kannoshida-a · 7 years
So I guess this asshole has his own blog now. Instead of me needing to keep him as a side blog.
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if you were following me before, I’ve archived my old blog. This is where I ill be doing all my rping with Kamo from now on.
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kannoshida-a · 7 years
So I guess this asshole has his own blog now. Instead of me needing to keep him as a side blog.
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if you were following me before, I’ve archived my old blog. This is where I ill be doing all my rping with Kamo from now on.
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kannoshida-a · 7 years
So I guess this asshole has his own blog now. Instead of me needing to keep him as a side blog.
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if you were following me before, I’ve archived my old blog. This is where I ill be doing all my rping with Kamo from now on.
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kannoshida-a · 7 years
So thanks to that poll last night, I will be moving house with 3 rp blogs:
Mysteryseexer Kannoshida Shatteredsecond
Ths move will take place once I return from Puerto rico/as soon as I have time to do it. It should be ok because Im off school.
Now to decide which per.sona blog will be the main blog and which will be the side blog.
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kannoshida-a · 7 years
As soon as he’d seen the supposed ‘transfer’ student, Mishima felt like his whole world just froze over. It made absolutely no sense. How as this Kamoshida? Yet at the same time there was no doubt that it was the same Kamoshida. They looked identical, save the difference in age. 
What was more disturbing to the class rep was the fact that no one else seemed to take any note. No one but Ann and Akira. Everyone else acted as if this was completely normal - as if they didnt see the fact that their missing volleyball coach was standing before them as a student. Mishima thought he was going mad. Was he so stressed and shaken about the impending expulsion that he was starting to hallucinate?
Just to be sure, he pinched his arm. Just a subtle motion with shaking hands. It stung – he flinched and shook his head. It was still Kamoshida. He lifted his hands to rub his eyes: Still Kamoshida.
“…just take the seas behind Mishima for today, ok?”
Save for the tremble he tried so desperately to hide by crossing his arms on his desk - Mishima had never felt so rigid in his life. Every muscle in his body was tense. He felt like he was going to be sick with this anxious knot twisting in his stomach. 
Though he stared ‘unseeing’ ahead, daring not to look at that face for any longer than he needed to, he was still acutely aware of the other’s movements. The light footsteps past his desk. The slight brush of the other’s bag against his shoulder for just a second. His chair scraping back and the softest rustle and fold of cloth as he took his seat.
His heart was hammering in his chest, hammering in his ears. 
For whatever reason… whether it was to further torture himself… or maybe it was to try one last time to confirm for himself that he was just seeing things, or maybe this was a nightmate; Mishima looked. He slowly turned, shifting in his seat to peek back at the ‘transfer student’ who’d come to sit behind him.
Kamoshida was practically whistling.
He settled in the seat behind the aforementioned Mishima, hanging up his bag and pulling out a few supplies... it was only when he lifted his head to look at the board did he realize Mishima was staring.
“Oh hey. Sorry about this, I guess they didn’t know where else to put me. So this’ll only be temporary until they can get me a proper homeroom.” He smiled warmly at the other. “Until then, I’ll try not to bug you too much. But I hope we can be friends.”
All Kamoshida knew was that he was supposed to be here. That he’d woken up at home with a slip of paper saying he was to report to the school today as a student... He didn’t remember anything else, aside from feeling like he’d woke up from a terrible fever dream. 
He had no clue that he’d done such terrible things to several students at this school...
“Alright, settle down..” The lessons were beginning. 
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kannoshida-a · 7 years
some asshole: “Why do you even like that character?”
me: “Because they’re a great character.”
asshole: “But they’ve done so many shitty and problematic things, you can’t just excuse-”
me: “I said a GREAT CHARACTER not a GOOD PERSON you imaginationless wet napkin, this character is an asshole and a human disaster who deserves everything coming to them but they c a n s t i l l b e m y f a v o r i t e”
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kannoshida-a · 7 years
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are you FORSAKING him to save yourself? DEATH awaits him if you do NOTHING.                                                                             //  p5 protagonist, written by nell.
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kannoshida-a · 7 years
How's the steroid addiction?
“Nice try trying to bait me with that rumormongering crap.”
He doesn’t seemed too bothered about what some dumbass behind a mask thinks about his past performance.
“Listen. I don’t need steroids. All this?” He motions down at his torso and upper legs. “All from training. You know what happens to steroid users? I find out about them. And if my opponents aren’t taking steroids?”
He laughs softly to himself. 
This brought back such fond memories of him sneaking into the opposing team’s locker room and planting syringes and such in their star players’ lockers. Acting surprised when he hears that the opponents have been suspended for being in possession of such illegal substances.
 “Well. They will be once I’m done with them.”
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kannoshida-a · 7 years
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kannoshida-a · 7 years
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kannoshida-a · 7 years
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Dat asshole
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kannoshida-a · 7 years
Daily remimder that Suguru Kamoshida is a piece of shit and was a terrible person but also my fave character in the entirity of Persona 5 (with Ryuji as a close second )
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kannoshida-a · 7 years
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I appreciate these drawings
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kannoshida-a · 7 years
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Suguru Kamoshida // Lust // Asmodeus ( more persona 5 gifs )
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kannoshida-a · 7 years
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hey guys guess whose been playing persona?
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kannoshida-a · 7 years
kamoshida: how many layers of unlikeability are you on
adachi: like,, maybe 5 or 6 right now. my dude
kamoshida: you are like a little baby. watch this
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kannoshida-a · 7 years
pannthxr said: (I KNOW, RIGHT?! I play Scarlet from Final Fantasy VII, and the amount of amazement I’ve ran into about how deep the character could actually be is–for serious, I know exactly how you feel. We also totally need to RP at some point BTW–) == Sadly I dont know who that is but if ur feeling me on this then I WILL GLADLY ACCEPT THE INVITE TO RP.
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