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zerokrox-blog · 1 month ago
Hi, how are you? I've recently started writing a fanfic about the world of VK. How would you imagine Zero interacting with other hunters of the same age? I'm basing it only on the main series. I've always missed more young hunters. It even seems that the hunters of the time didn't feel like continuing their bloodlines.
Ahhhhhh well ok so this is ENTIRELY my own opinion, so you don't have to accept it or agree.
That said: I feel like he doesn't really interact with them at all. While he may go on missions with them and save them if needed, he doesn't really like or care for them aside from his friend, Kaito Takamiya. That being said he listens to them and will help (his personality is caring but gruff. He doesn't let people too close) but they don't know much about him or are close to him, despite them feeling close to him. I hope that makes sense.
Also I'm excited to read the VK fic!!!! Lmk when it's posted so I can read (if you're comfortable with that!)
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zerokrox-blog · 2 years ago
Sick Steve
Steve was feeling sick but he knew better than to ask for help. He’d never gotten it as a child. His parents would typically ignore him or when he'd call out to his parents they’d call over a nanny to “coddle” him because they were too busy to help. And well at the age of nineteen, he knew better. Steve knew he’d have to pull through alone regardless of how bad he was feeling. So on Tuesday morning when he had the opening shift at Family video, he just had a glass of water, his stomach aching badly, and went to work for ten in the morning. 
By ten thirty the pain became sharp and stabbing but Steve kept it going, he filled away some of the stuff that had been returned during the after hours return. He rewound several tapes and helped a few older customers who came in, but he could tell he was moving slowly. 
Thankfully at around eleven forty-five the store was quiet for at least a while, so he sat down and worked on some simple filing stuff, adding in payments made on different accounts, and settled in holding his stomach as the pain became sharper and he felt sweaty and he started panting, forcing air out of his pursed lips. He went into the bathroom to throw-up, feeling nausea swirl through him, he drank water and did his best to stay calm. 
About an hour before Robin would arrive for her shift, Steve found that walking around was getting worse. He struggled with standing to help a customer get something. He found it was hard but he only had a bit longer. He was beyond overheated and sweating. 
A young man about the same age as him came into the store looking for a movie, Steve’s vision was blurring, black spots dancing in his eyes. 
“Hey do you have-” a voice from really far away started to ask but Steve couldn’t hear anything, the voice fading in and out. His body had broken out his goosebumps, sweat dripped down his face. He felt like his stomach and head were on fire. 
 “Hey man, you good?” the man, named Darren, asked. Darren heard the door chime as Tommy Hagan entered the store, a sneer on his face.  
“Aww, Harrington, how is the dethroned king doing?” Tommy sounded smug. “Are you enjoying the low-class-” 
Steve started to speak, but he could only let out a sharp pained sound before he fainted.  
Darren turned sharply, before he could say anything there was a loud thud, Tommy and Darren turned back towards the desk, Steve wasn’t there anymore. Tommy, who had been watching Steve, had already started to run. He pushed Darren out of the way and leaped over the table.
“Harrington? Harrington?? Fuck!” he swore loudly, “Steve? C’mon man this isn’t funny!” Tommy sounded shaky as he frantically tried to rouse Steve. But Steve was unresponsive. Tommy put his hand on Steve's forehead and yelped in shock, yanking his hand back. Steve’s forehead was burning hot. 
He looked up at Darren, who was worriedly leaning over the desk.
“Man, maybe we should call for an ambulance.” Darren’s voice was serious. “I’ll stay here with you.” Tommy nodded and yanked the phone off the cradle and dialed the emergency line, pleading for an ambulance to please come to Family Video.
Robin arrived at work to the sound of a siren going off loudly in the parking lot, a panicked Tommy Hagan talking to a paramedic. And another paramedic and another man wheeling out a stretcher with a familiar person on the stretcher. “STEVE!” Robin screamed. She was running forward before Tommy caught her before she could stop the stretcher from getting into the ambulance. Steve’s face was pale and sweaty, he was breathing through a mask, his eyes were closed and wasn’t moving which was causing Robin and Tommy so much distress, neither of whom had ever seen him so still.
“We are taking him to Hawkins Memorial. They will be able to help him, if you want to meet us there.” Darren, Tommy and Robin nodded. Darren went home, while Robin called Keith and closed the shop, not allowing him to make her stay. 
Tommy drove Robin to the hospital. They both arrived not long after the ambulance to the hospital, racing to the nurses station asking about Steve. 
“Harrinton! Steve Harrington just arrived here in an ambulance.” Tommy gasped out, trying to explain. The nurse, Margaret, nodded. 
“Ok dear. Do you know him?” Tommy nodded, shakily. Margaret handed him a huge stack of papers after explaining to him that Steve was being prepped for surgery and would be ok.
“Why is he being prepped for surgery?” Robin asked. 
“He has a ruptured appendix. He needs it removed as soon as possible, especially due to the length of time between the symptoms started and when his appendix ruptured. We will need some paperwork completed while he is in surgery.” 
Tommy and Robin took the paperwork and two pens and sat down to file the paperwork after getting assurance that the nurse would let them know if anything happened and give them any updates. 
They finished the paperwork fairly soon and gave it to the nurse. The two of them paced anxiously as one hour turned into two and two turned into three before the surgeon came into the room asking for the family of Steve Harrrington at the nurses station. 
Margaret pointed to Tommy and Robin who were pacing. Dr. Markus walked over to them and introduced himself, shaking their hands. 
“Is he…..ok?” Robin’s voice shook as she asked the question. 
Dr Markus led them out of the room and into a small side room to talk. “He will be but there were some complications. He has peritonitis and abscesses in his stomach because of the ruptured appendix. His body was already slowly shutting down due to the toxins in his body.” Robin began to cry softly and Tommy’s face was white. “He is recovering but it will be slow going. He is in the Intensive Care Unit for now so he could have around the clock care.” Dr Markus motioned them to follow him once they had calmed and were ready to see Steve. 
He led them up to the third floor on the right wing into the intensive care unit. They were led to the second room away from the nurses station where Steve lay asleep with heavy machinery around him, beeping and hissing. A breathing mask supplying him with oxygen covered his nose and mouth. He was pale, unmoving and mostly quiet. Tommy let out a small sound at the sight of him. Robin bit back a sob and rushed into the room and took his hand, squeezing it tightly. 
Once the room cleared of medical staff Tommy and Robin sat on either side of his bed, each holding one of his hands, Tommy quietly whispered apologies into their joined hands. 
“Please wake up Steve. I’m sorry. Please wake up.” his voice was shaky and hurting. Robin looked at him feeling unsure and also a bit angry. But she held back anything she wanted to ask. For now at least Steve was ill and needed all the help he could get.
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zerokrox-blog · 2 years ago
Steve has a handshake with each kid. Even Mike Wheeler has a specific handshake, they all are elaborate but each one ends with a specific move to each kid, Dustin with the lightsaber move, Lucas's ends with a fake basketball shot, Max's ends with them both pretending to leap on to a skateboard, El pretends to drop an eggo with Steve falling to 'catch it', Will throws a flourishing signature into the air with Steve pretending to catch it with his hands held out like paper, and Mike to everyone's surprise ends with he and Steve pretending to be shot in the chest. It's DRAMATIC™️. Both boys lay on the floor for one full minute before getting up and pretending it didn't happen.
The first few times it happened in front of the party Nancy rolled her eyes so hard until they pretended to be shot, each of them 'shooting' the other. Holly thought it was HILARIOUS and copied them.
The Hellfire club however was in shock when King Steve came in to pick up the younger kids and Dustin immediately went over, hugged him and started their handshake, Will came over next for his hug and handshake, then Lucas. All of them talking over each other and excitedly told Steve about the day's newest adventure in their campaign. Mike looked awkwardly at the older boys, at Eddie's dumbfounded expression, Gareth, Jeff and Grant looked surprised, Rachel, Clair and Alex and Corey looked strangely at the group of freshmen babbling away to Steve Fucking Harrington. And Mike popped out of his seat as Steve looked up at him, and Mike saw the soft smile on his face kinda drop a bit at the look on his own face. He felt embarrassed to be honest but he also wanted his handshake, he'd never tell a soul but it was nice having something that was solely his and Steve's. So he went over and held out his hand. Steve looked directly at him, his eyes held the question he would never ask out loud, 'is this ok? Are you comfortable doing this?' But Mike kept his hand out and Steve's face lit up.
Grinning, the two of them did their elaborate handshake ending with them 'shooting' each other. Steve very super dramatically grabbed his chest and slowly sank to the floor and flopped down 'dead'. Mike laughed out loud before dropping down beside him.
A full minute passed until both of them stood up and without even making eye contact, Steve's voice was remarkably calm when he asked, "so Mike, did you kill anyone this session?"
Mike shook his head and rambled a bit about their session as they gathered their stuff. All of them heading out with a wave and a bright "bye guys! See you all tomorrow!"
The drama room door slammed shut behind them and it was oddly silent until Eddie turned to Gareth, "did you all see that, or did I just hallucinate Steve Harrington doing elaborate nerdy handshakes with my sheepies?"
The room exploded into laughter, "nah man that actually happened!" Jeff said snorting with laughter.
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zerokrox-blog · 2 years ago
Steve Harrington Teacher/Guidance counselor HC
The kids all like him. As a teacher he is very good at engaging his classes. He is the boys basketball coach & the PE teacher. He will do the workouts with his students instead of standing at the sidelines, screaming at them.
He keeps a box in his class/room with pads & tampons and other items. He also has a box full of snacks & chocolate.
He is one of those faculty members that students go to if they have any issues because they know he will listen, & they know he is safe.
Guidance counselor Steve is known to be someone who will go to bat for you. If you are struggling he will work tirelessly to help out in any way he can.
Teacher Steve wears pronoun pins, & a bisexual flag pin on his book bag strap.
He struggled a lot in school so he knows how frustrating school can be. He keeps fidget toys in his office/classroom for students if they need it.
He has unique handshakes with each of his students.
He found out that a trans student of his wasn't allowed to wear a dress to her prom. So in solidarity he wore a dress & picked up the student from her house. She saw him in his dress and changed out of her suit which she had been forced to wear by the admin. Steve helped her with her hair & makeup. And they both had a blast at the prom. (She has a picture of the two of them in their dresses & its her favorite photo)
He started the GSA/LGBTQIA clubs in the school.
He was the teacher that ended up teaching sex ed classes. The other teachers were surprised by how calmly he explained it. He did also include LGBTQIA sex ed. And allowed his students to ask their questions without judgment.
He tutors some students if they need help.
Steve is the teacher that at the end of every year has the most letters & thank you notes.
He keeps up with his older students. And celebrates their wins & comforts their losses.
He does not have favorite students.
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zerokrox-blog · 2 years ago
You know what I want? Platonic/best friends Steve and Nancy, who tease each other playfully, who get along really well. Steve going to the Wheeler's for holidays and stuff because according to six yr old Holly Wheeler, 'Steve is my biggest brother Nan! He's gotta come to the meal!' Nancy and Mike watching their youngest sibling crawl all over Steve because she has to show him EVERYTHING, and its gotta be RIGHT NOW!
Nancy being the first person Steve comes out as bisexual because he feels safe enough to do it. Nancy being the first to realize that Steve is in love with Eddie because he makes the same faces at him as he did to her when they were dating.
Nancy coming out as bisexual to Steve first, because she feels like she can. And Steve supporting her and reminding her that he is always going to support her.
Steve realizing that Nancy is in love with Robin and helping them get together.
Just platonic Stancy supporting each other in healthy ways.
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zerokrox-blog · 2 years ago
Been having thoughts™️about captain of the basketball team Steve and being a good role model and I will probably turn this into a fic but anyway here are my hcs:
Steve becomes captain in 10th grade. He takes his role seriously & he is good at it
His teammates (the older ones as well) really like him as captain. He helps them all equally.
Captain Steve during training is really good corralling the boys and actually have them train. He is good at breaking down plays and explaining. Their coach adores him
He has 4 main rules that the team follows bc he truly is their captain and he himself exemplifies these rules. Rule 1: respect the court ei the people on the court, (the cleaners,the refs, the coaches, the other team and your own teammates, they all have a job & yours is to treat them with respect and kindness Rule 2: safety is important know your limits play within them but also don't be afraid to push yourself just a bit, Rule 3:have fun its a game (his captaincy is the only one to have known actual true rivalry bc the other teams don't know what to make of this jock captain being genuine about his praise who is sooo good at honing his teammates into extensions of each other. They have implicit trust in each other and themselves which makes them a force to be reckoned with) Rule 4: sportsmanship is important. Don't shit-talk the other team, don't shit-talk your teammates. Show respect in their abilities. Take them seriously (don't play if you won't put in your full effort)
He also started a trend of before games (in their gym) he has the kids come to the court they play music over the loud speakers and the kids have a dance off with him. (Its the most hilarious part of the games, jock Steve having a dance off with the kids in the crowd before games, post game Steve dramatically playing basketball with the kids and pretending to fall/ get hurt everytime they 'steal' the ball away from him) he started this bc he noticed during games the kids would be bored+having an excess energy making them loud and screamy. Playing music and dancing with them before games helped. And post game when the adrenaline was still pumping through him gave a bit more time to clean and play a quick game to help the kids lose their energy as well.
Regardless of if they win or lose the game Steve not once ever talks shit about the other team or even of players on his team. Post-game he always shakes the other team's members hands and thanks them for a game well played. He takes the time to talk about the cool plays they did and the other team's captain finds it hard to get upset if they lose bc Steve is so genuinely pleased to have played and excited to have seen some their plays.
Post game Steve waits til everyone has left and he helps clean up. He also has lists he shares with his teammates of things they good and things can work on to perfect.
When Billy Hargrove tries to take over as captain it doesn't really work (i don't care about canon shit) bc Steve is good as captain and his teammates trust him to lead them regardless of his social status.
He always carries extra snacks and sports drinks on him to help boost energy. (Most of them he baked himself so he knows they're good.)
When Lucas Sinclair, Billy Hargrove, John Peterson, Alec Ferguson and Alex Micheals become NBA players they all talk about the captain that made them the players they are Steve Harrington.
Steve becomes a famous sports medicine dr and goes to the games of his old teammates cheering for them loudly in the crowd.
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zerokrox-blog · 2 years ago
Rebloging bc I love my hcs and they are so sweet
My Headcanons for Steddie (Steve Harrington & Eddie Munson)
Steve is not afraid of bugs, he is the type to take them out of his house/let them free. Eddie HATES bugs but also hates killing them
Steve & Eddie can both cook & bake so they take turns. Cleaning is a job they do together.
Steve's parents neglected him and because of that he is very touch starved. He is very tactile with his friends though.
Eddie and Steve get together by complete accident. They flirt all the time & at some point they end up moving in together & starting a life together and have the realization years later that they have basically been a married couple without clarifying their relationship.
Wayne likes Steve. They bond over cars, sports, music and Eddie. Steve will never tell Eddie but the first time Wayne calls Steve 'son' he cried. Also Wayne doesn't give Steve any shovel talk bc when he sees how they are together, the way they communicate, and interact he knows he has nothing to fear.
Steve's love language is acts of service & words of affirmation. He loves making lunches for his kids & meals for their families should it be needed. Eddie thinks its sweet. Eddie's love language is physical touch & quality time. So Steve makes it a point to reach out & touch him as well to spend time together. They also meal prep and cook for the week together. Its Eddie's favorite time of the week. They both really like getting random gifts for each other.
They both like low key dates. And one of their favorites is to make dinner & eat together and while cleaning up they dance in their kitchen. Its very soft.
Eddie wears all of Steve's clothing bc it's larger than him and feels like a hug. Steve loves it. He works out constantly to keep his shape bc he likes seeing his love swimming in his clothing
Steve became a teacher & liked it but he ended up becoming a paramedic after a year & a half of teaching bc he is used to working under pressure and much preferred it to teaching
Steve knows sign language & can speak Italian. Eddie knows French & sign language. They both learn Spanish together bc they felt learning a new language together is important. Now they mostly flirt and even swear lovingly at each other in Spanish.
They are both SUPER competitive. But when playing games with their friends they will team up to destroy them. The kids hate it.
The party called Steve 'dad' one time and he was so pleased. He was almost skipping Eddie nearly cackled at the look on his face. (Eddie's bandmates got a photo and it becomes the one they use on social media for a bit simply bc of how besotted Eddie looks)
Eddie's band Corroded Coffin becomes fairly well known not super famous but also not unknown. They win a grammy and Eddie cries as he thanks his family & mostly his beloved Steve for their support (it's also how he comes out to the public)
After the grammy's a photo circulates of Steve Harrington-Munson in a soft butter-yellow sweater and jeans, shaking hands with James Hatfield (Metallica), Vince Neil, & most importantly he is getting hugged by Ozzy Osborn.
They have 4 cats named Ozzy (orange tabby), Hattie ( blue maine coon), Bush (sphinx) and Pinkie (british shorthair)
Steve and Eddie fought over which last name to go by when they got married. When they chose to hyphenate their last name to be Harrington-Munson and when their friends asked why Steve smiled & said 'all stories should end on a good soft note. And the Munson's have given me my best and sweetest ending.' Wayne & Eddie cried..they both blamed it on allergies
Steve's parents try to come back into his life after Eddie becomes famous. But it doesn't work bc Steve already has his family. He has Eddie & Wayne, the Hopper-Byres, the Henderson's, the Sinclair's & the Wheeler's.
Steve and Eddie both learn how to braid hair for the Sinclair's bc the nearest place is almost an hour and half trip away. And its easier for them to go & learn bc Erica HATES people she doesn't know touching her hair and while her mom can do it, she works full time & it helps to take some of the load off.
Eddie and Steve eventually adopt 3 older kids and 3 middle aged kids who are harder to get adopted. They make sure before they do, to have a good support system in place, have gone to therapy, and learn ways to help. Their kids are diverse in culture but they try their best to help their kids stay connected to them.
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