#zuri ross x reader
infiniteimaginings · 7 months
Started: March 1st, 2024 Updated: March 1st, 2024
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Characters I write for in the show 'Jessie'
Brooks Wentworth Emma Ross Jessie Prescott Luke Ross Ravi Ross Tony Chiccolini Zuri Ross
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anxious-copper-wp · 2 months
Luke Ross x Female!oc
Summary: when the win big shindig rolls around, Luke try’s to ask out his sisters best friend, while failing miserably. But he’s successfully able to get her to go with him.
Elijah time!
This was originally the first chapter for my Luke Ross story on Wattpad ‘ bestfriends brother’ but I decided I wanted to start the fic off on earlier seasons.
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Zuria May was excited, the win big shindig was happing this week, and the girl was helping Emma Ross, the sister of her best friend, zuri Ross,  plan the dance, which she wasn't actually helping plan, she was just in charge with music, and luckily, the girl just so happened to be apart of a band. Everyone around school was talking about who they were going to ask to be their dates, and Ria was just hoping she'd be able to have a conversation with the boy she wanted to go with, and luckily, said boy had left a note in her locker.
"So, Luke, what did you wanna tell me?" Zuria asked as she walked into a hallway that was filled with confetti.
"Uh..." Luke stuttered, looking at the girl before turning towards the lockers, letting a terrified noise.
"Go away, Zuria?" Ria read aloud, turning towards Luke. "Is this some kind of practical joke?" She scoffed before getting a face full of confetti.
"Fixed it..." Ravi laughed nervously.
"You're a total jerk." Ria glared at her best friends brother, rolling her eyes as she walked away.
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Another letter from Luke saying to meet him outside, Zuria wasn't going to go, but she decided she'd give him another chance.
"Luke, it you have something to say, please, make it quick." Zuria spoke quickly, "I'm supposed to be at band practice with the guys."
"Uh, yeah." Luke stuttered as he made his way towards her, grabbing her arm and manoeuvring her to a certain spot. "Just stand right here." The boy stared at her side profile, a smile on his face. Zuria furrowed her brows, turning to Luke with a confused face. "Uh...okay, I just have to make a quick call." He seemed nervous, which Zuria found weird. She's known Luke for quite some time, he was never nervous. "Don't move, okay?" Luke quickly walked to the side, and that's when the sprinklers went off.
"Oh my god!" Zuria screamed, her white off shoulder butterfly top and black and white jeans were getting soaked, she was supposed to go to band practice in this outfit. "I can't believe I fell for another one of your stupid practical jokes!" She cried out, covering face, trying to stop the water going to her face.
"Uh, no, wait!" Luke tried to make his way over to her, only for the girl to trip backwards and hit her head against the ground.
"Ow, My head!" Zuria cried, sitting up and looking at Luke. "Why do you hate me?"
"Zuria, I swear, I wanted you standing there for something else!" Luke tried to explain, going over to help her up, just as the marching band came by. The boy was quick to move her out of the way before she got trampled.
"Merciful heavens, make it stop." Ravi spoke, taking a sip from his drink.
"Could this get any worse?!" Luke groaned, his hand still keeping Zuria stable on her feet.
"Who is zaria?" Ravi sounded out, squinting at the sky, making Luke groan again. Zuria wasn't paying attention, she was too busy trying to keep herself awake.
"I think I have a concussion." The girl cried, placing her hand on her head, stumbling away from the boys and to the nurse.
Zuria was making her way to the gym, wearing her rainbow tie dye crop top over her black singlet, some black jeans, some tennis shoes and her hair was down, braided at the top with some beads. She was turning into the hallway, were rose petals had been laid out, and Luke was on his knee, a huge bouquet of flowers, holding one in his hand.
"Luke?" Zuria questioned, staring down at the boy.
"Ria." He smiled, staring up at her.
"I can't believe this." She chuckled, "is this all for me?" She wondered, not wanting to get the wrong idea.
"Uh.." he stuttered, glancing around before holding out the bouquet, with a sweet smile. "Yes, It is."
"This is so sweet." She smiled softly, "I thought you hated me." She laughed nervously. "Wait-" her eyes widened before she started looking around frantically. "The marching band isn't hiding anywhere, is it?"
"Zuria, I'm really sorry about all that." Luke stated clearly, placing his hand on her arm. "It just, you know, you're the coolest girl I know, and wonderful to, and I didn't think you'd go to the dance with me unless I asked in a big way." He explained, "plus, zuri said she'd skin me alive if I didn't make the proposal good enough."
"Well, I'd say this is pretty big." Ria smiled softly. "And definitely good enough," she chuckled, "although, I heard someone named zaria got asked by a skywriter." She smiled, impressed.
"So, uhh..." he stuttered, before holding out a rose to her. "Will you go to the dance with me?" He asked nervously.
"I'd love to." Ria smiled, taking the flower and Luke's hand into hers.
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"And you know, you didn't have to go through all this trouble." Ria stated, smiling at him. "You could've just asked me through a note, I would've even found it sweet if you did it through zuri." She laughed.
"Trust me, when prom rolls around, I'm just sending you a paper airplane." The two laughed, making their way to the dance hand in hand.
"You look really pretty." Luke smiled as the two slowed danced, Zuria laughed, spinning the boy under her arm.
"Thank you, Emma tried to force me into a dress," the girl laughed, "but I finally convinced her to let me wear this because it's more easier for me to preform in." Zuria spoke as Luke manoeuvre her under his arm now.
"The band and I are performing tonight," she smiled. "We're on after throwing stuff at the Viking and after the Vamps."
"Seriously?" Luke grinned, now having his arms around her waist as the two slowly swayed. "You're going to do great." He stated, despite not having heard her or the band before.
"Okay, party people," Emma spoke into the microphone, "now, it's time to destroy the Viking!" She exclaimed as Bertram made his way on the stage, opera singing the words 'I am a Viking.' Which made the students not even hesitate with their throwing and booing. Soon enough, Bertram exited the stage after having cake thrown at him.
"Listen up, everyone." Emma spoke, "I have a huge surprise for you." She stated. "Thanks to my incredibly hard work and a lost tour bus driver, I give you, The vamps!" The crowd cheered as the band began to play. Luke and Zuria were dancing like they were the only people in the room, jumping up and down with each other. Soon enough, they were done, and it was time for sunset curve.
"And now, for our own amazing little band, welcome Zuria, Aamina, charlotte and Sirius, Sunset curve!!" Emma exclaimed, the four students making their way on stage.
Zuria began to play the piano, while the others got ready.
"Sometimes I think I'm falling down, I wanna cry, I'm calling out, for one more try, to feel alive." She sang, staring out at Luke in the crowd. "And when I feel lost and alone, I know that I can make it home, fight through the dark." She gained more confidence. "And fine the spark! Life is a risk, but I will take it, close my eyes and jump, together I think that we can make it." She smiled. "Come on, let's Run! And rise-!" The band joined in. "Through the night, you and I!" Ria raised from the piano, taking the microphone with her. "We will fight to shine together, bright for ever!" She pointed into the crowd. "And rise through the night! You and I! We will fight to shine together, bright forever!" Ria grinned as the crowd were cheering.
"Uh, Is this really happening?" She asked Sirius in disbelief.
"Just go with it!" He grinned, taking a step forward. "In times that i doubted myself, I felt like I needed some help, stuck in my head," Sirius grinned as he watched Zuria and Mina jam out together, "with nothing left!" He laughed, "I feel something around me now, so unclear, lifting me out! I found the ground! I'm marching on!"
"Life is a risk, but we will take it!" Mina joined it, both her and Sirius singing into the same Mike as she played bass and he guitar. "Close my eyes and jump! Together I think we can make it, come on, let's run!!"
"And rise! Through the night! You and I! We will fight to shine together!" Everyone joined in, including Lottie who was on drums. "Bright forever!! And rise, through the night! You and I! We will fight! To shine together! Bright forever!"
"In times that I doubted myself. I felt like I needed some help, stuck in my head, with nothing left!!"
"And when I feel, lost and alone, I know that i will make it home, fight through the dark, and find the spark!"
Zuria laughed as she caught Aamina wink at charlotte.
"And rise! Through the night! You and I! We will fight forever, to shine together!! bright forever!! And rise through the night! You and I! We will fight! To shine together! Bright forever!!"
And with that, the song was finished, and the gym erupted in screams and cheers.
"Thank you, sunset curve!!" Emma cheered, hugging the band as they exited the stage, and The Vamps were back on. Zuria made her way back to Luke, and the two began to dance again, Zuria grabbing his hands and Luke spinning and dipping her.
The two had the time of their lives, it had been the first time the two actually had a proper talk, and the talking continued as Luke walked her home.
"You were absolutely amazing, I didn't know you could sing like that!" Luke grinned, spinning the girl around as he walked with her down the road.
"Thank you, i haven't preformed in front of a crowd before," she laughed, squealing as Luke lifted her off her feet as they arrived at her house. "I had an amazing time, Luke." She smiled, still holding the boys hand.
"I did to, thank you for an amazing night." He smiled, helping her up the stairs. "I really like you, Zuria." He stated, staring into her eyes.
"And I really like you, Luke."
"So...would you, possibly, think about being my girlfriend?" Luke nervously stumbled over his words, holding her hands nervously.
"Absolutely." She grinned, kissing the boys cheek.
"Hehe-" Luke giggled, reaching up and holding his cheek. "I'm never washing this face again."
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The Black Panther Lives  (Part 6)
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Request: None.
Requested By: Nobody
Pairing:  Erik x reader (platonic)
Summary:  Erik fights T’Challa for the throne
Warnings:  Violence
A/N:  Sorry for the short chapter.  This was a good place to end it though.
Word count:  835
  The man in purple, whose name you learned to be Zuri, applied face-paint on T’Challa.  The king cast a challenging expression to Erik, who was pacing back and forth, before stopping to examine the spear given to him.  He looked it up and down, and snapped it in half for better and easier handling.
“He’ll never beat T’Challa.”  Shuri told her mother.  “He should have just come for the first challenge, and gotten it over with.”
“The king will now have the power of the Black Panther stripped away.”  Zuri spoke, pouring the liquid into T’Challa’s mouth.  As the ritualistic dancing started, Zuri looked at Erik before casting his eyes downward, looking upset.  You furrowed your brows.
Suddenly, Nakia stepped out of the mountain and stood next to Okoye.  Okoye spoke.  “Where is Everett Ross?”
“I locked him in the office.  He’s not going anywhere.”
Erik began pacing, impatient for his opportunity.  T’Challa tried to get him to back down.  “This is your last chance.  Throw down your weapons, and we can handle this another way.”
Erik shoved his weapons in the ground in frustration, before pacing again.  “I’ve lived my entire life waitin’ for this moment.”  He began undoing his outer shirt.  “I trained.  I lied.  I killed.  Just to get here.”  As he took his shirt off, you could see the scars that littered his body.  Ones that he’d given himself.  “I killed in America, Afghanistan, Iraq; I took life, from my own brothers and sisters right here on this continent.”
He reached down and plucked his weapons from the Earth.  “And all this death,” he pointed the tip of the spear accusingly at T’Challa, “just so I could kill you.”
There was a silence that filled the air.  No one dared speak.  If they even knew what to say.  A voice cut through the thick of the quiet.  It was Zuri.  “Let the challenge begin.”
~Should treat each other~
They charged each other.  Swinging and kicking in a fast blur.  You watched in only slight interest, seeing as you knew who the victor would be.
Erik smashed on T’Challa’s shield, holding nothing back.  You could see the terror in T’Challa’s eyes, as he had to back up with every hit.
T’Challa managed to get Erik’s feet out from under him at one point.  While Erik lay on his back, T’Challa pointed his weapon at him.  “Yield!”
Erik quickly rose, and they clashed some more.  T’Challa sliced Erik’s cheek with the edge of his blade.  Erik sliced one of T’Challa’s legs in return.
“Snap out of it, T’Challa!”  Shuri yelled.
Erik cut T’Challa’s stomach, and left arm before unarming him and stabbing him in the lower abdomen.  The Queen gasped.
T’Challa ripped the blade out of himself, only to get pummeled to the ground seconds later.  “Come on, get up.”  Nakia whispered.
Erik stood over the King.  “This is for my father.” He raised his weapon over his head, ready for the kill.  He began bringing it down, until something stopped it.  “Erik!”  Erik turned to the man.  Zuri held his staff under Erik’s blade.
T’Challa lay on the ground.  “Zuri, no.”
“Stop.”  Zuri commanded, knocking Erik’s weapon out of his hands.  Okoye spoke up.
“Zuri, don’t.”  The Queen pleaded.  Zuri continued anyway.
“I am the cause of your father’s death.  Not him.”
Your eyebrows pinched together in distaste.  Erik stared at the man in a mix of shock and fury.
“Take me.”
Your eyebrows shot up in surprise.  You looked at Erik, but already knew his decision.  His face turned into a scowl.  “I’ll take you both, Uncle James!”  He yelled, before stabbing Zuri in the chest.  You sighed and looked down at your lap in a mix of anger, pity, and betrayal.  A noise broke you out of your thoughts.
“No!  No, no!”  T’Challa yelled, scrambling over to where the man lie.  He continued yelling, but to no avail.
You looked away, just before a tear slipped your eye.
“Is this your king?  Huh?”  Erik questioned.  You turned back to the group.  T’Challa took a mad swing at Erik, who simply backed up.  “Is this your king?”  He asked again.  T’Challa took another mad swing, and Erik blocked it easily, punching him in the stomach, and kneeing him in the head.  He began walking around again.  “The Black Panther, who’s supposed to lead you into the future?”
“Come on, brother!”  Shuri encouraged.  One of the women of the Dora Milaje spoke up.  “Is there nothing that can be done?”  Okoye remained silent.
T’Challa was scrambling to his feet.  “Him?”  Erik questioned.  “He’s supposed to protect you.”  T’Challa attacked Erik again, who lifted him over his shoulders, and began walking towards the edge of the cliff.
Several people were telling him to stop, begging him.  He wouldn’t listen.  He was deaf to their pleas, blinded by rage.
With one fluid and swift motion, he hurled the former King of Wakanda off to his watery grave, never to be heard from again.
A/n:  I know it's been a while, but I'm cleaning off my computer because it has to go back, so I won't be writing at all over the summer.
Tag List: @lemirabitur
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aerynwrites · 6 years
Save the King
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Pairing: Everett Ross x Reader (Kinda?) also kind of  T’Challa x reader but not romantically? idk man 
Summary: The reader, a former Wakandan turned American Black operative, finds themselves in a difficult situation when T’Challa is in danger.
Warnings: black panther spoilers, fighting, angst? 
Authors note: Okay so I saw Black Panther again for the third time the other day and I have had the idea that the Reader saves T’Challa from Killmonger instead of Zuri. So yeah. It focuses more on that idea than Everett’s and the readers relationship…sorry not sorry. Enjoy anyways!
“What do you mean someone killed Klaw?” you asked incredulously.
You had been waiting for Everett to wake up ever since he was injured in Korea. However, just a few moments after he woke up Okoye connected to Shuri via her bracelet. Everett was looking curiously at the projection emitting from the beads, but you shushed him before he could ask questions. You were born and raised in Wakanda, but you left when you were a teenager and became an American Citizen. You could no longer stand by and watch as your people were slaughtered and do nothing. So, you joined the American military and worked your way into the Black Operatives. That’s how you met Everett. He was hesitant at first, not wanting to get attached to anyone, especially in his line of work, but eventually you couldn’t stay away from each other. That’s how you ended up back here in Wakanda. You had been with Everett at the club when the vibration deal went south. And that led you here.
“I mean that a man claiming to be Wakanda showed up at our border with his body!” Okoye snapped.
“Who is it?” Shuri asked.
“I have sent you the information. I must go. We are on our way to the palace.” Okoye ended the transmission as Shuri projected the mans picture and information onto the glass window. 
You immediately recognized the man on the screen as your face turned into a scowl.
“That’s him? That’s a Wakandan?” Shuri questioned, clearly suspicious.
“He’s not Wakandan.” You state sourly.
“He’s one of ours.” Everett stated.
Shuri looked at us both, perplexed.
you sigh as you sit in her lab chair, putting your head in your hands.
“His name is Erik Stevens. But most of us on the team called him Erik Killmonger. He racked up kills like it was a-a video game. That was our job. We killed people-important people- toppled governments. His entire purpose in life is to kill. He isn’t here to help.” you state, trying to keep your nerves under control.
“What do you mean we?” Shuri demanded.
“I mean…we were teammates.” you spat.
you were not proud of my history as a black op. especially not as the captain of Erik’s team. It quickly became known that he didn’t play by the rules. And that isn’t good.
you spent the next hour or so explaining the danger of Erik to Shuri and why he needed to be taken away from Wakanda as soon as possible, when Okoye walked into the room, a tense aura following her. 
She looked to you and then to Shuri, “The foreigner has challenged T’Challa for the throne. I Have come to take the both of you to the ritual site.” She states, clearly upset.
you spoke up quickly, “only if Everett comes too.”
Okoye bristled at your brazen request, “This is not some side show colonizers get to attend. This is Ritual combat. A cultural tradition.” She snaps.
You step forward anger evident in your eyes, “You are going to need all the help you can get if this whole thing goes south. So, I suggest you let us both come.” you seethe.
She narrows her eyes and nods curtly, turning on her heel and stalked out of the room. We all follow her out to the jet and take our seats. I grasp Everett’s hand as a look out the window worriedly. This is not going to end well. 
 You stare in shock as Erik throws blow after blow at T’Challa, striking him down repeatedly.
“Is this your King?” Erik questions spitefully.
T’Challa tries to stand up and fight back but has no energy to spare.
Erik shakes his head mockingly as he raises his sword above his head to make the final strike against the King.
‘I can’t let this happen’, you think.
you look to your left to see Everett standing dumbfounded unable to act. You squeeze his hand one last time before you lunge to your right and snatch the spear from Okoye’s hand. You hear shouts of protest as you sprint towards the two men fighting in the water and thrust your spear in front of T’Challa, stopping Erik’s sword in its tracks with a lout clang.
He looks at you menacingly, but you hold your ground.
“Erik, stop this madness!” you yell.
“What madness?” he questions, “I’m fighting to save those that can’t save themselves. That’s what I’ve always fought for, that’s what we fought for!” he snaps.
You shake your head looking at T’Challa, bloody and beaten, then back to Erik, “No, I never fought for the same thing as you, and even if I did- “you sighed and shifted your feet in the water, “This isn’t the way Erik. You are fighting the very people you want to protect. Fighting our own people is not the way to save them!” you reasoned. “End this now!” you stated.
You heard the elders on the rocks murmuring along with other shouts of protest. But one voice was heard above them all.
“(Y/N) stop! Get back here it’s not safe!” Everett called, his eyes pleading with you.
You saw what reason that had gotten to Erik slip away as he looked at your boyfriend.
You snapped his head back to face you, “so what? You his bitch now?” he snarled.
You shook your head, “No Erik, this isn’t- “he cut you off,
“No. I see. You’re just trying to protect them. The very people that have oppressed us out whole lives!”
“Erik, that’s not true!”
“Enough!” He screams, “I’m done listening! You’re not captain anymore, I don’t have to take orders from you.” He stated. “You should’ve chosen the right side.”
Before you can speak, he shoves his sword forward and into your stomach. You gasp and look from Erik to T’Challa, who is now screaming, to Everett. He is being held back by Okoye and Nakia as he screams something. But you can’t hear him. Everything is muffled, and your vision is hazy as you feel Erik pull the sword from your body and you fall to the water. You feel Erik grasp the back of your shirt and pull you towards the edge of the waterfall, just as he does with T’Challa.
You manage to raise your head enough to see Nakia roughly pulling Everett out of the Ritual area along with Shuri and the Queen mother. You see Everett look back one last time and mouth something to you. But by the time you realize what he said you are falling through the air and into the water below.
I love you. He said.
You feel darkness start to consume you, ‘I love you too.’ you think.
The last thing you hear is the rushing of water.
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aloevverified · 7 years
mcu character(s) T’Challa “Black Panther” Udaku, Everett Ross, Erik Killmonger, Okoye, Ayo pairing T’Challa x reader format oneshot warning angst word count 1.8k
request “Hi! I need some Black Panther angst in my life… could I request something where T'Challa x reader where T'Challa finds out about reader’s death? If not, don’t worry about it. Thank you!!”
summary Everett Ross is on a mission in South Korea to keep ties with an arm dealer named Klaue. When Ross doesn’t return home, your colleagues discreetly inform you that he has been transferred to Wakanda. You request to join him in Wakanda but hadn’t expected to arrive amidst a greater conflict.
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Wakandan warriors dressed in red and silver waited with you outside the throne room of King T’Challa. It was odd to call him that. King. He had always been just T’Challa during your short-lived romance. He needed someone after the tragic loss of his father, and so did you. Your best friend was killed during a CIA mission in Argentina. You weren’t ashamed of the circumstances of the relationship. Both of you had hinted it was a comfort to have someone you could dwell with in sorrow.
For Ross, who had found out about the relationship shortly after, found it merely convenient to have someone so close to the then-Prince. T’Challa was consumed with vengeance, thinking it was his right to apprehend and murder the Winter Soldier for killing his father. Once it was clear the Winter Soldier was innocent, T’Challa handed in Zemo to the CIA. That is when both of you decided that the relationship couldn’t withstand. T’Challa was leaving back for his home country again, and you had your own responsibilities as a CIA agent.
It was funny how fate worked. You were here, now, in Wakanda. A technological advanced society concealed in plain sight. Your eyes had never witnessed a thing like it, only in Sci-Fi novels perhaps, but then still it seemed incomparable. T’Challa hadn’t told much about Wakanda during your romance. Since you understood it was a third-world country, you also never elaborated the topic during conversations.
One of the warriors standing beside you was Ayo, who you recognized immediately as T’Challa’s bodyguard in America. She had welcomed you after someone from the Border tribe announced your arrival and brought you to the palace. She didn’t say a word after a cold greeting, so neither did you. All you were left to do was take in all the splendor that was T’Challa’s palace, but you couldn’t shake off the feeling of a disturbing solemnness in the air. Ayo was cold but she knew who you were.
The doors to the throne room finally opened. The warriors in red and silver entered the room first, following the circular walls to take their places next to other bald warriors in red and silver. You found yourself amid a council meeting between different Wakandan leaders. They were dressed in bright colors and fine clothing, though, T’Challa wasn’t one of them. On the middle seat, which you assumed must be the throne, sat a menacing figure. He eyed you with such intensity you might think he tried to snap your neck with his thoughts. The silence in the room was uncannily distressing.  
“I am here to meet King T’Challa,” you tried.
“You’re too late, sweetie,” he smiled viciously. “That dude is gone. I am the King now.”
You were taken aback by those words. T’Challa couldn’t be dead. More surprisingly, the man had an American accent unlike T’Challa’s and Ayo’s English that bore a heavy Wakandan accent. Why does an American citizen sit in the council of Wakanda, as King nonetheless?
“You here to waste my time?” the man asked. “What is a CIA agent like you doing in Wakanda?”
His question suggested that you must be the only CIA agent in Wakanda which meant he didn’t known about Ross’ presence in Wakanda. So, whatever was going on here, Ross was clearly safe. You quickly had to find a way to not expose him too. But this man, wearing a black fur mantle and a necklace of ivory teeth around his neck, calling himself King, was as much an intruder as you yourself were. Almost every face in the room watched him with terrified anticipation. While searching for the right words to your lie, you stammered your next words.
“I am here because…”
In a second, the man stood up from the throne, closed the distance between you and wrapped his hands around your neck, lifting you from the floor.
“I won’t ask you twice, girl.”
“Vibranium,” you choked.
The man let you go. You fell on your knees, coughing for breath.
“What about it, huh?”
His voice carried through the room with a deafening thud.
You picked yourself up before finishing the lie you started.
“The CIA has been informed that Klaue has been dealing Vibranium again. He was last signaled in South-Korea before he was able to escape our hands. I come with new information on his whereabouts.”
“These agents know how to lie,” he laughed to the people beside him.Your heart raced against your chest as his eyes pierced yours again. “Bad for you that Klaue is dead and I happen to have killed him.”
You were unable to hide your own disbelief. What has happened since Ross arrived here?
“So enough with your shit! Tell me what you’re doing here,” the man exclaimed as he took your chin between his fingers. “Or, you’ll be my next scar.”
He had whispered that last sentence in your ear. You didn’t understand its meaning and helplessly scanned this threatening figure. Underneath his mantle, his skin was covered in small bulky marks and your mind decided that a lie wasn’t going to save you here.
“I am here to join Everett Ross,” you sighed, “a CIA agent who has been transferred to Wakanda after he was shot in South-Korea.”
The man turned to a female warrior who sat behind him in the circle. She had the same uniform as the other female warriors only the silver accents switched with gold ones, and inked patterns on her scalp.
“There’s a second CIA agent in my country, and nobody be thinking to tell me?!”
The warrior in gold stood from her place and looked him dead in the eyes before answering.
“She is lying.” You thought you saw Ayo flinch in her row.
“If there was another CIA agent on Wakandan ground,” the warrior in gold continued, “I would know.”
Your eyes darted from her to the man in black fur. His eyes cut in yours and in a split second something changed. A dark feeling weighted your stomach down.
“Guess another scar then,” he said with a tilted head. Before you knew it, the man put his fingers back around your throat, your feet dangling above the floor. Your fingernails scratched the skin of his fingersopen, trying to loosen his grip on you. You pushed your legs through the air, trying to find the safety of the floor. Your hands flicked for anything to grasp but his muscles only fletched in response to squeeze his hand tighter around your neck. Your arms tired, your body numbed and your sight flickered a black-white until it settled on nothing.
Wakanda finally calmed down in peace after the arrival of Erik Killmonger, the only son of his uncle N’Jobu. The cousin, who had challenged him for the throne, had died at his hands. T’Challa never wished to mirror the actions of his father once he knew what role he had played in Killmonger’s past, but Killmonger didn’t wish to be saved, and there was nothing he could do about it.
He returned to his palace, his throne, still conflicted about everything that had happened. Wakanda was back in his safe hands but he knew their policies had to be reevaluated. Killmonger had struck a snare within T’Challa, more so than Nakia had when she said Wakanda could help others while keeping itself safe. His obligation as King of Wakanda now was to act on these events in the ways he saw fit.
Between the council seats, Okoye and Ayo were heavily discussing something, only to stop when they noticed his arrival in the throne room. Both their faces showed concern in their brows. Behind them, he noticed Ross standing at the window.
“Only a day ago, you were celebrating in victory for Wakanda,” he smiled at them.
Ross slightly angled his body to him. His hand clasped his mouth as he stared out of the window. His shoulders were slumped. The tinch of unease from the scene grew even more as Okoye and Ayo walked up to him. Did something happen to Nakia?
“My King, I am truly sorry about the news I bring,” Okoye said. She swallowed before proceeding. “Another CIA agent arrived yesterday morning in Wakanda.”
His eyes darted to Ross before returning carefully to Okoye to finish her words.
“And, she was killed by Killmonger, only moments after.”
“She?” T’Challa’s thoughts darted from left to right, hoping, praying the CIA agent wasn’t the one he suspected. “Okoye, who was this CIA agent?”
“[Y/N],” Ayo said. “It was [Y/N].”
T’Challa grapped Okoye’s arms for steady.
“I didn’t know who she was,” Okoye said as she put her hands under his elbows for support.
“Why did she come here?” he asked.
“She came to join agent Ross after she heard he was injured.”
“And he killed her without reason?”
T’Challa didn’t understand. He let Okoye’s arms go and walked to his throne. His legs were failing him. Another life lost at the hands of Killmonger. Zuri, one of his Doras and now [Y/N]? But Killmonger didn’t come to Wakanda to kill blameless lives. Killmonger killed Zuri once he understood who Zuri had been in his youth. The Dora was killed in battle. You had no role in Killmonger’s story, or his fight, unless you provoked him in any way. Yet, T’Challa knew you to be more reasonable, to assess a situation before making fatal decisions.
“What happened, Okoye?”
Okoye shuffled before standing tall, chin in the air and firm in her words. “I wanted to keep the Queen Mother, Princess Shuri and Nakia safe. Agent Ross was with them, so I had to make him believe there was no CIA agent present in Wakanda. I kept them safe by suggesting the CIA agent had lied.”
T’Challa didn’t know what else to say. His breath choked. A mingle of pain, anger and guilt rushed through him.
“Go,” he whispered.  
Okoye fell on one knee and stared into his eyes. “I am sorry, my King,” she insisted pleadingly, “but I needed to keep them safe.”
He buried his distorted face in both his hands as the dark realization of your death settled. Okoye only handled the way he would’ve expected her to handle. Now, you were dead, and blame laid partially in his hands too. He remembered how you smelled like sweet jasmines after a shower, how you soothed him into a calm sleep when the loss of your father reminisced. His body shuddered with guilt. He was left with all these memories without hope to hear your voice once more.
“All of you go!,” T’Challa shouted.
His voice couldn’t hide the pain of his loss.
A spear bonked twice on the floor before the sync footsteps of the Dora Milaje informed him that Okoye was leaving with Ayo and the rest of her warriors. A hand rested on his shoulder.
“She’ll be given a proper salute in America,” Ross stated. His voice too tinged with loss and ache.
T’Challa lifted his head to see Ross leave the throne room. Only then, he let himself cry the tears he desperately kept for himself.
masterlist |
personal remark I present you my very first oneshot! Thank you so much to the anon requesting it. I didn’t know whether you wanted it to stand alone outside the MCU or within the Black Panther story. I chose the latter, and really enjoyed filling up possible plotholes (though I know there still some there). Enjoy! P.S.: English is not my first language, so sorry in advance for errors in language use!
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infiniteimaginings · 4 months
Hii! I know ur requests are closed and stuff and I don’t even know if you’re still writing for this but could you do a Ravi ross x reader?? Maybe an enemies to lovers thing? 😭 I was also wondering if it could be set when bunk’d was taking place if that makes sense! If not that’s ok :) Have a nice day or night.(excuse my English not my first language lol)
Lost (Ravi Ross x GN!Reader)
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Summary: You get lost with one of the only people at camp you can't stand and somehow it's your fault? Who's leaving the other if a bear comes? Who's taking the last life jacket and leaving the other? Whose dislike of the other is just intense admiration that they don't know how to handle? Pronouns: You/Yours Warnings: They talk about/to each other rudely, in depth about parental issues lol, but other than that none Word Count: 3.4k A/N: Me saying requests are (ever) closed just means I won't respond to them quickly or look at them closely. If it's open it means I can write for them and I know for a fact I'll be able to post it. Don't worry, you can still send stuff in, it's okay.
Camp Kikiwaka was a summer camp placed in the outskirts of Maine where a bunch of kids would either complain due the lack of cell service or would find comfort in one another through competitions. Most everyone at Camp Kikiwaka got along, that was mainly due to the counselors who pushed everyone together almost against their wills. That worked for almost everyone, almost.
You were extremely likable, people wanted you on their teams, in their campsites, at sleepovers, etc. You were a caring and sweet person who people got along with. This meant you were basically friends with everyone. That wasn’t true though, it wasn’t true because someone in the camp absolutely despised every single thing you did.
That person's name was Ravi Ross, someone who people enjoyed the company of. They thought he was intelligent, helpful, resourceful, and interesting as well as fun. He was also someone you decided to name ‘Try Hard Rich Boy’ because he tried way too hard for a camp where the main objective was to have fun. From the nickname alone, it’s clear the sentiment he shared for you was reciprocated.
Both of you understood the lack of bond the two of you had, and neither of you cared. Sure, you had the same friends, and you were friends with his siblings, but that didn’t matter. You tried to keep any sort of conversation short, and it lasted the majority of the time at camp.
You had to go to the Grizzly cabin one day to grab something from Xander for Zuri. The curly haired girl was currently busy on the docks and kindly bribed you to go instead, to which you agreed after much persuading. You took your time and knocked before letting yourself in due to a lack of response, Zuri said the item was in a bag with her name on it, it should’ve just been on one of the dressers. You knew Xander wouldn’t mind, so you shrugged and began your search.
As you looked you heard a bit of a heavy walk so you turned around and were met face to scales with Mrs. Kipling, one of your favorite campers of Camp Kikiwaka. You smiled gently and crouched down to her, gently using your finger to gently rub from her head to her mid-back. Mrs. Kipling let out a small hum of a hiss which you always took as enjoyment since she never did much other than scoot a bit closer to you. 
 You were so caught up with the seven foot long lizard that you didn’t notice one of the Grizzly cabin members walking in. 
The person scoffed and walked forward, “Can I help you?” They asked, the familiar accent filling your ears, causing your eye to lightly twitch in frustration.
You stood up and turned to look Ravi Ross in the eyes with a blank expression, “Nope.” You spoke simply, moving your head to the side and walking to the dresser on Xanders side, quickly snatching the bag and walking out the cabin, closing the door behind you.
Ravi rolled his eyes, not even looking back to where you walked away. He simply tilted his head down to Mrs. Kipling and frowned, “Traitor.” He spoke with a huff, walking towards the bathroom.
He never enjoyed the fact that his closest companion enjoyed your presence at all. He thought his best friend since his childhood would at least be on his side, but every day he is proven wrong.
Short exchanges, dirty looks, sighs of frustration, and that was it. That was your dynamic, which the two of you were fine with. Everyone else on the other hand, absolutely hated it.
All of your friends were sat in the middle of the cafeteria as you were helping a camper put up banners and Ravi was on the other side, clipboard in hand, giving other campers directions to follow.
Emma put her head down on the table, “I’m sick of this.” She groaned, lifting her head so her chin would sit on her forearms.
Xander nodded, rubbing circles into her back as he looked around the table. “There’s gotta be something we can do, right?” He asked, looking between the two sides of the cafeteria. “I mean, they’ve been so rude to each other since camp started.”
“I know!” Zuri interjected, “I’m tired of trying to get them to talk by sending them to do my chores.”
Everyone looked over at Zuri with confusion, Lou especially. “For once, I’m going to ignore that you just said that.” The brown haired girl said, turning to face Xander. “I don’t know how we would fix…” She paused, waving her hands in the two general directions, “that.”
Tiffany gently rocked herself, “I mean, if they were forced to be together, maybe that would help.” She suggested to which the table hummed in agreement.
“I know if Gladys told them to be partners on something, they wouldn't be able to argue it.” Jorge nodded to his own words, crossing his arms on the table, “That woman is scary.” He spoke lowly, staring down as if he was getting some sort of flashback to every horrifying thing their camp owner has ever done.
Xanders eyes brightened up and he stood up suddenly, “I have an idea.” He told everyone before rushing off, leaving the group at the table with no explanation.
Before the end of the day, Xander was walking into the cafeteria with the menacing woman herself. She looked…bored to say the least. 
“Campers!” She yelled out, causing the attention to be drawn to her immediately, which she genuinely enjoyed. She sighed before scratching at her leg that was shown under her cargo shorts, “We’re having a camp activity in a few days, something of the sorts of an ‘adventure quest’.” She told the campers surrounding her, air quotes around ‘adventure quest’. Gladys rolled her neck a bit before continuing, “I need two campers to go out to one of our set up camps about half an hour from here to gatherer the supplies from this list.” She explained, paper list in hand  
No one raised their hands so Xander coughed a bit, before whispering into Gladys’s ear.
The woman rolled her eyes and pointed to you, “You, and…” She trailed off, looking around before her sharp gaze set on Ravi, “you.” She spoke, pushing the list into Ravis chest before walking off, not letting either of you argue with the decision. “And you need to leave today! Supplies will be provided by your counselors!” She yelled out her final demand before her footsteps got quieter by the second.
The cafeteria was silent as they watched you and Ravi Ross glare at each other. Everyone was highly concerned whether either of you would return from this trip since neither of you are very team friendly with one another.
Not another word was passed between anyone as you and Ravi walked out, in silence, to your own cabins. Xander and Lou looked at each other, a bit of worry in their glance but they hoped it would work. You two were responsible enough to at least take care of one another if the time came, right?...Right?
Lou sent you on your way with a backpack full of camping gear just in case it took longer to get to the camping site. It was pretty late in the day so she wanted to be safe rather than sorry. She sent you off with ‘Be safe’, ‘Don’t kill each other’, ‘If you see the cases of sodas we hid there, bring back a few cans.”
When you finally walked out of your cabin, away from Lou’s smothering, you found Ravi getting the exact same treatment from Xander, an equally heavy bag on his back. The sight was honestly kind of funny, Xanders hands gripping Ravis shoulders as he gave him a stern ‘talking to’.
After the warnings ended, Ravi turned to go to your cabin, but noticed you were already ready, grin on your face. 
“What’s so funny?”
Your smile dropped, “Let’s just go.” You spoke, turning to the trail path, Ravi following with no complaints as he wanted to get this over with as quick as possible. The two of you passed by your friends and other campers waving you off and wishing you well, telling you both to be careful, which you both would try to.
Once you got to the path, you were met with a fork in the road almost immediately. Ravi suggested right, near the deeper portion of the forest where you’d be able to find more signs for where the campsite was. You suggested left where you guys were closer to the shore of the lake.
Both of you knew that either direction would lead to the camp site since it was just ahead, it wasn’t in the middle of the forest, but it wasn’t on the beach. 
After a bit of debating, you decided to choose Ravis way. His way was helpful as you saw the arrow signs directing you both to the site. You guys were making good time, the sun hadn’t set and you guys were almost there, you were almost hopeful.
Almost. And that almost was crushed the moment Ravi stopped walking.
You nearly ran into his back before stepping to the side, “Why’d you sto-” Your sentence was interrupted when you saw the large sign practically screaming at them ‘WAY BLOCKED, UNSAFE TRAIL’
Both of you groaned, and looked around for another way.
Ravi huffed, “If we go back without even getting to the camp in the first place, Gladys will have our heads.”
“You don’t think I know that?” You snarled, rolling your eyes. “Let’s just try to find a way around.” You spoke, stepping around to find a different trail that went the same direction, but was longer than the original one.
Walking, walking, and more walking with extremely heavy bags and short patience, wasn’t fun. 
“Why did we have to go this way specifically?” Ravi asked, knowing there were two other paths that could have potentially been better than this one.
“Because it’s easier.” you answered quickly, stepping forward, looking around more, using the lasting sunlight to get as far as you could.
“No, it’s no-”
You quickly turned around to face him, “Im sorry.” You spoke suddenly.
“You’re…sorry?” Ravi asked, clearly confused from his expression and tone of voice.
You nodded, “Yes, I’m sorry that you're such a control freak that you can't have anyone but yourself have their way.” You told him with a tilt of your head, a glare forming on your face.
Ravi gave you a sarcastic laugh before pushing past you, continuing to walk. “If you only have insults to spit out, just be quiet.” He told you without turning around.
You simply rolled your eyes before following him.
It was getting dark, dark enough to the point you guys couldn’t see where you were going and you felt like you were going in circles.
Ravi hit his forehead slightly, “You’re the reason that we’re lost, you don’t even know where this trail leads!” He suddenly groaned out, turning towards you, you thought. You couldn't tell, it was pitch black. 
“We’re in the woods, I think we have bigger problems than ‘who got us lost’.” You started, pulling your bag off your back to pull the tent. “Which is you by the way.”
“How is this my fault?” Ravi asked, doing the same as you, pulling out flashlights so neither of you would mess something up with the excuse of it being nightfall.
“You took over walking in the front, you lead us deeper into the woods.”
“And you didn’t want to speak up?”
You turned and faced him, puffing out your chest and holding up your finger, “If you have nothing but insults to say, just be quiet.” You repeated his words before rolling your eyes and turning back to putting up your tent. 
Ravi simply scoffed and went to get firewood, deciding not to talk to you because he felt as if his head was being constantly twisted past its limit when speaking to you.
Over time, he got the fire started, and pulled out some food to cook for you to choose from. You found a pretty good stone slab to set one of your prepared towels onto so you weren’t just placing food on the forest rocks. You also pulled a few snacks out of your bag, tossing a few to Ravi without a word. He turned to you with furrowed brows, confused by your sudden act but you were turned towards the fire, already beginning to fix up the food you guys had brought along.
You both sat in a tense but a more comfortable silence than either of you were used to.
Ravi broke the silence, looking up at you for a moment before looking back down to the snacks he just opened as he waited for you to be done with cooking. “I still think we could’ve taken another path.”
“And I’m still sure the path I chose is less deadly and still faster even though we’re camping out.” You answered, the light glistening in your eyes. 
There was no response to that, so you left it at that…until you heard rustling.
You looked back and noticed only one tent was set up, yours. Ravi seemed to be having trouble with his and you couldn’t even find it in you to laugh, because it really was late. 
“Do you need help?”
“It’s been half an hour-”
“I don’t need your help, okay?”
You blinked at him before taking the food off the fire so you wouldn’t burn it. You stood up, brushing yourself off, “You are so incredibly stubborn, to the point that it’s ridiculous.” You stated, walking to him and helping him put in the rods, ignoring his protests. “You hate asking for help, even when you really need it.” You continued on, snapping at him to move to the other side to which he reluctantly followed. “You think you need to do everything yourself, fix everything yourself, for what?” You asked him, finishing the seemingly simple set up of his tent.
Ravi shook his head, choosing to ignore you, sitting on the side of the campfire. 
“It’s as if you think no one sees how hard you’re working, trust me everyone sees it.” You grumbled, crossing your arms as you walked to the other side of the camp fire, “It’s infuriating how hard you try with something you really don’t need to put that much effort in.”
“What about you? Huh?” Ravi interrupted, tilting his head, stepping closer to you. “You just blank on people.”
“Blank on-?”
“When you believe you failed at something, it’s like you go dark in your head .” Ravi explained, expression hardened. “What’s up with that?” He asked, raising a brow. “You do so well in everything and when you don’t get the results you want, you shut down.” 
You blinked at him and looked him up and down, “Why do you watch me so hard to notice that I get into my head?”
“Why do you observe me to the point you notice how hard I work?”
There was silence from the two of you, just a stare from across a dancing fire. A stare of two campers who believed they were comfortable in each other's hate, that they didn’t notice how much they really knew each other more than anyone.
Ravi seemed to be the person who spoke up more, which was surprising, but at the same time it wasn’t. 
He looked away, tongue poking the inside of his cheek, “I don’t ask for help because my parents weren’t much help.” He spoke, sniffling ever so slightly as a distraction to his far off gaze.
“What do you mean?”
“Me and the majority of my siblings are adopted.” He told you, finally turning to look back at you, not expecting your eyes to already be on him. "Since my parents are famous, they have to be gone a lot, so we had nannies.” He began to explain, swallowing harshly, “Those nannies took care of us more than our parents did.”
You furrowed your brows, “So, them sending you to camp…?”
“It's like another nanny situation.” He answered, sighing a bit. “We had nannies as we grew up, and our last nanny was our longest nanny, she was great.” He told you with a small smile, “She was there for years, and honestly was the best person who deserved only great things.” He explained to you fondly to which you listened. “She left so our parents could stay for good, but clearly, that didn’t last that long.”
Your expression formed into something Ravi couldn’t explain, he couldn’t tell if you were sad for him, felt sympathy, but the feeling was comforting since he never really talked to his own siblings about this.
“What I’m trying to say is that there’s a freedom you have when you feel as if you’ve been abandoned.” He swallowed harshly as he tried to explain, “It just kind of sucked because I already felt as if I was abandoned as a child since there was a need for me to be adopted. Going through that twice isn't a good feeling.” Ravi told you, trying to laugh through it. “I don’t ask for help, because I didn’t really get help until our recent nanny, and now that she’s gone, I just don’t have that kind of easy connection to ask anymore.”
You hummed a bit, “I wasn’t necessarily saying you not asking for help is a terribly bad thing.” You told him slowly, tilting your head to the side as you looked away from him. “It’s admirable, you do things on your own, you’re intelligent, I know you’re capable of more than the average person.” You complimented him, to both of your surprise.
Ravi continued to listen, adjusting himself to be more comfortable.
“I was just saying that because it’s worrying.” You answered truthfully. “We keep our conversations short, I know, but I still see you working on millions of projects a day.” You explained, smoothing out your knitted brows, “I’m worried you’re going to drop and that’s when people are going to notice that you’re overworking yourself on things you shouldn’t be overworking yourself on.” You told him, puffing air out of your cheeks.
The boy across the fire nodded a bit at your words, “You weren’t telling me to stop trying so hard because you thought I was irritating, you were saying it because…”
“Camp is where you can relax for a minute, you don’t have to prove yourself in anything that much.” You completed his thought for him. “You are a try hard and it’s annoying, because it’s concerning.”  
“Well, since we’re sharing concerns, why do you shut down?” Ravi asked you, wondering if you’d answer or not.
You chuckled a bit before inhaling deeply, “If things don’t go perfectly for me, I feel as if it was better not trying at all.”
“Because everything I’ve ever done to this point was never good enough unless it was absolutely perfect.”
Ravi hummed a bit, nodding, “Was it because of family?”
You nodded with a bit of a scrunched nose, “It’s hard to let go of what your parents put onto you for your entire life, when they’re not around.” You answered honestly, waving at a few bugs around. “If I don’t get everything perfect, what use will I be to anyone?”
“You’re plenty of use.” Ravi interrupted your words, “You help everyone at camp, even the counselors, even Gladys.” He began to list off, scratching at his neck. “I notice that you get in your head, but now that you’re telling me this… you’re comparing yourself to a standard you’ll never reach.”
“Perfection is reachable, actually, if you try hard enough.”
“Not at camp kikiwaka where the boats are about to fall apart and the food barely looks edible.” He answered with a slightly straight face.
His blank tone and expression caused you to burst out into laughter and nod, “I guess you’re right.”
It was a sudden camp trip where suddenly the two of you felt like you could actually talk to each other. A night of camping where you both realize you had more in common than you actually thought.
A night where neither of you minded that you would be spending extra time with one another to get to the other campsite and back to kikiwaka.
You smiled at Ravi, the food now done as you exchanged stories about your friends and activities you’ve done over the summer. “You know, even though I’m sure we’re lost, I guess I’m glad it’s with you.”
Ravi chuckled and shook his head, rolling his eyes playfully, “Me too.”
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