#zoe x ab
starryeyesxx · 4 months
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babsisbakery · 11 months
The truth always comes out - (Alessia Russo x reader)
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Gif by @alunarrose
Pouring rain hits the windows of Alessia Russo and her girlfriend's apartment. You are waiting for Alessia to come home after her night out with the Arsenal girls. Sadly, you couldn't join them due to feeling under the weather. Lessi didn't want to go without you or at least not when you are unwell but you reassured her that it was okay. After all she needed to get to know her new teammates better to form a greater bond with the girls which would create an undeniable chemistry on the pitch. That didn't stop you from missing her dearly. Even mere minutes apart caused both of you to seek the comfort of the other. 
*Ding* Your phone brought you out of your endless day dreaming about your favourite striker. Looking at your home screen you see a new notification from your girl. "Babyyy how are you feeling? Did you drink enough fluids? Ugh this get together would be more bearable with you by my side. Wish you were here <3 xxx" The message warms your heart, why is your girlfriend so incredibly adorable. "I'm better Lessibear, drank the tea you made me, thank you for taking care of me <333. Miss you too gorgeous, you'll manage without me. Try to enjoy an evening with just your gal pals xx"
A thud against the window makes you look up. Just the wind blowing a branch against it. Looking out the window you see a figure running towards your apartment entrance. They are soaking wet. It’s noticeable that the person isn’t wearing waterproof clothes to prevent such events. As the person comes closer you recognize her as your best friend. Zoe knocks continuously until you make your way to open the door. She’s out of breath, apparently, she had been running a long distance. Due to her athletic nature, it is only on rare occasions that she starts to sweat even slightly from physical activities. To say you are baffled at her arrival would be an understatement. 
"Zoe wha- you know what why am I even asking. Get inside come on, don’t want you to catch something" Zoe still out of breath grins at your words. " Why thank you. Uhm I have to tell you something of urgent matter. Its ab-", you interrupt her. "As urgent as it is, please go change into something dry. You can tell me afterwards.". "But Y/n cooome on I have to tell you now" pulling out her puppy eye trick she tries to convince you. You don't falter as you've deal with these eyes for a quite a while. "Zoe, no. You can get some fresh clothes and I'll wait downstairs for you with a cup of your favourite tea. Go change. So chop chop." She sights. No way could she persuade you now. So, she gives in and changes into the clothes you had let her choose. Even though Zoe has some of her clothes at your place, as you had frequent sleepovers, she picks out one of your favourite t-shirts. Loving the faint smell of you on it. 
You never noticed her heart eyes when she looked at you. Alessia of course wasn't blind to Zoe's endearment towards you but after you assured her that there would never in a million years happen something between Zoe and you, your Lover let it slide. Even if you still thought Zoe was just overly friendly. Alessia didn’t want to cause unnecessary arguments.
After Zoe dry’s her hair a bit with a towel she ran downstairs. Not registering that you were talking on the phone to someone very dear to your heart. "Y/n/n, now I have to tell you. It’s a paramount issue." She mumbles an apology right after noticing she disturbed you, deciding to slurp on the tea you made her instead. "Sure, Leah can come over later for a drink but drive safely." only now seeing Zoe being back "Gorgeous I have to go now, we'll talk when you get home. - I love you too. Mwaa" Y/n hung up and turns to face Zoe. "Sorry I just had to talk to Lessi", you say with a slight blush "what is the oh so urgent matter". A frown makes its way onto Zoe's face after she hears the striker's name. Why does everything have to revolve around her. There it was again, jealousy. Jealousy over your relationship. Feigning sadness Zoe begins to speak "Actually its Alessia I wanted to talk about. Uhm, you know I work at the place the girls went out today?". "Oh they went to your bar, yeah totally forgot.", you let out a nervous laughter "What happened?". "Y/n I don't want to hurt your feeling but I simply have to tell you. You have to know that I will be here for you if you need me, alright?" Zoe starts to search for something on her phone. You immediately begin to overthink. What if the striker got injured and didn't tell you to not stress you out. Which could honestly happen as Alessia hates worrying you. "Did something happen to Lessi? Zoe tell me. This is freaking me out."
"Something did occur but it wasn't to Lessi but rather with her.", responds Zoe. You hate that she was beating around the bush, "Get to the point Zoe or I swea- ". "Alright, alright sorry. I- I saw Alessia. Looking rather cozy with another girl.”, utters Zoe nervously. Seeing the confusion written all over your face, she decides to continue. “Before you ask, it wasn’t one of the Arsenal girls. I’ve seen this woman a few times at the bar before but never with any of the Arsenal girls.” “What are you trying to say Zoe, this makes zero sense.”, you are still utterly baffled. “I’m sorry Y/n/n. It looked as if Alessia and this woman were flirting. Furthermore, they were standing very close like they were kissing. I know you don’t believe me right now but I realised you would only believe me if I had proof. That’s why I took photos.”, reaching for her phone, which she had placed on the sofa next to her. “Show me the pictures Zoe.” She simply shows you the taken pictures. You are in pure disbelieve. The pictures show exactly what Zoe was describing a minute ago. “No Zoe, this cant be true. It just can’t. Zoe please tell me this is a prank. Zoe please.” You are on the brim of tears. “I’m really sorry. I know it wasn’t my place to say something but I couldn’t hold this information to myself, you deserve to know.” Zoe puts away her phone.
With sadness coursing through your veins, you let the tears fall. You leap into your best friend’s arms. She didn’t want to cause you heartbreak but in her eyes it had to be done for it to work out. By stroking your back and mumbling encouraging words, she tries to make you feel at least slightly better. “Shh everything will be alright. She didn’t deserve you anyway. You were always too good for her bug.” “This cant be true Zoe, it has to be fake.” Plastering a compassionate smile onto her face Zoe speaks, “As much as I regret seeing you this way you have to open your eyes and recognize that I want what’s best for you, which clearly isn’t a cheating girlfriend, sweetie.”
These words crush your last glimmer of hope. Tears streaming down your cheeks like a waterfall. Zoe tries to wipe them away with the jumper she borrowed from you. New ones replace them as soon as the last ones were gone. Only sobs can be heard in your apartment. Your heart broken. It had shattered into million pieces. Nothing can stop your emotions from overtaking your mind. You can’t think clearly, too consumed by the thought of Alessia’s betrayal. *Poof* Seemingly gone the future you imagined with Lessi and all made promised blown away by the wind. It feels as if you’d been hit by a car over and over again. A sucker punch to your heart. Falling apart in your best friend’s arms who wants to catch you so desperately.
Even after this information you couldn’t bring yourself hate your soon to be ex-girlfriend. You just couldn’t even if you want to. You don’t want to blame or to punch her. Of course, you still love her, it was just minutes ago you accommodated this knowledge. You never pictured yourself in this situation. *After all, doesn’t Alessia love you? She showers you in it every second of the day. Were you simply not enough for her anymore? Was your love not enough? Was this all a game to her? Did she fall out of love with you without communicating it? If yes, how could she string you along. * Your brain was running wild with ideas. Some sounded more ridiculous that the other. With every added thought, the sobs got more violent.
Suddenly, the ring of the doorbell is heard. Well at least Zoe hears it because you were in your bubble of sadness, shutting out any noise or movement around you. Zoe doesn’t want to open but after continues ringing she no longer could bear the sound of it. Leah and Lessi waiting impatiently as they probably stood outside for a few minutes. They exchange worrying glances. Y/n knew they were coming, they also knew that you’d normally sprint to the door to engulf your beloved into a massive koala hug. The door cracks slightly open to reveal who is standing on the other side. Zoe quickly tries to shut the door but before she has the chance to Alessia pushes it wide ajar as the sobs of you ring into the hallway.
Your Lover runs to your side “Baby what’s wrong, why are you crying? Who do I need to beat up?”, trying to take you into her arms. Realising it was Less you push her away. She is flabbergasted to say the least. “Don’t call me that, don’t you dare call me that. How could you do this,” you say barely over a whisper, voice laced with emotions “it’s over!” Zoe has a faint smirk instantly switching to her concerned friend face. Leah still sees it and immediately connects the dots but there is no chance Less could talk to you in this state.
Alessia’s face falls. She doesn’t understand the world. Her eyes begin to water. “Tesoro,” trying to step closer to you but you instantly take one back “why, what did I do?” Desperation laces her voice. “You cheated Alessia, you cheated. Zoe showed me some pictures. You guys were so close.” At the thought of the pictures you start to sob again. Being slightly tipsy, Alessia can’t figure out what pictures you are talking about. “Y/n/n, pictures?” “Don’t play stupid Alessia. I saw them. You don’t have to pretend to love me anymore.”
Leah touches the striker’s arm to catch her attention. She whispers into her ear “She isn’t thinking clearly, she won’t listen to you either. Let her calm down and then try to explain what happened at the bar because I’m pretty sure I know what she is referring to.” Lessi shot her a confused frown, not understanding anything. “I’ll explain in the car Less but we need to give her time to collect herself. We can come back tomorrow. You are too tipsy anyway.” “Am not” If looks could kill, Leah would be buried 10 feet under already. Leah just raises her eyebrow, signalling reallyyyy. “Tesoro, I will come back tomorrow morning, so we can talk with clear minds, okay. Please hear me out, this has to be a giant misunderstanding.” Alessia walks to the door with her head hanging low. Leah squeezes your arm and follows her teammate. You can’t even respond properly due to your frequent hiccups. Zoe rushes to close the door after them.
“Y/n/n she doesn’t deserve you. She will make up some excuse for the photos. Whatever she says don’t listen.” Zoe’s plan can’t fail now or she would forever lose you. She had to have you wrapped around her finger for this to work. To believe her over Alessia, which would be hard but she promised herself to try.
Your so-called friend holds you in her arms for a while until you succumb to exhaustion from bawling your eyes out. She pulls you as close as possible. Moreover, trying to remember every detail of your face, to capture this moment in her brain for eternity, watching your breathing become more even, her gaze softens. Since you fell asleep she repositions you to lay on top of her on the sofa, so you both are comfortable and don’t wake up with sore limbs. Soon she closes her own eyes and is out like a light.
~Next morning~
Zoe wakes up first, you soon follow. It was 9 am. Upon realising that there is nothing in the pantry, Zoe decides to go to the store to buy some groceries. To make you breakfast, treating you like her princess. What she doesn’t know is that Leah and Alessia are outside, waiting in Leah’s car, obviously both with a disguise, for Zoe to leave your apartment. After she is out of sight, they take this as their opportunity to explain everything. Running to the front door Alessia unlocks it, searching every room for you. She succeeds upon entering the bathroom. While washing your face you don’t notice it was the striker. “Zoe how come you are back so quickly did you forget your money yet again?” you ask chuckling. “No, it’s me. I wan-“, Lessi tries to speak but you soon interrupt her. “What are you doing here???” But Alessia isn’t prepared for your tired sounding voice. She expects you to be livid, after Leah explained what she thought happened. “Please just hear me out, I promise it isn’t what it looked like.” With a sight you agree to listen, throwing away a long-term relationship without at least a talk seems imprudent. Lessi was or is your girlfriend after all, you aren’t so sure yourself, not giving her a chance to plead her case would be atrocious.
Leah is chilling in the kitchen, not touching anything because she knows she’d cause a disaster there, so she is sipping on a glass of water while waiting for you both to make up. Lessi wants to take your hand in hers which you notice and hesitantly she intertwines your hands, you let her. Sitting on the sofa Alessia begins “These photos are fake. I can prove it Tesoro. Let me show you something, okay?” Mumbling a response, you look at her phone. “Now can you tell me who this girl is next to me?” asks Lessi. You are at loss for words. “I- I- Ohhhh my god. Its Clara. I didn’t recognize her Lessi, I’m so sorry.” “See baby, I would never ever cheat on you. Certainly not with my cousin.” You both chuckle at her words. “I’m really sorry Lessi, I couldn’t see her face on Zoe’s photos. Also, in these you aren’t as close as in the ones Zoe took. Weird.” “It’s because she photoshopped them Tesoro. Leah saw her smirking after you said we are done.” Alessia feels bad because Zoe had been your friend for a long time, losing a “friend” isn’t easy. “Soooo, we are good right?” asks Alessia. “Of course, we are, I’m sorry for not hearing you out yesterday. It was all just too much. But we are okay.” “All good baby, I know seeing such photos can mess with someone’s head. You heard me out, that’s the important part.” A few minutes went by just the two of you wrapped in each other’s arms.
In the meantime, Leah had found some cereal to eat to distract herself. She hasn’t left guys yet because Zoe was still to return and she wanted to give her a piece of her mind.
You kiss Alessia softly, showing her with it how much you love her. She responds to it immediately, kissing you back. More soft kisses are shared between you two. They start to get more passionate, soon you straddle Alessia, forgetting Leah is in the other room. Alessia’s hands are firmly placed on your bum, giving it a squeeze. A moan leaves your lips. Her left-hand slips under your shirt, Goosebumps arise due to her cold fingers on your skin. She trails kisses down your jaw to your neck, biting slightly into the latter.
But before you can continue you hear a gasp. It’s Zoe. What a cockblock. Zoe doesn’t even have a chance to utter a word as you start to talk, “Zoe I’m disappointed and mad at you. I don’t know what Alessia or I did to you that you wanted to destroy or relationship so badly. But it didn’t work, she told me everything. Faking pictures just to point a bad light at my girlfriend. No real friend would ever do such thing. I don’t want to see you ever again Zoe. You aren’t my friend anymore. This is goodbye, so don’t contact me again.” “But I love you Y/n, I’ve loved you for some time now. I did this for us, to be able to be finally together as we are meant to be.”, stammers Zoe. “No. There was no us, there is no us and there will never be an us. Lessi is the love of my life so you can piss off.” Shooing her out the front door and closing it right in her distraught face.
Leah chimes in “Wow what a day and it just started. Honestly, I wanted to have a go at her but you rocked that Y/n/n, bravo. Welp who wants to go out for some donuts, its our cheat day after all?” You and Lessi simultaneously answer with a, “Meee”. Smiling at each other you share one final kiss before stepping out of your shared apartment to get those well deserved donuts.
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authorspirit · 8 months
Thank you @miralure for the tag! :D
▬ Favorite Three Ships: My favorite tv show of all time is Hart of Dixie because I'm a very cheesy person so: Zoe x Wade, Lavon x AB (YEAH LET ME CRY ABOUT THAT OK) and Lavon x Lemon (because they're still made for each other). (OK but I have the same love for those Lavon ships that I have for Stiles Stilinski x Malia Tate in Teen Wolf).
▬ Last Movie: It's hm been a while. I'm not really a movie gal? Pretty sure last movie I watched in theaters was Barbie, on my own.
▬ Currently Reading: Beatrice Hyde-Clare Mysteries series. I'm looking for a specific edition at the moment but I should start reading book 3 soon!
▬ Craving: chocolate. 'cause I always crave that. And I also kinda want something salty. Salted caramel + chocolate nomnom.
▬ Relationship status: in a relationship (gotta have our anniversary restaurant date for the 7th year today by the way. At like, noon, 'cause we're cheap and like to just stay at home in the evening xD)
▬ Last Thing I Googled: The name in english of the Beatrice Hyde-Clare mysteries for this post xD
▬ Current Obsession: OK that's stupid but tbh it's just the sims 4 (especially my own sims). The day I go back to Ooblets or Coral Island is on the switch, you'll be sure they'll be my obsession.
I tag @pleasanttaleswithkaityb, @ruthplaysthesims, @dumplingtrait, @gooretrait, @hyesims, @betweensims, and anyone who wants to do it, you can say you're tagged by me and I'll edit the post later! :D If you've already done it, don't do it again, I'm just bad at keeping up sometimes with who has already done a tag game sorry ><
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ohmyeyesmyeyes · 2 years
mason mount - guessing game
mason mount instagram au (x fem!reader - actress that was in hotd and avatar the way of water)
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liked by harrycollettactor, irisapatow and 165 others
ynofficial: i started reading gerald's game by stephen king and had to stop after the first chapter and then vowed to myself that if i'm going to carry on reading it, it has to be sunny outside and i also have to read emma alongside it because i'm a wimp that can't handle that level of intense and disturbing content all in one go. my auntie will be incredibly disappointed in me but it's cheaper than the therapy i'd need if i continued reading it so i say it's a win-win
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jamieflatters: tom holland? andrew garfield?
ynofficial: pt 185432 of jamie getting it wrong
harrycolettactor: wuss
harrycollettactor: you're giving us nothing and i'm starting to think you're winding us up now
ynofficial: i mean yeah i am
jackchampion: bailey knows?????
ynofficial: well so does trinity and zoe and sam
jackchampion: pls tell me i'm begging you
ememyers: gerald's game creeped the fuck out of me i don't blame you one bit
ynofficial: em i love you for this
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liked by archierenaux3 and 27,976 others
harrycollettactor: y/n somehow scored some pretty damn good seats?????
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theemilycarey: this isn't related to the football but i know who her boyfriend is
harrycollettactor: traitor. is it someone i know?
ynofficial: yes, you are very welcome for the tickets, harry, how very gracious of you (and yes but you've never met)
jamieflatters: i have a theory you know
fan1: it's almost like they never went to a football game
fan2: this is my multiverse of madness fr
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liked by livkatecook, baileybass and 453 others
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jamieflatters: i'm a genius, what can i say?
baileybass: far cry from it
harrycollettactor: there are no clues anywhere how am i supposed to figure this shit out
ynofficial: pull a holmes
lizzymalpine: i love your soft launch so freaking much
ynofficial: i learnt from the best
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liked by cmpulisic, harrycollettctor and 1,375,816 others
masonmount: boyfriend duties
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harrycollettactor: um
liked by masonmount, ynofficial, jamieflatters and 7 others
fan3: MASON HAS A GF?????
fan4: come home the kids miss you
fan5: wait a minute...NO WAY WHAT??????
benchilwell: peter parker is looking cute today
liked by ynofficial
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liked by masonmount and 1,386 others
ynofficial: successfully made it past the soft launch phase, welcome to my 'in love with this sexy sexy man and idc who knows it' era
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harrycollettactor: i'm crying right now that's MY football boyfriend how did i not recognise his abs????
ynofficial: no and i was actually wondering that actually
harrycollettator: yes, i saw him first
ynofficial: no
jackchampion: any friend of cmpulisic is a friend of mine
ynofficial: you need to get your priorities sorted
baileybass: i'm so happy for you two!!! you look so pretty together
ynofficial: don't make me cry
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liked by ynofficial, ameliadimz and 1,937,826 others
masonmount: been locked in love for a year
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fan7: A YEAR???
fan8: damn they were careful about this
declanrice: happy for you two!
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enidette · 3 months
so i was thinking ron x fem!reader where they're dating but then when carl arrives reader and him become super close and then ron gets super upset and frustrated and just gets distant and doesn't say anything ab it but then reader notices and confronts him and he's jus like "u probably like him anyways u don't have to pretend" and then she explains how she only has love for him and they sort it out and it's jus fluff at the end?????
zoe ! thank you for requesting, i finally did it 😭 i’m sorry it’s so short i have the writer’s b word that im afraid to speak into worsened existence…
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marchtomydrums · 2 years
Our Little Secret
Cordelia Goode x Mina Venable x Reader
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It wasn't uncommon for witches to develop new powers as they grow and unfortunately for you, one has just turned up. You groaned as you woke up hearing a thousand voices in your head. Your head hurt from the overwhelming feeling. This is torture you thought to yourself.
Reading minds wasn't a very common power and only a few witches could do it. While some may think it's cool you'd give anything for peace. While this gift made its appearance a few days ago you have yet to tell your mothers. You didn't know how they would react. Especially Mina. She was a very private person.
Walking down the stairs the voices grew louder as you could now hear them all at once. Entering the dining room you take your seat next to Zoe.
“Good morning y/n” she smiles.
“Morning Zoe.” you smiled back.
- She looks like shit. God, I hope she's alright.- you hear Zoe's thoughts.
Looking across the table you see Madison admiring her fresh set of nails.
-I wonder if I will hook up with Matt tonight. God, he is so hot. I'd kill to lick those abs.-
You groaned quietly rolling your eyes as your mothers entered the room.
“Good morning girls.” they greeted cheerfully.
Mina smiles at you as she takes her seat while Cordelia sends you a wink.
Once the food was severed most of the voices died down which you were thankful for. You tried your best to eat as you looked across the table at Mina. She smiles warmly at you.
-I love this little girl with all my heart. I can't believe how lucky I got. - she thinks to herself causing you to smile.
- And Cordelia. God Cordelia. Her beautiful smile and those soft lips. That tongue that makes me weak in my knees. God, I love her tongue. I'd give anything to have her between my legs right now.-
Suddenly you choked on your food causing the whole table to look at you. Your mothers looked at you with concern.
“Are you alright love?” Cordelia asked. You coughed some more nodding your head as you took a sip of your water.
-This can not be happening right now. I can't hear this!- you screamed in your head.
Cordelia looks at you and her eyebrows raise as she studies your face.
-y/n?- you hear a voice call out to you in your head.
Looking around the room you look for the source.
-y/n can hear me?- the voice says again.
Again you looked around the table searching for the voice until your gaze meets Cordelia's.
-y/n can you hear me right now?-
-I don't know. I just woke up one morning hearing the entire world around me. Hold on how can you hear me?-
-I'm the supreme darling. How do you think I know so much?-
You watch her smirk as you look at her with wide eyes. Mina watches the interaction cutting off your thoughts.
“What's happening,” she asked looking between you two.
The two of you looked at her and Cordelia asked you both to her office. Once you were all inside she shuts the door.
“It seems that our daughter has developed a new power.” she smiles. Mina smiles brightly at you.
“What is it?” she asked.
You sighed as you looked at her. “I can hear people's thoughts. Trust me it isn't that great,” you mumbled.
“What really? So now you both can read minds?” she asked looking at Cordelia.
“Hold up! You knew mom could hear our thoughts?” you asked.
“Well, I didn't at first but I found out rather quickly,” Mina says.
“Hmm, I wonder why,” you said sarcasticallyy.
Mina looks at you confused and then at Cordelia whose cheeks are pink and it clicks.
“Oh my God,” Mina says turning pale.
“Yeah. Your thoughts are loud,” you said.
“Oh. My. God.” she repeats.
-So she heard what I said at the table?-
Mina thinks to herself looking at Cordelia.
“Yes, I did. And I would like to un hear it,” you whined looking at Mina.
Mina looks at you with wide eyes. “I'm so sorry. I didn't know.”
“I know.” you sighed.
“Mom how do you do this?” you whined looking at Cordelia.
“There are so many voices and they're loud! They never shut up. My head is killing me. And if I have to hear Madison’s play-by-play on her hookups one more time I swear I'll kill her.”
Cordelia chuckles.
“I know it can be overwhelming but once you learn how to control it you can cut those voices off. You'll be able to block them out unless you need to hear. “
“Can you teach me? Because I love you both but there are things I don't want to hear. Like ever. No offense.”
Cordelia chuckles “None taken.”
“Wait! Do you listen to me?” you asked.
“No. I only listen if I need to.”
“Then how did you hear me?” you asked.
“I felt your panic and tuned in,” she says.
“I can't believe this. I'm so ashamed.” Mina says.
“Momma it's okay you didn't know. And while I don't want to hear it, see it, or know about it I'm not an idiot. I know you guys have sex.”
“Oh my God!” Mina groans.
Cordelia laughs “It's not the end of the world love. I will teach her how to block them out. Until then just try to keep your thoughts at a minimum. “ she says winking at the redhead.
Mina scoffs “Easy for you to say.”
“Believe me Momma I've heard worse. You don't want to know what some of these girls are thinking.”
“Worse than what you heard from me?”
You chuckled nodding your head. “Madison is always thinking about sex or her old TV roles. Zoe thinks about butterflies and fucking rainbows. Misty thinks about Stevie constantly, and I've even heard some of the girls thinking about the two of you.”
“Oh?” she asked.
“Yeah, let's just say they're very interested in your sex life. And some of them even like you guys and no offense but I don't want to hear my friends thinking about how hot my moms are,” you said causing them both to blush.
“ Well, at least I feel a little better,” Mina says.
You chuckled “Yeah it was just a shock. But mom said she would help me. So I'll try very hard to not listen. I don't want you or anyone else to act weird around me like I'm invading your privacy. “
“Actually...” you said looking at Cordelia.
“Is there any way we can keep this between the three of us? I don't want others to act differently around me. It's already hard enough being the daughter of the supreme. No offense Mom. I love you dearly and I'm so proud of you. Both of you. But it's already hard enough to fit in.”
Cordelia smiles as she cradles your face in her hands. “Aw, sweetheart I know it isn't easy for you. And I understand why you'd want to hide this power. No one other than your Momma and You know about my ability. It will be our little secret. “
“Thank you.” you smiled hugging her tight.
“Your Welcome my love. Although I am so happy your powers are growing. You've got to stop growing up so fast. I want you to stay my baby forever.”
You chuckled “ I know.”
Mina smiles as she watches the two of you. You smiled at her as you pulled away from Cordelia.
“Promise you won't pull away from me because of this.”
“Of course not!” Mina gasped pulling you in for a hug.
“I would never. You're my world little one. Never forget that.”
“I know. I heard you remember. And I think I'm the lucky one. I got the gift of two amazing mothers. “
Mina smiles as she kisses your forehead. “I thank the gods for you every single day.”
You chuckled as you held her tight.
“As do I,” Cordelia says as she wraps her arms around you both.
You sighed into your mothers enjoying their warmth and comfort. With them by your side, there wasn't anything you couldn't do.
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strideofpride · 2 years
Heyyy hear me out..a wonderful life hod au..or an au post series where something happens that causes the yeehaw six to have never fallen in love with their respective partners or remember each other except lemon
Okay, I wasn't entirely sure what you meant by this, but I'm choosing to interpret it as post series Lemon wakes up in 2011 Lemon's body:
I think the first thing she'd do, because she's not thinking about anyone else in this moment, is break things off with George so she can be with Lavon.
Lavon is thrilled of course, but George is a mess, and it causes a BIG capital M Mess. All of a sudden the Mayor and the Town Lawyer are basically in a blood feud, people take sides (Brick is on George's for sure), it's capital B Bad.
Pretending for a second that Wade and George being kind of at odds in the first few eps was purposeful and their lifelong friendship was not a retcon, Wade and George are not in a good place so Wade chooses Lavon which pisses George off since Lavon was the one who was the cheater and now things between Wade and George are a mess too.
And of course, Lemon's like "holy shit, what have I done. I didn't think this through and do it in a way to prevent all of this Mess."
And that's when Zoe Hart rolls into town.
George and Zoe get together almost immediately. Except it's also a mess because neither one of them are in a good place at all, not even a little bit.
And Wade and Zoe still have that attraction of course. But Wade's self esteem in 2011 is still so low, and to Wade even Complete Wreck George Tucker feels like a better option than himself. How could he ever compete with George? So, he doesn't. And becomes his asshole early s2 self.
And of course, AB is still married to Jake in all of this, who Lemon knows is gonna cheat, but how could you go to your bestest friend and be like "your husband is gonna cheat on you in six months, leave his ass now, also the ex-fiance I just publicly dumped is the man you're meant to be with" without sounding like a loon?
So, Lemon tells Lavon the truth. I'm from x years in the future and we're married and happy but none of this went down the way it was supposed to, please help me fix it.
Lavon is understandably skeptical but he does feel guilty about what he did to George and he hates seeing Wade like this and even his new tenant Zoe Hart seems like she's in a bad place so yeah, okay.
Together, they find a way to expose Jake before he even leaves AB, and then Lemon suggests George should be her divorce lawyer.
AB is just like..."what? You want me to use your mess of an ex-fiance, the corporate lawyer to be my divorce lawyer? Your ex fiance who I don't even like? "And Lemon's like "uh huh yeah you heard me bitch, George is the best man for the job".
And well, AB will admit that she was impressed by the big case George won against Fillmore last year, so okay yeah.
George is understandably confused. "We don't like each other and you took my ex's side in our very public break-up and cheered her on and also I'm not even a divorce lawyer???" But he never liked Jake Nass and he could use an easy win so okay fine. Why not?
While George and AB are forced to spend more time together by necessity, Lavon starts sabotaging shit back at the house, all in an effort to push Zoe and Wade closer (based off memories Wade had told Lemon over the years). He refuses to fix the fuse, claims both the carriage house and the gate house need to be fumigated at the same time so they're forced under one roof, etc. etc.
And since Lemon's hanging around more, by virtue of dating Lavon and all, she starts planting little bugs in Wade's ear. "You deserve better, you could be a great man, I know you secretly like Zoe but you're going about everything entirely the wrong way, etc. etc." Subtlety is not in Lemon's nature.
Lemon also makes an effort to befriend Zoe. There's no George between them now anyway. But of course, Lemon also takes advantage to place some doubts in Zoe's head about George. "And I dated the man for fifteen years, so I know what I'm talking about!" And of course, to not so subtly nudge her towards Wade.
It turns out, getting Wade & Zoe and George & AB together like this is not that hard. By being forced to spend all that time together (plus with Lemon's manipulations), they are able to have the space they need to fall for one another. Zoe and George have a very amicable, "yeah, this was really just a rebound break-up" and that's that.
Getting the bad blood dissolved between the guys is much harder. Specifically between George and Lavon even though Lavon has apologized a thousand times by now. It takes the entire town to be like "George you're so much happier now anyway with AB! You and Lemon never would've worked out! Also we're really really tired of only being able to go to certain places in town" because the entire town took sides like that episode in Gilmore Girls where certain businesses were Team Luke and some were Team Lorelai and you couldn't patronize businesses of the opposite team.
And so the hatchet is reluctantly buried for the sake of the town. Things aren't quite the same, but they're still good. The end.
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leopoldainter · 14 days
Its 3am and I know why
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You got red flabox
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I know it's n9t suppoe o like A dates so I more him call me that andbeat cat food thevscript is off the hook mains parents both dead firafesct scene level 8bpino conservator grade but the butler goes to 11, which isn't a book it's a lever th3 shelfs a door and I'm on a river bus smoking bananas. Sorry Siri smokes bananas I wanted the selfi
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And here although not used as attack witness the power of VINEWHIP used in Manhattan but Scandinavia had bad ideas that they didn't improve
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Egaf wgat dows batman.
Jystv some white guy prolly, Clooney or conery
KAppavtwins. Stipple grow s/can just quickly. My dryvsec Garage AmytuWANGGIAMA guelf o yo
Have you ever scenevprtey protein take one take 2 amino acid sic zoe for branched chain and shake options maybe arachanogca now xnook breakfast
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We have vampires, people and dogs in canada
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Freaks the sheets out of chickens
0 notes
projektimpworld · 4 months
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[HS2/AI] Attack on Titan ~ Hange Zoe
Attack on Titan series for Honey Select 2 (ハニーセレクト2 リビド) / Ai Shoujo 少女 Name : Hange Zoe Origin : Attack on Titan Costume : Default Birthday : September 5th, Height : 170cm Character Build : Projekt IMP Build version : 1.0 Mod by : B17, chw, mlekoduszek, regi, SENA, sjjpl, TM Profile : https://attackontitan.fandom.com/wiki/Hange_Zo%C3%AB
Hange Zoë (ハンジ・ゾエ Hanji Zoe) was the 14th commander of the Survey Corps, named so by Erwin Smith before his death. Hange was formerly a squad leader in charge of the Fourth Squad, having the duties of innovative inventing and conducting research on Titans, including Eren Yeager.  ---------- Card & Mod Pack ---------- ► Download : https://projektimp.gumroad.com/l/gbpxh ► Gumroad : https://projektimp.gumroad.com/ ► Payhip : https://payhip.com/ProjektIMPWorld ►Install Note Extract Zip to your game installation folder : X:\Game\Illusion\Honey Select2\(HERE) ► Overlays Note : Load overlays manually IF needed, face, body or clothes overlays can be found at X:\Game\Illusion\Honey Select2\UserData\Overlays\IMP\(HERE) ► Guide and tutorial to download and install : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6Ubmg-NUPaU
If you encounter any problems or have any question, feel free to reach our support. Contact Support : [email protected]
---------- Social Media ---------- ► Pixiv : https://www.pixiv.net/en/users/74997946 ► Twitter : https://twitter.com/Projekt_IMP ► FB Page : https://www.facebook.com/projektimp/ ► Youtube : https://www.youtube.com/c/ProjektImpWorld ► Deviant Art : https://www.deviantart.com/syncvloid ► Patreon : https://www.patreon.com/ProjektIMPworld Also Available at IG, Pinterest, Tumblr and Pawoo. Best regards, Projekt IMP 世界 Disclaimer : All character model available at Projekt IMP store are built by Projekt IMP. Projekt IMP 世界 character card store is ONLY selling base character model, not the mod. Please keep your KK manager updated. Mod creator will always mentioned at description box. Please do support Mod creator listed in the description for their awesome works. All character created in this channel is a work of  fiction. Unless otherwise indicated, all the names, characters,  businesses, places, events and incidents in this creation are either the  product of the author’s imagination or used in a fictitious manner. Any  resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, or actual events is  purely coincidental.
0 notes
starryeyesxx · 4 months
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16 notes · View notes
wqbytop100 · 1 year
Top 100 for the week ending June 23, 2023
Happy--------NF -15
Where You Are----John Summit, Hayla -1
Sweet Goodbye----Robin Schulz, *Svidden remix -4
Submarine----Seeb, BANNERS, SUPER-Hi -12
Pwdr Blu----Kx5 f/ Brother-14
If We Ever Broke Up---Mae Stephens -17
Borderline----Tove Lo -18
Rhyme Dust----MK & Dom Dolla -26
The Way----Manchester Orchestra -9
Jacare----Sofi Tukker -27
Sicky Sweet---Kenzie, *Alan Walker remix -23
Misbehave----Ship Wrek, Disco Lines -7
I Feel Love----Freya Ridings -10
One Time----Kyle Walker -5
Strangely Sentmental ----Anabel Englund -79
Pearls----Jessie Ware -22
Sparks----MEDUZA, DEL-30, Mali-Koa -3
Part Of Me----Cian Ducrot -21
Waffle House----Jonas Brothers -25
Dressed For A Funeral----Groupthink, Sunday Scaries -19
Upside Down-----MEDUZA, Poppy Baskcomb -16
Feels This Good-----Sigala, Mae Muller, Caity Baser, Stefflon Don -13
High Heels - Party Down Under-----Flo Rida, Walker Hayes -2
Waterfall---Michael Schulte, R3HAB -20
Crying On The Dancefloor----Sam Feldt, Jonas Blue, Endless Summer, Violet Days -11
Here We Go Again ----Oiliver Tree, David Guetta -37
Seasons----Bebe Rexha, Dolly Parton -6
Die For A Night----A R I Z O N A -29+
Miami----Lola Audreys f/ Nile Rodgers -24
Take Me Home----VAVO, Clara Mae -8
Stereo----SUM SUN, Sly Chance -31
Chemical---Post Malone -35
Something's Coming-----Cheat Codes, Lady A -33
Church Outfit-----Poppy -34
Gone (Da da Da)----Imanbek, Jay Sean -28
Hungry Heart----Steve Aoki, Galantis, Hayley Kiyoko -38
Reborn----SIDEPIECE, *Kyle Walker remix -32
Begin Again----Jessie Ware -40
No One Dies From Love----Tove Lo -36
Lost Souls----Jeffrey Sutorius, Jay Hardway -51
Broken----Isak Danielson, *Lost Frequencies cut/remix -52
This Is What Losing Someone Feels Like----JVKE -41
Hey Little Mama----Morgan Evans -43
Hooked-----Sam Short -44
Good Time----The Dare -45
Dancing In The Courthouse----Dominic Fike -46
Back To You----Bob Moses, *Amtrac remix -47
<>Toxic---AnnenMayKantereit -(re entry)
<>Kill For You----Gigi Perez -(re entry)
<>Miss Me The Same----Sara Kays, Anson Seabra -(re entry)
***Good Girl ERA----UPSAHL -(new)
<>Eyes Wide Shut----ILLENIUM, Avril Lavigne -(re entry)
Say Say Say----Kygo, Michael Jackson, Paul McCartney -48
So Many Ways To Get Downtown-----Proxima Parada -42
Sweat----ESSEL -30
<>No One Knows We're Dancing----Everything But The Girl -(re entry)
Too Many Things----The Linda Lindas -53
Don't Give Up----Zoe Wees -54
Change----LAUREL -55
<>Trustfall----Pink - (re entry)
Back Around----Tiesto, AR/CO -75
Puppet On Your String----Abe Parker -61
Disco Ball Soul----Rebounder -68
***Flirt To Convert----Armand Van Helden, Brittles -(new)
The One----INJI -63
***A Thousand Knives----RY X. Enamour -(new)
No Sleep----Regard, Ella Henderson -78
***Sunset----Gus Dapperton -(new)
Over The Moon-----Eddie Benjamin -87
Tough (The Girls Song)----Will Linley -86
Bad----Young Bombs, Discrete, Alex Hosking -70
Tattoos & Therapy----Madilyn Bailey, Madilyn 89
Would You Even Know----Audien, William Black, Tia Tia -71
I'm Not Dead Yet---Mike Posner -92
A Year Ago---James Arthur -98
***Call My Name----BLOND;ISH -(new)
***Lucid Dream----Topic -(new)
***Lose My Mind-----AC Slater, NuBass, Kaleena Zanders -(new)
<>Lung Burn----Little Image -(re entry)
All For Love----Felix Jaehn, Sandro Cavazza -84
***Five4Three2One----Layto -(new)
Back To This----Matt Sassari, Soshy -83
***Moderation----Col3trane -(new)
***The Sound Of San Francisco----Global Deejays, *Progressive Album mix -(new)
***Wet White Tee Shirt----UPSAHL -(new)
On The Glamour----Aluna, Pabilo Vittar, MNEK, Eden Prince -90
***Upside----PL$&TY -(new)
River----Miley Cyrus -91
---Hot In Here-----Nelly -(re-current)
What The Hell Are We Dying For----Shawn Mendes -94
***Lost In The Rhythm----David Guetta, MORTEN -(new)
---Elastic Heart----Sia -(re-current)
Everything You Have Done----GENESI, MEDUZA -50
Just The Kinda Feelin----Yotto, Lost Boy -39
Psychos----Jenny Lewis -58
It's Euphoric-----Georgia -59
Something Like This----Chet Faker -60
Dancing All Alone----Morgan Page, TELYKAST -49
Don't Call Me-----Slushii, Leah Kate -73
<>Baby Again...----Fred Again..., Skrillex, Four Tet -(re enter)
Killer Queen---Robin Schulz, FLO BO RIVA -67
Just Alone----Heartaake -[last on chart 6.11 @ 80, 91 for two weeks
Left & Right----Ownboss, FAST BOY -56
Sleepwalking----Matt Sassari, Goodboys -57
Revelations-----ZHU, Devault, BabyJake -62
Stars-----PNAU, Bebe Rexha, Ozuna -64
Won't Forget These Days----Fury In The Slaughterhouse, VIZE -65
What A Life----Dave Aude, Jeffrey James -66
Gangster----W&W, VINAI -69
Mourning----Post Malone -72
End Of Time----Zara Larson -74
Blood & Sugar-----Boys Likes Girls -76
Feel Your Ghost----Tiesto, Mathae -77
Bleach (Move On)----Cash Cash -80
Voodoo----Gorgon City -82
Padam Padam----Kylie Minogue -85
Queencard---(G)I-DLE -88
Your Mind Is Dirty-----Mau P -93
Mantra-----Azzecca -95
Welcome To Dinna----Francis Mercier, Black Uhuru -96
Unhealthy----Anne-Marie, Shana Twain -97
Heaven ----Niall Horan -99
Bright Lights----Kx5 f/ AR/CO -100
0 notes
imagineabuttercream · 2 years
Pink Cake (Jack x Reader)
Sitting in the back of an Uber car, you couldn't stop the tears from streaming down your face.
"Are you alright, miss?" The older gentleman driver kindly asked.
Smiling and making eye contact in the rear view mirror, you started nodding. "I'm great, actually. Definitely happy tears."
"Well that's good to hear." the driver chuckled, seeing you lift the small ultrasound picture so he could see it in the mirror. "Congratulations."
"Thank you." you stared back down at the picture.
You had found out you were pregnant almost a month ago, but the doctor had warned you that there may be complications. He was unable to get a heart beat and he couldn't get a clear image of the baby. You had hesitantly told Jack, but the two of you had kept it to yourselves and tried your hardest not to get your hopes up.
You hadn't told Jack about your appointment today, but you were beyond excited to tell him the results. After worrying for another month, your baby girl was healthy and happy at 18 weeks.
You sent out a group text to the rest of the boys. "Hey everyone. If Jack is by you right now, don't read this text until later. I have a huge surprise for him BUT YOU HAVE TO KEEP YOUR MOUTHS SHUT. We need everyone to come over tonight (I'm telling Jack we're having a movie night) and I want everyone to bring a pink food or drink. Anything. The pinker and girlier, the better! [you can probably tell what his surprise is] Everyone should arrive around 8:30. Love you guys! See you later!"
You replied to a load of congratulations texts you had received back and everyone was in. Joe suggested he invite a few more of their YouTuber friends that weren't on the group text. You agreed knowing the more of you that got together, the better time you always had. Joe had practically doubled the number of people showing up.
After straightening the flat, you sent Jack to shower. Filling in Conor on the plan, the two of you hid cameras all over the flat.
Sitting in the living room watching the boys play Fifa, the doorbell rang. "I'll get it." you said, letting in the first group of guests. Joe, Caspar, and Oli all walked into the flat, greeting the boys on the couch.
"Oooo, what'd you bring?" Jack asked, staring at the TV trying to beat his brother.
"Ice cream, cupcakes, and a bottle of Rose." Joe called out, taking everything to the kitchen and joining the boys in the living room.
The doorbell rang again straight away. Josh got up and let Simon, JJ, and the Cals into the flat, pointing to the kitchen. "Just put the food in there." he said smiling.
"Holy shit. We're going to have so much food left over." Conor said, causing Jack to look up.
"Ay! Haven't seen you guys in a while." Jack called out, still focused on the video game.
Simon handed his food off to one of the other guys and walked over to watch Fifa. "Ooo, your team is shit, mate." Simon commented, making the boys in the living room laugh.
Cherries, a few more bottles of Rose, strawberry jello shots, and pink chocolate covered strawberries had been added to the food. Your kitchen was looking very pink. Zoe, Alfie, and Marcus joined the group followed by Abe and Alex and a few of the boy's non YouTube friends. This added Strawberry Lemonade and vodka, pink cookies, a tray of watermelon, bags of different pink candies, and raspberry sorbet.
You loved that the flat was full of your friends. Between JJ's loud ass laughter, knowing Jack was going to freak out, and watching your friends catching up with each other, you couldn't keep a smile off of your face.
Jack beat Conor in Fifa and they switched out controllers with JJ and Simon. You had left a Pink frosted cake in Mikey's fridge as a way to get Jack out of the flat for a few minutes. "Hey babe, can you go get the cake I made? It's in Mikey's flat."
"Why can't Mikey get it?" he fake whined.
"Do you really trust LP to not drop it?" you laughed, going up on your tip toes to kiss Jack. "Please?"
"Oh, alright. I'll be back in a few. Where is it?" He asked, grabbing Mikey's keys from him..
"The fridge. Thanks, love." you called, shutting the door behind him.
"Alright. He'll be back in a few minutes. How can we make it to where he knows right away?" you said, watching the boys pause the game and put the controllers by the TV.
"I think we should all be holding one of the pink foods when he walks in." Caspar suggested.
"He's going to shit." Conor laughed, helping you hand the food out. "I'm not going to hold anything so that I can grab the cake before he drops it."
"Perfect." you said, waiting by the door. "I'm so nervous." you couldn't sit still.
Conor pulled you into a hug. "Don't be, love. He's going to be so happy."
You could hear footsteps approaching the door. "He's coming." you whispered to everyone standing in the living room.
When Jack opened the door, you could tell he was focused on not dropping the cake. When he saw you standing there waiting for him, he asked "Babe, why did you make a pink cake. You hate pink." He laughed and tried to hand it to you.
"No reason." you answered and told him to hand it to Conor instead. When he rounded the corner and handed the cake to Conor, he saw everyone standing there facing him with big smiles on their faces. "What's going on..." he laughed and started asking, but froze when he realized that all of the food was pink.
Jack turned to face you with his mouth hanging open. His eyes dropped to your stomach and then back up to your face. "Are we...? Is everything...? It's really..." Jack stuttered, tears threatening to fall from his watery eyes.
You had already started crying again. Nodding, you tried to wipe the tears from your cheeks. "You're gonna be a dad."
Jack ran back to you and pulled you into his arms, spinning you around. The whole room was cheering, shouting out congratulations and laughing. "She's alright?" he asked once he had sat you back down, his voice muffled by your hair.
"She's perfect." you replied. Everyone had started setting down the food and had surround the two of you in one massive group hug.
When you finally broke apart, you were congratulated by everyone individually. Some of the boys opened the alcohol and had pulled Jack out onto the balcony, everybody pulling out their vlogging cameras.
The rest of the night was perfect. You were happy that so many people had showed up. You did end up ordering pizza so that no one died of a sugar overdose. Games were played, your friends vlogged, and you got to catch up with some of your favorite people.
After making sure everyone had a safe ride home and sending most of the left over food home with people, you guys set about cleaning up. Jack was silent the whole time, but he had a huge smile on his face. "Lets go to bed, love." he said, walking up behind you and slipping his hands over your tummy.
"Sounds good to me." you smiled, putting your hands over his.
After changing into comfy clothes and finishing your nightly routine, you crawled into the bed and waited for Jack. When he finally joined you, he immediately pulled the covers down and snuggled his face against your stomach.
"Is she really okay?" he asked, softly running his fingers back and forth across the skin of your bare belly.
"She's completely healthy." you said, smiling but yawning. "Lets go to sleep, love." you started running your fingers through Jack's hair.
Crawling back up to kiss you, Jack pulled you to lay across his chest. "Sweet dreams, mommy."
"Sweet dreams, daddy." you replied, letting the rhythm of Jack's chest rising and falling lull you to sleep.
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hart-kinsella · 2 years
Hart of Dixie appreciation week | July 25th ✸ Favorite Dynamic/s: Zoe/Wade “It’s a roller coaster ride, but I don’t want it to stop”  
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putonmyfavoriteshow · 2 years
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Hart of Dixie Appreciation Week JULY 25TH - Favorite Dynamic/s
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reallyromealone · 2 years
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Levi x male reader
Warning: minor pet play, Dom! Levi, mention of sex toys
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Clean freak
A complete asshole 9/10 times.
Though (Name) would never say that out loud, the man does pay him after all.
Levi was one of the top paid models in the country, having sharp edges and abs that could grate cheese, he earned that title. The downside to such a high quantity of fame came fans and haters, though the main concern was the "stans", fans who obsessed over the man's every move and that's where (name) came in.
(Name) was a tank to put it lightly, standing at 6'3, 235 pounds of pure muscle he was hired by the recommendation of Levi's close friend Erwin for security and (name) never failed to protect.
(Name) was terrifying to those who didn't know him personally, though Levi just saw him as an aggressive puppy really and at the drop of a glance (Name) could flip from scary security guard to silent entity standing behind him.
He was a well-trained puppy.
(Name) stepped out of the drivers seat, making haste to the passenger's seat to open the door for Levi, the older man not even sparing him a glance as the two walked into the studio, fans gawking and screaming for his attention, (name) hovering slightly over his boss, basically blanketing over him though Levi paid no mind knowing that he was just protecting him from paparazzi and the possibility of flour being thrown at him-- an event that happened to Levi's former apprentice: Eren Jaeger.
Once they got in the building, Levi glanced back at the other, (name) immediately taking a step back like the obedient guard he is.
"Good boy," Levi said in a teasing tone, eyeing the other before him, his security guard being an excellent source of eye candy. Making their way to the elevator (name) quickly swiped the special key card and pressed the button, didn't want any lookie-loos seeing things they shouldn't.
(Name) checked the Elevator before allowing his boss to enter, trying to repress a blush when Levi runs a manicured hand across his chest, body barely able to contain the shivers down his spine.
He would be a liar if he said he hadn't developed feelings for his employer.
The man oozed power and just dominance.
Pressing the 10th-floor button the two stood in silence giving (name) a moment to think about the moment before 'was it just him overthinking it? Levi rarely touches other people though" (name) secretly hoped Levi would return his feeling but he would never confess that risking his job and the 3 years of trust he built with the older man--hell he ended up living with Levi after a fan tried to break into his house, forcing him to move to a more secure gated community.
His feelings came second to Levi's safety in his mind, even if it hurt his heart.
Walking into the studio, Levi was greeted by his photographer and begrudging friend Hanji Zoe, an eccentric woman with a love for theatrics.
"Levi~! You finally came! I have an excellent plan for this photoshoot! I was thinking of and hear me out: the twelfth night!" She said giddily, making Levi cringe back a bit, finding her eccentric personality tiresome at the best of times.
"Whatever brat let's just get it over with" Levi grumbled but the two paid him no mind, knowing that roughly translates to 'I enjoy this idea, let's do it as he and (Name) walked towards the makeup area, Levi requesting a black tea from the craft services table, watching (name)s ass as he hastily walked to the table.
God, he could watch that ass for days.
Levi usually kept his feelings to himself, having been hurt many times before, and normally he couldn't care less about things like love but he couldn't deny that the young security guard made both his heart and dick do things, he wanted to whisper sweet nothing's to him and bend him over and fuck him senseless.
A tough choice really.
He knew of (name)s feelings and had slowly been devising a plan to turn the defensive puppy into his submissive partner.
It wouldn't be too hard really.
Despite his appearance, (Name) made a perfect sub, eager to please and very submissive depending on the person.
And (name) didn't know it but he would be submitting it to his employer sooner than later.
The photoshoot goes by smoothly, Levi looking simply breathtaking and (name) ignores the pang of jealously in his chest seeing him kiss another person, two bodies pressed against him in the shot /see the photo on the top/ but brushed it off as they made their way to his dressing room, Levi making quick strides to the built-in bathroom, quickly stripping his clothing and brushing his teeth aggressively to get the taste of the woman's mouth out of his.
Moving into the shower, he usually spent less than 5 minutes cleaning himself and today was no different as he had special plans.
(Name) stood guard at the door, eyes gazing around the room, a room he's in 4 times a week every week. A spotless room with a dressing table, a soft-looking couch, and mini-fridge, and a large rack full of clothing.
Levi's second sacred place beside his room.
Levi stepped out of the bathroom, steam rolling off him in waves as a towel hung loosely around his chiseled waist, (name) barely able to take his eyes off the outline of the older man's massive girth that the towel barely hid.
Levi noticed his stare though.
He decided now would be an excellent time to execute his plan.
He walked over to the large couch. Sitting with his legs stretched out before speaking in a husky tone "(name), come here", the taller male had a deep blush painting his face, catching a glance at the other cock peeking from the towel.
Once he made his way to his boss, Levi grabbed the other tie and pulled him down into a kiss, relishing in his employee's obvious experience; just makes it easier for him to mold him into the perfect sub.
Levi pushed (name) down till the man was on his knees before the grey-eyed man, Levi pulling away as (name) panted heavily "I-I don't understand?" He was ecstatic but also confused as the other man barely showed interest in him before this "what's there to understand puppy? I want you, have for a while and don't act like I haven't caught you staring and haven't heard those slutty moans as you touch yourself thinking of me" Levi's voice shook the room as (name)s cock hardened and his hole ached, Levi knew exactly what he did to the other.
"Y-you heard?" God, he was embarrassed but also incredibly turned on "I did, but you can make it up to me though," Levi said casually and (name) nodded eagerly "you can be a good little bitch and suck my cock" his words blunt as he pulled away from the towel that barely hid his cock.
(Name) could barely take his eyes off the girthy length as he shakily took it in his hand, giving a few experimental licks before taking the head into his mouth.
He felt like he was dreaming, his head felt heavy as he began slowly bobbing, feeling the other length harden in his mouth and the taste of salty semen invading his taste buds but he wasn't complaining, far from it. "If you can make me cum without touching yourself, I may consider giving my puppy a treat" Levi drawled out as if he wasn't currently getting his dick sucked, raking his hand through the other hair as (name) hollowed out his cheeks and bobbed faster, gagging slightly at the size.
Levi let out a soft grunt here in there, one of the few indicators that he was enjoying himself "good boy" he said lowly, all words of praise pushing (name) to suck harder, ignoring his slight gag reflex to push down all the way, nose brushing against black pubes and without warning Levi came down his throat, making the other pull the cock from his mouth coughing slightly but not wasting a drop of semen as he began licking the remnants of the others cock, not even needing to be told.
"Such a good puppy, making me cum, do you deserve your reward?" Levi asked smoothly, petting the other face when he finished cleaning his dick off, face red and eyes bleary; already fucked out before starting.
God he was excited to ruin this man.
"P-please, please give me my reward master" (name) said shyly, the scary exterior he used day to day replaced by a sweet boy eager to please.
And god did Levi love that nickname.
"I believe you made master happy enough to deserve a treat, strip and get on all fours on the couch, head down and ass up".
(Name) wasted zero time stripping as Levi shifted to a set of drawers adjacent to the couch, pulling out a pack of condoms, lube, and a large vibrator, not near his size but it will have to do.
He had kept these things around for an occasion like this, and god was he excited to play with his new puppy.
(Name) was in position in record time, head to the side as hands dug into the couch, avoiding touching his weeping cock. His ass was waxed and spotless, making the extra effort, as he often dreamed of this moment and at the time thought it was a hopeless fantasy but made the effort because the possibility that his feelings would be returned was technically possible.
He was so happy he douched his ass daily.
Levi hummed in appreciation as he groped the other man's ass cheek with his left hand, watching as the other's hole puckered at his movements, having already slid a condom on his cock, he would go in raw another day.
"Such a sweet slut, did you prepare yourself for me in hopes this would happen?" Levi asked as (name) moaned slightly, only for his ass cheek to be swatted. "I asked you a question" his voice was stern and (name) let out a gasp in pleasure before letting out a soft "y-yes master" and gripped the couch below him, trying not to cum on the spot.
"Such a slutty boy, hoping that master would fuck his slutty hole," Levi said casually as he poured lube on his fingers, coating them evenly before rubbing slow sensual circled on the other hole, it sucking him in slightly.
A choked moan escaped (name) lips, the feeling like no other as Levi pushed a finger in, pumping his middle finger slowly, watching the others blush painted face as he made such precious expressions as Levi asked "you're a virgin aren't you?" And despite his embarrassment (name) managed to let out a soft "y-yes master" before looking away.
Levi was over the moon, he at first thought he was just inexperienced as he was only in his early 20s, but a virgin... God Levi wanted to ruin this boy for anyone else, have his body only remember the shape of his cock.
"God, what a treat you are" Levi breathed out before adding another finger and pumping faster, the other hand moving around his sweet virgin hips to take hold of his cock, it was average-sized, nothing impressive but still quite pretty. He began stroking long and hard, enjoying the mantra of moans leaving the others kissable lips as Levi began kissing the nape of his neck, leaving dark hickeys in his wake, adding a third finger and pumping harder, making a beckoning motion as he searched for the others prostate, grinning against the other's skin when (name) let out a rather loud moan.
Thank God the room was soundproof.
He began repeatedly pounding into the soft bundle of nerves and whispered into the other ear "cum, puppy" and cum he did, letting out an earth-shattering moan, and his cock spurt out white semen on the leather couch, an easy clean later.
"Such a good boy~," Levi said seductively as he moved the other onto his back, enjoying the view of a normally intimidating bodyguard turned into a moaning teary mess before him.
(Name) will be his partner, it was decided.
"Such a good boy didn't cum till I said so, I was going to use this vibrator on you and watch you fall apart, then Fuck you into next week but god, I just can't wait any longer" Levi's words immediately made (name)s cock hard as he watched the other rub lube on his rubbered cock, Levi bending down to pull him into a searing kiss, letting the other pull at his hair as they heavily made out.
It was an easy distraction while Levi slowly pushed his cock in the other ass, (name) pulling away as he immediately came again, a gaspy and load moan leaving his kiss swollen lips as Levi swiped some cum off the other stomach and licked it "yum" he said making eye contact with the other who tried to hide his face before Levi pulled him into another kiss, (name) tasting himself on the other's tongue and Levi began moving slowly.
It was Euphoria for the both of them,(name)s hole spasming with each long thrust as they desperately made out, Levi picking up speed and pounding into his subs dripping cunt, swallowing each moan as (name) desperately tried to match his trusts.
Eventually, Levi felt himself come close to climaxing, feeling (name) tighten almost painfully, he was close.
Speeding up, Levi's hips clapped against (name)s ass before he came hard, the other climaxing seconds later.
Both our of breath as they broke apart, Levi speaking first as they locked eyes "you are mine now, I will find another bodyguard, you belong to me, everything about you is mine, body, and mind" his voice dark and smooth like black velvet on a winter night and (name) couldn't help but nod, allowing his life to be monopolized by the force that was Levi Ackerman, former boss and now lover.
And he wouldn't want anything else.
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strideofpride · 3 years
zoe/wade and george/annabeth from hod for the ship ask!
Zoe/Wade: they’re cute for sure and I’m glad they were endgame but I’m definitely missing the part of my brain that makes everyone else obsess over Zade cause they were by far the least interesting to me of the three main endgame ships. Now Zoe/Joel/Wade on the other hand…very very important to me
George/Annabeth: LOVE LOVE LOVE. My hod otp. The dair of hod. Two extreme theater kids getting to act opposite each other for a couple eps. They just worked on every single level to me, I’m so obsessed with them.
Send me a ship and I'll give you my (brutally) honest opinion on it
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