⭐️ qutee ⭐️
95 posts
multifandom: uglydolls, sherlock gnomes, mlp, lotf, more :)DNI proshippers~ i love the joker ~
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rottenclown13 · 8 hours ago
hii uh lotf doodles
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rottenclown13 · 11 hours ago
if i had a penny for every time one of my fixations included three colourful-haired divas who preach perfection, one of which is obsessed over a guy who very clearly hates her, the other is slightly more emotional and well-rounded and the third who is the sassy leader of the trio i’d have two pennies
(note - these trios also have a fourth counterpart who switched to a different side and is now disliked by the other girls)
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rottenclown13 · 19 hours ago
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it took a very strong person to get through drawing this without sobbing (i'm not a strong person)
anyway uhh have some fanart of simon and piggy because i'm grieving
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rottenclown13 · 3 days ago
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i love you piggy (yes i did this in five minutes leave me alone)
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rottenclown13 · 4 days ago
i animated pinkie pie :)
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rottenclown13 · 6 days ago
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hi. posting this because @blueraspberryslvsh gave me the idea. (thank you, diva)
what should their names be. because i kinda wanna draw them but it's so hard to tell the two brown haired dolls apart, besides the different eye colors.
i'm thinking
left - rowan
middle - lucas
right - jasper
what do we think chat. i kinda like these names
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rottenclown13 · 6 days ago
HI. mine are probably either lou, ox, or the three backup singers in the ugly truth. i love them so much. they're adorable.
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i mean look at them. i feel like i should name them idk
“who’s your favourite uglydolls character?”
idk probably this random girl in the bg of The Ugly Truth who is dancing her ass off
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rottenclown13 · 9 days ago
hellooooooooooo divas. i have a rant about lou because nobody is talking about him. :(
so, he's very dramatic and his main goal is keeping up appearances for the crowd. that's his whole thing. he says multiple times that being pretty is everything, meaning to him, his appearance, both physically and publicly, is the most important.
but by the end of the movie, he's been stripped of both.
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you can see the difference here between when he's putting up an act (left) and when he's actually showing strong emotion (right). for a movie that's admittedly not the best quality, he's a very well written villian.
you can tell that his friendship with ox wasn't fake, despite his betrayal.
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he used to be kind and caring, though still with flaws. the only reason he turned on ox is because he knew that even though they were close, ox would get to leave and lou wouldn't. i think it was a mix of feelings.
jealousy, because lou couldn't go to the big world and ox could. betrayal, because ox would be leaving him. loneliness, which is pretty obvious.
i mean, being lonely is a classic villian backstory. but his is good because it's not just like: "well he wasn't good at making friends :(" it's literally "he couldn't keep friends".
i think a huge reason that lou values his public appearance is because it's all he's got left. it's the only time that people valued him. eventually popularity got to his head, so he's vain.
i've seen some people argue that the reason he makes his lessons so hard is because he'll miss the dolls. but honestly, i think he's just jealous that they get to go to the big world. which though cruel, is kind of justified.
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i mean, look at this shot. it's probably my favorite in the whole movie. he's living his worst fear in this moment. he's lost his popularity, he's lost the game. and the uglydolls passed. everything he's been shown to care about has been taken, and this shot encapsulates it PERFECTLY.
(and it makes me very sad. i could watch the titanic with a straight face but unfortunately i'd watch this and then bawl for like thirty minutes. i don't wanna talk about it.)
anyway, i'll stop ranting. gooodnighht everyone.
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rottenclown13 · 10 days ago
i hate him too
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I hate him <- lying
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rottenclown13 · 11 days ago
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uglydolls wip, should i finish it? idk. this is just a sketch, the black lines aren't lineart.
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rottenclown13 · 12 days ago
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made this and laughed so hard that i got turned into an orphan 💔💔💔
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rottenclown13 · 12 days ago
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please somebody anybody talk about him with me i beg i cannot find any good media of him and i really really really like ugly dolls
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rottenclown13 · 13 days ago
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ok i have a rant. WHY are they so similar????
similar eyebrows, ears, and mouths.
i mean look.
similar facial expressions. the performance sort of way they both move. both like to sing.
they've both tried to kill their enemies (though lou's reasons are definitely more valid than moriarty's).
both have henchmen kinda.
moriarty's workers (sort of) are reggie and ronnie.
lou's workers are tuesday, lydia and kitty.
they both get soaked at the end of the movie? moriarty falls into the ocean, lou gets thrown in the washing machine.
what is happening.
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rottenclown13 · 13 days ago
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he deserved a happy ending. fight me i dare you (or just rant about him, please)
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rottenclown13 · 13 days ago
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went on google and found this absolute gem. will be using this as a reaction image to everything now
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rottenclown13 · 14 days ago
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i have a weird affection for villains in kids movies that don't get enough screen time. i don't wanna talk about it
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rottenclown13 · 16 days ago
alrighty we're starting a night of no sleep off with stuff i like about sherlock gnomessssss!!!!! *sigh*
we're starting off this post with moriarty. i feel like he has a pretty deep character for how bad the movie is. like.. on one hand, he's evil. he wants to crush all the gnomes, get rid of sherlock, yadda yadda.
on the other hand, he doesn't seem rude to everyone. especially ronnie and reggie- i mean sure he bosses them around, but the trio does act like friends in some scenes. in the screenshare scene, i believe ronnie helps him do it, the three peering down at the screen. he's not cruel to either of the two, which i feel like you could expect him to be cruel if he had "henchmen" given his overall moral code.
so like.. the pie has two sides. i guess. I'M NOT TRYING TO EXCUSE HIS ACTIONS TRUST. but like.. idk. i think that i'd like to see a spinoff of what moriarty, ronnie, and reggie were doing in the time that sherlock and the gang were looking for clues.
and he's clearly not the cruel, dark moody type of evil. that doesn't really need to be clerified, obviously. he's meant to be a kind of giggly-insane type of villian. but like.. IFFFF he had a moral code, where do you think that line would be? he clearly doesn't have much problem smashing gnomes, but then again, he's never shown interacting with ANY of them besides sherlock, watson, and gnomeo. (does he talk to juliet?? i don't think he does but idk.)
another thing. imagine how great it would've been if moriarty crashed the spring festival thing in the garden at the end. just a thought.
haha another night of no sleep coming right up
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