manachi34 · 5 years
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kindwarrior · 3 years
When do the class action lawsuits start against those entities (NIH, CDC, Hospitals and doctors) that prescribed Remdesivir to COVID patients?
The CDC and NIH precluded the use of Ivermectin and Hydroxycloroquine (both now proven to be effective), instead, advising doctors to treat COVID patients with Remdesiver.
In clinical trials conducted in 2018, Remdesivir was found to, not only be ineffective, but to cause:
Pulmonary edema — often mistaken for pneumonia
Renal Failure
If those symptoms seem familiar, they should, they are the “symptoms” described by physicians of patients who ostensibly died of COVID-19.
From the clinical trial report:
“safety monitors recommended that two drugs—ZMapp and remdesivir—be dropped from the remainder of the trial. These two drugs were much less effective at preventing death.
Overall, about 50% of people who received either Zmapp or remdesivir died during the trial.”
— “Two drugs reduce risk of death from Ebola”*, NIH Research Matters, December 10, 2019
* — As a note, in case you are confused by the title of this paper, ZMapp and Remdesivir were not the “Two drugs that reduce the risk of death”!
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didanawisgi · 3 years
A Randomized, Controlled Trial of Ebola Virus Disease Therapeutics
Although several experimental therapeutics for Ebola virus disease (EVD) have been developed, the safety and efficacy of the most promising therapies need to be assessed in the context of a randomized, controlled trial.
We conducted a trial of four investigational therapies for EVD in the Democratic Republic of Congo, where an outbreak began in August 2018. Patients of any age who had a positive result for Ebola virus RNA on reverse-transcriptase–polymerase-chain-reaction assay were enrolled. All patients received standard care and were randomly assigned in a 1:1:1:1 ratio to intravenous administration of the triple monoclonal antibody ZMapp (the control group), the antiviral agent remdesivir, the single monoclonal antibody MAb114, or the triple monoclonal antibody REGN-EB3. The REGN-EB3 group was added in a later version of the protocol, so data from these patients were compared with those of patients in the ZMapp group who were enrolled at or after the time the REGN-EB3 group was added (the ZMapp subgroup). The primary end point was death at 28 days.
A total of 681 patients were enrolled from November 20, 2018, to August 9, 2019, at which time the data and safety monitoring board recommended that patients be assigned only to the MAb114 and REGN-EB3 groups for the remainder of the trial; the recommendation was based on the results of an interim analysis that showed superiority of these groups to ZMapp and remdesivir with respect to mortality. At 28 days, death had occurred in 61 of 174 patients (35.1%) in the MAb114 group, as compared with 84 of 169 (49.7%) in the ZMapp group (P=0.007), and in 52 of 155 (33.5%) in the REGN-EB3 group, as compared with 79 of 154 (51.3%) in the ZMapp subgroup (P=0.002). A shorter duration of symptoms before admission and lower baseline values for viral load and for serum creatinine and aminotransferase levels each correlated with improved survival. Four serious adverse events were judged to be potentially related to the trial drugs.
Both MAb114 and REGN-EB3 were superior to ZMapp in reducing mortality from EVD. Scientifically and ethically sound clinical research can be conducted during disease outbreaks and can help inform the outbreak response.
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biomedicool · 5 years
Ebola can no longer be called an incurable disease, scientists have said, after two of four drugs being trialled in the major outbreak in the Democratic Republic of the Congo were found to have significantly reduced the death rate.
ZMapp, used during the massive Ebola epidemic in Sierra Leone, Liberia and Guinea, has been dropped along with Remdesivir after two monoclonal antibodies, which block the virus, had substantially more effect, said the World Health Organization and the US National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases, which was a co-sponsor of the trial.
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goldkirk · 4 years
1. that was a REALLY good chapter i cried like through all of it 2. if you dont mind, how does ebola work? how does it progress through the body, and how do the current treatments we have work against it?
1) omg I am so sorry for the tears but THANK YOU I’m so glad you liked it!!!!
okay so first, I have an ENTIRE post about Ebola, its history, and cross-species jumps HERE that is (in my own biased opinion) a good read and what you should hop over to before reading any further in this post
SECOND, here is a post where I break down all the mcfreakin Mistakes the comics did when they had Tim get “Ebola” in contagion and what should have happened instead
and the tl;dr: Ebola is a Really Godawful virus that is as bad as it gets, in the same category as Marburg and Smallpox and Lassa Fever, et. al., and the main strain that affects humans has had, up till the past few years, a 50-90% fatality rate. Holy shit. 
It cropped up for the first time in the 70s, making a cross-species jump from (we’re pretty sure) bats to humans in Africa, and had a few smaller outbreaks after that until finally having a major one in 2014 that rocked the world and decimated entire areas of West Africa. 
Ebola, unlike more focused viruses, targets every type of tissue in the human body pretty much, aside from bone and skeletal muscle. It has a very special love for blood vessel cells, in particular, which is what leads to the characteristic hemorrhaging that people associate with Ebola (but which doesn’t always happen on a catastrophic scale in all patients). Blood vessels become weak and spontaneously break, leading to a rash-like pattern on peoples’ bodies. The eyes can be red. People get very high fevers, headaches, lots of pain in some cases, and when things are turning fatal, they can develop fatal brain swelling and catastrophic hemorrhaging in several areas of the body. A major problem is that Ebola makes your tissues just…literally turn into liquid slimy soup, basically, as it turns cells into replication machines and then busts them open and kills them. It attacks the spleen and liver first, and then gets a giant foothold in your body from there. And, uh, the entire gastrointestinal tract is a major casualty of this process, and basically starts to just…die inside itself…and liquefy into a bloody soupy mess…and people throw up blood and hemorrhage through bloody diarrhea and it’s just really awful and terrible and yeah Ebola liquefies you. That’s. That’s the simplest way to put it. It turns you into a virus-making machine, liquefies you, and even your sweat contains millions of particles of the virus in just a droplet or two. It only takes 1-5 particles to infect and kill a person, so…yeah. Ebola is terrifying and HORRIFICALLY contagious just because people are spewing fluids AND sweating from fever ANd also just have tears and sweat in the first place bc they’re human. 
HOWEVER. The one advantage we have is that people are NOT symptomatic until they show symptoms–which is generally breaking with a fever and getting a headache, and is followed by increasing symptoms over the following days. 
BUT!!!! BUT!!!!!!!! Some really fucking amazing people have been working for decades on treatments and a vaccine, and during the 2014 outbreak this new revolutionary antibody drug called ZMapp saved several peoples’ lives, and then a couple drugs were made modeled off the same principle of that one, and we now have a drug that in the most recent 2018 Congo outbreak of Ebola was tested and found to have an even better success rate (read about it here) and THEN in EVEN BETTER NEWS the FDA APPROVED A VACCINE FOR THE VERY WORST EBOLA STRAIN, ZAIRE EBOLA, AND THAT IS SO EXCITING AND AWESOME. 
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podusitu-blog · 4 years
What's the Croatia Travel Announcement Form?
Just what is the Croatia Travel Announcement Form? The Croatian Travel Announcement Form is a questionnaire designed for travelers who wish to go into the nation during this time of their coronaviruses pandemic. The form is necessary for many nationalities, so it is simple to apply here if you need it.
The pandemic was in the news in the United States lately. The virus which causes coronaviruses is airborne, and therefore, you cannot deal with the disease by coming into contact with you. It's only transmitted through direct contact with the bodily fluids of another person infected with this, and this usually means that coughing and sneezing are not likely to transmit the virus. In fact, there have been some cases when people have become sick after coming in close contact with the virus, and these have already been reported in the media, so be aware of the possibility you could capture the disease.
There's no need to panic over the pandemic; there's a vaccine that can protect you from it. You might have heard that your physician will likely provide you with a vaccine as soon as possible, but there's a difference between the vaccine and the form of therapy, which can be named ZMapp. ZMapp is only given to people with the highest chance of being able to respond to it, however, there are no vaccines available to treat the disease.
There are many methods to get around the issue of getting vaccines for your loved ones, so you need to consult a travel advisor in order to make certain that you understand what choices are available to you. There are many methods to do that, such as asking the physician or the travel company you have hired about getting a vaccination at the airport before you fly or getting the form in the airline.
If you're likely to remain at home, you still have other travel options that you can take advantage of. You can find a travel alert form which is able to help you discover the best hotels and airlines in the country. When you're looking through these forms, make certain that you take some opportunity to read the data carefully. There are some things that you may not know, which means you need to ensure you know what is required of you when entering the nation so that you don't get lost and end up having to pay more than you have to for a hotel space.
With that being said, you still should remember there are a range of things that you want to know more about the coronaviruses outbreak, and there are ways which you could avoid getting sick and getting your family vulnerable to the virus. You just need to take some precautions so that you don't wind up being sick in the first place. You simply have to look for the warning signals, and take some measures so you aren't caught off guard by the coronaviruses.
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lupinepublishers · 5 years
Lupine Publishers | Plant Based Protein Sources and Extraction
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Lupine Publishers | Agriculture Open Access Journal
In the context of accelerating interest in novel protein sources, plants gain importance day by day. Vegans, vegetarians, people with gluten-restricted dietary necessities are looking forward to new protein sources from novel plant products. However, concerning protein extraction methods from plants have many influential points to consider. This mini-review below represents the current situation for protein extractions and implements solutions to some drawbacks in plant protein extraction issues. Hopefully, the solutions below will be a guide for industrial and technologic aspects of plant protein extraction.
Consuming an adequate amount of high-quality protein in daily nutrition is one of the key features of healthy lives. Shortage of protein in nourishment may lead metabolic diseases [1]. A climbing trend in the requirement of plant-based protein sources can be easily seen due to medical needs as lactose intolerance or lifestyle choice as being vegan or vegetarian. The population of vegetarian, vegan and the number of people who faces with problems depending on proteins based on animals are increasing. Vegetarian is a person who avoids eating for various reasons as health, religious or not being cruel to animals. And vegans do not consume or use meat and any other products such as fish, eggs, cheese or leather [2]. In the USA, Brasilia, Austria, and India have vegans and vegetarians in terms of 4, 8, 3 and 40% of their countries population, respectively [3]. To achieve enough amounts of protein resources, a number of studies have been taking place for years. Additionally, the price of animal-based proteins may cost much higher than plant-based proteins. Therefore, plant-based protein sources give an affordable alternative in the countries with tremendous prices for milk and dairy products [4].
Plant proteins have a wide ranged usage area. Plant-derived pharmaceuticals (as experimental drug ZMapp to heal disease caused by Ebola Virus [5],) are also considered for finding new plant protein sources. Plant-protein-based delivery systems for encapsulating bioactive ingredients in foods are also the new usage areas [6]. In terms of extending demand of plant protein sources for various numbers of reasons, it is clear that new researchers are needed for finding novel plant materials available for extraction efficiency.
Soybeans are the main commercial source for gaining plantbased proteins. Additionally, new alternative possible sources are added to literature and new consumer goods have already been taken place in supermarkets. Searching for a novel plant as a new resource, led researchers to think various plants such as hemp [7], quinoa [8], potatoes [9], rice [10], maize [11], chickpeas [12], lentil Joshi, 2012, peas [13], sesame, peanuts, walnuts, hazelnuts, wheat and so on. Researchers have been considering even aquatic flora [14] as a candidate source. However, even they may contain high protein content; digestibility is another issue to consider while they may have low bioavailability. Another issue related to some of these sources is allergen molecules. So far, 15 major antigens that bind Ig-E antibodies have been found in soybean plant and products made from soybean [15]. Gluten allergy is closely related to celiac disease and nutrition including gluten raises up the symptoms of the disease. Besides that, some researchers indicate that eating habits including gluten may exhilarate severity of schizophrenia and cerebellar ataxia [16]. Additionally, growing trend of avoiding GMO products in society forces companies to find alternative new resources.
To overcome lack of protein sources, extraction methods from plants have been studied for many years. Classification and purification of proteins in the extract or the product is possible by using analytical methods such as 2-dimensionalelectrophoresis (2-DE). During this process, challenges can be seen in many ways [17]. Secondary metabolites and proteases are found in excessive amounts. Due to these components, protein extraction, separation, and identification may be affected. In terms of proteomic studies, a clear extract is necessary to prevent unwanted migrations of unwanted metabolites while 2-DEare made. These unwanted migrates may affect migration of proteins. Therefore, they need to be swept away from extract as much as possible [18].
Extraction procedure development of a protein obtains many factors to think about. Depends on the part of the plant, extraction methods and solvents vary. As long as minimizing the tissues as much as possible is the key factor of having a larger amount of bulk protein; some challenging features (fiber-rich content, adhesive structure, hardly disrupting parts) are needed to be considered. Cell walls of plant cells consist of complex polysaccharides which add extra problems for squeezing tissues. Liquid nitrogen usage with mortar and pestle is a useful way to lower protein degradation during tissue disruption. Protein degradation can also be lowered by cooling and adding buffer solutions in homogenization environment. Addition of quartz sand facilitates obtaining finer powder [19].
New applications of extraction processes open up innovative ideas. One of the most important issues in that concept, considering the most convenient and appropriate extraction protocol depending on the aim of extraction. As an example, usage of toxic chemicals in extraction or precipitation procedures may lead to increase costs for cleaning procedure and also some chemicals may be forbidden due to regulatory rules. In this concept, we may need to take advantage of assisting applications above.
Microwave-assisted extraction (MAE) systems have a marvelous potential due to the new research. Decreased solvent consumption, thermally save applications, increased yields depending on a lowered number of extraction steps are the benefits of this system. Non-ionizing electromagnetic waves (which are between 300 MHz and 300 GHz) are known as microwaves and in the spectrum, they take place between X-ray and Infrared rays. Transferring absorbed electromagnetic energy to heat energy is possible by using electromagnetic waves. The theory behind MAE depends preventing loss of energy captured by environment-which is the drawback of conventional heating [20]. As long as MAE provides targeted and selective heating mechanism (with ionic conduction and dipole rotation), it is more favorable than traditional heating conventional heating methods.
Enzyme-assisted protein extraction (EAE) depends on disrupting cell wall and increasing yield in mild conditions. Therefore, it is more environmental-friendly method than using harsh chemicals. Specific enzymes for extraction methods have been developed for extraction of proteins from tea leaves, Leguminosae gums, oilseed meals and so on. A significant peak in yields has been shown in research when it is compared with chemical-based methods [21].
Ultrasound treatment before extraction process is responsible for reducing size in the target which increases surface area. Speeding up the extraction process and having an increased yield is possible after ultrasound treatment. Ultrasound application procedure stimulates hydration process by using the power of cavitations by using bubles in hydrophobic surfaces.
Secondary metabolite removal is another way to obtain more pure protein extracts. Secondary metabolites are low molecular weight compounds and around 50.000 structures have been enlightening [23]. Definition of secondary metabolites demonstrates a compound whose biosynthesis is restricted to selected plant groups. They can be providing floral scent with volatile compounds, the color of the petals with pigments or protection systems made from toxic chemicals to avoid pathogens and herbivores [24]. Some examples of secondary metabolites can be given as phenols, flavonoids, tannins, lignins, stilbenes [25]. Most of the times, including these type of compounds in a food product, protein isolate and so on is mostly unfavorable due to taste, odor, appearance and healthrelated reasons [26]. Additionally, 2-DE requires samples without secondary metabolites. Removal procedure can be affected by species, tissue-specificity, age, and or developmental stage. These compounds can be removed before or after protein extraction. Using TCA/acetone precipitation, organic solvents are used to clean the extract. These give a result of white or light colored pellet [19,27]. Air-dried acetone powder is used for extracted in aqueous buffers after obtaining a pellet. However, this removal procedure comes out with drawbacks such as lessen yield of extraction. Other strategy-removing secondary metabolites during the extraction by using aqueous buffers including EDTA, DTT or 2-ME, a protease inhibitor cocktail, and poly vinyl poly pyrrolidone (PVPP). PVP(P) compounds can be cleaned up by using a centrifuge. Unfortunately, co precipitating contaminants are hardly removed by using organic solvents.
Therefore, this strategy fits tissues which can be easy extracted such as young tissues [19].
After removing secondary metabolites, another limitation comes up with the bulk of protein. Solubilization of the protein is important to move on with rest of the experiment. 2-DE separation, measuring the amount of protein and other levels of the process may need a solubilized protein. Re-solubilization can be done with SDS. Anionic nature of SDS does not directly affect isoelectric focusing of the gel [28]. Long incubations with lysis buffers (including urea, thiourea, MDTT, CHAPS, carrier ampholytes) and shaking is another way to re-solve bulk proteins [19].
Plants as sources of protein bring new opportunities to people who prefer or need to eliminate or decrease animal-based protein consumption. In this concept, we tried to implement some problems and key factors to rise up yield and overcome the problems depend on the extraction process. Hopefully, future studies will bring additional novel species and sources to fulfill the requirement of wide-ranged plant proteins for food and many other industries
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cheshirelibrary · 5 years
There have been a LOT of deadly epidemics throughout history, often killing millions at a time. AIDS/HIV, the 1918 Flu epidemic, the Black Death (bubonic plague), and Smallpox (with outbreaks in most every century before the 1900s) to name but a few. Lately, we hear about Ebola, a deadly virus that, untreated, has a 90% fatality rate, and a 40% rate if treated with supportive care (let's not forget, Smallpox had a 30% fatality rate back in the day), and has several major outbreaks in the past 4 decades.
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In his new book, Crisis in the Red Zone, Preston begins with the 1976 outbreak,  then covers the 2014 outbreak, so you can see just how far medicine has come in those 40 years. Why should Ebola bother you? As Preston reiterates time and time again, if the countries where Ebola is endemic cannot handle an outbreak, imagine Ebola getting loose on a subway in New York, by a person who gets off in Grand Central, and then walks to a play on Broadway, even though they're feeling a bit feverish and coughing.
However, there is now hope. Treatments and drugs with names like ZMapp and REGN-EB3 are working towards bringing a death rate of 90% to a survival rate of 90%. There has also been the creation of an Ebola vaccine, which is 97% effective.
Read the book. It’s got all the angst of a good murder mystery, the joys of survival, and medical miracles on top. If you live on Earth or do business here, you really need to be aware of these things. And wash your hands...
Read more on The Cheshire Library Blog.
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xf-2 · 5 years
2019年08月08日 18時11分
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Doctors and scientists have been testing four treatments for Ebola in a clinical trial. That trial has taken place amid an ongoing outbreak in the Democratic Republic of Congo. Two of those treatments have proven to be effective in preventing death, preliminary data now suggest.
Explainer: What is Ebola?
The recent Ebola outbreak began August 1, 2018, in the central African nation of Congo. The drug trial began in November. Participants were randomly given one of four experimental treatments. Three were antibody treatments: mAb114, REGN-EB3 and ZMapp. (Antibodies are proteins that the immune system harnesses to help fight germs and other "foreign" materials.) The other treatment was an antiviral drug, remdesivir.
Researchers reviewed data from 499 treated patients on August 9. That review suggests that those people taking mAb114 or REGN-EB3 had a greater chance of survival than those on the remdesivir or ZMapp. Researchers reported the trial results in a news release August 12. However, these findings have yet to be finalized.
“One thing that won’t change [after more study] is that those two therapies are better than the other two — that’s for sure,” says Anthony Fauci. Fauci is director of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases. It’s part of the National Institutes of Health in Bethesda, Md. The trial now enters a phase with only the two most effective treatments. Researchers will gather more data on the treatments’ safety and the immune response to each drug. They won’t study enough patients, however, to see which drug works best.
Twenty-nine percent of the patients taking REGN-EB3 died. Among those taking mAb114, 34 percent died. That’s a big improvement over the current 67 percent mortality rate reported for Congo’s outbreak. (Regeneron Pharmaceuticals Inc. makes the REGN-EB3 therapy. Regeneron is a major financial supporter of the Society for Science & the Public. This nonprofit also publishes Science News for Students.)
Results were even better for patients with a low viral load, meaning those with less of the virus in their blood. A low viral load may indicate their infections were caught early. Among such patients, 6 percent taking REGN-EB3 died. Eleven percent of those on mAb114 died.  
The ZMapp antibody treatment showed promise when it was tested briefly on people during 2014. At that time, Ebola had spread through several nations in West Africa. In the new trial, ZMapp was considered the key comparison, or control, group. In the ZMapp group, 49 percent of patients died. Among low-viral load patients on ZMapp, 24 percent succumbed to the disease, Fauci says. Results for remdesivir were slightly worse than for ZMapp.
Explainer: What is a virus?
Antibody treatments provide the immune system with an immediate supply of antibodies that can target a virus. The mAb114 therapy is made of a single antibody cloned from an Ebola survivor of a 1995 outbreak. REGN-EB3 is a cocktail of three antibodies.
The World Health Organization, or WHO, declared Congo’s Ebola outbreak a public health emergency on July 17. Officials say there is a high risk that the disease could spread to neighboring countries. By August 10, the outbreak had killed 1,888 of the 2,816 people who had been reported as infected, WHO says.
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latoxy · 5 years
Was Ebola a Preventable Outbreak?
The 2014 Ebola epidemic was devastating for the countries of West Africa, its effects lasting even into 2016. Death figures reached over 11,315 with nearly 5,000 of these being in Liberia (1). Ebola Virus Disease is caused by five different Ebola virus species, of which four can infect and cause disease in humans. Scientists do not know where the virus originated but due to its similarity to other viruses, it is believed to be animal-borne and possibly from bats (2). Ebola spreads through direct contact with bodily fluids of those who are infected or have died from Ebola, making it easier to contract in countries with poor sanitation and hygiene, healthcare professionals working in these areas are also more likely to contract the disease. With all of these factors it would seem that solving the issue if Ebola was an easy one, but was it preventable?
There is no vaccine for Ebola, for a vaccine to be approved it has to first go through years of testing and trials. In the Ebola outbreak, the fast spread of disease over Africa meant there was a rush to produce an effective vaccine. However, with such short notice, how could scientists be sure that any vaccine that they produced would be effective or even safe? In a crisis any vaccine that are in development may be “fast-tracked”, speeding up the time between development and distribution. Fast-tracking may seem like an easy solution for controlling a disease but there are many factors that must be considered before this can happen: the severity of the disease, including the fatality rate; the availability of other treatments and how successful they are; and the effectiveness of control measures. In the case of Ebola, the most severe strain had a 90% fatality rate in humans and the countries affected did not have the best sanitation, so control measures were difficult to uphold. It would make sense to fast-track any vaccines available. A vaccine called ZMapp appeared to be effective in monkeys with the Ebola virus and although no trials on humans had taken place, it was fast-tracked so a treatment for the disease could be possible. Without an effective vaccine, people could not be treated for Ebola until it was too late, meaning in this way, the Ebola outbreak could not be prevented.
Ebola spreads through direct contact with bodily fluids, during the epidemic the countries most effected were in West Africa: Liberia, Sierra Leone and Guinea (3). In this area of the world, only around 27% of the population and access to improved sanitation, 291 million people have no sanitation at all (4). The complete lack of sanitation means the Ebola virus can thrive and spread extremely quickly. It is difficult to prevent infection when contaminants are seemingly unavoidable. For example, washing hands with water can be ineffective as the water itself is likely to also be contaminated. However, Ebola spreading in this way was completely preventable, in countries like the USA and the United Kingdom sanitation is taken for granted, the water and sewage systems are tightly controlled and managed. Tap water is generally safe to drink without the possibility of pathogenic infection, so the question remains as to why countries such as those in West Africa needlessly suffer with unhygienic conditions. The 191 members states of the UN even agree to try and eradicate this kind of extreme poverty as one of the Eight Millennium Development Goals in September 2000 (5). If all of these countries had dedicated themselves to providing solutions to these problems, the outbreak of Ebola should never have been allowed to spread.
Control measures were ineffective. The aim of preventative techniques against the infection of Ebola is to avoid contact with the bodily fluids of those infected (as this is how the disease spreads). This can be done through not travelling to infected countries and taking precautions when treating those who are infected (e.g. Goggles, masks and gloves) and sterilising all equipment and using disinfectant frequently. Another control measure is to keep the infected in isolation, away from healthy people. In the case of the 2014 Ebola outbreak this was easier said than done. Not travelling to the area was an easy fix for the developed world but for those living within the afffcted areas the risk of infection was very high. Due to living in extreme poverty, the citizens of West Africa were constantly exposed to the virus. Poor hygiene conditions means that many practice open defecation as they do not have access to sufficient plumbing (6). This increases contact with bodily fluids for those living with the infected in such squalor. Isolation of these infected peoples is near impossible due to the impoverished conditions. As a result of this, control measures were unsuccessful and the spread of Ebola was not prevented.
On the other hand the spread of Ebola could be said to have been prevented to an extent as the disease did not reach pandemic status. In the USA a man from Liberia travelled to visit his family, after falling ill it was revealed that he had Ebola and he was kept in an isolation. Health care professionals that had been in contact with the man were monitored and two nurses tested positive for the virus. Fortunately both made a full recovery (7), but unfortunately the infected man succumbed to the illness (8). A nurse in the UK was also found to have Ebola and was discharged after a successful recovery, the nurse was the only confirmed case of Ebola as the UK had “well-established infection control procedures” which are always adhered to, reducing the chance of transmission (9). Risk of infection within the UK is very low but as a preventative measure the NHS recommends those travelling to underdeveloped areas to: Wash their hands with soap and water (or alcohol hand rubs when this is not possible), wash and peel fruit and vegetables before consumption, avoid contact with those showing signs of infection, not handle dead animals or their meat and not to eat “bushmeat” (10) as precautions to avoid contracting the disease. The low number of cases and quick recovery in countries other than in West Africa show that the spread was prevented in this factor.
The Ebola virus has an incubation period of 2 to 21 days before symptoms occur, fortunately Ebola is not infectious until symptoms occur however unfortunately it is hard to distinguish Ebola from other infectious diseases such as malaria or Typhoid fever (11). Precautions must always be taken in case infection is due to the Ebola virus. Symptoms of Ebola include fever, muscle pain and sore throat which is later followed by vomiting, diarrhoea, rash, impaired kidney or liver function and in some cases — internal or external haemorrhaging (12). These later symptoms make Ebola very successful at infecting new hosts through bodily fluids. As Ebola is hard to diagnose it is much more important to focus on controlling the spread when a case of Ebola is expected. Preventing the spread of Ebola is not possible in this way as symptoms do not appear until the patient is infectious.
Many factors contributed to the effectiveness in controlling and preventing the spread of Ebola during the outbreak in 2014. It was ltjven in developed countries to be an extremely preventable disease which was facilitated by impoverished conditions and poor sanitation in the developing world. However, these factors themselves were preventable as there is no discernible reasoning why these countries should have such poor sanitation in modern times (especially after a UN agreement to eradicate such poverty in the world). When the conditions in West Africa are considered, the Ebola outbreak appears to be unpreventable but when the attitudes of other countries are considered, the Ebola outbreak should have been prevented before it had a chance to happen. For these reasons it is fair to conclude that the Ebola virus epidemic was in fact preventable.
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manachi34 · 7 years
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investmart007 · 6 years
KINSHASA, Congo | Congo: 2 who received experimental Ebola treatment recover
New Post has been published on https://is.gd/fvx1bZ
KINSHASA, Congo | Congo: 2 who received experimental Ebola treatment recover
KINSHASA, Congo — Congo’s health ministry says two of the first 10 people to receive an experimental treatment for the Ebola virus in the latest outbreak have recovered, and monitoring could show what role the treatment played.
The head of the World Health Organization on Saturday congratulated Congo’s government for making several experimental treatments available in this Ebola outbreak, calling it “a global first, and a ray of hope for people with the disease.”
The two people received the mAb114 treatment isolated from a survivor of an Ebola outbreak in 1995. It was the first of five experimental treatments Congo approved for use in the outbreak that was declared on Aug. 1. The others are ZMapp, Remdesivir, Favipiravir and Regn3450 – 3471 – 3479.
WHO on Friday said Ebola has spread to an area of high security risk, a “pivotal” moment that endangers the health of medical teams.
Several armed groups roam Congo’s densely populated northeast, and health officials have said “red zones” where attacks occur pose a serious challenge to finding and monitoring contacts of infected people.
Congo says 77 Ebola cases have been confirmed, including 39 deaths and 11 recoveries. There are another 28 probable cases in which biological samples are not available for laboratory testing.
Nearly 3,000 people in this outbreak have received an experimental Ebola vaccine.
Ebola, a hemorrhagic fever, is spread via contact with bodily fluids of those infected, including the dead. It can be fatal in up to 90 percent of cases, depending on the strain. This is Congo’s tenth outbreak of the virus and the first in North Kivu province, which aside from the resident population hosts an estimated 1 million people displaced by fighting.
The affected region in this outbreak, which includes Ituri province to the north, borders Uganda, Rwanda and South Sudan. While WHO says the public health risk is high at the national and regional level it advises against travel restrictions.
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poojascmi · 2 years
Plant-based Vaccines and Antibodies
Vaccines have been made from a variety of plants, including tobacco, turnip, and potato, among others. The first recombinant plant-derived medicinal protein generated in turnip was human interferon. Human serum albumin was later synthesised for human usage in tobacco and potato. Antibodies against the hepatitis B virus (scFv mAb) were developed in tobacco and are now licenced for usage in Cuba. Antibodies against Streptococcus mutans were also developed in tobacco and licenced in Europe. Plant-based molecular farming has been used to combat previous epidemics and pandemics, such as the 1918 influenza pandemic, as well as those that have emerged in the twenty-first century, such as HIV, Zika, and Ebola.
The first medicine used in an Ebola virus experiment (ZMapp) was created in a tobacco plant. ZMapp is an antibody medication combination that provided protection against the Ebola virus. Other Plant-based Vaccines pharmaceuticals include insulin made from transgenic safflower or potatoes (SemBioSys), growth factor from transgenic barley, and taliglucerase alfa (for the treatment of Gaucher's disease) from transgenic carrots (ProtalixBio Therapeutics)
Read more- https://www.coherentmarketinsights.com/market-insight/plant-based-vaccines-market-2004
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Two Ebola treatments have proven to be effective in preventing death during a clinical trial conducted amid the ongoing outbreak in Congo, preliminary data suggest.
The trial began in November, with participants randomly given one of four experimental treatments (SN: 3/16/19, p. 9). Data from 499 patients reviewed August 9 suggest that those people taking one of two antibody treatments — mAb114 or REGN-EB3 — had a greater chance of survival than those on the antiviral drug remdesivir or the antibody treatment ZMapp. Researchers reported the trial results in a news release August 12, but these findings have yet to be finalized.
“One thing that won’t change is that those two therapies are better than the other two — that’s for sure,” says Anthony Fauci, director of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases at the National Institutes of Health in Bethesda, Md. The trial now enters a phase with only the two most effective treatments in order to gather more data on their safety and the immune response to each drug. Researchers won’t study enough patients, however, to determine which drug works best.
The percentage of patients who died while taking one of the treatments was 29 percent for REGN-EB3 and 34 percent for mAb114. That’s a big improvement over the current 67 percent mortality rate reported for Congo’s outbreak, which began August 1, 2018. (Regeneron Pharmaceuticals Inc., which makes the REGN-EB3 therapy, is a major financial supporter of the Society for Science & the Public, the nonprofit that also publishes Science News.)
Results were even better for patients with a low viral load, or less of the virus in their blood — which may be an indication that their infections were caught early. Among those patients, 6 percent taking REGN-EB3 died and 11 percent on mAb114 died.    
Among patients given the ZMapp antibody treatment, which was considered the key comparison group, 49 percent died, with 24 percent of low-viral load patients on ZMapp succumbing to the disease, Fauci says. Results for remdesivir were slightly worse than for ZMapp.
Antibody treatments provide the immune system with an immediate supply of antibodies that can target the virus. The mAb114 therapy is made of a single antibody cloned from an Ebola survivor of a 1995 outbreak, while REGN-EB3 is a cocktail of three antibodies.
The World Health Organization declared Congo’s Ebola outbreak a public health emergency on July 17, due to fears of the disease spreading to neighboring countries (SN Online: 7/17/19). By August 10, the outbreak had killed 1,888 of the 2,816 people reported infected, WHO says.
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athiranair23 · 4 years
Plant-based Biologics Market Analysis (2020-2027)
Plant-based biologics are biologic drugs that are manufactured by using plant molecular farming. They are also known as plant-made biologics (PMB). The applications and advantages of plant-based biologics have stretched beyond the traditional boundaries of vaccines and therapeutic proteins. For instance, bacterial colicins derived from plants in 2015 were recently proven effective as food additives for controlling pathogenic bacteria in food products. These colicins are highly effective (even when used in lower concentrations) to fight against all the pathogenic Escherichia coli strains that cause food poisoning. Moreover, it costs around US$ 1.00 for manufacturing one gram of purified colicins, which is commercially viable.
Market Dynamics
The increasing demand for biologics for various chronic diseases and rising investments in R&D for the production of biologics are expected to contribute significantly to the growth of plant-based biologics market. For instance, according to the Biotechnology Innovation Organization (BIO) 2015, over 250 biologic therapies and vaccines have changed the lives of hundreds of millions of patients. Moreover, according to the same source, over 900 biologics are currently (2018) under the stage of development for over 100 diseases in the U.S. Furthermore, according to the Pharmaceutical Research and Manufacturers of America (PhRMA), 2016, member companies invested around US$ 58.8 billion in research and development in 2015, of which, majority of the investments was made by all the biopharmaceutical companies in the U.S. for the treatment of rare diseases.
Many biopharmaceutical companies are focused on developing plant-made pharmaceuticals using various plants such as tobacco, duckweed, moss, alfalfa, and other plants, which is expected to propel growth of the plant-based biologics market. For instance, in September 2015, LeafBio, Inc., the commercial partner of Mapp Biopharmaceutical, Inc. (Mapp), was granted fast track designation by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) for their plant-made drug ZMapp for the treatment of Ebola virus disease.
However, stringent regulatory guidelines for the production of plant-based biologics is one of the major factors restraining growth of the plant-based biologics market. Moreover, concern regarding contamination and environmental risks is another factor restraining growth of the market.
Key features of the study:
·         This report provides in-depth analysis of the global plant-based biologics market, market size (US$ Mn), and compound annual growth rate (CAGR (%)) for the forecast period: 2020-2027, considering 2019 as the base year
·         It elucidates potential revenue opportunity across different segments and explains attractive investment proposition matrix for this market
·         This study also provides key insights about market drivers, restraints, opportunities, new product launches or approvals, market trends, regional outlook, and competitive strategies adopted by leading players
·         It profiles key players in the global plant-based biologics market based on the following parameters – company overview, financial performance, product portfolio, geographical presence, distribution strategies, key developments, and strategies
·         Key players covered as a part of this study include Leaf Expression Systems, Zea Biosciences, Planet Biotechnology Inc., InVitria, PlantForm Corporation, IBIO, Inc., Mapp Biopharmaceutical, Inc., Pfizer Inc., Ventria Bioscience Inc., Medicago Inc., Eleva GmbH, Kentucky Bioprocessing, LLC, Solarvest Bioenergy Inc., and Byondis B.V.
·         Insights from this report would allow marketers and management authorities of companies to make informed decisions with respect to future product launches, governmental initiatives, technological up-gradation, market expansion, and marketing tactics
·         The global plant-based biologics market report caters to various stakeholders in this industry, including investors, product manufacturers, distributors, and suppliers for plant-based biologics market, research and consulting firms, new entrants, and financial analysts.
Detailed Segmentation:
·         Global Plant-based Biologics Market, By Product Type:
o    Monoclonal Antibodies
o    Alpha Interferon
o    Glucocerebrosidase
o    Vaccines
o    Others
·         Global Plant-based Biologics Market, By Source Type:
o    Carrot
o    Tobacco Leaves
o    Rice Seeds
o    Alfalfa
o    Others
·         Global Plant-based Biologics Market, By Disease Indication:
o    Gaucher Disease
o    Tooth Decay
o    Hepatitis
o    Lymphoma
o    Others
·         Global Plant-based Biologics Market, By Region:
o    North America
§  By Country:
§  U.S.
§  Canada
§  By Product Type:
§  Monoclonal Antibodies
§  Alpha Interferon
§  Glucocerebrosidase
§  Vaccines
§  Others
§  By Source Type:
§  Carrot
§  Tobacco Leaves
§  Rice Seeds
§  Alfalfa
§  Others
§  By Disease Indication:
§  Gaucher Disease
§  Tooth Decay
§  Hepatitis
§  Lymphoma
§  Others
o    Europe
§  By Country:
§  U.K.
§  Germany
§  Italy
§  Spain
§  France
§  Russia
§  Rest of Europe
§  By Product Type:
§  Monoclonal Antibodies
§  Alpha Interferon
§  Glucocerebrosidase
§  Vaccines
§  Others
§  By Source Type:
§  Carrot
§  Tobacco Leaves
§  Rice Seeds
§  Alfalfa
§  Others
§  By Disease Indication:
§  Gaucher Disease
§  Tooth Decay
§  Hepatitis
§  Lymphoma
§  Others
o    Asia Pacific
§  By Country:
§  Australia
§  India
§  China
§  Japan
§  South Korea
§  Rest of Asia Pacific
§  By Product Type:
§  Monoclonal Antibodies
§  Alpha Interferon
§  Glucocerebrosidase
§  Vaccines
§  Others
§  By Source Type:
§  Carrot
§  Tobacco Leaves
§  Rice Seeds
§  Alfalfa
§  Others
§  By Disease Indication:
§  Gaucher Disease
§  Tooth Decay
§  Hepatitis
§  Lymphoma
§  Others
o    Latin America
§  By Country:
§  Brazil
§  Mexico
§  Argentina
§  Rest of Latin America
§  By Product Type:
§  Monoclonal Antibodies
§  Alpha Interferon
§  Glucocerebrosidase
§  Vaccines
§  Others
§  By Source Type:
§  Carrot
§  Tobacco Leaves
§  Rice Seeds
§  Alfalfa
§  Others
§  By Disease Indication:
§  Gaucher Disease
§  Tooth Decay
§  Hepatitis
§  Lymphoma
§  Others
o    Middle East
§  By Country:
§  GCC
§  Israel
§  Rest of Middle East
§  By Product Type:
§  Monoclonal Antibodies
§  Alpha Interferon
§  Glucocerebrosidase
§  Vaccines
§  Others
§  By Source Type:
§  Carrot
§  Tobacco Leaves
§  Rice Seeds
§  Alfalfa
§  Others
§  By Disease Indication:
§  Gaucher Disease
§  Tooth Decay
§  Hepatitis
§  Lymphoma
§  Others
o    Africa
§  By Country/Region:
§  South Africa
§  Central Africa
§  North Africa
§  By Product Type:
§  Monoclonal Antibodies
§  Alpha Interferon
§  Glucocerebrosidase
§  Vaccines
§  Others
§  By Source Type:
§  Carrot
§  Tobacco Leaves
§  Rice Seeds
§  Alfalfa
§  Others
§  By Disease Indication:
§  Gaucher Disease
§  Tooth Decay
§  Hepatitis
§  Lymphoma
§  Others
·         Company Profiles
o    Leaf Expression Systems*
§  Company Overview
§  Product Portfolio
§  Financial Performance
§  Recent Highlights
§  Strategies
o    Zea Biosciences
o    Planet Biotechnology Inc.
o    InVitria
o    PlantForm Corporation
o    IBIO, Inc.
o    Mapp Biopharmaceutical, Inc.
o    Pfizer Inc.
o    Ventria Bioscience Inc.
o    Medicago Inc.
o    Eleva GmbH
o    Kentucky Bioprocessing, LLC
o    Solarvest Bioenergy Inc.
o    Byondis B.V.
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 Reference/Source: https://www.coherentmarketinsights.com/market-insight/plant-based-biologics-market-2394
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