#~motorcycle noises~ and have fun with my punishment
ichika27 · 3 years
TWEWY x Yu-Gi-Oh
I made this post before about ygo cast in twewy universe, now I’m gonna try making the opposite. This would make less sense than the first one I made.
(Spoilers for both although not sure cause this will be a mess)
-Neku is given a second hand mp3 player. It’s broken and he has to fix it but once he does, he awakens the spirit inside it and now he gets possessed by a gremlin Joshua.
-Neku goes unconscious whenever the possession happens and doesn’t know exactly what’s going on (until later on in the story anyways) but he knows something is wrong cause he finds himself in places he never remembers going to.
-Neku also finds outfits in his closet he doesn’t recognize. There’s a gothic lolita outfit from Lapin Angelique in there and he is baffled cause how and why? There’s also some outfits from Pegaso in there and he has no money for such things and this is too elaborate for a prank. Joshua changes into those magically after possessing Neku because he gotta.
-Joshua challenges random a-holes who crosses Neku’s path for fun and challenges them to a Reaper’s Game and there are many types and if you lose or cheat, you’d get punished (and sent to the Noise Plane). Later on though, all the games end up being Tin Pin Slammer cause a children’s tin pin game makes the world go round and it can settle any dispute for some odd reason.
-The two later finally get to telepathically talk and Neku absolutely hates it. He can’t just block Joshua out with his headphones. He learns how to annoy Joshua back later though. They slowly find out they have a lot in common and even if they do argue, they are still friends. Joshua still riles him up enough that Neku ends up acting weird in public (and since no one else can see Josh, Neku looks like he’s talking to himself) cause it’s funny.
-Joshua calls Neku by name or refers to him as “Partner” (like what Atem calls Yugi coincidentally except Joshua is flirting with Neku). (Neku and Yugi have similarities with their clothes’ color schemes somewhat and spiky shounen hairs. Neku is emo and Yugi is goth though).
-Beat used to not like Neku cause of the latter’s attitude and they argue sometimes but Neku helps his sister Rhyme out sometime later and Beat decided they should become friends (Beat is the group’s Jounouchi cause they’re tough guys who are good big bros). Neku also befriends Shiki and Eri later. The others find out about Joshua, too.
-Tin Pin battle royale on an island arc. Later there’s a blimp involved somehow. People’s souls get trapped inside pins...
-Kitaniji and the other reapers are protectors who live in the sewers underground awaiting the return of their leader, the Composer. Once they find out Neku has the magic mp3 player, they test him.
-Minamimoto is a weird mix of Kaiba and either Yami Marik or Yami Bakura. He wants to kill the Composer by challenging them to a deadly game of Tin Pin. He would absolutely insult you with math terms for being a hectopascal with a 4th rate deck. (I’m not good at math so I can’t make creative math insults, I’m sorry)
-Tin Pin is based off ancient Shibuya wall graffiti writings...-
-Mr. Hanekoma is cool guy who owns a cafe in town and would give Neku advice. Seems to know more than he lets on.
-There’s a Ceremonial Tin Pin Slam Off at the end between Neku and Joshua while Overlap plays in the background. Neku wins and Joshua finally moves onto the afterlife hurting the feelings of the fans who watched the entire series and was hoping he’d stay and get his own body (no... pls dun leav! Not like Atem did!).
-I was joking about the last part. Joshua stays with his friends and continues to live with Neku (cause I ship them). No one is waiting for him in the afterlife anyways (at least, no one he’s willing to stay there for).
-Years passed and we’re watching TWEWY GX. Rindo is running late to Tin Pin Academy and bumps into Neku who gives him a pin.
-More years pass and there’s Tin Pin on Motorcycles in outer space. (Why? I dunno... I only got to watch until GX and only knew about the other series through wikis and tumblr posts).
This is all I got for now. Will edit this if more weird thoughts go into my head. If you’re wondering why this exist then here.
You hear that? Those are the songs that have been playing in my head for days (whenever I’m not actually listening to them at the time). It’s been years since i last watched Yu-Gi-Oh and I dunno why I’m thinking of it again. And the result of being into TWEWY while listening to those are these stupid posts.
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oneofyatosfollowers · 3 years
Yatori Week 2021- Day 6
AO3: https://archiveofourown.org/works/32090953/chapters/79500055
Fanfiction: https://www.fanfiction.net/s/13905660/1/Yatori-Week-2021
There were many reasons Hiyori and Yukine had been upset with Yato keeping his secrets. 
For one, they were dangerous to both him and the rest. Another was trust. That was something that bothered Yukine more than Hiyori; after all, she understood the many reasons why Yato didn’t tell them and she couldn’t blame him for it. But the reason that most upset Hiyori, was one that she had to face after he first disappeared.
Hiyori didn’t know Yato at all.
She knew nothing about him, couldn’t even take a guess as to where he would go. No favorite restaurant or bar, no other friends, no relaxing hobbies. And while there was once a time that wouldn’t have bothered Hiyori, that was no longer the case. Especially now, when they risked their lives for each other over and over.
Of course now, she knew more about him than anyone did. Yukine knew a lot but there were still aspects of Yato he didn’t understand yet. Yato had told them most of the important stuff, confirming or denying any questions or theories they had. But even so, Hiyori was just a speck. Just a sudden, minuscule existence in the grand scheme of the centuries of a god's life. Whether or not Yukine liked to think otherwise, there was no possible way for Yato to tell them about all his experiences in the one year he knew them. Considering they had trusted each other for less than that.
Unfortunately that didn’t change the fact that all those pieces, big and small, were a part of him. Parts that they-she- didn’t know. Yato was full of surprises and even though that was usually fun to experience, the distance between them didn’t become more apparent until right now. With Father being locked away in heaven, stuck in an immortal existence to keep Yato alive, the heavens ultimately proclaimed him dead in every other sense of the word. As such, his children were left in an odd sort of limbo between mourning and dealing with the aftermath of his punishment.
Since Nora was rightfully struggling with the adjustment, even though she had been living at Kofukus for the past couple months, most of the actual work had been left to Yato. He attended meetings in heaven, completed any paperwork, rounded up all the masks that escaped. He also located all of The Crafter’s storage houses, living spaces, and any other place he kept things for him or the masks. Heaven took care of most of it, preferring to keep his children away and out of suspicion; but Ameterasu left the fate of the main house to Yato. Out of either pity or consideration.
Originally, Yato and Nora were content to simply burn the estate house to the ground with all the contents and beasts inside. But Hiyori and the rest convinced them to at least look through it, saying it was okay to take the time instead of just cutting it off. In hindsight maybe the two didn’t want to go back to such a traumatic place (and maybe the others were just curious) but Hiyori could tell Yato had some longing to go there, safely. He and Nora had argued against anyone else going, even her and Yukine, but that opinion was ultimately swayed too. It was easier to do that nowadays, Yato wasn’t as stubborn as he used to be. Still bogged down by guilt of all kinds. But everyone promised the both of them they wouldn’t do or touch anything without permission and Yukine insisted on staying by Yato’s side.
That didn’t stop their jaws from dropping as they followed The Crafter’s children south along the coast and far up into the mountains. Yato and Nora decided to walk there, out of habit, and the rest had no choice but to do the same. An old stone staircase led from a small back road up into the trees. After about another mile, they met a driveway and a large bamboo fence. It was old, but clearly still used and well maintained. The height wasn’t anything extravagant- Hiyori knew she was the only one that couldn’t leap over it- but the large chains that crossed over the entrance warded others to stay away.
They waited patiently for Nora to unlock it before the doors swung open and they were met with a beautiful front yard and house. It wasn’t extravagant by any means but the yard was well kept with hydrangea bushes lining the fence and white pebbles accenting most of the plants and house. The house itself was rather grand. Far too nice for someone like Yato but everyone had the sense not to comment on it. The estate was very old fashioned, a traditional Japanese style with two floors and probably an attic. The white building had long hallways sticking off either side and thin wooden slats covering all the windows. They were the same dark wood as the naked support beams around the outside of the house and matched nicely with the dark pointed roof.
In fact the only “crafter” thing about the house was the handful of masks that slept in the front yard. Three of them looked like large deer, that raised their heads at the intruders but did nothing more. Some smaller ones skittered under the porch while two wolves dashed out to see the new guests, happy to finally see members of the family. With one nod from Yato and Nora, Bishamon dispelled these rather peaceful creatures. Hiyori didn’t try to think about it too much.
Nora unlocked the front door, sliding the wooden door open and letting the group into the mud room. For a moment everyone stood, unsure if they were supposed to take off their shoes, but when neither of The Crafter’s children did, they didn’t either. Down the hall to the left was the living room, straight ahead was the hallway and kitchen, and to the right were stairs to go up. Wordlessly, everyone separated and got to work. Since Yukine stayed with Yato, following him to the back of the house and down the right hallway to The Crafter’s workspace, Hiyori stayed with Nora in the kitchen. It was just as old as the rest of the house, mostly running on fire and various stone appliances.
“If you want to go with him, you can,” Nora said suddenly.
“Huh?” Hiyori jolted and dropped the tied trash bag, trying and failing to hide the fact that her thoughts were now upstairs. Nora didn’t say anything more, just leveled Hiyori with a polite but challenging look. Hiyori swallowed and looked down, attempting to hide her blush. There was no point in denying it, everyone in this house knew- and saw- that there was something between them.
“Hey Nora?” Kofuku peaked her head in the kitchen with Daikoku, Bishamon, and Kazuma over her shoulder, “we finished with the left side of the house. Except for Tenjin and Mayu who are still in the library. What else should we do?”
“If you walk straight out the back for a little less than a mile there is a holy spring. In the stream leading to it is a fruit net and laundry. There is also a garage in the back with Father’s sport’s car and Yato’s motorcycle. You can probably get rid of all the tools or something,” Nora said. There was another moment of stunned silence, something that has happened a lot since coming here, but everyone quickly delegated the work and left. Hiyori took a moment to drag the trash bags to the pile set neatly outfront on the porch before coming back. Before Yato agreed to let them come in, even with the promise they would not question or disobey his orders, he laid down several ground rules. One of which was that gods must always travel with their shinki, even from room to room. Apparently there were still masks that hid in the walls as security and Yato wasn’t sure how’d they act without their master. This was also the reason no one was to make any loud noises, or a ton of sudden movements. It was no wonder Yato and Nora were such naturally quiet people.
“I just- I don’t,” Hiyori started. She was cut off by Nora’s sigh as she worked to tape a box of glassware shut.
“Hiyori, I’m fine,” Nora stated, “this is my home. I’m not like Yato where I view this as a scary place, this is where I would go to feel safe and comfortable. It’s sad to see it go but this is hardly the first time we’ve moved. They’re just things.” The girl spoke as simply as ever, lifting the box and setting it atop the others for someone stronger to put in the mover’s truck one of Bishamon’s shinki drove. Ebisu offered to have a yard sale of The Crafter’s belongings after thoroughly cleansing them. He was planning on giving the money to Yato, who offered it to Kofuku, who decided to put it in a savings account for family emergencies.
“I know and that’s great. I just don’t want you to be alone, you know?”
“Then I’ll join Tenjin in Father’s study. We’re just about done here anyway,” Nora stood and wiped her hands on her hips. The cabinets in the kitchen were empty, the oven was cleaned out of wood and charcoal, and the floors were swept clean. Without another word, Hiyori opening and shutting her mouth, Nora left the room like a ghost. A shiver immediately ran up her spine and Hiyori’s fists squeezed. She couldn’t run, afterall she just got her tail fixed but still wasn’t able to leave her body, so there was no reason for her to go antagonizing phantoms. Down the hall and up the stairs Hiyori was stuck between two bedrooms. Fearing the thought of walking into the wrong one, Hiyori waited and listened.
“Isn’t this room bigger than ours?” Yukine said.
“Not quite but almost. I usually shared it with Nora.” Came Yato’s reply.
“All I’m saying is that this isn’t what I expected someone like you to have.” Despite the bratty tone, Hiyori could tell Yukine wasn’t angry. Nor was he blaming his dad. It sounded more like he was trying to have a normal conversation.
“That’s because I don’t. This isn’t my house,” Yato muttered, “and I never wanted any of my shinki to come anywhere near this place. Especially you.” His voice was muffled from behind the door that Hiyori awkwardly faced. She didn’t want to walk in on one of their moments, they needed that, but she wanted to make sure Yato wasn’t pouting.
“I know.” Yukine finally mumbled, dropping the facade he tried to wear. It was more Yato’s thing than his, Yukine could only ever wear his heart on his sleeve. She could sense the tension on the other side of the door and Hiyori knew she had to step in. Besides, she didn’t like having her back to the bedroom of that wretched man. The door slid open and Hiyori readied herself to settle messy emotions only to see Yukine giving Yato an awkward side hug, both of them crouching on the floor. Their heads were pressed together as Yukine rubbed Yato’s back up and down. Suddenly the blonde’s head popped up and looked at her.
“Hiyori,” Yukine said. It took a moment for Yato to raise his head and look over his shoulder. He wasn’t crying, he hardly even looked upset, but he did have that look in his eye. The one where he blamed himself for bringing some sort of misfortune on them.
“Hey ‘yori,” Yato gave her a smile, “Yukine’s being a good kiddo and guide. Makin’ sure I’m doin’ alright.” The two separated as she walked in. She smiled at Yukine’s blush.
“That’s wonderful. I just came up here to see if you needed help. We just finished the kitchen.” Hiyori said as she knelt down. On the far wall were two large closets, the right one Yatos, the left one Noras, above was more storage that they seemed to make little use of save for some awards. In between the two closets was a mirror and vanity with hairbrushes and hair accessories. In front of Yato was a box of kimonos, the closet was open to reveal he had about four left to fold. They were all plain, just various colors of white, black, and blue. There was one green but it seemed barely worn.
“What about Nora?” Yukine asked.
“She went to help Tenjin in the library. Bishamon and Kazuma finished with the music room and basement while Kofuku and Daikoku cleaned out the garage and all the bathrooms. Like you asked, none of us went into his room.” Hiyori relayed.
“Yeah, I think Nora wanted to do that. Leave it for last and all. Of course she’ll need Bishamon or Tenjin with her just to make sure she doesn’t try anything.” Yato muttered as he folded the last of his clothes.
“There’s still the, uh, attic. But other than that everything is done.” Hiyori felt bad reminding the two of Yato’s deeds as a God of Calamity. The ceiling was filled with nothing but boxes of newspaper clippings and requests of those who’ve died by Yato’s sword. Hiyori didn’t want to go in there, yet another forgien aspect of Yato she didn’t want to know. Yukine paused his cleaning as Yato sighed.
“Forget it. There’s definitely nothing in there the heavens or anybody wants. We can just burn it as it is tomorrow,” Yato deadpanned, “unless you want to go look. It’s okay.”
“No,” Yukine said immediately without anger.
“No,” Hiyori said after, “it’s fine.” The room fell into a strange but comfortable silence as Hiyori put all the vanity stuff into a box and sealed it. She looked for something else to clean, knowing there was not much more to be done.
“Are you really going to get rid of all this stuff?” Hiyori asked as she scanned the room. Yato placed his box of clothes in a pile by the widow, stacked atop about five others, two of which had Nora’s name on them. All in all, this room, this house, was rather empty. It seemed Father was the only one with sentimental objects but even then it wasn’t anything that couldn’t be replaced. Save for a couple cringey family photos and mask research, there was nothing worth saving.
“Mm-Hmm,” Yato hummed. He took a moment to gather two boxes in his arms and jump out of the window then back. He fixed her with a smile that stalled her heart for a moment, it was soft but genuine, like the more they cleaned out of this house the clearer his mind became. On the opposite wall, on either side of the door, were swords of all sizes and some certificates. Hiyori got to work there, grabbing one of the flatter boxes.
“Like I said to Yukine, this isn’t my room, not really. There’s nothing here I need,” Yato walked up to her, “besides, I already have everything I want at Kofuku’s.” His smile was telling and Hiyori focused on his lips for longer than she was comfortable with admitting. Yes, her soul was fixed, with the help of a sun god and some magic peaches. But not before receiving a desperate kiss from a close friend who gave her a piece of himself to hold her together until they could get help. Red faced, Hiyori looked away as Yato got to work on the rest of Nora’s white, red, and pink patterned kimonos.
“Are you sure? I mean some of this stuff seems like you should keep it. They're your things.” Hiyori said, almost like a sad plea. In her hands were two very prestigious college degrees, one for art and one for math. Below them was a certificate for japanese calligraphy, an acceptance letter to a professional baseball team, and an invitation to the winter olympic qualifiers. What Hiyori said was true, they were unequivocally Yato’s possessions, things that were so painfully him and no one else's. Yet they were so forgien. Yato the vagrant didn’t keep things. Especially so neat and preserved like this. Nor did he try to do things the right way that involved paperwork.
“Yeah, I mean. They’re just pieces of paper, it’s not like getting rid of them will take away my talents. I hardly look at them anyway.” Yato waved her off. Before she could say anything more, Yato had finished the closets and leaped out the window. With a sigh Hiyori went to the other side of the room and picked up two traditional old swords and a violin, ready to move them towards the window.
“Ah! Ah! Wait!” Yukine scrambled from atop a step stool, “not those!”
“But Yato just said?”
“I know but those, uh, he said I could have those.” Embarrassed, Yukine took the objects from her arms and scuttled them back to the corner. Hiyori crept behind him and scanned the growing pile: two swords, three daggers, a couple of boxes, and a book that looked like a large photo album.
“What’s in those boxes?”
“Stuff from the wars,” Yato suddenly popped up behind her.
“Which ones?” Hiyori blinked.
“They’re kinda mixed,” he shrugged, “mostly metals and grimy uniforms, but the kid really wanted them so. You can take things too if you want. Though I still don’t understand why.” It was a sweet sentiment of Yukine but the concept was still strange. Yato didn’t offer things. Well, he did, but he never actually had the material things he tried to offer and would usually offer services or lip service. Hiyori wasn’t sure he liked this version of Yato. She didn’t hate it- this was part of him after all- but Hiyori couldn’t fit these images in with her picture of him. She worked to process it as the group cleaned out the rest of The Crafter’s house, the building not seeming any less empty.
Bishamon’s shinki started the journey to Ebisu’s shrine while she and Tenjin took the mask materials up to heaven, as ordered by Ameterasu. Nora offered to cook dinner, planning on spending a final night saying goodbye to the house, but Kofuku and Daikoku decided to head into town for food. That left just them, Yato’s immediate family and her. Hiyori didn’t want to spend any more time here than she needed to but she still refused Kofuku’s offer to take her. With Yukine and Nora silently prepping food in the kitchen, Hiyori made her way through the back door where Yato had just finished chopping food. He didn’t look at her as she closed the sliding door and took a seat next to him.
“How are you feeling?” She coaxed, arm already around his shoulders.
“Good,” Yato huffed a sigh, “I mean I’m not happy. Not upset either. Just here,” he shrugged. Then he turned those blue eyes on her.
“How about you? Are you okay?” He asked. That was more like him, to ask how others were feeling when he was the one with the problem.
“Yeah, I’m fine.” She said. His arm wrapped around her waist but before she could turn her blush on him, he buried his nose in her neck.
“It just doesn’t feel real, you know? I know he’s not dead, so it’s not over, but it just feels like it is?” Yato lowered his voice so the kids inside didn’t hear him worry over nothing. Those were reserved for Hiyori, just like her monologues were only for his ears.  
“A new beginning,” Hiyori offered. She felt him smile against her neck and Hiyori’s blush reached it. Out of habit, she held out her hand and let him intertwine their fingers.
“I have a new life now,” Yato mused, “hopefully one without him in it.”
“But with you still here,” Hiyori squeezed her hand for emphasis.
“Haha, yeah. Of course. Me and you and Yukine, with a little less baggage.”
“Yato,” Hiyori sighed with a smile. She didn’t have the heart to tell him that simply cleaning out his father’s house was enough to make the emotional problems go away.
“I know,” Yato murmured. He nuzzled a little bit more, Hiyori waiting to rest her cheeks on his head. She stared at their hands with a soft smile, the feeling just as familiar as it was forgien. Hiyori came to the conclusion that she might not ever truly, fully, know Yato but that it wouldn’t stop her from loving him all the same.
“It’s a little bit of a shame though,” Hiyori said.
“Your stuff. This house. It’s almost like a waste.”
“Not a waste,” Yato said, “a new start. One with you in it.” The smile was evident in his voice and Hiyori could feel the steam rise off her face. She would never get used to such blatant flirting, especially when he grinned so charmingly at her from so close.
“But you’re welcome to take something. Something to remember me by.” Yato’s eyes drifted to her lips and back to her drooping eyes.
“You?” Hiyori said without thinking. Just as she leaned in for another precious kiss, Yato bursted out laughing, tips of his ears a bright red.
“As you wish!” Yato exulted. Hiyori was too lost in her embarrassment to look at him, not even when Yukine threw the kitchen door open to yell at his teasing master. There was still something there, something that overshadowed them with forbidding, but with Yato’s comforting laughter ringing throughout her bones, Hiyori knew they would be alright.
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morningfears · 5 years
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Rating: M | This is smut! No one under 18!
Summary: “hi, can I please get a smutty 4 n 5 with sub!calum or sub!nick :)” So, “I know you can be louder than that.” and “If you interrupt me one more time, I swear -“ “What? You gonna punish me?” for anon. Obviously, I chose Nick.
Word Count: 3.2k (...not a drabble, whoops)
For the first time since you’d moved in, your entire apartment complex seemed to be silent. Your neighbors, well-known amongst your friends for their lack of volume control, had already left for the holidays and so, it seemed, had most of the other residents in your building. Even the guy four doors down who drove the loudest motorcycle you’d ever heard hadn’t revved his engine at all. It had been so silent, in fact, that your noise-cancelling headphones, the ones that you always needed when you attempted to work at home rather than in the library, sat unused on your desk.
You’d spent the day working on your final essay, the only thing that stood between you and winter break, but progress was much slower than you imagined it would be and you couldn’t help the frustrated groan that spilled past your lips as you dropped your head to the desk. You desperately wanted to be finished, to put this class behind you and take a break from academia for a few weeks, but the words just wouldn’t come. You’d gotten distracted by every little notification on your phone, by e very little sound in your apartment, by the thought of what you’d do once you finished your paper; your focus was clearly lacking and Nick’s presence hadn’t helped at all.
He’d had the day off, a full day with nothing to do, and you were desperate to spend as much time with him as possible. However, with an 11:59 P.M. deadline looming over your head and a distinct lack of pages written, you’d sequestered yourself in your bedroom and banished Nick to the living room (you hadn’t had the heart to send him home, at least you could see him for a few minutes when you went to get water or snacks if he spent the day in your apartment). 
He, for the most part, had been good. He knew how badly you needed to finish the paper and he encouraged your academic pursuits fully. He wanted to spend his downtime with you but school came first. However, that didn’t stop him from pulling you into a kiss every time you entered the living room. Each time you passed the couch, he would reach out and wrap a hand around your wrist and pull you onto the couch with him for just a moment, long enough to have you melting into his embrace, before he’d nudge you away and encourage you to get back to work.
Nick laughed every time you walked away grumbling about his teasing and, each time he called, “That should make you work faster, ma. The sooner you get done, the sooner you’ll get more than a kiss.”
You flipped him off each time, huffing some variation of, “You’re such a distraction, Mara,” as you cursed yourself internally for not writing your essay earlier.
It took a few hours, far longer than it had taken in the past, but you finally managed to find a sort of groove. You ironed out your argument, you found the article that you’d use to justify your argument, you found a wide array of sources; your essay was finally coming together after what felt like hours of staring blankly at a word document. As you got into the groove of writing, you stopped stepping away from your desk to grab a bottle of water or a snack and Nick noticed that it had been over an hour since your last appearance.
He didn’t want to interrupt, however, he was getting bored and found himself wandering through your apartment. He ran a finger over the spines of books on your bookshelf, thumbed through the vinyl records that he liked to tease you about (even if he did enjoy lying on the floor with you, listening to you sing along to whatever vinyl you felt like listening to or when you asked him to sing along to the old school R&B records that you bought with him in mind), and even looked through the stack of polaroids you had taken with friends. He looked through everything in your living room - from the coffee table book a friend had given you to the stack of textbooks you still needed to return - and still hadn’t heard a word from your bedroom.
He hesitated for just a moment right outside your bedroom door before he said ‘fuck it’ and stepped into the room. He found you exactly where he imagined you would be, sitting in your desk chair with your eyes trained on your laptop, and he smiled at the sight. He really didn’t want to interrupt you, not when you were on a roll, but he couldn’t help himself as he crossed the room to where you sat. He wasn’t sure that you even noticed his presence, not when your fingers were flying across the keyboard and your eyebrows were furrowed in concentration, but you absolutely noticed his presence when he pressed a soft kiss to the exposed nape of your neck.
“Nick,” you huffed as you reached out to nudge his face away, “I promise I’m almost done, babe. Just give me another half hour. I’m two pages away from my page limit. When I’m finished, I’m all yours.”
Nick remained silent, he knew that anything he said would annoy you as you were so into your work that nothing else really mattered in that moment, and moved to lie on your bed as he watched you work. He alternated between staring at you and paying attention to his phone, however, each time he glanced at you, he felt the longing in the pit of his stomach grow a little stronger. He hadn’t just been torturing you with the teasing kisses he’d given you throughout the day; he was torturing himself. The pair of you hadn’t had time completely alone in weeks. You were over at the house, surrounded by the guys (not that that really stopped you; you just had to be a little quieter than he liked) or you had friends over or the guys somehow found themselves at your apartment (you cook for them once and it’s difficult to get them to leave) and he just wanted you to himself for a little while.
Nick didn’t want to worry about one of the guys barging in and seeing more than he should. He didn’t want to worry about keeping quiet (either of you; the guys still teased him about the time he thought you were alone and had gone a little harder than usual with his dirty talk) and didn’t want to worry about not having enough time to give either of you what you wanted. He just wanted to take his time with you, hear you, and enjoy every moment of it.
Every time he glanced at you, a pang of lust shot down his spine. He always told you just how sexy he found you when you were concentrating on something (you always laughed at him but he made sure to show you just how serious he was and had ended up with his head between your thighs more than once after you’d doubted him) and in that moment, he wanted nothing more than to pull you away from your desk and make up for the hours that you’d spent writing.
“You never believe me when I say this, but I love watching you work. You’ve got this look on your face and you bite your lip. It’s a good look on you, ma.”
Nick heard you release a quiet sigh at his words and watched as you shook your head. “I promise, I’m almost done,” you mumbled, your voice quiet as you kept your eyes on your computer screen, “When I’m finished, I’m finished for the next few weeks so we’ll have plenty of time to spend together. Until then, can you just, entertain yourself? Quietly?”
“Mm,” Nick hummed, his tone matching yours as he moved from his spot on the bed and crossed the room to stand behind you once more. “I could,” he mumbled against your skin as he settled in behind you, “but where’s the fun in that?” He could feel the goosebumps erupt on your skin as he brushed his lips across the nape of your neck and heard the huff of mixed annoyance and arousal that left your lips. He knew that you wanted this just as much as he did, knew that you wanted nothing more than to spend the day in bed with him, and he was going to do everything in his power to convince you to write a little faster.
“Nick,” you huffed as your fingers paused on the keyboard, “please. I-“
“You’re almost done,” he finished, “I know. Don’t mind me. I’m just entertaining myself. Quietly.”
“Have I ever told you how annoying I find you?” you questioned, your words mumbled as you attempted to regain your train of thought.”
“A few times,” Nick admitted with a laugh. “But you love me.”
You didn’t respond as you attempted to settle back into the groove of writing. You attempted to focus on the words in the article in front of you, attempted to form coherent sentences, but your focus was long gone. All of your attention was on Nick’s mouth, pressing kisses to your neck, and on his hands as his fingers brushed at your sides.
“Come on, Nick,” you huffed as you felt a shudder ripple down your spine, “just a little-“
“A little longer, I know,” he mumbled against your skin. “Keep working. I’m plenty entertained.”
Nick wasn’t normally one to interrupt you so easily (he usually only did it on accident or in the bedroom) and you were already a little annoyed. As a result, you huffed, “Nick, if you interrupt me one more time, I swear-“
“What? You gonna punish me?” he questioned with a laugh as he continued his teasing.
The idea of you punishing him was almost laughable. In the bedroom, things were either equal with both of you sharing the power or they tended to lean a little more toward Nick taking charge. He had no problem giving orders and you had no problem following them. However, punishments, especially ones that required him relinquishing all control, seemed a little farfetched. But you were already annoyed and his interruptions had pushed you a little farther than you wanted to admit so you took the bait and nodded.
“Yeah,” you huffed as you glanced at the time in the corner of your screen and decided that you could spare a little time. “That’s exactly what I’m going to do.”
Nick watched, his eyes wide in surprise, as you shoved away from your desk. He stepped away from your chair quickly and felt the back of his knees hit your bed. You pressed a hand to his chest and pushed him into a seated position at the foot of your bed. “What?” you questioned as you stepped between his spread thighs and wrapped your arms around his neck, “Nothing to say now?”
“Nothing at all,” he confirmed as he brought his hands up to your waist and slipped them beneath the hem of your top.
Nick kept his eyes on your face as you thought about your next move. Taking charge wasn’t exactly something you tended to do in the bedroom and he wanted to reach out and take charge himself, however, before he could move, you dipped your head down and pressed your lips to his in a heated kiss. Your fingers tangled in his hair, tugging at the strands as your teeth nipped at his bottom lip, and he tightened his grip on your his as he attempted to pull you closer. Instead of moving, just as he imagined you would, you pulled away from the kiss and shook your head. 
“Not today, babe,” you mumbled against his lips. “Shirt off, please.”
“If I don’t want to take it off?” He asked as you moved to press your lips to his neck.
“Then I can go back to my writing and you can get yourself off,” you informed him with a shrug before you placed a teasing nip to the column of his throat. “Your choice, babe.”
When Nick removed his hands from your waist, you stepped away and gave him enough room to pull his shirt up and over his head. Nick raised an eyebrow as you stared at him, your eyes sweeping over his exposed skin, before he asked, “Like what you see?”
“You know I do,” you huffed as you gestured for him to move further up the bed. “I still think you’re annoying, though.”
“I can live with that.”
You rolled your eyes as you settled into the space between Nick’s legs. To your surprise, he didn’t attempt to gain control as you moved to press kisses to his newly exposed skin. You nipped at his neck, your lips warm against his skin as his hands moved to push up the material of your top. He bunched it just below your breasts, as high as he could get it on his own, and brushed his fingers over your skin as you moved down to kiss his chest.
“If you want something,” you mumbled against his skin as he attempted to push your top up a little higher, “you have to ask for it, babe.”
Nick wasn’t going to indulge you, however, he had long since stopped thinking with any sort of rationality. Instead, he wanted to take the route that would get both of you off quickly. So, he bit back the smirk and the roll of his eyes and asked, “Can I take your shirt off?”
“Of course,” you breathed as you shifted just enough for him to tug the material up and over your head. Once your shirt joined his on the floor, you returned your mouth to his skin and continued your descent.
A blowjob wasn’t what Nick had been expecting, not when he had been teasing you all day, but he wasn’t going to question it as you tugged at the strings on his sweatpants. “Off, please,” you mumbled against his stomach with a glance up at him. Nick was quick to follow this request and shimmied out of his sweatpants faster than he had his shirt. When you realized he’d foregone underwear and were met with a wide grin, you rolled your eyes and mumbled a quiet, “Of course,” against his skin.
Nick’s laughter at your comment was cut short as your hands moved to his thighs. He watched, eyes half-lidded, as you shifted a little farther down and continued pressing kisses to his skin. You nipped and licked at his skin as you raked your nails over his thighs, careful to never get too close to where he wanted you most. He kept his mouth shut as you left red marks in your wake, not enough to turn into a hickey but enough to stand out for the time being.
He wanted to ask you to move faster, wanted to ask you to give him what he wanted, but he let you keep control and held himself back as you lavished his body with kisses. It was almost as if you were testing him, waiting for him to attempt to take over, but he was aware that this was supposed to be a punishment and he didn’t want to rush to the end.
You felt him squirm beneath you, his hands reaching out to your head to guide your movements, but before he could nudge you down, you pulled away. “Keep your hands to yourself,” you told him as you reached out to rake your nails over his thighs once more, “or I’ll stop.”
“Stop wha-“ he began, but before he could finish the word, you’d dropped your head and traced the vein running along the underside of his cock with your tongue. “Fuck,” he breathed as he clawed at your duvet in search of a secure grip.
He kept relatively quiet as you teased him with kitten licks, your hands remaining on his thighs as you failed to take him between your lips. He wanted to reach out and guide your head, wanted to get you to take him down your throat just as he’d been dreaming about, however, he kept his hands on the duvet and waited for you to take him. His patience was running thin and he almost asked you to give up the charade when you finally took the head of his cock between your lips.
Nick groaned at the feeling of your mouth finally wrapping around his cock and he released a quiet groan as you wrapped your hand around the base. You’d been together long enough to know what he liked and you used every trick you knew drove him wild to get him close to the edge. The closer he got, the louder he got. However, you could tell that he was still holding back as you glanced up to catch him biting his lip.
“I know you can be louder than that,” you mumbled against his skin, your lips swollen and shiny with spit as you glanced up at him from beneath your lashes.
Nick groaned at the sight, his chest heaving and his heart racing. You looked sinful and he wanted nothing more than to give you whatever you asked for. So, instead of making some stupid comment that would make you roll your eyes or laugh, he gave in and let himself go. He groaned at the feeling of your mouth on him, moaned your name as you took him just a little deeper, and gripped harder at the duvet as he felt his orgasm approaching.
“Fuck,” he groaned, “fuck, I’m close.”
“Ask for permission,” you instructed, your voice raspy and your eyes shining, “ask me to let you cum, baby.”
Nick was too far gone to think about it so he didn’t hesitate to ask, “Let me cum, please. I’m so close.”
“One more time,” you breathed before you took him into your mouth once more.
Nick did as he was told, he asked for permission one more time with another please, and you almost wanted to let him. You could tell just how close he was, could tell that he was right on the verge, but this was supposed to be a punishment, after all. So, instead of letting him fall over the edge, you pulled away just before he could cum.
When you pulled away from him completely, climbed off the bed, and reached for your shirt, it took a moment for him to realize what was happening. When he did, however, he sat up, bewildered, and blinked at you. “What the fuck?” he questioned, “What are you doing?”
“I’m finishing my essay, babe. Gotta finish that before I can finish you,” you informed him with a grin as you settled back into your chair. “Thirty more minutes, tops.”
Nick stared at you, his eyes narrowed, before he huffed and dropped his head back into the pillows at the head of your bed. “You’re gonna pay for this,” he huffed, his voice thoroughly fucked, “when you finish your essay, you’re mine.”
“That’s what I was counting on, babe.”
Author’s Note: I still need to work out nicknames for them to give their partners in my fics. Anyway, I’m trying to watch Jurassic Park and I kept getting distracted. My bad. Anyway, this is my second attempt at PM and my first Nick fic. Fun fact, my first crush ever was named Nick. We were friends from kindergarten until we graduated. He made me a Batman keychain in shop and we were partners for all our science projects in junior and senior year of high school. ANYWAY. I’m having fun with the PM fics! ALSO. This isn’t super subby but, like. I feel like he’d be a little shit instead of a straight up sub. So.
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bobdylanrevisited · 4 years
Blonde On Blonde
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Released: 20 June 1966
Rating: 10/10
The finale of the electric trilogy, another masterpiece that pushes the boundaries of Dylan’s singing and penmanship. He described this album as the closest he’s ever gotten to the noises in his head, a thin mercury sound, metallic and bright gold. It was also the first double sided rock album, and his first without an acoustic track, with Dylan continuing to blaze a trail in popular music. Although this album may not be as ‘deep’ as its predecessors, it’s still a thrilling musical adventure that again makes you forget his folk origins, and embrace his role as the leader of a new style of ‘pop’ song. 
1) Rainy Day Women No. 12 & 35 - The look on people’s faces when the album opened with this must have been one to behold, it sounds nothing like the Bob we know and love. It’s more like a Mardi Gras parade, with trumpets blaring and the band’s joyous screams, all revolving around a pun on the word ‘stoned’. It’s a brilliant opener, both upbeat, funny, and unlike anything that came before it. Whether the song refers to weed, hedonism, his pious status, or the ancient punishment, it’s hard to argue that ‘everybody must get stoned’. 
2) Pledging My Time - A severe change of gear for this track, a much slower blues number, which reworks a number of older blues lyrics, to describe the promise to a lover in the hopes that they will reciprocate the feeling. It’s a fine song, though it does get somewhat lost on the album due to the longevity many of the other tracks have endured. 
3) Visions Of Johanna - Generally agreed to be one of the finest songs ever written, it’s no wonder this has remained one of Dylan’s favourites ever since. It’s a colossal piece, proving that no matter what instruments are on the track, the writing is still the soul of what Dylan is doing. Not only are the vocals among the best he’s ever recorded, the song weaves a vivid picture of his strive for perfection. Much like the previous two albums, Bob uses metaphor and surreal imagery to express personal emotion and you can’t help but hang on his every word. You are transported into a dreamlike state, also searching for Johanna and your own personal idea of flawlessness, though for me that may very well just be this song. 
4) One Of Us Must Know (Sooner Or Later) - A song about the ending of a relationship, which should be a bleak affair, but I can’t help but singalong and grin as I listen to this brilliant tune. Although it dissects and defends bad behaviours that caused the couple to sour, the instrumentation and the rousing chorus are a joy to hear, and it’s easily one of my favourite tracks on the album. 
5) I Want You - At odds with the previous track, this a sweet love song, once again populated my characters and imagery that only Dylan could conjure up. Much like the rest of the album, the tune and melody of this song are remarkably beautiful, and this is certainly Dylan’s most musically ambitious, yet accessible album so far, with this track being another highlight. The song has also been reworked a lot live, and sounds just as beautiful as a ballad, which Dylan played a lot in the late 80s/early 90s. 
6) Stuck Inside Of Mobile With The Memphis Blues Again - I think this may be my favourite song on the album, with apologies to Johanna. Whilst it’s simply just another surreal story with a mad cast of people, I absolutely adore it. Again, the tune is catchy and fun, the singing is perfect, and the whole thing comes together to be a track that fills me with indescribable happiness. The live Hard Rain 1976 version is also phenomenal, it’s impossible for this song to sound anything other than amazing. 
7) Leopard-Skin Pill-Box Hat - A satire on fashion, and a lover continuing to wear her new hat in increasingly compromising situations, this is another blues song with a great guitar arrangement and sounded brilliant on the 1966 Live tour. It’s not one of my favourites on the album, but it’s a good song that talks of jealousy and materialism, with the bluesy sound being the main attraction. 
8) Just Like A Woman - Potentially written about Edie Sedgwick, this sounds like one of Dylan’s tenderest songs, but the lyrics are actually full of vulnerability and regret. One of Bob’s most popular songs, possibly due to the gentle tune and the grounded imagery, I’ve personally always found it a tiny bit overrated in comparison with the rest of the album, though I understand it is an easy introduction to Dylan for the average listener. However, I will admit that the song is spellbinding when performed live, particularly on the 1966 tour. 
9) Most Likely You Go Your Way And I’ll Go Mine - A very literal tale of a breakup, this is again another song that feels joyous despite the content. The guitars and drums add a very fun layer to the tune, and it’s another track that hasn’t got a deep message, but is just a brilliantly sung rock song that helps make this album the most musically enjoyable yet. 
10) Temporary Like Achilles - Another blues number about a breakup and a new lover. There’s not much to write about this one, other than it’s again a fun tune, this time revolving around a double entendre: ‘honey, why are you so hard?’
11) Absolutely Sweet Marie - This is another catchy tune, and whilst it’s still influenced by the blues, it is more upbeat. Much like the previous track it’s full of innuendo, but it sounds like a ‘pop’ song that you may hear on the radio, with a more restrained style of singing from Bob. It’s another fine song which would be considered more a filler track, if not for the line ‘to live outside the law you must be honest’, which is one of his most quoted lyrics. It shows that even when he’s not telling a mad story or protesting injustice, he’s still the world’s best songwriter and can toss legendary lines into a largely throwaway song. 
12) Fourth Time Around - Written as a response to The Beatles ‘Norwegian Wood’, Dylan uses this dark tale of a lover’s fight to take aim at John Lennon’s ‘new’ style of writing, that sounded an awful lot like it had been stolen from Bob. Musically, it is the same as ‘Norwegian Wood’, with the last line warning ‘I never asked for your crutch, now don’t ask for mine’. Basically, Bob’s telling John not to take his style, whilst also perfectly showing the world that he’s still the best at storytelling and his brand of unique phrasing. This song would haunt John Lennon for some time, as he was paranoid about Dylan’s feelings towards him, but in the end Lennon went in a new direction and Bob remained friends with The Beatles, so any beef seem to be short lived.
13) Obviously Five Believers - Much like previous tracks, another bluesy tune with lyrics about a relationship and wild backing musicians, this is a good little song to dance and singalong with. Robbie Robertson’s guitar playing is particularly impressive on this track, and his playing throughout the whole album is one of the highlights. 
14) Sad Eyed Lady Of The Lowlands - Bob had married Sara Lownds three months earlier, and this 11 minute poem of love, beauty, strength, and heavenly romance is an incredible tribute to her. Though much of the album is filled with sombre lyrics about relationships ending and striving for a perfect woman, the closing track is all about how Bob has found what he has been searching for. It’s a gorgeous song that is not only some of his most heartfelt writing, it’s a uncompromising wedding vow that is full of genuine emotion and is brimming with positivity, something Dylan doesn’t often write about. It’s an incredible conclusion to the album, and to this period of his career. 
Verdict: Once again, my hyperbolic words can’t do this album or career period justice, for a 25 year old to release three culture changing masterpieces in the space of 15 months is unfathomable. Whilst it could seem somewhat ‘sell out’ with the more radio friendly songs, the whole album is just a thrillingly perfect journey through Dylan’s emotions and experiences, relationships ending, searching for meaning, and finally finding happiness. This album once again includes some of the best songs and singing of his entire career, and the overall sound throughout the record is much more mature and composed. Even the tracks that seem a little more filler are still brilliantly written songs that eclipsed the popular music that was being released at the time. The album is my (joint) second favourite thing he’s ever released, and sadly it would be the last of this particular ‘Bob Dylan’, as he was once again about to cocoon and re-emerge a new man. Following a motorcycle accident in 1966, and his settling down with his new wife and children, the rock ‘n’ roll lifestyle was about to be abandoned for a more mellow, more relaxed, and more ‘country’ sound. 
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starshine583 · 5 years
I’ll Tell You Goodnight
(Here’s part 9! I hope you guys enjoy it!)
Hooked On A Feeling (This was part 8)
Light flashed over head as they passed under street lights. The low hum of the motorcycle provided white noise to accompany the silence of the night. Marinette’s arms hung loosely around Damian’s waist, and he felt her head resting on his back.
She must be tired. He thought to himself. They’d left the amusement park later than he expected they would. 
Despite this, Damian still felt somewhat disappointed when her family bakery came into view. It was odd to say, but he didn’t want the night to end. Being with her made him..relaxed. Happy even. How could he feel this way about a girl he just met? It didn’t make sense.
The motorcycle stopped in front of the sidewalk, right next to the glass door of the bakery. 
He didn’t move at first, listening to the sound of Marinette’s soft, steady breaths, feeling her chest rise and fall. 
She must have noticed the lack of movement after a while, because her head lifted off of his back. 
“Are we home?” The words were groggy and hushed, and Damian had a strange urge to hold her in his arms so she could sleep longer.
“Yes, you’re home.” He answered, matching her volume. 
Marinette hummed in tired annoyance, lazily sliding off of the motorcycle. “Thank you for the ride. I know it’s out of your way.”
He waved his hand in the air as if to brush off the comment. “No, no. I’m the one that stole you. It’d be unreasonable to make you walk home.”
She chuckled, making the dark night a bit brighter, and took off his helmet to reveal her disarrayed pigtails and crooked smile.
“Stole me, huh?” 
“Well, what would you call it?” Damian asked, taking the helmet from her hands and tucking it between his arm and side.
Her bluebell eyes turned to the sky as she pressed a finger to her chin in thought. “I don’t know. Maybe..”
Her gaze flicked back to him.
Damian’s eyes widened slightly. Saved? She thought he saved her? From what? And why was it suddenly harder to breath?
“Marinette? Is that you?” 
His thoughts stopped short when Sabine called out to them from inside the shop.
Marinette sighed. “I should go. I’m already gonna be in trouble for skipping classes.”
Hopefully her parents were as reasonable with punishment as his was.
“It’s alright. I had a lot of fun.” She smiled, her tone turning to a teasing one as she added, “At least we didn’t get interrupted by an akuma this time.”
Damian did his best not to show his irritation towards the reminder. There was another reason he spent the day with Marinette, or, at least, there was supposed to be.
“About the akuma attacks..” 
He hated ruining the last bits of their night together, but Bruce wouldn’t let him hang out with her anymore if he didn’t get information. 
“Do those happen often? I’ve never seen anything like it before.”
Marinette gave a nervous laugh. “Oh, you have no idea. It’s getting kind of ridiculous.” 
“They come from a guy called Hawkmoth, right? Do you know how it works?” 
Something in her expression hinted to him that she did, but she shook her head. 
“Not exactly. I know he uses negative emotions to create the akumas.” 
Negative emotions? 
“Marinette?” Sabine called again, not giving Marinette time to reply.
She gave him an apologetic look as she stepped towards the door. “I’m sorry. I have to go.”
Damian offered a smile. “It’s alright. I’ll see you tomorrow.”
Marinette faltered, staring at him with a surprised look.
“Will you?”
It took a minute for the question to register.
They hadn’t planned that out yet, had they?
“Uh..” He trails off, lost for words. “I mean, if you want to?” 
He swiftly dug around in his pocket for a paper and pen. The ticket from the amusement park would work fine. 
“I don’t know what your schedule is for tomorrow,” He continued, scribbling a few numbers down and handing her the ticket, “But here’s my number. Hopefully we can work something out.” 
To his relief, she took it and glanced over the numbers. 
She then stashed it in her pocket with a grin. “Thanks. I’ll be sure to text you.”
A soft pause. 
Marinette pursed her lips together, like she wanted to say something else. Damian definitely wanted to, but he couldn’t place what it was that he wanted to say. 
“Well, goodnight.” She finally stated, spinning around to open the front door.
“Goodnight. Make sure to get some sleep.” He advised, fitting the helmet onto his head.
“No promises!” Marinette called over her shoulder just before the glass door closed behind her.
Damian sighed, starting up the motorcycle with a small smile. This was starting to become a problem. He shouldn’t want to follow her inside so badly.
Nevertheless, his grin was all too obvious as he sped down the road towards the hotel.
“You were out late.” 
Damian didn’t need to see Dick to know his smile was obnoxiously coy.
“And I’m going to be out even later.” He replied flatly, going straight to his suitcase to pull out his costume. “Don’t you have your own room?”
Mayor Bourgeois was quite generous himself, if you could call it that. He was so wrapped up in impressing them that he gave them three rooms each.
“Bruce wanted me to make sure you came back.” Dick answered, setting his book to the side. “I thought we agreed that Robin was on the bench for now.” 
Damian rolled his eyes. “In the daylight, yes, but Father didn’t say anything about going out at night. As long as I’m not seen, it’s not a problem.”
“I’m just going on patrol. I’ll be back in an hour, easy.”
Dick paused, and Damian hoped that meant he would leave him alone.
“You’re not allowed to stop by Marinette’s house.”
Damian grit his teeth. It took all of his will power not to pull out the dagger hidden in the secret pocket of his suit case.
“I wasn’t going to. At least not specifically. It’s patrol. You go everywhere.” 
“Mhm. Sure.” 
Damian sent him a sharp glare, before yanking his suit out of the suitcase and storming for the bathroom. He had better things to do than hogtie his brother over the side of the balcony, anyway.
Tag List:  @thebookwormfairy @unholykrow @constancetruggle @vixen-uchiha @derpingrainbow @kceedraws @graduatedmelon @starry-bi-sky @worlds-tiniest-spook-pastry @sweatyruinsstudentbored @go-n-ef @tinybrie @resignedcatservant @never-neverland @captainmac6 @drama-queen-supreme  @you-will-never-know-how-i-think @roseinbloom02 @grimmhallow31 @zazzlejazzle @crazylittlemunchkin @iggy-of-fans @origamieater @kiara-rose-blackthorn @spicybelladonna @redscarlet95  @mooshoon @t-nikki10 @auradonfairy @shamefulllove @unabashedlyswimmingtimemachine @johnlockfeelz @imfreakingmagical @miraculousbelladonna @literallytryingmybestbutok @fanficaddict4ever
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riot-in-reverie · 4 years
Villainous Neighbors pt 2.
tags: @queen-of-glass @jamesxdaisy @b00kworm @jurdanhell @cardan-greenbriar-tcp
theres a question at the bottom that would really help the fanfic. 
tell me if you prefer this POV or the one i did in part one, 1st or 3rd person
i’m sorry  if this isn’t that good....
pictures will be posted separately as always.
warnings: threats and subtle signs of abuse
Chapter 2
Buzz. Buzz. Buzz. Buzz
Jude sleepily opened her eyes not able to ignore the constant buzzing of her phone on the bedside. She blindly threw her hand out searching for the source of the horrid noise. Once her hand closed around her phone she opened it was blinded by the brightness.
 Buzz. Buzz.
 Blinking quickly she opened text messages and bolted upright in bed. How could she have forgotten. Looking down at her phone was 8 messages from Dain and more coming 
Dain: "Hey"
Dain: "Where have you been"
Dain: "Can you call me?"
Dain: "Jude. Call me"
Dain: "Its late are you okay"
Dain: “You better be at home"
Dain: "Good morning"
Dain: "Can you hang out today" 
Dain: "Are you up?"
Dain: "Wake up babe"
I frantically typed out a good morning whitch in seconds he replied 
Dain: "Good afternoon. It's Noon but that's okay how are you?"
Jude: "I'm good" 
Dain: "Where were you last night?"
I couldn't tell him about the fights. He didn't know and wouldn't let me continue if he knew. The problem was I was slowly running out of excuses and they were getting more and more far fetched.
Jude: "I was on a late night walk. Didn't want my phone on me"
Dain: "You should always have your phone on you" 
Jude: "I didn't want it to disturb me"
Dain: "What if something happened"
Nothing would have happened but I couldn't tell him that. 
Jude: "Oh I should probably get breakfast and stuff. Text you later!" 
I threw the blankets to the side and slid off the bed. There was no part of my body that wasn't sore or just plain hurting. As I walked to my closet I noticed a big bruise on my upper thigh that must have manifested overnight. I'd have to find something to cover that up. I found a long dark forest green shirt that I styled with a tie in the front. I honestly thought about just wearing that to be scandalous but I put on some ripped jeans so I wouldn't get arrested. I decided to leave my hair down today. I was downstairs by 12:15
I was in a rush. I had wanted to get to work by 11. I do own my own shop but I want to open at a decent time and I've already slept through my alarm. Now I was very late and was snapping at Taryn to get a move on. Taryn often accompanies me to work just to leave after about 15 minutes. 
"Lets fucking go. I have customers"
"Okay okay. Let me get my shoes on!"
I groaned and just went outside, she could catch up. The shop was in town so the walk took a bit but Taryn refused to ride on my motorcycle. Why didn't she wake me up then I wouldn't be so snappy or so rushed. 
I heard rapid footsteps behind me and looked back over my shoulder to see Taryn hurrying to catch up. I see her purple, no lavender (as I was corrected earlier) dress waves slightly in the wind. I’ll laugh at her if she gets into a fight. That dress will do absolutely no good in a battle of any sorts. Honestly I don’t know how people get us confused. I know we're twins but honestly I would never wear something like that. She seems to like it though so I don’t mention it.
We chatted idly about things of no importance and eventually we arrived at my shop. 
In crude cursive letters above a quaint shop said "Jude's Tattoos" Not the most creative name but Vivi said she thought it had a nice ring to it and no one had complained so far. 
Taryn turned to me and said "I'll see you later have fun at work" before walking past the shop. I didn't bother waving. I unlocked the door and went inside the small chimes of the door making me smile. I turned on the lights and the room illuminated in a nice subtle glow. There was the small waiting room in the front with the black fuzzy couch and two neon colored chairs. Some random magazines were laid out on the round wooden table in between them. Behind that was the desk that divided the front from the back workspace. I went to the back where all my supplies were set up. Around the back and on the desk one could find some of my personal stuff. I sometimes kept things here when I forgot to take them home, was too lazy, or maybe I purposely kept them here who knows. I sat down on my swivel desk chair and noticed a lipstick bottle. I popped it open to see if it was what I think it was and sure enough hidden in it was a blade. Perfect for some stealthy stabbing. Maybe I should take that home today? Eh, I could think about it later. I tossed it aside and looked at my customers for today. Only one that was supposed to come at 4.
Cardan Greenbriar who's unsure what he wants as of now.
Well I guess I got some time to kill. I moved over to the couch and pulled out my phone.
Cardan POV
"No threats huh?" 
Cardan said to himself as he completed the ransomware program on Mr. Smith's company. He pushed away from his computer smiling brightly. In about an hour he'd call and state his demands. He stood up nearly falling down again after he had been sitting so long. Once he got used to standing again he stretched and looked at the time. It was about 2 that means he'd call at  2:30 or 3. Then he had about 1 hour before he got his tattoo at a new place his friend had recommended. He still had to figure out exactly what he wanted. He had a rough idea but not exactly. He could work on that or maybe he could talk to some more companies. 
He walked upstairs still trying to roughly plan his day when he noticed himself in the mirror. Now Cardan took a lot of pride in his appearance and right now he could barely recognize himself. His hair was all over the place, his makeup smeared, bags under his eyes, and his silk pajamas were crinkled. He might have to dedicate an hour to his routine instead of the usual thirty minutes. 
He looked in his closet and pulled out a dark blue oxford shirt that he put on and tucked up the sleeves. He put on black pants with a belt that was more meant for  style than practical use and started brushing out his hair. He parted it to the left so it covered his left ear leaving his right ear for his beautiful dangling earring. He slid his rings on and added some subtle touches to his makeup. He thought he looked casual yet a bit dramatic and that worked perfectly fine for him. 
It was about 2:35 by this time and he decided to call Mr. Smith. He dialed the number on the business card that he had on his desk. After a few rings he answered with an exasperated voice "Hello how may I…"
"Hello Mr. Smith"
"Cardan?" His exasperation turning to surprise 
"Mr. Greenbriar if you please. Yes well I was wondering if you had reconsidered what you said yesterday."
"Why would I do that?"
"Just considering your circumstances at the moment"
"And how do you know about that?" 
"How do you think?" He said with a mocking tone
"You did it. Why?" Surprise and bewilderment were quite obvious in his voice.
"Because I want to be paid. It's really not that hard to understand. I don't get paid and you get punished."
"We are already working on taking it down" Cardan could tell he tried to say this with confidence but his voice wavered 
"You know it will take you too long. You will lose to many customers in that time. Quit fooling around" 
There was a long silence and Cardan was starting to think he might have hung up when his voice came through
"Okay. No more than what we were paying you though"
"Now was that so hard? Remember that I am a very valuable asset but I can also make very bad things happen. To you or to others. Alright I hope you have a lovely day" 
Cardan hung up and started to disable the program. Soon enough it was gone and Mr. Smith was under Cardan control. 
It was about 3 now and Cardan didn't know what to do. He could get Starbucks? He could text Locke? He could just go early? There was a jewelry store near the tattoo shop that his friend worked at. He could go there. He decided that was the best idea and got into the car to drive to "Atlantis Jewelry" but not before getting a coffee for the both of them. 
Cardan walked through the store door and among the glass display cases that held jewels and necklaces that glittered when the sun hit them through the perfectly aligned windows. He walked up to the front to the person who was stationed there 
"Yeah Hi I'm looking for Narcissa. She works here" 
The attendant held up a finger as in to say wait right here than went to the back. Cardan waited there coffees in hand until Narcissa came out and stretched over the counter to give Cardan a kiss on the cheek 
"Cardan! How have you been!"
"Hey. I've been good. I brought you a coffee" he handed the coffee that had whipped cream to her
"Thanks so much I definitely needed this." 
Cardan just nodded. 
"So what have you been up to?" She asked after she had taken a long sip from her drink. 
Cardan shrugged "not much is different. My neighbors moved out so now there's just an empty house next to me but other than that everything is the same. What about you?" 
"Oh well my mom went on a trip so I'm all alone for awhile which is kinda nice. My boyfriend broke up with me. I got a promotion. That tattoo shop opened across the street. It drives my manager crazy."
She started to go onto the next thing but Cardan stopped her 
"What's wrong with the tattoo shop" He didn't want to go to a faulty tattoo shop "who runs it?" 
"Just this girl" She said waving her hand dismissively "it's the music that bothers us. It's very loud" 
"Oh. That's it?" 
Apparently  that was the wrong choice of words. She glared at him "No that's not it. It scares our customers away!"
"Oh sorry. Enjoy your coffee. I'll see you later okay?"
"Yeah we should hang out soon”
"Definitely" Cardan said as he stepped out the door.
Cardan wandered a bit before going into the tattoo shop. His first thought was that it was very nice and that he liked it. The second was that he thought it was very unprofessional to be sleeping on the job. This thought came to him as he looked at what he assumed to be the owner laying down fast asleep on the couch in the front area. He wondered if he should leave and come back later but by the looks of it this girl wasn't waking up any time soon so he might as well wake her up. He walked over and tapped on her shoulder 
He shook her a bit and she rolled over looking up at him. He waved slightly
"I hate to bother you but I'm supposed to be getting a tattoo" 
The girl's face went from shock, embarrassment, to frustration in the span of 5 seconds. 
"Ugh Hello welcome to Judes tattoos I'm Jude" 
"I figured" 
"And you are?" She said sitting up and flipping her hair back.
"Oh I'm Cardan" 
"Yea the boy who doesn't know what he wants" 
This girl wasn't very professional at all. He wondered how long this place would stay in business. 
"Thats me…"
"Okay. Well come on in to the back and we'll get everything worked out" 
She started walking and Cardan followed behind her wondering if this had been a good idea. It had been his friend Locke who had texted and recommended this place so that already made it suspicious and Narcissa wasn’t a big fan of the store… Was it too late to bail? On the other hand this place was somewhat new and as a bonus this girl was stunningly beautiful and he had been interested in a tattoo so why not.
He just had to hope this Jude woman wouldn't ruin his life.
ideas for his tattoo? 
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buckybarnesstar · 5 years
Mmm Bucky punishing you by putting you on the back of His motorcycle with no panties while he rides fast and the feeling of the vibrations of the bike between your legs has you soaked..unf dripping on the seat... ndjdhdkjdndj
you’d be so bratty at the bar because Bucky told you that you’re allowed to have two drinks and that’s it. you’re a grown woman, he can’t tell you what to do.
you wanted to have fun and two drinks does not leave you carefree and feeling weightless. not only were you annoyed, you were sober. and after the week you’ve had, you’d rather not be. you’d rather have fun, dance with Bucky, and forget about the stress.
but of course that’s not gonna happen. if you couldn’t get drunk, you wanted to go home. but Bucky didn’t want to go home at nine o’clock on a Friday.
Bucky was chatting with Steve about who knows what, drinking his...well, you weren’t sure how many beers he’s had. it doesn’t affect him like it does a normal person.
you zoned out after you finished your second drink. you didn’t want to dance without Bucky and your friends were too busy to do anything so they couldn’t come out. you huffed and puffed, swaying your legs back and forth on the bar stool.
Bucky gave you a side glance but ignored you. you crossed your arms and tilted your head back, staring up at the ceiling.
“bored?” a man asked. you moved your head back down and met eyes with the bartender. an idea immediately popped into your head. looks like you’d have some fun after all. this would get Bucky’s attention.
“yeah, wanna help a girl out?” you giggled, leaning closer on the counter, showing off your cleavage in your low cut dress. the bartender smirked and leaned on his arms, checking you out. “my shift ends in an hour. I could take you back to my place. how’s that sound, angel?” he bit his lip, his eyes on your lips.
Bucky was absolutely fuming, having seen and heard the whole thing. he thought you were out of your mind right now.
“sounds fu-“ a hand gripped onto your arm and jerked you off the bar stool. Bucky was pulling you away and you gasped, having to jog to keep up with his speed. “Bucky, let me go!” you tried to pry his hand off of your arm because it was actually hurting you, but he didn’t listen.
Bucky stormed out of the exit and into the warm summer night air. “the hell is wrong with you!?” you yelled as he let you go, having approached his motorcycle. he quickly turned around to face you, his height towering over you.
you felt small now. the look in his eyes was indescribable. “I should be asking you that!” He yelled back. you rolled your eyes. “don’t be so dramatic, I was joking. I was bored in there. two drinks? that’s nothing! you treat me like a child!” You ranted on and on, not paying attention to Bucky as he dropped onto his knees in front of you.
his hands made quick work to lift up your dress. you gasped as he yanked your panties down to your ankles. your cheeks burned and you looked around, thankful that nobody was around to see this.
“step out of them.” you hesitated and Bucky looked up at you. “NOW!” he raised his voice. you flinched and stepped out of your panties, unsure of what was about to happen. Bucky stood back up and stuffed your panties in his pocket.
Bucky sat on his motorcycle and looked at you. “hop on.” he said, his eyebrows raised, just waiting for you to snap back. you swallowed what you wanted to say and got on the back of the motorcycle.
it was a weird feeling, sitting on the leather seat with no panties on. your dress covered you but you still felt so exposed.
“Bucky, I-“ “don’t speak or cum until I say so. understood?” he spoke as he situated your helmet on your head, pulling the strap tight under your chin. Bucky always did it, to make sure it was tight enough and positioned right.
“yes daddy” you said with a small voice, watching him put his own helmet on. Bucky took the motorcycle off it’s kickstand and started it up. the low rumble made you gasp, the vibrations on your pussy shocking you.
“hold on tight!” he yelled over the loud noise. you wrapped your arms around his back, linking your hands at the front on his stomach. Bucky revved it up and pulled out of the parking lot of the run down bar.
your eyes shut as the vibrations became stronger, your clit pulsing from the attention. it was a strange sensation but it felt so good. Bucky sped up, but stayed within the speed limit, and the only edged you closer.
the seat had become wet under you and you moaned into the night air, your thighs shaking. you remembered what Bucky said before, about not cumming, and cursed.
the ride home was torturous. your pussy was throbbing and your throat was sore from moaning so much. as Bucky pulled up to your home, he stopped the motorcycle.
you were breathing heavily as you took your helmet off. Bucky helped you off your seat after taking his off, and he moved his hand underneath your dress. “did you cum?” he asked, his fingers rubbing through your lips, nudging against your swollen clit.
“n-no daddy” you said, your eyelids hooded from the pleasure you were receiving. Bucky hummed and looked at his leather seat, smirking at the huge wet spot where you had been sitting.
“your punishment isn’t over. daddy wants you on your knees on the bed. go.”
175 notes · View notes
My Brothers, Corrupted
Chapter 2 : Section 8 : Thievery
Anti has, at last, brought Blue to the place where he always meant to bring him. He isn’t sure, anymore, if Blue will even survive the spell he plans to cast, but it doesn’t seem to matter to him. Meanwhile, their enemies surround and find them. Final section of the chapter.
Trigger warnings for major abuse, fire, blood and cutting, dog bites, violent attack on a character while they struggle, and violent battle, including deaths and some gore.
Find Chapter One here.
Find Chapter Two here.
 Section Eight of Chapter Two: Thievery
Anonymous asked: If you don’t treat Blue’s wounds, they could get infected.
“This place is beautiful,” he whispers.
Trick looks up.
It is the first Doktor has spoken in hours, and the first time Trick has lifted his head up from hiding in his shoulder in just as long a time.
The car comes to a stop in thick, uncut grass, swaying like scratchy curtains around the tires. Trick glances at Anti, gripping and ungripping the wheel of the car, and then out the window.
The sun is falling down, slow, slow, coating the earth in a syrupy red and orange paint. White wisps of young clouds drift not far overhead, pressed on by a warm, quiet twilight wind.
Before them, a great swollen river sings its soft and gentle way through heavy, tropical frond trees, cutting through the beachy sand of the earth.
“Do you feel that?” asks Anti, in a voice softer than the murmur of the river.
“Do… do I feel what, Anti?” asks Trick.
Anti does not answer, staring out at the river. Trick glances to his side at a faint wheezing noise and finds Dapper heaving quietly for air, his eyes blown wide and his thin form a-tremble.
“Anti?” whimpers Trick. “I think something’s wrong with Dapper!”
Anti hums, unbuckling his seatbelt. “He can feel it,” he says. “He can feel it. Come on, let’s go. Red, get up.”
Red yelps as the hand connects with his ear and rouses himself immediately, tearing off his seatbelt and trying to leap out of the car, only to be yanked back by his hand still cuffed to Dapper’s. Dapper groans out a warning noise, managing to bare his teeth at Red before sinking back into silent rocking, clutching his bear to his chest like a baby. Noodle mewls.
“Can we be uncuffed, please?” Red asks. “We’re sorry we disobeyed.”
“No. It’s not punishment, Red, it’s to keep you together. You’re watching over Dap until we are gone from this place. If any harm comes to him, it’s on you. You are not to be separated from him. Do you understand?”
Red swallows, glancing back at his little brother, dead to the world behind him. “Yes, Anti, of course.”
“Good. Dok, Trick, let’s go. We’re running out of time.” Anti extracts his backpack from the car and pulls out the stolen leather tome for which Red shed blood, tucking it under his arm. “They’re close now, and I don’t know how many they’ll bring. We have to be fast.”
“Anti, maybe they’re right,” coughs Dok, reading the message. “Blue’s body is unwell. If you would just let me - ”
“No time now,” says Anti, coming around the car to help get Dapper out. “No time now. Come on, I want to hide you.”
pixie-in-trebleland asked: Dok, as much as I agree with you, I think you all are going to be safer listening to Anti for now.
Doktor glances at you and swallows as he nods, getting up - ah, fuck, he’s so sore, but it’s not like he was about to move with Trick halfway on his lap and scared out of his mind. He helps his twin jump down from the car and into the thick, itchy grass, accepting a hand to help him get out afterwards.
“Oh, it’s hot as hell,” groans Trick, fanning himself and slapping at mosquitoes.
“Don’t roll up your pants, there might be ticks,” Dok warns. “Can we get the water out of the back, Anti?”
“Hm? Oh, sure. Just a second, let me - ”
And Blue’s body crumples to the ground with a glitch that makes the front of the car start to smoke. Anti reappears beside him, wiping his halfway-corporeal hands on his halfway-corporeal pants.
“Ready to try something fun?” Anti mocks him, shoving Blue back down into the grass when he tries to rise. “Red, get your fucking idiot twin down to the beach. Now.”
Dapper is clutching his bear to his stomach, halfway curled in on himself.
“I can feel everything,” complain his hands. “I can feel birds coming towards us!”
He covers his face with his fingers, afraid of having his eyes plucked out.
Anonymous asked: Dapper, Red, are you two alright?
“We are great,” pants Red, his voice too high-pitched and shaking like a motorcycle engine, frantically enthusiastic. “Aren’t we, Dapper?”
Dapper growls when Red turns to look at him, trying to back away, but the handcuffs keep them close.
“Okay, okay,” laughs Red, clutching at his hair. “Everything’s fine!”
He hears Anti tell him to get Blue to his feet and hurries towards his twin, dragging Dapper along behind him, still growling and hiding his eyes from the birds.
“Here, Blue, it’s okay, it’s okay.” Red reaches down to grab Blue’s shoulders, pulling him heavily to his feet. “We’re fine, we’re fine. Let’s go down to the beach like Anti said, okay?”
“Ro,” croaks Blue, clutching dizzily at his shirt. “Ow, ow!”
“What’s wrong?”
Blue spits out bile and crashes into his chest, struggling to breathe. “I’m burned, I’m burned!” he croaks frantically, pulling at the black shirt Anti put on him. “I’m fucking black and red! My h-hands are ruined! What happened, what’s happening? Dok, help me, help me!”
“Sh, sh, please, please.” Red tries desperately to quiet him. “Stop, stop, sh, Anti will punish you! You don’t want that! Come here, come here, let’s go down to the beach.”
badlypostedeverything asked: Blue, just go along with what your brothers tell you to do for now, Anti seems to be in a bad mood and you don't want to be even more hurt or punished
“What did he do to me?” weeps Blue, trying to tug back against Red, who only increases his determination to pull him down to the beach. “Wh-why did nobody come to help us? What’s wrong with Dapper? Baby, look at me, look at big brother, it’s okay, sweetie, what’s so scary?”
But Dapper will not let himself be touched or approached, yanking back on the handcuffs, his teeth out and ready to bite again.
“Blue, listen to them!” cries Red, a crooked smile imprinted on his mouth, shaking his twin by the shoulders. “We’ve just gotta go along with it for now! Anti says as soon as this is done, everything will be okay again and he’ll have fixed our mistake! Tomorrow we’ll be all safe and okay again! We just have to do what we’re told!”
“No, no, Red, p-please - ”
“Blue!” screams Red, shaking him again, harder. “Are you listening to me?”
“Okay, okay,” whimpers Blue, grabbing at his arms. “Okay, please just make this stop!”
“There’s my twin,” pants Red, clutching his arms too tight. “There’s my twin. Here, come on, I’ll carry you if I have to. Here we go. We can dip our feet in the river. Doesn’t it look cool?”
Blue cries and clutches at the dogtags around his twin’s throat for comfort, rubbing the word “Rojo” beneath his fingers. “Okay, Ro, okay, okay…”
Anonymous asked: "Yeah.. I don't think so. I could tell something wasn't right while I wasn't checking in. Guess I was right. Just know, /pal/, if you fuck up one more time, /I/ will start casting some spells, and you won't know what'll hit you. (Hold on, other me. Hold on for a little while longer. You did great. You did perfect. I want to help you.)" -PF!M
“Hold on, hold on,” whispers Blue, following Red down to the beach. He tries to reach for Dapper again, but his little brother doesn’t even seem to be registering that he’s there anymore, hiding his face in his bear’s alpaca fur between signs about magic and birds. “Hold on for a little while longer. I c-can do that. I can do that. Where are we? I don’t understand. I’ve never felt magic this strong. What is this place?”
cest-mellow asked: blue antis going to try and take the rest of your magic away
Blue lets out a weak laugh. “T-take my magic? That’s not something you can do. That’s a part of my soul. That’s how I am. In the world, that’s how I… be in the world. Not something that can be taken from me. Definitely not by Anti. Anti is a magical being, not a magician. How’s he going to cast something like that? How would he learn black magic like that?”
Blue touches his mouth, staring around him. “Then again… if big spells were going to be cast, this would be the place to do it. Some horribly strong magic on this river. In this place.”
bupine asked: blue, anti stole a book from genesis, the woman dapper was torturing, and that has TONS of black magic in it. who fuckin knows what shit anti picked up from that
Blue stares at you for a long moment.
Then he turns to Red.
“Red,” he says, shaking. “Red, I think Anti’s going to kill me.”
“Anti’s not going to kill you,” sighs Red, relaxing now that they sit on the beach. “He told me he could make you stop giving off that magical signal.”
“Sure, by stripping it out of me! Red - ”
“Then let him strip it out of you, Blue! All it’s done is hurt you! Your hands tearing themselves apart, setting shit on fire and making plants explode out of the ground, drawing those people to us!”
Blue’s eyes water up. “I thought you wanted someone to help us.”
“Well, nobody fucking came, did they, Azul?”
Red turns his back on him, staring out at the river, breathing hard.
“Even if they could… there’s only ever punishment for trying to get away. I have to stay with Anti. I have to be good.”
“Red,” tries Blue again. “Ro - ”
“Red,” calls Anti, stepping down the beach towards them. “I want you to take your little brother and hide. Don’t let him get hurt. Anybody tries to take him away from you, you kill them.”
He reaches into his backpack and pulls out a thick, shining machete. He tosses it through the air and Red startles, barely catching it instead of getting cut.
“There you go, stupid boy. Take Dapper to the trees and stay out of sight, no matter what. No matter what, you stay out of sight.”
“Yes, Anti.”
Red gets to his feet, adjusting his backpack over his shoulder and reaching out to snatch Dapper’s hand, ignoring his growling and tugging away.
“Red?” calls Blue, trying to grab his sleeve. “Red?”
“Be good, Blue.”
“Red - Jackie - I’m afraid, please - ”
“Be good, Blue.” Red pauses for just a second to look back at him, panting on the shore of that river, his hair burned, his skin reddened, his eyes wide and full of tears.
“I’ll see you soon.”
And Blue, clutching at a great dark burn over his heart, can’t seem to find the strength to do anything other than watch him walk away.
pixie-in-trebleland asked: ...Dap? I think Blue is in some serious danger.
Dapper stares around him as Red tugs him deeper and deeper into the forest, trying to tuck his bear into his little drawstring bag and get out his fine knife instead.
“I can feel birds coming,” he tries to tell Red, reaching for his sleeve. “There are birds all around. There are birds coming from the North and the South. There are ravens and condors and they all smell like magic. Red? Red? I think we’re all in some serious danger. I think someone is coming. I think Blue will be hurt. I think - I think - ”
For a moment, a flash of silver in his eyes, but you can see it flicker and fade away, and Red pulls him back, back, back into the forest, until even you have lost track of where they are, murmuring reassurances to the only little brother he can protect at all now.
Anonymous asked: "Just say the word and I can be there to help. Don't let them see you react to this. Stay quiet. If you realize something bad is about to happen, call for help. I promise, I will be there. Not long now, friend. Keep holding on." -PF!M
“Oh, shut the hell up,” scowls Anti, scooping the camera off the rocky beach. “You’re not coming. You’re not doing anything. No one is.”
Blue is panting beside him, staring up at him from behind that mask, his blue eyes wide. “Anti… listen, I - ”
“You’ve already said all you’re getting the chance to say,” snaps Anti. “So you remembered yourself, huh? You woke up and remembered everything? And right away, decided to betray me?”
“No,” cries Blue. “I - remembered? No, no, I just - I was tired, Anti, I wanted Red to stop hitting us, I never meant to sell you out, I just - ”
“You’re a fucking liar!” screams Anti, grabbing him by the collar of his shirt. “You remembered you used to be one of those Lapwing magicians and you called your little friends thinking they could kill me, right? Isn’t that just magnificent? Well, I got news for you, Blue - nobody’s going to be here in time to save you.”
He turns back to the car. “Trick! Dok! Come down here and help me.”
Anonymous asked: Okay, Mr. I-read-exactly-one-book-about-magic, do you even realize what you might be risking here? That maybe blue and his magic can't and shouldn't be separated?
“I was biding my time. Waiting to read everything, and thoroughly, thoroughly, to make sure that he would be safe, because I take care of my own. But then Blue just had to go and rat me out.”
Anti tugs Blue to his feet, something like anguish flashing through his face.
“Little traitor! You sold me out. Now I know you can’t be trusted with your magic. Either I strip it out of your chest, or you will use it to tear my family away from me!”
Anti hauls him forward and Blue lets out a small shriek as he is dragged into the river.
“Now it doesn’t matter what happens to you, coward deer of a boy.”
abirbable asked: Dap, you need to try and get ahold of yourself! Anti’s about to hurt Marvin really badly! Red says he’s trying to protect you, but you can’t trust him right now!
“Well, thanks,” snaps Red, trying to get Dapper to sit down with him underneath a thick copse of trees and behind a rock. “You’re all really fucking helpful tonight, aren’t you? Dap, stop, please!”
Dapper is thrashing on his handcuff, snapping at Red like a really pissed off corgi that can’t quite get off its chain.
“This is who you’re trying to rally to arms?” Red shouts at you, trying to stop Dapper from hurting himself. His wrist is already blue beneath the handcuffs. “He’s having a psychotic episode and you’re asking him to go attack his family! Blue will be fine, Anti told me he would make sure everything’s okay! Dap, please, please, oh, fuck, don’t hit your head like that, come here, bud, come here - there’s no birds coming, little man, please stop saying that - ”
Anonymous asked: what’s wrong with you, Red? Why are you now giving up? For the love of god don’t you dare leave Marvin alone to die by a thing that just told you to beat your little brother up, the whole reason you’re in this mess in the first place! Don’t you dare turn your back Jackie! Don’t do it!
Red closes his eyes tight and turns away from you, trying to hold Dapper against his chest, praying he’ll tire himself out again soon.
“I have to be good,” he breathes, pinning down Dapper’s wrists, avoiding his gnashing teeth. “I can be good, I can be good, I can be good. Everything will be fine tomorrow. Everything will be fine tomorrow.”
He rocks himself and Dapper beneath the trees, trying to ignore his little brother’s groans and frantic singing, by now incomprehensibly disorganized.
pixie-in-trebleland asked: Dok? We aren't going to be able to get through Trick for now, but Blue is in grave danger. You need to help him!
Trick pads down towards the beach with his backpack on his shoulder, a gun across his back, and a kitten in his arms, hurrying to Anti’s side. Doktor takes off his coat, far too hot in this part of the world, and takes his own backpack out of the car, frowning over at the camera still stuck on the window.
“What’s got you so worked up? I can get Blue something if he needs it, but I don’t know exactly what you want from me. I think we’re going as soon as Anti finishes some spell to help Blue control his magic so we don’t get chased down like this again. I think - ”
He pauses, blinking back towards the road they came down on. Are there other cars coming? He could swear he hears engines.
Anonymous asked: Dok, Anti might kill Blue. Please you have to stop him, anything. Red is being an idiot and Dapper is stuck with him trying to get away to help. Please Dok, Henrik, do something!
Dok stares down the beach. Trick is helping Anti restrain Blue.
Doktor’s face shifts with worry, glancing back towards the sound of other cars.
“Anti!” he calls, moving forward a little. “I think maybe we should hide or… get ready?”
Anonymous asked: When have you EVER been able to trust Anti, Red? Huh? You don’t understand that he’s been using you for his own benefit and satisfaction, that he doesn’t fucking care about you at all, he wants to humiliate you and strip you of everything you were before to get back at a average guy named Jack. You cannot take his word as law when he shoves you in a dog muzzle and forces you TO BEAT YOUR BEOTHERS. WAKE UP JACKIE.
“This isn’t something that can be escaped,” mumbles Red, his eyes strangely dead. “Trick even tried to kill himself and couldn’t get away… I have to watch Dapper. I can keep him safe. That’s all I can do.”
Anonymous asked: I think you should get down to the beach, Dok. We think the spell Anti wants to cast might be a little... rough? On Blue? So it might be a good idea that you're there sooner rather than later, just in case.
“Mh, okay.” Dok makes sure he’s got his biggest med kit in his backpack and his gun in his pocket and starts off down towards the beach, the wind making his hair sway.
immabethehero asked: Blue!!! Find the book and destroy it!!
Blue’s teeth grit in his mouth as Anti hauls him deeper into the river. The powerful, overwhelming feeling of magic crushing down on him seems to increase with every step, until his body is practically humming with it. He is exhausted from the wounds across his body and the exertion of last night - oh, could it only have been last night that a stop to all this felt so close? - but in this river, he feels some strength returning as if - as if -
“The equator,” he gasps, whirling on Anti. “We’re at the equator.”
A cold grin snakes like a centipede onto Anti’s mouth.
“That we are, my dear.”
“You were planning this all along,” chokes Blue. “From Norway, even.”
“Oh, longer than that, Blue. I always suspected it would have to be torn out of you once I caught you. You’re not like Dapper… he’s not a normal magician. But you? With your spells and your flowers? I knew you would never be able to control yourself. Besides, I’m quite looking forward to consuming your energy like a snake with an egg.”
Blue screams and yanks his arm free from Anti’s grasp, trying to grab the backpack from him, but Anti only laughs aloud and strikes the side of his head so hard he’s woozy. He is shoved down on his knees in the river, choking as water sprays against his mouth.
“Trick, help!” he screams. “Trick! Dok! Red! Dapper! I don’t want to die, I don’t want to die like this!”
“Trick,” sings Anti. “Come here and help me hold your brother down.”
Anti pulls a knife out of his pocket.
Anonymous asked: Red, if you think this is what being "good" is, then you've forgotten everything, and we KNOW you haven't
“I don’t have a choice!” he screams, trying and failing to keep his voice down, his eyes squeezed tightly shut. “I don’t have a choice, I don’t have a choice, I don’t have a choice! Leave me alone, leave me alone, stop talking! Why is everything so loud? Leave me alone, you don’t know anything, you’ve never understood anything, please!”
Anonymous asked: And what happens when he kills Marvin, Red. What happens then? Is everything going to be okay? Are you going to be able to live with yourself?
“No!” screams Red, his voice breaking down the middle, curling himself in on Dapper, who shakes in silence in his arms. “No, I don’t want him to die! I don’t want this to be real, I don’t want this to be happening! I don’t want to be alive! Stop talking! Stop talking! Stop talking!”
Anonymous asked: Dapper dapper dapper dapper can you reverse? Please tell me you can still reverse right?
Dapper barely seems to be able to hear you, let around reverse. He shakes in Red’s arms, intermittently trying to attack his brother and protect himself, rubbing at his chest and signing incoherently about monsters and birds and home and ghosts and brothers. He has lost track of the timeline entirely, and now all he knows is that he is afraid, and angry, and in pain.
nikkilbook asked: Dapper, I think you’re right. There are birds coming. They’re coming because of what Blue did on the mountain, but that was the whole point. It might get dangerous, but I think they’re coming to help. Stay with Red for now, but be ready to move. Anti’s the reason Marvin’s magic smelled wrong—he did something just before the fire. And he’s trying to steal the rest of it away, to hide it underneath his own so no one will ever smell it again. He’s trying to kill your brother a second time.
Dapper clutches at his head, groaning and letting his head fall back onto Red’s shoulder. It’s the most trust he’s shown him in hours, and Red knows it’s only because he can’t keep reality straight right now, but he won’t look this gift horse in the mouth. He squishes in on Dapper and grabs him gently by the throat, keeping him pinned between his body and against his shoulder. Dapper groans and closes his eyes, trying to stop thinking, his face twitching and his body stiff.
bupine asked: red, we understand more than you think we do. we know how you used to be, how happy you were, what you were like as a family. you loved each other without violence or punishment. you can be that again. you came to anti to save dapper, to save jj, because you knew you loved him and being with anti wasn't safe and he deserved better. none of this is your fault. there's still time to save your twin from being killed. please, red. he could die. anti's too worked up to care if he kills him.
“I’m never going back to that person I was,” Red whispers, stroking Dapper’s hair. “Carver was right. Anti has killed him. I need to stop pretending to be something I’m not. A hero… a good person… Anti’s brother… no, no… all I can do now is be his. That’s all that’s left. That name Blue called… Jackie? Jackie is dead. And has been so long he is rotting.”
Anonymous asked: Red, Jackie, you always have a choice. You just have to be willing to make it. Remember? It’s just like the rope and the muzzle, you can always take it off, it’s only there to serve it’s purpose of silencing you. But you’ve always had to choice to take it off, and you did and you can do it again. That’s all Anti is, a rope, a muzzle, a chain, that you can take off at anytime. So do it, take it off and run. Be who you want to be, be a protector, a hero. You don’t have to be Jackie or Red, be you.
Ro shakes his head numbly, back and forth, back and forth.
“No,” he mumbles, setting his head down against the rock that hides him and his little brother. “No. I’m tired. I’m tired.”
nikkilbook asked: Red, do you recognize me? Of all the things I’ve said to you, all the things I’ve asked your brothers to do, have I ever tried to hurt you? Please, can you trust me? Even for just one hour more?
Red stares at you through darkened eyes, his thin mouth bloodless and his face blue with bruising.
His eyes flicker away again.
“I should never have gone up that mountain,” he says. “I should never have disobeyed. This is where I have let it take me.”
He reaches forward to pick up the camera in his hand, and he turns you away from himself, and stops reading.
immabethehero asked: TRICK. You don't want to do this!!!! Your brother's gonna die!!!!
Trick has a fistful of Blue’s hair. He holds him in the river, just barely keeping his mouth above the water.
“Anti?” he whispers.
“What, Trick?”
“He’s not really going to die, is he?”
Anti pulls Blue’s arm free from the water, holding it up.
“Anti, I’m afraid.”
Anti slices a scoring cut deep into his own wrist, drawing immediate blood to mix with the swift clear water of the river. Trick’s eyes widen with a soft gasp through his teeth, resisting the urge to stagger back, feeling nauseous.
“Stop thinking, Trick.”
abirbable asked: I have a sinking feeling that he has a way to take your magic anyway... That creepy book Anti’s been reading probably had some dark magic he can actually use. If you know any prayers, you might wanna say them, Blue.
“Holy shit,” whispers Blue, tears coursing down his cheeks. “Holy shit. I - I - I only know poetry.”
“Save it.” Anti pulls his arm up and sets the silver blade to it. “It won’t help you.”
“Anti, Anti, master,” chokes Blue, writhing beneath Trick’s grip. “Please don’t do this, I’m sorry! I swear I wasn’t trying to sell you out, I just wanted it to stop! I still love you, I always have and I always will!”
“You threatened to kill me just hours again!” screeches Anti, pressing the blade into his skin until a thin line of blood runs out. “You want me dead! You little traitor!”
Blue’s voice rises into a crescendo of despair. “I needed you to stop! Can’t you see what you’re doing to Red is destroying him? There’s nothing worse you could do to him than making him hurt us like this!”
“I don’t care! He betrayed me too!”
“He’d die for you! Anti, we would stand with you against anything that threatened our family - cops, magicians, a whole pantheon of gods, I don’t care! I’d fight them all for you! But I can’t watch you hurt us anymore! I won’t! This isn’t what you promised me!”
Anti laughs shakily, his blade trembling against Blue’s arm. “Remember that, do you? You broke that promise when you went up that mountain. I’m done. The orders are coming to take my boys away from me. I have to do what I have to do to keep the ones I can.” His eyes are red and wet.
Anonymous asked: Dok, Trick, anyone who’s listening, you have to make sure the magicians get here. You can’t just let Blue die like this. I know how much Anti has tricked you into thinking this way of life is okay, but it isn’t. You have to leave, this may be your last chance to save him!
Dok’s eyes widen, turning back to watch the road again.
“Magicians?” he whimpers, glancing back at his brothers on the beach. “Are they really coming?”
His hands twitch and grip together, his teeth gritted in his mouth. He takes off down towards the river at a sprint now, pushing his body fast as it can go.
“Anti!” he cries. “There’s someone close!”
Anti turns to look back at him, pausing to put a hand on Trick’s shoulder.
“Trick, find a nest to set up in and guard your brother. Anyone tries to get near Blue and I - ”
“Bullet to the brain,” Trick finishes. Yes, he knows his place, knows what he has to do.
Anti leans suddenly forward to kiss his hair, drawing him close and squeezing his shoulder tight.
“Hey,” he says. “I love you, Trickshot.”
Trick draws in a shaky breath, laughing. “I love you too, Anti.”
“Go. Keep Dok safe. Watch my back, little brother. And don’t let anyone take you away from me, no matter what sort of lies they tell.”
whydoilovesomanyvillians asked: Anti I think that they know where you are already doing this would solve nothing
“This is my only chance to get rid of that horrible signal he gives off,” stammers Anti. “I don’t have the strength to do it anywhere other than here at the center of the world. I have to do this or I will never be able to hide him. I will never be able to keep him. And if I can’t keep him, I have to kill him or let him go, and if I let him go he will always be waiting to steal the others from me, and I can never rest, I can never rest, I can never have a goddamn moment of peace!”
Anti chokes and cuts deeper into Blue’s arm, drawing a cry out of him.
Anonymous asked: Remember that you're back to a life with consequences since Dapper's out of commission....
Anti grits his teeth, trying to keep his footing in the rushing water.
“No, no, no,” Blue is whimpering. “I don’t want to die like this.”
“I don’t think you will,” Anti chokes out suddenly. “I was just - I was scaring you. You - you might, but I don’t think so. I haven’t read all of it, but I - it’s just magic. It’s what you do all day. Stop whining at me, you’ll be fine.”
He shakes his head to clear it and finally finishes the deep cut in Blue’s arm, pulling him up to face him as he wails and getting the book out of his bag.
Anonymous asked: Someone. Is. COMING.
Yes, someone is.
It’s beautiful out here. Thick grasses tugs at the black rubber tires of a car, and now the sun is so low in the sky she gives up her last purple rays in a sleepy twilight sigh. That grand river sweeps through the earth like a smile, rushing water carrying good clean water wherever it can go. The trees dance and sway.
A woman steps out of a car. From the camera on the window of the stole car the boys took, you can see her, as you did once before on Christmas Eve - the huge woman with a face full of flawless make-up and a thick sheet of gorgeous, shining black hair hanging down from her back. As the darkness falls, she holds up a palm full of bright golden light.
“He’s down by the river,” she says in Spanish. “He wouldn’t have come here if not to use the spellbook he stole from Tomas’s body. We act quickly, but with caution.”
“The Colombians are late,” grumbles a woman beside her. “Only time will tell if the Argentinians send anyone at all.”
There are five Peruvian magicians in total.
And two of them, you recognize.
Genesis and Hermann stand side-by-side on one side of the car, hurrying around its front to stare down at the scene before them. Hermann is slower than Genesis, who, tightly wound in gauze, nevertheless looks far better than she did the last time you saw her.
“Don’t die for the sake of these men,” cautions a fourth magician, who towers over the rest of them, tall and with a great dark beard. He holds in his hand a small gun. “The things that have happened to them are not their fault, but they are dangerous now, and the corruption is laid in deep. If you have no choice but to kill them, you kill them. This is the way it must be.”
Genesis and Hermann exchange glances. Hermann plucks at a necklace around his throat and nods.
abirbable asked: Holy fuck, Anti you need to stop. You aren’t even SURE if this’ll kill Blue?! It’s just magic?! You’re totally unhinged trying to keep these boys with you! If you call them your brothers then you wouldn’t be doing this!!!
“It’s just a manipulation, the brotherhood,” mumbles Anti, tracing Blue’s jaw with his thumb. “I’ve told you that a hundred times. It’s not real. It never has been.
“Fuck,” whispers Anti a moment later, a shuddering breath falling from his parted lips. “Even with the mask, you look so much more like him than I have ever been able to.”
Anonymous asked: You're lying, Anti. Magic isn't what Marvin does. It's what he IS. Getting rid of it will kill him and you know it. If you're going to take this step, going to go this far, going to murder one of your brothers with no way to ever take it back, at least be honest about it.
“No,” mumbles Anti. “He’ll be fine, he… he always seemed to survive, back when I really wanted him dead. Jack didn’t make him to be weak, he was always… so… maybe that was why he loved him so much, he never seemed to shatter the way that I always do…”
bupine asked: fucking hell, anti, you know it doesn't have to be like this. listen to what blue's saying, for once? give him another chance before you do something you will definitely regret
Anti shakes his head rapidly, yanking at Blue’s jaw. All Blue can do is stare up at him.
“It won’t kill you,” he whispers. “I’ll - I’ll stop, if it seems like it will. How does that sound? And then - oh, Blue, it will all be okay. The magic will be hidden, and we’ll all be safe. We’ll take everyone and run as far as we can, and I’ll keep everyone hidden until we’re somewhere new, and we’ll stay there for a long time, as long as we want, and just live. I’ll even make it up to you, okay? You’re going to be just fine.”
“Anti,” mumbles Blue. “It will hurt. Please.”
“I’ll make it right later. I will. You’ll be fine. Come on, tell me you love me.”
Blue stares up at him, mouth slightly open. Anguish passes across Anti’s face and he snarls, squeezing at his jaw. “Tell me you love me!”
Anonymous asked: then fucking die, Anti.
Anti screams in rage, shoving Blue down into the river. “Stupid fucking boy! You can die then, for all I care! I’ve never fucking loved you or any of them, I hope you know that! You fucking disgust me! Stupid, slippery little coward! You’re the one who ran! You’re the one who lost Henrik and Chase!”
nikkilbook asked: Anti, I’m gonna need you to pick whether you care or not because I am emotionally frakkin done with what you’ve done to these boys and I will not take any more of your stunted toddler-brain bull crap.
“Stunted toddler-brain bull crap!” Anti laughs like it’s the funniest thing he’s ever heard, tearing through the pages of the book. “Toddler-brain, haha… I’m seven, I’m seven, hahaha, is that old enough?”
Anonymous asked: coward, coward, coward, anti. you're a coward for doing this.
“Shut the fuck up!” screams Anti. “Stop it! I’ll shut you all up!”
He grabs Blue’s bleeding arm in his own and lets the blood mingle, his eyes turning a deep black.
spicydanhowell asked: there are people literally hot on your trail right now and you have two boys having meltdowns handcuffed together and unable to fight and people are hurt. if you want to keep "your" boys, you should fucking run instead of torturing marvin
“I’ll be able to hide them once this is done,” Anti tells you hysterically, squeezing Blue’s arm until he cries out. “I’ll be able to hide him and then we’ll all run.”
nikkilbook asked: Have some dignity, Anti. Tonight is not a night for lies.
“What does the truth fucking matter? What has it ever mattered? Stop pretending you care about me or any of them! This is just a story to you and I am not a prop, I am taking action, and he will be exactly the way I want him to be!”
Anonymous asked: Don't worry Marvin, someone is coming.
“Someone help me!” screams Blue, thrashing in the water.
“Shut up!” Anti replies even louder, more and more incensed. “Stop it! No one will save you! I’m the one in control! I’ll show you! I’ll show you!”
Anonymous asked: "Anti hurt your brothers and made them thank him for it."
Rage like a fire lights up in Blue’s chest as he remembers the old mantra that once helped him keep himself intact.
“You hurt my brothers and made them thank you for it!” he shrieks, trying his damnedest to strike Anti, though the collar around his throat and the grip on him makes it nearly impossible. “You drove Trick to suicide and watched Doktor shudder through silent panic attacks! You made Dapper beat Red and Red beat all of us! You’ve let us starve, suffer, choke, hang! Take it, then, if you want my magic! Take it! You will never be able to keep us all as slaves, no matter what you do, no matter what you fucking try! You will never be my master! No matter how many times I fall, one day all fucking five of us will get back up together!”
Anti screams his fury and strikes Blue in the face, driving him back to dizziness, half-fainting in Anti’s grip.
Anonymous asked: Poor anti so jealous of love, so jealous of something you don't even know how to feel. So jealous of jack, so jealous of magic. Do us a favor and run away with your tail between your legs like the mangy kitten you are
Anti cackles wildly, a horrible light in his eyes.
“Let’s see Jack do this,” he breathes, and finds the right pages in his book.
immabethehero asked: Genesis! Hermann!!! Trickshot (the one with the gun and the cat) has given orders to shoot hsi brothers if you come near. So be careful!! Attack while invisible or something!
“Oh, look!” Genesis points toward the car, her face lighting up as she catches sight of you. “Look, the camera elves are here!”
“These are the cameras that communicate with them?” asks the woman with the dark, shining hair.
“Yes! Christofer, break the window for me, will you?”
The towering man shrugs and points his gun. A second later Genesis is pushing glass away from the door and scooping the camera off the windowsill.
“They say there’s a sniper in the trees,” she tells her friends. “But it’s the man who spared my life, I know it.”
“I’ll handle him,” mutters Christofer, stalking off towards the trees.
“We’ll go down to the river,” says the older woman. “But you two are injured. Genesis, you have your mission?”
“Yes, Emmanuela.”
“And what is it?”
Genesis clears her throat. “I’m too injured to be doing a great deal of transporting right now. But I can get myself home to base with whoever I have in tow. So I will grab one of the men and take him to safety, and that way at least one of them is safe.”
“Good work. Come on, Juana. I fear we are too late already.”
abirbable asked: BLUE GET UP AND RUN!
“I’m chained!” chokes Blue, laughing. “You know that!”
Anti grips his collar tighter.
Anonymous asked: Red please Blue is screaming for help you have to stop Anti. Dok, Trick, Dapper, anyone fucking stop him WE CAN ONLY DO SO MUCH
Doktor looks up at the little camera set beside him and Trick in their hiding place. “Hell! Trick, he’s really getting hurt!”
“Just stay low, Dok.”
“I don’t want Blue to die, Trick.”
“Just stay low, Dok! There are people right up there who want to take us away and kill us just because Anti is our brother! Anti won’t hurt Blue, I’m sure. He’s just scared of his punishment. This is what’s coming to him for going up the mountain like that.”
pixie-in-trebleland asked: Trick, the lady from the shed is here to save you guys! Genesis Is here to save you. DO NOT SHOOT!
“Anti told me not to listen to anyone trying to take me away,” Trick tells you, aiming his gun steadfastly up the hill, listening for any sign of any on-comer. “I’ll shoot anyone who tries to get close to us or Blue and Anti.”
Anonymous asked: Dok, Trick, Anti will MOST DEFINITELY HURT HIM if he thinks it means getting to keep the rest of you. You can’t just stand by and watch!!
Doktor gets to his feet.
“Deutsch!” cries Trick, terrified. “Get down! You’re going to get hurt!”
Dok is crying. Trick doesn’t know why.
“I don’t want Blue to get hurt,” he repeats stiffly, pushing his glasses up on his nose. “I don’t want Blue to get hurt.”
Trick breathes hard, staring between his gun and his twin. Beneath his stomach, Noodle mewls.
Anonymous asked: You’re a Phoenix, Marvin. Stay strong, love, don’t give that monster any type of satisfaction.
Blue breathes in deep, staring up at Anti, his eyes fixed. As his little brother turns between him and the book, Blue sees something in his eyes he has been blind to for a long time.
“You’re afraid of me,” he says. “You’re afraid of me, Anti.”
Anti stops short, his fingers on the words of the spell.
“I think you always have been.”
nikkilbook asked: That’s what Anti says to do, Trick. What does Chase say to do?
“You know that’s the word that makes the camera screech!” snaps Trick, grabbing at his ears. “I can’t hear it! Just stop!”
“I’m going to the beach,” says Dok, stepping out of the nest.
Trick jolts, his eyes huge.
Anonymous asked: Are you actually willing to let him die, Trick?
Trick squeezes his eyes shut. A moment later, he gives you the tiniest shake of his head.
“I just… have to trust Anti…”
Anonymous asked: Blue, isnt there any spell you can cast? You just need to stall, help is on the way
Anti grips Blue’s jaw squeezed shut before he can answer, keeping him contained. He’s still weak from last night, where he expended all his energy.
abirbable asked: And if he does die, what do you think will happen with all the others? Will any of them be okay with one of their brothers being dead?! Will you put them under and convince them they didn’t have a brother? That Red didn’t have a twin?
“He won’t die,” says Anti. “He has to live.”
“You’ve gotten too used to playing god with my little brother’s power,” Blue manages. “You’re reckless.”
Anti laughs, the first time you’ve heard him laugh today that sounds genuine. “Oh, wow… you always used to tell me that. Said it would be my downfall. Even when we were just small…”
immabethehero asked: Keep thinking Trick, if you let Anti do this, your brother will be worse than death. Bupine said: Anti HAS hurt blue, trick. He’s cut his wrist and he’s going to die if you guys don’t do something.
Trick shudders and gets to his feet, startling his brother.
“Dok,” he croaks. “Where you go, I’ll go. I - ”
“No,” Dok surprises him, turning around to grab his shoulders. “No, no, your punishment will be much greater than mine if you leave your post. Besides, we don’t want these people to catch us and hurt us. Trick, stay here.”
“Deutsch! I’m not leaving you, no way.”
Dok’s hands are on his shoulder. Their twin eyes meet. Ah, when was the last time Trick saw a light like that in his brother’s eyes?
“Please, Trick, let me do this.”
The trees sway above them in a tangle of darkening greenery as night falls quiet around them. Trick steps forward, closing his eyes, and wraps his arms around his brother.
“Just don’t do anything stupid,” he tries to tease, tugging at Doktor’s hair.
“You and I both know I am incapable of any such thing,” replies Doktor shortly, making his twin laugh.
Trick draws away, smiling. “Got all your doctor stuff?”
Dok has everything in his bag, from clothes and coffee to his med kit. “Got it.”
“Hey, Dok?”
Trick has eyes like the ocean where the light meets the water.
“I just really love you,” he says, very softly. “More than anything.”
A smile dawns like a morning on Doktor’s mouth and he chuckles, leaning in to press their foreheads together. His glasses bump against Trick’s nose.
“More than Anti?” he whispers, so soft you barely pick up on it.
“More than Anti,” Trick whispers back.
Doktor gives the warmest hum of gratitude, drawing away. He steps down from the nest.
“I love you too, Trick. More than anything.”
And then he is gone, darting down towards the beach.
Trick watches him go, holding Noodle to his chest.
Then he turns back to his gun.
whydoilovesomanyvillians asked: Blue scream people are here to help
“It’s too late for all that,” says Anti. “It’s too late. You said what you wanted to say, all of you did. It’s time, Blue. It’s time, Marvin.”
Anonymous asked: Genesis and Hermann, I doubt you can hear this but you SERIOUSLY need to hurry up.
“Guys!” Genesis calls to the older women. “I think the demon is already acting!”
“Is he that one or that one?” frowns the smaller of the two, pointing down at the river. “They all look the same.”
“Oh.” Genesis stares down at the scene, where Blue and Anti are silhouettes in the water. “I… can’t tell. I don’t even know if one of those is the demon. Sometimes the red one and the one in the vest do horrible things for him, so they could be holding the other one in the river.”
Anonymous asked: Only one? Okay okay....Red and Dapper are hiding in the forest. Jameson is the most lucid but he’s scared. They’re the farthest away from the others so they might be your best shot at teleporting. I’d take some else with you though.
“Someone else? Okay, I will try. I’m not sure I can carry two at once anyway. Is there one alone I could go get? We can’t get down to the river until the sniper is gone from the trees!”
Anonymous asked: DIE THEN, ANTI. If you want peace so badly, DIE.
And this, at last, is Anti’s final breaking point.
For a second, he lifts his head up to the moon, like he’s looking for someone who isn’t there.
Then he laughs aloud, forcing himself to concentrate.
“This will make me powerful!” he reminds himself. “This will help me hide! This will keep me safe with at least four of my pets, right?”
He cards a hand through Blue’s hair, tearing his head back.
“This is what I have to do. This is what I want to do! I’ve always fucking hated you, Marvin, do you know that?”
“Please,” chokes Blue. “I’m not… I’m not…”
“You’re close enough,” snaps Anti. “And you will be until I have stolen this last, disgusting remnant from you. This last shred of power that Jack gave you to torment me.”
The book is in an ancient tongue.
Anti cannot speak it. He can barely read it. It’s taken him days. He hasn’t read the entire page.
But he read most of it. And at the top, in its quiet, poetic script, it tells him “the spell is best performed in one’s native tongue.”
Anti turns to Blue.
In Gaelic, he speaks: “What I need, I lack. What you have, I will take.”
Their arms are intertwined. Copper leaks down Anti and Blue’s arms, drifting down into the cool water of the Rio Puturnayo.
“That which is magic, make blood of, and share it.”
For this spell, there is no fire. For this spell, there are no plants.
Anti’s eyes widen for just a second.
He clutches at his chest.
Blue slumps down in the water, only for Anti to drag him back to shore.
Rough panting falls from the demon’s mouth. You hear Anti gag, once. His mouth fills up with blood and overflows. One eye is black. One eyes is blue.
“Ah, ah,” he croaks. “It burns.”
He collapses on the shore of the river.
Blood is spilling from Anti’s mouth rapidly. Barely conscious, his eyes remain slightly open, his form flickering in low shuddering buzzes of glitching, his right eye glowing a horrible neon blue.
“Uh, uh,” you hear him choke, convulsing. “Uh, uh.”
His face is taut with pain.
Doktor falls down at his knees beside both his brothers, pulling Blue to his lap and putting his hand on Anti’s shoulder.
“What did you do?” cries Dok, grabbing at Blue’s throat for a pulse. “Why - what have you - why would you do this when we trusted you to - Blue, Blue, wake up, hey! Are you with me? Oh, fuck, why are you so fucking cold? I - oh!”
Doktor lets out a breath like a wheeze, nearly collapsing alongside his brothers.
“His heart is still beating.”
abirbable asked: ...Blue? Are you alive?
Doktor clutches at Blue’s face, clinging to that pulse beneath his chin, wiping fluid streams of sticky blood from his brother’s bleeding eyes. Blue has gone pale as papal smoke, unmoving on the bank of the river.
“He’s alive, he’s alive,” pants Dok. “But I don’t know what happened to him exactly. Blue, can you hear me? I need to get him somewhere safe before we’re caught and taken away and killed! I need to get them both - Anti! Please lie still!”
But Anti has shifted from convulsions into a heady determination of twitching, struggling on shaking arms to push himself up on the beach. He wheezes like a dying thing, fountains of blood pouring from his eyes, and Dok, watching it run down the sand towards the river, cannot help but give a tiny, squeaking laugh, like he’s been caught up in a video game with so much gore it’s supposed to be a joke.
“I… feel like a fucking hurricane,” chokes Anti, spitting onto the earth and breathing hard, dragging himself to his knees. “I have never in all my life felt power like this.”
He sways and Dok reaches forward to catch him, only to fall back in terror as Anti’s form shifts, shifts, shifts.
The great black dog bares fangs dripping red.
“Nothing will take you from me now,” snarls a voice from every side, and the magicians coming down the hill towards the river pause as one. Emmanuela glares down at the water, her black hair swaying behind her.
“Now that,” she says. “Is a great darkness indeed.”
Anonymous asked: Probably not for long, Dok. You need to give Blue to the magicians. Anti stole all his magic and it’s likely he won’t be well for very long. The magicians can help him, maybe even heal him. They won’t hurt him.
“Give Blue to the magicians?” Doktor curls his trembling body around his older brother, hugging Blue’s body - gone cold, cold as old bone - to his chest. “No, no, no, I want to go back home and look after him. Oxygen, maybe - even a stimulant, look how still he is, I - oh, God protect us. What’s wrong with you, my dear brother?”
nikkilbook asked: ...if you can only take one, take Trick. It will break their hearts, but Trick needs to be away from Anti. He is a good man, a father. If you can only take one, take Chase Brody. Anonymous asked: Genesis, if you want someone alone, then Trick is hiding in a nest, but he has a gun. Doktor, who I don’t think you know, is also alone and heading to the river. Just thought you should know
“There’s two of them separated from each other,” Genesis calls. She is following after Christofer, who bounds ahead of her and Hermann, who is still limping from a stab wound from a certain time traveler. “I’ll try to grab one of them.”
“Maybe I can pin the gunman down and you can take him back,” Christofer agrees. “Maybe, don’t get your hopes up. Anyone you can’t take, we will have to restrain and get in the car if we can.”
“You’ll have to be careful with that,” grumbles Hermann, his bottom lip pouting. “Half of them are magic and the other half will put a blade in you for trying to help.”
“You’re just sore you lost, pequeño,” grins Christofer. “Enough, now. I need to find the sniper. Hide yourselves.”
Genesis and Hermann sigh in sync and exchange glances, reaching out to hold each other’s hands. A moment later, they have disappeared entirely, but you are still peeking out of Genesis’s bag.
Anonymous asked: dok, LOOK at anti. he's basically stolen your brother's fucking soul, dude, get blue AWAY from him
“He’s just trying to hide him,” cries Dok, curled over Blue’s body. “He’s just trying to hide all of us!”
He lets out a small, frightened cry as barking erupts in the trees farther up the hill - Anti catching up to Emmanuela and Juana.
“He will make them pay for trying to hurt and steal all of us,” croaks Dok, hiding his tears in his brother’s shirt. “My big brother will kill the lot of them and then we can all be safe again. Then we can all go home together, and I will take care of my whole family. Anti will tear the magicians apart.”
badlypostedeverything asked: So, whats the plan Anti? Where are you going
The black dog courses like a river in the darkness up the hill, his snout full of blood and the scent of hot fresh magic. He can tell where the magicians are.
“I see you,” sings a giggling voice from all sides, and Emmanuela pulls a heavy old axe, homemade and ancient, from her side. Her figure towers huge and powerful in the darkness.
“Come on, then,” she calls. She lifts up a free hand and light fills it again, golden and glowing. “Come on. How much of the light can a shadow like you take?”
Anti lunges forward.
immabethehero asked: Christopher? Trick, the guy who spared Genesis, has the exact orders of "shooting anyone who tries to take him or his brothers away". Choose your words carefully!
“Oh,” you hear Genesis laugh, creeping through the trees with her friend. “I think you’ve misunderstood. Christofer does not talk. There are no words to choose. He will simply attack. Let’s hope that guard boy does not give him reason to believe he cannot be saved.”
nikkilbook asked: Genesis! The demon has Blue—Marvin, the Lapwing magician—down at the river. Trickshot, the sniper, is somewhere in the trees with orders to shoot if someone tries to take his brothers away. Red, the one you fought at Christmas, is handcuffed to Dapper, who is having a psychotic episode and can’t tell what’s going on around him. Be careful, but please—help them! Anonymous asked: thank god someone is here. Be careful! Trick is hiding in the trees with a sniper guarding Anti and Blue. If he sees you, you’re dead
You hear Trick’s grim laugh from the camera on the nest, settled next to the scope of his gun. His body is low to the ground, on his belly like a snake, waiting, waiting, watching. Nothing will pass by him to touch Blue and Doktor.
“Selling me out, are you?” he whispers, his hands gripping coldly at his gun.
He lies with you in the darkness. Something howls far away. He knows it is Anti. He thinks he sees fire and his eyes widen.
A cracking in the forest trees alerts him and he turns, silent and steady, his blue eyes aglow with cold moonlight.
Okay, Trick, think. Red said there was one who could disappear and cast ice like Blue casts fire, and another who could transport, and another with hands full of light…
But he doesn’t know who’s coming to get him.
And he is afraid of what will happen to his family if he lets them by. Whatever comes, he knows they could handle it if it were all six of them together, with Anti at the wheel, and Dok by his side, Red protecting them, Dapper watching over them, and Blue caring for them all no matter what happened. Sometimes his life is like hell on earth, but that’s why they have to stick together. He couldn’t get through this alone.
He won’t be taken from Anti’s side. From Dok’s, from Blue’s, from Red and Dapper’s. He won’t!
The smallest movement in the trees.
Trick pulls the trigger and takes the impact of the kickback and the bang, loud enough to make his ears ring.
Christofer lets out a cry and charges forward, tackling Trick to the floor of his nest. At his side, Noodle lets out a yowl, trying to avoid being crushed, and Trick screams his fury, scrabbling to get his hands free. “Get off me!” he screams. “Get off!”
He drives his elbow up towards Christofer’s face, making him gasp and fall back, clutching at his bleeding nose.
Anonymous asked: Guys, please, we're begging you, they don't want to kill you, they're here because they want to help you! we trust them, don't you trust us? when have we ever tried to hurt you?
“No, no, no!” shrieks Trick. “Anti told me you were bad! Anti told me not to listen! Anti told me you would kill us! Anti told me you would kill him! I will never let that fucking happen!”
He grabs his sniper and swings hard, bashing the grip into Christofer’s face. Roaring like a bear, Christofer snatches at Trick’s collar, but Trick’s shirts are worn from Red grabbing him in the exact same place, and he tears himself free with a growling ripping sound, whirling around to bring that huge gun to bear. Ice explodes in front of him and slicks the ground underneath his feet, freezing his gun in place and sending him slipping hard to the earth, crying out as he hits the ground. He can hear Noodle howling and he chokes, scrambling desperately to get back to his feet.
But he isn’t as fast as Christofer. Trick screams like he’s being killed as he is wrapped up in the all-encompassing arms of the enormous man, feeling himself pinned against his chest.
Anonymous asked: Dok, you will never be safe with Anti. I’m so sorry, but please, take Blue and yourself to the magicians. Blue’s injuries are magic related and there’s no way you’d be able to fully heal him alone with a limited amount of resources. They can help, that’s who Blue called for to save all of you. You will never stop running away if you stay with Anti, there will never be an end to the torture and the nightmares. Marvin will die if you do not make a decision quickly.
The gunshot ricochets through the trees and sets the birds to flight.
They are not the only ones.
Terrified by the noise, you barely have time to realize what he’s doing before he has tugged Blue low to the river and hidden his body in the tallest of the grass on the bank. For a second, he looks like he might lie down with him - but then, through the forest, he hears Trick begin to scream.
Dok is sprinting back through the forest the way he came, a cry on his mouth.
bupine asked: trick, please listen to us. wouldn't you want to see your kids again? please remember, chase brody, remember who you are, remember that you're not anti's!! Anonymous asked: ANTI DROVE YOU TO SUICIDE TRICK STOP TELLING YOURSELF EVERYTHING WILL GO BACK TO THE WAY IT WAS BECAUSE IT WONT! AFTER TODAY NOTHING WILL BE THE SAME! YOU KNOW THIS! Anonymous asked: who has ever hurt you more, Chase? Us or Anti?
“No, no, no!” screams Trick, writhing like a rabid dog in Christofer’s grip. “No, no! He loves me, he has to, or what has this all been for? Why am I even alive if he doesn’t? He has to! He has to! He can’t have been lying all this time! Let me go! Let me go! I want to go back to my master!”
He can hear his captor calling out above him, exasperated. “Genesis, get this poor brainwashed son of a bitch back to - ”
A gun clicks.
Christofer stiffens and Trickshot stills, opening his eyes.
Doktor stands in the copse before them, pointing his little handgun right at Christofer’s head.
“Let him go,” he pants.
He has killed men before. But they were always pinned down, and Anti was helping him press the scalpel deeper into the brain.
“Let him go,” he says. “Right now, or I’ll kill you.”
Christofer stares at him, mouth calm, eyes stormy. He is a big, big man, but he is not invulnerable, and he warned the others not to die for souls already lost.
Anonymous asked: dok, please. put it down.
Dok glances over at you, his mouth slightly open. His hand trembles on the gun.
“Deutsch?” chokes Trick, staring at him. “Henrik? I - I want to go home.”
And then a girl with short, dark hair and amber eyes appears behind Doktor with no warning at all, and the second she wraps her arms around him -
He is gone.
Hermann picks up the dropped camera and sprints off down towards the river as fast as he can.
Anonymous asked: emmanuela, mi amiga, swing FAST and swing HARD
“Now there’s a voice I like!” cries Emmanuela, and she meets Anti’s back with the head of her axe. He yelps and snarls, biting forward to snap at her legs, but a burst of white light is enough to burn at him and he darts away again, circling her and Juana rapidly.
“Stupid sorcerer,” growls Anti, his eyes shifting colors rapidly. “I took up residence right under your nose and you still would never have found me if his magic hadn’t overflowed. And now it belongs to me.”
Juana lets out a cry as fire erupts in a circle around them, driving them into the center, where grass rises around their feet as if to grab them. Anti staggers, flickering between dog and man, laughing wildly as blood comes running out of his eyes and makes him shake, nearly overwhelmed.
“It must sting!” calls Emmanuela. “To be something as horrible as you, and filled with that much pure good magic! It will kill you, demon! I promise you that, if you keep it, it will kill you.”
“I,” snarls Anti, stalking forward again. “Am not a fucking demon! Our powers are brothers and what comes from Jack cannot destroy me!”
He leaps at Juana and there is, before she can do anything, a huge bite in her arm, making her scream. She points a small handgun at him, only for his body to disappear in a flash of glitching colors. Emmanuela lashes out once, twice, at the pattern of glitches that precede his appearance, but she manages to land only a glancing blow on him as he glitches around her, appearing and disappearing, sometimes two or three of him surrounding her at once, teeth bared, eyes wild, fangs red -
She lashes out a kick at his snout and drives forward with her light, an explosion of gold. Somewhere, the demon creature is screaming. This magic is antithesis. He appears again coated in burns, his fur singed and his tongue hanging desperately out of his mouth, but still he is leaping forward again, still he attacks, until -
He hears Trickshot start to scream.
Anti turns and races back towards his brothers.
In his wake, fire.
Anonymous asked: OH MY GOD I don’t know whether to cry or scream. Bupine asked: DOK DON’T KILL HIM. PLEASE. PLEASE FUCKING LISTEN TO US YOU WILL REGRET IT FOR THE REST OF YOUR LIFE IF YOU DO. THIS IS YOUR ONLY CHANCE TO BE FREE AND HAPPY, THIS IS ALL YOU HAVE!! HENRIK, PLEASE JUST LISTEN!! Two anons and immabethehero sent similar messages and were added
Trick stares at the space where his twin was.
“D… Dok?” he whispers.
He can feel his body going numb.
“Hey, it’s okay, little man,” mumbles Christofer, setting him down and readjusting his grip on him. Trick has stopped struggling, staring blankly at that empty place in the trees. “We can take you right to him if you just - ”
“Dok?” Trick whimpers, his eyes filling up with tears. “Dok? Deutsch? B-bro?”
“Sh, pequeño, sh, it’s okay,” sighs Christofer. “It’s okay, we’ll get you back to him. You just come with us.”
But Trick isn’t listening.
For a second, he is nothing but hot, rapid tears and a limp body in Christofer’s arms.
And then you see the fury fill him up.
“Anti!” he screams, so loud his throat could tear. “Anti! They stole my twin from me!”
“Idiot man,” hisses Christofer, struggling to hold him.
immabethehero asked: Wait where did Red and Dapper go? Did you already kidnap them? Red chose to ignore several other miscellaneous messages, but they were still added here.
Red hears the screaming too.
Alarmed, he finally calls a stop on giving you the silent treatment and snatches the camera up at your insistent beeping, his eyes wide. “What’s - what’s happening, I - kidnap us, who’s coming to…”
A gleam of light catches his eye, and Dapper stirs wearily beside him, rubbing at his reddened face. For a second, the light is gone again, and they are in darkness in the heavy foliage of the forest.
And then Red sees firelight flickering towards him.
You hear deep, heavy breaths as he tries to stay calm, his body tense and ready.
cest-mellow asked: dapper? red? where are you guys? the magicians are here to help you, they won’t hurt you!
“Help us?” gasps Red. “Have you forgotten I fucking killed one of them? I - I - they tied me down! They beat me, they - no, no, no, I don’t want to be stolen again, I don’t want to be taken away! They tied me up, I won’t go, I won’t!”
“There’s the ravens,” Dapper signs distantly, his hands floaty and distracted. “The condors are coming too. Oh, Red, and the fire… it’s growing, we’re in the trees…”
His hands reach out for it off in the distance. Red yanks him to his feet and crowds him behind him, staring off at the light. “How do I get back to Anti now?” he whimpers, protecting Dapper’s body with his own.
whydoilovesomanyvillians asked: Red docs gone, Marvin's if I had to guess dead and anti it also sounds like hes gonna die
Red’s blood runs cold.
He stares at you, frozen.
“No, no,” he whimpers, staggering forward. “Then I have to go back! I have to go… Blue? Dead?”
Dapper gives a little whine, tugging against the handcuffs, trying to pull him away from the fire, growing rapid in the trees.
abirbable asked: Please save Marvin, but be gentle! He’s barely alive! Three other anons sent similar messages and were added.
Hermann races down towards the river until his feet are soaked in the water.
He has to find the hiding place, here along the shore. For a moment, you can only watch him splash helplessly through the reeds and the tall grass, searching, searching, alone in the water, until at last -
“Oh,” whispers Hermann, sinking to his knees beside him. “Oh, poor thing.”
Blue’s still body lies silent in the grass, his face gone from white to grey, his lips faintly blue. Hermann reaches out to touch his face.
“Cold,” he mumbles. “Oh, brother, can’t help you there, I’m afraid…”
He finds a thin, thready heartbeat trembling in Blue’s throat.
“I will find a healing spell. But I don’t know what good it will do… to have his heart ripped out of his chest like this… Madre de Dios, ayúdanos…”
Anonymous asked: Hermann? Have you found Marvin yet? Will you help him?
“How could I not help?” Hermann shakes a little from the exertion of running, but he does not waver in his goal, his hand falling away from the old wound on his side. “What a terrible thing to happen to somebody. I must warn you, though… I am not much of a healer.”
“You think the Chileans would mind if I borrowed some Neruda?”
Hermann sits down at Blue’s side, his hand hovering over his quiet chest.
“For once on the face of the earth,” he whispers, and his power is not like Blue’s, for only a faint white light arises in his eyes - beautiful nonetheless, cool as November ice. “Let’s not speak any language. Let’s stop for one second, and not move our arms so much.”
Blue is unmoving. He seems not even to breathe.
“Fisherman in the cold sea would not harm whales,” murmurs Hermann like a prayer. “And the man gathering salt would look at his hurt hands.”
You see, now, something that is like Blue’s magic about him - the same brand of fatigue. Hermann sways, tired already, tired from everything, but still holding out his hands over Blue’s heart. He remembers Red calling for him the day Hermann and his friends nearly took him.
“Perhaps a huge silence might interrupt this sadness.”
Blue gives a soft breath, his chest shuddering.
“This sadness of never understanding ourselves.”
Hermann rubs gently at his shoulder. His face has paled, paled, paled in the cold night light.
“Now I’ll count up to twelve,” he whispers, his eyes sliding shut. “And you keep quiet… and I will go.”
Blue’s mouth turns from blue to pink. Another whole breath enters his lips.
Hermann slides to the ground, panting.
cest-mellow asked: marvin? can you hear us? are you okay?
His eyes slide ever so slightly open on the bank of the shore. Hermann gives a little gasp, putting a hand on his chest.
“You startled me, amigo. ¿Cómo estás?”
Blue breathes slow and thin, staring up at the sky. His eyes are bizarrely colorless, as though cataracts had formed over him, and he shivers despite the heat.
“Red?” he whispers.
“No,” murmurs Hermann, squeezing his hand. “I’m here to help.”
Blue stares up at him.
“Anti?” he asks.
“No, no.” Hermann is frowning now, sitting hunched over him. “Can you see me at all?”
Blue blinks slowly, his eyes sliding shut again.
“You’re a blur,” he mumbles. “I’m so cold… Where’s Red?”
“Why don’t you just rest?” suggests Hermann, patting his hand. “You just take it easy.”
“… Safe?”
“Safe. Safe. Sh, now. It is all going to be just fine.”
Hermann tries not to look at the growing fire behind him. He will wade into the river if he has to, but he’s not sure he can get back up the hill safely, and his body is hurting him badly, threatening to make him faint.
bupine asked: red, blue's not dead! he's ok! one of the magicians saved him, he'll be ok if you don't hurt any of the magicians, please!
Red backs away slightly, clutching Dapper’s hand. There is smoke around the two of them now.
“Don’t fight the magicians?” he coughs, as Dapper wriggles out of his over-hot vest. “What do I… I… I don’t know what to do. Just tell me where to go to get to Anti again!”
bupine asked: anti's off fighting one of the magicians. he's in the form of a dog now as far as I'm aware
“Why doesn’t he come get me?” sobs Red, clutching at his heart. “He told me to protect Dap but I don’t know what to do!”
He staggers back towards the fire one more time, knowing full well Anti is somewhere on the other side of that blaze with Blue and Trick and Dok - or whoever is left alive.
Dapper whistles shrilly, his panic rising. He yanks against the handcuffs, but his big brother isn’t even paying attention to him.
“The trees are on fire!” he tries to tell him. “Red, above us!”
He breaks down into coughing, unable to back away. Red can’t seem to tear his eyes off the fire.
cest-mellow asked: the magicians are trying to help you, anti is the one who created the fires. stick with them and they’ll get you to safety, all of you. Anonymous asked: they saved his life, Red, we saw it happen! Anti almost killed him but the magicians saved his life!
Red bites down on his tongue, terrified. Dapper’s coughing finally catches his attention and he turns, wide-eyed, to see his little brother sinking to the forest floor, clutching at his chest as smoke fills them both up.
bupine asked: red, DON'T DO ANYTHING RASH. you can't protect dapper if you're dead.
“R-rash? Like run? M-maybe Anti is just testing my loyalty again? Maybe we’re supposed to burn? But then he’ll scoop us out before we die… like that one Bible story… in the furnace, God knows you love him…”
pixie-in-trebleland asked: Dap, Red, you need to get outta there! FAST. Three anons sent similar messages and were added.
“Oh, fuck,” whispers Red, his eyes full of light. “Oh, fuck.”
“Red,” Dapper is signing, over and over again. “Red!”
Red turns to him and pulls him back to his feet, grabbing his hand again.
“We’ll regroup with Anti later,” he shouts, a last-ditch attempt to convince himself he’s not disobeying. “He told me to protect you. Come on, we need to get the hell out of here!”
“That’s what I’ve been trying to tell you, dickhead!”
“Hey! When did your hands get so fucking filthy!”
They are tearing through the forest together, their hands clasped, trying to breathe as the smoke only grows thicker.
“To the river, we should go to the river,” chokes Dapper.
“I can’t go through the river, I have Anti’s camera!”
“Red, we’re going to fucking burn!”
“We’ll lose our connection to him!”
“Red! Red, please!”
And Dapper, the youngest - oh, how long has he played baby, played carver, played Anti’s, all the while trying to keep his own head fixed on straight, halfway into a psychotic episode and terrified out of his mind -
Dapper wraps his arms around Red’s chest and begins to sob. Sometimes survival is just manipulation.
“I don’t want to die, I’m scared, I’m scared!” he signs, desperate. “Don’t let me get hurt, big brother, I don’t want the birds to catch me, I don’t want the fire to come!”
And what is Red going to do - refuse his baby brother while he’s crying?
nikkilbook asked: Dap, why don’t you want the birds to catch you? The ravens at least seem to be friends.
“I plucked so many feathers out,” cries Dapper, gripping at his knife in his vest. “I know she’ll hurt me!”
“Don’t worry about that now,” calls Red, pulling him down towards the river. “I’m not going to let anyone take you from me. I swear, Dapper. Come on!”
Anonymous asked: Jameson, Genesis said this to us personally - she said if you got free, she would forgive you. We promise you she did, you have nothing to fear!
“I swear to God these fucking cameras work for them,” snaps Red, pulling him away before he can answer you.
hollenka99 asked: If it's any consolation, Dok might be safe from the fires. It's not much but at least that's one brother you don't have to worry as much about, right?
Red laughs wildly, and even he doesn’t know if the tears in his eyes are from the smoke or the fear or from the everything, the everything, the disaster that this fucking week has been. He might have a meltdown right here on the forest floor.
“At least Dok is safe,” he chokes. “With Anti, yeah? At least Dok is safe.”
nikkilbook asked: I don’t know where Anti is. But get to the river—that’s where Blue is, and it might offer some protection from the smoke and the fire. Many more people and anons added similar messages telling Red to get out of the forest.
“We’re going, we’re going,” gasps Red, and he and Dapper have reached the shore of the river, but they are more than a mile now from Anti and the others, and the river moves down, down, down farther away. Red trembles, but Dapper’s hand in his own gives him his purpose and his strength, and he squeezes his fingers and heads down towards the water, coughing.
“You just hold on to me,” he calls, pulling Dapper to his back. “It’s not going to be easy to swim with handcuffs on. You got to trust me.”
Dapper shivers, trying to focus. He seems to remember a great anger towards Red - or… Jackie? Or Roser? Or… where are they? Why is Jackie red-haired? What’s happening, he thought -
“Dapper!” Red cries, clutching his face. “Come on, come on! Listen to big brother! I got you, I got you. Do you trust me?”
“Oh - okay, Jackie.”
“I’m not - okay. Don’t be scared. Hold on to me. Let’s go.”
He’s wading into the water. Deeper and deeper.
You’re about to be swallowed up by the water.
“I’m about to lose you,” he says.
He tells himself he’s talking to Anti. He’s not.
“Please just… please just… I hope this isn’t the last time you see me.”
A nervous laugh from his mouth. A little brother clinging to his shoulders. The water lapping at his arms.
“I… I’m sorry if I… I know I haven’t always been…”
He stops short, just for a second, pulling you off his shoulder and turning to smile at you. His eyes are red, but his mouth, for once, has found its calm. He holds Dapper tight in his other hand.
“Thanks for everything,” he croaks. “Goodbye.”
He turns the camera off and shoves it in his bag, and plunges into the safety of the river, drifting farther and farther away from Anti, from Blue, from everyone, and your signal cuts out.
the-weirdest-fan asked: Genesis, I dont know if anyone mentioned it, but Trick has a kitten with him. Please take the kitten as well. I don't want it to die.
“Okay, scoop your kitten up,” sighs Christofer, still grappling with a hysterical, screaming Trickshot. “Here you go, come on, gringo, it wants you.”
Noodle mewls as he is passed into Trick’s trembling hands. Trick sobs wildly and clutches his kitten to his chest, hyper-ventilating against his fur.
“Yeah, there you go,” soothes Christofer, clapping Trick’s shoulder hard enough to make him hiccup. He doesn’t have a particularly soothing voice - he sounds like Morgan Freeman gargling rocks - but he’s trying.
hollenka99 asked: Please be careful with Trick. Obviously, do what you must to get him back to the car and make him stay there long enough for you to leave. But be careful because he's not going to accept your help (which I probably don't have to tell you). Also, look out. There's company heading your way.
“Okay, we’re being careful, real careful.” Christofer pats Trick again and turns him around, ignoring a scared little squeak as he starts to march Trick up the hill. “We’ll take you back to the other man and get the monster out of your head if we can, okay, little man?”
“No, no,” cries Trick, clutching at his kitten. “No, no, don’t want to.”
“Here, give me that camera, boy, you don’t need to be talking to him now.”
Trick sobs as you are taken away from him, mumbling about Doktor and Anti and dying. Christofer stares skeptically down at you.
“Company? Are the Colombians here? I hope Emmanuela and Juana are handling the demon alright. I think maybe I should turn you off, if you’re talking to the demon.”
Anonymous asked: Chase hang in there, they're going to take you to dok. genesis is gonna return the kindness you did by letting her go.
“We’re going to Dok?” whimpers Trick.
“That’s right, man.”
“What about A-A-Anti?”
“Don’t worry about him now. Come on, you poor fucking sap.”
Anonymous asked: oh fuck, oh fuck everything is bad genesis y'all need to snatch whoever you can and RUN, anti's basically just swallowed a goddamn nuclear bomb
Christofer stops short, staring at you. “A nuclear…”
He turns his head, surveying the scene around him. To his relief, help does in fact seem to be coming - he sees another couple cars up on the hill, and people coming out of them, directing each other. He’s fairly sure it’s the Colombians, of the Order of the Condor, or maybe the Argentinians, of the Hornero.
But not everything is good news.
“Oh, mierda,” he breathes. “The forest is burning.”
immabethehero asked: Genesis? Hermann needs help and Red and Dapper are trapped in the fire. immabethehero asked: Nevermind, Red and Dapper are in the water. Possibly Drowning. Genesis, you and the others good?
Hermann is sitting on the beach of the river with Blue asleep in his arms. He rocks his body gently back and forth, humming to himself as the fire gets closer.
“Genesis is gone,” he says softly. “Back to safety. She’s still hurt from the other day, so Emmanuela will not let her come and go.”
Anonymous asked: hermann, hermano, thank you. go now, as fast as you can!
“I’m sorry,” mumbles Hermann. “I don’t know that I have the strength to rise - I certainly cannot carry him through the fire…”
hollenka99 asked: Hermann, anything you can do to help will be greatly appreciated. So long as you're doing your best, that's enough for now. Good luck with the healing spell.
“Thank you,” whispers Hermann. “I’ve done all I can now. I’m sorry. I’ll carry him into the river if I have to, but that is the only safety I can offer now.”
Blue is breathing well enough for you to see it, now, but he is terribly pale, his eyes faintly open, but clouded and dull. His mouth trembles slightly open. He lets Hermann rock him, mumbling to himself. He feels like he is floating above his own body and he cannot remember his name or where he is in the world.
Anonymous asked: Christofer bro idk if you lift, but if you can get Chase secure you need to go get Hermann and our friend Marvin. I hope you can carry two dudes at once
“I can carry these little gringos. Where is Hermann? I must go get someone to help me with the fire, I will not take this little man down there. I will hurry to get him tied down in the car.”
Anonymous asked: Get out at fast as you can, while you still can. Anti will do anything to hold onto what he has, and if he notices you getting away with one of his possessions he will attack.
“What sort of a monster is this?” scowls Christofer. “It is unnatural for a demon to be so interested in keeping humans like this, and to have such power. There is some corruption in it. It has to be killed.”
Trick screeches and kicks at Christofer’s back, thrown over his shoulders like a huge teddy bear. “That’s my brother!” he shrieks. “He’s not a fucking demon! You don’t understand! He’ll kill you, fucker!”
Anonymous asked: Christopher, please, please, stay alert! Anti might come running since he hears Trick screaming, he's currently a big black dog pumped with magic and he would fuck your shit up, please be careful!
Christofer startles, staring around him.
He thought he heard something snap in the trees.
A low growl curls through the air around him.
“Okay,” mumbles Christofer, pulling Trick down from his shoulder and holding him in front of his chest. “Alright, demonio, where are you?”
Anti is on his left, a dog.
On his right, a deer.
Before him, a man.
All of them flickering and then gone in an instant.
He burns with power. His eyes are black with two bright blue glowing irises in the middle.
“Give me back my boy,” hisses a voice which glitches and spasms and growls. “Give me back my pet.”
“Others are coming,” warns Christofer slowly. His arm is wrapped around Trick’s neck, tight, tight. “You can’t beat everyone.”
“Are you sure?” echoes Anti’s voice. “Are you so sure?”
Anonymous asked: Christofer, Anti is coming and he’s coming FAST. Just hold on to Trick and run, you can’t fight him
“Ay! You there?” someone is calling through the trees in Spanish, footsteps approaching. “Emmanuela called us to come help!”
Christofer turns slowly in a circle in his little copse of trees. He just needs to buy time. He just needs to buy time to get away and bring this shuddering, hypnotized, abused little creature back to safety. Back to the twin with the glasses.
Don’t die for these men, he remembers himself saying. Not everyone can be saved.
He pulls a knife out of his pant pocket. Trick gives a short, hysterical giggle, feeling ready to faint.
“Is - is that a knife in your pocket?” he asks. “Or are you just - ”
“What are you talking about?”
“Old joke,” snorts Trick. “It’s - ”
Anti lunges forward and Trick screams as he is grabbed by the ankle and dragged away. Christofer bellows and swings his knife at Anti, catching him on the back, and Anti howls and drops Trick, whirling around to meet Christofer, lunging onto his chest.
“Hey!” someone shouts. Trick watches in horror as teeth burrow deep into Christofer’s chest and throat, leaving him wailing aloud, only for more magicians to appear from the trees, one of them pulling a bow and arrow back and aiming at Anti, who disappears into a blur of glitches. Suddenly Trick is being aimed at instead.
“Stay away from him!” Taking the form of a man again, Anti shoves into the woman, drawing a line across her stomach with a knife. She kicks up at him with a burst of electricity and he shrieks, his body dissolving.
“Anti!” cries Trick.
“Go to Blue on the river! Now, Trick, now! I’ll catch up with you but don’t stop running!”
“Anti, there’s a dozen more coming down from the hill!”
“Go, Trick! Now!”
And Anti falls upon a growing group of magicians like a wild thing, fire exploding on the earth around him, with great plants growing, growing, growing out of the earth, spreading the fire further. Glitching is his best tool now - he can move from place to place before he can be struck, fleeing from the strongest blows. A great fury is burning in his chest, so bright it is painful - he swears he can feel that Doktor is gone, like one of his ribs was removed. He has not been so far from any of his boys since he captured Blue, and not knowing where he is - whether he is even alive -
“I’ll make you fucking pay for this!” he screams, even as a gun is pointed at his head. “You stole my boy from me!”
Anonymous asked: Anti, you’ve already lost.
“No, no,” groans Anti, glitching farther and farther away from the fight, pushed back towards the great river, fire lighting up the air around him. He can hear more and more humans yelling at him, surrounding him, attacking him - a bullet cracks in the air around him and he gasps, crumpling to the ground for just a moment as steel whizzes past his ear, drawing more blood. He is dizzy and overwhelmed, power still flowing with his blood out of his mouth and ears and eyes. He looks like a monster and he knows it. He laughs aloud.
“Wrangle the goddamn thing!”
“It doesn’t act like a normal demon!”
“It’s stolen someone’s power and entangled itself with technology and electric signals.”
“Unnatural in every sense.”
“Are we sure this is even a demon?”
He screams and tears forward again, burying his teeth in another throat. A club is brought down hard on his head and he wails, glitching away, his form beginning to collapse.
Anonymous asked: jesus can someone just axe this damn dog already
“Hey, cool, a camera!” says a young man in Spanish, picking you up.
“Damascus!” someone berates, and Damascus shrieks and drops it as a dog tears past his head, nearly ripping his ear off. He scrambles away and another magician lashes out at Anti, only to have him get a grip on their ankle and snap.
abirbable asked: Christopher, I think you need to run... You don’t have the strength to face the demon, so the river might be your only chance!
“Maria, get Christofer to safety!”
“I’ve got him!”
You can see his body being dragged away, out of the burning forest, by a small girl much stronger than she looks. Another magician is trying to call down water to stop the fire, but it continues to burn.
“We have to put this out!”
“We have to stop the demon first!”
“And find the men it captured!”
“There’s no time for that! The whole forest could be gone and the fire could be spreading to the fields and the villages!”
immabethehero asked: Christofer? Hermann needs help . He’s still on the beach and Blue is with them.
“They say one of the Peruvians is down there!”
“We can’t get to him through this fire.”
“Or past the fucking - ah! Get the fucking thing off!”
Anti is breaking down.
Anonymous asked: Aw, poor Anti. Your control is slipping through your fingers like sand.
Anti chokes up blood onto the earth and laughs as the fire begins to grow to unmanageable heights, the magicians darting to get away from both him and the flames, unable to fight in a burning forest. He will track them down one-by-one, then, and pick up Dapper and Red, and go find his Doktor, and then everything will be fine.
“Back, back, back,” he groans, swaying. “Give him back to me.”
Anonymous asked: anti you can't sustain this
He laughs. “I will do… what I have to do! I - I can still catch these goddamn sorcerers. I can still - ”
A terrible light blinds him and he shrieks, falling to his side as a dog much smaller than his usual form.
There, amidst the fire and the smoke, her long, black, shining hair glowing, stands Emmanuela, glowing like a star - pure bright magic, burning Anti deeper and deeper.
He is staggering away before he can stop himself, gasping and tearing at his face. “No, no, no!”
“Emmanuela!” someone screams. “Don’t go into that fire!”
“We have to go find the other men!” Emmanuela screams.
“The fire is spreading! We have to put it out! If we find them, then we find them, but we have to put this fire out! We need your frost kid, where is he?”
“Injured! You can ask nothing of him, send others in his stead, maybe if we can reach the edges of the fire on time we can stop it from spreading! Don’t hurt the men if you find them!”
“Damascus, Ella, Maria, take the others and split up, get to putting the fire out!”
Anti tries to register what they’re saying, but his brain is full of pain and buzzing, aching, stinging magic, and he thinks he is a deer, trying not to collapse to its knees in the middle of a forest he set on fire.
Anonymous asked: this can't be it, this can't be how magic works, it can't be so cruel, marvin, if you're awake, jesus christ I don't even know what
“Cruel?” mumbles Blue.
He stares up at the sky, but cannot see the stars.
“No, no… it’s just… me. My flowers… my warmth… healing and spells whispered in Spanish poetry, protection and safety and the smell of the forest after it rains…”
He tilts his head up slightly. All he can make out is a small figure moving towards him and a great, burning light in the distance.
“What has he done with my magic?” he chokes, tears rolling down his cheeks. Hermann tries to shush him, wiping them away. “What has he done with my soul?”
Anonymous asked: Blue, you’re going to need to stay very still. Don’t waste your energy, you’re still extremely weak. He’s here to help, we promise.
“They’re right, just rest,” murmurs Hermann, petting his shoulder. “Try not to think about it. I… I’ll do everything I can for you. Just take it easy, my friend.”
abirbable asked: Hang on, Hermann! Help is on the way!
Hermann turns hopeful eyes towards the forest.
But there is only one person coming.
Trick runs towards them with his face tear-stained and a kitten on his chest. Hermann grits his teeth together, trying to think. He doesn’t have the strength for a fight right now. The fire only comes closer.
“Hey,” he mumbles - to you, to Blue, to everything. “I’m sorry.”
Anonymous asked: Hermann, can you swim? Or at least float, and keep Marvin up as well? You might have to go down the river
“Come, come,” he murmurs, scooping Blue up in his arms. “We should get in the water before the fire comes.”
Trick is shouting behind him, crying out for him to stop.
“Give me my brother!” he calls. “Stop, stop, don’t hurt him!”
Hermann pulls Blue gently to the water and carries him in until he is awash to the stomach, carrying Blue in his arms. He turns them away from the fire, buries his face in Blue’s shoulder, and hums an old song of praise, because he doesn’t know what else to sing.
Anonymous asked: trick, help blue and hermann get back to the sorcerers. they can bring you to dok, anti can't.
Trick stumbles towards Blue and Hermann, shaking like an animal in a wire trap.
“I just want this to be over,” he moans, holding Noodle a little too tight. “I w-want this to stop.”
Anonymous asked: Trick, don’t hurt them.
“He won’t hurt Blue? Please, my big brother…”
whydoilovesomanyvillians asked: Can trick look at this camera because if so that man isnt trying to hurt him trick he saved marvins life
“Saved him?” chokes Trick, stumbling forward. “Saved him?”
“He’s okay, he’s okay,” whispers Hermann, sunk low in that river, praying Trick does not carry another gun. “We’re okay, we’re okay.”
Anonymous asked: Blue, there will be time to mourn your magic later. You're you with or without it, no matter how much it hurts. Just rest. People will come to help.
Blue hums softly and blinks up at the darkness around him, finding a familiar shape blurred before him. He sighs and reaches out for Trick, exhausted.
“You okay, love?” he murmurs, trying to find him in the dull light of his clouded vision. “Why are you crying? Come here, tell me…”
immabethehero asked: Hey magicians? One of you might need to save Dapper and Red. Dapper has a knife and a mustache, Red had red hair and an existential crisis
You can no longer find a magician on any of your cameras - some of them have been cracked and warped by the heat, others are abandoned on the ground. You will have to trust in what they said - if they find them, they will help them, but first they must put out a fire now raging for more than a mile down the banks of the Rio Puturnayo.
pixie-in-trebleland asked: Anti, you're only hurting yourself at this point. Stop.
“No,” groans Anti, and now he is just a frayed and exhausted Jack, stumbling through the fire, a knife still clutched in his hands. “If I run, how will I find Doktor? I failed him… I want him, I want him back, my - my pet, my Henrik…”
He stumbles to his knees. Pain is slicing him in half, bitter and sweet magic clashing together horribly in his chest, and he can taste and smell and see nothing but copper and fire. The heat has begun to lick at him and he watches in numb astonishment as he begins to burn the way that men burn, the ends of his fingers blackening against the earth of the forest. Self-preservation drives him back to his feet, gasping for pain.
“If I run, I… how will I ever get them back? If I run… where is Doktor? Where is Doktor? Where did I let them take him, why wasn’t I watching, why didn’t he scream? I… I… If I run…”
nikkilbook asked: Trick, look at them. Anti left Blue to die on the beach after ripping out his soul. Hermann’s helping him float in the water to keep him away from the fire. abirbable and five anons sent similar messages and were added.
Tears well up and overflow in Trick’s eyes.
He is stepping down into the water, wading towards Blue and Hermann.
“It’s okay, it’s okay,” Hermann reassures softly, reaching out for him, holding Blue to his chest. “Look, we’re okay. Come hold your brother, he wants to see you.”
And then Trick is buried in Blue’s chest, holding his brother around those fragile ribs, clutching him close.
“Blue, Blue, Blue,” he croaks, kissing his face. “No, no, no, don’t go, stay with me.”
“Not going anywhere,” promises Blue softly, pulling him down so he can press a kiss into his hair. “Not going anywhere, amata.”
“Just rest, okay? Just rest, it’s alright, I’ll carry you. It’s okay. I love you, I’m sorry.”
“I love you, I love you. It’s okay, little brother. It’s okay.”
Anonymous asked: hey anti? it's okay.
Anti breathes in.
Breathes out.
Smoke and magic.
“It’s okay, it’s okay,” he whispers, stepping towards the river. “Hey, Anti, it’s okay.”
He is trotting slowly down towards the beach, numb to the shouting and screaming behind him, numb to the fire.
“I’ll get him back, won’t I?” he breathes. “I’ll find him again. It’s okay, it’s okay… just one battle lost, I… I have to protect what I have left.”
They’re there before him in the river - Trick and Blue and - did Dapper or Red come back? Who…
Anti stops short on the beach of the river, staring down at the water.
Hermann stares back, Blue held between himself and Trick.
Anonymous asked: hermann, marvin, i dont know if it will help much but i wanted to send you something by dylan thomas: do not go gentle into that good night, old age should burn and rave at close of day, rage, rage against the dying of the light. grave men, near death, who see with blinding sight, blind eyes could blaze like meteors and be gay, rage, rage against the dying of the light. i wish you luck
“Do not go gentle into that good night,” whispers Hermann, drawing Trick and Blue to his chest. “Old age should burn and rave at close of day…”
He never takes his gaze from Anti’s black and blue eyes.
“Rage, rage, against the dying of the light.”
Anti steps into the water and wades towards them. His blood runs into the water.
“Grave men, near death, who see with blinding sight…”
Anti pulls out a knife, his body glitching and spasming unnaturally, horribly, painfully.
“Blind eyes could blaze like meteors and be gay.”
Anti stands before him, Trick and Blue between them, a fire burning behind them.
“Rage, rage,” whispers Hermann. “Against the dying of the light.”
Anti is holding out his arms.
Hermann breathes.
“No,” he whispers. “You will have to take them from me.”
Anti’s eyes narrow.
But he does not strike out.
Gently, he reaches out, and takes from Hermann Blue’s body, pulling him to his own chest, wrapping his tired arms around him. Trick pulls away too, his face pale and reddened at the eyes, his gaze dead and sorry and all full of longing as he meets Hermann’s eyes for one moment longer.
Hermann will never forget that gaze.
Anti turns and carries Blue down the shallows of the river, across to the safety of the other side. Trick follows blindly, holding Noodle tight to his shoulder, tears running down his face, though he never once looks back at Hermann.
Hermann stands in the river for a long, long time.
Until the fire is gone out, and those who remain alive behind him have reconvened, and worried hands are drawing his exhausted body from the water, passing him to Emmanuela, who pulls him to her chest and kisses his face til he stops saying “I’m sorry, Mama, I’m sorry,” over and over and over again.
abirbable asked: Trick... you just lost your last chance at being okay and happy. If you go with Anti, only pain and sorrow await you and your brothers... Why have you shunned those who might help you?
“Time to be quiet,” says Anti softly, placing the camera in his backpack. “We have no need of you now.”
Anonymous asked: Yeah, speaking of Anti, how's that fire treating him?
“Anti?” comes a tired whisper from behind him.
His voice is flat and dead when he speaks.
“Yes, love.”
“You’re all covered in burns… you and Blue both…”
Trick never receives a reply. Noodle is crying in his arms and he holds his cat close to his chest, stroking his perfect golden ears.
“Yes, love.”
“Where are we going?”
“I’m going to take you and Blue far away to heal.”
They trudge on through the darkness. They give off no signal. With Blue’s magic buried under Anti’s, they are finally hidden.
“Are the others really gone?”
Night birds call from the trees. Insects chirrup and leap around Trick’s legs, following him curiously through the underbrush of the Amazon.
“Yes, Trick.”
“Even… even Red and Dapper?”
“I don’t know where they are. I can’t feel them close. The magicians must have taken them as well.”
His stomach aches and pulls at him and his legs are sore and eaten up, even though he listened to Dok, and didn’t roll his pants legs up. There is blood somewhere on him, but he can’t seem to focus on where - just knows that he is sticky, and hot, and tired.
But at least he’s not a prisoner.
“Anti?” he whispers, the quietest one yet.
“We’ll get them back,” Anti answers, before he even needs to speak the words out loud. “We’ll get them back.”
He turns around for the first time all night, Blue dangling from his arms. Trick stares up at him in the darkness, his eyes wet.
“Don’t cry,” whispers Anti, leaning in to kiss his hair. “I’m going to make this right again. I’m going to see Blue well again and find the oldest and the youngest. I’m going to get your twin back for you.”
“You promise?” whispers Trick, clinging to his shirt, just for a moment.
“Yes,” whispers Anti. “Yes. I promise.”
He’s made assurances like these before.
Assurances of happiness, and brotherhood, and an end to the pain.
On a beach in Norway, he made promises to the man now lain across his arms.
He regrets, now, that he did not keep them.
But you will never hear him say that out loud.
 End Chapter Two: That Which is Stolen
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sunfloweradore · 6 years
based on s/m by rihanna and harry is hella dom
i may have gotten… a bit carried away with this lmao it’s pretty self indulgent n basically porn without a plot so have fun reading it :)
Y/N shifted under his harsh gaze, her thighs shaking under the pressure of his own. She deserved to feel like this, though, and she knew it. He’d been an absolute sweetheart, recently. Taking her out to get ice cream on his motorcycle and even letting her take the helmet off as long as she promised to hold on to him tight. She’d never really gotten to do either of those things very often, considering she was a sassy little thing and loved to push Harry’s nerves any way she could manage, but for the past few weeks it became exhausting for both of them (not the sex, though, because Y/N could handle anything Harry threw at her, she was sure). When they first met, it was sort of a Christian Grey situation- where Y/N was a poor college student who was as much of a virgin as she could be. Harry had always been more of a dominant presence and when he came into the restaurant she worked at and asked to be specifically served by her, who could say no? From that point on, she became addicted to the feeling he gave her, a dangerous feeling that made her feel safe at the same time. He reminded her of a CEO, dominant and powerful, but he was just a car mechanic who liked to spank girls who got out of line.
Speaking of getting out of line, that’s exactly what Y/N was trying to do all day. Even though she loved soft and mushy Harry who asked for kisses and cuddles before she did, she missed the Harry who made her wait for him to come home, sitting on her knees, completely naked. At first it was just little things like talking back to him a bit or not doing as he said immediately. It annoyed him a little bit, but not enough to do anything about it. As the day progressed, though, she got a little more daring, not wearing panties out and making him rub her feet at the table of the restaurant they were at. He did so without complaint, but when he noticed her lack of panties, his jaw locked and his brows stayed furrowed for the rest of the night, giving her a look that said “you’re in for it”. Somehow, though, that wasn’t enough to get her to listen, and when the waiter came over to ask them what they wanted to drink, she shuffled her legs open just enough for the poor young man to get an eyeful. Both the waiter and Harry’s eyes widened, the former shooting out of his seat and practically yanking her arm out of its socket. Her feet drug against the ground on the way to the car until he barked a booming “enough!”, to which she whimpered and lowered her head like a submissive puppy would do. That brings them to the situation at hand- where Y/N’s wrists were bound tightly to their metal headboard, the coolness of it not even a fraction of the look Harry was sending her way.
“I can’t fucking believe you, Y/N,” he spat, fully clothed with his muscly thighs keeping her midsection pinned down. She sniffled with a pout on her lips, big, pleading eyes looking up at him. She opened her mouth, ready to beg him not to do anything (even though she really, really wanted him to) until he forcefully clamped his ring-clad palm over her it.
“You know what Daddy’s rules are, so why did you disobey them? Hm?” he asked, rather passively, taking his hand away for only a moment until he wrapped it around her throat possessively, not enough to choke her but enough to make sure that she stayed down.
“D-dunno, Daddy… just wanted to, sorta,” she mumbled with teary eyes. About a minute passed without him saying anything, just glaring at her with a look in his eyes that she couldn’t decipher.
“Listen to me, right now, little girl. You don’t want me to give you something to cry about, so you better stop that before you aren’t able to. Now, you’re going to get my cock all wet for you and then I’m going to fuck you until I cum, understand?” he questioned her, squeezing her throat in succession to his words. She nodded quickly, almost unable to from how tightly he was holding onto her. The way he was keeping her completely pinned to the bed was making her drip, his voice gravelly and deep and right in her face. He lifted his thighs off of her, along with his hand. She liked the pressure, though, and as he unzipped his jeans, pulling himself out, she asked if he could hold her throat while he made her suck on him.
“Such a dirty baby,” he tutted. “You want Daddy to choke you while your pretty little mouth is stuffed with his cock? I don’t know, think you’d like that too much.” She whined a little but cut herself off in fear of him stopping or not letting her have what she wants. Instead, though, he just ignored her and pulled out his cock, looking down at it and biting his lip at the precum beading out. Her heart raced in her chest, watching him get off to himself made her feel like she could cum on the spot, without being touched at all. He pulled the foreskin back, fully exposing the shiny, peony colored head.
“But I think I will, anyways, love, I’d quite like to feel my cock sliding down your tight little throat with my hand, too,” he breathed, staring at her heaving chest instead of his thick girth. She whined again, and his eyes met hers- the fire between the two mixing into something much darker and much, much more desperate. He straddled her body again, but this time with his legs on either side of her head, fully clothed. She squirmed and could feel her wetness in a small pool between her legs at the sign of dominance he expressed by having her lay there, naked, while he remained dressed. He wrapped his large hand around her dainty neck, being careful despite his obvious disdain towards her actions. Even though she didn’t want to admit it, this was exactly what she wanted, and the fact that he knew that and was giving into it made her feel even more aroused. He tapped the sticky head against her already spit-licked lips and she opened up immediately, wrapping her lips around it with a heavy amount of pressure, trying to take him as deeply as she could. Harry’s mouth instantly dropped open, but that wasn’t what he wanted, and he grabbed her by the hair, yanking her back with a line of spit attached to him.
“Slow down, I didn’t tell you to give me head, I told you to get me wet,” he spoke sternly, still using his other hand to hold her hair out of her face. “Start over.”
Y/N took a deep breath through her nose, the best attempt she could manage with the pressure of him practically sitting on her, not to mention with his hand wrapped around her throat. The rings adorning his fingers were freezing and the contrast of how warm his hands were made her thighs rub together. It provided some stimulation and sated her a bit until she realized that she didn’t want even more of a punishment than she was receiving. Y/N took him into her mouth again, this time as slow as she could handle. Sucking him off, or, sorry, getting him wet, always made her desperate. He was heavy, soft, and warm in her mouth, and she could feel him drip precum onto her awaiting tongue every few seconds. He seemed to be just holding her on his cock until he deemed it ready enough for her already soaked cunt, not looking at her once, and she loved it. Apparently, that time was when she was drooling down her chin, making soft suckling and keening noises the deeper he pushed. Harry got off of her, allowing her to gasp, but picked the rest of the spit up with his index finger and wiped it against the base of his cock. He quickly entered her in order to avoid the spit and precum dripping onto the bed sheets. He closed his eyes in bliss, taking in the whimpers she let out with stride, adjusting his hips until he found a position comfortable enough for them. Tightening around him and pulsing her walls led his breath to stutter, knowing her body like the back of his hand.
“Don’t cum,” he demanded. “Bad little girls don’t get to cum.” Y/N nodded rapidly, kicking her legs against the bed in an attempt to push away her urges. He hadn’t even been in her for more than a minute and she was so worked up that she could orgasm any second, and it made him want to wreck her. The pretty makeup she had on was a mess, some leftover drool stuck on her chin that made it glint from the lamp in the corner of the room. Their sheets and blankets were set aside, Harry wanting to see every inch of her, and that’s exactly what he was doing. Her chest was heaving and red in her struggle to hold back, tempting him to reach up and pinch one of the soft buds. He messed with it for a bit and rolled and pinched at his leisure until he felt her feet try to maneuver him differently. He smirked, thrusting a little faster and grabbing her legs, bringing them upwards so he had complete control over her. She wheezed, the new angle making her yelp out “daddy”. He slammed into her harshly, despite knowing his exact effect on her.
“Did I say you could fucking speak? Huh?” she shook her head as he to slammed into her, letting out a little sob from the change of pace. “That’s what I thought.” He loosened up a bit, choosing to roll his hips instead of rough jabs that, if he looked hard enough, bulged her stomach slightly. Her walls fluttered around him and her hands made fists, tugging at the restraints keeping her at Harry’s will. Her breathing stuttered when he rolled his pelvis at a different angle, grinding the coarse hair he had against her clit in the process. Y/N moaned loudly, trying to squirm away from his penetrating motions until he forcefully seized her waist in his palms and held her down. Despite his warnings and the fierce, unwavering eye contact he held with her, she orgasmed suddenly and intensely. He didn’t stop her, though, and instead helped her through it by flicking his fingers over her drenched labia and clit quickly- the coolness of his rings made her gasp and try to move away, again, but he continued his ministrations until her eyes started watering.
“Filthy girl, told you not to cum,” he taunted. Large, wet droplets dripped down her face from the stimulation and embarrassment of not doing what she was told, apologizing profusely. At this point, Harry was fairly loosened up from the pleasure of being inside her, almost forgetting what brought them here, so he softened even more when he saw her tears. “You’ll just have to make it up to me, won’t you, sweetie?” Y/N nodded, albeit with a pout, wiggling her hips towards him and clenching tightly around his already squeezed cock.
“What a poor baby, can’t listen to perfectly clear instructions and she has to make her daddy cum? Must be so hard for such a little girl,” he sighed mockingly, moving his head to her neck so he could nip and suck at it. He planned on taking her back to that restaurant tomorrow and making her apologize to the waiter she flashed with hickeys lining her neck. His heart sped up at the thought, both of them moaning and groaning when he thrusted harder- deeper from moving upwards.
“G’na let me cum inside that little cunt?” he grunted into her ear, moaning in time with his thrusts. Y/N gasped, pulling at the restraints around her arms and whining for him.
“Yes, please!” she yelped desperately. Harry rolled his hips fluently one last time and came, heartbeat heavy and fast against her own chest. His hands gripped at her squirming hips hard enough that his knuckles turned white, the rings indenting marks into her sensitive skin while he shook and squirmed. He dropped his weight against her, making sure to be as deep inside of her as possible while his orgasm rolled through both of them. They laid there for a while, soaking up the other’s presence until he decided it was time to rid her of her restraints. The silk, although meant to be gentle, left marks against her wrists, making him tut his tongue at them. He threw the (Gucci) scarves to the floor by their bed and pulled out once he was finished, looking into her eyes that were dripping with salty, wet tears. He brought his warm thumbs to them and wiped them all away, proceeding to transfer the moisture on his fingers to the intricate maroon sheets beneath them. She looked up at him, his eyes already on hers, the deep green swirling with love for her, and, quickly, she realized her mistake. This man had been showering her with nothing but affection for weeks and she thought that she could just flash a waiter in front of him?
“I’m sorry, daddy,” she swallowed thickly, taking in a deep breath and wrapping her weak arms around his broad shoulders. He chuckled under his breath, laying down next to her and pulling her into his damp, black button up. Her cheek was pressed against his cross necklace- the defined patch of hair tickling her but the familiarity of his scent and his heartbeat lulled her into a worry-free state.
“Aw, it’s okay, know I haven’t been very rough with you and you just needed attention, didn’t you, button?” he asked, bopping her nose with his pointer finger. Her face crinkled up and she giggled, attempting to burrow her face into his pecs. She couldn’t see, but his mouth slowly worked its way into a smirk.
“You’re still getting spanked tomorrow, though.”
is this okay? idk i don’t really think this has much to do with the song or even harry sjsjksj but as i said, it’s really self indulgent (hence all of the nicknames and stuff lmao) and i’m sorry it took so long (p.s., dom harry encourages you to vote, even if it’s at the last second!!!)
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jui-imouto-chan · 6 years
NSFW of Master Conan dicking down Connor who has been asking for it all. day. long. And Connor has been doing it on purpose cause he loves loves loves rough sex with Conan 😏
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I love combining asks (when I actually do them hAH—)!
NSFW warning, for obvious reasons!
“Did you think it’d be fun,” Conan growls, biting Connor’s ear, earning a soft whine, “testing my patience?”
Connor smiles smugly, rolling his ass back against Conan’s hard bulge, Conan bucking forward and then seizing his hips. The shorter squirms in his grip, wanting more stimulation than Conan would give him, but the steel-eyed man is unrelenting. 
Connor had sent him pictures while he was at work, even leaving a voicemail for him that had his pants tightening and ears ringing once it finished. Conan couldn’t even check the texts from Connor after that, simply for his own pride and professionalism, but he knows they’d be equally as needy and desperate.
He’d never ridden his motorcycle at such speeds past chasing suspects before, especially not on his way home.
“Yes, Master?” Connor feels a little giddy at the tone, thrills and chills surging down his spine, sensors turned up.
Conan’s nails dip into Connor’s skin, to the android’s delight. “This behavior calls for punishment, wouldn’t you say?”
Biting his lip, Connor nods eagerly and doesn’t bother to suppress a moan as Conan repositions them, Connor’s head pressed into the sheets with Conan’s shirt being pulled off of him, leaving him exposed. 
His strawberry-pink hole twitches in anticipation, shiny with lubricant that dribbles lazily down his thigh. The liquid picks up its pace with a new gush spilling out of him. Conan curses softly and takes off his belt, tossing it onto the bed, near enough for both him or Connor to grab. 
Conan’s hand is gently ghosting over his asscheek before it disappears. Connor makes to turn his head and whine for it to return, but before he even makes a noise, it comes back, forcefully, the contact harsh and sudden and sending Connor’s body rocking forward with his sound catching in his throat.
“Master!” Connor chokes out, fingers clawing into the sheets and ass sitting high in the air, burying his face into fabrics. He feels the belt nearby and brings it to his mouth to bite down on. 
“Keep quiet, fucking slut.”
The smaller brunet whimpers, body jolting forward with the next few slaps, his skin heating up where the contact occurs. It hurts, but damn if the pain doesn’t feel amazing, and he’s wiggling his bottom about to get himself some more hits. 
Conan chuckles lowly, caressing the warming skin with the tips of his fingers. He gives the globe a light tap, then follows it with a hard one, Connor’s ass rippling satisfyingly, his tiny cock dripping profusely onto the sheets, precum mixing with lube and making a puddle between Connor’s knees. 
“Learning your lesson?” he asks, layering on a few smacks before pausing and leaning down to brush his teeth over the abused flesh, tongue slipping out and slathering saliva over the redness. 
Connor squeezes his eyes shut and grins unrepentantly, “Not at all, Master.”
Glacier eyes flash and darken. He reaches for the belt between Connor’s teeth and yanks it away, loving how Connor’s brown orbs shrink in fear and his pupils dilate until there’s only a thin ring of burnet surrounding black. He folds the belt in half.
Conan’s wrist flicks back, and then he’s swinging the belt, a pleasing crack echoing in the room, followed immediately by a loud, staggering moan, music to his ears.
Another strike gets him similar results, so he repeats with little variation. Waiting a little longer before he hits again, leaving hickeys and bites on his ass, rubbing the soft synthetic fat lovingly, occasionally giving three or four lashes in one go–all of it has Connor’s eyes rolling up and back, his shouts melodic and arousing.
Deciding to give some relief to his aching erection, he tosses the belt away and turns Connor over, pressing Connor’s knees back until they’re at his chest. Bent in half like this, he’s entirely at Conan’s mercy. 
Connor shivers as Conan presses his hot, throbbing cock between his thighs, pressed against the underside of his much, much smaller one. Already, the bottom of Conan’s dick is wet and shimmery, so when he pushes it forward and further between Connor’s legs, there’s a slick wet noise that has Connor flushing. 
Conan doesn’t bother with going slow, his pace fast enough to have his balls slapping against Connor harshly, making the area already reddened by the spanking smart and tingle.
“Please, Master–Inside of me! I want you–” Connor gulps with a thrust that is deliciously painful, “I want your cock inside of me, now!”
Conan only obliges because of the pretty tears falling down Connor’s pink face, leaning over to lick up a trail before rutting against Connor’s ass, brushing against his hole. He feels Connor’s face scrunch up into a wanton grimace under his tongue.
Meshing their lips together, Conan finally gives in to Connor’s demands and presses the thick head of his cock past the pulsing walls of Connor’s hole, slipping inside the drooling orifice easily thanks to the excessive lubricant.
Though he slips really far in, his cock is longer than Connor’s body is made specifically to handle, so by the point of him being fully sheathed, his head drags a little against the tight walls that are beyond where the lubricant is produced. The heat of Connor’s channel has Conan gritting his teeth, not really wanting to pull out. It’s with a minor bit of reluctance that he does so, and with impressive control, he manages to keep his return inwards slow, something that has Connor growling and snarling at him.
Conan smiles. It’s always cute when Connor breaks the submissive act. To keep him occupied, Conan presses his fingers to Connor’s lips, pulling his tongue by the tip and stretching it out, saliva coating his fingers as Connor’s slick appendage attempts to wrench itself free of his rough digits. Unarticulated demands pour from Connor’s throat in puffs of air, but Conan only yanks on his tongue harder. 
Is this why the saying is ‘Hold your tongue?’ Though, in this case, Conan is holding it, but what’s really the difference?
“Hahhdehh, peeeaahth.”
“Please, what, Connor?” Conan somehow keeps his voice level, or rather, as level as one can be when buried balls-deep in tight, wet heat. 
Connor’s face screws up a bit in his efforts to speak through a thrust that seems to have knocked against his prostate. Lucky shot, Conan might prod a bit more to be sure of where it is exactly. “Hahdeh, Mathteh, pleaahthe!”
Relinquishing his hold of Connor’s tongue, Conan grabs Connor’s thighs in a bruising grip and pulls him off the bed slightly, enough so that when he thrusts against him, Connor’s upper body moves with him. As he pulls out again, Connor is dragged back to his original position to meet the next pound, unable to do anything but take it. 
“You seem to be enjoying yourself,” Conan murmurs, pinching Connor’s thigh, “I ought to change that, shouldn’t I? I’m supposed to be disciplining you, aren’t I?”
“Then,” Connor gasps, unfocused eyes moving down blearily to try and meet Conan’s, an impish grin spreading across his lips, “Do something, pussy.”
Connor’s spent too much time with Collin. 
Conan growls and pulls out, his cock bobbing at the sudden escape. Connor whines, but Conan simply turns him over with little regard for his comfort and sets Connor’s ass into the air. He slaps his palm onto it, once, twice, thrice, again and again until Connor sobs into the sheets and apologizes for disrespecting him, trembling on all fours.
At no point does his little cock lose hardness, nor does the lubricant stop dripping out of him, and between Connor’s thighs are stringy, beading bits of wetness that hang and shimmer. 
“Never do that again,” Conan warns, knowing Connor will do so later just to get under his skin. Connor bites his lip and nods, and they pretend that Conan will not think it as the complete and utter lie that it is. “Good boy.”
Connor wriggles his hips to draw his attention, which has him immediately entranced, with the splotchy reds and pinks decorating his skin, the small bruises and bite marks scattered over along with the familiar dusting of freckles. Conan’s cock glides between the two round mounds, pressing lightly against the twitching entrance. He circled it with his tip, driving Connor mad, backing up whenever Connor would try to finally get him in. 
“Oh? Does my slut want something?” he inquires, maintaining a quiet and distant tone. His erection belies his desire. 
“Please, Master,”
He leans over to get close, lips brushing over Connor’s before moving along his jaw to his ear with a smirk. “What is it? I can’t do anything if you won’t tell me what it is you want, pet.”
“Fuck me,” Connor keens, “Master, fuck me, use me, please, I’m begging you!”
Finally, Conan thinks, impatient. He’s been tired of waiting even before they started, but he tends to torture himself like this, for whatever reason.
His dick is inside before either of them can process it, pulsing against Connor’s walls for less than a second before it’s out, then in. Connor’s prostate is battered randomly, once hit, once not, twice not, hit again. It’s a repetitive process that Conan could never tire of, loving that Connor’s sounds will never be the same even as he strikes his sweet spot twice in a row, then not at all. 
It’s easy to tell when Connor is close, his breath hiking up into high-pitched whimpers, his tongue lolling out and drool slipping to the end of his tongue. Conan fists his hand into his hair, pulling him back so his spine is arched absolutely beautifully. “You can’t come yet. You aren’t allowed to, not until I say.”
Another broken sob. Conan tugs him further, peppering his jaw and neck with butterfly kisses, then over his cheekbone to give his eyelid a kiss, feeling the warm wetness of tears under his lips. He laps the trails away, not minding the salty taste.
His abdomen tightens, but he won’t stave off his own orgasm to punish Connor for longer, not today. He’s been too worked up, on edge since he checked his phone and caught sight of Connor’s body stretched out over his side of the bed, nose pressed into his pillow, his fingers spreading himself open obscenely.
Conan growls and bites into Connor’s nape, his canines breaking some skin, little punctures now among a few moles. He redirects himself up to Connor’s mouth, a hand coming around to circle Connor’s cock, easily engulfing it. 
Connor cries out, but it’s quickly muffled by Conan kissing him, their tongues messily toying with one another, a sloppy dance with no intricacies, an attempt at combining past their intertwining at the waist. (“Joined at the hip,” one could say, and would be very close to correct.)
The pressure builds, his thrusts having lost pace. Now he’s rutting with no rhyme or rhythm, chasing release, clenching walls tempting him over the edge.
“Cum,” Conan whispers, his hand and hips working faster, “You can cum for me now, my love.”
With a sudden shout followed by long wails, Connor comes undone, white splattering across Conan’s hand and the sheets. His ass flutters around Conan’s arousal. 
It’s not even two rams in later that he feels the knot unravel, warmth spilling out of him and into Connor, coating his shuddering walls white, prolonging Connor’s pleasure. Conan rides the orgasm, Connor’s hole milking him of every last drop he can manage. 
“Thank you,” Connor whispers, breath coming harshly but sounding pleased, albeit spent. 
Conan collapses beside him, only as an excuse to pull Connor into an embrace. Connor would call it a lazy cuddle. “I’ll clean you up and treat you after I’ve caught my breath,” he assures.
Connor grins sleepily up at him, “I love you.”
His heart jumps into his throat, still pounding, “I love you, too. Rest up, we have some of the Lieutenant’s old movies to critique, tonight.”
The contented, lethargic chuckle that graces his ears brings about a similar one that bubbles in his chest. 
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sunflowerspectre · 5 years
Divine | Lucifer x Twilight Crossover | Chapter One
Fanfiction | A03
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Slow Burn | Carlisle Cullen x OC
Chapter One: A Soft Light
She could’ve flown in, quite literally, but she’s always preferred her feet planted on the ground. It’s why she loves the motorcycle gifted to her from her brother. She can feel the howling wind against her, plant her feet on the earth when she stops, and is unconfined by metal and oil.
She takes the scenic route to Forks, avoiding the highways full of loud noises and the smell of smoke as much as she can. She takes her time appreciating each mountain she passes and every deer that crosses.
Forks is just as isolated as she hoped it would be. The towering trees that hide smaller houses and buildings are a breath of fresh air that she savors. She can feel the energy around her - a grainy, earthy feeling filled with growth and positivity. It vibrates through her bones and when she breathes deeply, she realizes just how much she’s missed it. The trees’ thick trunks tell her that they’ve been undisturbed for a long time and the greenery are vibrant, full of life.
The city may be Lucifer’s new home, but this is going to be hers.
Welcome To Forks - the sign is partially hidden on the side of the road, covered with overgrown bushes, but it still takes her a cool minute before she officially reaches any civilization. When her eyes meet the first building in her path, that happiness dwindles at the reminder that, as undisturbed as most of the forest is, there are people  here. She forces herself to breathe through it and remind herself that that passing, fleeting sensation of disappointment at the sight of people is exactly why she is here in the first place.
Her time with Lucifer, and by extent the others, including a particular detective, has taught her many things. Aside from basic human interaction, her brother’s friends - the human family he’s made here - showed her that there is at least hope in the dark pit of humanity. She hopes that she can expand on that feeling, nourish it and care for the side of her father’s creation that she’s neglected and punished for so long.
She can feel people’s eyes on her as she passes through the town - she should have expected this. This isn’t a big city that is full of so many people that no one notices who comes and goes. Small towns mean a small community with few visitors and travelers. She tries her best to let the looks roll of her back as she continues through the streets. She takes notes of what’s around, specifically the sign that tells her which way the hospital is, but continues straight through the town until she eventually the streets gets smaller and she turns onto a dirt road.
If not for Lucifer’s funds, she would have been perfectly fine building her own little home from hand. She’s done it plenty of times before - it’s a modest, but suiting way to live in the middle of the forest. Lucifer, however, was appalled by the mere suggestion and was quick to find a place to buy for her. She insisted that if he was going to do that, to at least not get anything fancy and to get something that is a bit further from town, as in the middle of the forest as he can get. The more privacy the better.
He never showed her the pictures. She really should have asked him to. When she pulls up to the address, which at least is as secluded and private as she requested, she’s met with a house that rivals Lucifer’s own penthouse. With a groan, she pulls up and parks at the end of a long and wide paved driveway to a two story, modern architecture home. She carries her helmet under one arm - unneeded as it was, she doesn’t share her brother’s ‘openness’ and ‘honesty’ and firmly believes in upkeeping her human appearance - and already has her phone in the other as she makes her way to the door.
She puts the phone between her shoulder and ear as she digs the key out of her pocket.
“Ariel! Missed me so soon?”
She snorts, “ Tell me, Luci, when you insisted on picking out a house for me, what part of modest did you not quite understand?”
“None of it. You deserve the best, sister, so that is precisely what I got you. You’d be surprised at how hard it was to find anything expensive, modern and private in that little area of yours.  Very few new houses. I imagine most of the humans that live there never leave.”
“No shit, Luci, it’s a small town. I’m surprised you even found something like this here.”
The inside of the home, at least, a bit more humble with minimal furniture, leaving the floor open and wide. She eyes the many plants lining the entire area, in a way that only a professional decorator could, with pleasant surprise. She’s not as pleased with the full bar in the kitchen, but the fresh herbs lining the kitchen’s window and the organic food in the fridge more than makes up for it. Not many people would realize it, but Lucifer does pay attention to the little things.  
“That’s precisely my point. There was only one other one similar to this that was available, but it was bought a few years ago before I could make my offer. Pity too, it was much larger than that one.”
Pity isn’t the word she would use. The house is too large for her as it is, but she supposes it is more pleasant if people were to visit - people, she quickly corrects, such as her family. She could easily picture some of the more open areas being filled with Charlie’s play things and maybe she can dedicate a whole wall to Trixie’s art.
“Trust me, Luci, this is more than big enough, how many beds?”
“OH! That’s the best part. Six bedrooms so it’s perfect if the detect - Chloe - and I visit with the little urchin. Charlie and Linda and Amenadiel would be happy too, I suppose, but even with all of us staying there, you’d have plenty of free space for any orgies or parties. “
She doesn’t bother mentioning that she has no intention of either of those things, knowing it would fall to deaf ears. She quickly mutters her appreciation and ends the call, knowing that she has quite a bit of exploring to do.
She’s pleased to find that each room has its own amount of plants and flowers, and that aside from basic essentials such as beds, nightstands, and dressers, a majority of the bedrooms are empty. There is one that was more clearly decorated with Trixie in mind, something that she finds endearing that Lucifer thought that they would be coming over often enough to justify it.  Two of the bedrooms conjoin and she can easily see them becoming Amenadiel and Linda’s room connecting with Charlie’s, once he is older. She tries not to dwell on how easily she can see everyone living in that space and instead reminds herself that their homes are in LA; this would be only for visits. All the space that could easily be filled with her family will likely be empty a majority of the time. The realization leaves her a bit hollow.
She’s not as pleased about the largest bedroom being one that her brother very clearly decorated himself - it being a very clear sex dungeon than a proper bedroom. It still retains some amount of classiness, with at least a leather hide rug. An intricately built sex swing is off to one side while a cage hanging from the ceiling is at the other. The bed is large and has small chains hanging from its frame. The closet is full of brand new lingerie and costumes, that she’s frightened to find are in her size. There is a whole shelf of dildos and strap on in clear view on one wall. She quickly shuts the door and knows that in the future, that door is going to be very tightly under lock and key. She supposes that if Mazikeen and perhaps even Eve visits, then they’ll be happy to stay there.
The last bedroom Lucifer clearly kept for her. The large open windows overlooking the treeline, the neatly organized and placed plants, and the large, flowery bedspread all scream of her own aesthetic. There’s a satin canopy over the bed that while is a bit out of her tastes, goes well with the soft colors of the room and compliments the vibrant green color of the plants hanging around it. The whole room is in a soft, natural light with warm, pale colors that go well with the greenery. She rolls her eyes at the clothes in the closet, all in her size, but all clearly brand new with the price tags still attached and a majority being too fancy or revealing for her tastes. She makes a mental note to go shopping for her own clothes later, but wonders if it’s too heartless to toss all those new garments.
There are a couple of boxes, shipped from LA, of personal belongings in the corner - both are small. The fact that there are only two boxes and a closet full of only brand new clothes tell her that Lucifer most definitely just threw out her old clothes instead of shipping them like she asked. A quick look into the boxes tells her that at least the most important of her belongings have made it - personal pictures, including recent ones, and a few misc. Sentimental items, things she’s collected over the eons.
She wanders back downstairs, wondering if she should head to the hospital. Her first day isn’t until tomorrow, but at least she could scope it out. However, she’s barely down the stairs when the doorbell rings.
The Cullen house is quiet. While the weekend usually means freedom, fun, or even parties for most high schoolers - they are not most high schoolers. The weekend brings silence, boredom, routine. There’s nothing that they haven’t done before and while the clouds are cloudy, there are few places for them to go or things to do. The next thunderstorm isn’t due until tomorrow, so it’s only a matter of waiting until their next game.
Emmet is one of the only ones who are genuinely enjoying the weekend, happily shouting at the screen of the TV as he plays the latest version of his favorite video game. Rosalie is not as pleased by this, but settles on the couch beside him in a huff as she does her nails. After a few choice words and fights, Emmet is careful not to nudge her, lest she get her nail polish everywhere.
Carlisle is busy at work, Edward is the one to inform them that Carlisle is busy trying to calm an ongoing gossip about a new nurse; something that while confirmed to be true, is driving their ‘father’ up the wall due to the chaos of the other nurses’ drama around the subject. Currently, the quietest sibling settles nearby with a book. Emmet is the one to tease him lightly about the fact that ‘he’s actually joining us for once’ and ‘not running to brood in his room alone.’ The teasing stops when Edward almost leaves due to it.
Jasper is fresh from a hunt, eyes burning yellow, as he greets his wife. She presses a quick kiss to his lips and opens her mouth to say something, but stops short as her body tenses. Alice doesn’t blink - she stares off into space, her body unmoving before she finally seems to come back to the present. She grins wildly, jumping a bit in excitement as she claps her hands. Jasper watches her with mild amusement, her excitement rolling off him like waves. Her light pushes on his shoulders as she jumps does nothing to move him.
“Someone moved into that house next door! We have a neighbor! They should be here by now! We should go say hi!”
This grabs everyone’s attention in various degrees. Edward immediately furrows his brows, worrying rising in his chest at the idea of the house - a place that’s sat empty for as long as they’ve owned this house due to it being out of many of Forks’ residents budget and Forks not being a place that people who can afford it go to - actually being occupied. Granted, their houses are at least a mile away from each other, it’s still too close for comfort. Who knows what type of person moved in there? A hiker who may catch them hunting? A conspiracy theorist who may piece together what they are? It could threaten their existence either way.
Emmet pauses his game at her announcement, looking over the back of the couch toward her, “Neighbors? Really? Are they hot?”
Alice rambles on how she didn’t actually ‘see’ what they looked like, she just saw someone on a bike going to the house, but that it was a bit blurry and strange.
The vision plays in her mind, allowing Edward to watch along with her. He can see what seems to be a woman, her face obscured by a helmet with long, red-blonde hair that sweeps out from the back of the helmet and down her back. However, the air around her seems disoriented, brighter than the area around her as if there’s a second source of light close to her that they can’t see. It pulses, but even as she drives up to the house, it never falters and always follows her as if she is the one causing the distortion and light. The light glares brightly when she takes off her helmet, blinding the vision completely before it ends.
Rosalie flicks nail polish on Emmet for his comment, oblivious to Edward’s inner turmoil, causing him to shout as it spills onto his controller. As the two bicker on in the background, Edward sighs as he glances over his book toward his ‘sister.’
“We’re not going to go say hi Alice,” Edward finally speaks, his voice firm on the subject.
She pouts, “Why not?”
“Do you really want to bring us to their attention? The house isn’t too far from us, if they start to suspect something, it’d be too easy for them to spy on us. Who knows what she is or what she’s involved in for it be that blurry? She could be with the wolves for all we know.”
Emmett scoffs at that comment, muttering about how no one involved with the wolves would be on their side of the treaty line anyway.
Alice waves off the concern, “All the more reason to check her out! Besides, it’s only polite that we go say hi, even Carlisle would agree with me.  Oh! I should bring them something, but we don’t have any food here…”
She trails off, mumbling about what she could possibly take over as a welcoming gift, ignoring Edward’s constant protest and voiced worries. Jasper does his best to reach out toward Edward, hoping that he could calm him down. Yet at the sudden change of emotion, Edward glares at him before retreating his room with his book.
Alice’s eyes sparkle as she drives up the curved driveway to the neighbor’s house. It’s not too  different than the last she saw it - granted the last she saw it was during an open house when she couldn’t resist ‘just looking.’ It’s a new home, recently built, she remembers the stir it caused in town - most people not understanding why the realtors were building such a home in Forks, but she can’t help but feel it was partially due to her coven’s own home raising the value of the area. Carlisle almost bought it as a second house in case they needed it, but someone else swooped it up quick - presumably the owner of the electric Harley Davidson motorbike.
She recognizes the bike from her vision and a large grin stretches across her face as she gracefully hops out of her car and nearly skips all the way to the door, clutching her welcoming gift close to her chest. Considering she hasn’t had a vision of the woman reacting to the gift, she hopes that their neighbor will like it.
She hums as she knocks on the door,  swaying gently. Her family’s concerns echo in her mind, Edward not being the only one who spoke out after the others realized she was quite serious about coming to greet their neighbor. Rosalie had more than a few words to say on the subject with Emmett mirroring her words. Jasper seemed worried, but he supported her as much as he could once he realized that she was set on coming by even if he couldn’t come over with her; considering the chances that their neighbor being another vegetarian nomadic vampire is low, they all eventually agreed on Alice going by herself if she really wanted to go. Her control being one of the strongest - Carlisle leading their coven with Rosalie being a close second, though she refused to come along - and her being more ‘approachable’, her chances of pissing off the new neighbor, or killing them, is fairly low.
Alice is quite sure that if this woman - who may not be alone, though she was the only one in the vision - was genuinely harmful than she would have had a vision about it by now. So, she waits while she hears footsteps treading toward the door. She can hear a steady, softer heartbeat on the other side of the door and it swings open, the scent of pine trees and flowers hits her. She takes in the woman’s clothing first, noting the dated bell bottoms and loose shirt that seem more suited for the 70s and hums a bit in disapproval.
However, she tenses when she realizes bares into the woman’s strikingly yellow, and oddly familiar, eyes. It’s not the tawny or bronze eyes of her coven, but a bright unearthly yellow that are more reminiscent of a cat’s eye striking in the light, a predator staring her down. Something about it stirs within her, making her shift, but the smile on her face doesn’t falter as she stands her ground with confidence. Her first thought is that maybe they were wrong about the chances of another vampire moving here, but she can still hear the soft heartbeat of the woman. The scent of her blood is fainter, hidden in the smell of pine, but it’s there.
Unlike the vision, Alice can’t see any visible light around the woman, but something about her still glows. As if she has a presence to her that Alice just can’t deny. A gift, maybe, but if that’s the case, Alice isn’t sure what it is.
“Can I help you?”
The woman’s voice is smooth and pleasing, though not as melodic as their own. Alice nearly hops with excitement as she passes over the small potted plant to the woman.
“I’m Alice, my family and I live next door and I wanted to give you something as a welcoming present as our new neighbor!”
The woman’s expression softens as she examines the gift, her eyes losing that hostile gleam and becoming more welcoming as she steps aside and gestures for Alice to come in.
“Ariel Sera,” Ariel’s footsteps are as soft and graceful as Alice’s own, “Thank you for the rudbeckia. Once the clouds clear and it gets warmer, it’ll be nice to see some butterflies around.”
The woman’s apparent knowledge of the flower isn’t too surprising as Alice looks around the inside of the home. Most, if not all, of the furniture that was there during the open house has been replaced with softer furniture that creates a more cozier atmosphere, but there are many plants strategically placed around the room, making it nearly as green inside as it outside.
“Do you think the flower will last that long? We have quite a long way until it gets any warmer here, but I’m glad you like it! I was going to cook something, but I wasn’t sure what you would like or if you would be allergic to anything.”
Alice’s eyes continue to roam around the room. It’s a breath of fresh air, with a homey, permanent feeling to it that’s, sadly, missed from her own home. As much as she loves her coven, their house is, in a way, staged. Fake. Made to look normal and used, but lacks personal touches that come from living in a space, or planning to, for a long time. She turns vibrantly, eager to talk more, but stops short as another vision overtakes her mind.
Ariel stands in the middle of the Cullen’s living room, silent, as she leans against Carlisle’s side.  She looks worried, her brows furrowed. Her eyes are hooded, tired, and seem somehow older. Carlisle looks to her with a soft gaze and his arm moves to wrap around her, clutching her hip. He presses a quick kiss to the top of her head, almost as if he’s making an unspoken promise to her, and the creases in her face relax.
Something about Ariel seems different in this vision - she seems older, different. Like the other vision, there’s a light that seems to surround her, but even the light is different. Instead of being a harsh, more bright light that seems to be burning hard with a sense of wildness, this time, she’s coated with a warmer, softer light that frames around her and vibrates with a sense of home.
Alice’s grin grows, her eyes glowing with excitement; she may not know when or how, but something inside of her tells her that this is a vision that is sure to come.
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redbelles · 6 years
question time!
tagged by the ever-lovely @mvcreates and the delightful @karenpage <3
1. how tall are you? 5′4″; i’m smol but fighty 
2. what color and style is your hair? as dark brown as you can get without actually hitting black. i shaved it all off in 2017, but it grows stupid fast, so right now it’s just past my shoulders. i got bored this past summer and now the last three.....four.....ish inches have been fried bleached light blonde so i can fuck around with color!
3. what color are your eyes? brown w/some green thrown in for fun
4. do you wear glasses? yep!
5. do you wear braces? i had braces in middle school after years and years of a retainer to fix my Extremely Fucked Up teeth after i smashed my face into, in no particular order, an airport “will your carry on fit” box, a monkey bar platform, and an arena wall. i swear i’m not actually that accident-prone! kid me just went really, really hard all the goddamn time
6. what is your fashion style? i live in leggings and flannel; lots of black, lots of plaid, and also lots of sweatshirts. when i’m not rocking that pnw hipster aesthetic, i’m probably decked out in hockey stuff. shoe-wise, either docs, converse, or Aggressively Fancy Heels
7. full name? [redacted] 
8. when were you born? ‘92
9. where are you from and where do you live now? pnw! and now i’m hanging out in the inland northwest
10. what school do you go to? i did my time at a small liberal arts college w/pretentions of sporting relevance
11. what kind of student are you? i’m a phenomenal student when my brain isn’t actively fucking me over; when it is, i’m [static noises] and “extensions pls” all over the damn place
12. do you like school? yeah! i regret not being more functional during my years at college, but i’m looking forward to someday getting my shit together and going back for an mfa
13. what are your favorite school subjects?  H I S T O R Y!!!!!!!! also english/literature/writing/what have you
14. favorite TV shows? uh. the punisher, sons of anarchy, hell on wheels, leverage, miss fisher’s murder mysteries, and also buzzfeed unsolved (i blame @karenpage )
15. favorite movies? THE MUMMY. also pacific rim, atonement, and patton. oh wAIT, ALSO CLUE!!! goddammit, also lit. everything miyazaki has ever produced. 
16. favorite books? how dare you ask me something like this! there’s no way to definitively pick, but here, have a selection: his dark materials, the song of the lioness quartet, ella enchanted, an inquiry into love and death, yume no hon, bone map, all the pretty horses, the things they carried, vampires in the lemon grove, everything in this country must, keturah and lord death, and here, bullet 
17. favorite pastime? reading, writing, horseback riding, mechanical maintenance (cars, planes, boats, motorcycles, etc.), and listening to bruce springsteen music. ALSO HOCKEY.
18. do you have any regrets? m a n y.
19. dream job? someone pays me money to write words
20. would you like to get married someday? hard pass.
21. would you like to have kids someday? even harder pass.
23. do you like shopping? absolutely yes, except for the part where i have no money
24. what countries have you visited? usa, iceland, and england! hoping to visit many more, but there’s that whole “money” thing again 
25. what’s the scariest nightmare you’ve ever had? oh fuck, the one where i was trapped in my first grade classroom with so many snakes you couldn’t see the floor, just a writhing, hissing carpet of snakes. jesus fucking christ, so many snakes.
26. do you have any enemies? lmao, probably 
27. do you have an s/o? nope!
28. do you believe in miracles? right now? no. maybe someday. 
tagging @jacyevans @chaserandseeker @thatworldinverted @ltfrankcastle @foggiestnelson @sneakyasaspider @carry-the-sky and anyone else who’d like a go
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Welcome back to BOOK CLUB, our four-part book club about the movie Book Club (2018). Catch up on last week’s installment here: I’d Do Anything for Love (Especially if I Were in Love with Mary Steenburgen). We’re back this week to talk about Diane Keaton’s least favourite friend.  
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R2: She only dresses well after her friends buy her new clothes, though. They buy her clothes and that’s why Jane Fonda has an ugly wig, like it’s punishment for helping Judge Sharon. R1: It just happens magically, like when she pays for the clothes the wig appears on her head and she can’t take it off. R2: And Diane appears in a puff of extravagant black ponchos and goes, You know what you did, Jane, you know. R1: She doesn’t get anything! R2: Let Judge Sharon have fun! She doesn’t even have a house. Does she have a bed? She has to fuck people in her car. R1: Yeah! What was that! R2: Yeah! Mary and Mr. Incredible get to get on a motorcycle and drive home to their house to have nice elderly sex on their comfortable bed. What does Judge Sharon have? Hook-ups in her car! R1: And anytime there’s a scene where she’s at work it’s interrupted by her getting Bumble notifications.
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R2: Which really only adds to the tragedy of this character, because everyone else is adept at technology either because they’re Jane Fonda and they’re, like, savvy, or because they have children who can teach them how to use technology. R1: Meanwhile, Judge Sharon is on her own, pressing buttons wildly, trying to figure it out, taking accidental selfies. R1: I did really love the picture of her with her glasses backwards, though. That was good. R2: I was thinking, would I swipe yes on a lady who had that going for her? And I think yes.  R1: Oh, absolutely.  R2: It shows that she’s funny, has a great sense of humour. I also initially thought it was just a gag, like ‘Oh haha she’s old and can’t take a photo’ and the next time we see her she has a date, so I assumed she finally figured out how to get her nice, federal headshot in but no! R1: No! It was just that photo, because on the date, he’s like, ‘You look great without your mask.’ R2: So she’s just kept her face mask photo. Anyway, I thought her plotline would give her, like, string of great car sex - R1: But it’s one guy! And then on the next Bumble date she runs into her ex-husband and his new, much younger fiancee while she’s on a date with someone uncool and her age. And it gets worse! Because then Judge Sharon gets invited to her son and ex-husband’s joint engagement party, which is a horrifying concept.  R2: Diane Keaton is merciless. R2: So she’s not going to get the fun, modern woman with a penchant for car sex plotline. Fine. Then I thought maybe she’d get a younger but more age-appropriate, handsome man. Or she’d show up with him to the party and be like ‘haha screw you family,’ but no, when the day of the party arrives, she just corrects them on their Shakespeare. And we see her son -- R1: Who looks like a terrible person, by the way.  R2: He looks like a baby who goes to the gym. A really burly baby with horrible, horrible flaxen hair R1: His hair colour looks fake. It doesn’t look like a real colour. R2: It looks like Judge Sharon’s hair colour, but hers is faded and maybe dyed a bit? There’s no reason he should be sporting that light Betty White as Rose Nylund Blonde. I’d cut him out of my life too.  R1: She doesn’t get to show up her gross ex-husband or bland son. Instead, her happily ever after is supposed to be that first guy from Bumble. Who, don’t forget, is an accountant, which is another layer to the tragedy, because we’ve already established that accountants are evil in their universe. Diane Keaton’s lacklustre late husband was also an accountant. It’s a bad thing to be. 
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R2: Her happy ending is that, after this horrible joint engagement party, she rematches with him on Bumble! Can you imagine that as your happily ever after? R1: I feel ripped off on her behalf. R2: And then she’s like, ‘Oh, I’m going to need a bigger backseat.’ What?? Get a bed! R1: Why doesn’t she have a bed?? Go anywhere else! R2: Diane Keaton has locked up her bed! She’s stolen the bed, taken it to Arizona, and locked it up in her basement dungeon. R1: Or, like, Judge Sharon, last time she did something egregious, like skipping a friend date with Diane Keaton to, god forbid, do her job -- she’s the only one of the four who behaves this unreasonably -- last time she did this, her bed just disappeared in a cloud of smoke and was never seen again. So now she has to sleep in the back of her car. R2: I believe that Diane Keaton is a real-life wizard. She dresses the part. Or she goes home and she’s typing in her Word doc in size 20 font and starts typing the next chapter of her fanfiction, “And then Candice no longer had a bed. She will never sleep again. That jerk.” R1: I guess that leaves us with the question of why Judge Sharon/Candice is the most hated friend who gets NOTHING in Diane’s fanfic. R2: Did Candice Bergen ever rob Diane Keaton of a coveted role? Did Sharon poison Diane’s husband? What did she do? I have to know. Someone get on this.
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Please join us for next week’s book club (about Book Club). We will be discussing Jane Fonda and lesbian vampires.  
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arplis · 5 years
Arplis - News: 12 True Sex Stories You Have to Read to Believe
“WHEN HARRY MET SALLY” - COLUMBIA PICTURES   You’re out to brunch with your girlfriends, how long does it take for the conversation to turn to sex? Not long, amiright? It’s not just the ladies on “Sex and The City” who love to talk about sex—it’s most of us. We talk about it with our friends, our partners, and depending on how self-conscious you may feel, complete strangers. We talk about our true sex stories wether it be the amazing sex we’ve had, the comical, the sometimes strange and unusual, and even the not-so-great sex.  For many of us, we learned more about sex from our friends than we did from our parents or sex education class. It’s fun to share our sex stories—if it wasn’t, there wouldn’t be live storytelling shows, podcasts, books, TV shows, or movies. Fantasy has its place, but the stories that resonate the most with us are the true stories, those that actually happened. I AM & CO put the word out that we were looking for true sex stories and we received a very diverse response; stories from various sexual preferences, practices, and levels of sexual experience. All of these true sex stories are ones you have to read to believe. 12 True Sex Stories Guaranteed to Raise Eyebrows “Not Friends, No Benefit” Comedian Shalewa Sharpe, creator of  "So You Just Out Here?" I ran into my one-night-stand guy at the club. Now, some people might call that a “friend with benefits” but that term suggests that the two parties are friendly enough to schedule a benefit. This guy and I were not friends. Our benefits only happened if we ran into each other at the club. So, we made out for a minute, then he suggested we take this party to my car. This was how I ended up parked behind a grocery store, attempting to have sex with this guy in my 1988 Honda Prelude—a sports coupe, with bucket seats. Have you had sex in bucket seats? If so, a follow-up question: are you double jointed? The guy and I struggled for a bit, then his face fell. “Oh, this sucks,” he moaned. “It’s because my dick’s too small.” I had to console this guy while also keeping an eye out for the cops. If you find yourself in this predicament, don’t end up saying what I said: “Hey man, we’re in bucket seats—this ain’t gonna be easy.” A real mood-killer. We threw in the towel, I dropped him off back at the club and went home. Later that night, my roommate, who was the club’s doorperson, mentioned that she saw the guy with a weeping woman at the end of the night—they were walking in circles around the parking lot, then they hopped on his motorcycle and split. The next day, as I was furiously scrubbing and vacuuming my car, I found a driver’s license for a young woman wedged between the front passenger seat and the middle console. I guess it fell out of one-night-stand guy’s pocket during the, uh, festivities. I scratched out the ID’s info, punched a hole in it, and hung it on my rearview mirror as a cautionary tale. “It’s Part Of It” Jason, Columbus, Ohio We were both in college and had been dating for a while when she decided to take it to the next level. “Tie me up,” she demanded. “Okay, um, I’m going to tie you up now,” I said and went to get some scarves that were conveniently strewn about and set to work. “No!” “Oh, my God! I’m so sorry! I thought that…” and I began to loosen the bonds.  “No, it’s part of what makes it so hot.” “Oh, right,” I said and went back to doing Boy Scout knots such as the square knot and the sheepshank. I wondered if I should go with the trucker’s hitch? Nah. Too much.  “I’m going to f*ck you now,” I said getting into it. “Let me go!” I immediately stop what I’m doing. “Oh my God, I am an idiot. I am so sorry. I didn’t understand. You see, when you said you wanted, what I thought was, but in reality, I see… Oh no, I’m so sorry.” I quickly start to untie all the knots.  “No, it’s part of it.”  “What Goes Around, Comes Around” Ashley, Raleigh, North Carolina I paid my boyfriend for sex the first summer we were together…11 years later, he’s paying me for sex. “The Hook-Up Room”  Comedian Anita Flores, host of I'm Listening: A Frasier Podcast with Anita Flores. I’m at my first high- school party, and it’s not going well. Between my social anxiety and the fact that I only know the host, all I can think about is how I’m going to escape. I can’t actually leave, or else I’ll seem “uncool.” Fortunately, I come up with the next best solution. After making some light small talk with the host (Cassie) about her impressive selection of snacks, I ask, “Is there anywhere I can take a nap?” At the time, this seemed like a normal way to still be at the party without having to speak to anyone. I can’t say that Cassie agreed. After a long pause, she replied, “Uh, I guess in my attic.” I gleefully head to the attic. All the lights are off and it’s strangely warm, but it beats talking to people. I feel around and discover a futon I can pretend to sleep on. There I am lying down when something round and muscular attacks my face. It’s a butt, and it's smothering me! Ever want to suffocate someone, but don’t have a pillow? Just wear thick, non-breathable polyester pants. I hear a low voice. It’s a boy butt. He hears my muffled cries, gets up and exclaims, “Whoa, sorry dude!”  Now there’s giggling. He’s with a girl. Suddenly, I hear what sounds like a lot of teens slurping soup. There are more people in this room than I realized. Cassie sent me to take a nap in “the hook-up room!” Picture “Eyes Wide Shut: The Early Years.” Before the masks, there were braces. By this time, the boy butt and his lady friend have taken the futon from me. I'm standing there feeling left out because no one has asked me to join in. I can’t run away, otherwise, everyone will think I’m a prude! So, I find an empty loveseat, plop down, and close my eyes. Because there’s nothing cooler than ignoring sex. I’ll make sure to tell my future teen daughter that, too.  “There Are Rules” Michael, Portland, Oregon I was sessioning with a dominatrix named Vixen when her friend Wendy came over. Vixen blindfolded me and put me in the corner, which I was more than okay with. The minute Vixen’s back was turned, I took off the blindfold, even though I knew (and hoped,) I’d be punished. Vixen took out a strap on from her toy-cupboard and proceeded to f*ck Wendy with it. It was quite a show and later,  I was punished severely for watching—it was well worth the tribute that I paid Vixen. “Don’t Stop Under Any Circumstances!” Carrie, Chicago, Illinois My boyfriend and I were having sex one night on my old as hell bed. He was an ex-professional football player and I’m a big girl, so it shouldn’t have been surprising that right when things were getting super intense, the bed broke. He stopped what he was doing, so I yelled, “Don’t stop! I’m so close!” Without moving from the now broken bed, we get back at it and this time we don’t stop until we both cum. If there had been an earthquake or a tornado, I would have made him keep going then, too. “Side Effects Can Be Embarrassing” Krysta, Orlando, Florida  I've never been really big into taking birth control, but a coworker of mine mentioned that she was on a pill where she only had a period every three months... I wanted in on that! So, I went to my doctor and got on birth control. I started dating this new guy, who was literally the sexiest human-created. Around him, I tried to be Miss Perfection. Meanwhile, I'm on these new birth control pills and the doctor forgot to mention that they had lactose in them. I'm extremely lactose intolerant, even the smallest bit gives me major gas.  The first time the perfect guy and I had sex was a disaster. Every thrust he made inside of me made me pass gas. It was so embarrassing. We literally had to stop and go to Walgreens to get me some type of gas pills because he and I both couldn't take the noise, let alone the smell.  Let's just say, I stopped taking those pills immediately.  “Sex On The Deserted Beach” Beverly, New York City My partner and I were having a romantic vacation for my birthday in Newport, Rhode Island, and decided to spice things up by making love on a (deserted) beach in the middle of the night. Unfortunately, this beach was not quite as deserted or private as we had initially anticipated. All of a sudden we saw flashes of bright light, immediately stopped, and became alarmed.  A police officer arrived, trying to hold back a grin, and asked us if we'd seen some "kids swimming" after hours. We said no, he left, and we quickly packed up our things to make a quick exit. We drove home laughing not quite knowing what to make of the experience, but it certainly was a bonding one. It's definitely an evening and birthday I won't soon forget. “Don’t Disturb Grandpa” Spencer, Phoenix I hooked-up once with this guy who was taking care of his grandpa. It was around 10:00 p.m. by the time I got to his house. Whispering, he asked me to follow him and to not make any noise, his grandpa was watching TV in the living room. The guy sneaked me into a bedroom, but I guess that wasn’t soundproof enough, so we went into the closet and had very cramped and uncomfortable sex in there. I don’t think his grandpa had any idea about what was going on. “Male High Club” Reynaldo, San Diego, California I was taking a night flight home from Hawaii, as I was sitting down, I turned to see a guy who was so handsome I was stunned. Like a lot of us, he wore shorts and Aloha shirts, but he was well-built and looked more like he’d be a lead on one of those Hawaii detective shows. There was an empty seat near me on the aisle, and the guy asked if he could sit there to stretch out his legs. Other than nodding yes, we didn’t talk. The man grazed my knee with his leg, and all the hairs on my leg stood on end. And he didn’t pull away right away, just gradually. He got up to get a blanket from the overhead compartment which he placed over his legs. With no talking at all, he made the slightest gesture to offer me some of the blanket. Before you know it, the blanket was spread over both our legs. Then, our hands somehow started to find each other. And for a long time on the flight, that was it…just our hands grasping together, coming loose, rejoining, stroking fingers. I couldn’t believe this was happening. I was rock hard. And gradually, very gradually, all without talking and with this stud of a guy who I did not know at all, our hands gradually started to stroke each other’s thighs, mirroring each other.  And eventually, very discreetly to not get attention or show movement above the blanket, we each found our erections extending out through the bottom of our shorts, and we grabbed each other. Eventually, some napkins or handkerchiefs were brought below, and without making any sound, we both came, and it was pretty simultaneous.  “Kung Fu Fighting” Carol Gee, Author, “Random Notes ( About Life. "Stuff"And Finally Learning To Exhale)” A romantic, I fantasized about what it would be like to have sex on satin sheets. My fantasy materialized when my husband and I, two young Air Force sergeants returning from living in the Far East, stopped to visit another Air Force friend and his lady in San Francisco. Invited to spend the night, the lady made the guest room bed up with a brand new pair of red satin sheets. How did she know my fantasy? I couldn’t wait to get my husband in bed to enjoy sex so good that the neighbors in the apartment next door would have needed a cigarette.  I took a shower, smoothed on scented body lotion and got into bed. My husband was already in it waiting for me. On those satin sheets, our lovemaking suddenly morphed into Kung Fu fighting. Taking me into his arms I accidentally poked him in the ribs. Oof! Climbing on top of him I kneed in the thigh. Ouch! Attempting to kiss him I missed his mouth and ended up rubbing noses with him. Then his pillow slid off the bed, mine quickly followed. Instead of holding onto him, I held tightly to the bedsheets trying not to slide off, taking him with me. Not only was the whole thing a disaster, but we also got very little sleep that night for trying to stay in the middle of the bed. Frankly, I'm glad those sheets weren’t mine as they would most likely have ended up as pretty red curtains.  “Girl/Girl Love Lesson” Sensual Massage Therapist, Jazmin Light The streets of Zurich were empty as I headed toward their place. The gentleman on the phone had asked me if I would "be" with his girlfriend—while he watched. He said she wanted a woman to show him "what women like." The World Cup soccer games were on, and that night, Switzerland was playing. The air bristled with excitement. All anyone talked about was "Fussball." Everyone's windows were wide open due to the summer heat.  A classy-looking man in his mid-fifties opened the door to a modern loft apartment. Surprised, I wondered, “Shouldn't he know what women like by now?” Behind him, pouring champagne at the high-top table, stood Nadia, perhaps thirty years his junior. In her red La Perla lingerie and matching stilettos. She handed me a glass and kissed me on the mouth. We made a toast. I took a sip, then lifted Nadia's silky blonde hair and kissed her neck. I let my lips and teeth linger, then gave her a soft bite. She gasped. Suddenly, a roar of voices sailed in through our window and engulfed us. "YAAAAAY!!!” The cheering came from next door, from above us, below us, and from outside. “GOAL!” We laughed as the ruckus died down. I stroked Nadia's hair, neck, and torso. "There are endless ways to please a woman, Manfred," I said, twirling my fingers on her lacy bra cups. Manfred plopped down on the bed and stared at us, his mouth open.  I unsnapped her bra, returning his gaze. "There's much more to women then nipples and—" I slid my hand to her panties, "pearls." Nadia inhaled sharply. "So slow down, savor, discover, and—play!" Nadia groaned, Manfred grinned. New shrieks and cheers exploded throughout the neighborhood. *** When you share a sex story, it can help you to connect with other people, learn about yourself and others, and it can inspire you to try new things. As humans, we’re always growing and that includes our sexuality.  Sex is part of the human experience and it’s always fun to hear someone else’s stories of incredible sex, confusing sex, or way-out-there sex. #Sex #Relationships
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Arplis - News source https://arplis.com/blogs/news/12-true-sex-stories-you-have-to-read-to-believe
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arwaaxxi · 7 years
Why me?
Summary- Having Daryl confess his feelings for you, was the only thing you ever wanted in this ruined world. But what happens when Negan shows up and everything changes.
[Previous part]  [Next part]
Characters - Father!RickxReader. DarylxReader. NeganxReader.
Note- it’s going to be a series.
Warnings- Smut in future parts, maybe? Violence. Abuse.
Number of words - 2120
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It’s been weeks or a month, I don’t really know. That stupid hideous song kept playing loudly all the damn time. It didn’t really bother me. Not the cold empty lonely room I was in. Not the loud same song that was kept of repeat.
When Rick and Lori gave me up to some girl to take care of me, She used to held parties in the house all the time Loud music was her thing I was homeschooled so I never had any friends either.
I used to stay in my room for days So I was used to the lonely part Of course the loud music I used to tolerate when I was a kid, was totally different from now.
That time I could yell at her to lower it or take my frustration out on something, but here I couldn’t. I had continuous migraine, but it was nothing I couldn’t handle. I was used to sleeping in the loud music so that also didn’t matter.
What mattered is, I never actually slept. My body would lay down and rest But my brain was always active.
I could feel everything happen around me, every single foot step pass by my door. Every single noise My body would take rest, but my brain wouldn’t.
And that wasn’t because of what happened to me or what I witness or how I grew up. It started when I killed the first human, back at the prison.
When the governor was going to kill us all. 15 humans, 160 walkers.
Under all the dead, those walkers were still humans, people with lives and back story, people who were once doctors, children’s, parents, lovers, and god knows the list goes on and on.
Since then, it’s just my body sleeping not my brain.
What was really bad was the food. I owned few pets so I know pets food when I smell it
Fucking Dwight I’m going to fucking kill him Keeping me alive was a mistake. A very big one.
Would it kill them to get me some cereals? Some human food? Probably. I know if I stayed any longer here, I would lose my sanity, I could act all tough, but deep down I knew I’m nothing. I’m just a scared little girl, who was abandoned by her parents. And this is why they kept me in this empty room, so that these kind of thoughts, kill me and break me, I was my own greatest weakness Negan was smart, he knew how to bend me It’s just that I won’t bend for him Not now Not ever
My door was yanked open, the light that rushed in made me blind, I could only see white “Get up!” Dwight said as he yanked me up by my arms He walked and I followed, he knew I couldn’t run, where would I go? We reached a room, he opened the door. It looked like a clinic I stepped in and there was a familiar face there Oh god That bitch Dwight’s wife I think. I will kill her too Just for the fun of seeing Dwight suffer
“Hi Dee” she said as she saw Dwight. ’D’ that’s what I used to call Daryl too Both of them will pay She stood up, glancing at me like she recognized me “Y/n!” She exclaimed “Don’t talk to her!” Dwight scowled and I rolled my eyes. What was I gonna do to her? Stab her with my sharp words? “Whatever they say, just do it!” She told me and I shot her a glare “I said don’t talk to her!” Dwight scowled again
The doctor said some trash, i dont know I wasn’t listening, I was fine, they were just annoyed that I didn’t pull my hair out yet. They knew me so little and I knew them so well Cold blooded killers That’s all they were We walked out of the room and suddenly I was shoved to a wall, a hit in the back of my leg twisted my leg, forcing me to kneel, but I wouldn’t. I tried to stand up again but Dwight’s bloody hand was pushing me downwards
I heard chuckling and looked up, there he was, Negan! I looked around everyone was on their knee “Dwighty boi!” Negan laughed and walked past us Some guy stood in front of me with a gun pointed at me and Dwight shoved me into a seat I could take out that guy easily, but he wasn’t my concern Dwight. Negan. Those two fuckers! Dwight pulled me up and took me through a door that led somewhere outside
There was fence, and a lot of walkers around it, and people dressed in grey with big orange mark on there chest. Dwight took Daryl’s bow and shot one walker, he snickered “I’m getting the hang of this thing!” He told me. Oh I will kill him slowly. He suddenly pulled me and shoved me towards the fence A gasp escaped my mouth, startled by the sudden movement “That’s you bitch, unless you are smart, your choice!” He said thoughtfully “You could be like them, or me!”
Shoved me back into my room, I fell to the floor glaring at him, I wasn’t going to speak, to him. They were trying to break me I don’t break easy “Make it easy on yourself!” He said looking at the ground The nerve of that bitch “I ain’t going to kneel!” I hissed at him, bloody idiot “I said that too!” He glared “I ain’t no bitch like you!” “You are gonna.” He said as he slammed the door shut and the music was back playing
I clutched my hair tight I can’t handle this bullshit I started hitting the wall Screaming This is bullshit! Fucking idiots! Get control of yourself! I scolded myself This is what they want Then I won’t give in Calm down
Few days passed, and the guy who pointed the gun at me few days back opened the cell, giving me a sandwich, I hate their bloody food! They called him fat Joey, I think He looked at me, giving me pity looks and then closed the door
I don’t hear it locked This is a trap Don’t Don’t But I did
I went and checked and it was really unlocked Every bone in my body screamed ‘trap’ But I couldn’t take another day in this hell hole If I stayed longer I would break. I couldn’t break I needed to kill them
I walked through the corridors, trying to escape, being as quite and as sneaky as possible. A hand on my back made me turn and launch my fist in the person’s face Ouch, my fist
Looking up, I saw Dwight’s wife, holding her bleeding nose, looking at me through her fingers Yeah take that bitch “Go back.” She whispered and I gave her the Are-you-fucking-kidding-me look “Go back while you sill can” “Shut up!” I hissed at her “I will kill you all!” I spat “For what you did to Daryl, what you did to me and my family!” It was the first time I spoke in a while, my voice didn’t sound like my own anymore “Whatever he has done to you, there is more. There is always more. You won’t get away and when you are back it will be worse!” “I won’t be back except to kill you!” I said as I left her and rushed towards the door, I saw the light, Dwight brought me through here before I ran out and there were bunch of motorcycles waiting I tried to get on any but the doors busted open and men with guns walked out All pointed at me And then that whistling sound came Negan was behind me He chuckled, Fuck him “Are we pissing our pants yet!” He beamed
He stared at me sizing me up and down I was scared, oh hell I wanted to cry, something I normally never do But I had to pretend to be strong Try not to break He wanted me to break and I wasn’t going to break I tried to look anywhere but him Avoiding his gaze I wasn’t scared of him oh no I was scared that he would kill someone else to punish me I was scared to be thrown in that empty room again I might be used to loneliness but the past six years I stayed with Rick, Carl, Daryl and the rest, I got used to company. I had a family and now he is ripping it all away
“Who are you?” He asked as he pointed Lucille behind him at Joey “Negan!” Joey said “Who are you!” Negan said as he pointed it on another guy “Negan!” The guy answered “Who are you!” He asked no one “Negan!” All the guys around me said
I looked up at him, meeting his gaze for the first time Dammit Now I saw him better, the sunlight kissing his face The salt pepper light beard he had The dimples that were clear as sun The light brown chocolate eyes that bore into me I want chocolate, I’m hungry! I cursed myself for thinking all that now But if it made me look less afraid, then chocolate it is!
“See! I’m everywhere!” He smiled And he has perfect set of white bright teeth! Where the hell does he get tooth paste from, during a god damn apocalypse? “–which sucks because your life was about to get so much cooler!” Oops! I missed half of his boring speech, thinking of toothpaste! “Am I right?” Negan gloated “Damn right!” Joey smiled, Joey is going to die soon, I could see it!
Negan walked closer to me, almost making our chest touch, pulling his tongue between his teeth and smiling at me. Fucking hell, what a fucking smile! He could do ads for Colgate and those other companies if he wanted! he was so tall compared to me I didn’t even reach his shoulder I looked like a fucking baby next to him I had to strain my neck and my back bone to look at him as he hovered over me Bloody universe
“Dwight gave you some options!” He said as he moved away “I don’t think you get it, so I will break it down to you!” He smiled “you got four choices!” “One, you end up on the spike and you work for me as a dead man, or women! Whatever helps you!” He chuckled “Two, you get out of your cell and work for points but you would wish you were dead!” “Three, you work for me! You get yourself Anne pair of clothes and lipstick, and you live like a Princess!” “Or four, you marry me! You don’t work, you don’t do shit other than sit around with a tight sexy black dress that brings out your eyes and your perky ass! And you live like a mother fucking queen!” He winked at me and I was in shock, Dwight certainly didn’t tell me about the marriage portion, not that I was considering it, oh no of course not! “But you should know! There is no door number five! This is it! This is the only way!”
I stayed silent He was a manic Some psycho I ain’t playing his stupid games
“Or you know what? Screw it!” He said, and everything went in slow motion again I saw him launch towards me, but I did my best not to flinch or turn away because if this was it for me, I wanted him to remember the look on my face, I wasn’t afraid, not from him He stopped inches away from me, Lucille hanging right above my head My breathing stopped He was so very dangerously close Fuck him
He started laughing in front of my face “Wow!” He said amused “You don’t scare easy!” He said as if he just realized it Well well Happy late realization! Thank you for stating the obvious! You did a very good help to the society! “I love that!” He said proudly “but Lucille find I disrespectful, you are lucky she ain’t feeling thirsty today!” He said as his face changed moods, his face turned sinister and his eyes narrowed at me he came so close once more and I pushed my face away from him “But I’m” oh fuck! He will kill me! “I’m gonna go! GET ME A DRINK!” He jumped and I let a breath of relief Fucking hell. “Get her back to her room and when Dwight is back tell him to bring her to me and come!” Negan said as he walked away and Joey pushed me to go back to my room
Few hours have passed and then the door was yanked open. Dwight was standing there, he had a sandwich with him, I should have a talk with whoever is in charge of the food around here. I’m fucking gonna die from hunger soon
I didn’t reach for the food, he threw it next to me “Eat” he ordered “you got your friends killed” he said and in that moment I never hated anyone more I shot him a disgusting glare as I reached for the food and threw it at his face He kneeled next to me “You should be dead! Negan should have killed you!” He said as he reached for his pocket and stuck a picture next to my head I knew it too well The remains of Glen and Abraham That bastard And after a month of keeping it together I finally broke down, I cried.
@jouveriaalam @thewalkingdead178
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sisyphus-prime · 4 years
I've found there's nothing more frustrating than comparing one's punishments to the ones their little siblings get compared to ages. Not that they aren't punished the way I was, but just how much I was punished compared to them
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