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Phytic acid is a small molecule found in seeds like grains, beans, and nuts that binds (chelates) certain essential minerals—particularly calcium, iron, magnesium, and zinc—and reduces their absorption from food. This applies to a single meal, not overall nutrient absorption throughout the day. In other words, phytic acid reduces mineral absorption during the meal but doesn't have any effect on subsequent meals. However, when you eat different types of food that contains high phytic acid with most of your meals, mineral deficiencies may develop over time. VEGANS (STRICT VEGETARIANS) should really be concerned about the effects of this. Next in the series: How can I reduce the anti-nutrient effects of phytic acid in the food? <><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><> #phyticacid #antinutrient #calciumdefficiency #irondefficiency #magnesiumdefficiency #zincdefficiency #mineraldefficiency #vegan #vegetarian #vegandiet #vegetariandiet #plantbased #whatveganseat #whatvegetarianseat #veganhealth #vegetarianhealth #veganism #veganlife #veganeats #vegetarianism #vegetarianlife #vegetarianeats #vegannutrition #vegetariannutrition #veganforlife #plantbaseddiet #veganlove #vegetarianlove #vegansofig #vegetariansofig https://www.instagram.com/p/B0tB5J8ISSf/?igshid=kzv8qfb6iv1w
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