kamoe · 8 years
🎈: Something that fascinates you?
Lots of things, mostly bugs because I think they’re cute and I like to think about how things that are so small think of things that are bigger than them. Jumping spiders tend to look at me as another thing to climb and explore instead of something to fear, and I find that a bit endearing and interesting.
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arwyninamaranthine · 4 years
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An Arwyn Amell appreciation post. Artists in the tags!
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crimsonsairina · 7 years
Artist promotion round #IForgetTheNumber
@zetobichan has very lovely artwork. I’ve commissioned her several times in the past, and it’s always been well worth it. I don’t know if she’s currently open for commissions, but she’s a joy to follow and talk to all the same.
Some of her art can be found here:
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donteatthesushi · 10 years
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Griff Headshot 8D by zetobichan
Going through of things I forgot to upload, I'm awful omg ;3;
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macandbrenna · 10 years
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Mac Headshot! by the lovely zetobichan
Amg I can't believe I forgot to upload this here 8C  FAAAAAAAAAAAAAIL.
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cleverasafox · 7 years
shepard, miranda, james, captain anderson, admiral hackett, nyreen, allers ♥
Shepard - Loot crate pins!! And ticket stubs from all the things I’ve seen/gone to. One day I plan to put them in my scrapbook lol
Miranda - I don’t know if I have one to be honest. If I had to pick one I would say….anything natural, or rustic. If that makes any sense XD I don’t even know if I completely understand what an aesthetic is.
James - Naaaay, I can’t handle it!! XD I HAVE tried it though, so I’m not saying no just to be a party pooper. Sweet & meat on a pizza just don’t mix for me…
Captain Anderson -
My step-dad, and my mother. This is his second round of chemo, and even though he was told that he is terminal, he’s not giving up. Of course he has his bad days, we all do, but he is choosing to continue fighting even though the outlook isn’t the greatest. And my mom…. We’re all under so much stress right now, myself included, but she is managing to hold herself together despite everything. There are days where I have a hard enough time living inside my own head, and I can only imagine what she’s going through right now. I don’t know how they do it, but they are definitely my heroes.
Admiral Hackett - I would love to learn how to draw better some day. And maybe some kind of self-defense, that would always be nice and handy. Above all though; stress management.
Nyreen - Oh man my family mostly! But I’m also pretty passionate about my beliefs, and all of my favorite games/shows/books. And animals ❤
Allers - Mashed potatoes omnomnomnom!! Plus pasta, anything homemade, bacon, shrimp, steak, watermelon, and strawberries.
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arwyninamaranthine · 7 years
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Revisiting an old commission I am still v much in love with by @zetobichan.
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crimsonsairina · 6 years
Tagged by @elvendara Thank you so much! :D
RULES: Choose any three fandoms (in random order) and answer the questions, then tag 10 people you want to know better.
Three Fandoms:
Dragon Age
Forgotten Realms
The First Character You Loved:
The Mabari (he’s a good boy!)
Liriel Baenre
Wade Wilson
The Character You Never Expected To Love So Much:
Zevran Arainai
The Character You Relate To The Most :
Oh, that’s hard. I think it’s a mix of Morrigan and Leliana.
Liriel again.
As for me, I would have chosen:
(Chosen for what? To date? To travel with? To play poker with? To dance with? I’ll pick all of the above.)
Eiher Cullen or Zevran. I know, I have no consistency in my taste in men.
Bruenor Battlehammer. Seriously, dwarf men are the best type of men you’ll find in the Realms.
Colossus. I imagine he’d bring flowers on the first date.
The Character You’d Slap :
Solas. I’d probably die, but I’d totally do it.
...can I make an intolerable fan character to slap? :’D
I’d pick one, but Wade already slaps them around pretty well.
Three Favorite Characters (in order of preference):
Zevran, Leliana and Morrigan.
Laeral Silverhand Arunson, Liriel Baenre and Khelben “the Blackstaff” Arunson.
Wade Wilson, Vanessa and Domino.
Character You Liked At First, But Don’t Like Anymore:
Drizzt Do’Urden
(I sense a theme here)
A Character You Didn’t Like At First But Do Now:
Artemis Entreri
Three OTPs:
Tamsyn x Cullen, Zevran x Female Amell and Zevran x Male Mahariel.
Wade x Vanessa.
I tag @aurianavaloria, @enolezdrata, @kazenofuji, @myprettypreciouscargo, @velnna, @therealpoesdaughter, @guardianofyesod, @epiclad, @zetobichan & @zachary-bradley
No pressure, of course. ^_^
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aaami · 10 years
zetobichan replied to your post:urdnot-mordin replied to your post:it’s over ign...
maybe we’ll get lucky and they wont talk over the cutscenes uUu
mmm yes, that'd be awesome
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aedancousland · 10 years
sleep :
Aramis is an early riser and has a tendency to call for drills at the arse-crack of dawn, much to the dismay of those under his command. Remnants from his harsh formation at the academy in Val Royeaux.
friendship :
Despite being the bastard son of an Orlesian gentilhomme, he was popular among his fellow Chevaliers, and news of his excommunication from the order took many by surprise.
quirk/hobby :
His mother was born to a family of woodworking artisans and he has some skill with the carving knife. On occasion, he sends a hand-carved figurine inspired by his travels via unmarked parcel to his son in Orlais.
random :
An unsettling feature at first glance, he has one green eye and one brown.
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nob1e-commander · 10 years
zetobichan replied to your post:zetobichan replied to your post:What would your...
whaha also a candidate for the [lemons] of our old fanfiction days then omg
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arthurmorgans · 10 years
zetobichan replied to your post: “i have a request if i may? i dont know if you know how buuut i'd be much obliged if you could extract a sound file of gluskin singing from the game files? or at least ask your followers if anyone could do it? ouo”:
theres actually a couple already in the tag! Scroll back about 20-ish posts in the Eddie Gluskin tag? User milesupshur posted one and someone else did as well c:
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crimsonsairina · 6 years
OC Profile
I was tagged by @aurianavaloria
I’ll tag: @zetobichan, @lilith5th, @elvendara, @guardianofyesod & @bettydice
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Full Name: Alva Charlotte Berg
Gender: Female
Sexuality: Heterosexual/Straight
Pronouns: She/Her
Family: N/A, all dead
Birthplace: Strømmen, Norway
Job: Assistant healer to a Dalish clan and occasional storyteller
Phobias: Monophobia
Guilty Pleasures: Having an extra serving of dinner or an extra slice of cake. Especially pumpkin cake.
Hobbies: Arts and crafts, playing the harp, singing, dancing, studying magic, folklore and the supernatural, cooking and parties (has to be just the right kind of party).
Morality Alignment: True Neutral
Sins: Desire | Despair | Envy | Fear | Hunger | Pride | Rage | Sloth
Virtues: Charity | Chastity | Diligence | Humility | Justice | Kindness | Patience
Introvert/Extrovert: Mild extrovert
Organised/Disorganised: Organised, but messy
Close-minded/Open-minded: Open-minded
Calm/Anxious: Calm
Disagreeable/Agreeable: Agreeable
Cautious/Reckless: Mildly cautious
Patient/Impatient: Impatient
Outspoken/Reserved: Mildly outspoken
Leader/Follower: Leader
Empathetic/Unempathetic: Empathetic
Optimistic/Pessimistic: Optimistic
Traditional/Modern: Both
Hard-working/Lazy: Hard-working
OTP: Alva/Zevran
Acceptable Ships: Alva/Aenor
OT3: Zevran/Alva/Aenor
BrOTP: Alva and Dorian, ogling hot guys and drinking together. There’s more, but that includes OCs that I have yet to introduce in the story, so they’ll have to wait.
NOTP: Alva with any female character or male gay character. She’s simply not attracted to them. Also, no non-elves as she’s only attracted to elves.
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