#zhao tianyang
plumdepan · 4 months
The 100-year-old rabbit sprit 6/?
I finally found some time to continue my series about The 100-year-old rabbit spirit!
Let’s continue the exploration of The 100-year-old rabbit spirit universe (the French version should get a proper title soon!)
To begin with, I need to do some adjustments, regarding the character of Xiaoai. In fact, I made some changes since I wrote the fourth part!
Remember, Xiaoai is the hyacinth spirit which was granted a human form by Jiamin.
Xiaoai is also the name of Tianyang's reincarnation.
However, this is not the same Xiaoai! (Although I said the contrary until now)
To make it clearer, let’s imagine two parallel worlds where doppelgängers can exist. It is case for Xiaoai, hyacinth spirit, and Xiaoai, Tianyang’s reincarnation.
It could be considered as a mere coincidence, since Jiamin is the one who chose Xiaoai’s name. She might not have known that there was another Xiaoai in another world.
Anyway, I hope this explanation was clear enough 🤞
Since we’re talking about Xiaoai (Tianyang’s reincarnation), let me introduce to you a new character: Tuzi!
This character is special for several reasons. First of all, Tuzi is the short version of the full name of the rabbit spirit. If you remember well, the rabbit spirit is using Jiamin to have a human appearance. But later, Tuzi has to ‘share’ it with another person: Xiaoai, Tianyang’s reincarnation.
In fact, Xiaoai’s mind escaped from her body after a particular event that I’ll explain later.
Of course, this sudden arrival is not without any consequences. Given that Xiaoai is Tianyang’s reincarnation, their memories mixed up with Jiamin’s, as well as memories from the rabbit spirit.
And now, forget everything I just said! No, I’m just joking 🤭
It’s just that an adjustment needs to be done (yes, another!)
Actually, the rabbit spirit is no longer ‘coexisting’ with Jiamin, because it has been sealed by the gods (why? You’ll find out someday, maybe…)
But Yixuan makes everyone believe that Tuzi is still there. Even Jiamin herself is convinced, because she is under Yixuan’s influence.
Now, you might wonder what are Yixuan’s motives. To answer this question, we should take a look at her past. This will be for the next post 😉
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idolsgeneration · 2 years
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jianqies · 2 years
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stuff-diary · 25 days
Welcome To My Side
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Movies watched in 2024
Welcome To My Side (2024, China)
Director: Song Hao Lin
Writers: Miao Qian & Song Hao Lin
Welcome To My Side is exactly what I needed after watching several heavy movies in a row: a purely fun romcom. The initial premise is silly but also surprisingly hilarious, and the gimmick never overstays its welcome, cause it's used just the right amount of times. The dramatic twist during the third act might feel a bit sudden, but there's enough foreshadowing for it to work. It certainly helps that both Yu Shi and Wang Yinglu deliver two fantastic performances, with outstanding chemistry to boot. I'm not saying this is the best romcom I've ever watched, but it came to me at the perfect time.
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snh48galaxy · 2 months
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gege · 10 months
Hiii, how are you? I hope you are doing ok! <3 sending love and hugs. I wanted to ask you... i think i remember something about tgcf having live action adaptation. Was that real or was just a dream i had or something? If it's real do you know if we will have it or what happened to the project? Idk if my mind made that up! sorry and thanks :)
Hiii Anon!
No, it's not some mad collective fever dream we all had, they really did film it (6 months of shooting between July 2021 and January 2022). Native title is 吉星高照 (Ji Xing Gao Zhao) English title is Eternal Faith.
If we ever get to see it is another matter, i probably don't need to say the main reason is because it's a danmei adaptation - it'll have a harder time passing the censors than the average cdrama. Since the popularity of other dangais it seems the censors have become stricter in any case. Job one is always going to be passing the censors.
While checking chinese websites and articles I did find several sources of a rumour that the site security punched a girl who was visiting the set. I can't vouch for the reliability of this but anything that can potentially attract criticism can delay a cdrama release further. Other criticisms include the casting of the male leads, how cheap the set design and costuming look, and a cancelled actress who may have to remain uncredited.
So it will need to satisfy the censors in order to be relased, as well as satisfy the general public and tgcf fans to be worth releasing and I'm not sure if it can do it all. If all goes well and it does ever pass censorship, we won't get a release date in advance. I don't know if you've ever experienced waiting for a cdrama release but you will not get much warning when it airs. It will likey drop with a couple days warning in form of internet rumours, or just completely out of the blue.
HAVING SAID THAT - another rumour is that a full costume bl drama like the untamed will be released internationally in Sept 2024, bypassing a Chinese release. It's just a rumour but it does make this webpage very interesting! But please remember everything above and not get too excited just yet 😂.
I'm gonna share some set photos just because 😍
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Zhai Xiaowen as Xie Lian
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Zhang Linghe as Hua Cheng/San Lang/Crimson Rain Sought Flower
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Chang Huasen as Shi Qingxuan/Wind Master & Tian Xuning as He Xuan/Ming Yi/Earth Master
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Vin Zheng as Nan Feng & Li Fancheng as Fu Yao (+ bonus Wind Master)
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Liu Lingzi as Xuan Ji
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Liu Jinyan as Ling Wen & Wang Yueyi as Female Wind Master
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Xiao Kaizhong as Feng Xin/Nan Yang & Cai Yao as Mu Qing/Xuan Zhen
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Bian Tianyang as Qi Rong/Prince Xiao Jing/Green Ghost
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Lu Yuxiao as Yushi Hung/Rain Master. She played Shangguan Qian in My Journey to You, but as she was fairly unknown at the time of filming jxgz so there are no photos to be found of her as Rain Master 😩.
Anyway, let's all quietly try to will this into existence with physic powers etc.
Thanks for sending me an ask, have a lovely day anon!
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impala124 · 11 days
Some thoughts on The On1y one (Ep 1-6) :
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I see a lot of people praising the main leads for their performance, which is rightly deserved. However, I would like to make note of few things that stood out to me -
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All the students act like teenagers. As someone who grew up watching mostly American shows during my teenage years, this is such a breath of fresh air. Like the Truth or Dare scene, I've seen similar situations play out in real life and the questions and the dares are as dumb as you would expect teenagers to come up with.
Reaching out to seniors for help with the hard questions and wiping down the board clean after the teacher leaves the classroom, that brought back memories.
Mr. Zhao's comment about not liking the food served at his son's cafe. Man, that hit way too close to home.
I truly felt for Qi Jiahao and his struggle with imposter syndrome. I don't condone what he has done, but I understand him.
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Gao Tianyang is such a menace , I love him.
Mr Ding and Brother Zhao are the best wingmen a guy could ask for.
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hughungrybear · 10 days
So, other differences from the novel:
1. Gao Tianyang never moved with them to the dorm. The roommates were Shi Yu and another person. Guess the show decided to cut minor characters 😅
2. I'm not sure if it's the dialogue or the translation but Big Mouth Xu's confiscation of Wang's phone is one of the first flags that the shift in the relationship between Wang and Tian are being noticed by other people. In the novel, the Dean emphasised that Wang looked like one of those 'silly young fools in love who are glued to their phone', which is why he believed Wang was texting a girlfriend rather than Tian.
3. Whatever the hell is happening between Zhao Xi, Lin Beiting, and Jenny Yang - that ain't in the novel and frankly, I don't think I like where this one is going lol 😅
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Also I'm here to defend the teacher side pairing in The Only One...
They have been friends for forever, own a business together, but there's doubt still.
Zhao Xi is realizing his feelings for Benny in the most gut wrenching way possible and he looks like he is about to cry every time feels those emotions surfacing. Even when he feels Benny's affection..he pushes it onto someone else, but when he is alone he gobble's it down like he's starving. But how could he let those feelings show? He won't.. he can't... how could he? Facing them is scary, and new... yet familiar.
And on the other side we have Benny, Benny who will notice things even if his friend tries to keep them underwater. Benny who is getting louder every episode. He is challenging those feelings and forcing them to be obvious. "Oh look at how well you know me, this is my favorite breakfast" "oh you are looking at me, why?" "Do you know why I stand by you?"
Benny is playing the long game. Benny is clever and has the smartest and most twisted sense of humor. He let's that man run wild because he sees the pattern in his trajectory.
Jenny is the total opposite. She doesn't notice. She's clueless and social. The game soft and painful, it's grazing skin and stolen looks and whispers. One is trying to hold back the river the other is trying to let run free.
I like it. It's a nice contrast with the impulsive teenagers running around the school. The ones who sneak out to make out in balconies; the ones that crawl into each other's bed; the ones that bicker but still help eachother; the ones who skip classes or run naked in front of the whole school.
The feelings are the same, but the adults think they're not allowed to feel them.
Also, we're looking at Taiwan ten years ago... When marriage equality was not a thing there yet. 10 years is a big difference . We're looking back at them and we're seeing all they're carrying.
It's subtle. If you blink you'll miss it... If you're looking for the loud confusion or the teenage teasing you'll find it in the kids, in Pepper, in Gao TianYang, in Shi yu.
Zhao Xi and Benny, they're worth it.
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shaolinmexico · 2 years
Tai Chi y la respiración en los adultos mayores
Tai Chi y la respiración en los adultos mayores
Por Tianyang Tan, Yanyan Meng, Jiaxuan L Lyu, Chaoyang Zhang, Chengchao Wang, Meng Liu, Xirui Zhao, Tianyi Lyu y Yulong Wei Resumen Objetivos El propósito de este estudio fue investigar la influencia del Tai Chi en la aptitud cardiorrespiratoria (CRF) en personas mayores mediante un metanálisis. Métodos Este estudio utilizó siete bases de datos electrónicas y datos obtenidos de ensayos…
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plumdepan · 4 months
The 100-year-old rabbit spirit 6/?
J’ai enfin trouvé un peu de temps pour continuer ma série sur The 100-year-old rabbit spirit ! (Pourvu que ça dure 😅)
C'est donc reparti pour l'exploration de l'univers de The 100-year-old rabbit spirit (qui aura bientôt un titre français ) !
Pour commencer, j’ai besoin de faire une petite mise au point, concernant le personnage de Xiaoai. En effet, il y a eu quelques changements depuis que j’ai écrit la partie n°4 !
Pour rappel, Xiaoai est l’esprit de la jacinthe a qui Jiamin a donné une forme humaine.
Xiaoai, c’est aussi le nom de la personne dans laquelle Tianyang s’est réincarné.
Cependant, ce n’est pas la même Xiaoai ! (Même si j’avais dit le contraire jusque-là)
Pour que ce soit plus facile à comprendre, il faut s’imaginer deux mondes parallèles où les doublons peuvent exister, comme c’est le cas avec Xiaoai, l’esprit de la jacinthe, et Xiaoai, la réincarnation de Tianyang.
On peut aussi considérer que c’est le hasard, puisque c’est Jiamin qui a choisi un nom pour Xiaoai. Elle ne pouvait pas savoir qu’il en existait déjà une dans un autre monde.
En tout cas, j’espère que c’est suffisamment clair comme explication 🤞
Puisqu’on parle de Xiaoai (la réincarnation de Tianyang), laissez-moi vous présenter un nouveau personnage : Tuzi !
C’est un personnage très particulier pour plusieurs raisons. Tout d’abord, Tuzi est le diminutif du prénom de l’esprit du lapin. Esprit qui, je le rappelle utilise Jiamin pour avoir une forme humaine.  Mais plus tard, Tuzi doit ‘’partager’’ avec une autre personne : Xiaoai, la réincarnation de Tianyang !
En effet, l’esprit de Xiaoai s’est échappé de son corps, suite à un certain évènement que j’expliquerai plus tard.
Bien sûr, cette arrivée soudaine n’est pas sans conséquence. Etant donné que Xiaoai est la réincarnation de Tianyang, leurs souvenirs se mélangent à ceux de Jiamin et de l’esprit du lapin.
Et maintenant, oubliez tout ce que je viens de dire ! Non, je rigole 🤭
C’est juste qu’il y a une petite rectification à faire. En réalité, l’esprit du lapin ne cohabite plus avec Jiamin, car il a été scellé par les dieux. (Pourquoi ? vous le saurez peut-être un jour…)
Mais Yixuan fait croire à tout le monde que Tuzi est encore là, et Jiamin elle-même y croit, car elle est sous l’influence de Yixuan. Personne ne se rend compte de la supercherie.
Maintenant, vous vous demandez certainement quelles sont les motivations de Yixuan. Pour répondre à cette question, il faut jeter un coup d’œil à son passé. C’est ce que nous allons faire… dans le prochain post 😉
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idolsgeneration · 2 years
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eigwayne · 9 months
One of the things I do when I don't have the wherewithal for creative works, which is often lately, is work on a database spreadsheet for my C-drama watching. The scoring records are one sheet, and there's another for actor stats that I'm working on. Because after a while you start to recognize faces among the supporting roles and can't flippin' remember where they're from, or where you first saw them.
So I started a sheet, with the rows as actor names and the column headers as shows I've seen. It's... very large. And very tedious to fill in. I cannot recommend this to anyone, ever. But it keeps me busy when I can't make myself function with anything else.
Now, I'm filling this in in order of the shows as I watched them- or my nearest guess because I forgot when I watched some things, especially for those actors I saw on Happy Camp or Chuang before I saw any of their shows (which was a lot, actually- I saw Cheng Yi, Tan Jianci, Bai Lu, Hou Minghao, even Zhao Liying on Happy Camp before I got around to any of their shows). So I'm only at King's Avatar, but I do have some stats. This does count the shows I've started but haven't finished yet, and the ones I've dropped, so not all of them are "actually seen in this show and can evaluate their performance", some are "I started a show they're in and fuck if I remember if I saw their part yet." But!
The people I've seen most so far are He Zhonghua and Zhang Fan at 10 shows each.
I've started 6 Xiao Zhan shows but only 5 for Wang Yibo, Wang Zhuocheng, and Meng Ziyi. Also at 5 is Huang Youming, Hei Zi, Liu Xueyi, Cheng Yi, Han Chenyu who is probably in all the Cheng Yi shows, Zhao Liying, Canti Lau, Ji Chen who has some DMBJ movies in there, and Dong Li Wu You, who is like fifteen, tops, but is in everything.
Liu Yuning's count is at 8 but at one point I was jotting down OST and writing contributions and then stopped because I was bored, so who knows (Nanpai Sanshu is at 9 because of the writing creds, with higher than expected but still incomplete numbers for Zhou Shen from soundtrack creds. No idea why Mimi Lee is at 5 but I like her so it's okay for now). Anyone in 72 Floors of Mystery or any movie that isn't an Untamed spin-off is messed up because I added variety shows and movies halfway through and haven't caught up yet. Happy Camp stats are a disaster.
Zhang Tianyang is at 7 shows, and that is most likely correct. He was in almost every show I watched last summer, lol~ He's my accidental darling.
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angieloveshua · 1 year
That night, Sheng Wang heard a piece of gossip from between Song Sirui and Gao Tianyang, saying that Zhao Xï's BBQ shop caught two hooligans who were stirring trouble and received beating after being held down by several people. They were then strong-armed into the police station with purple and black bruises on their faces.
The gossip also mentioned that those two hooligans trespassed into Fuzhong that morning and were caught by the security cameras belonging to Xi Le Convenience Store.
I love happy endings <3
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artesmarcialescom · 2 years
Fortalece tus pulmones con Tai Chi
Fortalece tus pulmones con Tai Chi
Por Tianyang Tan, Yanyan Meng, Jiaxuan L Lyu, Chaoyang Zhang, Chengchao Wang, Meng Liu, Xirui Zhao, Tianyi Lyu, y Yulong Wei Objetivos El propósito de este estudio fue investigar la influencia del Tai Chi en la aptitud cardiorrespiratoria (CRF) en personas mayores mediante un metanálisis. Métodos Este estudio utilizó siete bases de datos electrónicas y datos obtenidos de ensayos controlados…
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jianqies · 4 years
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