psycho Circus. His backstory states he was once a circus bear who was very popular with audiences because he was very cute and danced in a very unique way, but his fellow performers became jealous and also suspected he wasn't really a bear. They ended up murdering him and burning down the bigtop to destroy the evidence, but Hamikuma managed to survive when a demon known as the Death Bringer bore his way into Hamikuma's belly. Now he gets to live on and party when Halloween comes around, but unfortunately his gaping stomach wound is now basically a portal to Hell.
Hamikuma SOUL/ハミクマソウル (right): Hamikuma's soul incarnate, introduced last year as part of the Zombie de Dance stage show. They reside in a place called YOU ME LAND.
Hamikuma Punk/ハミクマパンク (left): The latest Hamikuma, who'll be introduced to this year's HHN. He represents the anger and resentment inside of Hamikuma (I'm assuming because being murdered and turned into a Hell portal would make anyone kinda pissed off). He'll be appearing alongside the other Hamikumas during the Shout it Out Party.
I feel like there's not enough discussion of Hamikuma and Japan's HHN here on Tumblr, despite how HHN seems to have a genuine fandom here, so here's hoping this might spark some interest in it.
"ハミクマ DEATH!"
Some sources (so you can read more and to prove I didn't pull all of this out of my butt):
(Some sources may need to be translated. The last source is also where I got the image above from. I'd also advise looking them up on YouTube to see them in action because they are VERY fun to watch dance around.)
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kleptocos · 1 year ago
Today I did a Yuna shoot for the @ffladieszine ! 🌺
This was a really cool studio, and I got some awesome photos thanks to my photographer! (smvueno on Instagram) It was fun experimenting with the water and seeing what kind of photos we could get.
I am so excited to be a part of this zine, and I’m cooking up a 2-page spread! If you love the ladies of the FF series (and especially Yuna!) definitely go follow @ffladieszine so you don’t miss any updates about the project!
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jennibeultimate · 7 months ago
Miki Ando allegedly has a relationship with her 16 year old student
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A translation of the original article by fs_gossip:
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The translation:
The original article by Bunshun
This is grooming behavior. And even if their ages were closer or whatever there is a power imbalance between skater and coach and that's why relationships between students and coaches are problematic.
Keep in mind that Miki Ando allegedly was in a relationship with Nikolai Morozov when she was a competitor. Now she is doing the same to her student...it's a vicious circle...
It's a fckd up world...how many scandals does figure skating need for the abuse cycle to be broken???
All the best to the boy and I hope he gets support to break free from this relationship and gets the support to continue his career with a professional coach who respects boundaries! 🙏
Miki Ando previously had two posts in her sns one on twt and one on Insta that showed that she was feeling misunderstood and showed that she is mentally not in a good place (probably bc of the news surrounding her)
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While I condemn any kind of ill wishes towards Miki Ando I hope that she realizes her inappropriate behavior towards her student and that this is not a professional distance to a student whether the dating part is true or not. The pictures alone show enough to see this is not a usual coach/student relationship. I hope she gets the support to understand her wrongs.
Oh and fck you to everyone who defends her behavior! She is 36 years old and has an 11 year old daughter, she really should know and do better!
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nagoyish · 2 months ago
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"Coffee & Photo"—a concept as puzzling as it is intriguing. Maybe it was a café where you could sip a latte while waiting for your film to develop, or perhaps they specialized in moody portraits alongside your morning brew. ☕📸
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tomorrowxtogether · 2 years ago
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230715 TXT Japan Official's Tweet
[#今日のTXT] 230715 #TOMORROW_X_TOGETHER 音楽の日2023
「Sugar Rush Ride [Japanese Ver.]」、スタジオ生パフォーマンスはいかがでしたか?🎁
[#TODAYsTXT] 230715 #TOMORROW_X_TOGETHER's Music Day 2023
Did you enjoy the live performance of 「Sugar Rush Ride [Japanese Ver.]」? 🎁
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dailyexo · 1 year ago
[TRANSLATION] Chen - 230811 Official EXO-L Japan website update: ”'CHEN JAPAN TOUR 2023 - Polaris -' Rehearsal in session!”
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"EXO-L-JAPANのみなさん、もうすぐ「CHEN JAPAN TOUR 2023 - Polaris -」がスタートしますね!EXO-L-JAPANのみなさんに負けないくらい、チェンもライブ当日をとっても楽しみにしながら、本番に向けてのリハーサルもついにスタートしました!
そして初めて直接会ったバンドのみなさんに「初めまして!チェンです!」とご挨拶^^ 事前にバンドのみなさんから送ってもらっていた音源をたくさん聴いて練習してきたというチェンは、「みなさん、すごくよかったです!ありがとうございます!一緒に頑張りましょう!」と伝えていましたよ^^ 自分なりに、バンドのみなさんと一緒に調整をしていきたいことなどをまとめてきたそうで、リハーサルがスタートすると、「いいですね!」「もう一度サビからお願いします!」などと日本語でみなさんとコミュニケーションを取りながら、一曲一曲を丁寧にリハーサルしていきました♪
みなさん!「CHEN JAPAN TOUR 2023 - Polaris -」まであと少し! 会場でお会いしましょう♪"
Translation: "Hey, EXO-L-JAPAN, 'CHEN JAPAN TOUR 2023 - Polaris -' will be starting very soon! In his goal to give his best performance for EXO-L-JAPAN, Chen has begun his rehearsals and he is just as excited as you all are!
Chen decided to get a short haircut before this performance. It's been a while since he last saw the Japanese staff. On the first day of rehearsal he greeted the staff with his iconic bright smile and said, 'Japan is pre~tty hot too!' Despite the initial shock at Japan's hot weather, Chen was as energetic as ever in the studio.^^
When he met the band face to face for the first time he greeted them with, 'Nice to meet you! I'm Chen!'^^ Before the rehearsal, the band sent Chen some sample tracks to listen to. He listened to the music a lot and when he met the band, he told them, 'Wow, you guys are amazing! Thank you so much! I look forward to working together!'^^ Adding his own flare, he worked with the band to make some adjustments to the music. He spoke Japanese with the band saying things like, 'Nice!' and 'Let's start again from the chorus'! They worked diligently on each song, one by one.♪
Chen checked out some of the samples of the tour merchandise at the rehearsal. When he saw the T-shirt he smiled and said, 'It has my handwriting on it! And the fabric is nice and strong!'. He then proceeded to put the shirt on!^^
We also have some behind-the-scenes photos from the rehearsal to show EXO-L-JAPAN!
Everyone! 'CHEN JAPAN TOUR 2023 - Polaris -' is right around the corner! Let's meet at the venue!♪"
Photo link: 1, 2
Credit: translation, dailyexo.tumblr.com, Source: Official EXO-L Japan.
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torufukuda · 4 months ago
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Today's Illustration! This time it's Crosby Stills Nash & Young, or CSNY. This crazy super group is famous for the fact that the members don't get along with each other at all, and yet the chorus of the four of them is super beautiful. They have only one studio album, “Déjà Vu,” which was a huge hit all over the world. It is a miraculous masterpiece, with all the songs being perfect.
If you have any requests for illustrations or character creation, please contact us at the e-mail address below. Please feel free to contact us. [email protected]
今回はCrosby Stills Nash & Young。CSNYだ。メンバー同士の仲が最悪なことで有名でそのく���4人のコーラスが超絶美しいという頭のおかしいスーパー・グループ。スタジオ・アルバムは1枚しかなくそのアルバム「デジャ・ヴ」は世界中で大ヒットした。全曲ハズレがない奇跡の名盤だ。余談だがメンバーのニール・ヤングは漫画家永井豪の男性キャラを実写化したような顔で個人的には不動明や兜甲児のコスプレをしたらそっくりになるのではと思っている。
イラストやキャラクター制作のご依頼は下記メールアドレスまでどうぞお気軽にお問い合わせください。 [email protected]
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yurikotigerisnotmaiwaifu · 2 years ago
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Yuriko Tiger Instagram post 5/28/2023
AHOY🏴‍☠️Last hours for the Housho Marine photoshoot on Patre0n!
Also, because my official site isn’t work anymore (I need to made a new one. Don’t ask me-
🙃 I already pretty pissed off for this..), I re-opened my Ko-Fi and trying to made a store there! I’m very sorry for the inconvenience (;3;)
I hope you like it (´∀`=)!!! # 📸: Picchan スタジオ @givecos_
今週まで宝鐘マリン(17歳)の写真が見れますよーーー 写真集も頑張って作ったのでfantiaかイベントに会に来てください✌️ ファンクラブ(ワルドワイド) https://Patreon.com/yurikotiger https://fantia.jp/Yuriko (日本語オンリー)
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vashtijoy · 2 years ago
so since you're the language analysis guy especially when it comes to akechi and i just noticed this on a third playthrough i thought id ask
on 9th jun when you have your first conversation with akechi and he ties himself in knots over the pancake thing, he excuses himself with
"no matter. welp, see you tomorrow"
and i was wondering if it's a flair of translation or if he says something as un-akechi as "welp" in both languages
Oh, anon, you have won my heart. Seriously, fucking welp? I HATE THAT. Even that long time no see doesn't pull me out of immersion as thoroughly and entirely as welp.
Akechi まあ、いいや。じゃあ、明日スタジオで。 maa, ii ya. jaa, ashita stajio de. No matter. Welp, see you tomorrow. Well, it's not important. See you tomorrow in the studio.
It's jaa. じゃあ jaa. If you ever watched any form of anime, you've heard it a thousand times. JAA IS NOT WELP.
Could jaa be "welp"? Sure. It might make sense for the context and character you're working with. But it has to do that. jaa means "well; so; well then". It's a contraction of de wa, which also means all those things, but is more formal; you can hear the SIU Director using de wa to mean "well" in his phone calls. But jaa is casual, used with equals or inferiors. Akechi sometimes parts ways with jaa ne, "well, bye", though he's far more likely to say goodbye with mata ne, "see you again".
By the way, going to the other extreme just because we can, Akechi's casual jaa ne got translated as "farewell"! He also has a jaa na in the timeout bad endings, as the Mysterious Man—and those are also translated as "farewell", when something like "bye then" might have been more like it.
There are a ton of signs that the vast-scale P5 translation was rushed as hell, and this is, sadly, one of them. A translation needs to have a consistent sense of a character's voice, and when you see something as egregious as this, you know the translator didn't have that—or simply didn't have time for that.
We could be more charitable and take into account that Akechi's meant to come off as young and kind of "fresh" and aware of trends and so on—but he still doesn't ever, to my knowledge, talk in Internet slang like Futaba would do. He sounds young, he shifts register flawlessly between the casual manner he has with Joker and the more polite way he addresses his elders. But he's almost always eloquent and precise, and chooses his words with care.
I almost never do this, but I'm happy to break out a great big DENIED stamp for "welp". Just say no to welp.
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tokidokitokyo · 1 year ago
pre-recorded broadcast
お聴きいただいている番組は、当スタジオからの録音放送です。 おきき いただいて いる ばんぐみ は、とうスタジオ から の ろくおんほうそう です。 The program you are listening to is a recorded broadcast from our studio.
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rennebright · 1 month ago
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信濃ママ(アズールレーン) by スタジオぽこたん [Twitter/X] ※Illustration shared with permission from the artist. If you like this artwork please support the artist by visiting the source.
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my-chaos-radio · 2 months ago
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Release: June 28, 2024
Lyrics (Original):
Koshy あっつー
私は スター
Megan (ah)
Yuki Chiba
I get money, I'm a star
Star, star, star, star, star, star
I get money, I'm a star
Star, star, star, star, star, star
お金 稼ぐ 俺らはスター
お金 稼ぐ 私はスター
スター スター スター スター キラキラ
(Real hot girl shit) 私はスター
He know who I am, ain't have to say my name
Stack it up like Tetris, but this money ain't a game
私かわいい いい体 (体)
Drinkin' out the bottle, gettin' twisted, Maruchan (hey, hey, ah)
Big exotic, Hermes, this a croc', hmm
Watch too expensive, ain't no way I'm gettin' clocked, hmm
I think I'm so sexy, every shirt I own is cropped
Hmm, so many karats, diamonds do the bunny hop (ah)
In the US or Japan, if he meet me, he gon' bow
I got yen for your friends, if they pretty, bring 'em out
Goin' dumb in Madam Woo, pourin' sake in they mouth
Told him put me on his plate, bring them chopsticks to the south (ah)
I get money, I'm a star
Star, star, star, star, star, star
I get money, I'm a star
Star, star, star, star, star, star
お金 稼ぐ 俺らはスター
お金 稼ぐ 私はスター
スター スター スター スター キラキラ
流れる星たち どこに向かう? Uh
また 願い叶えながら暮らす
ジュエリー 身につけたまま歌う uh
そっから テレビ撮影するはしご
カメラたち追いかけてる 俺たちを
大好き ピカピカのダイヤ
暗いとこ輝いてる 毎晩
Nice to meet you する 挨拶
I'm so happy ���りがたいな
I get money, I'm a star
Star, star, star, star, star, star
I get money, I'm a star
Star, star, star, star, star, star
Lyrics (English Translation):
お金 稼ぐ 俺らはスター
お金 稼ぐ 私はスター
スター スター スター スター キラキラ
私はスター (私はスター)
(Koshy Atsuu)
I am a star
Star, Megan Thee Stallion
Yuki Chiba
[Chorus: Megan Thee Stallion & Yuki Chiba]
I get money, I'm a star
Star, star, star, star, star, star
I get money, I'm a star
Star, star, star, star, star, star
We earn money, we're stars
I earn money, I'm a star
Star, star, star, star, sparkling
I am a star
[Verse 1: Megan Thee Stallion]
He knows who I am, ain't had to say my name
Stack it up like Tetris but this money ain't a game
I'm cute, got a nice body
Drinkin' out the bottle, gettin' twisted, Maruchan
Big exotic, Hermes, this a croc'
Watch too expensive, ain't no way I'm gettin' clocked
I think I'm so sexy, every shirt I own is cropped
So many karats, diamonds do the bunny hop (Ah)
In the US or Japan, if he meet me, he gon' bow
I got yen for your friеnds, if they're pretty, bring 'еm out
Goin' dumb in Madam Woo, pourin' sake in their mouth
Told him put me on his plate, bring them chopsticks to the south
[Chorus: Megan Thee Stallion & Yuki Chiba]
I get money, I'm a star
Star, star, star, star, star, star
I get money, I'm a star
Star, star, star, star, star, star
We earn money, we're stars
I earn money, I'm a star
Star, star, star, star, sparkling
I am a star
[Verse 2: Yuki Chiba]
Where are the flowing stars heading?
Living while granting wishes once again
Singing with jewelry on
The stars gathered in the studio
Night after night, lots of alcohol at the hideout
Just finished recording on the radio in Roppongi
Then off to do TV shoots
Cameras chasing after us on ladders
Love the shiny diamonds
They shine in the dark every night
Greeting with a "Nice to meet you"
I'm so happy, grateful
[Chorus: Megan Thee Stallion & Yuki Chiba]
I get money, I'm a star
Star, star, star, star, star, star
I get money, I'm a star
Star, star, star, star, star, star
We earn money, we're stars
I earn money, I'm a star
Star, star, star, star, sparkling
I am a star
K. Ota / Megan Pete / Yuki Chiba
Megan Thee Stallion
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hachinana87 · 3 months ago
★★★制作過程、nas のに被りがないかデータ解析したこと、ハミルトンのオフブロードウェイのときはwe knowでローリンヒルの歌詞を借用してた
★★★地の文の「ビンのカチャカチャ音を聞いて反射的にwarriors come out playyyyが出てこない方に説明すると、」に笑った。原作と映画の文化的立ち位置、殆ど1人で書いたハミルトンとは対象的だった制作過程、ウォリアーズクソオタのリンマミ
★Encantoで女性キャラクターの歌を作る特進クラスに入りましたので…というのとリリックを書かせるのはあんただけだよ、とあと実際のMTAのアナウンスのBernie (Wagenblast) にスタジオで収録してもらったて話
★キム・ドラキュラのインタビュー going downのデモはリンマミ
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escherstrange-ffxiv · 1 year ago
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"Warriors of Light, To Me!" or "Be glad it's not 'Adventurers, Assemble!'".
My EU Fanfest entry was chosen as a finalist (IT'S A-23) and I can't seem to be euphoric about it. For serotonin's sake I shall try to talk about the picture.
The Concept
I wanted 4 vertical banners of each character in the stars, each banner coloured according to role so tank would have a dark blue background, etc.
It didn't look good
I couldn't make it look good
I wanted the chara's body to be half-hidden by the vertical banner but either some parts blended with the background or wouldn't show despite fiddling with masks and everything.
I finally settled on placing everyone around Azem's summoning beam (only one because 3 would've clogged the screen).
The Poses
Everything was taken on my PS5 so I could argue it was all vanilla edited with photoshop. Made a green screen in my house to pose on. @undercrofte was easy to schedule; I had to screencap my house address so Isillud could visit. Ireul was in Elemental and had no house so I took her to a house on Gaia DC with a green screen.
Vanilla life is hard, folks.
Escher's pose is BLM's Amplification. I can't believe I targeted an enemy, used the ability, then walked all the way to the elpis flower field just so it wouldn't get overwritten in GPose.
FYI: Using the teleporter at Base Omicron does not affect your last used pose.
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After the shots were successful I changed into his glamour (Spaekona's coat, Majestic Manderville Rod).
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I considered overlapping the characters on the black moon but...face it, it looks better summoning into the infinite expanse of the universe.
Again, cannot stop crediting @silentmight for her photoshop help, without which there wouldn't be an entry to submit.
Thanks for reading and I hope you vote for it too (It's A-23)!
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衣装のフィッティングも終わりました。 今回も衣装製作のTHE d'ORさんの力作なので、お楽しみに。 スタジオで、こうやって照明と映像のシミュレーションを行いながらDIR EN GREY独自の世界観を作っていくのですが、スタッフの皆さんにはいつも本当に感謝です。 さて、明日からのツアー宜しくお願いします。
We finished the rehearsals successfully, and the tour will finally start tomorrow.
I also have finished the fitting of my outfits. This time I’m also wearing  masterpieces made by THE d'OR, the designers, so please look forward to it.
In the studio, we created a unique DIR EN GREY worldview while performing with lighting and video simulations. I am always very grateful to all the staff.
Well, I’m looking forward to see you at the tour that starts tomorrow.
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