#zutara month day 22
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Zutara Month 2024
Day 23
Prompt: No War AU
[ID: For me, the only difference is that they fall in love earlier.]

Zutara Month 2024 Day 22 Prompt: Disaster
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#beealexageek#beegeekart#zutara month#zutara month 2024#zk month#zk month 2024#zutara#zuko x katara#zuko#katara#firelord zuko#master katara#avatar the last airbender#atla#atla zuko#atla katara#my art#my style#my work#my artstyle#my artwork#fanart
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And we are back! I've four left to write and I've got this done! Kind of proud of me, took almost a year to finish last years Zutara Month for me. Anyways, here we go! (ignore the order, i have given up on these being in order...)
Day 20: Accidental Kisses
It's time for the International Peace Summit in the Southern Water Tribes. This means Sokka is going to insist on a hunt.
He wasn't prepared for the Zuko and Katara aftermath.
Day 21: Wrong Blind Dates
Toph has thoughts. She gets Aang to help her. Iroh completely supports this.
Day 24: "I wanted to but..."
Fire Lord Zuko is set to be wed to a ranking Fire Nation noblewoman. Katara finds she has no reason to remain in the Fire Nation. A touch of angst with a happy ending.
Day 29: Brightest in the Dark
Nights with no moon bring the worst nightmares for Katara. Fortunately, she finds light and comfort in the dark.
And there we go! More to come because I have big plans for the last one! Cheers!
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Alright I have decided that ALTA is my current hyperfixation after seeing so many videos on TikTok and Twitter (will NEVER call it X). Therefore, I drafted an entire timeline for the show with aged-up characters and Zutara endgame. Without further ado here is my idea:
Zuko – 16 (original) => 18/22
Sokka – 15 (original) => 17/21
Katara – 14 (original) => 16/20
Aang – 12 (original) => 14/18
Toph – 12 (original) => 14/18,
Suki – 15 (original) => 17/21
Azula – 14 (original) => 16/20
Winter Solstice (1st half of S1) – characters two years older
Same start as the show, Aang is told of Sozins Comet by Roku, of the power it holds and the destruction it left the last time it was over the world.
Norther Water Tribe (2nd half of S1)
This might take a little longer than in the show mainly bc the group stays in the NWT longer; they stay closer to eight months allowing Katara to surpass Pakku in waterbending (misogyny is still there). Sokka also is able to flex his brain muslces a bit more in military tactics by being part of the planning of dealing with the FN and how the NWT is gonna help (he gets them to send benders to where their father might be). Princess Yue still becomes the moon spirit…she in fact helps out Katara and Aang later on in the series. Zuko and Iroh have the same storylines happening, however, they might have a small head start being fugitives within the Earth Kingdom, Zuko starts some of his journey as the trio is still in the NWT.
Timeline is a year.
Earthbender Teacher (1st half of S2) – characters three years older (takes place over six months)
Same concept as the show, might have prolonged the moves around the Earth Kingdom closer six months. Think of them spending a few weeks in each location that they can with the added benefit of Azula/Ty Lee/Mai hunting them down. During the Anti-Avatar Day doesn’t get solved in a day but over a few weeks, the villagers are mad and they wish to be assholes. Plus they chase our Sokka and Katara after they arrest Aang, this forces the siblings to have a heart-to-heart about what they are doing. Once they get Aang back, they continue on like normal and meet Toph who is still the Blind Bandit, she is 13 when they meet. The talk with her family is a bit more uptight and formal, think nobility that thinks they are royalty and not just rich merchants (add an additional month onto this). Still run into Zuko/Iroh/Azula and have the BEST scene ever. Appa being taken still happens, Katara has to stop Aang in the Avatar State…the solar eclipse they discover takes place in a year.
Journey to Ba Sing Se (2nd half of S2) – takes place over eight months
Glaring difference is that Toph discovers Iroh and Zuko in the Lower Ring with their tea shop. She is unsure about what to do until Iroh sits down with her for some tea and explains things to her. From there everything else happens at a much slower pace, the King will still not see them, the Dai Li are still an evil organization, Azula still takes over Ba Sing Se, Zuko still betrays Katara in the catacombs, Aang is still killed, and Iroh is still taken prisoner.
Timeline is a year.
Road to Invasion (1st half of S3) – take places over a year
Aang is out for five months after being shot with lightning, the group hides in with the FN population. Katara becomes the Painted Lady, however, none of the group learns of her activities and she maintains the persona well after. She runs into the Blue Spirit along their stint across the FN. Zuko was brought back as a hero and then sent on a tour of some of the colonies closest to the FN where he maintains his Blue Spirit persona. Tour isn’t super long but during that time he learns this isn’t what he wants, Mai also is understanding and leaves with Ty Lee during the Day of the Black Sun arc. He also knows the Avatar is still alive (boy isn’t that stupid but he is still angsty). Katara still learns bloodbending, she is more harden in this version and she promises Aang not to do it anymore BUT she also takes a moment to think things over at night.
Sozin’s Comet (2nd half of S3) – takes place over a year
Same start to this arc. Zuko isn’t as awkward, but he still has trouble explaining what he means (boy is GUILTY). Katara still threatens to kill him. Instead of Combustion Man, FN soldiers find them bc Ozai told them to trail Zuko when he left to kill him. He saves the Gaang and starts to become his teacher. Boiling Rock happens bc of course it does but it takes place over an entire month, only this time Azula doesn’t have Mai and Ty Lee with her, she just had soldiers to help catch them. Zuko starts to see his sister slipping a bit (we still getting the Angi Kai though, Azula will just be a little more unstable). Southern Raiders happens and Katara kills the man bc he wasn’t that weak and defenseless as the show made it. Ember Island takes place over six months. Aang leaves soon after the Ember Island Players, for the first time (give it two weeks where he starts to work through his emotional intelligence). Aang with leave again, a month before the Comet which will have everything happen as it should. Ozai defeated, Azula defeated, Ba Sing Se reclaimed.
Timeline is two years.
Total timeline is four years.
Fifth Peace Summit – takes place over three weeks
Zuko – Fire Lord, 27
Sokka – Future Cheif of Southern Water Tribe, 26
Katara – Master Waterbender, Mater Healer, Ambassador for the Southern Water Tribe, 25
Suki – Head of Fire Lord Zuko’s Security Detail, Kyoshi Warrior Captain, 26
Toph – Beifong heiress, Master Earthbender, Master Metalbender, Creator of Beifong Metalbending Academy, 23
Aang – Avatar, Peacekeeper, Ambassador for the Air Nomads, 23
Azula – Fire Nation Princess, 25
Ursa – Fire Lady, age unknown
Iroh – Retired General, Fire Nation Councilman, Tea Shop Owner, age unknown
Zuko and Katara had a moment at Ember Island but once the war ended, they decided to work on their nations, to help bring about peace. They have not seen each other besides at the summits for the last four years, during the first year Katara stayed at the palace for six months healing Zuko’s new scar but left soon after to go back to the SWT to bridge the gap between the NWT. They have spoken via letters, spoke about their frustrations, dreams, and desires that they have for the new world. Their unspoken desire for each other has not faltered over the years and in fact was flamed via their written correspondence. While no one knew about their moment on Ember Island, their friends and family were not blind to what was going on between them.
#avatar the last airbender#katara#avatar aang#sokka#toph beifong#suki atla#zutara#fanfic#I have no idea where I did this#yet here we are
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delicate - chapters 10 & 11
In which you get not one, but two updates at the same time! Chapter 10 was posted on Thursday, May 12 and Chapter 11 was posted today on May 13. They were supposed to be combined into one chapter, but well, after ~12K plus words, I split it up.
To preview: Katara and Zuko deal with the aftermath of their confrontation with Zhao, learn more about each other in the process, and eventually decide to form a pretend attachment to help solve their problems.
Read Chapter 10 here
Read Chapter 11 here
#zutara#zuko x katara#zutara month 2022#zutara month day 22#partners in crime#zutara fanfiction#zutara fanfic#my fanfiction#my stuff#in which the author was shamelessly inspired by pride & prejudice + bridgerton
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Day 22: Blood Moon
Zuko follows the signs to Katara.
He had thought of her as the rain poured down around his home and brought in the fresh scent of fire lilies. Mai had long left him for a less depressing life. Suki had left to marry Sokka; Ty Lee led the Kyoshi warriors now. Aang visited him at peace summits every year. Toph visited much more often. One day he realized he hadn’t heard any news about Katara in ages, and it left him feeling hollow. Just when he toyed with the idea of writing to her, the heavens opened up and her element unexpectedly inundated his capital city.
He got the message from the universe loud and clear - write Katara.
So he wrote her, and she wrote back. Scroll after scroll passed between them, some short, some long, all of them cherished. While having tea with his uncle, he accepted a letter from Katara and read it right at the table.
“I’ve never known a piece of parchment to make a man smile so much,” his uncle commented with a raised eyebrow.
Zuko laughed nervously. Okay, so he had a crush on a waterbender worlds away. His uncle knew. His staff may have even suspected. “Katara sends her warmest regards. I told her you were visiting,” he replied.
“When are you going to invite her to the Fire Nation, my nephew?”
“That is no way to woo a young lady.”
“I’m not trying to woo her.”
“You should be. She is very extraordinary.”
“I know that.”
“And you like her. Don’t bother denying it, I know you do.”
Zuko said nothing. His silence was enough of an answer. He skimmed over his most recent letter from Katara, hoping to see anything that hinted at something more than friendship. They did flirt every once in a while - at least he thought it was flirting. Was it flirting if she said on her coldest nights she thought about the summer she spent with him? Or what about the time she joked, “Asking for my advice again, Fire Lord Zuko? Next time you better send me a necklace,” and he had replied, “I’ll make it my top priority to learn how to carve.”
Would she be receptive to staying in the Fire Nation? Would he even be able to see her much during her stay? He was always so busy. She was too. The waterbending school she’d worked tirelessly on was opening at the end of the week. Was the Fire Lord even allowed to take a break? Things had calmed down since he first took the throne, but they weren’t nearly calm enough.
“Let’s talk about something else.”
“Very well, but sleep on the matter. An intimate friend is the hardest to find. You and Katara always seemed to understand each other so well. Do not keep her away because you’re afraid of your feelings for her.”
He slept on it, as his uncle suggested, and dreamed of the house on Ember Island. He was standing at the water’s edge, staring out at the sea. Behind him, he heard laughter. He didn’t have to see the woman to know whose laughter it was.
When he woke, his mind was made up. He was going to invite Katara to spend a week with him at the Ember Island house. They both needed a vacation. Her reply was prompt as always, and his heart sped faster and faster as he broke the seal. He was already thinking of ways to draft an apology when he read the line, “Yes, please! I can’t think of anything better than a beach trip.”
Now how was he going to tell her she was the only one he invited?
He decided the best thing to do would be to leave it up to her. He asked if she wanted to pass the invitation along to any of their friends. She replied that everyone else was too busy to go. His mind dueled between two thoughts: Hmm. Busy. Sure they are...and...Maybe they actually are. They lead complex lives.
Even his staff was not accompanying him to the house. They had orders to stay at the palace and wait on his uncle, who was acting as Fire Lord in his place. It would just be him and Katara. It would be perfect. Now if he could just get his palms to stop sweating.
He smiled fondly. “Katara.”
They both made the decision to embrace each other at the same time. It was the happiest he’d felt in months.
“It’s so good to see you,” she said. “Letters are one thing, but to actually visit…”
“I know. We’re overdue for some catching up.”
“We are.”
It was such a large house for two people. It didn’t take Katara long to unpack the items she’d brought and pour herself a cool drink. She jumped onto one of the sitting room’s benches and rested her legs comfortably along the arm. As she relaxed, Zuko was able to appreciate just how beautiful she was.
She closed her eyes. “I can’t tell you how much I needed to get away.”
“I’ll drink to that.”
“Are we going down to the beach soon?”
He shrugged his shoulders. “It’ll be dark soon.”
She opened her eyes and smiled at him. “Even better. I can’t wait to see what the moon’s going to look like tonight.”
“Why do you say that?”
She looked down at her hands. “My bending’s felt a little different all day.”
His eyebrows raised. “So has mine.”
“Really? Like weaker?”
“No, it’s been stronger.”
“But my bending’s been stronger,” she told him.
“Huh. That’s strange. We draw from opposite sources.”
She jumped off the bench. “Well now we have to go to the beach,” she said.
They walked out onto the sand with two blankets and laid them side by side. She sat on one, and he sat on the other. The sun was setting in the sky, in an array of reds and oranges he didn’t get to appreciate nearly as much when he was acting as the Fire Lord.
“I’m so glad we’re writing to each other now,” she told him.
“Me too.”
“What made you write that first letter?” she wondered.
He turned to her. Her blue eyes looked even prettier out in the fleeting daylight. “It’s going to sound stupid.”
“I won’t think it’s stupid. I promise.”
“Okay, so it rained in the capital. It poured for a whole day nonstop, and before I had been thinking about how you were the only one I hadn’t heard from since...well since I was crowned. I don’t know. I guess I took it as a sign that I needed to talk to you.”
“What if it hadn’t rained?”
“But it did rain. I’m just saying that-“
“You only decided to write me because of the weather.”
He couldn’t believe she was getting angry about this. “Ugh, don’t you believe in signs?”
“Not as much as you apparently.”
“Please, you believe in fortune tellers, and destiny, and all that.”
“Not anymore!” She protested. “Turns out those fortunes were wrong, and my destiny was wrong.”
He hoped she wasn’t referring to Aang. He had thought the two of them parted amicably, much more amicably than he had with Mai.
“I would have written you even if it hadn’t rained,” he assured her.
And if he hadn’t, he would have regretted it because even if she was harping on him, he was with her on a beach and enjoying every second.
“You could have written me too,” he pointed out. “Why’d you wait for me?”
“I don’t know. You just seemed busy.”
“I am, but not too busy for my friends. I enjoy your letters.”
She smiled at him. The light was fading more now, and the air was getting cooler. “I enjoy yours too.” She laughed.
“What’s so funny?”
“Nothing.” But she kept laughing. It made him self-conscious.
“Seriously, what?”
“Just thinking about Sokka. Whenever a letter comes from you, he usually gets it first and he always says ‘here’s another letter from your boyfriend.’”
He laughed nervously. “That is funny. Yeah, um, Uncle teases me too.”
“But I always correct him. I tell him we’re just friends.”
“I mean, we just exchange letters.”
“Yep, but those letters have really rekindled our friendship, and they mean a lot to me…”
“They mean a lot to me too,” he insisted. “I save them.”
Her eyes widened. “You do?”
He could feel his whole face going red. Was there a platonic way to say he kept them in a locked chest beside his bed? “Yeah.”
Her whole face brightened. “I save yours too.” Then he saw her shiver.
Without thinking, he stood up and shook out the blanket from beneath him. He draped it over Katara’s shoulders and she wrapped herself in the fabric. She smiled up at him gratefully and patted the space beside her on the blanket she’d been sitting on. When he sat down, his leg was pressed against hers. He decided to lean back all the way and cradle his head in his hands. She did the same. He felt the warmth of her body laying beside his.
“Zuko, look!” she exclaimed.
His eyes followed her outstretched hand, all the way to the moon, which had turned crimson in the matter of minutes.
“What in the world?” he asked.
“That’s what’s affecting our bending!”
“I’ve never seen anything like this before.”
“Doesn’t it look amazing?”
“Yes. Is it an eclipse?”
“I think so, but it’s making us stronger instead of weaker.”
“I wonder why that is,” he said, more to himself than her.
She turned on her side towards him, staring at his face. He met her gaze. “Do you think it’s a sign?” she said teasingly.
She rolled her eyes at him, but then he pushed closer and wrapped an arm across her shoulder. His fingers played with her hair. He could hear her breath catch, even over the thrum of his pulse in his ears. If there was ever a sign that he was meant to be with her, this red moon, this manifestation of their elements reigning the sky together, was it. He pressed his lips to hers and felt the exhilarating bliss of the moment that would change his life forever. When they finally pulled away from each other, hours later with earnest smiles and no intention of spending the night apart, the moon had already returned to its pallor.
Katara could never mock him for his superstitions again.
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zutara being silly old farts
zutara month 2021 <3
#zutara#zutara month#zutara month 2021#day 21: her royal majesty our queen#day 22: ba sing se#old zutara#old fogey#grandma#grandpa#earth queen#katara#zuko#atla#Avatar The Last Airbender#legend of korra#lok
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Twice in one day, but I’m all caught up with Zutara Month 2021!
#zutara#zutara fan fic#zutara fanfiction#zutara month 2021#zutara fic#zuko x katara#day 16: masked#day 17: cherry blossoms#day 18: flirt#day 22: ba sing se#smut#zutara smut
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almost forgot to post this!
Summary: In a world without the 100 years war, Katara and her brother arrive in Ba Sing Se
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Zutara month 2021
Day 22: Ba sing se
Zuko saw katara in a market, but decided to keep it secret.
Hi guys! finally a piece for zutara month, what a beautiful month it was!
it's been a while since I posted art here. I'm planning on making a new blog for my art since this one is a mess. you can find my twitter art acc on my description, that's the watermark. n ways, I hope you like this <3
#zutara#katara#zuko#zuko x katara#zutara fanart#zutara month#zutara month 2021#zutaramonth#zutaramonth21#katara fanart#zuko fanart#avatar the last airbender#fanart
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Zutara Month Days 22 & 29: Ba Sing Se + Festival 💚
~Click for better quality~

I love drawing them dancing and being happy 💕💕💕
The way Aang is absolutely snatching the spotlight 😌🧡
#my art#avatar the last airbender#atla#atla fanart#atla art#katara#zutara#zutara forever#zutara art#zutara fanart#zutara month#zutara month 2021#zuko x katara#katara x zuko#sukka#sokka#suki#toph beifong#aang#toph#earth kingdom#ba sing se#festival#master katara#prince zuko#zuko art#katara art#katara fanart#zuko fanart#adventure time style
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Monthly Writing and Reading Update
Long time no see Tumblr. I am working towards ending my Super Long Hiatus not because life has slowed down but because I am tired of being on hiatus. That means Monthly writing updates to keep me on track. I'm also posting what I've read this month for the interested. Said updates are below the cut.
If you have any fics you want to recommend that I read feel free to send me an ask or a message! I'm always looking for new fic to read...
Hybrid Theory
Percy dies in battle. A very tragic death that wasn’t at all lame, thank you. Unfortunately, the gods aren’t done with him yet. Instead of waking up in Charon’s waiting room as he should, Percy wakes up in the courtyard of Hotel Valhalla. Thinking things can’t possibly get worse he runs to Carter Kane for help. In hindsight, that probably wasn’t the best idea he’d ever had.
I’ve not made a lot of progress here since I’ve gone on hiatus... I’ve not been in a good headspace to try to work on it tbh. That being said, I’m drafted to Chapter 27 and outlined to Chapter 30.
World Travelers: A World Around
No summary written yet. Basically it’s part six of my bountyhunter!Nico, seafarer!Percy adult!demigods Percico AU.
I’ve drafted to Chapter 5 drafted and outlined to Chapter 12. It will be 21 chapters long. Nothing is posted on AO3 yet.
Ways of Love: Part 3
No ritle. No summary written yet, it’s what it says on the tin.
I just wanted to say I do think about this still. It lives in my brain...just very quietly. I’ve written part of Chapter 1?
Assassinations, Building Nations, and International Relations
The war has been over for a year and the tenuous peace has held. Everyone has gone home and while Team Avatar misses each other, life has been going great. Until Aang gets a mysterious note from Zuko. A midnight trip to the Sun Warriors has much further reaching consequences than anyone could anticipate. But the first, and biggest, item on the agenda is to keep the Fire Lord alive.
This one is suffering from Writers Block TM. I know where I am and where I want to go and I have NO IDEA how to do the between part. That being said I’m drafted to Chapter 13 and outlined to Chapter 14.
White Lotus Buds (Working Title)
Music night washes over Iroh. The crew’s attention on each other means no one notices their allegedly ill prince slipping over the side of the Wani and onto the dock.
Zuko, as The Blue Spirit, is leaving to meet another White Lotus Bud agent to exchange information on the Earth Armies for similar details on Fire Nation troops.
The White Lotus Buds are more successful than Iroh expected. Sometimes he thinks the war would end in days if they left the operatives in charge.
The White Lotus Buds were inspired by Zuko himself. It wasn't difficult to connect The Blue Spirit’s earlier escapades with Zuko. Not once one realized there were connections to make.
Iroh does not know when the sneaking began, though he has his suspicions. Ten year old princes don’t go missing for days on end easily. And there's the ambiguity surrounding Azulon’s death and Ursa’s sudden flight. When it started doesn’t truly matter when Zuko will not speak of it.
Iroh lets himself be drawn into the singing of an old sea shanty. It helps keep an old man awake, which he will need if he wants to be alert for his nephew’s return later that night.
This is a White Lotus!Zuko AU and a Blue Spirit AU and a Zuko joins the Gaang early AU. With lots of Zutara and lots of identity shenanigan's.
I have drafted the first 14 chapters for Book 1. I have outlined the first 22 chapters and have notes for every episode of Book 1. This one won’t post until Book 1 is done because I keep having to rewrite parts of chapters as I go.
When the Dark Comes Rising: Gathering
With another Rising in its infancy the remaining five must gather. As a safeguard the Light left certain defensive measures in place. It us up to Will, Bran and Jane to assemble those defenses. In the process they must discover the loving bonds that will be the foundation for the Circle to come.
This is also not dead. I think about this often. I have drafted to Chapter 12 and outlined to Chapter 14.
These Temperamental Days: On Balmy Nights I Know That I Am Yours
No summary as of yet on these. It’s Marvel and Stucky post Civil War. I’m about halfway through?
Avatar Fic
Fear the Dragon, Not the Flame by Des98
Azula is born without bending. It doesn't change who she is, but it does change everything else.
Nobel Boldness Series by hootowl
“Because they're going to arrest me for earthbending.” And they did, but things didn't go according to plan. In fact, failure had never even crossed her mind. A capture!fic...of sorts.
Fate Deferred by catie_writes_things
At the south pole, Katara and Sokka returned to their village with only a few small fish to show for their trouble. “Stupid magic water,” Sokka grumbled, while Katara fumed silently.
Aboard his ship, the banished Prince Zuko admitted with a tired sigh that his search of the southern seas had proven unfruitful. “Tell my uncle...we’re going to try the eastern Air Nomad territories again.”
Underneath the waves, within his frozen cocoon, the Avatar slept still, and the world continued to move on without him.
Aang remains in the iceberg ten years longer. He awakens to a very different world.
[Now on Book II: Earth]
Still Burning Embers by archergwen
It's been three years since Sozin's Comet should've returned - and it hasn't. The war drags on, complicated, messy, as the Avatar and his band roam shoring up defenses and helping in small raids.
And in Ba Sing Se, there is no war, or rumors of war. Not even after the Fire Princess took the city in one complicated day. So in the Lower Ring, a young prince and retired prince can continue to work, disguised, silent guardians of the small world they've carved for themselves.
Until an encounter, one night, wrapped in flames, ends that.
#situation report#PJO#Avatar The Last Airbender#percico#zutara#nico di angelo#percy jackson#shipyships#will/bran#Marvel#Stucky#zuko#katara#captain america#bucky bear
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Hello there, Marla here!
This year I won’t be as messy as last year with my writing organisation so I am doing a 2022 Masterlist of everything published on AO3 to be updated as new stuff arrives! Yaih! All my nonsense at your disposition!
And, if you want to see what I wrote the previous year, not to worry, here it is my 2021 AO3 Masterlist
Now, with further ado, allons-y!
Long life and prosperity,
(The) Amelia Project
Amelia Caller: Dawn of the Characters: script I based my phone call recording ON THE AMELIA FEED on
Manage Your Clon-ishgo: Cocoa Challenge 2022 (Day 1)
This Could Be Me: Cocoa Challenge 2022 (Alternative promp)
Last of the Real Ones: Cocoa Challenge 2022 (Day 2)
The Fools Who Dream: Cocoa Challenge 2022 (Day 3)
Louder than the Weather: Cocoa Challenge 2022 (Alternative promp)
Goodbye To My Life: Cocoa Challenge 2022 (Day 4)
It’s the Hitmen’s Life: Cocoa Challenge 2022 (Alternative promp)
Fakenniversary: Cocoa Challenge 2022 (Day 5)
Everything Just Here All At Once: Cocoa Challenge 2022 (Alternative promp)
Go Now: Zutara Month 2022
This Isn’t My Idea: Zutara Month 2022
Tea Nation: Zutara Month 2022
...Let Your Heart Decide?: Zutara Month 2022
Lonely Nation: High-school AU Zuko-centric
Buffy the Vampire Slayer
Little Doll Of Horrors: part of the Multiship of Madness of 22
(The) Evil Dead
The Sorta Kinda Winding Road: Original Trilogy + 2013 Film crossover-ish
Fairy Oak
Capitaneando Por Amor: parte de FairyOaktubre22
El Talento De Miss Feli: parte de FairyOaktubre22
Miss Poppy’s Home For All Animals: parte de FairyOaktubre22
Aquellos Que Se Fueron: parte de FairyOaktubre22
Navegando en Dibujos: parte de FairyOaktubre22
Magia Inmortal: parte de FairyOaktubre22
Good Omens
So Unaware Of My Status: A Visit From Miss Crowley Challenge
The Sound Of Leathered Women!: A Visit From Miss Crowley Challenge
Girl With A Tongue: A Visit From Miss Crowley Challenge
Non-Favourite Son: A Visit From Miss Crowley Challenge
House of the Dragon
Dragon People: part of the Multiship of Madness of 22
Philadelphia Un-Daily: +Dracula (novel) part of the Multiship of Madness of 22
Marvel (Mainly MCU based)
A Relic To Be Canonized: Post-MoM Prof. Xavier & Dr. Strange centric
You Didn’t Leave: Post-MoM Wanda-838 centric
Only If You Stay I’ll Be Forgiven: Post-MoM set in 838, a lot of sapphics
Bucky Horror Winning Show: part of the Multiship of Madness of 22
Hall Away The Lucius: Anne Bonny/Mary Read in our gay pirate show
Cat Sails: Black Sails crossover
New Girl (Sometimes) Anachronism: new member for our fav crew!
Our Love Is What Killed The Heteronorm: Solitaire ace!Tori-centric
Original Work
2pookyTaletober21: spanish!, ongoing!
Untender Is Revenge: Great Gatsby reletting, spanish!, ongoing!
Peor Que Ajo: microrrelato
Riordanverse (Mythology Sagas)
Their “House”: part of the Multiship of Madness of 22
Stranger Things
Life After Afterlife: Eddie mourning Chrissy
Bag of Bodies: part of the Multiship of Madness of 22
Republishing in this webpage my adoption!fic-ish A Tight Weird Family (ongoing!): 1.Martin, 2.Georgie, 3.Sasha, 4.Daisy, 5.Gerry, 6.Basira, 7.Tim, 8.Melanie
The Archives Will Listen: ongoing!
Europe Is Living a Celebration (and some Fear Avatars too): written with @khaleesiinatardis
Making A (Cursed) Home: JonGerryMartin series
Finding My Mind: Part of a monthly AU series
Friendshipping Gravity: for @khaleesiinatardis
The Road You Are Going To Take: Part of a monthly AU series
Step by Steps: Burried statement
Louder Than Worlds: JonGerryMartin series
As The Ground Keeps Shifting: for the 1st finale Anniversary
Cabin In The Clouds: study on the Scottish Safehouse as an entity
The Right Boy: part of my monthly AU series
A Weekend In The (Apocalypse) Country: Jmart week 2022
I’ll Be Your Shelter: Jmart week 2022
For My Roomate Is...: Jmart week 2022
If All Was Lost: Jmart week 2022
Is Anyone We Meet Really THat New To Us?: Jmart week 2022
Crazy Notions: Jmart week 2022
My Own With You Each Night: Jmart week 2022
The Work of Three Or Four: Jmart week 2022
Things Beyond Your Ken: Extintion-ist stament ftw Jmart parenting
Beholding Webs: JonGerryMartin series
The Foundations Of Decay: Midnight Mass crossover
Foggy Realizations: Lonely Statement pre-canon
Misplaced: Stranger Statement set in S1
Entangled Road: Web of Fears series (Annabelle+Corruption)
Threads of Obscurity: Web of Fears series (Annabelle+Dark)
Interwined Violence: Web of Fears series (Annabelle+Slaughter)
Eyes Out Of Me: Season 5 Style Statement
Another Student Anthem: part of a monthly AU series
Twistingly We Go Around: part of a monthly AU series
Ghost Archives: part of the Multiship of Madness of 22
Sharp Therapy: part of (my) Mag a Week statement fics
Carnal Solitude: part of (my) Mag a Week statement fics
Callous Distances: part of (my) Mag a Week statement fics
Body Points: part of (my) Mag a Week statement fics
Little Possessiveness: part of (my) Mag a Week statement fics
Crumbling Concert: part of (my) Mag a Week statement fics
To Hate Them All: part of (my) Mag a Week statement fics
Last Guest For Mister Spider: part of (my) Mag a Week statement fics
The Brothers Non-Slayer: part of (my) Mag a Week statement fics
West Side Story
No Happy Somewhere: Riff/Bernardo AU
(The) Witcher
Erasing (Yourself) From The Narrative: how “Burn WitcherButcher Burn” was born
Wolf 359
Die for Me: + TMA and WTNV
Audrey with a IV: + TMA and WTNV
Your Natural Tendencies Pay: CW!Alcoholism + TMA and WTNV
Keep On (Un)Living: + TMA and WTNV
#masterlist#masterpost#writing#writer#creative work#ao3#ao3 masterpost#ao3 masterlist#fanfiction#fanfic#original work#original writing#wolf 359#wolf 359 podcast#tma#the magnus archives#magnuspod#magnuspod fanfic#welcome to night vale#wtnv#welcome to night vale fanfic#wolf 359 fanfic#podcast#novel#the great gatsby#retelling#great gatsby retelling#the amelia project#script#the amelia project fic
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Zutara month 2021 day 22: ba sing se

I'm back wjjfjwjfjwnxnqbe
Tags: @zutaramonth
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It was a brilliant plan, all things considered.
On paper and in the eyes of the public, they were a charming if oddly mismatched couple who somehow found love despite their differences. A fairy tale come to life, sighed the more romantic members of Ba Sing Se society.
So it was almost a shame that Katara's courtship with Prince Zuko was ultimately nothing more than an act - otherwise, they might have been a perfect match, if not the perfect partners in crime.
Written for Zutara Month 2022 and shamelessly influenced by both Pride and Prejudice and Bridgerton.
Read on AO3
It's been a busy last several weeks, but I'm finally, FINALLY able to contribute something to Zutara Month '22!
Instead of trying to write separate ficlets / drabbles for different prompts, I ended up just incorporating several into one fic that I've had on the backburner for a while. Those prompts include but are not limited to:
Day 11: Mutual Pining / Idiots in Love Day 13: In Which Toph Meddles Day 18: What If? Day 19: Second Chance Day 20: Pride and Prejudice (plus I threw in a lil' Bridgerton, because what are fanfics if not the height of self-indulgence?) Day 22: Partners in Crime Day 28: Catching Feelings Day 30: Denial
Since I've got a few WIPs already, I'm not planning on this story being too long. But you know what they say about famous last words...
#zutara month 2022#zutara fanfiction#zutara month#zutara#zuko x katara#in which the author was shamelessly inspired by pride & prejudice + bridgerton#my fanfiction#my stuff
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There's a lot of Fluff ahead of us...
With the survey closed, it is time to look at the results - and be excited about what lies ahead of us 😊
We had 103 responses in the end 🥳
Within those 103 responses, we have
93 writers
2 artists
8 writer&artists (both)
For the artists, we have one ambitious enough to try all 31 days, the others plan to create art for 1 to 10 days.
For the writers, more than half of you (54) plan to create fluffy fics for 1 to 10 days, 18 want to write for 11 to 20 days, and five for 21 to 30 days; 22 of you amazing souls are so ambitious and plan to write for all 31 days... and one is actually planning to write more than 31 fics, meaning some days have multiple fics!! (Dare we say crazy? Yes, it's crazy! We can say that; we know the person who's attempting to do it 😉)
Most of you hadn't started by the time they filled out the survey - but that's okay, we still have time 😊
Now, as for the fandoms and ships we have to expect, the variety is far more spread than we ever expected (or dared to dream of) and it would probably explode this post if we tried to list them all; so only to name a few, we have (in alphabetical order)
911 & 911LS with Buddy, Tarlos, Marcy, Parjan, Judd/Grace
Avatar: The Last Airbender with Zutara
Harry Potter with ... too many ships to count 😂 but it covers everything from the canon ships to the most beloved fanon ships to rare pairs to crossovers (seriously, HP fandom... you're wild!)
InuYasha with InuKago
Lucifer with Deckerstar
MCU with Stucky, Stony, Frostiron, WinterFalcon, Loki/OC
My Hero Academia with Midoriya Izuku/Shinsou Hitoshi and Shota Aizawa/Hizashi Yamada
Rosewell New Mexico with Malex
Schitt's Creek with David/Patrick
Shadowhunters with Malec, Clace, Sizzy
Star Wars with Reylo and a few x reader fics
Supernatural with Destiel, Sabriel, Saileen
The Old Guard with Joe/Nicky
And this is really just scraping at the top, there are so many more and from so many different genres. Animes, Mangas, Comics, Movies, TV Shows, Books... Let us just tell you, we are blown away and so, so excited by how far this has spread 😍 it's also very humbling (and a little bit intimidating tbh 😅)
Most of you plan to write their fics about the ships, but there are also many, many who plan to have it focus on friendship, family feels, platonic relationships, or simply the characters. Or who want to combine it all.
What made us squeal in delight was the fact that - with the exception of two people - all of you are interested in more months with fluffy prompt lists! We've taken note of that and we certainly won't forget about it 😁
But for now, let's focus on FLUFFTOBER 🥰
How are you all doing? How is planning and writing and arting going? Send us an ask and let us know about your progress - we're always happy to hear from you. And as always, if you have more questions, don't hesitate to reach out to us. If it's something you would rather discuss in private, simply state so in your ask and we swear we won't reply publicly!
And now... back to preparing all the fluff 💖
#flufftober2021#survey#results#all the fandoms#writing event#writing challenge#art event#art challenge#feel free to spread the word
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Zutara Month 2021 Day 22: Ba Sing Se
Read it on AO3
When Katara breaks away from the party to visit the balcony again, night has fallen. Her stomach twisting and uncertain, she creeps away from the reach of lantern light, wrapping herself in shadows. Usually, the power of the rising moon infuses her with calm, but tonight, the stronger she grows, the more anxious she feels. In the moment, making the decision to be with Aang had felt like taking control of her destiny - rejecting the vision in her dreams, twisting the fortune teller’s prediction into something of her own making. In the dark though, she wonders if it might’ve had more to do with fear - of sharp eyes cutting up her soft smiles, of a stuttering heartbeat under her hands, of standing alone in burning catacombs.
“Sorry,” a familiar warm voice says, and Katara startles. For a wild, confused moment, she wonders if Zuko had somehow heard her thoughts. “I didn’t know anyone else was out here.”
Shaking off her confusion, she tries to hold her voice steady as she reassures him, “You’re fine.”
“I can leave if you want. If you need space.” That had been the purpose of her coming out here. She hadn’t been able to breathe suddenly, so much happiness outside of her that in comparison it felt like there was nothing inside of her at all. It’s probably not a good idea, she knows, but if anyone might understand being this kind of empty, it might be him.
“Stay,” she tells him, and he doesn’t protest, just sits down and presses their arms together. She wants to rest her head on his shoulder, feels the urge like gravity, but doesn’t. “So, what brings you here?”
His shoulder presses harder against hers, then retreats as he takes a deep breath, in and out. “I just needed some air.”
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