#zzz sixth street
lezzzstargirl · 3 months
this cinematic warmed my heart so much. i love wise and belle. their bond and relationship as siblings is so sweet and warm and real and the way they encourage each other, look out for each other... they love each other so dearly... ah!! best siblings! love them both!!!
also, Shepherd is great too
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zenzonezero · 3 months
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Word on Sixth Street
Issue 1 - Catnip
from twitter
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[Word on Sixth Street] Issue 3
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nicknaysayer · 1 month
Apparently, in addition to lip-reading, Lycaon is also well-versed in Shadow Clone jutsu …
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dranihally · 2 months
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I've been obsessed with Zenless Zone Zero the past week and a half. My problem however is that my favorite character is Elfy who's one of the Sixth Street NPCs. I hope she becomes playable one day.
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dangerouscakes · 2 months
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stellaronstyle · 7 days
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unaplays · 3 months
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mdhwrites · 2 months
Zenless Uses Mechanical Pacing/Styling Like Red Dead 2 Used Animation Speed
I think something a lot of people agree with about ZZZ is that it feels cozy. That it feels like a place you'd want to hang out at. That you want to try hitting up Godfinger, or get to watch Mr. Chop at work first hand too, etc. like that. I would argue this is far and away more true than even with a lot of other gacha games... But why? Nothing ZZZ does is revolutionary after all so what allows it to cultivate this vibe?
It is in the pacing of everything. The fact that when you spend too much time grinding for materials, it kicks you out so your MC can take a nap. How a cutscene plays when you get coffee or a bowl of noodles. How instead of just going to a menu to access this stuff like with HSR's assignments, you have to go back to your own video store, talk to your Bangboo and assign them not to nebulous tasks but to making sure your business gets promoted. There is a flavor and texture to these things that is actually built of inconvenience that makes it not quite feel like real life but how one imagines real life in an anime world would be like. More fun, vibrant and exciting but you still do have to wait for your coffee to finish getting made.
Red Dead Redemption 2 is famous for doing something similar to this with its animations. So as to immerse you in its vibe, it makes everything take FOREVER. Not literally be the amount it would take in real life but evocative of that work. However, friction there adds weight to all of your actions. Adds to understanding the labors of Arthur Morgan. It is not meant to be cozy but at best cathartic, at worst like a proper day's work. That doesn't quite line up with ZZZ's goals, does it?
That's where the small touches come into play. You stay up all night gaming at the arcade? Hey, they have complimentary breakfast and free rooms for you to crash in. Your noodles aren't done in a regular manor but by an over the top demon man with mechanical arms. Even more purely mechanical, more numbers intensive things like crunching down equipment and making new ones is done in a music parlor where you listen to records on vinyl. What it evokes the most with all of this is the Gathering Hubs of Monster Hunter. The grand orchestration of the cat chefs, the endless line of metal and work at the blacksmith, etc. like that. None of it seems like work, at least in Monster Hunter World, but people doing it for the love of the craft and like we're all here for sport and entertainment, not because it's actually much of a hassle. This is why I know people, and I will often do it too, who still to this day watch the cooking animation for every meal in Monhun and I actually make sure to do it in ZZZ too to help make sure I still connect with this vibe.
This is not a perfect goal. Not by any means. Part of how they have attempted to achieve this is through the pacing of mechanics. Everything needs a proper introduction that's metered out so as to avoid the game EVER feeling overwhelming. It also needs to be introduced with its own place in the world so if a place is locked off to a different area... Good luck. They did break this with the HIA Club but ONLY it and if they hadn't, it would have been another five hours, when it already takes a long time, to get to being allowed to use your energy in any way because of where it's located in the world. It also knows it can't introduce the grind up front which is why instead of getting to spend energy, the game's first activities on Sixth Street are eating noodles and playing Snake Eater with Billy at Godfinger. It's introducing mechanics but it's prioritizing vibe over mechanical usefulness. It is a mixed blessing because it's trying to get you invested first like it should but it's struggling to know how to pace that.
I think this is part of why there are so many level gates in 1.0's content. You have to get to level THIRTY. SIX. to clear the main story. That's over half the account levels in the entire game. However, if they didn't slow you down, you'd never engage with the small side quests on the streets, or in the Hollows, that will help endear you to the setting and help solidify its tone before you're done with the main content. More charitably, it also tries to imply that ZZZ is a more chill experience. That it's not trying to rush you. Too bad that I kind of need to get to Proxy level 50 so I can max out my character levels and have any chance of clearing like ANY of the limited time Shiyu Defense content they've put out currently so that pressure is still being applied in places that are just copy and pasted from other Hoyo games.
It is messy and unique, like so much of ZZZ. I don't really say any of this as either praise or condemnation but just to dissect it. To see how it works because flourishes like these matter. Even in regular books, with no mechanics, the sort of strength of language, the shade of purple of the prose and what the story focuses on can cause different vibes. A soft, low stakes romance is probably going to spend a decent amount of time just with our two leads being in pleasant situations and not even panicking. A more whirlwind romance might make everything really intense to try and sell the emotion its going for. Meanwhile, something that's meant to be dramatic and teases to potentially end in tragedy will tinge most scenes with a small bit of intrigue and try to make sure the audience never really gets to sit entirely at ease, not until the calm before the storm that brings it all crashing down.
These are tools in your toolbox and your audience will like them or not. For me, I find them to be a mixed bag. Something I loved when there was a lot to do and now something that makes the time between patches feel more straining on my patience with the game. What are your thoughts though? Do you find ZZZ cozy or does the pacing frustrate you? And as always, see you next tale.
I have a public Discord for any and all who want to join!
I also have an Amazon page for all of my original works in various forms of character focused romances from cute, teenage romance to erotica series of my past. I have an Ao3 for my fanfiction projects as well if that catches your fancy instead. If you want to hang out with me, I stream from time to time and love to chat with chat.
A Twitter you can follow too
And a Kofi if you like what I do and want to help out with the fact that disability doesn’t pay much.
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lezzzstargirl · 3 months
Sixth Street 🌇, reel by unaplays
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Well. People seemed surprisingly enthusiastic about my Billy/OC fic. Ask and I shall deliver!
You can also read the fic on AO3! I have a lot of ZZZ oc things in mind, and you'll be able to find them all in one place over there!
As fate would have it, the biggest Starlight Knight fan-droid in all of New Eridu meets one of the artists behind the series! Luckily for him, she finds him quite endearing (and honestly really hot).
Waterfall Soup was wrapping up lunch rush during bright and sunny afternoon on New Eridu’s Sixth Street. Its owner, General Chop, noticed the last customer of the hour from the corner of his eye. 
A young woman with deep purple hair and a turquoise varsity jacket held out her bowl, completely empty except for a small puddle of broth. 
The short, stout man with bright red skin exhaled a small laugh from his nose. “You don’t have to try handing me the bowl every time, Lydia. I can grab it no problem,” Chop insisted as one of his mechanical bamboo arms extended and swiped the bowl out of her hands. 
Lydia rolled her silver eyes with a playful smirk. “Well excuse me for wanting to be a considerate customer.” 
“Hey, now. I never said it wasn’t appreciated.” Chop grinned with a light shrug. “I’m guessing you’re gonna spend the rest of the afternoon on Sixth Street?” 
“That’s the plan!” The purple haired woman stood up from her seat, grabbing a silver tablet lying on the counter. “I wanted to browse Box Galaxy to see if they still have a figure in stock, and try sketching some of the cats that congregate around— here…” Lydia’s pleasant expression froze into slight concern. She unfolded her tablet’s keyboard case, shuffled through her small backpack, then used a stool to support herself as she crouched onto the ground.  
“… Is something wrong?” 
“Nothing too major, at least not yet,” Lydia bit her lower lip. “My tablet pen must’ve fallen when I got my food. It couldn’t have rolled off too far, do you think?” 
General Chop’s face scrunched up, unsure. “Do you have a clue what direction it went?” 
“Well… given I sat on the very end here, and pens like to roll in circles…” The woman traced a rounded line from right to left. “I’m guessing it’s down by the newsstand or arcade. I just hope someone didn’t pick it up or trip on it—“ 
On cue, the loudest clang and crunch erupted from across the street. Most of the civilians nearby, Lydia and Chop included, covered their ears and/or slightly flinched. 
“What the— did someone drop an anvil or something?!” Long, purple waves swung side to side as Lydia tried to find the source of the noise. The only thing out of place were… a pair of legs sprawled out behind Howl’s newsstand. She couldn’t see who they belonged to, just the black jeans and slip-on shoes they wore— a lone silver knee pad on the right, nothing wrapped around it. 
General Chop inhaled through his teeth. “Definitely some heavy metal, I can confirm that much. That snapping sound doesn’t bode well, either.”
“It really doesn’t…” Lydia put her tablet back in her bag, swinging it across her shoulders. “Let me check it out. If they need to be propped up, can I bring them here?” 
The stout chef crossed his own arms, one of the bamboo ones giving a thumbs up. “You don’t even have to ask.” 
The woman nodded with a small salute before dashing across the street. She rested one hand on the newsstand building, the other stretched out to whoever fell down. “Hey, you ok? You need an ambulance or—“ 
The arm she held out fell slightly limp. 
In front of her, on the ground, was a robot. As real as real could possibly get. It wasn’t too rare to see androids around New Eridu— but not one roaming the city streets on their own! Aside from a body and face of jet black metal… they looked mostly human. Platinum white, synthetic hair styled up high and flashy, a bright red jacket with a small sheriff’s star pin, pale gray and shockingly toned abs— Wait, why did a robot have abs? Why was this guy (given the pretty masculine appearance) walking around practically shirtless? Not a complaint by any means, just… surprising. 
Lydia blinked, shaking her head. For the love of— don’t ogle someone’s abs when they might be knocked out! She stepped around, sitting on her knees to look the android over. No real nose or mouth… but the obvious eyelights shut off. Definitely not a good indicator. Pursing her lips together, Lydia tapped the android’s shoulders, then his forehead. Without any response, she exhaled a small, stressed huff. It felt weird to say, but robots had some sort of power button or something, right? Maybe he just needed to be turned back on again. 
Sure enough, Lydia spotted a large, golden button shaped like a diamond. Right in between jet black pecs and those silver abs. Her eyes widened, cheeks slightly flushed. “Oh no… don’t tell me…” She held a hand to her face, taking a deep breath. “It’s not weird! I’m just checking if the robot’s conscious. I’m not gonna fondle his chest, or anything like that! Just press the button and see if something happens. And hope I don’t reset him somehow.” 
Lydia shook out her hands, slowly moving one of them towards the button. Two fingers swiftly pressed down, instantly coming back to her chest. 
Finally, after agonizing seconds of anticipation, bright golden eyes flickered on. They narrowed in confusion and slight pain as the android sat himself up. “Woah, man. I did not expect to fall that hard,” He glanced behind him at the ground, an expressive voice coming from… somewhere. 
“Holy shit, it actually worked.” 
The robot’s shoulders jumped up slightly, his head whipping back around to see the source of the new voice. The first thing he noticed were two star-shaped clips holding up a small portion of dark purple hair, the rest in a low ponytail. Some loose strands around her forehead framed a lightly tanned face with dumbfounded, silver eyes. The kind of silver you’d see in the stars… 
Was this woman sitting by him the whole time?!
A jet black hand slowly rose up with a light wave. “Uh… hi.” 
Lydia waved back. “Hi. Are you… feeling alright?” 
“Yeah, I would say so.” 
“How far back can you remember?” 
“Huh?! Well… I don’t know if I can unpack all of that on the spot, but—“
“Oh thank god, I didn’t give you amnesia!” The purple haired woman nearly sunk into the street, her hands clasping at a purple tie wrapped in a loose bow at her chest. “I guess when you fell, you were unconscious for a minute— I just saw the button in the middle of your chest and prayed it might get you up and running again.” 
The android looked down at the said button, then back at his apparent rescuer. “So… you turned me back on?” 
THE PHRASING. Lydia inhaled tightly. “Yyyyep! That’s all I did though! I didn’t touch anything else, I swear.” 
“I mean, I don’t feel anything else… ‘xcept for my butt being a little sore.” 
“Ah geez, I can only imagine— hold on. You can… feel touch? You can feel pain?!” 
“Mhm. As you can probably guess, I’m pretty durable, so it takes a lot to actually hurt me. I usually wince out of surprise more than anything.” 
“I see… So you’re pretty sure you don’t have a concussion or anything?” 
“I don’t think I can get concussions.” Jet black fingers with crimson joints ran through platinum white hair. “But I appreciate the concern! Uh… Miss?”
The purple haired woman let out a small laugh. “All of this and I didn’t even tell you my name yet!” She pushed stray hair out of her face before offering out a hand. “I’m Lydia.”
“Lydia… that’s a pretty name,” The android nodded slowly, just kinda. Staring at her. 
“Um… Aren’t you gonna tell me yours?” 
“Oh, yeah! It’s Billy. Billy Kid.”
“Huh. Cuter than I expected,” Lydia muttered to herself as Billy finally shook her hand. Yep. That’s a robot hand if she’s ever felt one. A very firm… yet gentle grip. “Well, it’s nice to meet you, Billy! Here, let me help you back up—“ 
“No, no, I’m fine! I don’t want your arms to fall out from pulling too hard.” 
“Are you really that heavy? I guess you must be if your fall was so… loud…” Lydia paused as she realized she was back on her feet, Billy holding both of her hands. The only thing breaking the awkward silence was the soft whrrrrr of fans. 
Holy shit, he was tall. She only stood eye-level to the button on his chest… which was only inches away from her. Lydia did her best to look away and not seem so perverted— but in her defense, she noticed something. Slightly covered by his jacket was a small, yellow emoticon with a cartoony dead expression and blood spewing out its head, “HEADSHOT” written below it in sharp, capital letters. Guess that meant even robots could get tattoos? 
Only when Lydia looked up to see Billy gazing back down at her, he finally broke away. And by broke away, he shoved himself back with his arms practically flailing. “S-sorry about that!” 
“No, you’re good! You got me back up all on your own, I was just. Surprised it happened so fast.” Lydia rubbed the back of her neck with a sheepish laugh. “But don’t move around too much though. Tripping again wouldn’t be fun.” 
“You’ve got a point there… what did I even trip on, anyway?” The android looked back down on the ground to see… something thin and silver, perfectly split in two. Well, save for the microchips unsheathed. 
Lydia’s shoulders dropped. “Ah. That’s where my pen went.” 
“Wait— that’s yours?!” Billy immediately pressed his hands together over his head with a deep bow. “Oh my gosh, I’m so sorry!” 
The purple haired woman held out her hands in reassurance. “Hey, it’s ok! I’m sorry it made you trip!” Lydia kept a calm smile as she crouched back down and picked up the remains of her pen. “It sucks that it broke, but I can buy a replacement no problem.” 
Billy froze, hesitantly fidgeting with his hands. “Uh… how much would a replacement be? Admittedly I don’t have much money on me right now, but—“ 
Lydia pointed at him with one of the pen fragments, a pleasantly stern gleam in her eyes. “You’re not paying me back for an accident, mister. Not a single denny!” She looked back down at the pieces with a small shrug. “I can get one on my way back home later tonight. Guess I won’t get to sketch the kitties, though.”
The robot tilted his head, oddly doglike. “You draw?” 
“That I do!” Without much warning, Lydia turned on her heel towards the closest bench, motioning Billy to follow. While he hesitantly sat down next to her, she moved her backpack onto her lap, getting her tablet back out. Lydia patted closer to her as she handed him the device, the screen illuminated with all sorts of sketches of dynamic poses, casual passersby, and several adorably squishy bangboo. 
Awkwardness instantly melted away as Billy grabbed the tablet for a closer look. “Woaaaaaaaaah, these are all so good! Y’know, some of these poses kinda remind me of—“ Whatever he was about to say next was interrupted by the loudest gasp Lydia ever heard. He pointed at a series of sketches on screen, of several figures in superhero costumes and star-shaped helmets. “YOU’RE A STARLIGHT KNIGHT FAN TOO?! Holy moly, it’s like they’re living on the page!”
“Aww, thanks! I would hope I can draw them pretty well, considering that’s my whole job.”
The android dropped the tablet into his lap. “… Your job is to what?” 
“Oh— well, I’m a storyboard artist! Also an art director, but—“
“No way. No! Way! You’re Lydia Hatch?!” 
“You remember my name from the credits?!”
“Of course I do!” Yet again, Billy’s expressiveness radiated through his entire being. Sparkles practically grew off him as he grabbed Lydia’s hands together. “I can’t believe I’ve met a goddess of creation! I know this is super sudden but can I please have your autograph? You can do it right here! On my jacket! Anywhere’s fine!” Just like that, he took the jacket off, his metallic arms and torso in all their lean and shining glory. 
Lydia’s jaw hung open for. Several reasons. 
A hot robot man called her a goddess… Pretty damn good trade-off for a broken pen. 
Solid yellow eyes drooped just slightly as Billy sheepishly brought his jacket closer to his chest. “Uh… you ok? Sorry, was I too mu—“
“Oh— no, you’re fine!” His newfound goddess shook her head, shyly running her fingers through her hair. “I was just surprised by your enthusiasm— not in a bad way at all, though! I’m really honored you like my work on the series that much. I don’t want to get your jacket stained with ink, and I don’t have any fabric pens on me… but I can definitely jot down my signature real quick.” 
Lydia snatched her tablet off the robot’s lap, placing it back in her backpack. She rummaged through it for a moment, pulling out a small notebook and stationery case. Opening to a fresh page, then unzipping the case for a lining pen (the kind with actual ink this time), she sketched out line after line, shapes building rapidly on top of each other. 
Billy slowly scooched closer, peeking over her shoulder as he put his jacket back on. If watching her draw wasn’t enticing enough, the way those starlight silver eyes kept glancing up at him, and then back down at the notepad was… almost like a tease. 
It took him longer than he’d like to admit to realize who Lydia was drawing. “Is that… me?” 
“Yep! It’s not as clean as my usual stuff since this is more on the fly, but how could I not draw someone as striking as you?” 
She thinks I’m striking?! 
The gentle hum of fans whirred once more, Billy’s vision glazing over slightly as Lydia jotted actual writing down next to her quick portrait of him. She cleanly ripped out the page, offering it out to him with a dazzling smile. “Here you go!”
Metallic hands trembled, slowly reaching out for such an invaluable artifact. When he finally grasped the paper in his hands, Billy’s entire body began to vibrate from sheer elation. 
Lydia blinked, gripping the bench a little harder to prevent bumping off of it. “I’m… guessing that means you like it?” 
The android pressed the note to his cheek, snuggling it tightly. “I love it! I love it, I love it, I love it so much!! It’s like looking in a mirror! But even cooler! I’m gonna frame it as soon as I get back ho—“ Billy paused, pointing at the paper’s lower corner. “What’s all of this scribbled next to your autograph?”
Silver eyes shifted into an amused blank stare. “That’s. My phone number. Plus my internet and inter-knot handles.” 
“You’re giving me your contact information?!” 
“Of course! You’re very sweet and fun to talk to,” Lydia shrugged with a soft hum. “Plus, we’ve chatted for this long. I'd say it's the start of a friendship.” 
Some sort of sound escaped the robot man— it was hard to tell what kind, though. Billy quickly shoved a hand into his jacket, rummaging inside it before grumbling. “Ah, crap. Nicole hasn’t printed out new cards yet.” 
Business cards, perhaps? He actually worked somewhere? 
Lydia chuckled softly. “You don’t need to hand me anything that professional. Just shoot me a message letting me know it’s you.” 
“Oh… uh, ok! I can definitely do that!” Metallic hands gave confident thumbs’ up before flinching at a sudden burst of… the Starlight Knight intermission jingle? Billy whipped out a smartphone from small brown bag strapped to his leg, his eyes panicked for a moment seeing whoever was calling him. Nonetheless, he responded as cheerful as ever. “Yo, Boss!” 
“Billy, you were supposed to meet our client at the cafe 5 minutes ago!” Another woman’s voice, presumably this “Nicole” he mentioned, blasted from the phone’s speaker in frustration. “You didn’t sneak off to Godfinger again, did you?” 
“What? No, I’d never do that! … Again!” The android glanced down at Lydia, his other hand clenched slightly. “I just— I ran into something. And someone. But it’s settled now! I’ll head to the cafe asap.” 
“You better!” Nicole huffed before hanging up, leaving Billy to shyly scoot off the bench. 
“Uh. I gotta go…” 
“That’s fine! I wouldn’t want to keep your client waiting more than I already have,” Lydia snapped a finger gun with a small wink. “Good luck, ok?” 
Oh, if only someone could pinch Billy properly. He nodded his head rapidly before jumping off the bench. “If I’ve been blessed by a Starlight Goddess today, my luck is already through the roof!” He gave a small salute with his fingers, clearly copying the SK sendoff-pose. “I’ll send you a text as soon as I can!” 
“I’m looking forward to it!” Lydia waved as the android dashed for Sixth Street’s coffee shop. It honestly sucked he had to leave so soon… but watching him go was a pleasant surprise. 
The captivated smirk fell from her face when she actually processed her thoughts. Goddamn, when was the last time she was this attracted to someone?! Of all the people she’s been curious to date, the robot got her going the fastest? 
Lydia looked at the broken pen pieces in her bag, digging them back out. She laughed to herself, twirling a strand of her hair around her finger. “Well, I’ve always been into dorky studs.” 
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ssupod · 9 days
Episode 4: 1.2 Special Program - Chili de Inferno
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EXO Variety Shows (2020-2022)
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Travel the World on EXO's Ladder S3 (EXO)
Brand New Acorn Market (EXO)
Chen FM (EXO)
hello82 (Xiumin, Suho, Chen)
It’s Live (Suho, Chen)
Amazing Saturday (Xiumin)
Beat Coin (Xiumin)
Street Alcohol Fighter (Xiumin)
Jonathan Youtube Interview (Xiumin)
Chuu Can Do It (Xiumin)
After Zzz… (Xiumin)
Besties in Wonderland (Suho)
King of Masked Singer (Suho)
Hidden Singer 7 (Suho)
Lee Mujin Service (Suho)
Hey News (Suho)
No Doubt TV (Suho)
Back to Field S6 (Lay)
Hello, Saturday (Lay)
The Rap of China (Lay)
MMTG (Chen)
Dive Studios (Chen)
Off The Grid (D.O.)
Give me a minute (D.O.)
Radio Star (D.O. - mention)
KAI’s Bucket List (Kai)
Blockbuster: Brick War of Geniuses (Kai)
The Game Caterers S2 (Sehun)
Street Man Fighter (Sehun)
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EXO Arcade S2 (EXO)
Knowing Bros (Xiumin, Kai)
Radio Star (Xiumin, D.O. - mention)
Busted S3 (Sehun, Suho)
Devil Wears Jungnam (Kai, Sehun)
Xiumin's Tomorrow, A Tennis King (Xiumin)
Amazing Saturday (Xiumin)
Drink with God (Xiumin)
Painful Date S2 (Xiumin)
Hurrah for Independence (Xiumin)
Where is My Home? (Xiumin)
Back to Field S5 (Lay)
Street Dance of China S4 (Lay)
Dance Smash S2 (Lay)
Youth and Melody (Lay)
A Date with Winter Dream (Lay)
New Business Card (Lay)
MMTG (Baekhyun)
Law of the Jungle (Chanyeol)
I Live Alone (Kai)
New World (Kai)
Kai's Bucket List (Kai)
Honeymoon Tavern (Kai)
Idol Dictation Contest S1 (Kai)
Sixth Sense S2 (Kai)
hello82 (Kai)
Job Dongsan (Kai)
Ggoggomoo S2 (Kai)
The TakFather (Kai)
Dingo (Kai)
Food Comes After Hard Work (Kai)
House on Wheels (Sehun)
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Workman (EXO)
Choiza Road S3 (EXO-SC)
After Zzz.. (EXO-SC, Kai)
Knowing Bros (EXO-SC, Baekhyun + Kai)
Amazing Saturday (Baekhyun + Chanyeol + Kai, Suho, Kai)
Heart For You (Suho, Chanyeol, Sehun)
Things That Make Me Groove (Xiumin, Baekhyun)
hello82 (Baekhyun + Kai)
Radio Star (Xiumin - mention)
Happy Camp (Lay)
Only 3 Days (Lay)
Street Dance of China S3 (Lay)
New Year’s Eve Dinner (Lay)
Go Fighting S6 (Lay)
I'm CZR S2 (Lay)
Dance Smash S2 (Lay)
We Are Young (Lay)
Yoo Heeyeol’s Sketchbook (Suho)
ODG (Suho)
I Play Alone (Baekhyun)
You Quiz On The Block (Baekhyun)
Heart For You (Chanyeol)
Stay Body Luv (Kai)
Hey Jini (Kai)
Comedy Big League (Kai)
Look Me Up (Kai)
The Adventures of Young-Ji (Kai)
I Live Alone (Sehun)
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draconicfool · 2 months
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@acr3ss-the-cosmos asked: Sitting alone at one of the outdoor tables belonging to Sixth Street's Coffee Shop was a female fox Thiren with a cream and brown tail and hair, idly scrolling through her phone. She wouldn't start work for another hour, so she and her friend had decided to meet for coffee together in the morning before they both began their respective jobs for the day. If any passersby were to glance over at her, however, they would immediately notice that her uniform was reminiscent of a housemaid from the old civilization: a tell-tale sign that she was employed with Victoria Housekeeping. One of her fluffy ears swiveled as it picked up the sound of a familiar voice, and she perked her head up to see her friend, a small, pink-haired Draconid nearly the same height as herself, walking down the street towards her direction. She smiled widely as she put her phone away in her dress pocket. "Eros!" Chenhua waved over at him, tail swishing in happiness as she called out to the little dragon who had become like a brother to her. "Over here! I've already saved a table for us." ((heehoo here's zzz chenhua for u :3 ))
He'd been calling to Li'l Boo when his voice was heard, those amethyst eyes immediately locking onto Chenhua. The small fox Thiren had become so quickly like a sibling to him- and a best friend even more than that. Given his work- and how others tended to describe him as accident prone and reckless- Eros didn't have many of those outside of work.
The Draconid really couldn't stop his tail from wagging as he approached. Removing his hands from the pockets of his oversized jacket and running over to hug her. A soft laugh escaping him before he went to take his seat. Really, looking at him one would hardly believe he worked for a construction company. Yet the white outfit he wore accented with 'caution tape' and safety motifs were sure to give away his occupation as a member of Belobog Heavy Industries.
How the pair had become friends would stump anyone from the outside looking in. But really, Eros didn't seem to care that they were an odd pair. He just knew he adored the younger woman.
"Oh, y'er th' best~! Thanks f'er comin' t' see me b'fore we both have stuff on our plates." His voice came out a purr as he spoke, grinning from ear to ear already. "How've ya been, sugar~?"
we plotted this. a little. kinda.
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wrxthfulguard · 2 months
Had this idea for a while.
Maybe it's just me playing a lot of H/oyoverse games, but I've been wanting to do more with my Modern! AU, and so this idea for a subverse came into mind while playing their newest mobile game, Zenless Zone Zero:
An subverse set in that exact game's universe!
The story behind this subverse AU is set in ZZZ's timeline, in which Don is forced to leave Atlanta due to the hollows emerging in random parts of the city, and thus it's unsafe to live near them in general.
He decides to move to New Eridu, where he hopes to resume his job as a private detective after learning of the many cases regarding the hollows, but as he explores Sixth Street (the game's hub level), walking into the 'Random Play' video rental store... And accidentally stumbles into the secret work of the main sibling duo as proxies.
Learning why they're proxies, Don agrees to keep their undercover job a secret... In return for knowledge about the hollows... And a part-time position at Random Play to help pay for rent for his apartment in the city.
From there, Don slowly becomes part of the game's main story, diving into the mysteries surrounding New Eridu and the hollows while crossing paths with the game's playable agents.
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eyesonworldcultures · 3 years
Healthy Habit From Other Countries
Spain: Take a Siesta
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Wander around the streets of Spain in the mid-afternoon and you’ll likely find that most shops are closed. That’s because the country still values the midday nap, called a siesta. The term stems from the Latin word for “sixth hour,” which traditionally fell around noon since the day started at dawn.
Obviously getting some extra zzz’s can make you feel more rested, but there are other physical health benefits, including better heart function, hormonal maintenance, and cell repair, according to a Greek study. Plus the downtime has mental health advantages: A 40-minute nap can improve performance by 34 percent and alertness by 100 percent, according to a NASA study. Even a 20- to 30-minute slumber has been shown to boost mood and reduce accidents.
Not all Spaniards actually sleep during this time — some just use it as an extended lunch break to step away from the grind of the workday. But even that has been scientifically proven to improve attention spans and focus.
Greece: Eat Your Veggies
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While the Mediterranean diet of whole grains, beans, nuts, fruits, and vegetables gets much of the hype, the healthy eating habit of the Greeks is actually much simpler than that: Eat your veggies — and a lot of them.
Greeks ingest the highest amount of vegetables in the world per capita, according to a Tufts University study. In fact, just one meal can include up to four servings of veggies — and since many are packed with dietary fiber, they help the body run in tip-top shape. And as an added bonus, vegetable-based diets have been shown to help lose weight. While the Greek salad, made up of tomatoes, cucumbers, bell peppers and olives is a popular choice, also try briám (a roasted tomato, potato, eggplant and zucchini dish) and ladera (oil-based veggie dishes).
Finland: Warm Up in a Sauna
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There are an estimated 5.3 million people in Finland — and 2 million saunas, proving just how important getting a good sweat is for the Finns. And they’re definitely onto something since it helps rejuvenate both the skin and heart.
For most people, a short amount of time in a sauna will elicit about a pint of sweat, according to Harvard Medical School. During that process the heart will pump almost double the amount of blood and redirect that extra blood to the skin, leading to a healthier glow and a stronger heart.
Many Finnish homes — even apartments — have their own saunas. The president and prime minister also have official ones. Local etiquette says to take off your clothes, shower, and then sit in the sauna for as long as you’re comfortable — about 15 to 20 minutes — and repeat the process until you feel renewed.
India: Spice Up Your Meals
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Those flavorful Indian meals aren’t just a treat for the taste buds — the wide array of spices also have varied health benefits.
As a prime Indian spice, cumin is packed with iron and has been associated with weight loss, while turmeric (another popular spice) contains antioxidants to ease pain and inflammation. Ginger has similar anti-inflammatory properties and can calm an upset stomach, while nutmeg has been shown to fight off bacteria. All three are often used in curry sauces, while turmeric is also used in pickles and chutney.
Meanwhile, saffron — one of the world’s most expensive spices — has a laundry list of benefits, including treating depression and easing PMS. It’s most commonly used to transform basmati rice into saffron rice.
Paraguay: Focus on the Positives
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Since 2015, Paraguay has topped the Gallup Global Emotions Report as the most positive nation on the planet. The South American landlocked nation of 7 million may seem like a surprising spot for happiness to prevail, but perhaps it comes down to a couple elements rooted in their native language of Guaraní.
First is the idea of “tranquilo pa” — the first part coming from tranquility in Spanish and adding on the Guarani “pa,” which gives it the connotation of a laid-back approach to life. Additionally, the language has no word for “tomorrow," meaning that they’re a focus on living in the moment and not worrying about the future, providing an overall more positive way of being.    
That positive mindset has major physical benefits. According to the Mayo Clinic, positive thinking leads to a greater resistance to the common cold, better cardiovascular health, and an increased life span.
  France: Ignore Your Email After Hours
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The incessant need to check work email after hours is curbed by the government in France, which passed a 2017 labor law that gives employees the “right to disconnect.” And adopting this habit isn’t just about work-life balance; it has positive mental health benefits as well.
The increasing expectation to check email around the clock has been shown to cause anxiety, according to a Virginia Tech study. The lack of boundaries has an adverse effect on the health of the employee, as well as their families since they’re not fully present.
And it’s not how much time is spent on email, but the expectation to be available that causes those detrimental effects. So put down the phone and relax — it can probably wait until Monday morning.
Japan: Make Meal Portions Pleasurable
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