#zeru wyvernwind
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eternalmomentss · 2 days ago
There is something so heartbreaking about the difference in Dorian's behavior toward his mother and father, especially when it comes to the topic of guilt and shame.
With his father, Dorian remains defensive the entire time. He only lets his guard down briefly when his father hugs him and he cannot help but fall into a brief state of vulnerability, allow himself to shed a tear, feeling like a small boy once more. But the moment he steels himself and his father starts to question and doubt him, Dorian snaps back, immediately feeling the need to defend himself, because he already knows his father will probably blame him somehow.
"It was always him growing up. And he is gone and I'm sorry. But it wasn't my fault, it was his choice."
We know he is lying. We know Dorian does actually believe it's his fault. But he cannot admit that to his father and prove him right; he cannot go back to how it always was before. He cannot let his mistakes define him like they have when he was young. He cannot be broken. Not now.
Then much later, with his mother, Dorian breaks down into pieces immediately. The first thing he does when she sees him and takes him in her arms is voice all his genuine concerns through tears: "Do you hate me?"
Because with her, he can admit it's his fault and his only fear is finding out whether she hates him for it as well. Because he truly doesn't want to disappoint or hurt her. And he wouldn't even take offence. He'd understand it. Because in a way, he hates himself and thinks it would only be right for her to do the same.
He trusts her blindly. He can admit that he made mistakes, that he still hasn't figured out how to be perfect and faultless. But he needs to make sure she still loves and trusts him too, because after all, he is just her baby. He says: "Do you think you can start new, even though you've made terrible mistakes that led to - ?"
Dorian knows his father might have blamed him, because he "never trusted him". Dorian also knows his mother would never blame or hate him, even though he hates himself.
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shrugsinchinese · 7 months ago
What a Nat 20–>30 perception check gets you,,,
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Dorian’s dad is hot so I had to draw him
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twinklestarss · 7 months ago
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“Brontë, this is a monumental undertaking, a risk beyond words. There is no shame in returning home to us, leaving this to those capable-- No, no! -- and willing. The Silken Squall could use a returning son. Our heir to the Squall's golden seat. No. I will not abandon this task. I love you, I love our home. But I can do this. I can do this.”-Zeru/Dorian
Campaign 3 Episode 105: Collecting Legends
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exutrio · 4 days ago
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c3 x 105 / c3 x 120
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tiredqueermushroom · 1 month ago
There's something to be said about the stoicism that Dorian displayed when first meeting his father and how that gives was to his grief, which was brief and fleeting.
The absolute breakdown we see when he meets his mother. Walls came down and stayed down; allowing him to truly feel his grief, to wash in it rather than just watch it pass.
Even down to Robbie's vocal performance for both scenes. The much deeper, level, distant even harsher tone he took with his father. Sheading his dorian skin and wearing that of Brontë Secondsun Wyvernwind.
In contacts to the much higher, softer, quieter, and tearful tone he takes on with his mother. He's neither dorian nor Brontë in this scene, but rather Bron, the boy who found comfort and being in his mother's lap. Where the world was small and less frightening and everything and everyone was safe.
Even how the news of their son's death is broken to them highlights the difference in their relationships with dorian. With Zeru, there was almost this defensive stance that he almost anticipated his father to blame him, especially when he says, "It was always him growing up and he is gone and I am sorry. And it was not my fault. It was his choice."
This is in stark contrast to Dorian confronting his mother, robbie even says, "He [Dorian] doesn't want to hurt her. He can't even bring himself to say it." Highlighting his need to both protect his mother but also himself, he's not ready to admit that he does blame himself because saying it makes it real and we know he blames himself.
Not to mention each of their final scenes with their sun. A firm handshake as a means of parting, a man recognising his sun for the man he is and not the boy he once was. This idea of two men meeting each other as equal is subverted, with Dorian sobbing himself to sleep in his mother's lap, no longer the young man she recognised when he left but returning to her is her baby, her Bron.
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biorust-art · 5 months ago
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pov ur Orym being confessed to
(bonus Dorian in white doot and papa wyvernwind cus they've been in my folders for a whiiiiilee)
[Image Description: A digital drawing of Dorian Storm from Critical Role. He is looking down to the left with is blushing while he confesses to Orym (not in frame) 'it was always you.' Dorian is in an amber colored robe provided by the tower and his hair is down. It flows straight down over and behind his shoulders and is very silky. He also wears golden earrings. the background is the same amber golden color as the rob and earrings and there's little star bursts across the back. Dorian is haloed in light while he shyly talks to Orym.
The second image is a sketch of Dorian sitting on a thrown in a white sleeveless turtleneck and flowing sheer fabric around him. he also wears a lot of gold jewelry while looking at the viewer with an intense expression. The last image is of Zeru Wyvernwind. it is bust up and he looks a lot like Dorian, just with wrinkles gray hair and a beard. he wears grekoroman inspired clothes that are white yellow and gold. He also calls out for his son, 'Bronte' End ID]
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annemarieyeretzian · 7 months ago
orym following dorian’s father “because of how integral the relationships between fathers and sons are to orym and his history and how much he loves dorian,” (bonus: live robbie daymond reaction 👀)
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undead-knick-knack · 7 months ago
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Dorian might wanna lock up his father 😏
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mareastrorum · 7 months ago
Do you think Dorian’s dad noticed that Dorian and Orym were wearing matching sending stones?
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ittybittyremy · 7 months ago
Alma’s “But he’s a very good boy and he’s made his mother very proud and many of us very proud… Just don’t be a hero if you don’t need to be. I want to see you come back home safe”
Zeru’s “If you must make this journey, remain ever vigilant. Step no further than safety would allow. Heroism is a game for those without standing legacy. Lean on those you can trust.”
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cassafrasscr · 7 months ago
So... Are we all gonna just gloss over the fact that Dorian didn't tell his dad that he was with Cyrus when he died?
We just gonna ignore that?
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eternalmomentss · 1 day ago
To touch on the topic of a Dorian novel/comic, honestly lately I've been thinking that the entire Wyvernwind family or Silken Squall itself could use an extended lore/story book.
We know bits and pieces of the history and culture of the Squall and Dorian's family that sound incredibly intriguing. To name a few I could see them exploring more:
That time Dorian's people "fell". Dorian mentioned that very, very briefly in EXU but it really makes me wonder what he meant. Especially connected to the Wyvernwind's cloistered and careful nature and a certain level of distrust concerning the outside world.
In general, the whole story of why and when the Squall was founded. We know it was to unite scattered Air Genasi and offer guidance, but I want the whole history lesson.
The nature of the Squall's "authoritarian" system. I am talking customs, titles (Cyrus and Dorian being firstsun, secondsun etc., what are their parent's titles?), traditions, events, celebrations...
The Wyvernwind's (Nephele and Zeru) own excursions and how it affected their view on the world and the way they raised their future sons. As it seems, their travels ended badly and they didn't have a good experience with it, so they kept Cyrus and Dorian from leaving as best they could for as long as they could.
Nephele and Zeru's relationship and individual character. How did they meet? What is their dynamic? How do they rule together?
Cyrus' and Dorian's childhood, their connection to their parents and tutors, upbringing and life in the Squall. Their strict rules, education, the zone of truths, the focus on Cyrus and the two sons growing apart...and much more concerning their family dynamic and Dorian slowly growing impatient and lonely, desperate to express himself and find his own identity. It seems like especially Zeru was much harder on Dorian than Cyrus.
Additionaly, their allies and ties to Zephrah and the Air Ashari in particular.
The Squall's general connection to and caution toward "outsiders" and what exactly that means. Dorian said that most people are not allowed to enter, only under strict guard or with an invitation of the family. Cyrus is (was) seemingly not allowed to marry outside the community, and that one time it seemed like an intruder was killed "immediately" on the spot during a court dance event. What is up with that?
Dorian's future. Is he going to go back? Is there a way to somehow reform the Squall the way Dorian always dreamed of (he once told Cyrus in Kymal that he would like to open up the world to their people)? Is his relationship with Orym a problem? What about heirs and the succession line? Could they eventually rule together?
What I am saying is: the Silken Squall and the Wyvernwind family who founded it, WHAT THE FUCK IS UP WITH THAT?
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olessan · 7 months ago
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gobliiine · 1 month ago
What is Zeru’s title? What is Mom Wyvernwind’s title? What would Dorian’s title be if he were to inherit?
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thatnamelessonion · 30 days ago
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Click for better rez.
Sketch dump
Chopped off dorian and orym’s hair, hair holds memories, so let it be a sign of a new beginning and moving on.
Mama wyvernwind
Wished they met, wanted more of the silken squall.
BONUS, baby lolth, opal, and braius x dariax
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tiredqueermushroom · 7 months ago
Dorian Storm, who but a night ago resigned himself to setting aside his grief for the greater good. Reverting back to a child in embrace of his father and allow himself to grief, to cry, to pour out all that he held inside if only for a moment.
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