teamfricndship · 3 months
send a 💖and the mun will talk about a random mutual they love and appreciate!! - Accepting
Wow! That's a lot of hearts! I'm just gonna list some mutuals I appreciate.
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(James Norton and Dervla Kirwan are going to be in the same show! @fitzgerclds 😂😍💖)
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yukiasahina-real · 9 months
. Untitled .
Hello. I am Yuki! I am a part of 25-ji, Nightcord de., more specifically the lyricist!
She/Her, thank you!
// Hello. Mafuyu RP blog. Not official in any capacity.
// Eventually, Mafuyu will use He/They/She. That is not now. Trainsgener.
// She will be masking. A lot. This is because I think it is funny to do. (It annoys one of my headmates. :+1:). You are allowed to comment on it if you feel it fits, however I would appreciate if you do not use too much "I saw a clone do this, why aren't you like this?" meta stuff, as we have not been in this community for a while. Thank you.
// I am uncomfortable RPing relationships. Thank you.
// In character posts will be tagged with "~ yuki speaks ❄️ ~" as long as I remember to do that. Reblogs likely will not be tagged. Posts that are not in character will be tagged with "~ ooc ~". I am not very creative.
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twistedwit · 1 year
I've been writing with @spynorth (and on @piraticalwit) for over nine years now, and in that time we've run the gamut of human emotion, we've written facets of our muses that few people ever touch upon, and used virtually every word in every combination ever created in the English language. One would think that the "magic" would be gone by this point. But there are times, like tonight, where Lucas gives me a reply that just...rips my heart out. Not because of crushing angst, not because of unrequited love or agonizing loss. No, it's because of the simple. elegant, utterly broken humanness that he manages to capture, the poignancy and fragility of a life that has been shattered and put back together again. It hurts, but it's also beautiful and sweet and it just...it reminds me all over again what a gift Lucas has, and also how very lucky I am in so many ways. His talent has always been an inspiration to me, and on nights like this the reason is startlingly clear.
TLDR; Lucas is amazing.
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perilousxlives · 1 year
What if I make a bunch of shifter muses. Werewolves, werecats, werebears, were-everything because I'mma slut for all that shit lolol
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twistedwit-arch · 2 years
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woke up this morning thinking about the fact that lucas showed me an interview where richard is discussing the fiasco that is the series 2 robin hood finale and he talks a lot about how he was so disappointed upon reading the script because he had spent the entirety of series 2 trying to explore Guy’s humanity, trying to show what could happen when that spark of something that was never allowed to shine finally gets to flourish when cared for by the right person ... and that’s what i’ve always tried to show in my portrayal and one of the top reasons I’ve always used things from series 2. It’s completely different from series 1 and 3 - yeah, he’s still an asshole, but there are glimpses there of what could be. Richard described series 3 as being just a flat, one dimensional cardboard cutout of a villain and he is so valid for that. Thanks for everyone who has either seen it from the very beginning or willingly let me shout my reasons into your ear. Almost 9 years writing Guy. What the fuck.
anyways ! I’m at work this week but I’ll write when/if i can! I’m still having my post op issues so fingers crossed they let up soon.  
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I feel confident enough to post these now. A collection of all the existing posters after some edits from the other post that got 13k notes! These are full size/quality. Go nuts.
You may use them for wallpapers, tabletop campaigns, whatever. Consider tipping me or buying a print or sticker on ko-fi here! If you do use them, let me know what for, or send pictures!
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Expanding a thought from a conversation this morning:
In general, I think "Is X out-of-character?" is not a terribly useful question for a writer. It shuts down possibility, and interesting directions you could take a character.
A better question, I believe, is "What would it take for Character to do X?" What extremity would she find herself in, where X starts to look like a good idea? What loyalties or fears leave him with X as his only option? THAT'S where a potentially interesting story lies.
In practice, I find that you can often justify much more from a character than you initially dreamed you could: some of my best stories come from "What might drive Character to do [thing he would never do]?" As long as you make it clear to the reader what the hell pushed your character to this point, you've got the seed of a compelling story on your hands.
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spookberry · 13 days
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this came to me in a vision
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oobbbear · 8 days
More portal fiddleford
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This is set after they’re a bit more used to dimension hopping, and their relationship is healing in progress :]✨
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teamfricndship · 6 months
Send to 10 other bloggers you think are wonderful. keep this going to make someone smile. ☆♥
Send to 10 other bloggers you think are wonderful. keep this going to make someone smile. ☆♥
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secretidentie · 2 months
Tim for literally no reason: Hey Jason do yk where I can get some cocaine
Jason: Why tf do you need cocaine
Tim: I'm a teenage CEO why tf do you think I need cocaine
Jason: Fair enough. But I'm still not selling you cocaine
Tim: Why not? I just want to hang out with the other young finance bros
Jason: Hey dick head, tell your brother I'm not giving him cocaine
Dick: Tim are you okay? do you want to talk about this??
Tim: Uhg I'm fine. You're the one ones who said I should stop drinking coffee
Jason: and you thought this was a good alternative???
Tim: Come on I'll only do a little
Dick: Is this coz we spoiled the ending of wolf of Wallstreet
Tim: Why can't I just have some? You do!
Jason: No I don't
Tim: You're a crime lord
Dick: Yeah isn't it like part of the job
Jason: WHAT NO Stereotype much. I've never even seen cocaine up close
Jason: Yeah not a drug dealer THERE'S A DIFFERENCE
Tim: I should have known your not cool enough to have drug dealer connections
Dick: Woah woah that's enough both of you. No one in this house is doing drugs. If anyone talks about cocaine again I'll tell Bruce you said you want to start a new crack epidemic. He'll make you sit in at strangers AA meetings and read through old case files of ex dealers and their autopsies. Don't. TEST. me.
Tim: ............
Jason: ............
Tim: Can you sell me meth?
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spaceistheplaceart · 1 month
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more ford and mabel bonding because i said so :)
bonus ford under the cut:
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twistedwit · 1 year
I thought you were trans?
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Hi, anon ! Sorry for the long turn around, i have been focusing my time and attention on other blogs. I am really unsure as to what sparked this question and I can only guess that maybe it was the addendum to the pronouns on my pinned post. If you wanna get technical, non-binary and genderfluid both fall under the description of trans so you thought right. Lucas focuses on the 'he' pronoun because that makes me feel the most comfortable and the one I prefer, but my original post on my old blog distinctly mentioned me being genderfluid. You can come off anon for this, you know. Hiding can make it seem so malicious.
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perilousxlives · 1 year
~ Will try to get to things later. My interview is today and my brain is just a jumbled mess with it, so sticking to discord until after! ~
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mellosghosts · 2 months
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that one the pacifier 2005 scene but it's laura annoying logan just a few days before he fucking dies
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