#zodiac albums
gentlepartofme · 2 months
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rg11 · 8 months
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pearlprincess02 · 7 months
olivia rodrigo and joshua bassett composite chart
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aquarius sun: aquarius sun in the composite is all about acceptance. this relationship exists to express individuality and fully accept each other. there is a lot of zesty energy and the two may love to innovate/create together. there is rarely harsh judgement but rather encouragement to pursue grand visions.
sun in 2nd house: composite sun in the second house deals with security. there is a lot of power for one person to influence the other persons self-worth. the energy is steady and everlasting, as both people feel comfortable early on in the connection. the people involved can really raise (or hurt) each other’s self-esteem/confidence!
scorpio moon: “You are the subject of my deepest desires, the love I will always long for.” things are never light in the relationship as everything is taken into its deeper level. it is an emotional bond that can keep ties strongly connected and felt. there is emotional intensity always present and that may give you the assurance that the relationship is going to last or at least will overcome whatever challenge is to come. emotional boundaries may not be felt or made as both of you are interested in knowing each other at one’s core. since emotions are always felt at the extremes, this may cause emotional distress when the couple experiences challenges and will make you over prioritize the relationship. avoid being overprotective and controlling of each other and the relationship.
moon in 11th house: very fun and friendly relationship. the two people relate to each other as friends, they're very accepting of the other person's weirdness. we get to be who we are. we invite the other person's unfettered natural expression. we get to fart in front of each other, eat too much in front of each other. we get to do whatever just happens and the other person very much enjoys it. so, the spontaneity is similar. very few expectations and demands made on each other. a great deal of forgiveness and tolerance. a free-flowing, exciting place. cut down on resentments, score keeping "I accept whatever it comes with you."
rising/ 1st house:
sagittarius rising: open-mindedness and adventures are right up your alley. you two are more optimistic together and can become quite restless. you are both more free in this relationship than you might be with others, and like to discuss philosophy and perhaps travel together. 
pluto in 1st house: you are both conduits for dramatic transformation in each other’s lives. you both are magnetically drawn to each other as you inspire each other’s power, confidence and attraction energy. yet you can also easily inspire each other to make significant changes especially to your outward ambition and even physical appearance. through this relationship you are both likely to help usher in dramatic changes that alter the way others see you both as individuals. you can influence each other to become more focused and determined to succeed in your ambitions. you may also help each other release fears and insecurities so you can better embrace your true purpose and shared mission together.
vesta in 1st house: with vesta in your 1st house, you possess a strong sense of individuality and a deep desire for personal growth. you are driven to express your true self and to embody your most authentic self. your dedication and commitment to your own inner flame are remarkable, as you continuously seek to ignite the divine spark within you. as the goddess of hearth and home, vesta's presence in your 1st house radiates warmth and security. you have a natural ability to create a sense of sanctuary within yourself, where you can retreat and rejuvenate. this inner sanctuary not only offers solace for you but also acts as a beacon of light for others, inspiring them to find their own inner sanctuaries. with vesta in your 1st House, you are reminded to honor and nurture your own inner flame. take the time to reflect on what truly ignites your passion and brings you joy. how can you integrate these aspects of yourself into your daily life? what practices or rituals can you establish to honor your own sacred space within ? remember, vesta's presence in your 1st house serves as a reminder that your own inner fire is a precious resource. by tending to this flame and allowing it to burn brightly, you not only enhance your own well-being but also become a guiding light for others, inspiring them to connect with their own inner sources of strength and vitality.
chiron in 1st house: there is a shared wound or sensitivity related to self-expression, identity, or physical appearance. there’s a deep sense of insecurity or feeling different from others that both partners share. however, this placement can also indicate a strong desire to heal and overcome these issues together. in some cases, this can also mean that the relationship itself is a source of healing and growth for both partners, and that they have a strong sense of purpose or destiny together. the first house is associated with the self, the physical body, and the individual identity, so having chiron here can indicate a need to work on these issues both individually and together in the relationship.
pallas in 1st house: when pallas, the asteroid of wisdom and strategy, resides in your 1st house, it infuses you with the ability to perceive patterns and analyze situations with great insight. your mind is naturally attuned to problem-solving, and you possess a keen sense of strategy and diplomacy. this placement grants you the capacity to see the bigger picture and find creative solutions to challenges that arise in your life. as pallas influences your self-expression and personal identity, you possess a natural talent for leadership and guidance. your ability to think critically and make informed decisions sets you apart from others. you are skilled at finding common ground and mediating conflicts, making you an effective communicator and problem solver. your wisdom and analytical skills enable you to see beyond the surface and understand the intricate dynamics of any situation. with pallas in the 1st House, you are encouraged to trust your intuition and use your strategic thinking to navigate through life's complexities. embrace your intellectual curiosity and seek opportunities to expand your knowledge and skills. reflect on how you can apply your analytical abilities to enhance your personal growth and contribute positively to the world around you. consider how your strategic mindset and wisdom can be utilized in various aspects of your life. how can you harness these qualities to create a positive impact on your relationships, career, and personal development? remember, your ability to think critically and find innovative solutions is a valuable asset. trust yourself and let your wisdom guide you towards fulfilling your potential.
juno in 1st house: juno in composite 1st house i would make both parties feel a need to commit to one another early on in relationship. for confirmation of that look to other aspects to the actual juno or other 1st house placements. other themes would be loyalty and devotion to one another. probably some kind of weird attraction to one another may to present but it’s not necessarily sexual in nature. however there would be a spiritual feeling i’d imagine. like in your face, which can not be ignored. they would feel like they were meant to come together for some kind of purpose. there is an emphasis of unity together. 
capricorn mercury: this couple has constant communication, they may dislike chit chat and prefer to have long talks with the other, because they find it extremely fascinating how their partner thinks. they are capable of solving any problem with maturity, because they respect each other a lot and listen carefully. very tactful, but they maintain their honesty, as they will hate lying to the other. both can guide and help each other on topics in which the other is not an expert and will always show their support. they may enjoy working together, doing indoor activities, going shopping, giving gifts to each other and complimenting the other. 
mercury in 2nd house: it’s very likely that at the beginning of the relationship the conversation didn’t flow as much, but over time it became stronger. this couple speaks clearly with each other, they calmly express their wishes or requirements to have a more fruitful relationship, in the same way, they listen carefully to each other. these people always try to keep the promises they make. they both give the same importance to maintaining a stable communication, they hate ghosting and it’s unlikely that they will do it. they may have similar values and goals alike. they’ll seek to keep the relationship stable regardless of the distance, but they will always prefer to communicate face to face.
aquarius venus: aquarius venus in the composite is all about embracing individuality. the amount of friendships i’ve seen this placement in! very on brand for aquarius venus. this is also common in long-distance relationships. learning how to love on another level. the energy is very accepting, and the individuals will feel free to express their authentic selves. likewise to leo venus, the pair will want each other to shine. they find beauty in every crevice of each other and want to share it to the world. 
venus in the 2nd house: agreements in regards to money, where the money goes, how they will decorate their home, what type of house they will live in, what kind of arts they will buy or make together. it's a very natural place for venus. they agree on investments. they can share fashion sense and like the same beauty concepts. it's wonderful for people that work together and couple will feel that senses in common between them. it's a wonderful place for those who make art in general, because the other person supports their art and inspire them. works so well in work and business relationships too.
scorpio mars: you may feel strangely fascinated by each other, there will be something that will make you look at each other more than once the first time you meet. the attraction is undeniable, as is the sexual compatibility, which is quite high. being with each other sexually will make you feel lost in them and found by them at the same time, you will feel seen, desired but at the same time you will feel so vulnerable only that this time you will feel good after having been. this couple seeks to connect deeply with the other and know each other's core. they motivate the other on a subconscious level, they can feel more powerful and capable after having entered this relationship. the relationship has a very strong emotional charge and can transform them quite a bit. in the event that discussions arise, the ideal is for them to be transparent and not hide anything from the other, as they will know how to identify lies or omitted information.
mars in the 12th house: you may feel nervous around the other, even a little shy, but once you get to know each other better, you can see that the other is much more similar to you than you initially thought. sex can be a very emotionally intense experience and you may feel a connection that is difficult to explain. there will be something that attracts you to each other, a feeling of wanting to be close from the beginning is likely. when differences arise, it is crucial that this couple be open with what they feel to avoid misunderstandings.
celeb's masterlist / 1H - 6H
composite sun
composite moon + house
composite rising + composite pluto + composite vesta + composite chiron + composite pallas + composite juno
composite mercury
composite venus + house
composite mars
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i-look-like-my-mother · 5 months
Taylor Swift Zodiacs Part 8: folklore
Aries: mirrorball & mad woman
Taurus: this is me trying
Gemini: betty & illicit affairs
Cancer: my tears ricochet
Leo: the last great american dynasty
Virgo: august & the lakes
Libra: the 1 & exile
Scorpio: invisible string
Sagittarius: hoax
Capricorn: cardigan
Aquarius: seven & epiphany
Pisces: peace
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cavaleirosdebronze · 16 days
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Disco de vinil contendo a trilha sonora do filme Os Cavaleiros do Zodíaco: A Lenda dos Defensores de Atena será lançado em novembro, na França.
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cultreslut · 9 months
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the zodiac, cosmic sounds, 1967
a project by mort garson of plantasia fame, art by abe gurvin
archive / discogs
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sketchysketchiness · 1 year
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Kisa Sohma! Look how cute they all are together!!
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cyanide-sodapop · 1 year
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liesmultixxx · 1 year
me? being a cancer and obsessed with the grudge? YES ABSOLUTELY
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(credits go to livieshq on instagram!)
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partofthepoem · 5 months
For my Sag sisters 👯‍♀️💕♐️
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marskid11 · 2 years
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twas’ tagged by @girlcesare to show my top 9 favorite album covers! but I couldn’t settle on just nine I’m one over hehe :D
@rockermann @spatterdots
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gentlepartofme · 2 months
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brickwall1yrics · 1 year
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2 Drinks Away - lovelytheband
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pearlprincess02 · 4 months
taylor swift and joe alwyn 1st house synastry
planets and aspects below
taylor's 1st house
taylor's mars in joe's 1st house
mars falling in the 1st house is an enticing, aggressively playful, and physically erotic linkage. this synastry gives me the energy of not being able to contain your smile, even though you're arguing. these two grind each other's gears, in a way that you want to strangle them, then make out. mars (taylor) is instantly on a pursuit for the house (joe), like they see them as something to conquer. the house (joe) thrives on the ego boost from mars' (taylor) chase, and may deprive mars (taylor) of their presence to maintain control. initially, the mars (taylor) is definitely somewhat at a whim of the house (joe). however, the house (joe) is physically captivated by mars (taylor). mars (taylor) appears as a rugged, lustful meal of sex appeal for the house (joe). "i could eat that girl for lunch". it's like mars (taylor) gives the house (joe) a taste for life and adrenaline. eye-fucking each other across the room vibes. this overlay may feel like a game at times, like a nonchalant war to see who breaks the tension first. the house's (joe) behavior riles mars (taylor) up, intentionally or not. the energy of mars (taylor) making fun of the house (joe) constantly, while the house (joe) is telling them to shut up. the first impressions of this person are very strong and memorable, you definitely won't forget them after originally meeting. this connection is inspiring for the house (joe), as if mars (taylor) pulls motivation out of them. very lively and dynamic relationship. laughing, tickle torture, and angry sex.
taylor's mars squares joe's mercury
you can hit and hurt each other through words. mars person (taylor) is irritated by mercury person's (joe) ironic attitude, while mercury person (joe) regards mars person (taylor) as overly defensive and competitive. you should avoid getting into heated exchange of ideas. if you identify with your opinions then you'll feel threatened every time your ideas are even slightly challenged. opinions might be just empty beliefs or early life conditioning, so you must slow down your verbal excesses in order to see things more objectively.
taylor's mars trine joe's venus
this is a typical feature of a fervent and sensual magnetism. even if not a couple, you may use that desire to complete everyday activities. appeal to each other is vibrant and powerful. mars person (taylor) is more strongminded and energetic but venus person (joe) is more receptive. venus person (joe) entices mars person (taylor) with appeal and captivating ways while mars person (taylor) entices venus person (joe) with forthright activities and, if a couple, via a sensual presence. such visceral magnetism doesn't promise a long-term relationship, which may have no commitment. the dance of action and attraction is natural and pleasurable for you. probably you will feel attracted to each other even though you just finished a relationship. venus person (joe) is attracted by mars person's (taylor) also on the physical level while mars person (taylor) is attracted by venus person's (joe) beauty, charm and loving attitude.
taylor's mars sextil joe's north node
mars person (taylor) is energizing and motivating to north node person (joe). north node person (joe) may feel sexually attracted to mars person (taylor) and both can ignite each others’ passions. this relationship may feel karmically destined, as mars person (taylor) feels compelled to help north node person (joe) fulfill their destiny. north node person (joe) is invigorated by mars person's (taylor) courage and ambition. this relationship can feel dramatic, exciting and captivating. mars person (taylor) embodies a powerful energy that north node person (joe) may wish to emulate. this is an active relationship and whether romantic, sexual or professional, both motivate each other through healthy competition and challenging the status quo. mars person (taylor) and north node person (joe) may embark on a series of adventures together, or may collaborate on a challenge involving physically demanding work or exercise program, or athletic pursuits. north node person (joe) may also help mars person (taylor) to better channel their passion and energy, helping them to overcome anger issues or to become emboldened and empowered in productive ways.
taylor's mars squares joe's midheaven
there's much energy directed to your individual careers or even toward a common goal, but competition and ego trips turn off mars person's (taylor) energy and impair midheaven person's (joe) steadfastness. mars person (taylor), while giving energy to midheaven person's (joe) path toward success, might threaten it by being too impatient and forceful. midheaven person (joe) resents the efforts done for mars person's (taylor). at other time, mars person (taylor) gives lots of energy to midheaven person's (joe) which they take for granted. midheaven person (joe) considers mars person's (taylor) rushed initiatives as a threat to its career. mars person (taylor) doesn't accept midheaven person's (joe) criticisms and reacts in a belligerent way. when together, you are both too identified with being recognized and admired in your accomplishments instead of valuing what you can provide to each other.
taylor's pluto in joe's 1st house
pluto's presence in the 1st house can be an intensely metamorphic bond. this relationship goes beyond physical, into the deep intertwining of each other. the house (joe) portrays a fascinating allure towards pluto (taylor). pluto (taylor) feels very tempted and inexplicably drawn towards the house (joe), almost like the house (joe) is testing to see when pluto (taylor) gives in. the house (joe) feels like pluto (taylor) dominates their mind, which can quickly lead to them becoming smitten. pluto's (taylor) persona intimidates and simultaneously attracts the house (joe). in this connection, pluto (taylor) will inevitably hold a lot of power, and can become jealous and overbearing regarding the house (joe). this bond requires pluto (taylor) to be mindful of arising insecurities revolving the house's (joe) outward charm to others. the house (joe) feels like pluto (taylor) peers into their soul, seeing their vulnerabilities and weak spots. the house (joe) almost can't turn away, because of the intimacy they discover through this connection. this is the type of couple that turns heads when they walk in. if pluto is afflicted, this synastry is susceptible for forced change and control. pluto (taylor) needs to be cautious of trying to mold the house (joe) into what they want, rather than what the house (joe) wants. by supporting the house (joe), pluto (taylor) can propel the house's (joe) spiritual and psychological broadening, and act as an important guide for the house (joe) to fulfill the immense potential that pluto (taylor) sees in them.
taylor's pluto opposites joe's moon
you attract each other on an instinctual and gut level, which seems compulsive and uncontrollable to both of you. jealousy and emotional manipulations are always lurking in your relationship to keep the other person under control. moon person (joe) may play the guilt card while pluto person (taylor) has the ability to sense moon person's (joe) unconscious needs and manipulate them. pluto person (taylor) tends to have a power and controlling attitude toward moon person (joe). moon person (joe) should refrain from letting pluto person (taylor) take advantage of the need for belonging and safety by being controlled. what you both need to let go is the belief that you can be loved only if control is present.
taylor's pluto sextil joe's neptune
they show each other kindness and understanding. they may learn how to be better people around each other. may learn how to forgive and/or heal in this relationship. forgetting each other is one of the few things that isn’t easy about this aspect
joe's 1st house
joe's lilith in taylor's 1st house
primal feelings for one another, you feel enticed and even more aware of your body in the presence of one another-the lilith person (joe) is deeply enthralled by the sight of the house person (taylor) and vice versa! there can be an added dose of instinctual and lustful sexuality for the two involved. sex is often aggressive and intense. domination can be a running gag as one of you may try to be in charge as a means to establish a sort of status quo or grounding to the attraction but for the most part it points to a very in your face sort of feeling of intensity.
joe's lilith conjuncts taylor's sun
when sun person's (taylor) sun and lilith person's (joe) lilith combine, each person awakens the deep desire for individuality and creativity in each other. you both feel admiration for each other. sun person (taylor) helps lilith person (joe) recognize their subconscious gifts and strengths. sun person (taylor) brings optimism and hope that can shed light on lilith person's (joe) otherwise sinister attitude toward life. sun person (taylor) can also help lilith person (joe) feel like they can be free to be who they are. lilith person (joe) can find validation and encouragement from sun person (taylor). though lilith person (joe) will rebel against anyone who tries to overstep their boundaries, with sun person (taylor) they are treated as a peer and potential leader rather than someone who has to prove themselves.
joe's eros in taylor's 1st house
you help each other find greater confidence in your sensuality and sexuality. 1st house person (taylor) is transparent and honest with their infatuation with eros person (joe). eros person (joe) helps 1st house person (taylor) explore their deeper sexual desires and fantasies. eros person (joe) and 1st house person (taylor) may feel instantly attracted to each other. though sexuality is typically considered a personal and private matter, for eros person (joe) and 1st house person (taylor), the relationship brings to the surface your deeper desires and shared longings. as a couple, 1st house person (taylor) and eros person (joe) can help each other become more open and confident in your passions and erotic desires, and 1st house person (taylor) may openly project their desires and fantasies, while eros person (joe) helps push the limits and boundaries. your passion for each other is no secret and may be clear to both of you from the very beginning of the relationship. you may “wear” souvenirs of your devotion to each other, such as in a locket, on a tattoo or in some other form, making your shared infatuation a visible part of your outward identity.
joe's eros sextil taylor's venus
you may find it easy to balance your need for romantic and erotic love. venus person (taylor) is compassionate and brings beauty, harmony and compassion to the relationship. eros person (joe) brings erotic desire and sexual energy to the relationship and the two of you can easily recognize how your complementary styles both work together to enhance the relationship. eros person (joe) can help venus person (taylor) explore their sexual and exciting side. venus person (taylor) can help eros person (joe) explore pleasure and pampering in the relationship. both can help each other to combine their sentimental and arousing energy and create a fully satisfying and romantic relationship. you may share similar fantasies or ideals regarding romantic and sexual connection and even if your fantasies differ in some ways, you are both highly compatible both romantically and sexually.
celeb's masterlist / moodboard
planets in 1st house synastry // mercury - mars aspect synastry / venus - mars aspect synastry / mars - north node aspect synastry / moon - pluto aspect synastry / neptune - pluto aspect synastry // lilith synastry overlay //sun - lilith aspects synastry // eros synastry overlay // venus - eros aspect synastry //
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i-look-like-my-mother · 6 months
Relistening to Taylor Swift Albums and sorting them by Zodiac Signs
Hi! My previous post got some traction, so everyday, I will be relistening to all of Taylor Swift's songs in order of album and sorting them into zodiac signs. Here's Taylor Swift
Aries: Picture To Burn & I'm Only Me When I'm With You
Taurus: Stay Beautiful
Gemini: A Place In This World & A Perfectly Good Heart
Cancer: Teardrops On My Guitar
Leo: Tied Together With A Smile
Virgo: Our Song
Libra: Tim McGraw
Scorpio: Invisible
Sagittarius: Should've Said No
Capricorn: Mary's Song
Aquarius: Cold As You
Pisces: The Outside
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Fuck zodiac signs, what’s your favorite Arctic Monkeys album?
mine is Favorite Worst Nightmare
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