#zorro frustration
planetoidsfun · 8 months
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There's never a Sgt. Garcia around when one has a fancy to carve some Z's.
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cuculine-nelipot · 11 months
I cannot believe that people are still saying things like "Izzy had internalised homophobia" or "Izzy wasn't queer coded in season one because he was the hypermasculine foil to everyone's queerness", because it's just so superficial it's shocking. Queerness does not equate to femininity, even if you're a man. You can be a gay man and still traditionally masculine. It does not mean you have internalised homophobia. It just means that you're a man who just so happens to present as traditionally masculine while also being attracted to other men. No, Izzy may not have been queer "coded" in that he's not campy, but that doesn't detract from the fact that his intense devotion to Edward (Edward - need I remind you that he says his name more than anyone else in this show) - to Edward's life, happiness, and every wish, that his sense of betrayal when Edward started shutting him out, did stem from a love he clearly knew he had, even if he didn't say it out loud.
"But he was the foil to the other characters' overt queerness!" Maybe! But that does not mean that he wasn't comfortable with his sexuality. Not everyone gay and over 50 is closeted and ashamed. The only thing "homophobic" he did was yell at Lucius and Pete for not working. I hate to break this to you, but telling people to do their jobs isn't actually homophobic. What he really was a foil to was the comedic genre. The tension between him and the other characters lies in his extreme rationality and doom's day mentality, and their whimsical certainty that everything's fine.
Also, please show me where this hypermasculity actually is. He's good at sword fighting? Okay? Watching him flick a sword around and twirling on his little fleet smacks of Manliness to you? Do you also think Zorro is the straightest man to every straight? He keeps telling people to do shit? Okay? It's his job? Only men are frustrated middle-managers? He's shouty? You're right, I've never met a shouty woman in my life! They simply must not exist, and the ones that do are butch. He wears all black? I mean ??? He's aggressive? Edward is shown, on screen, to be far more aggressive than he is and y'all will swear up and down that he's effeminate because we saw him in another man's dressing gown.
Please. For the love of God. Stop trying to understand everything as a checklist of tropes. Nothing actually works that way.
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aquagirl1978 · 13 days
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Little Lion Man
Pairing: Leon Dompteur x Reader
Prompt: Day 1 (Love), Day 4 (Brothers) and Day 6 (Dance) for Leon Dompteur Sequel Route Release event (hosted by me)
Word count: 1330
Tags: Fluff (with a brief appearance from Chevalier, Jin and Leon's young son)
A/N: This fic was inspired by Leon's recent Halloween gacha card in JP as well as @ikeprinces-stuff artwork with an alternate Leon costume that can be seen HERE. Jin and Chevalier's gacha cards are also referenced throughout the fic.
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“You are going to be the cutest little lion cub at tonight’s party!” you squealed as you adjusted the lion ears on top of your son’s head.
“Do you think Papa will like my costume?”
“Like it? He will love it!” You picked your son up in your arms, thankful he was still light enough for you to carry, and held him against your chest as you both looked in the mirror. “I think Uncle Yves did a great job with both of our costumes this year, don’t you think?”
Your son looked up at you and smiled. “You will be the prettiest bunny rabbit tonight, Mama.” He looked back into the mirror and opened his mouth wide to let out a tiny little roar. “And I will be the fiercest lion at the ball!”
Beaming with joy, you put your son down and took his little furry paw in yours. “Are you ready to go to a party now?”
He jumped up and down excitedly; his smile, bright as the sun, was a near replica of his father’s. “But where’s Papa?”
You looked out the nearby window, the darkening skies telling you it was already getting late in the day. “He said he had something to do before the party, and that he would meet us there.”
“This is what you came to my office for, Black?” Chevalier let out an exasperated sigh as his ice blue eyes met Leon’s amber eyes in a cold stare.
“Yes! This is an important matter!”
“Your ridiculous costume does not concern me,” Chevalier remarked, his eyes returning to the documents on his desk. 
“I found out that Silvio is going to the Halloween Ball as a vampire.  I was supposed to go as a vampire. I’m the King, I can’t be wearing the same costume as someone else!”
“I don’t think you’ll have that problem now,” Chevalier commented with a smirk. “I can assure you, no one else will be dressed like that tonight. Although, the color is very fitting for you, Black.”
Leon grumbled loudly at being called this nickname, but refused to dwell on it. Unfortunate as it was, he needed Chevalier’s help.
“Please. You read more books than anyone I know.”
“Yes. And you read none.”
“That’s not the point,” Leon growled. “I’m asking for your help.” 
Chevalier straightened in his seat and rested his chin in the palm of his hand, his icy gaze silently saying speak.
“Belle read a story to me the other night. It was about a masked, sword-wielding hero and his swashbuckling adventures.”
“And this is who you are supposed to be?” Chevalier asked wide-eyed.
“Yes! His name was…ah, Zoso or something?”
Chevalier was polite enough to cover his mouth when he snickered. “You mean Zorro.”
“Isn’t that what I said?” No, wait. Don’t answer that.” Leon pulled out the rapier that was sheathed at his waist and dramatically flipped his dark cape. “I am Zorro, the dashing masked vigilante!”
Leon put down the rapier and stared at Chevalier. “That was believable, right?”
“The masked part certainly was.”
Leon’s brows knitted in frustration. “You’re a bully. You know that, right?”
“You’re the one who came to me,” Chevalier replied with a snort of laughter before returning his attention to the papers on his desk.
“Oh hey, Chevalier. What costume are you wearing tonight?”
“Evil demon,” he replied without looking up from his desk.
“Ah, well, that makes perfect sense. You could go as yourself, no need to even dress up,” Leon muttered under his breath as he made his way towards the door.
“I know,” Chevalier called out. 
Leon didn’t have to turn around to know there was a wicked grin plastered on the face of the second prince.
“Have you seen Leon?” you asked Jin when you ran into him at the dessert table.
Jin looked around the room slowly, looking for his younger brother. “I haven’t seen him since I got to the ball. When I saw him earlier, he did mention he might be a little late this evening.”
“Did Papa forget about the ball?” a quiet little voice asked.
Jin crouched down and held out a lollipop to his nephew. “I’m sure your Papa didn’t forget. I wouldn’t be surprised if he was still at his desk, finishing up some work that just couldn’t wait until tomorrow.”
Still crouched, Jin noticed a familiar figure dressed in black approaching. Leon held a finger to his mouth, to which Jin gave a quick wink.
Standing off to the side, you smiled as you watched Leon walk on tiptoe, trying to surprise his young son.
Jin leaned in closer to his nephew, whispering loudly in his ear. “I heard there will be many mysterious visitors at the ball tonight. Some might be friend, others foe. I need you to be on high alert and let me know if you see anyone suspicious. Can you do that for me, buddy?”
“Yes, Uncle Jin,” the small boy answered seriously.
“I think it's best if you turn around then. You won't be much of a lookout if all you're doing is looking at me,” he said. He put his hands on his nephew's shoulders, ready to turn him around at the right moment. “On my count. One, two…three!”
On three, Jin spun the young prince just as Leon was a few feet away.
“Papa!” the boy exclaimed, breaking from his uncle's hold and running to his father.
“Whose Papa? I don't recall raising a lion cub!” Leon scooped his son up in a big bear hug, gently tickling him until he began to squirm with laughter.
“It's me, it's me,” he squealed in between peals of laughter.
“What do you think?” Leon winked, gesturing to his costume. “Do you know who I am?”
“Yes. You're Zoso, the dashing, masked vigilante from the book Mama read to us!”
Leon threw back his head and let out a loud roar of laughter. 
Like father, like son, he thought to himself as he pulled his son into another hug.
“Hey!” Leon called to you, extending his hand. “Don't think you're hopping away so fast!”
Joining him in a tight hug, your heart filled with warmth. “I thought you were going to be a vampire,” you whispered in Leon's ear.
“It's a long story, I'll tell you later.” After Leon set the tiny lion cub on the ground, breaking the family hug, his hand searched for yours. “I heard…” he started in a very excited voice, “that there is a haunted maze out in the gardens. Who wants to go?”
“I do, I do!” cried a young voice.
“And you, my bunny?” Leon asked with a smirk. 
“If you're going, I'm going.”
“Hey, what about me?” Jin asked, a small pout forming on his lips.
Leon looked over his older brother for a minute. “ I'm not sure they're letting in any lazy mummies this year…” Leon let Jin stew only a few moments before clapping him on the shoulder with a wide smile. “Lucky for you though, your brother happens to be king.”
Leon led the group to the haunted gardens, his hand still clasped in yours, while Jin and the young prince ran up ahead.
“I was really looking forward to seeing you as a vampire tonight,” you said, trying to mask your disappointment.
“Not that this costume doesn't look amazing, but….” you smiled at Leon, “…you know…”
“Know what?”
“Vampires…biting….” you replied, quickly looking away as you felt heat rise to your cheeks.
Leon pulled you closer, so close he could feel that heat as he whispered to you.  “I can always change later. I still have the vampire costume.”
“Let's hurry then,” you said softly, not wanting to be heard by anyone but your husband.
Leon quickened his pace, excited to continue the haunted festivities. His arm wound around your waist as thoughts of what this evening would later bring were already dancing in his head.
Tagging: @redheadkittys @alixennial @rhodolitesroseforclavis @chaosangel767 @queengiuliettafirstlady
@queen-dahlia @ikehoe @ikemen-writer @talfollowingstuff @kpop-and-otome
@kisara-16 @altairring @lucyw260 @lordsisterxotome @umi-adxhira
@crypticbibliophile @lancelotscloak @tele86 @nightfoxqueen @melodiousramblings
@wendolrea @aceuuuu @randonauticrap @aria-chikage @nightghoul381
@maries-gallery @xbalayage @xenokiryu @alydra @drachonia
@ranhanabi777 @silver-dahlia @lunaaka @portrait-ninja @sh0jun
@ikesenwritings @justpeachyteastea @kalims-pessimist-bestie @shadowylakes     @writingwhimsey  
@ikeprinces-stuff @candiedcoffeedrops     @kookie-my-little-sunshine
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darknessawaits28 · 9 days
What a defiant little one you are? {Part. 1}
Hello my lovies, I'm trying something new again! I am going be writing a stalker story about Loki Laufeyson and you (in first person), hope you enjoy! Thank you all for your love and support! Love you all my lovies! :3 Warnings: Smut, stalker fantasy, a few curse words, possible bondage, forced smut, etc.
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"Hey y/n, clocking off?" Amanda, your shift manager said to you as you pulled off your apron.
"Yeah, I am beat as it is, and besides, I got a hot date tonight with my couch, tv, and a bucket of ice cream" You laughed, going over to the time punch screen and punching out.
"Lucky bitch, well, I'll see you next week okay, we are getting new stock, and I need you bright and early please."
"Oh right, I forgot that pumpkin spice is coming back on the menu for fall, fuck me" you rolled your eyes as you headed to the back to grab your things. Slowly pulling on your sweater, you quickly looked up, seeing something moving out of your sight quickly. "Hmm, must've been nothing" you shrugged it off and walked towards the door to head out of the café. "Alright Amanda, I'll see you next week, good night!"
"Night y/n, enjoy your movie!"
"Thanks I will" you smiled, pushing open the door, and then heading down the busy New York City side walk. "Hmm maybe Mask of Zorro, haven't seen that movie in a while, or how about Matilda?" You mumbled to yourself, trying to figure out what movie you should watch.
Unaware of your surroundings, there was someone following you. His breathe hitched in his throat at the delicious sight of you walking, your every move forcing his pants to tighten further than it already was.
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"No way!" You nearly shouted as you saw across the street the cutest kawaii store you have ever seen. "Damn what time does it close?" you quickly grabbed your phone and began to search the name to see what time it closes.
The man quickly hid behind the light post, trying to remain hidden from your line of sight as to not spook you.
"Oh, it closes at 8!" "Pit stop!" You giggled, waiting for the cross walk signal to give her the right away. Soon enough, the light changed and you was able to cross the street to the kawaii store, the shadow still following close behind you.
"Damn that girl, she had better not make any more stops or I will have to punish her for sending me through all these loops" the man grumbled in frustration as he followed her into the store cautiously, trying to calm the enormous bulge that was ready to burst from his pants.
"Hello, welcome to Cinibun, we are having a sale of 40% off with the purchase of our mascot Cinibun bun!" one of the workers said kindly as she continued to restock the shelf.
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"Oh thank you, I'll check him out later" you spoke kindly to the retail worker and continued your stroll. Knowing for a fact you was going to buy a lot, you grabbed a basket and began to walk around the store.
The man entered right after you, the retail worker ready to say her line, but stopped immediately at the sight of him. "W-Welcome to the store sir..." the girl gulped, quickly going back to restocking, wanting nothing to do with him. The man simply smirked deviously at how this mere mortal girl trembled before him, oh the power that he held to be feared upon!
"Aww, look how adorable!" you smiled as you grabbed a teddy bear that had blueberry designs all over it.
"It indeed is quite adorable" A voice behind you spoke with interest.
Startled by the sound of someone, you quickly turned around to see a tall man standing before you. "Uh, yes, it is."
"I love coming to this store, I always get my girlfriend those cute little guys, she loves them" the man spoke genuinely and with enthusiasm, trying to mask the fact that he was here for you.
"Oh, oh, heh, yeah, my apartment is filled with these little guys, they're just so cute and fluffy" you giggled, putting the bear in your basket.
"Hey, uh, since you know a lot about stuffed animals, can you possibly help me find another one for my girlfriend, uh miss?"
"Y/n, nice to meet you, my name is Loki."
"Loki, quite the interesting name" You smiled as you made a 'come with me' gesture with your free hand.
"Yes I know, my mother named me that because she loved Norse Mythology, don't laugh" Loki joked with you, trying to keep his hands to himself as he watched you walk.
"Oh don't worry, I'm not going to laugh, I think your name is pretty cool" you hummed as you grabbed a strawberry teddy bear and turned around to hand it to Loki. "I think your girlfriend would love this."
"Oh my, I don't think I have seen this before, yes, she will definitely love this, thank you."
"Much obliged, now if you'll excuse me, I'm going to look around some more and then head home, had a long shift today."
"Oh of course, have a good night then" Loki smiled deviously as he watched you walk away to do more shopping. "A good night you will indeed have my dear~"
"Finally!" You nearly shouted as you put the 4 bags of stuff you bought from the kawaii store on the kitchen counter and scrolled through your phone. "Hmm, going to add that to my favorite place" you said to yourself as you headed into the dark living room. "Damn, she already put my schedule for next week, she's quick" you shrugged, grabbing the remote control for the light and pressed the button.
"Welcome home my dear~."
Stopping in your tracks, you turned around to see the same man you saw in the kawaii shop causally sitting on your couch.
"You do not know how long I've been waiting for you to come home" Loki smirked at you, putting aside the magazine he was looking at and stood from the couch. "So, are you going to be a defiant little one, or be a good little girl?"
When he finished speaking, you ran up the stairs to head to your room, trying to use your phone to call the police. "Come on, come on!" you trembled, slamming your door shut and quickly hiding in your closet. "Please, please, please pick up!"
A low chuckle escaped his lips as he pulled off his coat and carefully hung it on the coat rack you had. "I love it when she runs" he hummed, pushing his slick hair back and headed up the stairs slowly.
"Your call can't be completed as dialed, hang up or please call again" your phone spoke as you tried to call the police. "What!" you yelled quietly, marking it again but it gave you the same message. "Oh my gosh, don't do this to me!" you whimpered, tears already dripping down your cheeks.
Within seconds, Loki opened your bedroom door, closed it behind him, and chuckled hungrily. "You know my dear, hiding won't help, and calling those idiotic mortals to come save you won't help either." "I'll give you one chance to come out and lay on your bed, so that I can ravish you, or I will have to drag you out of the closet, and we both know you don't want that."
You couldn't move a muscle as his voice echoed along your ears. This was it, this was the moment you was going to die because you helped someone find a teddy bear for their 'supposed' girlfriend. Yet, your heart sunk more when he began to count down from 3.
This isn't real, this isn't real, he's not actually here, this is just a dream right?!
Come on y/n, you can fight him, you can kick his ass and then run out of your apartment!
With the last digit he spoke, he slammed your closet door open and grabbed you by your legs. "No, no, please let me go!" You screamed as he began to drag you to your stuffed animal covered bed.
"I warned you didn't I my dear?" "Now you left me with no choice" He hummed, slamming you onto your bed, pushing aside some of your little friends, and waved his hand; your hands being bound and raised above your head by two snakes.
"Look at you, tied up and ready to be devoured."
"No, no please!" you struggled against the snakes that were bound to your wrists.
Slowly crawling up your body, he looked down upon you, a devilish smirk peering across his lips. "I am going to make you feel so good y/n~"
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{Let me know if you want me to continue the smut, I'm going to run out of space lol!} {Thanks for reading my lovies!}
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snackara · 3 months
UaS!Asha’s Character Arc
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Please keep in mind this all just personal opinion. Despite what I may say I don’t hate the movie Wish. If I hated it I wouldn’t be making this Rewrite/AU in the first place.
Hello everyone and welcome to my TedTalk. I’ve had this ruminating in my brain for a while, and now that I’m back to writing in Asha’s POV I feel like I need to talk about it.
I’ve said before how I don’t like Asha’s personality and character arc in the movie. There’s nothing wrong with the adorkable leading woman trope in Disney films, it’s just that they’ve done it so much throughout the 2010s and 2020s. So sort of as a joke, I thought “Hey, what if we subverted that trope and made Asha a sword-wielding badass?”. (I blame watching The Mask of Zorro around that time.) And so that’s what I did.
As I began my rewrite and started taking Asha’s character more seriously, I realized there was a lot of potential for a really interesting facet of her character arc. One that I haven’t seen too much in Disney films. Not having to bear your burdens alone, which ties into her arc about trusting people. Let’s dive into it.
Canon Asha and Strong Women
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I have a few problems with how the writers went about portraying Asha. As I’ve said before, she has little to no character arc in the movie, and she suffers from it.
Now, it is possible to make a protagonist an audience can root for who doesn’t have a character arc. My favorite example is Cinderella. However, there’s a key difference between her and Asha. Cinderella was in an abusive situation, but remained kind and caring to others. It made the audience root for her and want to see her go to the ball. On the other hand, Asha lives a perfectly content life. Her family isn’t struggling to get by or act abusive to her, and the most people would kill to live in her home of Rosas. She can come across as very annoying and selfish, so you root for her less. It also feels like Asha was meant to have a bigger arc, but in the movie she changes her mind about Magnifico and Rosas in the first twenty minutes. It just makes her feel flat and less compelling.
Something that pops up a few times in the Deleted Scenes of Wish is how they wanted to be her own hero and feel like a stronger protagonist. Hence cutting Starboy (R.I.P). And it really frustrates me for two reasons.
1. There are several instances of Asha’s problems being solved for her or things just happening to her
2. Sometimes the strongest thing you can do is ask for help.
I’ll only focus on a couple instances of Asha’s problems being solved for her because this post is long enough. Early in the movie, she has the interview with Magnifico and gets to see the wishes. But it feels unearned. She doesn’t demonstrate any knowledge of magic or qualities that would make her a good fit for the position. She just gives Magnifico a short sob story about her dad and he just lets her see the wishes. If she had shown an unusually high knowledge of magic or a deeper desire to protect the wishes it would have felt more justified. But no, she just bumbles around like an idiot. The second instance in the climax. Asha starts singing “This Wish (Reprise)” before Magnifico stops her. Then Dahlia starts singing, and all the other people in Rosas join in, which starts to break Magnifico’s magic. Asha only sings again during the last verse, which feels really dull and underwhelming. (Which goes for the climax in general). There was nothing stopping her from continuing singing, she was just laying there. Hell, Dahlia gets knocked over once and immediately gets back up to continue. It just doesn’t make sense to me why the person who does the least in taking down the movies villain is the hero, especially after saying you want to make them stronger and more independent.
Going back to Cinderella, a common complaint I hear about her is that she did nothing in the movie and needed the fairy godmother’s help. It boggles my mind, because…how do you expect her to get out of her situation? She has no money and no one to turn to. She’s practically a slave. Without the fairy godmother she would have stayed in an abusive household for the rest of her life. Sometimes in life there’s no other option but to ask for help. It doesn’t make us weaker, quite the opposite in my opinion. This is what the writers of Wish seemed to miss. It’s not an inherently bad thing to have Asha solve all of her problems on her own, but it sort of reinforces this stereotype of “strong women don’t need help from anyone”. Which really sucks, because you can make a good female character who’s strong but still has flaws and needs help. Just look at some of the woman Hayao Miyazaki writes. Someone Disney could learn from in those regards. *cough* Star Wars *cough* Marvel.
There’s quite a bit to fix when it comes to Asha’s arc. It feels at best flat and at worst nonexistent. Which can work, just not for this story. So, how did I go about writing UaS!Asha’s arc? Well first, we need to look at a certain fearless hero and his character arc.
Puss in Boots and Vulnerability
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(Who knew the Spanish cat from Shrek would have such a huge influence on my rewrite?)
Okay, now for the stuff I really enjoy. I’ve joked before about how similar UaS!Asha and Puss are, but I think there really is something to be said when it comes to their arcs. A smaller part of Puss’ arc in The Last Wish that I wanted to expand upon in this rewrite is vulnerability. There are a few scenes in particular that highlight what I’m talking about. Spoilers ahead of you haven’t seen The Last Wish.
In the opening song of the film Puss sings about how he’s "Never been touched by a blade". Then in the scene where Kitty shaves him, it's shown as a moment of vulnerability as he's asking for her help, and she uses a blade to cut the beard. While the first encounter with Death is definitely the intention for that line, you can also interpret it as he's never allowed himself to be vulnerable on that level before. It’s a nice scene and from that moment of vulnerability Puss gains something: the gatito blade, which saves him in his final fight against Death.
The next scene is obviously the panic attack scene. This one is a little different, since Puss has no choice in how vulnerable he is in the moment. But it does lead to Puss opening up to Perrito about his fear of death and and how he regrets leaving Kitty at the altering Santa Caloma. Kitty happens to overhear this and reconsiders her view of Puss. It also results this exchange, which I think perfectly encapsulates Asha’s mindset in Upon a Star:
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In Puss’ mind, he has to be fearless no matter what. He’s a legendary hero, he can’t afford to be vulnerable.
The last scene I feel is worth going over is the tree scene. In this scene Puss apologizes for leaving Kitty at the alter and admits he was afraid that day. And she forgives him, admitting she didn’t come to the wedding either. Through this moment Puss is able to mend his relationship with Kitty and get that day off his chest.
The main takeaway from these scenes (moreso the panic attack scene the the others) is that it’s okay to be afraid or vulnerable, as long as you can get back up and move forward. This is especially true in the final fight with Death. Puss is still afraid and even falters, but pushes past it. And in the other two scenes, it ultimately helped him to open up. This is what I mainly wanted for Asha’s arc. Speaking of which, let’s take a look at her. She is the main subject of this post.
How Does UaS!Asha Tie In?
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I’ll try to spoil as little as I can here. Like I said, my message through Asha’s arc is that you don’t have to bear your burdens alone. Part of why I made her a sword-wielding thief is to emphasis this point.
At first, she seems pretty formidable. She takes down several guards and gets away from the remaining few easily. Later she continues to show her battle prowess and cunning. Until she meets with our antagonists and…well, you can imagine it doesn’t end good. Think back to the first fight with Death in The Last Wish. A couple scenes prior, we see Puss take down several guards and a giant 100x his size easily. So when Death comes in and absolutely wrecks him, even drawing blood, it makes it so much more impactful. It still works without the giant fight, but there’s a lot less weight to it as a result. As well as the scenes I’ve already talked about. That’s the effect I’m trying to achieve with Asha.
It’s also worth noting that she doesn’t mean to call down Earendel. I mean, I don’t think any of the Asha’s meant to, but they were still seeking guidance. In my version of “This Wish” however, Asha is just trying to gain some confidence and makes a wish for good luck. So when there’s suddenly a random glowing kid in front of her insisting on trying to help her, she’s a little frustrated. Because in her eyes, she shouldn’t need help. She’s the Alondra of Rosas! She’s the one who’s supposed to be helping other people. It’s also why she turns away from other people, fearing they’ll think less of her if they realized how vulnerable and insecure she is deep down. Through a new pseudo-sibling relationship with Earendel and a blooming romance with Flazino however, her walls start to finally come down.
Final Thoughts
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send help
If you’ve read all the way through to this point, thank you so much! I enjoy talking about how I develop ideas for my creative works a lot. It helps me break down and understand aspects of my work better. The problem at this point in time is spoilers. Like I have a whole backstory for Manuel and Tomás, but talking about it messes up the big reveal later in the main story. Most people will probably have guessed it by then but still.
@rascalentertainments @hopeyarts @chillwildwave @wings-of-sapphire @tumblingdownthefoxden @oh-shtars @annymation @uva124 (+others)
I hope you all enjoyed my rambling :) One day I’ll I more of these, I swear.
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inafieldofdaisies · 1 year
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WIP Wednesday | Tagged by @josephseedismyfather and @simplegenius042 ❤️
This week we're diving in some Leslie and Cal shenanigans, and then stopping by for a visit at the Ryes. ❤️
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"So, I see your morning has been going well.", Leslie noted with amusement the second the door of the bar closed behind them. Calahan snorted a laugh as he picked up Zorro and headed towards his truck, "If you count having the woman you like almost walking in on you when you're about to be butt naked…", he shook his head at his companion's raised eyebrow, "What?" Leslie came to a stop by the passenger side door and popped it open for him, "Not a problem I've faced before." "No?" "Were you like… trying to seduce her?", the words left him slowly, like he wasn't sure if he wanted to ask the question. Calahan shot him a wink as he placed Zorro in the seat, "What do you think?" "Probably not… and that it won't even work with her." Tell me about it, chief. "Yeah." The simple but very true statement bounced around his mind as he climbed behind the wheel and tugged at the seat belt with more force than necessary. The pent-up frustration was beginning to get to him, especially when he couldn't imagine taking to bed anyone but her. You're messing with my head, Angel. It's not good. Zorro eyed him as if sensing his souring mood, and Calahan couldn't help but crack a smile, "Feeling like visiting uncle Nick, my boy?"
The slam of the car door cut him off and he watched Leslie settle in the backseat before he muttered, "Sorry." "What for, chief?" "For what I said about Mary May…" Hartley waved him off, turning the key in the ignition, "It was the truth." "I think she likes you." Two pair of blue eyes met in the rearview mirror as Calahan backed away from the Spread Eagle's parking spot, "Yeah?" "She certainly looks at you the way I wished Rina would look at me someday." His confession wasn't all too shocking after how he had spoken about Sabrina the night before with the alcohol loosening his tongue and letting the hurt slip out a little. He must have seen something in Hartley's eyes because he rushed to add, "I'm over that." "Even if you ain't… I'm not judging." Leslie cleared his throat as he shifted his gaze out of his window, "Where are we headed? You said Nick…" "Nick Rye. I have to drop him off some spare parts for his truck since Gus and the boys fled the Garage. Plus, it's always good to check on him and Kim. John has them on his list." Calahan felt the sigh that left his new partner when they passed by a group of cultists rounding up civillians in the back of a van, "He's probably laughing at all of us from his bunker."
"He won't be for long. I promise you that.", he said and hit on the breaks sharply, the screech of the tires making the two Peggies and their hostages look up as he came to a halt behind them. The Eden's gate truck he was driving served its purpose, winning him a couple of extra seconds where they didn't react by reaching out for their weapons, or at least that's what he blamed their inaction on. "Get down, my boy.", was all Hartley shouted before he swung his door open and jumped out with Leslie in toll. "Brother Jo-", one of the Peggies uttered out in confusion, not getting a chance to finish whatever he was about to say thanks to Calahan's fist connecting with his face. Parish took down his buddy as he was reaching for his walkie to call back-up. "Aye, Leslie, see what I mean about using you as decoy?" "Very funny." "It would work. You can straight up march into his bunker and they'd be none the wiser." "Sure, past the first gate. Then I'd be dead." Calahan rolled his eyes as he walked over to the civilians and pulled out his switchblade, "Not if we have the right outfit. Come on, Detective, doesn't your kind love going undercover?" One by one the men and women were freed of their zip ties, muttering quiet thank yous before scrambling down the road towards Falls End. "Stay safe, people.", he called out after their retreating forms.
Leslie released a groan and sent a hateful look at John's billboard ahead of them, "I'm not dressing as John Seed, Calahan." Hartley looked up from the man he was meticulously tying up, "For now." "Ever." "We will see." Seconds later the two Peggies were in the place of the people they were planning on kidnapping: defenceless and restrained in the back of the Eden's Gate marked van. "What do we do with them?", Leslie asked as he slammed the doors shut and secured the lock. "I'm gonna call in my buddy. Oakley's gonna make sure we get whatever information we can out of them. It ain't everyday we get potential alive informants." "Think they know about Sabrina?" Hartley raised the walkie to his mouth, "Doubtful. Come in, Moore. Over." Silence filled the other line but it wasn't long before Oakley Moore's modulated voice broke it, "Rookie. Listenin'." "I have a package for you, just outside Fall's End near the fucker's billboard. Two 'volunteers' for pick-up." A haunting chuckle mixed with the static, "You know how to start my morning just right, buddy. I will be right there. Over and out."
"So… Oakley?" Calahan smirked as he patted Zorro's head before starting the truck, "John's not the only one who can make people talk and spill out their secrets." And Moore was damn good at it, never turning down an opportunity to unleash her anger about the Project going after her grandparents and forcing her to come back to Montana after working as a private military contractor overseas. "Now I'm curious to meet him." He bit back a smile at the incorrect assumption and the chaos it could emerge from it at the introduction. He could almost picture Parish's expression when he inevitably would realize the mistake he had made. It would be priceless. Popcorn worthy even. Oakley would love it too. "Can be arranged. Though, Oakley is someone we need to warn in advance if you don't want to be taken out for good when your pretty face gets mistaken for John Seed's." "I'm starting to think I should shave." Calahan's eyes scanned the road ahead of them, watching out for more targets, "And ruin our plan for infiltration? No." "Your plan.", Leslie corrected him, "That you devised after getting drunk yesterday." "Most of my plans are conconted that way, chief."
Parish pursed his lips, "From all the people you folks had to decide I look like…" "You still ain't gonna admit you're a dead-ringer for good old Johnny?" "Am not." Calahan's fingers drummed on the steering wheel as he turned on the radio and "Oh, John" boomed from the speakers, filling the truck and making Leslie swear out loud. "Oh, Leslie, bold and brave, agree to march over to Johnny's GATEEEE…", Hartley sang over the usual lyrics, meeting Zorro's dark gaze, "He looks like John, right, my boy? Even the universe agrees, Parish." The torture with cult songs didn't proceed much further since he himself couldn't tolerate them, so he switched to his usual station, humming along the song that came on. Leslie's head poked in between the seats as they took the turn, leading up to Nick's property, "Should I prepare myself to be punched in the face or worse upon meeting the Ryes?" "Erm…" "Doesn't sound good." "Nick and John don't get along. Just stay behind me, and you should be fine." "Should?" Calahan shrugged, "I can't predict the future, chief." "And Nick, he's a pilot?", Leslie asked as they went under the gate marked with a "Rye & Sons Aviation" sign. "Yeah. Used to give tours, offer deliveries before everything went to hell. Gray even took Tiny for a visit once, she wouldn't stop talking how uncle Nick promised she'd fly with him next time." "Fuck."
"Yeah.", Hartley cleared his throat, willing for the gut-wrenching feeling that swooped in anytime he thought of Savannah to dissipate, "Everything will be alright." It had to be. He couldn't imagine losing anyone else to the Project. As he pulled into the driveway, the first thing his eyes stopped on was an all-too-familiar crude mark sprayed over the white siding of the Rye's house. "Sinner.", Leslie read out loud, "You weren't kidding about them being on his list." His words were a hopeless statement, and Calahan couldn't help but dread finding the house empty the next time he'd stop by. That the Ryes would vanish like Ms. Darcy and so many others, the numbers only growing since the start of the Reaping. "I'd be damned if he takes them, too.", he muttered darkly as he reached around to let Zorro's out first, who lasted no time to start sniffing around one of his favorite places in the Valley. "Nicky, y'all awake?", Calahan called out as he slammed his door shut, the sound of Leslie's echoing simultaneously, "Stay behind me, chief." "You sure they're here?", Parish asked in a low voice, "What if-" "Nothing's out of place, Leslie. Nick would put up a fight if John's fuckers had stopped by." He couldn't in fact imagine a not-so-friendly visit not leaving behind any traces, not with how much Nick Rye had to protect.
The two watched as the front door swung open and Calahan breathed out a sigh of relief at the confirmation his friend was alright for the time being. Nick took a second to stare at the house's extrerior before descending down the small set of stairs, hollering back, "Rookie" and reached out a hand for Hartley to shake. "I'd ask you to fine the bastard for defacing my property, but ain't the times different now.", he added quickly, noticing for the first time Calahan had brought along company. "Nick. Before-" "Holy fuck.", Nick exclaimed in surprise, his tone making Hartley reach out his hand to stop a potential assault from taking place. Maybe I should let him shave… "I know he looks like a certain someone. But he's far more pleasant, I promise." "Rookie-" "Leslie Parish,", Calahan slipped into his usual introductions, "Nick Rye. Nicky, Les is a friend of Sabrina's. A detective, nonetheless." He could feel Parish cautiously inching closer until he was standing by his side and a hand was offered to Nick in a greeting, "Pleasure to meet you." The man's aviators were doing too good of a job of concealing his eyes and any indication of where the encounter might go. Second ticked by before a smile spread across his face and he grasped Leslie's palm, "Well, if that ain't something I didn't think I'd see. KIM." "What?", a faint voice carried from inside the house. "Come and greet our guests."
"Guests?", Kim's question was accompanied by the creak of door as she peeked outside, then as she noticed the people standing in her driveway she walked over with a hand cradling her very pregnant belly. "Hello there." "Not John Seed." Kim rolled her eyes at Calahan's automatic warning, "Figured that, Rookie. I'd accept the world is ending the day I see you and John in such close promixity." "Kim Rye.", she announced when she turned to Leslie, "Hope my husband here didn't do anything drastic." "Ah, Kim, I was on my best behavior.", Nick argued, looking at Calahan quickly, "Help me a little here, partner." Leslie just gazed between the two in amusement, "No, m'am. Leslie, Leslie Parish, nice to meet you." "Well, aren't you the sweetest. Come on, enough standing around out here.", her eyes darted around the yard until they stopped on Zorro, who was swatting away at a butterfly, "Glad to see you got him out." "My boy bit off a Peggie's finger, Kimmy.", Calahan said proudly as the group climbed onto the porch. "He truly is your kid, Rookie.", Kim replied with a smirk as Nick let out a laugh and asked, "Think our son would hate John and his men as much, baby?" She sent him a glaring stare, "We talked about this already." "Aye, woman, technology ain't always right." "Nick!", Kim called out after his retreating form as he breezed into the house and disappered in the direction of their kitchen. "Won't convince me, until baby Rye is in my arms, Kim.", he shouted back.
Calahan could tell Leslie was doing his hardest to be polite and not chuckle at the exchange as they followed closely behind Kim. "Sit. Sit, you two.", she pointed at the kitched table as she opened the fridge, "Beers? Shit. Or is it too early? Coffee?" Nick nodded, "I will get those, you sit down, too." Calahan watched the two exchange a look, the type that oftentimes filled him with a sense of longing in the recent days and made him wonder if he'd ever have what they had. Jesus. Am I getting old? Is it too late to ask for that beer? Or something stronger… "Thank you.", Leslie muttered as Nick placed a cup of coffee in front of him. "So, a friend of Sabrina's ending up in Hope County-", he started, taking a seat next to Kim and grabbing her hand in his. "Any news?", Kim interjected his small talk attempt, worry slipping into her gaze.
"No.", Calahan hated it was all he had to offer anytime anyone inquired about Sabrina. Nick leaned in, like there was anyone around to overhear, "And Harker… he's positive it was her?" "With John Seed from all people.", Kim shook her head, the same way she had when she first had heard the news, "Why would she even?" "He said so. I showed him a picture, I needed to know for certain." "How reliable is he on Bliss?" "Nick." "What? All I'm saying, is you know how potent that shit is. People have seen Bigfoot on it, for Christ's sake, Kim."
The whole time Leslie sipped his coffee without a word, his frown only growing deeper. "Savannah was with them.", Calahan reminded them with a scowl of his own. "He left us a note to go with his other "we're coming for you next" message, you know." Kim sighed, "Nick." But her appeal didn't stop him from getting up and retrieving a folded piece of paper that he passed over to Calahan. "He really thinks by marking my house, he'd scare me into joining them. Claims he cares for the "three" of us, Rookie. Fuck, we should have left when we had the chance, Kim barely sleeps as is." "We're not leaving. We talked about this, too." "And have him go after our son once he's born? Parade us around like he's doing with Hudson?" His words won another eyeroll from Kim, "Daughter." Calahan stared at the letter, scanning over John's no doubt carefully selected words. The empty reassurances were something the Baptist loved using as a tool, how he had convinced so many to join him: by instilling fear and promising safety, when he himself was the danger.
Nick, The Collapse I talked to you about has started. I know you want to protect YOUR FAMILY. The only way to do this is by joining OUR FAMILY. Our bunkers have everything Kim & Baby Rye will need to survive. There are dozens of expecting mothers and children here already with us. This is my final plea to you. Say YES. John Seed
"Want me to send someone over as back-up, Nicky? Give you two some peace of mind." "I can protect my family, Rookie. Would at any cost. You know that." "I know.", Calahan nodded as he placed the letter back on the table, "But… if you need any help, just say the words." Nick took off his sunglasses, rubbing at his eyes tiredly, "Thank you, partner." "Did you two pick out a name yet?", Leslie broke the heavy silence that had fallen over the room, his question making Kim groan out loud while Nick beamed at the in he had unknowingly granted him. "Oh, here we go." "We've been making a list, actually. Agreed each would get 6 names for boy and girl." Calahan just bit back a smile, having heard a version of Nick's name ideas already, but back then the list had been longer.
Leslie gave him a small nod, "I assume John is off the table." "Hell yes.", Nick raised a hand, counting the names as Calahan drummed his fingers on the table for dramatic effect, "So for boy, we have Nick Jr., Nick II, Ace, Pilot, Gunner and Wingman." Parish chuckled, "Naturally." "I, of course, deeply feel like baby Rye would be a boy. But Kim, here, insisted I have back-ups in case it's not…" Kim send her husband a warning look, "Were you not with me at the ultrasound appointment, Nicholas?" "That was on a messy black and white TV screen. You know them things ain't reliable." "We're having a daughter, Leslie. Nick is just still in denial he won't be handing off the business to a son. Breaking a little tradition they had going on." "It's not certain yet.", Nick insisted, "And anyways… if, and that's a huge if, baby Rye turns out to be a girl, I narrowed the names to Nicole, Nicola, Nikita, Nikki, Nicky and Nicoletta." "Cute.", Calahan noted, knowing no matter what name or gender baby Rye had, they would be loved unmeasurably. "Don't encourage him, Rookie, please." "Who do you think helped me with my first list, Kim?" Kim patted his hand, aiming to change the subject away from the name picks, "Ah, Leslie, you know Sabrina was the first person to guess we will be having a girl. Took one look at my belly on her last visit and said how she couldn't wait to meet my daughter. Nicky did his best to convince her her feeling was wrong, but then we went to the ultrasound…" Her revelation made Leslie crack a smile, "Rina's always been intuitive. Our captain hated to see her go, probably hoped if I come to visit her, she'd change her mind and return."
Tagging, @socially-awkward-skeleton @direwombat @strangefable @strafethesesinners @voidika @madparadoxum @florbelles @corvosattano @henbased @aceghosts @adelaidedrubman @jillvalentinesday @cassietrn @clicheantagonist @josephslittledeputy @g0dspeeed @poisonedtruth @purplehairsecretlair @nightbloodbix @thesingularityseries @theelderhazelnut @trench-rot @chazz-anova @euryalex and anyone with something to share ❤️
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gravedangerahead · 8 months
I watched the Amazon prime Zorro and it was fun, I enjoyed myself, I liked it. Except for the Zorro casting. And also the main love interest's writing. And the plot kind of goes off the tracks a bit.
But I love Nah Lin the indigenous woman the show ought to have been about because she's the most interesting character. And I liked Mei a lot, and Bernardo. And Mei's little sister was adorable and should have showed up more. And I do like the villainesses.
But I really did enjoy myself. It's in that frustrating spot where they had some really good ideas that could have made it great, but they didn't go all the way with it so it's just okay. But it also didn't mishandle some things as badly as I feared they would. It's cool. It's fun.
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who's your favorite Zorro character beside Diego, and why?
Yay, one of the things I can (almost) never explain is why I like a given character, most of the time I love them instinctively and rarely have I hated them after getting to know them better or because over the years I started to realize that something about them I didn't like it at all.
But okay going to the question, a character I like from Zorro and why, hmm... Ok, as you know I'm obsessed with New World Zorro (Or Family Channel Zorro or Zorro 1990 or the other thousands ways they call it) and Diego/Zorro ugh, I would eat him (with kisses lol), and as I always think you know another character that I love a lot on the show is that "evil" Alcalde Luis Ramone and I don't love him because he's evil, but because he's fun to watch. I know, some people will think I'm crazy and I know that Tylo who played him was not happy about being in Spain recording (at least that's what I know) and that he put his anger and frustration into the character and... damn, he knew that it was a kids' show and Tylo peppered the episodes with his funny faces, most likely to keep them entertained, and every time I see him I can't help but smile and... gosh, I love him so much and, better than that, I can't explain to you why I like his character so much that I love him perhaps more than I love Zorro himself! 😭
Fun fact? When I watched the show as a kid I hated him and I hated De Soto even more. I have this memory but I can't tell you why I hated them so much (except for the fact that they were the bad guys on duty). I only started to notice things when I was able to watch all the episodes again in 2019 (the year in which Zorro also turned 100 and I didn't even realize it) and… I watched it and my friend and I started talking about the show and Diego and Luis and Victoria and the others and imagining and inventing things and, well, I (we) literally fell in love with him. And to think that as a child, as I said, I hated Ramone. Now I don't even feel like watching the "The Devil's Fortress" episodes anymore. 💔
*Coff Coff* Did I write too much? I hope I haven't written strange things, I have to help myself with the translator because I keeps forgetting a lot of English words and my grammar is terrifying. 💦
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superman86to99 · 1 year
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Legends of the World’s Finest #1-3 (1994)
A sequel to the classic World’s Finest miniseries (the one where Superman gives Batman a VHS copy of Zorro for Christmas) that ups the weirdness by like 666%. If the original mini was about “What if Superman and Batman traded villains?” this one is about “What if Superman and Batman traded dreams and got mixed up in a satanic plot to rule the world via half-Kryptonian, half-Irish super-babies?” Don’t act like you’ve never wondered about that.
This whole mess is triggered by an impertinent Irish teenager going snooping in the ancient castle of the Clan McDougal -- the place where Silver Banshee fell victim to the sexist curse that turned her into a monster centuries ago (as seen in 1988′s Superman #23). The girl finds a mysterious book in the castle and decides to perform a ritual from it, because they don’t have horror movies in Ireland. The ritual summons a demon called Tullus, who hijacks the girl’s body to bring Silver Banshee back. Turns out Tullus is Banshee’s grand-grand-grand-etc-daddy and the one responsible for her curse. Banshee isn’t exactly thrilled by the family reunion, until Tullus says he just wants to break the curse and finally allow her to take that pesky Día de los Muertos make-up off her face.
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According to Tullus, the only way to break the curse is to defeat the ruler of Hell, Lady Blaze, who kept him enslaved for 1,000 years before that girl stumbled upon that book. Tullus says they’ll need some help to do this, so he magically looks up the world’s finest warriors and finds out about Superman and Batman. Unfortunately, he thinks the former is too much of a goody-two-shoes to be of any use when dealing with satanic curses (even though Superman has defeated Blaze multiple times before) and the latter isn’t powerful enough. Instead of just asking both for help, Tullus decides it would be easier to cause Superman and Batman to switch dreams and, therefore, personalities.
So, Superman suddenly starts dreaming about Jor-El and Lara getting shot down in an alley after a night at the movies...
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...while Batman dreams about feeling extremely out of place in a planet full of shiny towers and bright green sci-fi tunics.
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As a result, Superman becomes way darker and more violent (he almost kills some criminals until Lois Lane intervenes) and agrees to help Tullus and Silver Banshee against Blaze despite their obvious shadiness. Meanwhile, Batman starts doubting his violent methods and becomes, well, kind of a wuss. But, as the narration reminds us, courage is not the absence of wussiness; it’s finding the will to face it.
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As they work together against Blaze, Banshee starts feeling attracted to the darker, edgier Superman (must be the 5 o’clock shadow that spontaneously appears whenever he’s turning evil) but she’s frustrated by his devotion to Lois. Banshee ends up impersonating a harlequin on the street to sell Lois a magical balloon that somehow turns her into a mute child, which makes Superman forget all about her and give in to his lust for Banshee. This is disturbing for a number of reasons, starting with the fact that, uh, isn’t Banshee using the body of a teenager in these panels?
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Tullus and the lovebirds up there go to Hell and defeat Blaze with the help of an army of Irish zombies. Then, Tullus’ first act as new Lord of Hell is to invite his demonic subjects to a nice wedding ceremony for Superman and Banshee at old McDougal Castle. At this point everyone sorta forgets that Tullus’ goal was supposed to be ending his family’s curse -- now he wants to “foster a new race of super-beings” by “joining mortal and demon” (carnally, I guess).
However, Batman works up the courage to crash the wedding wearing the skin of a demon he slayed in a sewer and interrupts the proceedings. Since he’s seriously underpowered, he makes a deal with a weakened Blaze, who decks him out with an armor straight out of a ‘90s toy line. This is when we finally get the fight between Cool Demonic Armor Batman and Edgy Possessed Superman promised by the third cover at the top of this post.
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Plot twist: Turns out that Banshee actually cares for her would-be husband, since she’s desperate to help Superman in the fight against Batman. Tullus, however, is like “Nah, let’s see what happens” and forcefully stops Banshee, which is when she realizes that he never gave a crap about ending their family’s curse (or about her in general). Banshee actually gives up her new body to free Lois, then begs her to “Save him, woman! Save my love...” as she banishes.
Superman and Batman end up unconscious during different points in their fight and get their original dreams back, turning them back into their old selves. They join forces to defeat Tullus, his demons, and Blaze (who of course betrays Batman the second she doesn’t need him anymore) and throw them all down into Hell. Both agree that the other one has disturbing dreams, and Superman reassures Lois that he think she’s hotter than Banshee.
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We end with that teen from the beginning dropping off the book in the castle and getting the hell out of there while probably promising herself she’ll never read another book ever again.
It’s interesting that this miniseries has a lot more Batman villains than Superman ones (Man-Bat, Two-Face, Joker, Riddler, Killer Croc, Penguin, and Catwoman are all in it) but a lot more Superman continuity. Early on, we find out Blaze is still sore about the time Superman went down to her domain and retrieved Jimmy Olsen’s soul. There are several references to Superman #23, including appearances by the ancient ghost lady who banished Banshee to Irish Hell in that issue. She helps Batman at one point, and the story ends with the revelation that she’s Tullus’ mom.
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As far as I can tell, Tullus never showed up again™ and no other comics have brought up the fact that Silver Banshee is in love with Superman and once sacrificed herself for him, but I could be wrong. There IS a Silver Banshee miniseries written by this one’s artist, Dan Brereton, which came out in 1998, but I haven’t read it yet so I don’t know how connected it is to this one. We’ll find out when we get there, if the world hasn’t been conquered by demons by then.
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rubykgrant · 1 year
8 years ago, my friend who watched Buffy, and knows I like making up characters, asks me- "Hey, if you could add one character to this show, what would you do?"
Me; I'd give Spike like, a normal friend who has no idea about all the vampire stuff. Just somebody who's stupid, but in a normal way, and is also really aware of how stupid everybody else is. When Spike wants to woe-is-me about being tragically in love, the friend goes "Oh, you love this girl? What's her favorite color? What kind of music does she listen to? Was she a Care Bears kid, a My Little Pony kid, or both, or neither? Dude, you don't LOVE her, she's just hot and can beat you up, and that turns you on. Which, I get, but just admit you have a kink, take care of the frustration yourself, and leave her alone. She's got homework to do, man." And then they play Smash Bros until 3 AM because Spike hooked up a TV and N64 down in his stupid sewer clubhouse
Recently, a different friend who watches What We Do In The Shadows, and knows I like making up characters, asks- "Hey, if you could add one character to this show, what would you do?"
Me; I'd give Guillermo like, a normal friend who has no idea about all the vampire stuff. Just somebody who's stupid, but in a normal way, and is also really aware of how stupid everybody else is. Oh, definitely somebody who knew him from elementary school, but then moved aware, so they don't realize the vampire stuff is real, but they still side-eye him like "Ah. Well, glad you figured out your crush on Vampire Zorro and found this guy who's... I guess cosplaying the goth from Dream Daddy?" and Guillermo tries to deny the Armond thing, fails, then asks "How did you know what it meant back then? I didn't even know!" to which the friend replies "Yeah, but you were a stupid kid. Hey, do you still work at Soup? If you do, hook me up with a shirt. I want to say I bought clothes from the Soup Store!" and then they have a conversation with Collin Robinson until 3 AM about DigiMon, and all the different routes the Baby forms can take to become Megas
Give the characters in vampire stories more stupid friends~
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wtfgaylittlezooid · 9 months
what even inspired you to make light of your sol?
why did you make sol, neil, or broncrow?
i’m always really curious when it comes to inspirations!
Light of your Sol as a whole is inspired by the song “Birdhouse in Your Soul” by They Might be Giants. I adore the concept that nightlights are descendants of lighthouses, and from there it was just me fucking around
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Broncrow’s design is very inspired by Riddler (zero year, specifically) because I loved the Zorro inspiration, and Tim Sale’s Scarecrow (it’s just such a good design). Broncrow himself actually stared as a Monster Prom OC, where I shipped him with another character. In that depiction of him he was actually cupioromantic (he still is) and the ship was more of a mental exploration of my personal frustrations with being cupioromantic.
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Neil is inspired off HEAVILY off of my personal favorite slasher, Billy Lenz, and the alternates from the Mandela Catalogue. I actually got his name from a strategy I like to use: listing off random names in my head. I landed on Neil Cicierega and he looked like a Neil and it rhymed with “meal.” So Neil is named after Lemon Demon
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Sol is pretty simple, based off a nightlight with elements of Xurkitree in their design. I wanted to base their mask off of the Sun for obvious theming, but yeah! Those are the main insps for LOYS with some fun trivia
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laufire · 1 year
Since this seems to be a trend, I have to ask: top 5 pieces of media you'd rec me? I am really curious since I think I've already tried pretty much everything you loved 😅
sorry for the delay, but I was right in the middle of one of the things I thought I miiight recommend you, so I waited until I finished in case it ended up poorly lmao.
Said thing is Zatanna & the Ripper, an already completed webtoon available online for free (don't let the fact that it's 51 issues long deter you, a webtoon episode takes less than five minutes to read lol). I was already reading a couple other DC webtoons, with mixed feelings ("Wayne Family Adventures" is often too fandom-y for my blood but it's given me a few ideas, and "Red Hood: Outlaws" was... neither a bad as its worst moments, nor did it manage to live to the sky high expectations of its very best), and I was already on my Zatanna feels thanks to Young Justice so... I picked this one up.
I'm guessing you know this but Zatanna's comics version differs quite a bit from YJ's; she's from Bruce's generation, for one (he has a cute cameo here with the two of them playing as children lol), her usual love interest is John Constantine (who plays that part here), etc. This isn't quiiiite like the comics version (or what little I've seen of her), she's a bit younger and greener, with a "finding yourself/having faith in your own power" arc.
The premise is that Zatanna, on her 21st birthday, gets transported to London in Victorian times, right around the time Jack the Ripper was killing (I'm pleased to say the run managed to side-step the issues I tend to have with historical fiction that tries to play around with this concept, tbh). She's stuck there, with malfunctioned powers, becomes friends with one of the working girls, starts trying to solve the case etc. etc. It was a fun read, all around.
Hmm... I'm trying to think of favourite stuff of mine that I don't think you've tried... shows-wise, I think that'd be Desperate Wives? Not saying it didn't infuriate the hell out of me at times lol, and I'm not sure how you'll feel about it, since it's also not-my-usual-type... but when it's good, it's GREAT and really damn enjoyable lol. I became hooked really early on so I'd say to give the pilot a try and see if it awakens any interest, if you haven't watched it?
For films... you might've watched some of these, but some of my favourites that you might want to give a try to would be "The Mask of Zorro" (revenge! romance! sword fights as both revenge and romance tools!), "The Handmaiden" (historical lesbian romance with really engaging twists), or 2010's "True Grit" (a western, which isn't usually my thing, about a young girl seeking revenge for her father's murder).
I'll also list some of my favourite classic books that you might or might not have read, Because: "Carmilla", "Dangerous Liaisons", "Frankenstein", "Pygmalion"
I don't know how plausible it'd be to find this available outside of Spain, but I'm recommending "La Promesa", a Spanish telenovela I've gotten into (I'm not really watching it properly because I'm waaaaaaaay behind lol. it's long as fuck, currently in its 150+ episode; I watch the current ones when my mother has it on tv lol, and sometimes some of the old ones). It's sloooooow, which can be frustrating, and LOOOOONG, as I said, but it does some really great things character-wise. I've called it the Spanish Downton Abbey lol, but with faaaar more attention given to the working-class characters (the heroine herself being a maid).
This goes beyond five, but since I'm not sure if you've watched/read some of these, and you probably won't be able to watch the last one ^^U: SEVERANCE!!! Again, I just want people to watch both this AND Dollhouse so we can delve deep into them xDD. Just one short season so far, with a second one coming on 2024. It's about a group of workers who've gone through a surgical procedure that separates their memories from work and those from their life outside, effectively creating different people, and the sketchy corporation they work with. And Dichen Lachman is in it too :D (her part is the only one I actively compared with Dollhouse while I was watching it lol. So far Dollhouse wins but... Priya's story is hard to top).
Another bonus, Because: I recommended the Kemi Ashing-Giwa's short stories stored in Tor to another mutual, so this time I'll give focus to another one: "The Puppermaster", about a banished warrior, her sketchy usurper uncle, and monsters.
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cthoniian · 5 months
muses :
in frustration and futility i have given up trying to add muses to my carrd. so i'm instead making this list which is easily editable and expandable. so i apologise for being obnoxious but <3 'tis what it 'tis.
a court of thorns and roses :
azriel || active & open || fc; avan jogia cassian || active & open || fc; dev patel rhysand altair || active & open || fc; jan uppin nesta archeron || active & open || fc; elizabeth debicki elain archeron || active & open || fc; natalia dyer feyre archeron || active & open || fc; diana silvers lucien vanserra || active & open || fc; elliot knight morrigan || secondary & selective || sharmin segal eris vanserra || secondary & selective || fc; rege-jean paul tarquin || secondary & selective || fc; kingsley ben-adir helion || secondary & selective || fc; idris elba gwyneth berdara || secondary & selective || fc; bo bragason
throne of glass :
aelin ashryver galathnius || secondary & selective || fc; rowan whitethorn || active & open || fc; henry cavill lorcan salvaterre || active & open || fc; ranveer singh elide lochan || active & open || fc; avantika vandanapu aedion ashryver || secondary & selective || fc; fenrys moonbeam || currently inactive || fc; booboo stewart dorian havilliard || active & open || fc; sebastian amoruso chaol westfall || secondary & selective || fc; jacob elordi gavriel || secondary & selective || fc;
crescent city:
orion 'hunt' athalar || active & open || fc; justin johnson cortez ruhn danaan || active & open || fc; rob raco tharion ketos || active & open || fc; kj apa prince aidas || active & open || fc; felix yee danika fendyr || secondary & selective || fc; paris jackson sofie renast || secondary & selective || fc; amber midthunder ithan holstrom || secondary & selective || fc; connor holstrom || secondary & selective || fc; bryce adeline quinlan || secondary & selective || fc; fury axatar || secondary & selective || fc;
fourth wing:
xaden riorson || active & open || fc; taylor zahkar perez tairnenach || secondary & selective || fc; hes a drago bro violet sorrengail || secondary & selective || fc; naomi scott brennan sorrengail || secondary & selective || fc; tbd ridoc gamlyn || secondary & selective || fc; tbd liam mairi || secondary & selective || fc; luke eisner
bridgerton ( book & show hybrid ):
anthony bridgerton || secondary & selective || fc; jonathan bailey colin bridgerton || secondary & selective || fc; luke newton benedict bridgerton || secondary & selective || fc; luke thompson simon basset || secondary & selective || fc; regé jean page kate sharma || secondary & selective || fc; simone ashley
from blood and ash:
casteel da'neer || secondary & selective || fc; lee soo hyuk penellaphe balfour || secondary & selective || fc; nicola coughlin kieran contou || secondary & selective || fc; ismael cruz cordóza
other literature:
cardan greenbriar || active & open || fc; hyunjin hwang
luffy d. monkey || secondary & selective || fc; iñaki godoy zorro roronoa || secondary & selective || fc; mackenyu sanji 'black leg' || secondary & selective || fc; taz skylar shanks || secondary & selective || fc; peter gadiot ace d. portgas || secondary & selective || fc; tbd gojo satoru || secondary & selective || fc; tbd megumi fushiguro || secondary & selective || fc; tbd shota aizawa || secondary & selective || fc; tbd shoto todoroki || secondary & selective || fc; tbd
trevor belmont || secondary & selective || fc; fabian frankel the doctor || secondary & selective || fc; (9-12 at the moment) rose tyler || secondary & selective || fc; billie piper rory williams || secondary & selective || fc; arthur darvill amelia pond || secondary & selective || fc; karen gillan clara oswald || secondary & selective || fc; jenna coleman
marvel / dc ( comic & film hybrid ):
charles xavier || secondary & selective || fc; james mcavoy bruce wayne || secondary & selective || fc; jon hamm harley quinn || secondary & selective || fc; margot robbie the joker || secondary & selective || fc; steve rogers || secondary & selective || fc; chris evans maria rambeau || secondary & selective || fc; lashana lynch carol danvers || secondary & selective || fc; brie larson
video games:
zagreus || secondary & selective || fc; thanatos* || secondary & selective || fc; hypnos* || secondary & selective || fc; nyx* || secondary & selective || fc;
hades || secondary & selective || fc; persephone || secondary & selective || fc;
*the muses asterisked technically cross two categories as both mythological muses and muses who are in other media such as literature or games. but they are chiefly based in their media; the hades games by supergiant.
**mythological muses are complicated for me, i write them based on personal hcs / popular media that i've formed attachments to. as such they tend to be a conglomerate hybrid of these medias along with the original myths.
updated 4/19/24
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ladymisteria · 8 months
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Diego & Alejandro De la Vega’s Moments
Don Alejandro: You know something, Diego? I think maybe Victoria's right: that man is not Zorro.
Diego, putting his arm around Don Alejandro's shoulders: Well, if the real Zorro show himself again, Frescas will be forced to admit his error and set that man free.
*He smiles mischievously at Don Alejandro.*
Don Alejandro: And that would definitely frustrate the deputy governor's political plans, wouldn't it?
Diego, mockingly: And that would be a shame…
Season 2, Episode 19 - The Don’s Dilemma.
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inafieldofdaisies · 1 year
And maybe a kiss after treating a wound + Callahan x Mary May?
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Calahan stumbled up the stairs of the Spread Eagle, hissing at the sharp pain carrying across his shoulder blades as he pushed open the door that led into Mary May's tiny apartment. Zorro was hot on his heels and climbed onto the couch while staring at his owner with what Hartley read as worry. "I'm fine, bud.", he whispered as he searched for the first aid kit as quietly as he could in hopes his rummaging wouldn't wake Mary May up. "Fucking finally." He took a seat at the kitchen table and opened the bag, looking for anything that would help him in patching himself up. "Asshole couldn't even face me, Zorro. Stab and run. Heroic, eh?", he muttered at the raccoon while trying to reach around himself so he could clean up the wound one of the Peggies had left him with before Calahan had sent him to the afterlife. Zorro kept his gaze trained at him, making him add, "Wanna help? Ya know, should have taught you to dress wounds, buddy. Would have come in handy now." The moment he said the words, the bedroom door behind him cracked open, followed by quick footsteps. "Jesus, Cal. What happened?", Mary May asked in a sleepy voice as she neared. "The usual, Angel."
Calahan groaned in frustration when he couldn't manage to reach all the way around and clean the damned wound. "Let me.", a hand appeared over his shoulder while the other came to rest on his back, "It looks kinda bad. Want me to radio someone?" "Nah. I'm fine. Nothing a beer wouldn't fix." "Calahan.", Mary May's tone carried a hint of warning as she began working on the deep gash, "You promised you would be more careful, then I wake up and find you bleedin' in my kitchen at 3 am…" "Sorry. You know me, it's inevitable.", he muttered and let out a curse at the sting of the antiseptic. "You have to get it checked out in the morning. Can't be walking around like this." "Fine. Fine, mom." Mary May pressed the bandage with extra force at his remark, "Ow. You're frankly failing at the whole playing doctor. Or are you going for a sadistic take?" She ignored his joke, announcing, "All done. Now promise me you're gonna go to the actual doc." "I promise." Mary May came around his chair then, arms wrapping around his neck as she stared down at him. "Come here.", Hartley said playfully and puckered his lips for good measure. "Can't be serious for one second. Remind me again why I even like you...", she shook her head but still lowered her mouth to his while his hands grasped her waist. "Bedroom?", he suggested in between kisses and rose up from his seat, pushing her backwards in the direction of the bedroom before she even had the chance to answer. A hiss left him when her fingers accidentally brushed against the bandage, "Fuck. Sorry." "Didn't even feel that.", he lied, then called out as he kicked the door behind them closed, "Goodnight, bud. Don't be staying late."
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mlobsters · 10 months
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supernatural s11e18 hell's angel (w. brad buckner, eugenie ross-leming)
the one true sibling communication method, just holler
honestly don't remember what amara needs healing from (don't even know if we know), what rowena is doing (and ditto if we know). i was just thinking how they managed to stretch out this like... 5 episode arc over an entire season (i presume) but basically just ignoring it a good chunk of the time (i'm not complaining about the monster of the week episodes we got that i genuinely enjoyed, by any means). i get that they need some big bad plotline to hook it all together but eh
lol right, rowena "died" i forgot about that. i need those damned pre-episode recaps
ROWENA All in good time. Right now, you're still weak from that pesky angel smiting.
oh right. that seems like so long ago. thanks for the reminder, rowena
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sam is very tickled about crowley being kept in the kennel
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think i prefer misha playing lucifer than cas at this point, but i think that's mostly on the way they write cas. but it looks like he's having fun with lucifer. (but i saw my pal pellegrino in the credits which i'm happy to see)
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zoned out for a second as i'm wont to do in heavenly politics scenes and i refocus and what in the world is he doing on this angel's lap
DEAN After we exorcise Lucifer out of Cas and put him into a new vessel. SAM What? Really? DEAN Yes, really. We're not gonna send Lucifer into battle inside Cas. What if he doesn't make it? SAM Dean, it's a strong vessel. It's held Cas for years, and we know what he's been through. I'm guessing it can hold Lucifer. DEAN "It"? It's not an "it," Sam. It's Cas. SAM And Cas wanted to do this.
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DEAN Yeah, well, there's times I want to get slapped during sex by a girl wearing a Zorro mask. That don't make it a good idea.
crowley is intrigued. i was waving my arms around like a distressed sim that doesn't like something. too much information for me, dean-o; but i would argue the point that it's in fact a fine idea. i'm sure someone is available that would be happy to make your dreams come true
SAM Dean, this is exactly how we screw ourselves. W-We make the... the heart choice instead of the smart choice. DEAN Oh, okay. Thank you, Dr. Phil. Cas is family. SAM Yes, and his choice deserves to be respected. DEAN Even if it kills him?
maybe i'm projecting but i just don't buy sam making this argument? unless he's freaked out for some other lucifer-related-reason, or looking for a reason to put cas's vessel/whatever in harm's way. if we're goin with the premise that cas is family and he's got the blanket forgiveness for letting lucifer out, then why is sam arguing so hard against getting him out of harm's way asap? i think framing it like it's about cas's agency... does not ring true to me. like yes sure based on sam's history of losing agency, he will be staunch defender of other people's choices - but i'm not getting that from this
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her makeup is beautiful, the lighting is really picking up all the fine glitter in her eyeshadow. lovely
so what are we trying to do here, get lucifer out of cas and back in the cage? losing the plot
i did not anticipate crowley smoking out to hop into cas's vessel, is there just no limit to how many angels and/or demons you can stuff in there?
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CROWLEY He's really got his hooks in you. Snap out of it. Do you know what's happening out there? The Winchesters have trapped the abomination so that you can expel him so that they can put him back in the Cage... CASTIEL Well, that doesn't sound like a very good idea.
his frustrated flailing made me laugh enough to make a gif
CASTIEL Wait. That was Dean I saw a minute ago, wasn't it? CROWLEY Yes. CASTIEL And he wants me to expel Lucifer? CROWLEY Yes! CASTIEL [laughing] Well... he may have a more objective view of the situation. Maybe I should.
cas appears to be zooted out of his mind
SAM Listen, um... I know I came down on the side of wanting Cas to deal with Amara, so... DEAN Well, that's what he wanted, though, right? Besides, didn't we say that we were gonna swear off getting in the way when one person makes a choice the other doesn't agree with? SAM Yeah, um... Yeah, we did say that. DEAN So... SAM Okay. So, that's our policy. DEAN Which sounds damn good. Well, let's go find that idiot and bring him home.
okie dokie pokie. i'm still not buying what they're selling but even i can't resist the emotional power of "bring him home" from dean.
i dunno where they're going with all this but it's a struggle for me to stay with the mainplot shenanigans. also i'm very tired
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