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今日は、五日市中央にある 亀井建築さん🐢に お邪魔しました〜✨ 打ち合わせのはずが、 ついつい居心地が良すぎて おしゃべりしまくり 2時間弱も滞在してしまった…😅笑 こちらの事務所は社長さんの ご自宅でもあるのですが ふぉおおお。。。✨ 素敵すぎるー‼️😂 漆喰や木など自然素材の中に ピリっとアイアンのテイストが 効いていて、まるでカフェのよう☕️✨ 土間も広くて羨ましい❗️ 写真を撮り忘れたけど、 室内にはアール型の壁もあって 萌えまくりでした💓 こだわりのマイホームを 建てたい方に 推し推しな亀井建築さん🐢なのですが なんと、建築費がお得になる モニターハウスを募集されてます!🏠 「好き」がつまった おうちを建てたい方、 社長もスタッフさんも とても気さくなお人柄なので、 ぜひ一度ご相談されてみては😊 詳しくはホームページや インスタをチェックしてくださいませ♪ https://kameikenchiku.com @kamei_works @kamei.kenchiku #うみねこ社 #亀井建築🐢 #リフォームされたい方もぜひ💓 #話題の大半が 中年の物忘霊と 猫トイレ事情について🐈 #亀井建設のお二人は ティファールと言う言葉がなかなか出てこなかったらしい #ティファールは難易度高い! #ちなみに私はこの間 パトロンと言う言葉が出てこなくて スポンサー?ポイズン?なんだっけ?と悩みました。 #こんな世の中じゃpoison 話題は物忘霊やニャンコ🐈について https://www.instagram.com/p/ComG4fgPkCk/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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“The Apothecary Diaries” Season 2 Final PV / 『薬屋のひとりごと』第2期ファイナルPV
Please note that the English sentences are just my translation.
Gaoshun “Jinshi-sama.”
Gaoshun “Master Jinshi.”
Jinshi “……Doku…? Masaka…!”
Jinshi “……Poison…? It can’t be…!”
『Shinsho kaimaku――』
『New chapter begins――』
Jinshi “Kokyu-naini dokubutsu’o mochi-komoto shita monoga iru.”
Jinshi “There is someone who tried to bring poisons into the rear palace.”
Maomao “Guzenga kasanari hitsuzento natta, ano jikenni niteiru…! Ikanakereba!”
Maomao “It’s similar to that incident where a series of coincidences made it inevitable…! I must go!”
『Aratana nazo-tokino makuga agaru――』
『The curtain is rising on a new mystery――』
『Shinjuno namida』
『Pearl tears』
Maomao “Shinjuno namida-towa do-iu-koto desho?”
Maomao “What do you mean by ‘pearl tears’?”
『Tokushino raiho』
『Visit of the envoys』
Jinshi “Tokushi-tachiwa ittai nani’o kangaete-irunda…?”
Jinshi “What on earth are the envoys thinking…?”
『Kita-karano ishu』
『Strange smell from the north』
Maomao “N? Nanda kono nioi.”
Maomao “Hmm? What’s this smell?”
Gaoshun “Kono nioiwa…!”
Gaoshun “This smell is…!”
『Yagate sama-zamana jikenga kosa-shi――』
『Various incidents cross by and by, and――』
Maomao “Chushi-deno ansatsu-misui-jikenwa, ookuno ningenga kakawatte-iru kanoseiga takai.”
Maomao “It is likely that many people were involved in the assassination attempt in the medium ceremony.”
『Kuni’o yurugasu dai-jiken’o hiki-okosu.』
『Cause major incident that will shake the nation.』
『Sono kagi’o nigiru-nowa――』
『The person who holds the key is――』
Maomao “Jinshi-sama… Ittai nani-mono nan-daro…��
Maomao “Master Jinshi… Who on earth is he…?”
Kotei “Kono-ato iku-tokoro’e tsuite-kite-hoshiinda.”
Emperor “I want you to follow me to the place where I go after this.”
Otoko “Oki’o tsuke-kudasai.”
Man “Please be careful.”
Jinshi “Wakatte-iru.”
Jinshi “I know.”
♪Tatoeba bokuga bokuja nakereba, kimiga kimija nakereba…♪
♪For example, if I weren’t me, if you weren’t you…♪
『エンディングテーマ「幸せのレシピ」平井大(avex trax)』
『Endingu tēma ‘Shiawaseno Recipi’ Hirai Dai (Ēvekkusu torakkusu)』
『Ending Theme ‘Recipe for Happiness’ by Dai Hirai (avex trax)』
Kotei “Chinno hanazono’o teire-suru niwashide aro? Omaewa.”
Emperor “After all, you’re the gardener maintaining my flower garden.”
Gaoshun “Tokubetsuna kata-shika mini tsuke-rarenai mono desu-kara, taisetsuni shite kudasai.”
Gaoshun “It’s something only special individuals can wear, so please take care of it.”
Jinshi “Myona tokorode nibui ano nyokan-demo, soro-soro kizuku-hazuda…oreno shotaini. Moshikuwa sudeni… Dattara kiga raku nan-daga…”
Jinshi “Even that court lady who is obtuse at strange points should soon realize…my true identity. Or maybe she has already… I’ll feel better then, though.”
「妙なところで鈍い」 I couldn’t find the best translation for this phrase.
鈍い(にぶい/Nibui): insensitive, dull, slow
妙なところで(みょうなところで/Myona tokorode): at the strange place, somewhere strange
“Even that court lady who is insensitive strangely to something” might be better…?
Jinshi “Itsumademo…damatte-oku-wake-niwa…”
Jinshi “(I can’t) keep quiet forever…”
♪…Sekaiga kekkyoku hora suki-nanda♪
♪…I love the world after all♪
『薬屋のひとりごと 1月10日(金)よる11時40分放送開始…』
『Kusuriya no Hitori-goto Ichi-gatsu tooka (kin) yoru ju-ichi-ji yonjuppun hoso-kaishi…』
『The Apothecaries Diaries Broadcast will begin on Friday, January 10th at 11:40 p.m…』
#apothecary english#apothecary romaji#the apothecary diaries#apothecary diaries#learning japanese#japanese#薬屋のひとりごと#薬屋のひとりごと 英語#薬屋 英語 学習#japan#KNH
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[B! 増田] 日本語では一つの名前で表されるのに英語だと二種類以上あるもの
亀 - Turtle (海亀)、tortoise (陸亀) ワニ - Alligator, Crocodile
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はてなブックマークがトリビアの披露大会になっていて、知識が集まってる。 逆パターンも 「英語では一つの名前で表されるのに日本語だと二種類以上あるもの」
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聞く:hear, listen 見る:see, look, watch 海:sea, ocean, waters, marine(海の) 仮説:hypothesis, assumption 罪:crime, sin (「罪と罰」の罪は以外なことにcrimeのほう *)
Museum:美術館、博物館 Requirement:要件、要求 Space:空間、宇宙
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「総称だけ存在して、細かな違いを呼び分けない」ものと、「総称は無いが、個々の細かな呼び分けだけある」ものに分けられるかも。 総称:亀 / 個々に:Turtle (海亀)、tortoise (陸亀) 総称:皿 / 個々に:dish、plate、saucer 総称:brother / 個々に:兄、弟
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秋のAutumnとFallのパターンは、意味もニュアンスも同じで、言い方が違うだけかな。 Fallが「秋」「落下」の2つの意味。
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一番有名なのはネズミ(mouse, rat)だと思ってた。他にもphantom/ghost、coast/beach、house/home、college/university、space/universe���earth/globeとか。厳密には意味が違うんだろうけど。
言語とその話者の世界観が相関することは言語的相対論と呼ばれる。国がcountry, nation, stateに分かれるのは島国と多民族大陸国との違い。https://gijodai.jp/library/file/kiyo2011/yoshitaka_sato.pdf
ちょっと違うが、"将来に対する希望"と、"睡眠中の幻覚体験"を日本語でも英語でも「夢 dream」という一語で表現するのは全くもってピンと来ない。
麦は日本語でも大麦・小麦・ライ麦・エン麦は区別はしてるけど、英語ではbarley wheat rye oatで「麦」に対応する単語がないのよね
アプリ開発で Apple の審査担当とやり取りする際「修正」の言い方が複数あって fix, correct, modify, revise, alter などを使い分けてくるので毎回意図を汲みとれてるか不安になる。(まあ日本語にも修正の類語いっぱいあるけど)
「毒」 poison / venom / toxin
試験: 学力・知識を問う→examination,quiz,test 評価や実験→experiment 試みる→trial▼ただ「試験」で纏められるだけで日本語でも「考査」「実験」「試行」と分けて書くこともできるが。
足の指(toe)もfinger じゃない
馬車がとてもややこしくて面倒くさい / 辻馬車 cab, hansom 荷馬車 (horse)cart, wagon, (horse-drawn)carriage, horse and buggy 駅馬車 stagecoach 二輪馬車 curricle, tilbury ,jaunting car ,jinker 馬二輪戦車 chariot まだまだいっぱい…
政治家 politician / statesman たまご egg / spawn / roe ちなみに逆もあってegg 卵 / 玉子
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言語学で言うところの有標と無標も関係してそう。 作家:男女問わず作家の全般、女流作家:作家の中で女性の場合
標識 (言語学) - Wikipedia
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Sleepwalking Cat - the quantum sea
From Ongaku to Hito. Purple = Interviewer; Blue = Imai
――そして、歌詞は自然に出てきた、という発言がありました が、やはり不在となった人を、そしてその不在を受け止めよう としている人を思う、それがモチーフになっていると感じざる を得ません。例えば「夢遊猫 SLEEP WALK」とか・・・・・・。
(註:物理学者による��考実験。 一定の確率で毒ガスが出る箱���猫を入れた場合、一定期間を過ぎた猫の生死は、箱を開けるまでわからない。つまりこの猫は 物理学的に、同時に〈生きている〉と〈死んでいる)
という2つの状態でいられる、というミクロとマクロの視点の違いを示しこれをやったらどうなるのか、見てみたい バンドをなくしたくないとか、背負うとか そういうんじゃなくて、実験。試したかった たもの)とかさ。あと量子の海に行ったら一瞬でいろんなところに行ける。夢の中でも。そうなんじゃないかなっていう想像」
―――あの・・・・・・意識して書いた歌詞じゃなくても、その想像に、 いろんな人が思いを馳せ ますよね。
「うん。自然に出てきた。だからそれを書いた。今回はそういう のが多いのかもしれない。でも何度も言うけど、このテーマを 書こうと意識してはいない」
Google Translate (n.b. I speak almost no Japanese so I cannot speak as to the veracity of this translation)
--You said that the lyrics came out naturally, but I can't help but feel that the motif is thinking about those who are no longer with you, and those who are trying to accept their absence. For example, "Sleepwalking Cat Sleep Walk"...
"This is the world of quantum mechanics."
Ah, OK - quantum mechanics!!
"Yes. Schrodinger's cat
(Note: A thought experiment by physicists. If you put a cat in a box that emits poisonous gas with a certain probability, you won't know whether the cat is alive or dead after a certain period of time until you open the box. In other words, the cat is physically both alive and dead at the same time.)
I wanted to show the difference between micro and macro perspectives, and see what would happen if I tried this. I didn't want to lose my band or carry it on my back or anything like that, but it was an experiment. I wanted to try it. Also, if you go to the quantum sea, you can go to various places in an instant. Even in your dreams. I imagine that it might be like that."
---Even if you didn't write the lyrics consciously, many people will think about that imagination.
"Well, I guess so. Then it's fine."
---But you didn't decide to make it your theme.
"Yes. It just came out naturally. So I wrote it down. There may be a lot of stuff like that this time. But as I've said many times before, I wasn't consciously trying to write about this theme."
-- In other words, it still came out anyway.
"I think that's true."
#buck-tick#imai hisashi#sleepwalking cat#songwriting is weird#I know that stuff turns up in songs that the writer did not intend#what inspired the song and what the song is about is not always the same thing#but Imai wrote it about Schroedinger's Cat#I love songs about physics
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Release: October 1, 2015
Lyrics (original):
Oh Boy
Ah... oh Boy oh Boy
あなた Super cool
見透かされてる? わざと優等生演じてる
For you 何にだってなれるわ
毒みたいなスマイル 欲しいのたまらない
For you 何処まででもいけるわ
そっと目を閉じて 想像してみて
教えてあげる 秘密のこと wo oh, wo oh
準備はOK? Time to learn a lesson now
Oh Boy Oh Boy
心ハダカに 全部脱ぎ捨てて こたえてよ
Oh Boy Oh Boy
危険な駆け引き 遊びじゃ終わらない
ちゃんと見つけてよ 大事なポイントを
隅から隅まで Check it out
Oh Boy Oh Boy
焦らないで Baby まだまだ Lesson goes on...
A boy you know how you do
Eeny, meeny, miny, moe 手繋いじゃバレそう
Every day いい男気取ってるから
そうしたら 君と二人で Let's go
扉開ければ 二人だけの世界
教えてあげる 本当のこと wo oh, wo oh
準備はOK? Time to learn a lesson now
Oh Boy Oh Boy
大胆不敵 もっと我がままに 愛してよ
Oh Boy Oh Boy
あなたは素敵 今夜は逃がさない
ちゃんと見つけてよ 大事なポイントを
隅から隅まで Check it out
Oh Boy Oh Boy
So kiss me kiss me baby まだまだ Lesson goes on...
Lyrics (english):
Oh Boy Oh Boy
心ハダカに 全部脱ぎ捨てて こたえてよ
Oh Boy Oh Boy
危険な駆け引き 遊びじゃ終わらない
ちゃんと見つけてよ 大事なポイントを
隅から隅まで Check it out
Oh Boy Oh Boy
焦らないで Baby まだまだ Lesson goes on...
You're super cool,
And I can see it right away,
I am an honor student on purpose,
For you, I can become anything.
Your smile is like a poison,
I can't help wanting you,
Once you taste it, you're finished,
I can go anywhere for you.
Softly shut your eyes,
And try to imagine,
I will come and tell you,
this secret.
Wo oh wo oh Ready Ok
Time to learn a lesson now
Oh boy oh boy
Take off everything and answer me with your bare heart
Oh boy oh boy
Dangerous strategy
This game won't end
Find it properly,
This important point,
From corner to corner,
Check it out.
Oh boy oh boy Take your time Baby
This lesson goes on much more
A boy you know how you do,
Eeny meeny miny moe,
Holding hands will expose you for sure,
A good guy will take the urge everyday,
Eyes to eyes, hands to hands connected,
In this dream, let's kiss Boy,
So- you, us, Let's go
If you open the door,
It'll be only our world,
I will teach you,
the truth.
Wo oh wo oh Ready Ok
Time to learn a lesson now
Oh boy oh boy what a daring lost,
Love me more and more,
Oh boy oh boy You're lovely,
I will not let go tonight.
Find it properly,
This important point,
From corner to corner,
Check it out.
Oh boy oh boy so kiss me
Kiss me baby, this lesson goes on much more
Oh boy oh boy
Take off everything and answer me with your bare heart
Oh boy oh boy
Dangerous strategy
This game won't end
Find it properly,
This important point,
From corner to corner,
Check it out.
Oh boy oh boy Take your time Baby
This lesson goes on much more
Andreas Ohrn / Chris Wahle / Han Seung Hoon / Lee Sang Ho
#new#new music#my chaos radio#youtube#spotify#AOA#Oh BOY#music#hit of the day#music video#video of the day#youtube video#good music#2010s#2010s music#2010s video#2010s charts#2015#k pop#k-pop#j pop#korean dance#dance#kpop#pop#lyrics#bandfacts#613
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Love Song feat. Eve - Kitani Tatsuya
正しく汚し合っていた僕ら 互いの悲しみに夢中さ 痛くて舐め合った喪失感 散文的な快楽でもいい We’ve tainted each other the right way And obsessed with the sorrow the other bears A hole in our hearts formed as we licked each other’s pain I don’t mind even if it’s only a prosaic pleasure
生きているのがどうしようもなく恥ずかしい 気のせいだと思いたくて、思えなくて 眠ることすらきみなしじゃ儘ならない Being alive makes me feel hopelessly ashamed As much as I want to believe it’s all my imagination, I just can’t Without you, I can’t even get to sleep
陶器のようで柔いその頬に傷をつけたい 僕らみたいなクズにはそれ��かできない Those cheeks of yours, so tender as porcelain, I want to wound them Scum like us can only do so much
愛だ恋だと腑抜けた歌うたって きみという毒でキマっていたいね 悲しいことばかり考えはじめて終わんないループ ずっと待っていたこのトキシックな逢瀬 きみは有毒で最悪で最愛の、優しい地獄 まだ抜けない離脱症状 Singing a mindless song about love and desire I want to be drunk on the poison called you I start thinking about nothing but sadness, an endless loop I’ve been waiting for it since forever, this toxic rendezvous You’re the poisonous, the worst, the loveliest, my sweet hell The withdrawal symptom that has yet to go away
果たして、価値観は狂った きみ無しの人生など滑稽さ 片足で立つような現実感 世界の殆どがグレーアウトした バグりだす脳下垂体の暴走 パキるAM4時過ぎの幻聴 「誰もがお前を愛している」と教えてくれる 消えかけの月明かり As a result, my concept of value messed up This life without you is just a joke A sense of reality hits me, as if I’m standing on one leg Most of the world has been grayed out Going haywire, the pituitary gland starts causing bugs Getting high, I hear hallucinations past 4 AM It tells me “Everyone loves you” The moonlight fades away
夜半の祝福さえ朝に食い尽くされ また息をしづらくなる 誰もが僕を愛していない ひどい悪夢が現実ならきみを服毒していたい 僕らみたいなクズのためのラブソングはどこ? Even the blessings of midnight are eaten up by the morning It’s getting hard to breathe again No one has ever loved me Were this hellish nightmare real, I’d rather take the poison that is you Where is the love song written for scum like us?
愛だ恋だと腑抜けた歌うたって きみという毒でキマっていたいね 悲しいことばかりの僕の命、無価値だったみたい 今日も哀願してまたトキシックな逢瀬 きみは有毒で最悪で最愛の、眩しい常闇 まだ抜けない離脱症状 I'd love to sing a mindless song about love and desire And to be cracking up on the poison called you My life, which is full of grief, seems like it worthed nothing Today as well, I’m pleading for another toxic rendezvous with you You’re the lethal, the nastiest, the dearest, my blinding everlasting darkness The withdrawal symptom that I still can’t get rid of
#tls#ik there is an official translation already but this wouldn't hurt right#reupload from twt#both version are great each has its own charm
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言いたい事も言えないこんな世の中じゃ POISON 俺は俺をだますことなく生きてゆくOH OH まっすぐ向きあう現実(いま)に 誇りを持つために 戦う事も必要なのさ Give me that Poison Give me that Poison Give me that Poison Give me that Poison 綺麗な花にもある棘痛いし 愛は時に憎しみを生むらしい 蔑まされた社会に 僕は曲げない正義 今時絶えない誹謗中傷 SNSでのLIFE is…
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The End Of The Innocence / Don Henley
#294 The End Of The Innocence / Don Henley
思い出す、一日が長かったあの頃のことを Remember when the days were long 吸い込まれそうな青い空の下 And rolled beneath a deep blue sky 世の中で起きていることなんか気にしないで Didn't have a care in the world ママとパパがいつもそばにいたあの頃 With mommy and daddy standin' by
でも”その後は幸せに暮らしました。”とはいかなかった But "happily ever after" fails 僕らはこんなおとぎ話に毒されてきた And we've been posisoned by these fairy tales 弁護士たちは細部までくどくど説明を繰り返す The lawyers dwell on small details パパが家を出て行ってしまったから Since daddy had to fly
でも僕らにはたどり着ける場所があるよ But I know a place where we can go そこはまだ誰にも汚されてないところ That's still untouched by men 僕らはそこに腰を下ろし、雲の流れを眺める We'll sit and watch the clouds roll by そして背の高い草が風になびく場所… And the tall grass waves in the wind
草を枕に寝っ転がって You can lay your head back on the ground 僕のまわりに君の長い髪をほどいて And let your hair fall all around me 君の最大の防御を僕にさらけ出しておくれ Offer up your best defense でもこれが最後… But this is the end 無邪気でいられるのはこれが最後さ… This is the end of the innocence
ああ、なんと美しい広々とした大空 O' beautiful, for spacious skies でももはや、この空は今にも崩れそう But now those skies are threatening 人々は和解をせずに戦いを望んでいる They're beating plowshares into swords 僕らが王に選んだこのくたびれた老いぼれのために For this tired old man that we elected king
実戦経験のない兵隊は、実際の役に立ちはしない Armchair warriors often fail 僕らはこんなおとぎ話に毒されてきた And we've been poisoned by these fairy tales 弁護士たちは細部まで処理をした The lawyers clean up all details 親父が嘘をつかなきゃならなかったときから Since daddy had to lie
でも僕らにはたどり着ける場所があるよ But I know a place where we can go そこでこの罪を洗い流そう And wash away this sin 僕らはそこに腰を下ろし、雲の流れを眺める We'll sit and watch the clouds roll by そして背の高い草が風になびく場所… And the tall grass waves in the wind
ただ草を枕に寝っ転がって Just lay your head back on the ground 僕のまわりに髪の毛を全部振り落として And let your hair spill all around me 君の最大の防御を僕にさらけ出しておくれ Offer up your best defense でもこれが最後… But this is the end 無邪気でいられるのはこれが最後さ… This is the end of the innocence
一体いつまでこんなことを続けるのか Who knows how long this will last もう僕らはこんな遠くまで、急ぎ足で来てしまった Now we've come so far, so fast でも振り返ってみると、埃にまみれて But, somewhere back there in the dust 僕らの心の中には、みんな同じ故郷がある That same small town in each of us
このことを忘れてはいけない I need to remember this だからベイビー、たった一度のキスを僕におくれ So baby give me just one kiss そして最後にゆっくりその姿を見せておくれ And let me take a long last look さよならを言う前に Before we say goodbye
ただ草を枕に寝っ転がって Just lay your head back on the ground 僕のまわりに君の長い髪をほどいて And let your hair fall all around me 君の最大の防御を僕にさらけ出しておくれ Offer up your best defense でもこれが最後… But this is the end 無邪気でいられるのはこれが最後さ… This is the end of the innocence
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Episode 3 (Ep.27) ‘Corpse Fungus’ / 第3話(第27話)『冬人夏草(とうじんかそう/Tojinkaso)』
Jinshi “Hisui-Kyu’e iku.”
Jinshi “I’m going to the Jade Pavilion.”
Gaoshun “Hai.”
Gaoshun “Yes.”
Gyokuyo-hi “Naku-natta? …So, Jin-hi-ga…”
Concubine Gyokuyou “Passed away? Concubine Jin… I see.”
Hon’nyan “Shoku-chudoku daso-desu. Tatta-ima, hokoku-ga.”
Hongniang “I have been told it was food poisoning. The word just came in.”
Gyokuyo-hi “Koko ichi-nen, yamaini fusette-ita-towa kiita-kedo…”
Concubine Gyokuyou “I heard she had been bedridden for about a year now.”
Infa “Jinshi-samaga irasshai-mashita.”
Yinghua “Master Jinshi is here.”
Gyokuyo-hi “Fufu, tooshite-chodai.”
Concubine Gyokuyou “Let him in.”
Maomao “Onegai-shimasu.”
Maomao “Thank you in advance.”
Gejo “Haiyo.”
Servant girl “Got it.”
Maomao (Jama-shicha waruina.)
Maomao (I should let her concentrate.)
Maomao “Nyokanga yukue-fumei desuka?”
Maomao “A court lady is missing?”
Guen(Yabu-Isha) “So-nan-dayo. Taotte kode, shigoto-nesshin’na ii-ko dattan-dakedo-nee. Sekkaku nenkimo akerushi, kekkonmo majika-dattatte-noni.”
Guen(Quack Doctor) “Yes. Her name is Tao. She was a good girl, hard worker. Her tenure was almost up, and she was scheduled to get married soon.”
Maomao “Kekkon desuka.”
Maomao “Marriage?”
Guen(Yabu-Isha) “En’yu-kaide kanzashi’o oku-rareta-so-dayo. Shikamo, kekko shussega kitai-sarete-iru bunkan-kara. Kyukan-chowa hiki-tomete-ita-rashii-kedo.”
Guen(Quack Doctor) “I heard she was given a hairpin at the garden party. And it was from an up-and-coming bureaucrat. The matron wanted her to stay, though.”
Maomao “Hee…” (Sore-hodo yushuna nyokanga, kekkon-majikade aisatsumo nashini inaku-natta-to.)
Maomao “Huh…” (So, such a capable court lady goes missing without even saying goodbye.)
Maomao “Nanika kokoro-atari-demo arun-desuka?”
Maomao “Do you have any idea where she went?”
Guen(Yabu-Isha) “Sorega nain-dayo-nee. Maa, mattaku nai hanashi-demo nai-kedosa. Ningen-kankeini omoi-nayamu komo ooi-shi.”
Guen(Quack Doctor) “Not at all, unfortunately. That said, this type of thing isn’t unheard of. A lot of the women here have interpersonal concerns.”
Maomao “So-desune.” (Ko-shite-iruto, tamani wasure-soni naru-kedo, kokowa kokyu. Nisen’no onna-tachiga ugomeku hanazono-da.)
Maomao “I understand.” (I sometimes forget, but this is the rear palace, a flower garden packed with two thousand women.)
Gyokuyo-hi “Ufufu…Maa.”
Concubine Gyokuyou “Oh? Is that so?”
Maomao (Kyowa sotode chakai-ka. Komorikkiri-dewa kainin’o utaga-wareru-monna. Bashoya fukuni ki’o tsukatte-iruga, soro-soro kizuite-iru monomo iru-daro. Mondaiwa, sono aitega yugaika mugaika-da.)
Maomao (An outdoor tea party today. I guess if she stayed inside, people would suspect she’s pregnant. She’s paying attention to the venue and her attire, but I’m sure some have noticed by now. The problem is, does that someone have good intentions, or bad?)
Gyokuyo-hi “Ara, modotta-none. Maomao, kochira’e.”
Concubine Gyokuyou “Oh, you’re back. Come here, Maomao.”
Maomao “Oyobi-deshoka?”
Maomao “How may I be of service?”
Gyokuyo-hi “Ee, kochiraga.”
Concubine Gyokuyou “To him, actually.”
Maomao “N?”
Jinshi “Dewa, basho’o kaeyoka.”
Jinshi “Well, let’s move elsewhere.”
Gyokuyo-hi “Tokuni mondai-nai desuyo. Kokode ohanashi’o nasattewa?”
Concubine Gyokuyou “I don’t mind. Why don’t you talk here?”
Jinshi “Ie, chohino motoni nagai-suru-wake-niwa iki-masen-kara. Soreni, hora.”
Jinshi “No, I mustn’t spend too much time with the emperor’s beloved concubine. Besides, well…”
Rinrī-hime (Naki-goe)
Princess Lingli (crying)
Gyokuyo-hi “Ara…”
Concubine Gyokuyou “Oh.”
Hon’nyan “Gyokuyo-sama, akiramete kudasai.”
Hongniang “Lady Gyokuyou, please.”
Gyokuyo-hi “Muu.”
Concubine Gyokuyou “Boo.”
Maomao “Sorede, dono-yona goyo-deshoka?”
Maomao “So, what did you need?”
Jinshi “Saikin, mikadoga kisaki-tachini goraku-shosetsu’o kubatte-iru-nowa shitte-iruna.”
Jinshi “You’ve heard that the emperor is handing out novels to the concubines, right?”
Maomao “Hai. Kisaki-tachiga yonda-ato, jijo-tachiga yomi, sarani hokano nyokan-tachi-nimo yomi-kikasete-iru-yodesu. Shahon’mo demawari, ji’o oboe-yoto suru monomo ori-masu.”
Maomao “Yes. After the concubines read them, they’re being read by their ladies-in-waiting. And also to the other court ladies around them. Copies are being made, and it’s prompting some to learn to read and write.”
Jinshi “Soka. Aku-made koso-dankai-daga, ko-iu mono’o tsukutte-mitewa-to omotte-iru. Shomin’no aida-dewa, tenarai-jo-to iuno-daroka.”
Jinshi “I see. This is still early in the planning phase, but I was thinking of building something like this. I think it’s called a penmanship school in the populace.”
Maomao (Gejono tameno gakko-ka. Nanika kangaete-iru-towa omotte-itaga, igaito kodoga hayai.)
Maomao (A school for servant girls. I knew he was up to something, but he acts faster than I thought.)
Maomao “Fu… Iito omoi-masu.”
Maomao “I think it’s a good idea.”
Jinshi “Haa!”
Gaoshun “U.”
Jinshi “Itsumono shisenwa doshita!”
Jinshi “What happened to your signature stare?!”
Gaoshun “Karadano guai-demo waruino-desuka?”
Gaoshun “Are you unwell?!”
Maomao “Sono hannowa nan-deshoka?”
Maomao “Why are you reacting that way?”
Jinshi “Iya, nanka ochi-tsuka-nakute…”
Jinshi “Well, it’s somewhat unsettling.”
Maomao (Uwa…)
Jinshi “Ahaha.”
Maomao (Mazo-me.)
Maomao (Masochist.)
Jinshi “(Seki-barai) …Sorede, do omou?”
Jinshi “So, what do you think?”
Maomao “Jissai, manabi-tai monomo ori-masu-shi, yoroshii-kato. Nenkiga aketa atono shigoto-nimo tsunagari-masushi.”
Maomao “There are already those who are trying to learn, so I think it’s a good idea. It would help some find new jobs after their tenure is up, too.”
Jinshi “Soka.”
Jinshi “I see.”
Maomao “Tada…”
Maomao “But…”
Jinshi “Itte-miro.”
Jinshi “Tell me.”
Maomao “Minami-gawano hirobawa, hannyu-nado riben-seiga ii ippode, seimonga chikaku, jokyu-hiya chukyu-higa atsumaru itto-chi desu. Kiguraino takai katamo ooi-desu. Gejo-tachiga kyoiku’o ukeru-koto’o kokoro-yoku omowa-nai katamo iru-desho.”
Maomao “The southern courtyard is a convenient spot for delivering goods and so on, but it’s close to the main gate. It’s a popular spot for high and mid-ranked concubines to gather. Some of them are very prideful. They may not be too pleased by the idea of educating the servants.”
Jinshi “…Kita-gawani shita-hoga yosaso-dana.”
Jinshi “We might have to build it on the north side.”
Maomao “Ee. Sochirawa amari teirega yuki-todokazu, tsuka-warete-inai tatemonomo aruto kiki-masu. Soko’o kaishu-sureba jubun-kato. Soreto, omote-mukiwa shokugyo-kunren-to shitewa ikaga-desho. Meshino taneni naruto wakareba, yori hitoga atsumari-masu.”
Maomao “Yes. I’ve heard the north side has not been maintained well, and there are several abandoned buildings there. Renovating those should be more than enough. Also, you should call it vocational training. You can gather more people by framing it as a way to earn a living.”
Jinshi “So-iu monoka?”
Jinshi “Is that how it works?”
Maomao “Tamani, oyatsumo ataete-miru-toka.”
Maomao “An occasional snack might be good, too.”
Jinshi “Tamani?”
Jinshi “Only occasional?”
Maomao “Hai. Maido ataru bakuchini nomeri-komu monowa imasen.”
Maomao “Yes. Nobody gets addicted to a gamble that pays off every time.”
Jinshi “So-iu monoka.”
Jinshi “Is that so?”
Maomao (Hassowa waruku-naiga, sodachiga ii-bun, tsumega amain-dayona. Jikakuga aru-kara kiite-kurun-daro-kedo.)
Maomao (His head’s in the right place but he doesn’t think things through, probably because of his high-class upbringing. I guess he asks me because he’s aware of that much.)
Maomao “Aku-made watashino shukan desu. Ohanashiwa ijo-deshoka?”
Maomao “It’s all just my personal opinion. Is that all?”
Jinshi “Aa, soreto mo-hitotsu. Omae, kinoko-niwa kuwashii-ka?”
Jinshi “Oh, and one more thing. Do you know much about mushrooms?”
Maomao “…Maa, shokuyo-nimo cho-yaku-nimo tsukai-masu-node, sore-nari-niwa.”
Maomao “Well, they’re used for both food and medicine, so yes, somewhat.”
Jinshi “Kono jikini naruto, katteni kinoko’o totte shoku-chudoku-ni naru nyokanga arawarete-na.”
Jinshi “This time of year, some court ladies forage for mushrooms without permission and get food poisoning.”
Maomao “Kui-ijiga hatta monowa, dokoni-demo imasune.”
Maomao “I guess there are a few gluttons anywhere.”
Jinshi “Mattakuda. Ikyokude ikanto matsu-take’o tabete-ita yatsumo ita. Kajuen’no kajitsumo yoku naku-naru-soda.”
Jinshi “Indeed. There once was someone eating matsutake with the doctor at the clinic. I hear the fruits from the orchard often go missing, too.”
Maomao (Arewa doku-kinoko-ja nai. Soreni, kajuen-nowa, chito mabiki-shita-dakeda.)
Maomao (Those aren’t poisonous mushrooms. And I was just lightly thinning the orchards.)
Jinshi “Nanode, machigaete tabe-sona mono’o arakajime shobun-shite-hoshii. Sono-sai, donna doku-kinokoga aru-kamo oshiete-kure. Hisui-Kyu-deno shigotowa, dokumi’o nozoite yasunde-morau kotoni naru.”
Jinshi “So, I’d like for you to find and dispose of any that might get mistakenly eaten. Also, take note of what types of poisonous mushrooms you find. I’m going to ask you to take a break from all other Jade Pavilion tasks, other than tasting.”
Maomao “…Haa.” (So-iu hanashi-nara, Gyokuyo-samano maede setsumei-shita-hoga yosaso-dakedo. Saki-hodo-to-ii, nan-nanda?)
Maomao “I see.” (That sounds like something to explain in front of Lady Gyokuyou. What’s that look he keeps giving me?)
Jinshi “Tanonda-zo.”
Jinshi “I’m counting on you.”
Maomao “Wakari-mashita.” (Nanika aru-kamo shire-naiga…omoshiro-soda.)
Maomao “Understood.” (There might be something going on… But it sounds fun, regardless.)
Maomao (Sate, doko-kara iko-kanaaa. Hanazono-ni kajuen-ni matsu-bayashi… Kinokono hae-sona bashowa takusan aru. Imawa don-don haete-kuru kisetsu-dashi. Nyokanga kossori toru-nara, hitono tega hinpan’ni hairu bashoya, minami-gawawa habuitemo yosasoda. …To-naruto, yahari kitano-hoka.)
Maomao (So, where should I go…? The gardens, orchards, pine trees… There’s many places where mushrooms can grow. It’s prime mushroom season, too. If court ladies are foraging in secret, I can probably skip places with lots of people and the south side in general. In that case… North it is.)
Maomao “Ooo! Haaaa! Fuooo…! N?”
Maomao (N? Nanda? Kono nioi. Myoni tsun-to suru-yona… A, maeni Shisui-ga itteta henna nioitte… Moreta osuiga eiyoni natte, kinokoga yoku sodatteruno-kana…)
Maomao (Hmm? What’s that smell? It stings a little… Is this the weird smell Shisui mentioned before? Maybe the leaking sewage is feeding the mushrooms.)
Maomao “Tada-ima modori-mashita.”
Maomao “I’m back.”
Infa “Okaeriiitte…Aa! Bacchii-mama haira-naide!”
Yinghua “Hey, welcome back―whoa! Don’t come in like that. You’re nasty!”
Maomao (Bacchii…)
Maomao (Nasty…)
Infa “Maomao, nandaka kusaku-nai? Ittai nani shitetano?”
Yinghua “Maomao, you smell strange. What have you been up to all day?”
Maomao “Taihen jujitsu-shita ichi-nichi deshita.”
Maomao “It was such a fulfilling day.”
Maomao (Kusuri-to-shite tsukaeru kinokomo shukaku dekita. Doku-kinoko-dato itte oite-kita-kara, ikura yabu-demo tabe-nai-daro.)
Maomao (I even got some medicinal mushrooms. I told him they’re all poisonous, so not even that quack would eat it.)
Guen(Quack Doctor) “Are they really poisonous? Maybe if I tried one, I could tell…”
Infa “Suguni Gyokuyo-samano yuge dakara, hayaku kigaete-ne.”
Yinghua “Hurry and get changed. Lady Gyokuyou’s dinner is soon.”
Maomao “Hai.”
Maomao “Yes.”
Maomao “Shitsurei-shimasu. Osoku nari-mashita.”
Maomao “My apologies for being late.”
Hon’nyan “Iso-gasete gomen-nasai-ne.”
Hongniang “Sorry we had to rush you.”
Maomao “Ie.” (Ofutari-no tekubi-ni kuroi himo…)
Maomao “It’s fine.” (A black string on their wrists…)
Hon’nyan “Yugeno atoni dekakeruwa. Anatamo isshoni kite-chodai.”
Hongniang “I’m going out after dinner. Please accompany me.”
Maomao “Wakari-mashita.” (Tsumari, kokyude dareka kokina kataga nakuna-rareta-to…)
Maomao “Understood.” (So, someone noble passed away within the rear palace…)
Hon’nyan “Jin-hi-to-iu kisaki-dene… Chukyu-hi-demo joino katayo. Kokanno musume dattano. Koko-ichi-nen, taicho’o kuzushite heyani komorikkiri dattano-dakedo, shoku-chudoku’o okoshita rashikute, sono-mama. Mikadoga kayo-wareru kotomo nakattano-dakara, jikkani kaereba yokatta-noni.”
Hongniang “She was a concubine named Jin, an upper-middle-rank concubine, and daughter of a high-ranking official. She’s been sick for the past year, and was always in her room. Apparently, she got food poisoning and never recovered. It wasn’t like the emperor was visiting her. She should have gone home.”
Maomao “Mezurashii desune. Hon’nyan-samaga soko-made iu-nante.”
Maomao “It’s rare for you to speak of someone that way.”
Hon’nyan “Jin-hiwa chotto… seikakuni nanga aru kata dattano. Hokano kisakiya nyokan’eno shittoga hageshikute. Chusho-shitari, tachibano hikui mono-niwa boryoku-made… Sonna ori-yo. Hime’o migomotta Gyokuyo-samaga, doku’o morareta-nowa. …Sasugani, jokyu-hini taishite chokusetsu iya-garasewa nakatta-wayo. Keredo, sonna seikaku damono. Jinshi-samaga jijo’o okikini natta rashiino. Dakedo…”
Hongniang “Concubine Jin was a little… difficult, personality-wise. She was very jealous of the other concubines and court ladies. She would attack them verbally, sometimes even physically if they were lower class. And that was when Lady Gyokuyou was poisoned, while she was pregnant with the princess. Of course, she didn’t openly attack the high-ranking concubines. But given her personality, Master Jinshi had to at least go and make an inquiry. However…”
Jin-hi “Nanika shoko-demo gozai-mashite?”
Concubine Jin “Do you have any evidence?”
Hon’nyan “Haa…Kekkyoku, giwaku-domari dattawa. Naibuwa soto arete, otsukino jijo-tachi-made katamino semai omoi’o shita-to kiita-kedo. Shojiki, ko-natte hotto shite-shimattano. Mata Gyokuyo-samani nanika attara…”
Hongniang “So, it remained a suspicion only. I heard there was a lot of turmoil internally, and even her ladies-in-waiting had a rough time. To be honest, I’m a bit relieved that this happened. If something were to happen to Lady Gyokuyou again…”
Maomao (Hon’nyan-sama-kara sureba, sorega honne dayona……N?)
Maomao (I guess that’s Lady Hongniang’s honest take. Hmm?)
Hon’nyan “Shoku-chudoku’o okoshita rashikute, sono-mama.”
Hongniang “Apparently, she got food poisoning and never recovered.”
Jinshi “Sono-sai, donna doku-kinokoga aruka-mo oshiete-kure.”
Jinshi “Also, take note of what types of poisonous mushrooms you find.”
Maomao (Naze Jinshi-samawa kinoko’o shirabero-to itta-noka… Naze Gyokuyo-samano iru Hisui-Kyu-de, sono hanashi’o shinakatta-noka. Sorewa, Hisui-Kyuno ningen’o utagatte-iru-karada. Jin-hi’o doku-kinokode koroshita han’nin-dato… Gyokuyo-samani kata-irega sugiru-yoni miete-itaga, chanto byodoni taio-shite-iruja naika. …Nante, harano uchiga bare-tara, kongono shinrai-kankei-ni eikyo-suru-daroga.)
Maomao (Why did Master Jinshi ask me to investigate mushrooms? Why did he avoid discussing it at the Jade Pavilion, in Lady Gyokuyou’s presence? It can only be because he’s suspicious of the people at the Jade Pavilion. That one of us killed Concubine Jin with a poison mushroom. I thought he was perhaps a bit too partial to Lady Gyokuyou, but he’s actually treating everyone quite fairly, after all. I guess if his line of thinking was made obvious, it would affect trust.)
Maomao (Shikashi, Gyokuyo-samawa han’nin-dewa nai-daro. Doku-satsu-nante temaga kakarushi, chukyu-hi’o shikkyaku-saseru hohowa ikura-demo aru. Hokano jijo-tachiwa, sono teno an’yaku-niwa muka-nai. To-naruto, utagawarete-iru-nowa…watashi-ka. Doku-kinoko-sagashi’o tanomu teide, kochirano hanno’o mite-itano-dato shitara, shitsubo-dokoroka kanshin-sae shite-shimau.)
Maomao (Anyway, Lady Gyokuyou can’t be the culprit. Poisoning is way too much trouble, and there are many easier ways to oust a middle-rank concubine. The other ladies-in-waiting aren’t built for that kind of underhanded work. So, the prime suspect is… Oh, me. If he was probing my reaction while fronting it as a request to investigate mushrooms, I’m quite impressed, actually. Not at all disappointed.)
Jin-hino jijo “Dozo.”
Lady-in-waiting “Please.”
Maomao (Oya? Jin-hino jijo dayona? Nanikani kabureta-noka?)
Maomao (Hmm? Is she Concubine Jin’s lady-in-waiting? Did she get a rash from something?)
Jin-hino jijo “Dozo.”
Lady-in-waiting “Please.”
Maomao (Demo, imano kizuwa… …Semete, donna shojoga atta-noka, seizenni kikete-irebana.)
Maomao (But, that inflammation… If I’d at least been able to hear what her symptoms were before she passed…)
Son-hi “Ku!”
Jin-hino jijo “Son-hi! Oyame-kudasai!”
Lady-in-waiting “Concubine Son! Please stop!”
Son-hi “Hahaha… Ahahaha…! Jigo-jitoku danaa. Ahahahaha…!”
Concubine Son “You got what you deserved!”
Maomao (Ano kao’no tadare…)
Maomao (The inflammation on her face…)
Jinshi “Omae, kinoko-niwa kuwashii-ka?”
Jinshi “Do you know much about mushrooms?”
Hon’nyan “Otsukino jijo-tachi-made, katamino semai omoi’o…”
Hongniang “…and even her ladies-in-waiting had a rough time.”
Son-hi “Ahahahaha…!”
Maomao (Naruhodo…miete-kita. Jinshi-samano sagashi-takatta monoga.)
Maomao (Ah. I see it now. So that’s what Master Jinshi was trying to find.)
Maomao (Kino sawagi’o okoshita onnawa, Son-hi-to-iu kakyu-hi-dato kiita. Yufukuna shokano musumede, kidatega yoku, mikadoga neya’o otozureru kotomo atta-soda. Shikashi, ototoshi-no chodo ima-goro…)
Maomao (I was told the woman who caused a scene last night is a low-ranking concubine named Concubine Son. She’s from a wealthy merchant family, and had a great personality. The emperor even visited her from time to time. However, almost exactly two years ago…)
Son-hi “Aa! Nande…doshite konna……”
Concubine Son “Why… Why is this happening?!”
Maomao (Nazono yamaini kakari, kisaki-kara oro-sareruto-iu hanashiga deta. Daga, jikkani modotta-tokorode yomeni iku-kotomo deki-nai. Kokyuni oki-tsuzuketa-nowa, Mikado-narino kizukai daro.)
Maomao (She contracted a mysterious illness, and talks were raised to remove her as a concubine. But even if she went home, she wouldn’t be able to marry. She was allowed to stay in the rear palace, likely out of compassion by the emperor.)
Maomao (Dewa naze, sono kakyu-higa Jin-hino sogide anna koto’o shita-noka. Kotaewa kantan. Yamaino gen’inga Jin-hini aruto kangaete-ita-karada.)
Maomao (So then, why did she behave that way at Concubine Jin’s funeral? Simple. She believed Concubine Jin was to blame for her illness.)
Maomao “A. ……Mitsuketa.”
Maomao “Found it.”
Maomao “Jinshi-sama. Kochira’o.”
Maomao “Master Jinshi, please wear this.”
Jinshi “Mono-mono-shii-na.”
Jinshi “Quite the precaution.”
Maomao “Hai. Modoku desu-kara.”
Maomao “Yes, it’s extremely poisonous.”
Jinshi “Korewa…dokode mitsuketa?”
Jinshi “This… Where did you find it?”
Maomao “Kitano zoki-bayashi desu. Naga-nen hochi-sarete areta hayashiga, kono kinoko-niwa ii kankyo-dattano-desho. Hassei-jitai mezurashiino-desuga, taihen kikenna shiro-mono desu. Honno hito-kakera kuchini shita dakede chishi-ryoni tasshi, fureru-dake-demo dokusei’o hakki…sore-ijo chika-zuka-naide kudasai. Jin-hiya Son-hino-yoni, ko nari-masuyo.”
Maomao “In the forest on the north side. The area wasn’t maintained, creating probably the best environment for this mushroom. It’s quite rare, and extremely dangerous. Ingesting only a piece is lethal, and it can cause harm just by touch―Please don’t move any closer. You’ll end up like Concubines Jin and Son, like this.”
Maomao “Mukashi, oyaji-to yakuso’o saishu-shite-ita tokini, onaji kinoko’o mitsuke-mashite…”
Maomao “I came across the same mushroom once in the past, when I was foraging for herbs with my dad.”
Jinshi “Sawatta-noka?”
Jinshi “You touched it?”
Maomao “Hai. Suguni arai-nagashi-mashitaga, kono toori desu.”
Maomao “Yes. I washed it immediately, but this is the result.”
Jinshi “…Sono hotaino shita-nimo, mada atoga?”
Jinshi “Are there more scars underneath those bandages?”
Maomao “Ie, hokawa watashiga yatta jikken’no ato desu.”
Maomao “No, other ones are through experiments I did on myself.”
Jinshi “E, jikkentte nanda?”
Jinshi “Wait, what experiments?”
Maomao “Shumi desu.”
Maomao “My hobby.”
Jinshi “Nanda, shumi-towa!”
Jinshi “What do you mean, your hobby?!”
Maomao (So-iya, hajimete misetakke.)
Maomao (I guess I never showed him until now.)
Maomao “Maa, sonna kotowa do-demo yoku.”
Maomao “Anyway, that’s not important at all.”
Jinshi “Sonna koto…”
Jinshi “Really?”
Gaoshun “Fuu…”
Maomao “Sogide mita Jin-hino itaiwa, hadaga tadare, kamiga nukete imashita. Jinshi-samawa, kono dokuno dedokoro’o sagashite oraretano-dewa?”
Maomao “Concubine Jin’s body was covered with rashes, and she had lost a lot of hair. Master Jinshi, were you looking for where this poison came from?”
Jinshi “N…”
Gaoshun (Ai-kawarazu, sasshiga ii.)
Gaoshun (She’s sharp, as always.)
Jinshi “Haa… Ninen-mae, Son-higa totsuzen, nazono yamaini kakari, doku-butsuga gen’in-dato utaga-wareta. Sono han’nin-to uwasa-sarete-ita-noga…”
Jinshi “Two years ago, Concubine Son suddenly contracted a mysterious illness, and poison was suspected as the cause. The culprit was rumored to be…”
Maomao “Jin-hi.”
Maomao “Concubine Jin.”
Jinshi “Soda. Daga, jissaini doku’o motta kakusho-madewa erare-nakatta. Soshite ichi-nen-mae. Jin-hi-nimo, Son-hi-to onaji shojoga arawareta. Onaji doku’o darekani moroto shite, ayamatte furete-shimattan-daro. Sore-karano Jin-hiwa, hitoga kawatta-yoni kiochi-shitena. Tsukini ichidowa yosu’o mini itte-itaga, rokuni hanashimo deki-nai jokyo datta. Moto-moto, kiguraino takai kisakida. Tae-kirezu, doku’o fukunde jisatsu-shita…to-iu-noga, tsukaete-ita jijo-tachino shogenda.”
Jinshi “Yes. But we couldn’t definitively prove that it was her. Then, one year ago, the same symptoms appeared on Concubine Jin as well. She must have tried to use the same poison on someone and touched it by mistake. From then on, Concubine Jin became depressed, like she was a different person. I went to see her at least once a month, but she could barely even speak. She was a very proud woman. Unable to take it anymore, she took poison to commit suicide. That’s the testimony of the women that served her, anyway.”
Maomao (Ikken, tsuji-tsumawa au. Daga…)
Maomao (It does make sense as a story. But…)
Maomao “Jin-hiwa doku-kinoko’o kuchini shite shindano-desu-yone?”
Maomao “Concubine Jin died from eating the poison mushroom, right?”
Jinshi “Soda.”
Jinshi “Right.”
Maomao “Dato-suruto, okashii-desu.”
Maomao “That doesn’t make sense.”
Jinshi “Do-iu kotoda?”
Jinshi “What do you mean?”
Maomao “Kono kinokowa taberu-kotode, fukutsuya oto, shibire’o hiki-okoshi-masu. Kuchino naka-niwa enshomo okori-masuga, kaoni-made hirogaru-towa kiita-kotoga ari-masen.”
Maomao “This mushroom does cause stomachaches, vomiting, and paralysis when eaten. It would cause inflammation inside the mouth, but I’ve never heard of it spreading to the rest of the face.”
Jinshi “Hontoka?”
Jinshi “Really?”
Maomao “Hai. Itaino kaono harewa, mada atarashii mononi mie-mashita. Chokusetsu, doku-kinoko’o kosuri-tsuketa-yona.”
Maomao “Yes. The inflammation on her face appeared fairly new. As if someone directly rubbed the poisonous mushroom on her face.”
Maomao (Hiki-kae, tewa kireina mama datta. Tadarete-ita-nowa…)
Maomao (Meanwhile, her hands were quite clean. The inflammation was on…)
Jinshi “Iitai-kotoga aru-nara, itte-miro.”
Jinshi “If you have something to say, say it.”
Maomao (U… Sun. Sususu…) “Sujitsu itadake-masenka? Dekireba, chikaraga atte kuchino katai kangan’o sumei kashite kudasai.”
Maomao “Can you give me a few days? Also, I’ll need a few eunuchs who can keep a secret and do some physical labor.”
Maomao “Kakushin’wa ari-masen-yo.”
Maomao “I can’t say for certain.”
Jinshi “Sore-demo, yare.”
Jinshi “Do it anyway.”
Maomao (Maa, meirei-sareru-hoga kirakude iika.)
Maomao (I guess framing it as an order makes it easier for me.)
Maomao “Wakari-mashita.”
Maomao “Understood.”
Gaoshun “Shikashi, nani’o shiraberu tsumori nano-desho? Shaomaowa.”
Gaoshun “I wonder what Xiaomao is trying to figure out?”
Jinshi “Wakaran. Daga… aa-iu tokino kusuriyawa, atowa shoko’o sagasu-dakeda.”
Jinshi “I don’t know, either. But… When the apothecary is like that, she’s just looking for one final piece of evidence.”
Gaoshun “N?”
Maomao “Tsuki-mashita.”
Maomao “We’re here.”
Gaoshun “Kinoko…”
Gaochun “Mushrooms…”
Maomao “Koko’o hotte-itadake-masuka?”
Maomao “Can you dig here?”
Gaoshun “Wakari-mashita.”
Gaoshun “Understood.”
Kangan “U…”
Gaoshun “U…Kono nioiwa…”
Gaoshun “This smell…”
Gaoshun “Korega shoko-to iu-wake desuka.”
Gaoshun “So, this is your evidence.”
Maomao “Ippatsude ataru-towa omoi-masen-deshita-kedone.”
Maomao “I didn’t think I would find it on the first try, though.”
Jinshi “Ano itai, Jin-hide machigai nasa-soda. Soshoku-hin’ni, Jin-hino monga haitte-ita.”
Jinshi “They confirmed that the body was indeed Concubine Jin. Her emblems were on the accessories she wore.”
Maomao “Satsugai-ka jiko-kawa wakari-masenga, ichi-nen-maeni shinde-itano-desho.”
Maomao “I don’t know if it was a murder or an accident, but she must have died a year ago.”
Jinshi “Yamaini fusetta atari-ka?”
Jinshi “Right around when she fell ill?”
Maomao “Hai. Honmonowa hayashini umerare, betsu-jinga nari-sumashite-itano-dato omoi-masu.”
Maomao “Yes. The real Concubine Jin was buried in the forest, and an impostor took her place.”
Gaoshun “Dewa, sogino itaiwa?”
Gaoshun “So, the body at the funeral was…”
Maomao “Yukue-fumeino nyokan’o gozonji desuka? Kekkon’o maeni sugata’o keshita, Tao-santo-iu kata desu.”
Maomao “Have you heard about the missing court lady? A woman named Tao, who disappeared before her marriage.”
Maomao “Jin-hito yoku nite-iruno-dewa? Kiki-komi’o shita tokoro, sekakko-mo yoku nite-iru-toka. Kao’o kaku-seba, sorega dareka hanbetsu dekiru-nowa, otsukino jijo-kurai desho. Tsukini ichidono homonsha’o gomakasu-kotomo kano-kato.”
Maomao “Don’t you think she looks like Concubine Jin? I asked around, and apparently, even their builds were similar. By covering up her face, nobody would be able to tell, except maybe her immediate servants. It wouldn’t have been difficult to trick a monthly visitor.”
Jinshi “Tsumari, sono Tao-to-iu nyokanwa, Jin-hino jijoto kyobo-shite-itato?”
Jinshi “So, this Tao woman was conspiring with Concubine Jin’s ladies-in-waiting?”
Maomao “Osoraku. Kuwashii jijowa wakari-masenga.”
Maomao “I suspect so, though I don’t know any details.”
Jinshi “Haa…”
Maomao (Kattena okusoku-nara aru. Kikkakewa shitto daro. Jin-hiwa, jibun’ni nita nyokanga kyuai sareta kotoga kini kuwa-nakatta-noda. Jibunwa mikadoga kite-kudasaru kotomo nai-noni-to. Jissai, Taowa hidoku ata-rarete-ita-rashii. Sorede, isakaito natta-noka, jikenka jikoka, Jin-hiwa shinda. Jijo-tachiwa, hoshinto Tao’eno dojo-karaka, Jin-hino shi’o gomakasoto teian-shita. Taoni kotowareru-hazumo nai. Daga, kekkon-banashiga susumuni tsurete, migawari’o tsuzukeru kotowa fukanoni natte-iku…… Un, yameyo. Doki-nante, oerai-sanga katteni tsukereba ii.)
Maomao (I have some personal conjectures, of course. It was probably triggered by jealousy. Concubine Jin probably didn’t enjoy the fact that a court lady who looked like her found love. In her case, she couldn’t even get a visit from the emperor. Tao was, indeed, regularly abused. Then perhaps there was an argument. An accident… or some incident, that ended in Concubine Jin’s death. The ladies-in-waiting, perhaps out of self-preservation and sympathy for Tao, suggested they cover up Concubine Jin’s death. Tao couldn’t decline, of course. But as her marriage talks got increasingly serious, keeping up the impostor act became too difficult. Enough of that. The higher-ups can make up whatever motives they want.)
Jinshi “Shikashi, naze itaino umatte-iru bashoga wakattanda?”
Jinshi “But how did you find out where the body was buried?”
Maomao “Shokoga nokotte-imashita-node.”
Maomao “There was evidence left behind.”
Jinshi “Shoko?”
Jinshi “Evidence?”
Maomao “Kinoko desu! Ano atarini haete-ita kinokowa, dobutsuno shitaiya funnyono chikaku’o kononde haerun-desu. Doride dokutokuna fushuga shite-ita-hazu-desu. Masaka shitaino uede kinoko-kansatsu’o tanoshinde-ita-towa……Ha.”
Maomao “Mushrooms! The mushrooms in the area are all those that like to grow on animal carcasses and excrement! No wonder there was that peculiar, rotting smell there! Who would have thought I was enjoying mushroom hunting over a corpse!”
Jinshi “Sono kinoko, do-suru kida?”
Jinshi “What are you going to do with the mushrooms?”
Maomao “Taihen omoshiroi kinokoga takusan arun-desu.”
Maomao “These are really, super-interesting mushrooms.”
Jinshi “Shitaini haeru kinoko-ga-ka?”
Jinshi “Mushrooms that grow on corpses?”
Maomao “Sonna tochukaso’no-yona kinokowa mitsukatte-imasen.”
Maomao “Well, they don’t grow directly on corpses, like the caterpillar fungus…”
Maomao “So…Soreni, hitoni haeru-nara tojinkaso-kato.”
Maomao “B-Besides, if they did, they’d be called corpse fungi instead―”
Jinshi “Bosshu-da!”
Jinshi “Confiscate them!”
Maomao “Uwa! E!? Aaaaaaa! Aa……”
Maomao (Junsuina kokishin nanoni……N?)
Maomao (It’s just innocent curiosity…)
Maomao (Shitai-kara haeru kinoko-ka…Aruto sureba…donna sugatade, donna koyoga aruno-daro.)
Maomao (A mushroom that grows on a corpse… If such a thing existed, what would it look like, and what effects would it have?)
(Continue to Episode 4/Ep.28)
#apothecary english#apothecary romaji#the apothecary diaries#apothecary diaries#learning japanese#japanese#薬屋のひとりごと#薬屋のひとりごと 英語#薬屋 英語 学習#japan#KNH
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#mana-sama#mana#artemana#manasama#mana sama#moi meme moitie#malice mizer#artemena#guitar#punk#moi dix mois#goth model#goth#gothic#beutiful#💙
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Wolfism (ウルフィズム)
初めまして ただの凡人です お座りで歓談でもしましょうか 今宵の月はとてもキレイで アナタの顔がよく見えるね Nice to meet you, I’m just an ordinary person. Would you like to sit down and have a chat? The moon is quite beautiful tonight; its light illuminates your face well. 魔 魔 魔 真っ赤なワイン飲み干して アナタの髪を首に巻いたら 今日はもう寝よう 渇きは癒えた 温もりなんてモノは腹の中にbiteです Once I gulp down a bright, bright, bright red wine and wind your hair around my neck, I’ll be ready to go to sleep for the night. My thirst has been quenched. I bite into the belly of that warmth. 灰色のMonster A gray Monster. 嗚呼 どうやったって bite bite bite 愛情は食欲に喰われちゃて アナタの顔が思い出せない 厭厭 僕はMonster! Aah, no matter what I do, it’s bite, bite, bite! My love gets swallowed up by my appetite until I can’t remember your face. No, no! I’m a Monster! メーデー 過去の罪状はアナタに断罪して欲しかったのに もう居ないこの部屋で永遠のランデブー Mayday, I wanted you to be the one to judge me for my crimes... In this empty room will remain an eternal rendezvous. 堕 堕 堕 食べた愛情は血肉へ アナタは既に僕と同体です カニバリズム 噛み砕く 喰らった愛を賛美しよう The love that I de, de, de, devoured becomes my flesh and blood. You are already one with my body. Cannibalism—I chew into it. Let us glorify the love I’ve consumed! 嗚 嗚 嗚 喘ぐアナタ 十色の声 みんな同じ顔して眠るのです それが最期の安らぎと知らずに 夢を見てる事でしょう You gasp, gasp, gasp for breath, your voice goes all over the place. Everyone makes the same face when they succumb to eternal sleep. They must be dreaming, not realizing that it’ll be their final moment of peace. 満月のあの夜にさ 白い悪魔に魅せられて 嗚呼 怪物に成り果ててさ 「もうあとには引けないでしょう?」 It’s on the night of the full moon, you see. You’ll be bewitched by a white demon, alas, and be transfigured into a monster! “Well, I can’t turn back now, can I?” 何回だって bite bite bite 極上は限界の舌にあって 明日の糧に囚われてる 醜い僕はLoser! Over and over, bite, bite, bite! The best parts are at the limits of what you can taste; you’re captured to serve as tomorrow’s sustenance. I’m so ugly—I’m a Loser! レイニー 愛の代償はアナタの泣き顔であって欲しかった もう居ないこの部屋で永遠を生きよう Rainy, I wanted your crying face to serve as compensation for my love. I’ll live out eternity in this empty room. 何年贖罪を重ね飲干せば この渇きは治まっていくのだろう? 記憶の片隅には微笑うアナタのその笑顔 How many years of atonement will it take for me to drink until my thirst is abated? In the recesses of my memories, I see you laughing, laughing; you with that smiling face. 「化け物の成れの果てには 蠱毒な愛がお似合いなのでしょう?」 “Is not such a poisonous love fitting for one who has regressed into a monster?” どうやったって bite bite bite No matter what I do, it’s bite, bite, bite! どうやったって愛無い哀 裁断に架けられたこの諸行を 哀しみと無常の果てに 殺され喰われるんだろう No matter what I do, there’s no love, what sorrow! I wonder if these worldly phenomena suspended in judgement will be killed and devoured by the extremes of sadness and impermanence? 聡明 解は脳内に 悪魔に惑わされないようにほら 咀嚼して終わらせよう この世に救済を You’re intelligent; the answer’s somewhere in your brain. Take care not to be tempted by the devil, now. Let’s chew it all up and be done with it. May this world be granted salvation! 皮を剥いで肉を噛んで 愛を遺さぬよう食べ尽くして 自食すらもう止めることは出来ないだろう 痛みも血もこの命も全て アナタの元 逢いに逝く為 I peel off the skin and bite into the flesh. I eat it all up so as not to leave any love behind. I can’t even keep from eating myself, at this point. My pain, my blood, my life, all of it exists so that I can pass on and be by your side.
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TW: Gaslighting (just incase)
I’m going to talk about “Mother Knows Best” 母親はあなたの味方 hahaoya ha anata no mikata* in one post (bc ik how it can get uncomfortable to talk about) feat. cultural differences.
*mikata means ally, but when translating I’m using surrounding context which is why it’s not outright translated to “ally”.
Unless marked otherwise, MG for Gothel and R for Rapunzel, it is Gothel.
MG: You want to go outside? Ugh, why, Rapunzel! -> 外に出たいって言うの?はぁ、やめてラプンツェル soto ni detaitte iu no? haa*, yamete rapuntsueru -> You’re saying you want to go out? Why, stop (this nonsense) Rapunzel.
* はぁ is technically a sigh in this case, but it can be as an alternative expression for “what?” and others depending on translative context.
Look at you, as fragile as a flower -> あなたったら本当お花みたい anatattara honto ohana* mitai -> You’re really like a flower
*adding お o to some words makes it sound higher than it should be. Here it works because -> Sundrop is the flower of higher status in this case.
Still a little sapling, just a sprout -> そう、とてもかよわいの sou, totemo kayowai no -> Indeed, like something that is very fragile
You know why we stay up in this tower -> ねぇ、わかるでしょ なぜ外に出さないか nee wakaru desho naze soto ni dasanai ka -> You know exactly why you can’t go out
R: I know but- -> 分かるけど wakaru kedo -> same
It’s to keep you safe and sound, dear -> それはね、あなたを守ためなのよ sore ha ne anata wo mamoru tame nano yo -> It’s to protect you, is the reason why,
Guess I always knew this day was coming -> ええ、そうね いつかあなたがこの塔を ee, sou ne, itsuka anata ga kono tou wo -> Well, I suppose, that you and this tower;
Knew that soon you'd want to leave the nest -> 出てゆく日が来るよね dete yuku hi ga kuru yo ne -> the day you’d want to leave it would arrive
R: But- ->でも demo -> same
Soon, but not yet -> まだよ mada yo -> Not yet
Shh! Trust me, pet -> 信じて shinjite -> But trust me that
Mother knows best -> あなたのためよ anata no tame yo -> This is for your sake/safety
Mother knows best -> 信じなさい shinjinasai -> Trust my words,
Listen to your mother -> お母様を okaasama wo -> When Mother tells you
It's a scary world out there -> 外は危ない soto ha abunai -> The outside is a dangerous world/place Mother knows best -> 信じなさい shinjinasai -> Trust my words,
One way or another -> 危険なものが kikenna mono ga -> There are scary things
Something will go wrong, I swear -> ウヨウヨしてる urouro shiteru -> Crawling about out there Ruffian, thugs -> 強盗 ギャング goutou gyanngu -> Robberies, gangs,
Poison ivy, quicksand -> ウルシに 台風 urushi ni taifuu -> lacquer trees** and typhoons
Cannibals and snakes -> 食中毒 shyokuchuudou -> food poisoning
The plague! -> オバケ obake -> And ghosts
R: No! -> 嘘 uso -> No way
MG: Yes! -> 本当よ honto yo -> It’s true
R: But -> でも demo -> same
Also large bugs -> 毒虫や dokumushi* ya -> Poisonous bugs and
Men with pointy teeth -> 牙のある男 kiba no aru otoko -> Men with fangs
And stop, no more, you'll just upset me! -> おお怖いわ、心配なの oo kowai wa, shinpai nano -> All so scary, that they make me worry/worried.
*In English we see “Ruffian, thugs, poison ivy, quicksand, cannibals, snakes, the plague, large bugs and men with pointy teeth”, but some don’t translate well to Asian audiences, hence the changes to “Thefts/robberies, gangs(thugs), typhoons, food poisoning, lacquer plants, ghosts, and poisonous bugs***.
**I had to google this but, lacquer trees are called Urushi in Japanese and are used for Urushioil + its found in poison ivy.
***Bug catching was (and possibly still is?) a popular past time in Japan. Which is also how Pokemon came to be iirc.
Mother's right here -> ここにいれば koko ni ireba -> If you stay here
Mother will protect you -> 守ってあげる mamotte ageru -> I’ll be here to protect you
Darling, here's what I suggest -> 何があろうと nani ga arou to -> No matter what may happen
Skip the drama -> すべて subete -> Everything (is),
Stay with Mama -> わかるのよ wakaru no yo -> As you should know,
Mother knows best -> 母親は hahaoya ha -> As your Mother says. Mother knows best -> あなたはね anata ha ne -> You, see you,
Take it from your mumsy -> まだ赤ちゃん mada akachan -> are still but a baby
On your own, you won't survive -> 大人じゃないんだからね otona jyanain dakara ne -> Not at all an adult
Sloppy, under-dressed -> 泣き虫 裸足 nakimushi hadashi -> a crybaby, barefoot
Immature, clumsy -> 幼稚でドジ youji de doji -> childish and clumsy
Please, they'll eat you up alive! -> 餌食になるわ ejiki ni naru wa -> You’ll only become their prey Gullible, naive -> 世間知らず seiken shirazu -> No experience whatsoever,
Positively grubby -> すぐ騙される sugu damasareru -> easily deceivable,
Ditzy and a bit, well, hmm vague -> 常識なんか、(うーん)ゼロ jyoushiki nanka, (uun) zero -> and knowledge is, well, a zero at most.
Plus, I believe -> そう おまけに sou omake ni -> Plus, furthermore,
Gettin' kinda chubby -> ぽちゃぽちゃしてる pochapocha shiteru -> You seem to be putting on,
I'm just saying 'cause I wuv you! -> 言うことを聞くのよ iu koto wo kiku no yo -> So just listen to what I tell you,
Mother understands -> わかってね wakatte ne -> I want you to understand,
Mother's here to help you -> 母親はいつでも hahaoya* ha itsudemo -> that Mother’s always here
All I have is one request -> あなたの味方 anata no mikata -> as someone you can trust MG: Rapunzel? -> ラプンツェル rapuntsueeru -> same R: Yes? -> 何?nani -> What? MG: Don't ever ask to leave this tower again -> 塔の外に出たいなんでも言わないで、二度と tou no soto ni detai nandemo iwanaide, nidouto -> I don’t want to say that you want to leave the tower ever again. R: Yes, Mother. -> はい お母様 hai okaasama* -> same
* Hahaoya and okaasama are on the same level of formality for mother but the difference here is hahaoya is usually used when talking about one’s mother. But hahaoya can also mean parent and usually goes into 父親 chichioya and collectively 両親 ryoushin. MG: I love you very much, dear. -> あなたのこと、大好きなんだから anata no koto, daisuki nanda kara -> You know how much I love you R: I love you more. -> 私も大好き watashi mo daisuki -> I love you too MG: I love you most -> 誰よりも一番好きよ dare yori mo ichiban suki yo -> I love you more than anyone in the world Don't forget it -> 信じて shinjite -> So believe me
You'll regret it -> すべては subete ha -> when (I say) everything
Mother knows best! -> あなたのためよ anata no tame yo -> was/is for your sake
This is for fun so in no way are my translations “official”.
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書籍 / 四六判並製 / 304ページ
装画:Tim Kerrさん
装画 Tim Kerr
1956年3月11日生まれ テキサス・オースティン在住。
BIG BOYSを始め、POISON 13、BAD MUTTHA GOOSE、MONKEYWRENCH、 JACK O’FIRE,、LORD HIGH FIXERS,、THE NOW TIME DELEGATIONなどのバンドでギタリストを努める。パンクにファンク、ブルース、ガレージなどを融合した音楽の先駆け的存在。また、国内外の数多くのバンドのレコーディング・プロデュースも含め、その影響力は多大で多岐にわたる。絵画と写真のアーティストとしても活躍し、レコードジャケット、ポスター、本、広告、スケートボードデッキなどを手がけるほか、世界中で個展を開いている。
ブックデザイン 漆原悠一(tento)
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事故物件より愛をこめて (主任がゆく!スペシャル)
posted with AmaQuick at 2020.11.15
魔神ぐり子(著) ぶんか社 (2020-09-14)
画像出典 ぶんか社「事故物件より愛をこめて」 P6,P8,P28,P29,P32,P39 掲載順
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In order to learn more Japanese this year, I decided to play Ace Attorney... for GBA.
Last year I tested my Spanish skills with a book - this year I’m upping up the game! I finally felt confident enough to try this challenge, and so far I think it was a good idea! On my own I understand a good chunk of what I’m reading (but it depends on the character speaking - so far everyone has spoken in ordinary Japanese and in short sentences, but I’m afraid to meet Edgeworth and von Karma lol), but since I memorized the English translation I feel like I can understand pretty much everything.
Here are the words I looked up in the first case alone:
感心する (かんしん) to congratulate, to be impressed
逮捕する (たいほ) to arrest
一体 (いったい) “who/what/why in the world”
殺害する (さつがい) to kill, to murder
至って (いたって) very, extremely
巻き込む (まちこむ) to involve, to drag in
中断する (ちゅうだん) to interrupt
章 (しょう) chapter
確か (たしか) “if I’m not mistaken”
確かめる (たしかめる) to make sure
真っ白 (まっしろ) pure white/blank (as in, “blank sheet”/”my mind is a blank”)
被害者 (ひがいしゃ) victim
調書 (ちょうしょ) protocol, written evidence, record
事件 (じけん) event, affair
記録 (きろん) record, document
訴訟記録 (そしょうきろく) court record
死因 (しいん) cause of death
毒 (どく) poison
鈍器 (どんき) blunt weapon
殴る (なぐる) to strike, to hit
大分 (だいぶ) considerably
具体的 (ぐたいてき) concrete
証拠品 (しょうこひん) piece of evidence
受理する (じゅり) to accept
象る (かたどる) to model on
提出する (ていしゅつ) to present (documents)
武器 (ぶき) weapon
依頼人 (いらいにん) client
情報 (じょうほう) information
聞き逃す (ききのがす) to fail to hear something
反撃 (はんげき) counterattack
余計 (よけい) too much, unnecessary
振られる (ふられる) to be rejected, to be dumped
世紀 (せいき) century
世間 (せけん) society, people
状況 (じょうきょう) situation
実際 (じっさい) practically
日付 (ひづけ) date
収入 (しゅうにゅう) income
小遣い (こづかい) pocket money
援助する (えんじょ) to assist
口走る (くちばしる) to blurt out
関係する (かんけい) to be related
動機 (どうき) motive
移る (うつる) to change the target of interest or concern
合図 (あいず) signal
決定的 (けっていてき) decisive, conclusive
発見する (はっけん) to discover
証言 (しょうげん) testimony
殺人現場 (さつじんげんば) murder scene
覗く (のぞく) to peek
腰が抜ける (こしがぬける) to be unable to stand, to be paralyzed with fear
はっきり clearly, plainly
機種 (きしゅ) type of equipment, model
尋問 (じんもん) cross-examination
いよいよ more and more, at last
本番 (ほんばん) performance
暴く (あばく) to disclose, to divulge, to expose
カギに握る (かぎににぎる) to hold the key (idiom. expression)
食い違い (くいちがい) discrepancy
すなわち that is,
矛盾 (むじゅん) contradiction
部分 (ぶぶん) portion, section
突き付ける (つきつける) to thrust at
揺さぶる (ゆさぶる) to shake, to jolt
解剖記録(かいぼうきろく) autopsy report
明らか (あきらか) clear, obvious
些細 (ささい) trivial
単なる (たんなる) mere, simple, just
見事 (みごと) splendid, excellent
指摘する (してき) to point out
生み出す (うみだす) to create, to produce
追い詰める (おいつめる) to corner, to back into a corner
時報 (じほう) announcement of time
ずれる to be out of sync
思い込む (おもいこむ) to be convinced that
バッチリ perfectly, enough
にしろ though, even if, whether... or...
訳がない (わけがない) there’s no way that
妙に (みょうに) strangely
クネクネ wriggling, swaying
置き時計 (おきどけい) clock to be placed on tables
おそらく perhaps, I dare say
置物 (おきもの) ornament
瞬間 (しゅんかん) moment
強烈 (きょうれつ) strong, intense
細かい (こまかい) small, trivial
ぐちぐち muttering, complaining
主張 (しゅちょう) claim, assertion
欠片 (かけら) fragment, shred, ounce
言い逃れる (いいのがれる) to talk one's way out of
見逃す (みのがす) to miss, to overlook
わざわざ to go all the way to do something
連中 (れんちゅう) company, bunch
今更 (いまさら) now (after such a long time)
発想 (はっそう) idea, way of thinking
理由 (りゆう) reason, motive
示す (しめす) to show, to demostrate, to point out
時差 (じさ) time difference
一変する (いっぺん) to change completely
先ほど (さきほど) a moment ago
救い出す (すくいだす) to rescue, to free
探し出す (さがしだす) to track down, to locate, to find out
形式 (けいしき) formality
判決 (はんけつ) judgement
言い渡す (いいわたす) to announce, to sentence
閉廷する (へいてい) to adjourn a court
空き巣 (あきす) empty house
常習犯 (じょうしゅうはん) habitual criminal
留守 (るす) absence, being away from home
狙う (ねらう) to aim at, to be after something
立ち去る (たちさる) to leave
侵入 (しんにゅう) invasion, intrusion, trespass
物色する (ぶっしょく) rummaging, scouring
逆上する (ぎゃくじょう) to go into a frenzy
無事に (ぶじに) safely, without problems
スカッとする to feel relieved
ニコニコする smiling in a friendly way
記念 (きねん) commemoration, celebration
慰める (なぐさめる) to comfort, to amuse
分からず屋 (わからずや) blockhead
手製 (てせい) handmade
次第 (しだい) depending on
角度 (かくど) angle
パーッと with energy, enthusiastically
ある意味 (あるいみ) in a sense
幕を閉じる (まくをとじる) to come to an end, to close the curtain
連呼する (れんこ) to call repeatedly
依頼料 (いらいりょう) retaining fee
再び (ふたたび) once again
引き起こす (ひきおこす) to cause
永久に (えいきゅう) eternally
Some other general notes:
1) the equivalent of the press button is 揺さぶる - apparently in Japanese you don’t “press” the witness, you “shake” them, which I find hilarious: it gives me the image of Phoenix shaking by the shoulders an uncooperative witness to knock some sense into them
2) the equivalent of “when something smells, it’s usually the Butz” is “事件の陰に、やっぱり矢張”, roughly “behind an accident, of course there’s Yahari”, the joke being that both 矢張り and やっぱり mean “I knew it”/”of course”. Mia also mistakenly calls Larry やっぱり, which I have to say is far more flattering than being called “Harry Butz” :p
(funnily enough, this explains a very weird translation of the name of Larry’s theme in T&T that has been bothering me for years: sometimes it’s called “In the Shadows of the Incident”, which makes no sense and is even a little ominous, but now I realize it’s just a direct translation of “事件の陰に”)
3) Larry doesn’t compare himself and Cindy to Romeo and Juliet and Cleopatra and Mark Anthony (prompting Phoenix to think they’re all dead lovers), he just says they are (not even “were”, lol) the best couple of the century. Good for the English translation for adding a funnier joke
4) Similarly, once Sahwit is finally caught, there’s no equivalent of the awful “Mr. Did-It” pun, for better or for worse
5) When Sahwit gets his wig snatched [cit.], he says “Shut up! You’re complaining about trivial things!”, which sounds maybe even sillier than simply “I hate you” - dude i lost the count of how many times you shot yourself in the foot, what’s trivial is your ability to lie :P
6) Sahwit also switches from 私 and a keigo language full of ございます to オレ and your typical “rude anime guy” accent, something that I think the English version couldn’t convey quite as well
#ace attorney#gyakuten saiban#逆転裁判#japanese#単語#beev plays gyakuten saiban#so far the translation seems to be 99% faithful#which is helping me a lot#admittedly i looked up many words#even a few that maybe i should have known#but i just wanted to make sure
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