allyouknowisalie · 2 years
A monk asked, “What is ‘holy’?” Joshu said, “Ordinary.” The monk said, “What is ‘ordinary’?” Joshu said, “Not holy.” The monk said, “When neither ordinary nor holy—what then?” Joshu said, “What a fine Zen monk!”
Wholesome Zhaozhao : zen
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diamondnokouzai · 11 months
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Those vines making a heart shape lol.
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【 Miracle Nikki CN 】 Lantern Festival 2023
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【 Miracle Nikki CN 】 Lantern Festival 2023
Zhaozhao, Mingye... This year, Azhao also put down a river lantern, with four words in the lantern - "peace in the world"
Suit Display :: Good night (太平良夜)
Collection :: Festivals (Lantern Festival 2023)
Type :: Welfare
Date :: 27/01—05/02/2023
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jiannguo · 1 year
CCTV8 Weibo Update 230624
@X九少年团肖战DAYTOY @李琴 @刘瑞林Wayne @曹飞然 @赵鬼zhaozhao @埃阿Felix @尤贤超 @Miss高源There is another scene you can’t miss. Let's look forward to it together, this Sunday night at 22:22 CCTV-8
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hoelex0513love · 2 months
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35.●【DODO ZOO 方塊動物-Black-Faced Spoonbill】"黑面琵鷺眼罩哥"(罩罩ZhaoZhao)
The white-feathered traveler who usually wears a blindfold mask with a black face, big black mouth and long legs is the black-faced spoonbill.
●【Dream DODO ZOO 夢想方塊動物園 】
DODO ZOO粉絲頁>>> https://www.facebook.com/DreamDODOZoo
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Featured Artist: ZhaoZhao - Imitiate Newspaper
A creature that comes to a strange land; when all the translations of language and images fail, the sealed body awakens and begins to use its body to process the information and vision spread here. In China, where I set out from, newspapers have long since left people's lives. In contrast, in the West, people still read them on the subway and at the dinner table. The content of these newspapers seems to be more caring about real life, the images and language are like from a friendly neighbor. However, is all this weaving another false social will?
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sultanaislammow · 8 months
Without competing for transportation capacity and services, can online ride-hailing break through the growth bottleneck?
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In order to retain good drivers, major platforms have HE Tuber released enough goodwill. In addition to raising prices to increase revenue like Didi did, various supporting measures are also being continuously improved.
AutoNavi set up a driver service center in Wuhan at the beginning of this year and launched functions such as safe navigation voice, long-distance assistant, and one-click safety report. It also cooperated with more than 670 traffic control departments to release real-time traffic information and tried every means to improve the working environment of drivers. Didi also launched the "Orange Protection Plan" earlier this month, providing drivers with multiple protections from three major aspects: income, rights and development.
Judging from the compliance rate of drivers and operating vehicles, except for Didi, whose driver and vehicle scale far exceeds that of its peers, the gap between other platforms is narrowing, and the room for improvement is becoming increasingly limited. In view of this, the battle for high-quality transport capacity should not continue forever. How to make good use of the driver and vehicle resources in hand to provide users with better services is the next step for the platform to consider.
According to the online car-hailing platform service quality evaluation report commissioned by a third-party organization commissioned by the Hangzhou Municipal Transportation Commission, the five platforms with the highest average scores in the first quarter of this year (only platforms with a monthly order volume of more than 100,000 are counted) are Journey Car-hailing, Zhaozhao Chuxing, Cao Cao Chuxing, Didi and Xiangdao Chuxing. In users' evaluations, compliance of people and vehicles is the primary factor they consider, followed by complaint handling, accident rate, safety measures, etc.
Didi, which does not have an advantage in the compliance rate of people and vehicles, can be ranked in the top 5 of the list, which shows that the platform has many merits in aspects such as safety guarantee and after-sales response, which has raised the average score.
Another phenomenon worth noting is that autonomous driving technology has also received more and more attention from online ride-hailing companies.
T3 Travel CEO Cui Dayong told the media not long ago that the online ride-hailing industry has become increasingly prominent. Platforms that want to enter the finals must meet four conditions: compliant operations, occupying sufficient market share, establishing an ecosystem, and possessing intelligent capabilities. . For the first three items, most platforms have spent enough money and time to slowly strengthen their shortcomings. In this aspect of intelligence, they are betting on autonomous driving.
On June 21, Rufu Travel announced the completion of 842 million yuan in Series B financing, led by Guangzhou Automobile Industry. Ruqi Chuxing officially stated that after completing this round of financing, it will accelerate the commercialization of autonomous driving technology/products and try mixed operations of manned and unmanned vehicles. Not to mention Didi, the big brother, has invested countless resources over the years. At the end of May, it also received strategic investment from Valeo. The two parties will cooperate to develop L4 driverless taxi safety solutions.
Cheng Wei attended the symposium of member representatives of the World Internet Conference on June 25 and said that technology is the driving force of the travel industry. In his view, the data collection, transmission, storage system and in-depth application identification algorithms built by AI and autonomous driving technology can not only improve the information security of users and drivers, but also effectively identify and deal with various safety risks.
To improve user experience, autonomous driving technology is playing an increasingly important role. Using self-driving Robotaxi as a supplement to traditional transportation capacity, and using self-driving technology to enhance the intelligence of the platform, I believe it will become another breakthrough direction in the online ride-hailing industry.
4. Write at the end
Didi's report card released on June 25 showed that order volume during the Dragon Boat Festival this year increased by nearly 60% year-on-year, exceeding the 50% previously expected. During the evening peak period on June 21, the number of calls per minute on the Didi platform exceeded 100,000. On June 22, the Dragon Boat Festival, more than 400,000 users downloaded the Didi APP. All data exceeded expectations.
Judging from this report card, the recovery quality of Didi and even the entire online ride-hailing industry is worthy of recognition. It's just that the market for online ride-hailing is so big, and there are fewer and fewer new users, so rapid growth will definitely not be able to continue forever.
Didi is back as the king, Meituan is shrinking sadly, Amap, T3 and other platforms are eyeing it, and a new round of reshuffle is underway. Improving service quality and compliance rates of people and vehicles are the key to the platform breaking the bottleneck of growth.
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atletasudando · 1 year
Caio, entre las figuras para la marcha en Madrid
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Fuente: Emeterio Valiente /World Athletics Después de una exitosa primera edición celebrada el año pasado, algunos de los mejores marchistas del mundo se enfrentarán en Madrid el domingo 30 de abril cuando se lleve a cabo el segundo Gran Premio Internacional Finetwork Madrid Marcha en la capital española. Una de las calles más emblemáticas de Madrid, la Gran Vía, será la sede del evento Gold del World Athletics Race Walking Tour . La competencia de 10 km masculino presenta todo el podio del año pasado, cuando el sueco Perseus Karlstrom se llevó una contundente victoria, el español Diego García fue subcampeón y el brasileño Caio Oliveira de Sena Bonfim completó un podio de calidad. Ese trío volverá a aspirar a los primeros puestos, ya que todos han mostrado una buena forma en esta primera etapa de la temporada.  Karlstrom disfrutó de un fantástico 2022, ganando tres medallas importantes al capturar el bronce mundial en Eugene tanto en los 20 km como en los 35 km antes de conseguir la plata en el Campeonato de Europa en Munich en la distancia más corta. El sueco se podrá ver en Madrid a dos días de cumplir 33 años. Pasó la primera parte del año en Australia, donde participó en tres carreras, coronadas por una victoria de 1:19:27 en los 20 km de Melbourne el 12 de febrero. De vuelta en Europa, demostró su consistencia con otra actuación de 1:19:44 para obtener el segundo lugar en Dudince el 25 de marzo. Karlstrom fue un convincente vencedor de los 10 km en Madrid en 2022 gracias a una actuación de 38:42 en el circuito de 1 km y recientemente comentó que está decidido a atacar nuevamente el domingo.  Por su parte, García, nacido en Madrid, ha afrontado unas semanas ajetreadas ya que también es uno de los principales organizadores del evento en su papel de coordinador de atletas de élite. El joven de 27 años obtuvo el bronce europeo en los 20 km el año pasado y también cuenta con un excelente sexto puesto en los Juegos Olímpicos de Tokio. Arrancó esta temporada con un debut de 2:29:04 en la prueba de 35 km para conseguir la plata en el Campeonato de España celebrado en Cieza el 26 de febrero, cuando fue derrotado por el bicampeón de Europa de 20 km Álvaro Martín, pero García se vengó más tarde. ya que se alzó con el título del Campeonato de España Universitario de 10.000 m en León por delante de su compatriota con un tiempo de 39:13.43 el pasado sábado.  En cuanto a Caio Oliveira de Sena onfim, el brasileño de 32 años se llevó la medalla de bronce mundial de 20 km de 2017 y también es finalista de múltiples campeonatos importantes, como fue el caso del Campeonato Mundial del año pasado en Oregón, donde hizo doblete en las carreras de 20 km y 35 km, quedando sexto. y séptimo lugar, respectivamente. Terminó segundo en Dudince con 2:27:00 (35 km) hace un mes y acaba de ganar los 20 km. en Varsovia el domingo pasado con 1:19:42. El chino Qian Haifeng, de 22 años, que redujo su mejor marca de por vida en 20 km a 1:19:09 en Nomi en marzo pasado, tratará de negarles lugares consecutivos en el podio, y se le unirá su compatriota Wang Zhaozhao. , también recién llegado de 1:19:40, el mejor de su vida esta temporada.  Cuidado también con el ecuatoriano en forma David Hurtado, quien ya ha mejorado dos veces su PB de 20 km gracias a actuaciones sucesivas de 1:19:24 y 1:18:45, este último en Taicang hace apenas tres semanas. El joven de 23 años es el medallista de plata mundial U20 de 10,000 m en 2018 y ocupó el puesto 11 en Oregón sobre 20 km.  No debe descartarse para un puesto entre los cinco primeros el medallista de plata europeo de 35 km de Alemania, Christopher Linke. El corredor de 34 años tuvo un comienzo exitoso en su temporada hace dos semanas, llevándose el título nacional con estilo con un crono de 1:21.11, mientras que el campeón olímpico italiano de 20 km y el campeón mundial de 35 km Massimo Stano hará su primera aparición esta campaña, junto con por su compatriota Francesco Fortunato, quien finalizó quinto en los 20 km de Múnich y se alzó con el título italiano el mes pasado en 1:21:11. Además de García, las esperanzas españolas descansan en el actual campeón de Europa Sub-20 de los 10.000 metros y medallista de bronce mundial Sub-20 Paul McGrath, un excelente sexto el año pasado en Madrid, y en el cuarto clasificado de los Juegos Olímpicos de Tokio en los 50 km Marc Tur. En damas Al igual que el año pasado, la prueba de 10 km de mujeres se realizará conjuntamente con la de hombres en un circuito de 1 km. La poseedora del récord mundial de China, Yang Jiayu, comienza como favorita, ya que marcó 1:26:41 el mes pasado en Huangshan, donde logró su desempeño de 1:23:49 en 2021. Yang Jiayu de China (© Getty Images) Sin embargo, su compatriota Ma Zhenxia, ​​una excelente décima en Oregón sobre 20 km, fue solo dos segundos más lenta que Yang en el Gran Premio Nacional de Marcha Atlética en marzo (1:26:43) y debería ser un factor el domingo, mientras que Li Maocuo, la La medallista de plata mundial de 50 km de 2019, intentará completar una barrida limpia de medallas para su país después de mejorar su PB de 35 km a 2:42:39 en Huangshan. La campeona olímpica italiana de 20 km, Antonella Palmisano, competirá por primera vez desde su éxito en Sapporo. Palmisano se convirtió en medallista de oro olímpica el día de su cumpleaños número 30, pero desde entonces se ha visto obstaculizada por lesiones. La medallista de bronce mundial de 2017 se perdió toda la temporada 2022 para finalmente someterse a una cirugía en septiembre, pero luego experimentó más problemas con el nervio ciático izquierdo. Palmisano caminará en compañía de su compatriota Valentina Trapletti, una sorpresiva finalista en ocho lugares en Oregón durante 20 km. Otros participantes destacados incluyen a la mexicana en forma Alegna González, ganadora en Dudince con el mejor tiempo de su vida de 1:28:09, y la doble campeona europea de Grecia, Antigoni Ntrismpioti, dueña de un PB de 1:28:12 establecido en Melbourne en febrero pasado. La francesa Clemence Beretta, sexta en Múnich en los 20 km, también estará en la contienda al haber mejorado su PB esta temporada a 1:30:20. La española Raquel González y la húngara Viktoria Madarasz, medallistas de plata y bronce respectivamente en los 35 km de Múnich, también estarán presentes junto a la local Laura García-Caro, tercera el año pasado en Madrid antes de un sexto puesto en los 35 km de Oregón. Los meteorólogos pronostican un día agradable y soleado con el termómetro alcanzando los 17ºC a la hora del evento. Read the full article
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fashionistaru · 5 years
#goodmorningart it’s going to be huge reconstruction of art imaginary world at @artbasel. Art of modeling sculptural space? Landscape modeling with art objects reality?)) don’t even know how to call it but it’s big! Very interesting part of exhibition in Hong Kong. “Dedicated to large-scale artworks and supported by @mgmartculture, this sector – unique to the Hong Kong show – features 12 pieces, 8 of which are making their debut this edition. Under the title ‘Still We Rise’, this year’s presentation brings together work by leading artists #TonyAlbert, #JoelAndrianomearisoa, #JoseDávila, #LatifaEchakhch, #ElmgreenDragset, #GerasimosFloratos, #MitJaiInn, #LeeBul, #PinareeSanpitak, #ChiharuShiota, #SimonStarling, and #ZhaoZhao” - citation from official source. #beautyofaft #artasinspiration #realitytransformation #morninginspiration #artbasel #contemporaryart (at Lucca, Italy) https://www.instagram.com/p/Bvn3y6CIwuC/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=1icarw5b33srk
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ateliertito · 5 years
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// Stoked to meet one of China’s boldest leading contemporary artist Zhao Zhao. About the Video: “In Extremis” was the title of Zhao Zhao’s solo exhibition at Tang Contemporary Art Beijing in 2018. The idea of the exhibition came to Zhao Zhao after witnessing traces of a dead cat’s body spread over the road and flattened into the asphalt by passing vehicles outside his studio. This installation encourages the audience to form their own understanding of human perseverance and examines how various groups of people confront their own mortality, as well as whether mortality can be seen as a connection between memory and detachment. Source: Tang Contemporary Art . . . . . . #zhaozhao #zaozao #tangcontemporaryart #tangcontemporary #asphalt #beijing #beijing🇨🇳 #Xinjiang #China #Artbasel #Artbaselrecap #ArtbaselHongKong #artist #contemporaryartist #contemporary #ateliertitö #titö #ateliertito #tito #artcollector #artfair #artbaselconversation #artists #exhibition (at Art Basel Hong Kong) https://www.instagram.com/p/BvmCJ39h9vq/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=1hcnl2qvi2yd8
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diamondnokouzai · 1 year
so im thinking abt getting a tattoo of zhaozhaos name on my shoulder (曌, incandescence illuminating the void) but i want to see if 1. i can get it done in glitter ink (idk that glittertats are possible but i WANT one) or 2. if i should get it in block lettering with ivy. if i can get it in glitter i want it in violet (that was zhaozhaos favorite color) but if i need to get it in block lettering with ivy, i want it to be done in gold with red outline. if i could figure out someone to commission to get an example done where 曌 is carved out of a brick wall, i might try to do something with it crumbling and grass growing up between the bricks? but we will have to see. OTHERWISE i could get one with like, sun and moon being reflected by an ocean, since thats a symbolic meaning of her name.
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Pigsy about to go kill Dongfang Xianyun.
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【 Shining Nikki TW+CN 】
Exclusive Collection
Spring Festival 2021 (Chinese New Year 2021)
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【 Shining Nikki TW+CN 】
Exclusive Collection
Spring Festival 2021 (Chinese New Year 2021)
When the year is about to change, pray for peace and prosperity for the country and prosperity for all.
In ancient times, there were emperors and queens in the clouds.
Five years of peace and war, Qiganzhao prosperous.
Thousands of years are just a snap of the fingers, and the laws and literature and art left by the ancient emperors and queens still flow in the cloud civilization to this day.
Once every ten years, the grand ceremony is here again.
On the occasion of this grand event, you can travel to Yunjing with Nikki, and you can climb the cloud to the Temple of Heaven and watch the magnificent scenery of the grand ceremony.
Suit Display ::
Original :: Zhāozhāo zhī qī wú (昭昭之棲梧)
Recolor :: Míngmíng zhī qī wú (明明之棲梧)
Collection :: Exclusive
4th Exclusive • 千秋歲華
Spring Festival 2021 (Chinese New Year 2021)
Designer :: Mingzhao (明睡皇后)
Designer : Chinese Name :: Mingyi Huanghou or Empress Mingyi
Rarity :: UR
Attribute :: Sweet
Type :: Pavilion
Date :: 04—17/02/2021
Design Concept ::
Empress Mingzhao, fearless of destiny, striving for governance, and perseverance.
Step by step solemn, dressed in [Zhaozhao Zhiwu], but the hair is sparse, the pearls and jade are scattered, the costumes are majestic, the lines around the body are complex but not complicated, and the phoenix and birds are lifelike.
Whether in the abyss or in the sky, his ambition will not change.
Design Hilight ::
The golden-winged phoenix is ​​surrounded by the phoenix sticks.
Waving like British clothes and wide sleeves, as if looking forward to a prosperous world, Anyu, and splendid.
The brows are lightly raised like a flaming phoenix spreading its wings, looking forward to the distance between the German and the sound.
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jiannguo · 2 years
Where Dreams Begin Weibo Update 220609
With youth, pay tribute to every worker. 
Leading stars: @X Nine Youth League Xiao Zhan DAYTOY  @李青
Starring: @刘瑞林Wayne @Cao Fei Ran @赵新zhaozhao @Cui Hang Felix @张林心@罗诺
Produced by : @西xifilm
Co-producer: @新白Media 
Chief Producer: Yang Xiaopei
Director: Fu Ning
Screenwriter Chief Planning: Ye Jing
Screenwriter: Xu Bing, Zhou Heyang
Producers: Chen Yao, Zhu Kai 
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polkadotmotmot · 4 years
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Zhaozhao Wang - You Don’t Like It?, 2020
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