#zhongchi babies
tomatovesper · 1 year
Do you think zhongli and his little chonkers snacking each others skin when molting? That must be quite a snack since zhonglis dragon form is HUGE
oh my, I never thought about that! I think they haven't got this kind of reptile habits but if they had, Childe would be so weirded out methinks XD He would eventually get used, of course, actually maybe it would be helpful for Zhongli's skincare asd
But I think they would like to bite each others tails and use papazhong as a teething toy!
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cambrosiaa · 2 years
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Just a lil' mishap ( Gonna be spamming my old art over the course of a few days <3 Needa fill this new Tumblr account of mine with some content )
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moostelid · 2 years
We need more harbinger fics with found family dynamics. Sure, it’s ooc af, but my god…
I cannot get over the idea of Childe being babied by the other harbingers because he is literal centuries younger then them. Sure, he’s the vanguard, and is a murder gremlin that needs no protection… but he joined the Fatui at 14, and in the eyes of the Harbingers, the Fatui practically raised him. They taught him to fight, to manipulate. They may have even babysat him to prevent international incidents. He’s a menace, yes, but he’s their menace.
Even Scaramouche’s tsundere ass might be fond of him, even if he won’t admit it. Imagine the newly dubbed Wanderer sending the traveler to keep an eye on our favorite abyss monster, only to find out Childe had his heart broken, or is being used as a model for fatui propaganda and advertisement. He would have a conniption! Scaramouche is overprotective and justifies it to himself as having put a lot of time and effort into training Childe, so of course he would care if all that effort went to waste. It’s not that he cares about Tartaglia, right? (How dare they put little Ajax in a dress for advertisement? Think of all the perverts!??)
Remember: Tartaglia is 20-something—basically a baby in the eyes of the harbingers, and when he starts showing interest in dating or gets his heart broken during one of Signora’s schemes (cough cough Zhongli cough cough) all hell will break loose.
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prettybbychim · 6 months
Chapters: 1/? Fandom: 原神 | Genshin Impact (Video Game) Rating: Mature Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Relationships: Tartaglia | Childe/Zhongli (Genshin Impact) Characters: Zhongli (Genshin Impact), Tartaglia | Childe (Genshin Impact), Teucer (Genshin Impact), Tonia (Genshin Impact), Anthon (Genshin Impact) Additional Tags: Post-4.2 Update (Genshin Impact), Post-Chapter 4 Act V: Masquerade of the Guilty (Genshin Impact), Alternate Universe - Canon Divergence, Fix-It of Sorts, Whump, Recovery, Major Character Injury, Mutual Pining, Unresolved Tension, Near Death Experiences, Hospitalization, Snezhnaya (Genshin Impact), Zhongli in Snezhnaya (Genshin Impact), Dysfunctional Family, Family Issues, Childhood Trauma, Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder - PTSD, Psychological Trauma, you know just a lot of trauma okay, Fatui Harbingers (Genshin Impact), Mentioned Tsaritsa (Genshin Impact), Reminiscing, Flashbacks, Parental Zhongli (Genshin Impact), Self-Indulgent, Night Terrors, Protective Zhongli (Genshin Impact), Rating May Change, Other Additional Tags to Be Added, Erosion (Genshin Impact), Tartaglia | Childe Whump (Genshin Impact), Angst and Hurt/Comfort, Angst, artistic liberties taken on the functionality of visions, Minor Original Character(s), mentions of a large variety of other characters
█████ Zhongli Consultant of Cultural Practices, Wangsheng Funeral Parlor
We are writing in regards to a recent incident involving the Eleventh Harbinger, “Childe” Tartaglia following his respite in the nation of Fontaine. Lord Tartaglia has been admitted to the Central Hospital in the Capital of Snezhnaya; at the time of this letter’s penning, Lord Tartaglia is stable albeit unresponsive, however, his condition is subject to change.
Lord Tartaglia has cited you, Mr. Zhongli, as his healthcare proxy in the event of serious injury and/or incapacitation.
We understand that this is a request of great weight. However, Her Majesty the Tsaritsa personally requests your compliance in this matter. In the event that you cannot fulfill this role as per Lord Tartaglia's wishes, we ask that you inform us in a timely manner. The Fatui will delegate a representative to handle Lord Tartaglia’s medical decisions while he is otherwise incapable of doing so.
The Northland Bank will sponsor your travel, room and board.
We humbly await your response.
Zapolyarny Palace By Order of Her Majesty, The Tsaritsa
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f-abulas · 3 months
:honey and flames:
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(warning: mentions of war, cosmic horror, body horror? and…horny? A peak into Yaoshi’s kiss and what brought Childe to be blood thirsty)
It hurt to breathe. Everything in him screams in agony, making the foxing ears twitch from the noise. He’d been thrown in here, after all he’d done to protect…protect him. The face of his lover, the dragon with those far and distant golden eyes. The one who’d revealed his name to a lowly Foxian like himself. Ajax groans, trying to pull himself up but it hurt. He was dying…
The bastard preceptors had found their out. Found a way to ‘save’ their precious High Elder. For the great and mighty Morax must remain pure of the simful, nasty temptations of this world, not corrupted by the Schneznian whore such as himself. Oh how Ajax laughed, broken as it was in his injured chest. The preceptors thinking he the degenerate, not knowing this ‘whore’ had only ever got on his knees for their High Elder. Been left a crying mess from said dragons tongue and mouth…
But he was a fool to have been careless. Being tricked into a blatant ambush, surrounded by beasts of abundance. Again…and again, gold ichor spilling, tinged with red from the open wounds now draining his life away. His tail, the one the high elder loved to pet -nuzzle, kiss- was broken sending needles of pain up his spine.
They had jumped him after he’d fallen to his knees, before tossing him into the arbors abyss. The cowards not wanting to finish the job themselves, they were going to let him rot in this dark… cold…wet place. Heart pounding…consumed by hurt, rage, hate- love- revenge… so badly he wanted to tear his fucking fingers into their chests and rip out their black hearts! Ajax was slipping fast but above revenge, and rage, Ajax and his slowly stopping heart desperately craved—-wanted - Hoped—-Hoped. To see golden eyes, and feel those arms hold him one last time.
One last kiss…
“m…mor ….ax” his voice was broken.
His dragon had said ‘I’ll save you’ and to call his name, but as he did …nothing. Nothing. He was…alone—
“Sweet…little fox…”
His ears twitch, a voice. Soft. Two voices… no …six? Lapping over each other as the echoed around him. That voice compelled his soul. With ever ounce of strength he pushed himself up enough to look and see— Blue eyes hazy but aware, he could see such odd…beauty in a way. The scents hit him first, honey and trees…grass…fresh fruit that was ripe for the taking. It made his mouth water, why he knew not. The image…the voice. The being that spoke…three hands, on each side white as porcelain. Small ‘eyes’ of red embedded in the slits of its arms. Clothes in yellow and veiled, their long hair of gold silk cascaded down gracefully. They perched on the roots of the land, mist surrounding them and a ting of gold.
“Poor little fox.” They smiled so sweetly, nodding. “Come here…sweet little fox, let me hold you?” reaching one of their many hands out towards him. Long, slender fingers made a beckoning gesture. His body lifted, as if by invisible strings. Bringing his broken body forward to them, and in an instant he was… engulfed by the arms. Not soft as a woman, not firm like a man. He didn’t… couldn’t describe this feeling. When those arms wrapped around him, caressing his ripped flesh… Closing the wounds, with those sharpened nails. It was like energy, vibrating through his being with their closeness. The scent and taste of starlight was palpable. It dulled all pain from his mind, like a drug or sweet wine. The merciful one traces a finger along his ears, then cheek. “So bloody….so angry. Shall I give you a sweet, sweet blessing my little Foxian?” They leaned closer, he shivered as those lips brushed his cheek.
A feeling of guilt at his body’s reaction to the touch twisted his gut, only ever used to Morax drawing this feeling …a reaction from him. But in the arms of the Aron Ajax felt elated, he felt as if he was getting drunk off their presence alone. He was feeling…hot…hot…Ajax mumbles an affirmation, so enthralled by their voice. Mind blank and open for their commands...his arms gained strength, the poison he’d been slipped by the preceptors gone. ‘Yes’ he thought, ‘I’d gladly take your blessing.’
They smiled against his cheek, red eyes from those many arms all turning to him. Then in an instant, the merciful one placed their lips on his and in an instant they poured sweet…sweet nectar down his throat. Overwhelmed he struggled to drink it all, accepting the dominating kiss. Power…strength…Abundance filled his body, and a whimper left his throat.
He drank….drank
sweet honey at first, he greedily accepted it as that sweetness mended his organs and snapped broken bones back into place. Closed wounds, and filled..filled…
and then that nektar soon became venom. Claws, deadly hook into his heart and he begins to scream… but still the merciful one is now the plague author. Deadly hunger, filling his mind and a lust that pumps into his heart making it pound…images of faces, the Preceptors…the Mara struck, those who tried to kill him, those who opposed Yaoshi…. It feels like fire is now consuming his body and he burns, thrashing in that iron hold. Screams filling his mind, ringing in his ears, death…and bringing them back.
Again and Again and Again!
Finally His screams echo through the space, the flames consumed him entirely. Reap for Sanctus Medicus. Reap…reap…reap!
With Yaoshi’s intervention and blessing he gained a new form, equal to a Mara struck drone but twice as tall. Strength and muscle given, his cells are now twice as fast in regeneration. His magic is heightened but ohhh he craves to fight. Make those screams of the betrayers a reality and in a burst of light, and Yaoushi laughing in delight as their newly blessed Foxian broke free they watch as he slays those ignorant. Pathetic. Useless fools. Staining Lan’s own soil… how fun how fun~
It was a blessing. It was a curse. It brought him life but now he craves the thrill of battle, hungry and hungry for more. But as he stands among the dead, their blood pools around his feet he knows…That he can never come back here again.
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Few expected the respected Zhongli to marry someone like Childe but fewer still expected not one but two children to come from the union given that both were male but after Ying was “born” people stopped questioning the anomalies evolving the family.
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pwurrz · 1 year
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aiambia · 2 years
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A Cradle for our Precious Treasure
Genshin Impact || Zhongchi || Rated T (eventually E) || Ongoing (6/20 ch)
An accidental magical bonding isn't how Childe wanted to become a father, but parents don't really get to choose their children, do they? He's only giving up a year of his life, just until the baby can bond with her birth father, who just so happens to be Zhongli, but it's still a year of his life. Besides, he and Zhongli aren't on the best of terms--not any more--and now, they're stuck raising a baby together. It's alright, though. It has to be. And all he has to do is not get attached.
(Aka: Childe accidentally bonds himself to a baby adeptus, tries not to get attached, and then gets very attached.)
“Take down the barrier,” Childe says. “I want to see it up close.”
“But sir—”
“Let me through,” Childe commands.
The mages hesitate, but relent when Childe redirects his frown at them. They open a hole in the barrier, just big enough for him to get through, then close it back up behind him.
He almost falls to the ground when the barrier closes. Outside the barrier, the ground rumbled, but inside, the ground isn’t shaking so much as it’s quaking beneath him. Pebbles and dust get thrown up with every shake; the pauses leaving just enough time for them to settle before kicking it all back up again. It beats in that same rhythmic one-two-pause pattern. The pulses resonate through the rock up into his body. It’s so strong that he can practically hear it.
Whatever that thing is, it’s definitely causing the quakes. Now that the barrier isn’t between him and it, it’s clear that its natural glow pulses as well, but not at the same rate as the quakes. The glow pulses slower, its intensity swelling and fading with a completely different rhythm. It swells…and fades…and swells…and fades; slowly, but still steadily.
He could call the quakes a heartbeat. And perhaps the glow is breath.
Childe creeps closer, timing his movements as not to fall when the ground quakes. Not that it matters much. The quaking, the beat in his ears, and the glow grow harsher as he nears then enters the cave. He can barely stand without using the cave wall to support himself. He can hardly see around the pulsing glow of orange-gold light. He can hardly hear the world around him, though he knows there are voices shouting for him not far behind. There’s some sort of elemental energy hitting him, but there’s so much going on, he can hardly tell what kind of energy it is.
And then finally, past the sensory overload, he sees what put his men through so much trouble. It was some sort of artifact.
The artifact was rounded, and sandy white in color. It reminds him of a Snezhnian fabregé egg, only this one is filled with elemental energy. Veins of gold broke up the islands of white, and those veins pulsed with the orange-gold light. Between the swell and fade, the veins still glowed a dim light that flowed through the veins like shining jewels flowing down a stream. Those veins sparkled like liquid gold, and then shone as bright as the shining sun, but only for a moment before fading back into a gentle stream.
“What are you…” Childe mutters to himself.
He moves closer, slowly, still holding the cave walls for support. There’s a pattern engraved on the swaths of white, aside from the golden veins. It looks like there’s an elemental symbol there, but it’s covered in a layer of dust.Childe reaches out, then snatches his hand back at the last second. Whatever this is could blow him away if he gets too close. He calls on his vision instead. If it’s going to blow him back, at least he’ll already have some sort of hydro to cushion himself with. Carefully, Childe pulls water into his hand, and reaches out with it slowly. He’s careful not to let any of it drop before he’s ready to touch, just in case. Then, gently, he brushes over the white patches, barely touching the water to the surface.
The artifact sucks the water from his hands, absorbing it, and everything stops.
The quakes, the pulsing beat, the glowing, the waves of energy; all of it suddenly stops.
The sudden lack of sensation leaves his ears ringing and his eyes struggling to adjust to the light. Childe frowns. What just happened? He looks back at the artifact.It shifts, and Childe freezes.
He braces for impact, but nothing comes. Rather, it seems the artifact has merely shifted out of place. Where it was stuck in the rock of the cave, it’s now slightly ajar.
Gently, Childe maneuvers water around it. He surrounds it easily enough, and with a single tug, it breaks free of the rock. It falls into his hands, though he almost drops it. It’s smoother than he expected, just bigger than his head, and it’s warm to the touch. The artifact pulses in his hands, that same steady heartbeat-type rhythm thumping gently against where his hand is pressed to the surface. The breathing glow returns, as well, though it’s muted. He was right about the engraving, too. The white sections are marked with geo diamonds, in contrast to the swirling veins of gold that carve hydro circles across the white. Were those hydro symbols always there?
“Might as well be a gem,” Childe says, tracing his fingers along the engravings.
“It’s not.”
Something sharp presses against his shoulder.
“Hand it over.”
Childe freezes, holding the artifact tighter to his chest. Slowly, he turns over his shoulder, until he’s face-to-blade with the pointy end of a pole-arm. Attached to it is that green adeptus who doesn’t know how to smile.
“It’s Xiao, right?” Childe asks.
“Hand. It. Over.” Xiao says. He presses the spear harder against Childe’s shoulder, but not hard enough to draw blood.
“Why?”Childe looks past him. He hadn’t heard anyone come up behind him, not that he could hear much beyond that pulsing rhythm. Turns out, it’s not just Xiao who’s arrived. Just past him, four whole patrols worth of Fatui soldiers are either on their asses or locked in a stale-mate against the Qixing’s secretary, a white-haired lady (adeptus?), and Lumine.
“Because he said so!” Paimon shouts. “Just hand it over, Childe! We know you’re planning something nasty, so you might as well just give it up now!”
Xiao grips the polearm tighter as Paimon speaks. He hasn’t actually tried to hurt Childe, nor has the rest of the group continued to fight the Fatui soldiers. They’re all in defensive stances.
Childe’s planning something? More like, Xiao’s hiding something, and Childe’s going to find out what.
Keep reading on AO3
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offbrandkyoya · 10 months
85 you hafta
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- um
- zhongchi WOO
- can you believe it there was no snow in DECEMBER
- where I live at least..
🏷️ @sakiimeo @coquettemaiden @rmiyuki @kur44pika @theblueblub @jxxji0309 @dreamsofminnie @ohmyfinggod @redactedhimbo @kunisbeloved @akagism2 @sketcheeee @thefandomcrow @beriiov @thenightsflower @yukiipc @scaraapologist @scarletttcroww @samyayaya @crucnhice @monaypo1 @feiherp @myaaones @warcelia @hangecanweholdhands @yuminako @valiryyz @screechingxiaolover @tiddieshakeshownu @ilovechuuyaa @d4y-dr3am3r @dazaisfavgf @swivy123 @ganyusbrideee @sagegreenthinks @the-left-glove @wonderland-fan @kylexzz @kaoyamamegami @whycantscarabereal @rvoulte @eunchaeluvr @lxkeeeee @silvermah @baby-bread-in @yelleloww @magica-ren @itzblazekun @im-inlovewithy0u @featuredtofu @anastaxiah @ask-aph-tanzania @drmyday @what-just-happened-huh @xtobefreex @v4lerixxq @duckyyyx @hannoahs-third-eyelash @brain-r0tt @iota1111 @accio-fandom @kaitfae
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sagusart · 4 months
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no one asked for this zhongchi baby but I literally cannot stop thinking about zhongli and childe together ‼️😃
also ofc it’s descender childe ahahahahahahahahaha…
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tomatovesper · 1 year
Dan Heng as zhongchi baby, some headcanons:
Dan Heng's egg was really frail and Childe was very protective of it. He kept it close to him and the egg developed a very deep bond with hydro. The reason why the egg wasn't sturdy as the others is unknown to the parents.
Childe's eggnancy (?) wasn't an easy one to be fair, but he never stopped working.
Dan Heng was a tiny, tiny hatchling at first. Almost small enough to fit Childe's palm of his hand.
Dan Heng loves listening to his papa talking about the stories about Rex Lapis and he collected a lot of books.
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cambrosiaa · 2 years
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Smol lapis has been challenged to a fight? Part 2/ ?
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moostelid · 2 years
My Tartaglia headcanons look something like this:
Childe with anyone younger than him: “Ah yes, another sibling. I can adopt you.”
Harbingers in response to Childe’s heart being broken: “He’s just a small innocent bean, how could they?”
Scara to Childe: “No I will not fight you, find a hobby you fucking loser.”
Also, Scara when finding out about Zhongchi: “Prepare to die you fucking cradle robber.”
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cavalierious-whim · 2 years
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Zhongli fucks Childe right through his orgasm, leaving him crying in the sheets because it's just too good.
Inspired by this art here.
CW: Zhongchi, Anal Sex, Overstimulation, Belly Bulge, Praise Kink, Aftercare
“T-too much.”
 It isn’t. Not really. It’s just that he’s already come once, spilling into the sheets, painting the silk sinfully white. Childe writhes, crying into the sheets. Stretched out thin, remolded, barely put back together again as he’s battered by pulsating waves of overstimulation.
Zhongli took his time. Fucked him open on too many fingers until Childe’s cock was stiff and his balls ached. Then he fucked him on his cock with slow-burning, rolling thrusts. A steady pace, his cock sliding home with measured slaps of skin on skin. Childe came all too quickly, squeezing around that thick length that carves its way through him.
“Zhongli, I—need a moment. Just a—oh, oh, fuck.”
Childe is not given a moment; not because Zhongli is cruel and takes what he wants, but because he knows that Childe loves this, thrives on this, wants to be pressed into the bed and fucked through his haze until no words are left. 
And he thinks about it. For a moment. Using that word, the negotiated one that’ll bring an immediate halt. Zhongli would slip out, wrap him up, and pet his hair until Childe comes back down from the high that bleeds through his being and the shudders that wrack his body. “A quick break,” he murmurs. “Zhongli, please.”
Zhongli moves, leaning back, and suddenly, his cock shifts. Drags over Childe’s prostate, leaving him a keening mess. Zhongli’s fingers hook around Childe’s hips and he yanks, pulling him back, spearing him open, driving his length in as deep as it’ll go.
And Childe is gone, drunk on the feeling of being so utterly full. He sputters, trying to find words, but he loses them with every punch of Zhongli’s cock.
Childe collapses into the sheets, losing the strength in his arms. Zhongli’s hands are warm, swirling with Geo, glittering, golden fingertips smoothing over his skin. Then, they dig in, holding Childe in a tight grip, pulling him back into every thrust.
“Wait, wait—” Childe’s words are cut off by a moan that tumbles from his mouth unbidden. “I just came, I just—” He writhes underneath Zhongli, hips raising, back arching, unable to say no. It feels too good with Zhongli’s hands tight around him and his thick cock buried to the hilt in his ass.
Tears leak from Childe’s eyes. He’s a red-faced, ruddy, snot-nosed mess in the pillow. He cries out, clinging to the sheets, fingers digging into the mattress as he slides across it. 
“Stay, Ajax. Don’t—” 
“I can’t,” whines Childe. “Impossible. It’s—ah, mhmh—”
A grunt as Zhongli tips forward to collapse against him. “Just a little more,” he begs into Childe’s ear, his breath hot and damp. “Please.”
That’s what does it—the fervent need in Zhongli’s voice. The way that deep baritone is wrecked and raspy, and how he inhales Childe’s scent as if it’s the only thing on his mind. Childe melts under the oppressive weight of Zhongli’s body. Chest against Childe’s back. Hips flush to his ass. 
Zhongli holds himself up on an elbow, face buried into the fine baby hairs on Childe’s neck. Two fingers into Childe’s mouth, tamping down his tongue, and all that Childe can do is moan around them. His other hand sneaks underneath Childe’s prone form, palm flat against his stomach. Zhongli thrusts into him with a heavy and deep grind, and feels the bulge of his cock there.
“Gods, you feel—” Zhongli purrs against him, nipping at the top of his spine, fangs just barely sinking into the skin there. “Ajax.” The utterance is pure worship. Zhongli revels in his whines, but treats Childe as though he’s the god here. His thrusts are still quick as they sink into his heat, bullying his insides, and striking his prostate.
Childe can feel Zhongli’s cock in his throat. His spent cock is hard again, purple at the tip, leaking everywhere as it grinds against the bed with every one of Zhongli’s thrusts.
And all the while, Zhongli’s hand, pressed to his belly, fingers curled around the distension where his cock settles deep into Childe’s gut. Zhongli moans. Presses his forehead into Childe’s nape as he just rails him into the bed, ruthless with his movements.
“So perfect, baobei.” 
“Zhongli, Zhongli—” 
The pleasure is tight in Childe’s gut. He shudders as it spreads out. Veins on fire. Head thick with heady lust. All he feels is Zhongli’s cock, and all he hears are gentle words of praise tattooed into his skin with kiss after kiss. Childe comes, untouched this time, mostly dry. He clamps around Zhongli, which leaves the old god panting against his neck with strain.
“Darling,” he murmurs, voice pinched. “Laogong.” He pets the bulge of his cock with a light, feathery touch. Marvels at how deep he is and how well Childe takes him.
A few more stuttering, staggering thrusts and Zhongli comes. His spend is thick and hot, searing Childe’s insides, flooding his ass. Zhongli fucks him through it, uneven, loose-limbed, legs like jelly. Childe cries into the sheets, a whimpering, overstimulated mess.
He sinks and sinks, face pressed into soft silk. Smells like earth and sage, like sandalwood, like Zhongli. Always Zhongli, always, always, always—
Childe comes to a little later, cheek pressed against Zhongli’s chest. Zhongli pets his hair, claws dragging across his scalp, parting the thick ginger curls as he lays there and thinks. He is purring. Childe could lose himself in the way that his chest vibrates.
“I was too rough with you.”
“I could’ve called it off. And you would’ve stopped the moment I did.”
“I wanted it. Gods, I wanted it, and it was—” Childe sighs and presses himself closer. “You liked it too, you horny old lizard. You wouldn’t stop petting my stomach.”
When Childe looks, Zhongli is so red in the face he looks like a paper lantern from the Rite. “I—that is to say—” Childe watches his throat bob as Zhongli tries to clear it. “There is something to be said about old instincts.”
“What, like seeing me cry on your massive dick?”
“Ah. Something… like that.”
Childe’s gaze softens but remains curious. Zhongli still refuses to look him in the face. “Don’t worry about it,” he finally says, trying to distract Childe with a kiss on the forehead. 
“Another time. Just rest. You…” Zhongli finally looks at him, frowning slightly.
“I look like I’ve been mauled, right?”
Zhongli sniffs, then. “Don’t imply something so unsightly.”
Childe laughs. Settles back against Zhongli, who resumes petting his hair. There is something to be said about the high of sex—Childe loves that he can lose himself so completely at the whim of Zhongli’s hands. And Zhongli—the way that he gives in entirely and lets loose—Childe will never tire of it.
That being said, he almost likes this better, the laziness of the aftermath where they lay in the sheets and doze sweetly. Zhongli hums and Childe lulls.
It’s so easy to fall asleep in such comfort.
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lazulisong · 8 months
I am still sad baby this week but I did make myself ask a local bud if we could do lunch on my birthday. Other than that .... idk, I'm hoping to get the rest of the nine-patches done and start on the next step. Maybe actually write half the ZhongChi shit running around in my head. Mom somehow got Covid again so I'm definitely not going to visit lmao
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genshinconfessions · 13 days
I'm a shipper myself and enjoy romantic ship stuff, but I still wish some characters relationship would have been portrayed as platonic in this fandom. As an example we can take the duo I like as platonic the most: HeiKazu. I would kill for them, they're my babies and I love them. I don't mind people shipping them, you do whatever you do, but whenever I try to search for some fanart between them all I see is romantic stuff.
Again, I don't mind people shipping them, but the lack of platonic content (and fanarts) between them makes me go :(. To me, Heizou is a guy who someday picked Kazuha, a raccoon from a trashcan, up and befriended him ever since . They're friends who share a singular braincell
Same goes for many other duos, like: Zhongchi, KazuScara, EiMiko and etc. I ship KazuScara and EiMiko myself (I'm #1 KazuScara shipper), but seeing platonic arts between characters who are usually portrayed as lovers (KazuScara and Eimiko (they're my favourite ships, so), as an example) in this fandom would make me the happiest person on earth.
In conclusion: I wish platonic art in genshin fandom would get more recognition and love AND appreciation
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