#zhuge dan
simayeeet · 1 year
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zhuge dan is always with me in genshin
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mogu359 · 5 months
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武将まとめ2023 左慈 諸葛誕
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warriorface360 · 5 months
Friendly reminder that these two share a voice actor:
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reflectingstars · 2 years
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advent of the mask
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sol-lus · 3 months
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memoriesofachicken · 11 months
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Taigong Wang roasts Zhuge Dan behind Zhuge Liang’s back in Warriors Orochi 3.
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stanwixbuster · 8 months
i can't play the english dub of yakuza not for some "sub is better" purity but because ichibans english va is the same as sima zhao dynasty warriors and everytime he speaks i think zhuge dan is going to walk on screen and start beating the shit out of him
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The way Jia Chong and Zhuge Dan are portrayed in Dynasty Warriors is so funny because they both clearly have bad cases of gay yearning for the Sima brother they respectively advise, but instead of this being a point of potential commiseration or allyship they see one another as losers. You can't tell me that Zhuge Dan doesn't think Jia Chong's taste is absolute trash. Jia Chong respects Zhuge Dan's taste even if it's different from his own, but that's literally the only thing about him he respects.
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the-archlich · 1 year
Re: Liaodong, what about after Guanqiu Jian rebelled and got killed? Who took over Liaodong then?
He was actually transferred to the southern front after his successful campaign in 245 (that's why his rebellion was in the Shouchun area). At that point, the region was no longer under any kind of active danger and his talents were needed against the real threat from Wu.
I haven't been able to find out who replaced him as the head of You province. It was a peaceful place with no major crises until the Jin era, so it isn't mentioned very much.
Just as a general note, because this is the kind of thing fiction really obscures: Guanqiu Jian was a very successful commander who was basically sent wherever he was needed most. He's mostly remembered for his rebellion, but the whole reason that rebellion was significant is because he was kind of a big deal.
His father distinguished himelf fighting rebels during the early years of Cao Pi's reign, for which he was made a marquis and summoned to hold a minor position at court. He died not long after that and Jian inherited his estate. He was appointed to Cao Rui's suite as a literary scholar (they were probably close in age) and remained a close personal friend of him for the entirety of his life. When Cao Rui took the throne he was appointed to the Secretariat, then as a supervisor of the palace guards. After that he was sent out to oversee agriculture around Luoyang, where he was praised for prioritizing the needs of the people over Cao Rui's building projects.
Afterwards he was promoted to be inspector of Jing province. At that time, Sima Yi controlled military affairs in Jing, so the two would have worked closely together. It can be assumed that he participated in the various campaigns in the region, though details are not recorded. It was because of these deeds that he was sent to be the head of You province near the end of Cao Rui's life, to suppress Gongsun Yuan. Although his first attack on Liaodong was unsuccessful, he provided invaluable service to Sima Yi during the second campaign and was highly rewarded for his contributions. Then followed a period of several years where he led the local armies against various Korean states, ending with a large campaign in 245 as we have discussed before.
After that, he was made General of the Left, Inspector of Yu province, and head of all the province's armies. After Zhuge Dan was defeated at Dongxing, Guanqiu Jian replaced him in Yang province, at the forefront of the war against Wu. Under Sima Fu (and possibly Sima Shi) he led the defense against Zhuge Ke at Hefei in 253.
His rebellion at the start of 255 should, then, be viewed in the context of this long and illustrious career. You can read all the details in his biography.
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Sakon Shima
1. The Elvis shtick they had going for him in SW2 was weird, and I’m happy they mostly tossed that out in subsequent games. He’s a cool “older” guy who’s mostly calm and collected and wants to have some fun, too. 
2. Mitsunari. I don’t think anyone is better suited for Sakon than Mitsunari, whether you all like them romantic, platonic, or whatever, I think they’re just soulmates. Though I won’t lie, I was very amused by Sakon flirting with Zhuge Dan in WO3
3. Hmm...idk does Sakon really interact with anyone outside of Mitsunari? Oh wait, Sima Zhao! Yeah him and Zhao had a cool friendship going on in WO3. 
4. Hmm...as I mentioned, the Elvis thing was weird and I’m glad they got rid of it, sorry for the fans who liked that persona. I don’t really have anything negative to say about him, he’s not really one of my favorites, but I don’t dislike him either 
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La Chine met en service la plus grande porcherie du monde. Cette ferme, construite près de Wuhan, au centre du pays, est capable d’accueillir 650 000 animaux. Ces gratte-ciels destinés à accueillir des exploitations porcines se multiplient dans l’Empire du milieu, premier consommateur mondial de porc.
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Les habitants de la ville d' Ezhou, sur les bords du fleuve Yangtze, au centre de la Chine, l’ont surnommé "l’hôtel de porcs". C’est un bloc rectangulaire géant de 26 étages qui a commencé à fonctionner en ce mois d’octobre 2022, avec à l’intérieur 650 000 cochons. Près de 25 000 bêtes sont logées à chaque niveau. Les porcs sont montés dans la tour grâce à de gigantesques ascenseurs d’une capacité de 40 tonnes. Plus de 580 millions d’euros ont été investis pour construire cet immeuble où tout est automatisé. Reconstituer le cheptel après la fièvre porcine cest ce que les promoteurs du projet et assurent que les cochons ne sont pas entassés et peuvent se déplacer dans leur étage. Ils mettent aussi en avant le respect de l’environnement. Les eaux usées sont retraitées sur place, affirme Zhuge wenda, le patron du site, dans une interview à la télévision locale du Hubei. "Notre projet permet d’atteindre le niveau zéro d’émissions d’excréments avec aussi des émissions de gaz à effet de serre très faibles. Par ailleurs, notre système de contrôle sur la biosécurité, ajouté à une alimentation scientifique, permet d’améliorer la qualité de la viande afin de répondre à la demande de la population pour une viande de porc d’un bon niveau et moins chère." Si la Chine, premier consommateur mondial de porcs a imaginé ces nouveaux élevages en hauteur, c’est pour reconstituer son cheptel qui a été décimé ces dernières années par la fièvre porcine africaine. Á Ezhou, une deuxième tour de 26 étages est déjà construite. Le complexe prévoit au total cinq immeubles pouvant accueillir plus de trois millions de cochons.
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mogu359 · 1 year
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諸葛誕の過去フォト2020 まとめ1
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reflectingstars · 2 years
It hit him in the middle of the chaos; as the world shook, as things went terribly wrong, as the rejection was made and a whole new level of problem was thrust upon Orochi’s stolen souls, Zhuge Dan suddenly realised something so critical and overwhelming that for a moment none of that mattered. It should have, it really should, but it didn’t, because... He remembered that Sima Shi had died. It wasn’t like he hadn’t known that. On some level he had known it keenly, sharp as a knife, cutting in deep and twisting at all times. But for some reason one could only attribute to Orochi’s power it hadn’t seemed real, or like it mattered much. A distant tale held behind the clearest of barriers that made all the strangest parts of their already strange circumstances unnoticable. How could they have failed to acknowledge it, though? That lost loved ones had come back? That those from entirely different eras of their homeland walked together again? This carried so many questions with it but they got swallowed up because Sima Shi was alive and Zhuge Dan had let his Lord down and I love you I love you not again not again I won’t let it happen again... Dam broken, swallowed up in the tide of emotion, Zhuge Dan lunged to protect his beloved Lord Sima Shi from the Something he could do nothing about and left the rest of it in the hands of Mystics.
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mademoiselle-red · 26 days
I was looking at the family tree of the Zhuge Family of Langya 琅琊诸葛氏 and realized that Sima Yi’s sixth son married the daughter of Zhuge Liang’s cousin Zhuge Dan, who was also a general in the Wei Kingdom. And the grandson that resulted from this marriage, Sima Rui, became the founding emperor of Eastern Jin.
The animosity between Zhuge Liang and Sima Yi aside, this marriage alliance is hardly unusual. Both the Zhuge Family of Langya and the Sima Family of Henei were amongst the “great clans” of the Han Dynasty. And these “great clans” were the ruling class. Which is why all the main political and military figures from the Three Kingdoms were all related to each other by blood, marriage, and often times both! (This should sound very familiar to fans of Chinese media such as Mo Dao Zu Shi and Nirvana in Fire)
The Zhuge family is particularly interesting because during the three kingdoms period, they were everywhere:
Zhuge Liang = Regent and Prime Minister of the Shu Kingdom
Zhuge Jin (Zhuge Liang’s brother) = General-in-Chief of the Wu Kingdom
His son Zhuge Ke succeeded him as General-in-Chief and was appointed Regent of the Wu Kingdom (by Sun Quan) to the young emperor Sun Liang. However, he was overthrown in a coup ~2 years after Sun Quan’s death
His other son Zhuge Qiao was sent to the Shu Kingdom and adopted by his uncle Zhuge Liang
Zhuge Dan (Zhuge Liang’s cousin) = a Senior General of the Wei Kingdom
His son Zhuge Jing was sent to the Wu Kingdom as a hostage when he plotted with the Wu Kingdom to rebel against the Wei Kingdom. Zhuge Jing remained in the Wu Kingdom after his father’s rebellion failed.
His daughter (name not recorded) married Sima Yi’s son Sima Zhou, the Prince of Langya (which makes sense since Langya is the Zhuge family’s stronghold). After their grandson Sima Rui founded Eastern Jin and conquered the Wu Kingdom, he finally met his grand-uncle Zhuge Jing for the first time, pardoned him, and granted him permission to return home
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zhugeslot-linkaltt · 2 months
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Temukan kemudahan login dengan link alternatif di ZHUGESLOT untuk akses cepat ke akun slot terbaik di Indonesia. ZHUGE SLOT menjamin profit dengan platform yang aman dan terpercaya.
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yeonchi · 3 months
Dynasty Warriors Weapon Moveset Power Rankings Tier List
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With all the weapon movesets analysed and ranked, here is a summary tier list I've made of all the rankings. You can make your own weapon tier list on Tiermaker out of all movesets from 3 to 9.
Weapons with orange background show the characters who maintained their EX weapon from 7 to 8 while weapons with a golden background show the characters who had their weapons changed in or before 8 along with new characters in that game. Yueying's bladebow uses the image from 6 because the creator forgot to add the one for 8.
The ranking summary is after the break.
Lu Bu (呂布): Halberd (方天戟)
Xu Shu (徐庶): Sword & Hook (撃剣)
Sun Quan (孫権): Flame Blade (焔刃剣)
Xiahou Dun (夏侯惇): Podao (朴刀)
Dian Wei (典韋): Axe (手斧)
Zhou Yu (周瑜): Staff (棍)
Sun Shangxiang (孫尚香): Wheels (圏)
Zhao Yun (趙雲): Dragon Spear (龍槍)
Zhang Fei (張飛): Double Pike (双矛)
Zhuge Liang (諸葛亮): War Fan (羽扇)
Zhang Liao (張遼): Twin Axes (双鉞)
Sun Quan (孫権): Sword (刀)
Ma Chao (馬超): Spear (槍)
Zhang He (張郃): Claws (鉤爪)
Zhurong (祝融): Boomerang (飛刀)
Zhou Tai (周泰): Curved Sword (弧刀)
Cao Pi (曹丕): Dual Blade (双刃剣)
Ding Feng (丁奉): Circle Blade (断月刃)
Ma Dai (馬岱): Brush (妖筆)
Bao Sanniang (鮑三娘): Spinner (旋刃盤)
Sima Shi (司馬師): Lightning Sword (迅雷剣)
Sima Zhao (司馬昭): Striking Sword (烈撃刀)
Wang Yi (王異): Trishula (筆架叉)
Yue Jin (楽進): Dual Hookblades (双鉤)
Lu Su (魯粛): Rake (九歯鈀)
Jia Chong (賈充): Throwing Axes (舞投刃)
Yu Jin (于禁): War Trident (三尖刀)
Lu Lingqi (呂玲綺): Crossed Pike (十字戟)
Xu Zhu (許褚): Club (砕棒)
Taishi Ci (太史慈): Twin Rods (双鞭)
Guan Yu (関羽): Cresent Blade (偃月刀)
Diaochan (貂蝉): Chain Whip (多節鞭)
Xiahou Yuan (夏侯淵): Bow & Rod (鞭箭弓)
Sun Jian (孫堅): Nine Rings Blade (九環刀)
Lu Meng (呂蒙): Pike (戟)
Gan Ning (甘寧): Flail (鎖分銅)
Liu Bei (劉備): Twin Swords (双剣)
Huang Zhong (黄忠): Bow (弓)
Zhang Jiao (張角): Shaman Rod (錫杖)
Xu Huang (徐晃): Great Axe (大斧)
Zhenji (甄姫): Flute (笛)
Wei Yan (魏延): Double Voulge (長柄双刀)
Cao Ren (曹仁): Spike Shield (牙壁)
Yueying (月英): Dagger-axe (戦戈)
Pang De (龐徳): Mace (狼牙棒)
Ling Tong (凌統): Three Sectional Staff (三節棍)
Xingcai (星彩): Sword & Shield (盾牌剣)
Cai Wenji (蔡文姫): Harp (箜篌)
Jia Xu (賈詡): Chain & Sickle (鎖鎌)
Liu Shan (劉禅): Rapier (細剣)
Deng Ai (鄧艾): Revolving Crossbow (螺旋弩)
Wang Yuanji (王元姫): Throwing Knives (鏢)
Zhong Hui (鍾会): Flying Swords (飛翔剣)
Guo Huai (郭淮): Arm Cannon (連弩砲)
Guo Jia (郭嘉): Orb & Scepter (打球棍)
Li Dian (李典): Wheeled Halberd (車旋戟)
Han Dang (韓当): Short Pike (短戟)
Guan Yinping (関銀屏): Dual-headed Mace (双頭錘)
Zhang Chunhua (張春華): Wired Gloves (蟷螂鉄糸)
Chen Gong (陳宮): Art of War Scroll (兵法簡)
Xiaoqiao (小喬): Paired Fans (双扇)
Xun Yu (荀彧): Formation Wand (陣杖)
Cao Cao (曹操): General’s Sword (将剣)
Sima Yi (司馬懿): Horsehair Whip (拂塵)
Jiang Wei (姜維): Double-edge Trident (両刃槍)
Sun Ce (孫策): Tonfa (旋棍)
Daqiao (大喬): Pugil Stick (双杖)
Xiaoqiao (小喬): Iron Fan (鉄扇)
Meng Huo (孟獲): Gloves (鬼神手甲)
Guan Ping (関平): Great Sword (大剣)
Zuo Ci (左慈): Talisman Cards (呪符)
Lianshi (練師): Crossbow (弩)
Guan Suo (関索): Nunchaku (両節棍)
Wen Yang (文鴦): Javelin (擲槍)
Fa Zheng (法正): Woven Cloth (連結布)
Meng Huo (孟獲): Stele (石柱)
Wang Yi (王異): Emei Piercers (峨嵋刺)
Lianshi (練師): Mandarin Duck Hooks (鴛鴦鉞)
Liu Shan (劉禅): Dragon Column (龍床几)
Guan Suo (関索): Sabaton (飛蹴甲)
Lu Xun (陸遜): Swallow Swords (飛燕剣)
Huang Gai (黄蓋): Arm Blade (鉄舟)
Pang Tong (龐統): Shadow Fan (翳扇)
Zhuge Dan (諸葛誕): Short Rod (短鉄鞭)
Xiahou Ba (夏侯覇): Siege Spear (破城槍)
Guan Xing (関興): Wingblades (双翼刀)
Deng Ai (鄧艾): Revolving Crossbow (螺旋弩)
Yuan Shao (袁紹): Extension Blade (伸細剣)
Zhang Bao (張苞): Flail Sword (連刃刺)
Zhu Ran (朱然): Flame Bow (火焔弓)
Yueying (月英): Bladebow (刃弩)
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