#zeroverse ruby
romeoburg-archived · 4 years
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colored version of all the next gen kids. since idk how easy its gonna be to read the text, ill put it all under a cut from oldest to youngest. also i totally didnt steal the illager kid idea from @freds-keep​ and use it for myself ;p lso the kid in the extra picture (comet) belongs to nick but im just stealing them cuz whats a little consistency between next gens
Royal Starr
Harper/Soren/Ivor (ADOPTED)
17 cycles
Comet Mauve
15 cycles
Lloyd + Maria Fortier
Jack/Nurm (ADOPTED)
15 cycles
he (Lloyd) / she (Maria)
Mira Ferro
13 cycles
Ruby Potenza
12 cycles
she / they
Aurora + Jasmine Ferro
5 cycles
Blake Douglas
3 cycles
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romeoburg-archived · 4 years
How it was for Aiden and Wulfric to have Blake??Was it hard to raise him???
compared to the rest of the couples / relationships in zeroverse with spawn, aiden and wulfric were pretty far behind. when i usually draw my nextgen stuff, blake is three cycles (years) old. the next youngest are aurora and jasmine (stella and petras twins) however if u count FIRST BORNS (since stella and petras first kid is mira), the next youngest is ruby (jesse and romeos spawn). the reason is took them so long was because spawn-making is REALLY easy. not like real-life-human-baby-making easy, but more like... my little pony gen 1 easy. if both+all parties agree then they go to a specific shrine and a spawn just. appears. i really need to flesh out that concept more but its basically how ppl spawn into new worlds in vanilla minecraft?? they just kind of appear/??
anyways thats the reason it took so long. aiden wanted a kid, wulfric wasnt ready. so the two just never went to the shrine until way later when wulfric was finally ready for the responsibility. and this is all partly due to his own fears since his parents didnt rly raise him well and he wasnt sure he’d be able to teach his kid the stuff he needed to survive.
and yes. it was difficult. blake basically 100% inherited wulfric’s parkour skills and climbing abilities. that kid could get himself wedged anywhere and then it’d be up to wulfric to fish him out. on the flip side, he basically got 100% of aiden’s personality and stubbornness. you bet trying to give that kid a bath was like trying to herd cats. and it didnt rly help that despite aiden mellowing out after s2, he still had a bit of a mean streak and it definitely rubbed off onto his impressionable son.
wulf and aiden love blake to death but man is it a big commitment.
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