#mcsm zeroverse
romeoburg-archived · 4 years
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romeoburg-archived · 4 years
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i physically cannot stop drawing these three
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romeoburg-archived · 4 years
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ok ok do not mind me i am just working thru next gen concepts
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romeoburg-archived · 4 years
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i am cringe and fail all i do is draw my own ocs
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romeoburg-archived · 4 years
Can we get some headcanons for Aiden raising his son?? Is he a softie for his kid or a grumpy dad??
he lets. so much shit slide. that kid could kill a man and aiden would just be like “haha yeah thats my boy :)”
but in all serious, he rly does let blake get away with a lot and honestly wulfric’s the stricter dad of the two. blake wants an extra cookie? dont let your dad (wulfric) know.
aiden likes to take blake out into town a lot which isnt an issue since yknow. its just beacontown. its when aiden wants to take blake to work w him in moon pond that its like ‘hold on a minute u do have someone to actually watch him there right’.
also this man brags abt his kid like no fucking tomorrow.
all in all despite everything abt him and also being a bad influence personality wise he’s a very good dad and cares a lot abt his son
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romeoburg-archived · 4 years
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colored version of all the next gen kids. since idk how easy its gonna be to read the text, ill put it all under a cut from oldest to youngest. also i totally didnt steal the illager kid idea from @freds-keep​ and use it for myself ;p lso the kid in the extra picture (comet) belongs to nick but im just stealing them cuz whats a little consistency between next gens
Royal Starr
Harper/Soren/Ivor (ADOPTED)
17 cycles
Comet Mauve
15 cycles
Lloyd + Maria Fortier
Jack/Nurm (ADOPTED)
15 cycles
he (Lloyd) / she (Maria)
Mira Ferro
13 cycles
Ruby Potenza
12 cycles
she / they
Aurora + Jasmine Ferro
5 cycles
Blake Douglas
3 cycles
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romeoburg-archived · 4 years
uhh what can u tell us abt blake ? i think hez a funny little lad
if u thought wulfric was a ferret boy do i have news for u. when i say blake inherited wulfric’s parkour/climbing abilities i mean it. once wulfric was in the basement looking for something in storage and next thing he knew blake had managed to scramble UP the wall of chests and between a couple of them all the way to the back of the wall. he had to climb in there to grab him and sure wulf is a twink but its still not the roomiest fit
also he is. so stubborn. if blake doesnt want to do something he WILL dig in his heels and whine and pout and fuss until he either gets tired and gives up or whoevers trying to get him to do the thing gives up. he’s like most children and gets whiny and protest-y when its bedtime but man he kind of takes it to the extreme sometimes
surprisingly tho hes very gentle with animals. thankfully sam  is already very old and old dogs tend to be able to put up with a lot but the moment blake was brought home sam hobbled his way from the bedroom to the living room and wouldnt leave his side. most of the parrots tend to get along well with him too with the exception of josh but josh really only likes wulfric and nobody else.
i will say tho when it comes time fr someone to babysit, all the older kids kind of have a rock-paper-shears game to decide whos gonna have to do it that time and depending on the au/timeline it usually ends u being either royal or comet ( @freds-keep )
the kid is very impressionable tho like pls do not swear around this kid bc he’ll pick it up and he knows EXACTLY when u dont want him to do something bc then he’ll do it near constantly. he already swears enough as it is bc aiden has no filter.
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romeoburg-archived · 4 years
How it was for Aiden and Wulfric to have Blake??Was it hard to raise him???
compared to the rest of the couples / relationships in zeroverse with spawn, aiden and wulfric were pretty far behind. when i usually draw my nextgen stuff, blake is three cycles (years) old. the next youngest are aurora and jasmine (stella and petras twins) however if u count FIRST BORNS (since stella and petras first kid is mira), the next youngest is ruby (jesse and romeos spawn). the reason is took them so long was because spawn-making is REALLY easy. not like real-life-human-baby-making easy, but more like... my little pony gen 1 easy. if both+all parties agree then they go to a specific shrine and a spawn just. appears. i really need to flesh out that concept more but its basically how ppl spawn into new worlds in vanilla minecraft?? they just kind of appear/??
anyways thats the reason it took so long. aiden wanted a kid, wulfric wasnt ready. so the two just never went to the shrine until way later when wulfric was finally ready for the responsibility. and this is all partly due to his own fears since his parents didnt rly raise him well and he wasnt sure he’d be able to teach his kid the stuff he needed to survive.
and yes. it was difficult. blake basically 100% inherited wulfric’s parkour skills and climbing abilities. that kid could get himself wedged anywhere and then it’d be up to wulfric to fish him out. on the flip side, he basically got 100% of aiden’s personality and stubbornness. you bet trying to give that kid a bath was like trying to herd cats. and it didnt rly help that despite aiden mellowing out after s2, he still had a bit of a mean streak and it definitely rubbed off onto his impressionable son.
wulf and aiden love blake to death but man is it a big commitment.
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romeoburg-archived · 4 years
i told u i was writing a ventfic bc im yucky
emetophobia warning but like thats it really
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romeoburg-archived · 4 years
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a while ago i got an ask asking about the zeroverse timeline and for the life of me i couldnt figure out how to do it until i saw @finchrivers making timelines with the graphic site and realized that thats. actually a smart idea
its probably a bit difficult to read, i apologize. blame tumblrs awful image structure. it starts with the admins becoming admins and ends with the last major thing i had so far which is blake being spawned. i probably missed some stuff but this is all the most important bits i could remember at the moment
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romeoburg-archived · 4 years
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another thing that might be difficult so i apologize :( this is the family tree setup for the main ppl. dotted line means a relationship, a dotted red line means that theyre broken up, and a double line means for a kid means adopted
lloyd and maria and missing their double line and comet doesnt exist on this tree but thats only bc we made comet AFTER i made this and i never went back and fixed it.
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romeoburg-archived · 4 years
(stay safe peepaw :[ ) what uhhhh what can u tell us about wulfs relationships with other characters ? or his relationships with his son and aiden and whatnot ?
ive kiiiinda answered this before here but i didnt rly answer it before fr him n his son
he loves his son so much like... yeah at first he was still kinda unsure and worried hed Fuck Things Up but he definitely feels a lot more comfortable w things and that he’s doing a better job than his own parents did. and honestly hes glad it doesnt seem like blake inherited his claustrophobia or fear of the dark so aiden teaching him how to fight and cave won’t be an issue. he just wants whats best fr blake and while he himself cant help him with those couple things as much as aiden’ll be able to, at least he can teach him how to farm, cook, craft, parkour, etc. etc. he’s proud of his kid and would do anything fr him
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romeoburg-archived · 4 years
idk if you got my first ask but either way i want to send a second one . talk about wulfs funny son or say more stuff about wulf . go crazy peepaw
okay so just fr ppl who dont know, after season 2 he has a son with aiden named blake! hes a big handful and is basically just a little baby ferret with a little bratty personality but wulf loves his son so much... when i draw him he's usually 3 cycles (years) old but ill develop him as an older kid/adult someday
and as for wulf, before living in the jungle he lived in a desert city called cactus oasis! it was a really big city with tall buildings and lots of flat roofs so it was perfect for wulfric to hone his parkour skills. also he totally still owns the 'eat sleep parkour repeat' shirt i draw younger him in sometimes.
which fr ref his ages are: 0-17 (pre-s1) -> 17-18 (s1) -> 18-19 (s1 dlcs) -> 24-26 (s2)
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romeoburg-archived · 4 years
wulf: idk if i wanna spawn in like. a kid. that sounds like a lot of work and idk if im ready for that
wulfric, the moment he gets to hold blake: :O A BABY AND ITS MINE I DID THAT
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romeoburg-archived · 4 years
🌱🌳🌼 for wulfric please? ^^
🌱 What are some of your OC’s dreams? Goals?
wulfric wants to get stronger. he definitely takes it a bit too far in an au *coughs* but in the normal mcsm timeline/zeroverse he puts more care into... carefully training himself and NOT snapping because someone called him weak a couple times.
he also wants to stop being so jealous of ppl around him bc thats. an issue sometimes.
🌳 What are some things your OC is proud of?
his treehouse! hes not the BEST builder but he’s really proud of his house. besides that, definitely his parkour skill. he can beat anybody in a race, especially if it involves parkour at all
🌼 Has your OC lost anyone close to them? How did / would they respond if so?
he’s not lost anyone in a ‘becoming inventory’ sense, but after s1e4 he kind of. drifted apart from all the other ocelots. aiden, gill and maya seemed to have had it coming esp when they tried to push him into joining the blaze rods, but he’s still upset about it. moreso with lukas. he was closest with him and they seemed to rarely talk until s1e5 when wulfric became part of the new ocelots again.
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