#zuko x azula
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jessmalia · 11 months ago
I rewatched The Avatar and the Fire Lord a few days ago, and god, what a good episode. Revealing that Zuko is a descendant of both Sozin and Roku was a genius move (and that's not even getting into the Zuko/Aang parallels of it all). But there's something the show doesn't seem to think of, and that I haven't seen anyone in the fandom discuss either — the fact that Zuko isn't the only one descendant from both these men. Azula is, too.
The conclusion of this story that Iroh presents to Zuko at the end of the episode is that he alone — because of his lineage from both men the war was started from — is uniquely capable of cleansing the sins of his family and the fire nation and bringing peace to the world. But, the thing is, there's two sides of this conflict, and therefor two sides to its legacy. The external and the personal. The legacy of the external is the war, but the legacy of the personal is the sibling rivalries that kept repeating through generations of the royal family.
Though Roku and Sozin were not actually related, they were childhood friends as close as siblings and fucking shared a birthday, so the symbolism works. We know very little about Azulon's childhood or if he even had any direct sibling rivalries like this at all, but from what I can find on his wiki page, we know that Sozin favoured him over "other family" (I'm assuming his siblings). What we know very well, however, is what happened in the next generation between Iroh and Ozai. We know Azulon favoured Iroh over Ozai, and that this likely is the initial source of their hatred for each other, which resulted in perhaps the worst sibling rivalry of them all (what with the indirect patricide and throne stealing).
Then we go on to Zuko and Azula, whose upbringing kept going in the same patterns, but the key difference is them being the first ones to both be descendant from the men who started it all. If Zuko having this lineage makes him uniquely capable of ending the cycle of war in his country and restoring balance to the world, shouldn't that mean that both he and Azula having this lineage makes them uniquely capable of ending the cycle of brutal sibling rivalries and restoring balance to their family?
This conclusion I've presented seems to fit perfectly with the lesson Aang draws from the same story as well:
"Roku was just as much Fire Nation as Sozin was, right? If anything, their story proves that anyone's capable of great good and great evil. Everyone, even the Fire Lord and the Fire Nation, have to be treated like they're worth giving a chance."
I know this is supposed to be foreshadowing to Aang refusing to kill Ozai later, but I can't help but think it's even more applicable to fourteen year old Azula. It's really so ironic that the show runners thought Azula deserved what she got when their own show seems to be telling them that Zuko mending his relationship with her is what he ultimately should've done.
But, then again... that does sort of make her the perfect tragedy.
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siblingsweethearts · 3 months ago
When she's prone to psychotic breakdowns and fucking her brother 😍😍😍
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nwnm7 · 11 months ago
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thefierypit · 9 months ago
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ikigai-14106 · 9 months ago
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Post Redemption Arc where Zuko assigns a stealth mission to Azula (as she insists) but the only way he'll allow her is if she's with someone. The only one he trusts to protect and look out for her was himself so, he decided to put on the mask again and wear the vigilante name, Blue Spirit.
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Zuko and Azula went on exploring their vacation house on Ember Island but accidentally triggered a trap.
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azulas-daddy-kink · 11 months ago
Zucest 👀
Well, I can't say I ship it but I think it is hella valid and I completely understand where the Zucest shippers are coming from. The bedroom scene like lmao come on, and Grey even admitted she voiced that part seductively on purpose. Plus (and people can deny this all they want) it is canon that Azula loves Zuko more than anyone, aside from their father. It's not hard at all to imagine this crossing from the platonic realm to something else, given how messed up and starved for affection these two kids are.
I've definitely read some Zucest fics that I really enjoyed (some of which are yours of course lol) and am generally not opposed to the ship. It's just not something I'd go out of my way to look for. I do admit the kink potential is super hot though, and I'm in agreement that Zuko would have all the same nasty kinks as his father. It's similar to Ozula in a lot of ways, just without the creepy age gap and huge power imbalance.
Also again, I'm fine with anything that upsets the toxic lesbian Azula "truthers" and the antis, and Zucest kills two birds with one stone.
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pendovah · 2 years ago
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reigntheromantic · 9 months ago
Working on a Zucest fic. Here's a tiny snippet. From the night of an altered Ba Sing Se coup.
Azula leaned in quick, stealing a kiss from his lips. Zuko's eyes closed by instinct, the taste of her lipstick filling his mouth, but his body froze. She broke the kiss and he opened his eyes to her smirking. His mind caught up to his body and he flashed through shock to outrage to confusion faster then he could blink.
"What the fuck was that?"
"What was what?"
"You kissed me."
"I did."
"On the lips."
"I don't see the problem here, Zuko. It's how we used to kiss when we were little."
"We're not kids anymore."
"Obviously. Does that mean I can't kiss my brother now?"
"Not like that!"
"Whatever." She rolled her eyes and pressed a soft kiss to his unscarred cheek. His face burned where her lips touched, his cheeks flushing with hot, red, blush. "Is that better?"
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c-consiousness · 5 months ago
I don't think that I have explicitly mentioned this before, but in my story, the entire council of the Fire Lord's advisers has undergone some changes. Much like the council of five in Ba Sing Se, the Fire Lord is surrounded by a circle of close and influential figures, that circle usually consisting of twelve advisers.
Ten advisers are selected periodically, with the potential for any of them to be replaced or dismissed at a moment's notice for justifiable reasons. However, the last two positions hold far greater significance: The right and left advisers. The left adviser oversees most internal affairs within the nation, while the right adviser is entrusted with all external matters.
These two advisers are typically appointed to serve for the entirety of the Fire Lord's reign, only to be replaced upon their death or in the event of another significant occurrence.
During the hundred year war, the Fire Lords did not appoint any right advisers, as they assumed full control over the military planning for conquest. However, now that Zuko has brought an end to the war, he has resolved to reinstate this position and is planning to appoint Azula as his right adviser.
Since Zuko ascended to the throne, he has removed Ozai's former left adviser, as Ozai was no longer the Fire Lord. However, Zuko has yet to replace the other ten advisers or prepare suitable candidates to take their places.
The roles of the remaining ten advisers have traditionally been bestowed upon influential noblemen, with some families passing down the position through generations. For instance, Ukano inherited his role from his father, who served as an adviser during the final years of Sozin's reign and much of Azulon's, until his death. The position then passed to Ukano, who later took a leave from the council after being appointed as the governor of Omashu, ultimately resigning from the council entirely upon Zuko's ascension to the throne.
I would also like to add that none of the Fire Lord's children are permitted to serve as either the right or left adviser; the sole exception to this rule is a sibling. The crown prince and/or princess occupy reserved positions on the council, and the only other role they may assume within the same council is that of a warmaster, akin to Iroh's position during his father's reign.
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that-guilty-pleasure · 8 months ago
New fic - Late night visit
Azula is a very curious thing, Zuko is very willing to help her figure stuff out.
Read it here on Ao3
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familyromantic · 2 years ago
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The coffin of Andy and Leyley/Avatar: The last airbender
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siblingsweethearts · 8 months ago
College has kept me busy, but I've managed to get some Zucest week submissions in for the first day's prompts! I've sorted them by category (except the free for all category, I might go back & do those ones later) and hopefully I can add the next round of prompts once they're written.
Fit for a Queen - Hetasibs - Avatar: The Last Airbender (Cartoon 2005) [Archive of Our Own]
Disappearing Act - Hetasibs - Avatar: The Last Airbender (Cartoon 2005) [Archive of Our Own]
Within Her Clutches - Hetasibs - Avatar: The Last Airbender (Cartoon 2005) [Archive of Our Own]
This is an Incestervention - Hetasibs - Avatar: The Last Airbender (Cartoon 2005) [Archive of Our Own]
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nwnm7 · 6 months ago
Midnight Kiss
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Full version on discord and the usual site.
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thefierypit · 7 months ago
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Azula was a bit anxious about what Zuko thoughts are of her without makeup as she never really asked him about it before. She felt silly when he said she looked beautiful regardless of if she wears makeup or not.
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spidercapibara · 1 year ago
For god sake, I really need someone to make a Zucest playlist on Spotify.
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azulas-daddy-kink · 2 years ago
Gotta love the puriteens in fandom bitching about ships that are older than they are. My dude, Zhaoko is old enough to vote! Zucest, Zhaozula, and Ozula are not far behind... sit tf down lol.
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