#~*{ morganite -- about }*~
yu-melon · 4 months
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A little fankid brainrot before I go to draw some characters that was requested (you can still ask me to draw more sth characters)
...you can also ask me smth about my fankids plz ask me about them
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novantinuum · 3 months
Gem OC Asks- Morganite
Answered my own Gem OC asks for my Morganite OC.
[See post with original OC ask prompts here]
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Era 1
⚜️Which court does your Gem belong to, if any? Formerly Pink Diamond’s court (but performed work for White, before Earth’s colonization), then Yellow Diamond’s.
🎆What is your Gem’s planet of origin and given designation? (Ex: Facet-2F5L, Cut-5XG… Facet-5, Cut 8XM… Facet-413, Cabochon-12…) Homeworld, Facet-1A6Q, Cut 9DL. She is a very old Gem, incubated in the planet’s very first Kindergarten from the first batch of Pink’s diamond essence.
💎Describe your Gem’s gemstone. What color, shape, facet pattern, and placement does it have? It’s dark pink, has a diamond shape with a flat center facet (5 facets in total), and is positioned on the front of her upper left arm.
🛠️What is your Gem’s given role under the Diamond Authority? Morganite is a general. She is one of the most top ranking Gems in the whole empire when it comes to commanding troops during colonization efforts. She merely coordinates the organization of these colonizations, though.
📌Where does your Gem perform their duties? Do they travel a lot for their role, or mostly stay in one place? She does not often leave Homeworld itself while performing her duties, instead leaving the physical work to lower cuts of Gems.
🧦Does your Gem get along with others of the same cut? There are only a few handfuls of morganites. Each Diamond has between 1-5. This Morganite is the only one who has been assigned to Pink’s court, and since Pink Diamond had no colonies to call her own for a long while the others often scoffed and looked down on her for it, saying how unnatural it was for a morganite to be constantly waltzing around Homeworld with no real job to do. (Which is why she ended up working jobs for White Diamond during this early period- this arrangement was at her own request to remain busy.) As a result, Morganite is not fond of any of her peers.
🖇️Has your Gem ever partaken in fusion with someone of the same cut? No, for the above reason. Nor would there be any reason her given role would ever necessitate such a fusion.
💼Does your Gem report to anyone below the Diamonds? What do they think about this authority figure? Morganite reports directly to the Diamonds. She mostly reported to White for Era 1, and only started to report to Pink when the others agreed to grant her a colony… and then Yellow after her shattering. Being a staunch Homeworld loyalist back then, she of course revered the Diamonds, but this does not mean she didn’t have her preferences. She finds Yellow Diamond most agreeable to collaborate with, and thinks Pink Diamond is annoyingly unfocused in her role.
White Diamond… well, Morganite counts herself incredibly lucky that the single request she ever made to her (work in her court while Pink matured) was granted. Not everyone gets that same consideration. White is probably the only Gem in existence she feels truly intimidated by.
💥Has your Gem ever been rejuvenated? If so, how many times? No.
🪦Does your Gem harbor any hidden desires they think might get them shattered? After learning about the possibility of cross-Gem fusion during the early days of the rebellion on Earth, Morganite spent time considering what a fusion with her lover Tourmaline might be like. But no, NO- such thoughts are dirty and treasonous and not within the Diamonds’ design for Gemkind. She must never consider this idea again. (She fails.)
And quite frankly, there’s days where even allowing a romance with Tourmaline at all feels dirty to her. Morganites weren’t made to love another Gem like this. They were made for one purpose and one purpose only- to organize the Diamonds’ armies and help them colonize new planets. Regardless, her love for fellow high society Gem Tourmaline is the single rebellion she allows herself to entertain.
Era 2
🌸Was your Gem incubated before Pink Diamond’s shattering, or after? If after, does your Gem differ from others of their cut due to Homeworld’s Diamond essence shortage? She was incubated long, long before Pink’s shattering. She was, in fact, one of the very first batch of Gems incubated with Pink’s essence.
🔎Does your Gem like the role they were given, or is there another role in society they would rather have? Morganite convinces herself that she wouldn’t want to do anything else than the role she was given. So much that… when Era 3 comes along and she is dismissed from her duties, it almost destroys her.
She is not truly happy with her role, but cannot envision any other existence.
🪢Does your Gem have any friends outside their cut? Yes- a Tourmaline from Blue’s court, who she is in a romantic relationship with. Beyond her? She’s basically in a social vacuum. Tourmaline is the only Gem she engages with socially outside of her duties, and it makes Morganite’s dynamic with her unhealthily dependent.
🪄Can your Gem summon any weapon or special item? Her weapon is a double bladed rejuvenator, very similar to the one that Spinel stole during her tirade in the movie. She also has a metallic decoration tied to the end of her braid that is razor sharp and can be used as a weapon at close quarters if necessary. She does not, however, have a role related need to fight for much of her life— and only uses the rejuvenator to reset wayward Gems under her command.
🌍Has your Gem ever heard of the rebellion on Earth? If so, do they have any opinions on it? Ohohoh. Uh… yeah. Morganite was one of the very few Gems below the Diamonds who actually had clearance to access information about the Earth rebellion after all official communication and databases covering this colony were blocked. (The Diamonds did not want the Crystal Gems’ message of liberation for all Gems to spread beyond the colony itself. Underground communication, of course, still exists if one looks for it.) She needed this info if she were to properly command Pink’s armies in opposition to the rebellion.
To Morganite, the Crystal Gem rebellion is what took everything that mattered away from her. It poisoned her lover Tourmaline into defecting, it shattered her appointed Diamond, and ultimately, its consequences stripped away her very purpose when her rank was dissolved in Era 3.
🪩Has your Gem ever partaken in fusion with someone of a different cut? If so, do they defy Homeworld’s fusion rules openly or keep it secret? Absolutely not.
🏝️Your Gem has been reassigned to perform their duty on a planet or settlement of their choice. Where do they go? Morganite is content working from Homeworld, but if given the choice, would quite love to work in a place where she had some scenic views to enjoy in her brief moments of respite.
🫧Has your Gem ever been poofed? How? Morganite has yet to be poofed. (But she certainly will be over the course of her story in Era 3. The “how” is a large spoiler.)
🙈Your Gem discovers that someone they work alongside is off-color in some fashion. Do they narc to a superior, or keep this secret? Morganite would absolutely narc. They are a loyalist, and thus take the Diamonds at their word when they say such Gems are unnatural and wrong.
🪓Does your Gem know anyone who’s been shattered? Absolutely. She commands whole armies, after all. Even when there’s no opposition- no rebellions, no local lifeforms to clear out and subdue- colonization still poses risks to safe Gem habitation. Accidents happen. Not to mention, she’s had a few Gems under her command be shattered due to poor conduct.
Era 3
👑In the wake of this brand new era, where does your Gem’s loyalty lie? (The Diamonds? Themself? Someone else?) After the Diamonds destroy all remaining troops on Earth in their retaliatory attack (she was rallying for them to give them a chance to escape- in truth, she as ALSO very concerned about Tourmaline's safety), her reverence for them starts to fade to a disillusioned ember. In Era 3, Morganite’s only loyalty is to herself. (And to Tourmaline, but she doesn’t want to fully admit this, the idea of still not being over the Gem who betrayed her and left her behind for that damned rebellion, the Gem who is GONE now, presumed shattered in the war with the rest of ‘em.)
🎓Would your Gem ever consider attending Little Homeschool, why or why not? Absolutely fucking not. Morganite sneers at the very essence of what this establishment claims to be. A place where Gems can learn to live outside the bounds of their natural order?? Why on Earth would she ever want that?
⭐️What is your Gem’s honest opinion of Steven, if they are aware of his role in Gem history? By the dawn of Era 3, Morganite has grown weary of the Diamonds and their rule. Despite still believing this type of rigid social order to be what’s best for Gemkind, she does not see them as fit leaders anymore. So while she does somewhat admire and respect Steven for his role in removing them from power, she really, really hates that he’s involved with the Crystal Gems, who she abhors and blames for Tourmaline’s shattering in the war and for stripping away all the old structure of Gemkind. If any of the corrupted Gems he helped heal had turned out to be her lost Tourmaline, her opinion of him might be different, but alas she was never located. Thus, her opinion of that hybrid remains very muddled and bitter.
🪁Name three hobbies your Gem partakes in. Gossiping, solo sparring practice to vent out her frustrations, and tinkering with tech. She’s a bit of an inventor, constantly upgrading her tools so she can perform her duties to a higher satisfaction.
🌄Describe your Gem’s idea of a perfect day. Pre Era 3, A perfect day to Morganite is one where one she performs her duty as dictated, and one of the Diamonds vocally acknowledges her loyal efforts. If she’s lucky, she’d also get a spare moment to skirt away to visit Tourmaline in between tasks.
Post Era 3… she can’t envision what she wants her future to look like at all, beyond once again having Tourmaline at her side.
⚧️Imagine your Gem is presented with the concept of human gender. Do they have any preference in how they are perceived or addressed? She/her is just fine, although the human gender role aspects of it don’t make much sense to her.
🐌Does your Gem have any non-Gem friends? No.
🌙Would your Gem ever consider living as a permafusion? There is a completely different universe out there where Morganite and Tourmaline end up defecting Homeworld together and fighting alongside the Crystal Gems as a permafusion.
This, however, is not that universe.
Sometimes Morganite hates that she has devoted extensive amounts of time to secretly considering this possibility. Sometimes she hates the words left unspoken. Hates the words she can never take back. Hates herself for being too much of a rigid, paranoid coward to follow after her.
But this is not that universe.
And it never will be.
🍕Has your Gem ever tried ingesting food or liquid? If so, what is their opinion on this activity? Nope, and Morganite would probably never consider it.
🎻Assign your Gem an instrument. What type of sound do you feel best captures their vibe? Piano. Specifically that vibe of piano that’s like… quick, staccato piano chords.
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joxaren-ebelyn · 1 year
big ol art dump because i remembered i should post here actually JKSFGNJSNDG these were made around the same time as the mermaid lapis i did, just didnt post em at the same time
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some closeups of the stuff i really liked, too
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and here are some designs i did for a friend i made on discord :)) a sapphire and a custom soldier type, Indigo Gabbro.
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as well as a recent commission! a simple ref sheet :)
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big ol art post over :)
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Morga provides a distraction from a boring morning assembly 🫴 🍑
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maddisandy · 7 months
i think the most sentimental gifts we receive are jewelry. it doesn't have to be fancy, it can be some yarn and even a couple beads tied together to fit our wrist. but it's what's most important. it's a show of pride; this was given to me by someone i love. this is a signifier of who i love. i am wearing them with me at all times. bracelets, earings, necklaces, rings. the stories they can hold, the superstitions and folktales in the symbolism of a bracelet, or a ring. it doesn't have to be diamonds and pearls, just to wear something, to show off to the world, something from someone we care about so much. it's our favorite display of love.
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reddpenn · 1 year
Here is a potentially silly question: how do you feel about birthstones? Do you think they fit the months (by season or astrological sign)? Do you have other stones you'd rather see as birthstones?
Okay, so, birthstones make absolutely no sense.
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I mean, look at this mess. We’re doing beryl and corundum twice! I get that they get Special Different Names for their Special Different Colors, but it's just lazy. And why are we giving some months cheap, common gemstones like garnet and amethyst while the poor June birthdays have to shell out tens of thousands of dollars for FREAKING ALEXANDRITE? That’s incredibly unfair! We should be picking birthstones that are all roughly the same price. And why do some months get multiple gemstones? I’ll tell you why: because nobody can agree on an official list and every attempt to standardize this thing has just added MORE birthstones to every month.
So obviously the answer is to standardize it again, by throwing out everything and starting over. Here are our goals:
Fair pricing. You should be paying roughly the same amount regardless of what month you were born in. We’re getting rid of those ridiculous outliers like diamond and alexandrite.
More customization potential! Nobody should be stuck with a stone they hate. We’re picking gemstones that come in multiple colors or varieties, so that everyone can choose a variant they like.
Wearability. Some birthstones are too fragile to be worn as jewelry. We need to replace them with stronger stuff.
No more duplicate gemstones. Every month gets a stone or family of stones with a unique chemical composition.
Now without further ado, I present to you:
The New And Improved List Of Birthstones With No Problems Or Flaws That Everyone Will Definitely Agree On And We Can Start Using Right Now Immediately
I've got no problem with garnet. It's a fine, classic birthstone, so January can keep it. But I would like to see a little more garnet diversity. January birthdays shouldn’t be confined to just red. The garnet family of minerals contains a rainbow of different colors, like orange hessonite, green uvarovite, pink rhodolite, yellow grandite, and many more. They’re all garnet, so we should be wearing them all!
The original birthstone of February was amethyst, which is… kinda boring. Super cheap and common and you only get one color? No, we can do better. February gets ALL the quartzes now. Keep wearing amethyst if you want, but also feel free to branch out into clear quartz, citrine, rose quartz, smoky quartz, rutilated quartz, tiger eye… actually, take all the agates too. If it’s quartz, it’s yours!
March was originally aquamarine, but I’ll be giving all the beryls to May, so we need a different stone here. Let’s stick with that theme of pale pastels and go with spodumene. For an April birthday, bedeck yourself in green hiddenite, pink kunzite, or yellow triphane. Despite its subtle colors, your birthstone has some amazing fluorescence, with really cool pinks and oranges under a UV light.
Diamond is too pricy for this list, so we’re replacing it with something less expensive and way more interesting. April will now be represented by the feldspar family. We’re talking labradorite, moonstone, amazonite, aventurine, and sunstone. While you don’t have much variety in color, your stones are full of shimmery schiller which glitters and shifts as it catches the light.
May’s original birthstone was emerald, which is great and can stay, but we’re also adding its siblings! May is now represented by all beryls: Emerald, Aquamarine, Morganite, Bixbite, Heliodor, Goshenite, and whatever other varieties I’m forgetting to list. A bright and saturated rainbow of colors is represented here, so everyone born in May is sure to find something they like.
It’s time to address the alexandrite in the room, and obviously we’re getting rid of alexandrite. A stone worth $15,000 to $70,000 a carat does not belong on the same list as friggin amethyst. Instead we’ll look at the other traditional June birthstone, pearl. The problem with pearl is that it’s a clear outlier in this list. An organic gemstone, by some definitions not even a mineral. Should we replace it? NO. We are OWNING it. All organic gemstones now belong to June. Pearl is joined here by jet, amber, coral, ivory, ammolite, petrified wood… in fact, June can have every fossil ever.
July was originally represented by ruby, which is a fine stone and won’t be kicked off the birthstone list - we’re just shuffling it down to September. Replacing ruby for July is spinel. (See, it’s funny because historically spinel has often been mistakenly identified as ruby! That's a little gemology humor for you.) Available in any hue you could possibly desire, spinel offers some nice color options to a month that previously only featured red. Of course if you want to keep wearing red, red spinel mimics ruby so well that you’ll barely notice the difference.
Nope, we’re not changing this one. Peridot is the ideal gemstone and you ungrateful August whiners can die mad about it. HOW ABOUT YOU LEARN TO APPRECIATE PERFECTION
Sapphire is a wonderful, classic stone and it deserves its spot on this list. But the corundum family has been separated for far too long, and we’re finally going to reunite them. Joining sapphire in September is its sister ruby. Between the pinks and reds of ruby and the many, many colors of sapphire, these two stones give September a nice variety of colors.
Look, as gorgeous as opal is and as much as I love it, it is both way too pricy for our list and also TERRIBLE in jewelry. This stone is just too brittle to wear around from day to day and can be ruined just by getting it wet, which makes wearing your birthstone a huge hassle. We’ll kick opal out and hang on to October’s other traditional birthstone, tourmaline. Pink tourmaline may be classic, but this stone comes in plenty of other colors. Whether it’s brown dravite, watermelon elbaite, or the rare and beautiful blue indicolite, you can wear them all!
November can keep topaz, but we’re not confining it to the color yellow. This stone comes in a huge variety of colors, and now they can ALL represent November. No further notes; it’s a nice, classic stone.
I dunno, I’ve had to come up with 12 of these, I’m burnt out. Sure, zircon, whatever.
“BUT WAIT,” you say. “Now instead of having a single color assigned to each month, almost every month is represented by almost every color, making it impossible to tell anyone’s birthstones apart and removing what made them special and recognizable as symbols!”
Well CLEARLY you didn’t read the title of this list.
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lonniemachin · 1 month
A local artisan was kind enough to provide me with 8 pieces of authentic crystal jewelry to offer for donation funds — as I am unsure how to go about doing an auction, I’ve decided to open a raffle supporting three different campaigns for Palestinian families looking to evacuate Gaza or in need of survival aid while in Gaza.
These families are:
Ahmed and Maram’s family (in Euro)
Mohammed Shamia’s family (in Swedish kroner)
Marah Atallah’s family (in USD)
All families are 100% legitimate — I have been in contact with Maram and Ahmed for months, who have provided me multiple pictures, videos, and recordings of their situation. They have been featured in a video by YouTuber Ro Ramdin and have been vetted by @/el-shab-hussein. I am also in consistent contact with their beneficiary through a group chat who updates us on the movement of all money.
Mohammed’s family has multiple pictures and videos of their situation on family member Ahmad’s Twitter/X account proving their legitimacy. I have personally communicated with Ahmad and his history online stretches back far before 10/7. His campaign has been SEVERELY stagnant, often going 20+ days before receiving a donation. He is trying to raise enough to evacuate his sister and her two children.
I personally connected Marah to the one managing her campaign, who is a friend of mine. Marah is also friends in-person with other verified families over on Twitter/X, where she posts pictures and videos of she and her family’s situation. They use all money raised to survive displacement in Gaza and to save up enough to register for evacuation when the time is right. Marah’s campaign has been shared by @/90-ghost.
Donate the amount equivalent to the value of the piece to any one of these campaigns, DM me proof of your donation, and tell me which piece you are interested in (send the number and letter listed next to the description of the piece). I will enter your name into a raffle for the piece you would like. One donation = one entry. At the end of the raffle, I will randomly choose one recipient per piece, contact said recipient for details, and mail the piece to you.
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From left to right: A pair of Rutilated Quartz earrings valued $20 (E1), a pair of Kunzite earrings valued $18 (E2), and a pair of multi tourmaline earrings valued $20 (E3).
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From left to right: A labradorite, aura quartz, clear aura crackle quartz, and sea sediment jasper bracelet valued $30 (B1), and a chrysocolla, morganite, phosphosiderite, and yellow opal bracelet valued $30 (B2).
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From left to right: A clear quartz necklace valued $30 (N1), a red tiger’s eye necklace valued $30 (N2), and a flower agate, rose quartz, lepidolite, strawberry quartz, and clear quartz necklace valued $32 (N3).
If you can’t participate, that’s okay! Please share this post so that others may see and enter to win some beautiful jewelry for the most important cause — saving lives.
Raffle lasts until 09/09/2024. That’s one month to enter!
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gracefireheart · 5 months
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Once again, did some fanart of @lenny-link TF2 x SU AU, but tried making more fusions! :]
First one is Andalusite [Heavy + Medic] (who I've drawn before already), second one is Iolite [Cheavy + Medic], and the third one is Ametrine [Demoman + Soldier].
[Below the keep reading line, I'll show off the fourth fusion I drew as well, but ended up just-- disliking to hell and back o(-( Also, some notes and such about each fusion]
First off, here's the fourth fusion I did, which was Cat's Eye Tourmaline [Scout + Sniper]. (Side note: I picked out Tiger's Eye as Sniper's gem)
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After looking at Steven's fusions with other gems (since Scout's a half-human half-gem in this AU fusing with Sniper who's a full gem), I did notice that basically all of them (besides Obsidian) had some kind of oddity to them. Like Smokey Quartz has three arms instead of four or just two, Rainbow 2.0 is the first gem with male pronouns and has a tad bit strange legs, and Sunstone isn't as humanoid as the other (non-corrupted) gems and fusions.
So I wanted to show that off here, but uh, I just ended up giving up on it in the end o(-( Mostly 'cause I had no clue how I wanted to color them based on the Cat's Eye Tourmaline gem, but also 'cause the overall design ended up leaned a bit more towards Sniper's design than I intended it to do.
Anyways, onto the notes for the other fusions.
Andalusite [Heavy + Medic]:
The duo that imo would probably fuse the most out of the TF2 crew, whether for battle or to just relax together (like reading a book or whatever). So with that, Heavy and Medic would have had plenty of time to refine how their fusion would look like, and making sure both of them like how they look together.
For their fusion weapon, I was thinking about them either having something like Garnet's upgraded gauntlets (the ones with spikes jutting out of it's knuckles), or letting the gauntlets have claws or something.
Iolite [Cheavy + Medic]:
I mostly did this one 'cause of one of the drawings in Lenny-Link's original piece, which made me thinking of Lapis and Jasper fusing into Malachite and all that, which lead me to this. I wanted the design to 1. Make it look chaotic due to the two people that are fused here, but also 2. Make it lean a tad more towards Cheavy's looks to make said guy think that he's the one mostly in control of the fusion, only to have Medic take over take over and do something to trap the fusion and/or get them the hell away from the TF2 crew. Something something angst idk lol
Decided to make Cheavy a [blue] Topaz. Since Heavy's a Topaz as well. I don't have any other reason than that :') Also, I placed his gem on the side of his right shoulder.
The eye goggles change color depending on who is in control. If the two weren't fighting for it, it would be one eye blue and one eye magenta. But since they are, whenever Cheavy's in control, the eyes are blue. And whenever Medic's in control, the eyes are magenta.
Ametrine [Demoman + Soldier]:
Originally, I was going to have them be a Morganite, but decided on Ametrine instead as it fit their color scheme more. Also originally, I was going to give them a knight helmet, but I wanted to draw their hair, so I instead gave them a bandana covering their possibly one eye. Possibly.
Assuming Soldier's helmet (with or without the horns) is Soldier's gem weapon like Jasper's helmet, I thought it would be neat if their fusion weapon [(horned) helmet + sword] would be something like a Morningstar, which they would be able to duel-wield without much trouble.
I've got other lil' ideas as well for this AU, like how Jeremy/Scout was the one that gave these gems their nicknames (Spy, Sniper, Engineer, etc.), how Medic grew a fascination for the organic lifeforms of Earth and how exactly they healed/was able to treat their wounds, and how- instead of Spy being all dead and gone Rose Quartz style when Jeremy was born- Spy is a lot weaker than he should be due Jeremy getting half of his gem. But uh-- I don't wanna go too overboard when this ain't even my AU :')
Either way, I'll probably go and relax a bit before drawing some regular TF2 stuff. But I might do some more fanart for this AU whenever I feel up for it. 'Cause genuinely, I love this AU sm <3
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sonic-fankid-showdown · 2 months
Poll 25, Round 1.
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About Morganite: (by @yu-melon) Morganite is 21 years old what makes him most old kid in family. Most of the times he goes by Morgan to make it easier for other`s. Morgan acts pretty chaotic and REALLY like stylish fancy things and gems but doesn't like to work for them (only if they not on someone's heck or hand). He leaves Angel Islands pretty often to spend time with his friend or at local parties and clubs. He is also quite good at fluorography (plant language) and gives good love advances.
About Sakura: (by @ekaycheem) Lab kid, no powers besides chaos control, yet doesn’t use it (she doesn’t know she can 🤡). Really nice, really silly, and the quiet kind of extrovert. Basically the ultimate friend. Family-oriented, especially with her younger brother.
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punkeropercyjackson · 21 days
Gravity Falls x Pjo concepts
Mabel and Dipper see Percy and instantly think they've found a new monster because she's literally a 6' woman with huge ass floofy black blue banged hair that has a white streak and radiates an oceanic aura and is built like a greek warrior goddess and her skin's as dark and beautiful as the night sky when the moon glows-OH.DEMIGODDESS,it was staring them right there in the face!!!Mabel instantly approches her with star eyes mostly because of that and partially because Percy's gender presentation is basically hers if she was punk
"Does the G in Grunkle stand for Gilf?" "T-Tanaka,that is NOT appropriate-" "I ain't hitting on you,oldhead" "Yes Stan,it's very obvious Miss Drew isn't into men-Just look at how she dresses" "BITCH???????????????"
Nico shows Dipper his Mythomagic deck and infodumps about the debunks he found out and Dipper shows Nico the journals and infodumps back about his debunks as parallel play
Hazel and Mabel do an instant besties squee once they get through their first full convo and are attached to the sweater sleeves from then on and make magic friendship bracelets-Hazel's is made out of a washed out rainbow colored frozen unicorn spell that was achived ethically at her request and Mabel's hidden guilt and Mabel's is made out of Mythical Morganite and has pig ears shapes
Bill ressurects Luke through severe reality warping but torments him the whole time to entertain himself and Luke hallucinates Percy and Nico as a cool ranch doritos bag and a black doritos bag and runs away screeching as he pisses himself
Jason goofs off with Soos and Melody as he gets a job at the Mystery Shack and there's a running gag where he keeps mistaking his boss' name for You Know Who Soos Zeus
Pacifica and Piper do weird witch-y shit at her and Mcgucket's mansion to try to get rid of him and Aphrodite who decided to pay a visit to Oregon for a lover up north but end up helping out and accepting them both instead
Frank joins in on Candy and Grenda's girlnanigans(girlshenanigans)as Mabel's busy befriending/being adopted by Percy and then Hazel and Dipper's not an option either because he's doing the same with Nico and he stands in as their boytorturetoy only he loves it and considers it fun self-care.Him and Candy also try out their chinese/korean on eachother and teach a bit and he reassures Grenda her muscle don't lessen her femininity in a cool big bro moment and earned Grenda W
Reyna introduces Robbie to Bad Bunny and it rewires his brain so he starts listening to better music and he gives her a big bag of special jelly beans he stole as a thank you that turn out to be weed gummies but candy/dessert flavored and by the time she comes back from her high she's dating Wendy,Tambry and somehow one of Robbie's e-girl cousin's
Leo being totally lost when he arrives and ends up going on a crazy ass meet and greet adventure across town meeting the supporting cast and it's revealed Wendy has been doing the same at the same time but at Camp Half-Blood because it turns out she's an Aphrodite kid.They eat bacon burgers and agua fresa together and discuss their previous circumstances once it's over
But not before Mabel knits ALL the demigods she met personalized sweaters except for Percy,who gets knit a jumbo sized version of Mabel's musical note sweater <3 Percy in turns makes her a pink battle vest!!
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herballwitch · 13 days
Altars For The Greek Gods
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Hello, My name is Alva Tauri! I am an herbalist, spirit worker, tarot and oracle reader, and lunar and herbal witch dedicated to closing the education gap when it comes to herbalism and witch practices!
Today, I wanted to talk about ways in which I connect with the Gods and deities I worship in my life via my altar, as well as some of those Greek gods that I do not have a direct connection with to help those who are just starting!
NOTE: I did already say this above but I am going to say it again, I only work with (as far as Greek gods go) Hades, Apollo, and Dionysus. However, I have been working with spirits, Gods, and deities for nine years now, so the information found in this post will be a compilation of everything I have learned in those nine years from my own experiences and the experiences of friends. If you have any information you feel should be added to this post please feel free to message me!
With that being said, let's get into altar work with Greek gods...
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Ares is the God of war and the spirit of battle and was typically associated with:
ANIMALS: eagle owl, barn owl, poisonous snakes, boar, vulture
COLORS: red and purple
CRYSTALS: bloodstone, garnet, red jasper, smokey quartz, black tourmaline, hematite, metals, obsidian, carnelian
OTHER ASSOCIATIONS (good for offerings): spicy things, chocolate, basil, cinnamon, weapons
Artemis was the goddess of chastity, hunting, and the moon. She is often associated with:
ANIMALS: deer, wolf, wild boar, hunting dogs
COLORS: white, blue, black, brown and green
CRYSTALS: morganite, moonstone, celestite, moss/tree agate, amethyst
OTHER ASSOCIATIONS (good for offerings): anything moon shaped, frankincense, cypress, mugwort, amaranth
Aphrodite is the ancient Greek goddess of sexual love and beauty. She is typically associate with:
ANIMALS: swan, dove, sparrow
COLORS: red and pink for love/sexuality. white and blue, and gold.
CRYSTALS: rose quartz, pearl, opal, aquamarine, rhodonite, ocean jasper, moonstone
OTHER ASSOCIATIONS (good for offerings): roses, chocolate, shells, myrrh, gold
Apollo is the God of archery, music and dance, truth and prophecy, healing and diseases and, mostly commonly known as, the God of the Sun. He is commonly associated with:
ANIMALS: deer, hawk, crow/raven, cicada, swan, bees, wolf, fox
COLORS: yellow, white, red, orange. purple and green for the Oracle.
CRYSTALS: sunstone, amber, calcite (specifically honey and yellow), citrine, sapphire
OTHER ASSOCIATIONS (good for offerings): sun shaped anything, bay leaves, laurel, cypress, playing music (especially the lyre), poetry
Athena was the goddess of wisdom, war, and the crafts and is normally associated with:
ANIMALS: snakes and owls
COLORS: white, grey/silver, red
CRYSTALS: metals, celestite, fluorite, bloodstone, obsidian, iolite, azurite, and lapis lazuli
OTHER ASSOCIATIONS (good for offerings): anything to do with olives, snake shed, cedar, cypress, cinnamon, weapons
Demeter is the goddess of the harvest, grains, and agriculture. She is typically associated with:
ANIMALS: serpent, farm animals (especially pig), lizards, turtle-dove, crane, owl
COLORS: green, brown, yellow, and black
CRYSTALS: jade, tree/moss agate, carnelian, amber, aventurine, rutilated quartz, pyrope, and almandine
OTHER ASSOCIATIONS (good for offerings): oats and grain, anything baked, flowers, spices (like cinnamon or cloves, allspice is good too), leaves that have begun to change colors for fall, mint, poppy
Dionysus is the God of wine, pleasure, and festivity and he is typically associated with:
ANIMALS: panther/leopard, tiger, bull, serpent
COLORS: purple and green for association with grapes/wine, leopard/tiger print for his holy animals
CRYSTALS: amethyst is largely associated with Dionysus, as well as grape agate, garnet, and rose or rutilated quartz
OTHER ASSOCIATIONS (good for offerings): grapes (or any derivative), alcohol, cinnamon, ivy, pinecones, playing music, partying, sex/masturbation
Hades is the God of the underworld. However, Hades also rules over wealth and finances. He is typically associated with:
ANIMALS: naturally, dogs are frequently associated with Hades, as well as owls, sheep, and cattle
COLORS: black, red, and white are typically used in association with death. purple and metallics are used in association with riches/wealth
CRYSTALS: hematite, onyx, black crystals (like obsidian), jet
OTHER ASSOCIATIONS (good for offerings): narcissus, mint, asphodel, white poplar, pomegranate, coffee, cinnamon, elm, money, chocolate, keys, shells
Hephaestus is the Greek god of fire, volcanoes, blacksmithing, and metalworking. He is typically associated with:
ANIMALS: donkey, dog, crane
COLORS: red, orange, and yellow, metallics.
CRYSTALS: metals, fire opal, honey calcite, smoky quartz, black quartz, rock crystal, amethyst, chloritized quartz, and rutilated quartz
OTHER ASSOCIATIONS (good for offerings): spicy things, hot beverages, anything handmade (especially if made by you), dragon's blood incense, seashells, anything on fire
Hera is the goddess of women, marriage, and childbirth and is frequently associated with:
ANIMALS: peacock, cuckoo, cow
COLORS: red, pink and white for association with love and marriage. gold because she's the Queen of the Gods.
CRYSTALS: pearls, diamonds, topaz, opal, moonstone, malachite, tourmalinated quartz
OTHER ASSOCIATIONS: iris, rose, patchouli, coconut, cypress, maple, peacock feathers, pomegranate
Hermes is the messenger of the gods and the mediator between the realm of the dead and the kingdom of the living. He is commonly associated with:
ANIMALS: tortoise, ram, goat, hawk, pig
COLORS: green, red, gold, white and brown
CRYSTALS: theres actually not a lot of evidance that crystals and stones were used in the past for altar work for Hermes. however citrine, alexandrite, and tigers eye are used frequently today
OTHER ASSOCIATIONS (good for offerings): money, crocus/saffron, strawberries
Hestia is the goddess of the hearth, home, and hospitality. She is normally associated with:
ANIMALS: donkey, pig, crane, cow
COLORS: red, orange, and yellow, brown or white
CRYSTALS: amber, jade, red garnet, ruby, sunstone, amethyst, honey calcite
OTHER ASSOCIATIONS (good for offerings): tea/coffee (drink with her), pine, bread, cider, apples, anything on fire, cinnamon, anything that feels like home to you
Persephone is the goddess of the dead and queen of the underworld in ancient Greek religion and myth and is typically associated with:
ANIMALS: deer and ram
COLORS: purple, pink, yellow, green - any spring colors. (Hades colors can be used as well)
CRYSTALS: the garnet is the most commonly associated with Persephone, but amethyst, moss/tree agate, milk quartz, and jade can also be used
OTHER ASSOCIATIONS (good for offerings): pomegranate, flowers, grains, lavender, rosemary, Spring
Poseidon is the god of the sea, earthquakes, horses, and water. He is typically associated with:
ANIMALS: horse, bull, dolphin, hippocampus
COLORS: blue and white, gray, brown and green
CRYSTALS: coral, opal (especially water opal), blue calcite, aquamarine
OTHER ASSOCIATIONS (good for offerings): coffee, mint, ocean water, salt, seashells
Zeus is the god of the sky and is considered the ruler, protector, and father of all gods and humans. He is typically associated with:
ANIMALS: eagle, bull
COLORS: white, blue, gold, grey, yellow and black
CRYSTALS: opals are said to have come from Zeus' tears of joy after defeating the Titans, so they are heavily linked to Zeus. diamonds, gold, turquoise, lapis lazuli, celestite, iron/steel, any quartz
OTHER ASSOCIATIONS (good for offerings): rain water, oak, olives/olive branches/olive leaves, vervain. images of himself or anything with lightning bolts or shaped like a lighting bolt
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That's all for altar connections with Greek Gods! I hope that you found this helpful in your spiritual journey and I hope that you are able to apply this information to your practice.
if you have any questions regarding anything discussed here or anything you feel that I have missed, please send an ask to my ask box! I appreciate all comments and questions!
For more information on my practice, witchcraft, herbalism, spirit work, and divination please check out the guide on my page (linked here)! Everything I have ever posted can be found there!
I wish you all a blessed day filled with peace, endless wealth, and eternal health! Until the next time we meet!
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yu-melon · 5 months
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You know what? Time to go silly, that`s right, fankid time!
That`s my knuxouge kid collection, yep 4 kids
So, there we have two older brothers! Morganite (Morgan for short, mostly white one) and Corundum (Coru for short, mostly red one), they are twins, just with different color patterns
Then we go to middle child, little bat, her name is... its Topaz yesss
And there is youngest daughter, her name is Ushma
Oh, and there`s also Coru`s little mutated neutral fly/swim chao named Mango (he`s still growing)
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novantinuum · 6 months
(I thought tumblr had finally changed it so you can ask shit from a side blog. Arrrrrgh did I imagine it? Well this is fanfoolishness yet again regretting this being my goddamn main 😅)
Morganite - 45, 54
Tourmaline - 28, 35, 42
Jean - 22, 31
Thank youuu! Yeah ahah tumblr defo let you send in asks from side blogs before because I'm pretty sure I saw you celebrating this in a post once.
I'm once again gonna provide a visual for all these OCs ahah. I think I'm gonna have to do that from now on out, it's fun and probably helpful to people reading 'em.
Morganite- (I am forever obsessed with this shit-eating grin sketch I did of her)
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45- What’s something unimportant / frivolous that they hate passionately?
I answered this one for Morganite on another ask, but I'm gonna give another, because she just has so much hate and disdain stored up in that gemstone, ahah-
I have a silly OC headcanon that half-Gem Jean Maverick ends up introducing the game of billiards to Gemkind at Little Homeschool. Well, a modified version of the game that's about scoring points for the most mathematically "sick AF" shots eventually ends up spreading like wildfire across the galaxy proper, and plenty of Morganite's lackeys are sucked into it, playing it constantly. Thus, she really, really fucking hates billiards. It's constantly distracting her troops from their duties. Yet another way that damned hybrid keeps thwarting her plans.
54- What’s their instinct in a fight / flight / freeze / fawn situation?
Oh, absolutely fight.
With the circumstances she's lived through (a viscous war, a life partner defecting to join rebels, one's diamond being shattered and having to be re-assigned and rebuild one's reputation under a new leader-) she's easily paranoid, and always wide alert. You really do NOT want to sneak up on her, or spring anything unexpected.
Tourmaline- (rebel Tourmaline is soooo my scrunklie)
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28- What do they tell people they want? What do they actually want?
Courtier era Tourmaline tells people that she wants to be seen as the most intelligent, knowledgeable Gem in the room. Tourmalines are like... the bookkeepers, the ones who actually WRITE the history- at their Diamonds' behest, of course- and so it is their duty to be in the Know about everything happening around them at all times.
In reality though, all Tourmaline really wants is to make people laugh. To enjoy lasting conversation. To make an impression. For so, so many years, other Gems only saw her as like... a tool, a means to access knowledge, just a living repository for facts, but she wants people to gravitate to her because of who she IS, not what she can give.
35- What is the smallest morally questionable choice they’ve made?
The SMALLEST morally questionable choice? Well... hmm. I mean, she was a strategist in a war, so there were plenty of BIG morally questionable choices... but small?
The reason why these memes are so fun is that sometimes they inspire me to pull shit right out of my ass on the spot. Anyways, one day Tourmaline was sharpening her sword in Bismuth's forge at her permission and accidentally like, broke one of her tools.
She never fessed up to it, and eventually one of Bismuth's weapon smith apprentices gets blamed for it instead.
42- If invited to a TED Talk, what topic would they present on? What would the title of their presentation be?
"Rejuvenated, But By Choice This Time: How To De-program Yourself From Gem Society In Ten Easy Steps"
It's a comedy TED Talk about her own experience in defecting from Homeworld and joining the Crystal Gems that also ends up tackling some Real and Raw topics lol. Probably a talk you'd see given as part of some evening programing at Little Homeschool.
Jean Maverick- (I still eternally love this lovely art my friend @cynthi-arts did for me of them)
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22- What simple activity that most people do / can do scares your character?
Eating food freely without having to scrounge over the nutrition labels to look at ingredients. Like damn, how do these people live?
The reason why is that Jean has a gluten intolerance- it's not... entirely so bad that it's a full-out allergy, but life is simply easier if they go to the effort of avoiding it as much as they can. This is a big reason why they always envied Gems growing up, in how they don't need to eat or drink or sleep to remain operational- just access to light.
Jean really wishes they weren't saddled down with this half-human bit a lot, suffice it to say. Surely everything would be sooo much easier if they were just a Gem. (So they believe.)
31- When do they feel the most guilt? How do they respond to it?
In the wake of drastic events that come far later, Jean ends up saddled with guilt in how they handled their first encounter with Morganite. They feel that Little Homeworld and Beach City wouldn't have come under such fire if they had acted more decisively that day- poofed her, perhaps, instead of simply cornering her to be ultimately led off in the custody of Homeworld reform officers.
Their way of dealing with all this stress and the needless what-ifs is by completely wearing themself to the bone around the clock in the manhunt for Morganite after her vicious attack on Little Homeworld/Beach City. Jean simply cannot rest until this loose end is tied up completely, and they will absolutely face negative bodily repercussions due to this.
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mufos-photo-album · 27 days
The Spearmaster, dressed up as his primary design inspirations
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If you like reading, I've included commentary about the Spearmaster's inspirations below the cut.
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I don't have as much to say about the Spearmaster's design compared to the Swordmaster, since his design doesn't stray that far from Piripu's base design. The biggest departure is the mane the Spearmaster has, which is directly inspired by Goku's (of Dragon Ball, if I needed to tell you) Super Saiyan 3 design. The thing is, I never referenced the SS3 design at all when first drawing the Spearmaster, so his hairstyle is moreso based on my vague memory of what super saiyans with long hair look like. As a result, the Spearmaster's hair looks a lot softer than Goku's, which is so spiky. Not something I'm upset about, but I do find it very funny.
Ah right, there's also the second guy in the drawing — Bobby from the Deadcells animated trailers. He's technically called the Beheaded but Bobby is the named used for the guy in the trailers. From the start I knew I wanted the Spearmaster to be cool, but I also wanted him to be charming (an aspect which may not carry visually all the time but one I try to keep in mind while writing). In the animated trailers, Bobby depicted equal parts cool and equal parts silly. Can hold himself up in a fight, but no doubt has an arrogant/cocky side that leads him to, for lack of better words, eat shit. I think there's also something somewhere about Bobby having a flair for the dramatic. Some of these aspects are reflected in how I see the Spearmaster. Goku also has some charming aspects about him but I can only describe them in vaguer terms. Like, look at the reference photo I put in the image above. Doesn't his smile scream "It's me, Goku!"?
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These characters have more to do with how I see the Spearmaster carrying himself in battle as opposed to more mundane situations.
Kyoko Sakura, from Puella Magi Madoka Magica: Probably the character that solidified my choice in making Piripu the Spearmaster after realizing Sayaka was an inspiration for the Swordmaster. Kyoko has a specific lunging attack she does which I often imagine the Spearmaster doing as well.
Morganite, from Land of the Lustrous: When thinking about how the Spear/Swordmaster fight, there was this one video I'd watch a lot as reference. It mainly features Morganite fighting alongside their partner Goshanite. Aside from the swaggy animation, I'll point out that the dialogue between Morganite and Goshanite is very similar to how I see an exchange between the Sword/Spearmaster going. Morga/Gosha even have vaguely similar color schemes to the Spear/Swordmaster!
Bort, also from Land of the Lustrous: As you might see from the reference photo of them I used, Bort's hair lends itself to making very unique shapes while Bort is in action. I forget where in the manga this scene appears, but there's a moment where Bort is depicted descending upon an enemy, but its shot from afar. Despite the distance, you can still tell its them from the abstract shape of their hair. This aspect is something I'd like to tap into if I drew the Spearmaster in action.
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pacthesis · 7 months
if ur like me and was wondering why does it seem like engagement rings are limited to diamond, moissanite, ruby, sapphire
the answer is cause they are hard
other stones for daily wear may need to be replaced down the line and/or handled more carefully apparently
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but i've been wearing an aquamarine (beryl) ring nearly daily on my dominant hand for the past 6 months and so far so good but i clean it like once a week and tbh im careful and baby it lol
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if ur heart's set on emerald / morganite / aquamarine etc its worth a shot?
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if ur curious about any stone you can look up "(rock name) mohs hardness"
apparently be prepared to replace anything below 8.5 for a daily wear ring in the long run
7 and below is suited for babied rings or necklaces/earrings
(quartz is in dirt so probably remove rings when gardening lol)
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servegrilledcheese · 1 year
💕 self-love time! talk about which ones of YOUR creations (edits, artworks, fanfics) you like the most then send to other sim-blogs to do the same 💕
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my 7k follower sim drop. possibly the best group of sims i've ever made, ever. also sad to say that it's probably all downhill from here.
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avani's boutique, which essentially serves as a time capsule for every outfit avani has ever worn during the morganite generation.
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my cc-free all-occult sim drop. my second-best sim drop ever imo. idk what altered my brain chemistry in 2022 that made me produce two of the best sim drops in my entire simblr career but i desperately want it back.
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romeo monty and juliette cap as leonardo dicaprio and claire danes as romeo montague and juliet capulet. i remember this being a manic caffeine-induced hallucination that manifested into a cas session that manifested into this edit.
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this fukcing guy
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araújo cousins family portrait. i love how i framed the shot and i love the combination of poses that i used. they blend together so seamlessly that you can't even notice that they're two entirely different pose packs.
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avani araújo's pink and white wedding. i replayed this entire goddamned wedding ten times just to make sure everyone acts right and also to get multiple shots. an incredibly draining experience but ultimately made gorgina screenshots.
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