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chaezhuo · 1 year ago
zb1 withmuu group order ✮ ⋆ ˚。𖦹
switzerland (europe) based, open ww
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instagram post linked in title <3
three payments: 1. initials 2. ems 3. doms
hb ❌ jw ❌ zh ❌ mt ✅ tr ✅ rk ❌ gv ✅ gw ✅ yj ✅
price in CHF, payments through paypal f&f and twint only !
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shenmaomaos · 2 months ago
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seokmattchuus · 9 months ago
Breaking Point - Seok Matthew
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"You've known each other for so long, aren't you sick of spending so much time together?" Gyuvin raised a brow as you and Matthew entered his frat house together. "I've never seen either of you on your own. Is it like, Stockholm syndrome or something?" His eyes narrowed as he tried to think it through.
"Do you think I want to keep this one around?" Matthew raised his own brow, his index finger moving to point at you. "I tried to get her to date in high school to get her off my back but none of the relationships lasted a month." He scoffed.
You rolled your eyes at the statement.
"Says the one who didn't even date." You scoffed. "Not that you had a choice, anyways."
"It's not my fault I got hot after graduation." He turned to look at you. He was always sensitive about being a late bloomer.
"Oh, you had a minor glow up and now you think you're hot." You turned to him. "You could be in an Airheads commercial with how big your head's gotten."
Gyuvin stared at the both of you, his eyes switching back and forth as you argued.
"Y/n. Matthew." He started. "If either of you need to get laid, that can be arranged."
"Please." Matthew laughed. "She gets attached too easily to have one-night stands."
You let out a scoff of disbelief at his words.
"As if you could please anyone here." You started. "You were a virgin for so long, I would bet money that you don't even know what the clit is."
"You two just got here, god damn." Gyuvin looked between the both of you in disbelief. "Are you best friends or siblings??"
"As if I'd-" You started but Ricky came up.
"I've never seen anyone walk into a party and stay by the door." He laughed. "You two look like you could use a break from each other." He said before handing you a cup and putting a hand on your lower waist.
A move that didn't go unnoticed by Matthew, his eyes locked on Ricky's hand.
And Matthew's move not going unnoticed by Gyuvin.
"He started it!" You whined as you took the cup, letting Ricky lead you through the building. "He's always talking shit."
"Anything piss him off lately?" Ricky said as he led you to a couch.
You rolled your eyes before bringing the cup to your lips, a mix of strawberry rum and sprite greeting your tastebuds.
"You always make my favorite." You smiled at him.
"I heard you come in. I figured you could use it." He laughed.
"But he's had a stick up his ass all week." You sighed. "You know how Hanbin asked Haneul to set us up? Well Matthew was fine with it at first, but after our third unofficial date, he's been trying to get me to ghost him." You rolled your eyes. "You know he even took my phone on 'accident' the other day? He had it for the whole day after our class!" Your voice was getting louder as you felt yourself getting worked up. "It's childish!"
"Sounds like you could use another drink." Ricky laughed as his eyes shifted towards the door. "But I think he has his reasons."
Your eyes followed his to see Matthew arguing with Hanbin before walking away. You'd be lying if you said you didn't notice the girl next to him but it's not like you were dating. The two of you were still talking. And casually meeting up.
Friends with benefits if you will.
"I don't care if he has reasons." You scoffed. "For someone who used to be a little bitch, he's sure gotten obnoxiously ballsy."
"Matthew? A little bitch?" Ricky smirked in amusement. "I don't see it." He shook his head with a laugh, finally bringing his cup to his lips.
"Dude." You shook your head, your eyes widening. "He used to be scared of bugs." You started. "If he even heard someone talking about a horror movie, he had to leave because it was getting to him." You chuckled.
"Oh! And there was one time where we had a field trip in high school," You paused to take another sip of your drink. "Someone he was rooming with snuck in alcohol and you know what that boy did?" You held back a snort. "He was so scared of getting in trouble that he texted his mom." You emphasized the last three words. "She called the teachers and of course, they got in trouble, but who snitches like that?" You narrowed your eyes at the gall past Matthew had.
"When he told me about still getting in trouble, I told him they at least should have drank it." You scoffed before taking another sip. "Like, you did it to not get in trouble and you still did. Might as well have had fun."
Ricky kept his eyes on you, and you weren't sure if he just didn't believe you or if he was thinking back on Matthew's behavior to see if he ever caught him slipping up.
Either way, the anger from before was fading and you were finally starting to enjoy yourself.
You hadn't seen Matthew since Ricky pointed him out and you were starting to forget you even came with him.
Until Ricky led you to the outside table group that Matthew was a part of.
"We're playing 'truth or drink'." Gyuvin gave a boyish smile. He was clearly a few drinks in. "You can sit here by me and Ricky." He motioned his arm to the chairs next to him. "If it's okay with Matt, of course." He smirked towards him as if saying something.
Matthew rolled his eyes for what you would call the billionth time today.
"It's not like he owns me." You mumbled bitterly as you sat next to Gyuvin, Ricky taking the spot next to you and throwing an arm over your shoulder. "Plus, I used to beat him up in high school." You said as you gave Ricky your cup to refill. "He knows better."
"Oh~~" The crowd around you teased and you looked towards Matthew who was less than amused.
As the game went on, there had been a bunch of answers to questions you never wanted to ask. But of course, the questions got better the more you got into it.
"Y/n!" An adorable blonde whose name you couldn't remember. You swore it was something with 'Chae', or maybe 'Na', but your brain was too fuzzy to remember. "You've been talking about how different Matt used to be." She started with a drunken giggle. "What's something that hasn't changed about him?"
Matthew's head turned towards you to shoot you a glare, but you didn't give him a chance to get to you.
"He's terrified of bugs." You held back a laugh as you thought about a time in fifth grade. "Any kind of bug. Big, small, wings, you name it, he'-"
A hand came up to cover your mouth and you turned to see Matthew himself leaning over the chair that Gyuvin was previously in. You gave him some sort of half-glare, half-pout, your hand coming up to drag his hand away.
It didn't work of course.
"Let her finish!" The girl who asked whined.
"Yeah, don't get on her bad side." Ricky laughed with a smirk. "She might beat you up again."
"It was this huge moth that flew into class, and I freaked out." Matthew said flatly, his hand still firm against your mouth.
You narrowed your eyes at him. He was lying of course, and as the only person around who knew him that well, you couldn't let these people be lied to.
You bit his hand and he pulled away almost immediately.
"No!" You yelled out as soon as his hand was away. "It was a butterfly!" You started laughed at the memory. "A fucking butterfly!!"
The table filled with laughter, but you couldn't bring yourself to stop there. After the week Matthew put you through, you could call things even after this.
"He screamed so loud, and he wouldn't stop until the teacher caught it and opened the window to let it out!" You leaned back onto Ricky's shoulder as you started to shake with laughter. The image of little Matthew screaming and pointing at the butterfly seemed so much funnier after a few drinks.
Everyone else seemed to be in an amused shock at the stark contrast from young Matthew to the person he was today. But Matthew couldn't keep the scowl off his face.
You had gotten yourself so lost in another question that you missed Ricky motioning to Matthew for something.
"Isn't it time to get you home?" Ricky shook the shoulder you were on to get your attention. "Aren't your roommates gonna worry?"
You whined at the thought.
"They left me." You pouted up at him. "They're out camping this weekend." You pushed yourself off his shoulder just to fall all the way to the other side.
Onto Matthew.
"Don't you think you've had enough to drink?" He said, annoyance taking over as he tried to get you to sit up.
"It's not like I was trying to lean on you." You gave him a scowl, or at least the best you could muster. "Gyuvin's supposed to be there, anyways."
"Yeah, you're done." He said, before grabbing your phone and standing up. "Let's get you home."
You looked to Ricky for help.
"I can't help you there, princess." He shrugged. "I don't even know where you live."
You were about to respond when you felt Matthew grab your arm to pull you up. When you lost your balance, he put your arm over his, sighing when you pulled away and stumbled again.
"Just hold on, please." He groaned. "If you fall, you're going to cry and I'm never going to let you live it down."
"I'm not even that drunk." You mumbled. "I can just go home with Ricky."
You knew what the answer to that would be, but you were petty at heart, and you were going to make this the worst possible situation for him.
"You sure your boyfriend would appreciate that?" He raised a brow.
"I don't have a boyfriend." You came back, your head held high.
"That's not what you were saying about H-"
You immediately found your footing as you forced your hand over his mouth.
"I swear on every higher power out there that I will kill you if you finish that sentence." You narrowed your eyes at him.
In true best friend fashion, Matthew responded by biting your hand so you'd pull away.
Payback was big between the both of you.
"My silence can be bought." He smiled bitterly at you before motioning with his arms for you to go before him. "Get to stepping."
You had spent most of the walk back to your place in silence. You didn't want to be the first to talk, and Matthew wasn't over your dramatic retelling of the butterfly story.
You didn't mind it though, after a week full of his yapping, you weren't that interested in getting him started again.
"You do have your key on you, right?" He said as you both approached the door. "Last thing we need is to get locked out."
"Do you have, like, zero faith in me?" You turned to ask him as you slid your hand into the tiny pocket of your shorts, pulling out a single key.
"Do you not own something to put the key on?" Matthew questioned as if you were insane.
"In this outfit?" You asked as if it was the dumbest statement on earth. "It would stick out and look gross." You frowned, trying, and failing, to stick the key in properly.
"You always look gross." He mumbled before taking the key from you and easily sliding it in to unlock the door.
"The rest of the keychain is right there." You mumbled as you walked past him and flopped onto the couch, the alcohol in your system starting to set in.
He rolled his eyes before reattaching the key onto the ring before turning back to you.
"You could just give me your keys next time, y'know?" His hands were gently trying to slide your shoes off without pulling too hard. "I have pockets that aren't two millimeters deep."
"That would require talking to you." You sighed, pulling your leg back to help him get the shoes off. "You haven't been the easiest to do that with."
He'd never minded when you dated people, and of course, he's yet to have anything more than a one-night stand with anyone so you never had the chance to care. But you never minded his sexcapades. You were happy, in fact. He was finally comfortable enough in his own skin to talk to women. How could you hate that? But the back and forth between being supportive of your situationships and then being upset was messing with you.
Hanbin wasn't the first time it had happened, but it was definitely the most committed he'd been in attempting to sabotage.
The first time it happened was about two years ago. You had just started college and someone from class had asked you out to coffee. Matthew insisted on hiding out to make sure he wasn't a creep, and you couldn't believe him. Nor talk him out of it.
When the guy did turn out to be a creep, you didn't hear the end of it.
"I told you so."
"What do you think would have happened if I wasn't there?"
"Can't you just say, 'thank you' and move on?"
That marked the beginning of Matthew's wishy-washy behavior towards your love life.
You'd be thankful if he wasn't such a dick about it.
"Don't tell me you passed out on me." He spoke up after putting your shoes away. You must have been too busy in your thoughts to realize he got the other one off. "I can't let you fall asleep on the couch, you're gonna kill me."
When he saw you were awake, he tilted his head.
"What's on your mind?" He asked. "You're not saying something bitchy."
You tiredly rolled your eyes.
"I'd say you're on my mind but your ego's too big for that."
"There she is." He smiled before reaching a hand out. "Let me get you to bed and you can cuss me out all you want."
"I'd rather fight you." You crossed your arms and rolled over to face the back of the couch so he couldn't help you up. "I'll sleep here. You sleep on the bed."
"You'd lose." He started before trying to roll you back over. "And remember the last time I let you sleep on the couch? You blamed me for the kink in your neck for a week."
You continued fighting him, wanting nothing more than for him to just go to bed in the other room. If you looked at him, you were scared you'd let everything out.
"I'm drunk, you know. The more you shake me, I might throw up on you."
"Nothing you haven't done before."
His response was quick and for some reason, it pissed you off more.
"Do you have an answer for everything?" You turned towards him.
And just your luck.
You turned at the same time that he pulled you.
Leading your face to end right in front of his.
It wasn't your intention, but you couldn't speak. You could only offer a small hiccup.
The silence felt suffocating as you both stared at each other. No words. No sounds.
Just another hiccup.
"I'm no better than Hanbin if I do what I want to right now." He whispered but his voice was mildly strained, as if he was holding himself back.
Maybe it was the alcohol, but the sudden closeness threw you off. You couldn't think, you couldn't speak, and you barely managed to hear what he just said.
"This is your last chance to pick between the bed and the couch." He said, his voice just above a whisper this time. "Because I'll take the bed and lock you out."
You quickly slid out from under him and gave a small 'night' as you rushed to your room and closed the door. You barely made it to the bed before you dragged your hands down your face.
What the fuck was that?
Who the fuck were you?
And what the fuck did he mean by that?
You quickly threw on some sleeping clothes and got into bed. You were slightly dizzy but now that you were laying down, all you had to do was close your eyes and hope what he said was just the alcohol talking.
When your eyes opened your room was still dark. You sighed in relief as that meant it was still night.
Your throat was dry, and you weighed the possibilities of Matthew still being awake and you dying of thirst. You patted around for your phone and cringed when you saw the bright "4:57" flash across your screen.
It was highly possible he was awake.
But you also felt like a dry sponge.
Fuck it.
You slowly opened the door and tried to move as quietly as possible.
"Matthew?" You called out in a whisper, hoping he wouldn't answer. "You awake?"
When there was no answer, you quickened your pace.
As you slowly opened the fridge door, the last words he said to you lingered in your head. You didn't know if you imagined it or not, but there was no harm in venting to deaf ears, right?
"What did you mean by what you said earlier?" You whispered as you grabbed a water bottle and closed the door, sliding down it to sit on the floor. "Why do you give me mixed signals all the time?" Your voice was quieter this time, as if his dream self would hear you.
It was the most cliché thing around and you hated it. 'Best friends to lovers', 'childhood friends to lovers', 'friends who secretly love each other', and of course the 'unrequited love towards your best friend' trope.
The thought alone made you gag. They were the oldest in the book.
You had to be better than that, right?
You couldn't pinpoint exactly when your feelings towards him strayed away from platonic, but what you did know was that he wasn't making it any easier.
"Y/n?" He sleepily called out and you moved to sit behind the counter.
This was your place.
Why were you hiding?
"Just getting some water." You spoke before clearing your throat. "Go back to bed."
You closed your eyes at how stupid the situation was. Could you be anymore cliché?
"It's like, five in the morning?" He sounded closer and you thought about booking it back to your room. "Why are you on the floor?"
You looked up and he was rubbing his eyes. Even in the dark you could see his messy hair and you felt your heart jump.
"Floor time?" You tried.
"Floor time?" He repeated, standing in the same spot as his eyes continued to adjust. "That's evening activities, not early morning."
You tried your best to bring out the feisty so you looked normal to him.
"I was dizzy from drinking, can't I sit on my own floor?"
"Do you just hate me or something?" He said. "Or did you hear what I said last night?" He scoffed. "Is this your way of drawing a line?"
"What are you talking about?" You said as you got up and put some space between you. "I didn't hear anything."
"Liar." He took a step. "You heard me."
You took a step back.
"I think you're still drunk." You tried. "Talk to me when you're sober." You moved to push past him, but he moved in front of you.
"You drank more than me last night and you know it."
"Don't." You started. "It's not my fault you don't know how to have fun." You tried to walk around him and failed again.
"There's no one here to impress with your little tough act so just drop it." He said. "Let's just talk about what I said."
"Tough act?" You stepped back. "I've always had more balls than you and you know it." You crossed your arms. "Mr. Butterfly phobia."
Even in the dark you could see him roll his eyes.
"Do I still look like the kid you met in second grade?" He took a step towards you, and you took one back. "Do you really still see me as that same kid?" He took another step, as did you, the corner of the table stopping you. "Because I don't see you that way." He took a final step before his eyes traveled lower. "Especially in those fucking shorts."
You quickly stared up at him.
"If you're fucking with me, it isn't funny." Your voice shook as you spoke. You moved to walk past him, but he placed his arms on either side of you, caging you in.
"I'm not fucking with you." He said lowly. "And I heard you earlier." He said.
"I didn't say anything." You weren't one to give in so easily, especially when it didn't benefit you. "Hanbin wants to meet for lunch. If I want any chance at looking decent I need more sleep." You were lying out of your ass but you hoped it would work.
You moved to push his arm but it wasn't moving.
"Hanbin?" His voice was an angry kind of low. "Do you even know what he thinks about you?"
He didn't give you a chance to respond before continuing.
"Do you know how much shit Hanbin's been talking about you? And how much I've had to try and save your feelings by getting you to leave him alone?" He pushed himself off the table. "Sugarcoating this whole situation so you wouldn't be left crying over some fuckface who can't keep his dick to himself?"
You were about to respond when he continued.
"She's so easy." He mocked with air-quotes. "A few outings, a couple fucks, a gift here and there. Now she thinks I'm a changed man." He went on, acting out what you assumed to be Hanbin's exact movements.
He wasn't looking at you as he got caught up in his feelings and you were glad. Even in the dark, you were sure he'd be able to make out your expressions. Your own feelings were coming up and if he wasn't in front of you, you'd have run back to your room.
"She's so stupid." He said the word like it hurt to come out. "Can you believe she thinks I'd actually date her? Why give up my roster for her of all people?"
"You can stop now." You grit your teeth, tears threatening to spill. You didn't expect much out of Hanbin, but hearing what he had to say about you hurt more than it should have.
"I know better?" He repeated your statement from before as he ran his tongue along the inside of his lip, his jaw tensing as he leaned back in. "And what do I know exactly, y/n?" He paused. "That I'm always right and that you never want to listen?"
"But you know better?" He changed his tone, still copying your statements from before. "Just what do you know?"
"I know that you're a dick." You started, gathering all the strength in you to push past him. "And that you are just as bad as Hanbin."
You didn't wait to hear a response before you rushed back to your room and locked the door.
You thought falling back asleep would refresh your mind but all you did was toss and turn until the sun finished setting. It didn't help that your head had started to hurt.
You sighed as you pulled your blankets off and sat up, the pain in your head intensifying slightly. You made your way to your restroom, and quickly grabbed the bottle of pain reliever before turning the faucet on to scoop some water with your hand. You quickly popped the pill in and threw your head back. Your first attempt left you gagging, everything but the pill going down. Your second attempt was more successful.
You sighed as you were left with the unpleasant taste. You knew you'd be fucked if you didn't wash it out, but you also knew you'd be fucked if Matthew kept up his attitude from before.
You reluctantly made your way out of the room.
"One would think we live together with how often you're here." You mumbled as he sat at your table eating a bagel. You would have grabbed one, too, if the bag wasn't so close to him. You settled on some juice.
It wasn't out of the norm for him to take care of you the day after you drank, but of all the days, you really wished he'd just go home.
"People already think we're dating." He mumbled back. "It would make sense to them if we lived together." He said before getting up.
"With how much we fight, people think we're siblings." You corrected, more to yourself. "No couple acts like we do."
"Well, most couples already know the other person likes them." He said flatly.
"What's that supposed t-"
"You know exactly what I mean." He cut you off. "How many times are we going to go back and forth like this?" He sighed as he looked towards you. "You know I like you."
The silence settled and you knew you should have been jumping at the chance to say something but part of this just felt like some sick joke.
"You even asked about mixed signals that I tried to clear up and you ran away." He continued his rant. "If you don't want me just fucking say that."
The silence took over again and you wanted to kick yourself. You wanted to tell him his shitty way of clearing things wasn't the move he thought it was. You wanted to tell him that him pretty much calling you an idiot wasn't going to get him anywhere. But the words just weren't coming out.
Why was this so difficult?
"Fine. You want me gone?" He said as he stood up. "I'm going."
You bit your tongue as you watched him grab his stuff before heading to the door. He reached for the knob.
Fuck it.
"And if I do still see you as the same kid I met in elementary?" You called out, feeling a minor surge of victory as his arm fell. "It's not like you've ever acted like anything other than that."
You could hear him scoff but he didn't turn around.
"I mean, you bicker like one." You said. "You beat around the bush like one."
"And you don't?" He said, his back still facing you. "You refuse to listen like one." He started his own list as he finally turned towards you. "And if you're left to your own devices, you get in trouble."
"I may not listen but at least I can say things with my chest." You admitted. "You can't be upset that I don't see you as a man when you've never acted like one."
He dropped his stuff where he was standing, his jaw tensing as he watched you.
"Look who's beating around the bush now."
He took a step.
"This is your way of trying to get me to do something, isn't it?"
Another step.
He was nowhere near you, but the act still made you back up. Talk about déjà vu, but this was different with the lights on.
"I've barely taken two steps towards you, and you can't even handle that." He scoffed. "Maybe I don't 'act like a man' around you because you can't handle it."
Your eyes narrowed at him.
"I can." You challenged. "Hanbin can attest to that." You let a smirk form on your lips as you watched his reaction. Sure, he was a dick, but you meant what you said. And you weren't going to pass up a chance to throw something back at Matthew. "Just admit you're not man enough to act on it."
You were fully aware your words were not matching your actions, but you couldn't back down. This is how your arguments always went.
Faking it 'til you make it.
"Then come here." He motioned with his finger.
You watched as he flicked his finger, and you felt your legs stiffen.
"I'll act on it if you do." He said simply. "I'm scared if I take another step you might stumble." He smirked.
His mocking tone urged you to walk forward, even if everything inside of you screamed to stay still. Every step was a different statement running through your mind.
There's no going back if you do this.
Your relationship won't be the same.
Can you handle losing him if things go south?
The second you were in front of him, though, the way his smirk grew had your mind going blank. His hand reached up to your face, his index finger raising your chin so you were looking up at him.
He leaned in slowly, his thumb moving to rest on your chin and keep you in place.
Your heartbeat was in your ears as his lips finally pressed against yours. It didn't take long for you to kiss him back, your hand coming up to hold onto the wrist of the hand that was supporting your chin.
You could feel him smirk against you before pulling away.
"How's that for beating around the bush?" He whispered as his lips hovered above yours, eye contact never breaking as the hand that was holding your chin moved to the back of your neck. Your hand sliding towards his forearm with the new position.
"Am I supposed to believe a tiny kiss is 'doing something'?" You batted your lashes. "Is this as manly as you get?"
"All you ever do is talk shit, you know that, right?" He smirked as he took a step forward, his other hand coming around to catch you when you backed up.
"It's my specialty." You fought the urge to stumble on your words. "Don't act like you don't love it."
He pulled you closer and the warmth that you met forced a gasp from you.
"Wanna see just how much I love it?" He whispered as his hand traveled to your lower back.
You didn't trust your voice this time. All you could give him was a nod.
"Look at how much better it is when you just listen." He said as he dipped his head down to press a kiss to your jaw, his head nudging yours to the side so he could continue to your neck. "If you spent less time fighting me, I could spend more time making you feel good."
You felt a shiver run down your spine when he kissed a certain spot and you felt him smirk before biting lightly. Your hand that was resting on his arm was now tightening around it.
You wanted to say something but the feeling of his hand that was resting behind you moving under your shirt made you forget what you were going to say.
"Can I touch you?" He whispered, his hand inching closer to your breasts.
You nodded and he stopped. He pulled away and looked down at you.
"Say it."
You could feel your face heat up as the words got stuck in your throat.
"What happened to saying things with your chest, hm?" He hummed, clearly amused at how quickly you seemed to forget your little speech. "Or were you just trying to get me upset?" He gave you a mocking pout.
"You're just a brat." He said, his hand slowly inching back up, the side of his thumb grazing the side of your breast, but not fully touching you. "Acting like you don't want someone who'll just do whatever they want with you." His hand moved under your breast, keeping the same small distance.
Your mind was fuzzy as his hand traveled across your chest to the opposite side. You wanted to admit it, but you were more focused on trying to arch into his touch, a move that he couldn't help but laugh at.
"Even now you're still trying to beat around the bush." He smirked as he pulled his hand away, reveling in how your face fell. "Admit it and I'll give you what you want."
You watched as he moved to lean against the back of the couch. He used his arms for support, and you couldn't help but marvel at the way they flexed.
"And you won't use it against me?" Your voice was smaller than before and you nearly cringed at yourself.
"Not in front of others." He gave you a smirk. "Can't have anyone else thinking you'll act like this for them."
The comment had you trying to hit his shoulder in retaliation but he was quick to grab it.
"I'd play nice while I'm playing nice." He looked down at you.
The way his hand gripped your wrist had you swallowing hard.
"And if I don't want to?" Your voice was still small, but he had to respect your will to keep up the act.
"We can chill like this and stare at each other all day." He smiled sweetly.
The hand that was holding your wrist pulled you into him again.
"We can stay," He paused, his free hand grabbing your other wrist and pinning them both in his hand. "Right. Here." He cocked his head to the side with an innocent smile.
You were holding eye contact more out of spite this time and his hand was back on you, but over your clothes this time.
"Y'know." He started, never breaking eye contact with you as his hands were more committed this time. That damned smile coming back when your body reacted. "I always figured you'd be all bark, no bite." His fingers softly ran over your nipple, and you let out a sigh. "I just thought you'd be begging by now." He said before lightly pinching it.
Your hands instinctively moved, but he kept them in place.
"I also thought you'd be feistier." He chuckled. "But you must really want something if you're not fighting like you usually do." His hand moved to give your other nipple attention. "I bet you want nothing more than for me to bend you over this couch." His words were emphasized with a harsher pinch, and you were embarrassed by the moan that slipped out of you.
He was barely touching you and your legs were already squeezing together.
"You'd like that wouldn't you, baby?" He smiled, his hands pulling your wrists so you were back to being right in front of him. "Just say the word."
You licked your lips before parting them, but as his gaze was more intense, you froze.
"Come on, pretty girl." He coaxed, his hand moving to pet your hair. "Tell me how much of a brat you are." His finger ran over your cheek. "How you talked all that shit just to rile me up." He whispered as he ran his finger over your lower lip. "Tell me how bad you want me."
He was talking so sweetly that you couldn't hold back anymore.
"Please," You whimpered. "Stop teasing."
"You know how to make me stop." He said simply. "Be a good girl and tell me what I wanna hear."
"I want you." You broke. "I want you so bad, please." You whimpered, hands tugging against his hold. "If I'd known you were like this, I'd never have acted up, I swear."
"'Like this'?" He quoted with a raised brow. "And what am I like, pretty girl?"
"Matthew, please." You whined and tugged against his hold again, but he only pulled you impossibly closer.
"What did I say about playing nice?" His voice was lower and you wanted nothing more than to take back everything you said in the past twenty-four hours.
"I didn't think you'd.." You trailed off, suddenly feeling small under his gaze. "Act like this." You swallowed. "...I thought you'd just give me what I want."
"Good girl." He smiled sweetly. "Now apologize for making this harder than it needed to be."
"I-I'm sorry."
"Tell me you want me." He licked his lips. "I'll give in if you tell me one more time." He smirked. "You just sound so pretty asking for me."
All trace amounts of shame that were in you were long gone as you practically begged him to do something.
He was quick to pull you back in for a kiss, his hand releasing your wrist and opting to rest on your ass before giving a harsh squeeze, your moan acting as encouragement. He moved the both of you around the sofa so he could sit, and you happily straddled his lap and hovered, wanting nothing more than for his hands to have room to do whatever they wanted. Your hands grabbed the sides of his face, the need to just touch him taking over.
It was as if he were making up for lost time the way his hands roamed over you before slipping into your pajama shorts from one of the leg holes, the action coaxing a gasp from you.
His fingers slowly slipped under your panties, and he moaned as he slid his fingers towards your clit.
He wanted to make a comment about how wet you were from the bare minimum. He wanted to ask why you were so needy. He wanted to pull away and make a comment about how right you were that he didn't know what a clit was just to make you squirm. He wanted to tell you to beg him to touch you. But the way you sounded was too good for him to want to interrupt. He could talk his shit later.
He was slow and steady with circling your clit as if you weren't nearly dripping. You were sure he could slide into you completely and you'd be more than fine.
"Don't tease." You whispered, your head dropping onto his shoulder.
"Making sure you can take me is teasing?" He chuckled, his finger moving to slide into you. "The last thing you need to bark about it how much you can take." His tone was serious, but you really couldn't handle the foreplay.
"Matthew, I damn near came untouched from you holding me still, just fuck m-" You were cut off as a moan was ripped from you when he roughly inserted two more fingers.
"I told you to play nice twice already." He growled, his hand coming up to grab your hair and make you look at him, the sight of you with your mouth hanging open making him twitch in his pants. "I don't ask three times."
Your legs tried to close but you fucked yourself over when you climbed over his lap.
"You're going to cum from this, then apologize." He told you sternly, his fingers alternating from fast pumps to slow. "If it's a good apology, I'll fuck you like you so desperately want me to." His eyes were back on you. "Is that understood?"
You nodded, but the way his thumb ran over your clit had the words spilling out of you.
"Yes, sir." You whined as the title came out, your eyes screwing shut in partial embarrassment. It was the last thing you wanted him to know.
"And here I thought you were a 'daddy' kinda girl." He smirked as his hold on your hair moved you so he could lean in and press more kisses against your neck, leaving small bites when he felt like it.
"Matthew, please, I'-"
"Ask sir for permission." You could feel him smirk against your neck and you couldn't help but clench. "If you cum without permission, I won't fuck you at all."
"Please, sir, can I cum?" You were glad he couldn't see you. You knew the way the tears were welling your eyes that he'd never let you live it down. "I need to cum, sir, so bad."
And just like that, your luck ran out as he pulled away to look at you.
"Look at me when you cum." His thumb was back on your clit and your body twitched. "If you close your eyes, I'm leaving."
You reluctantly opened your eyes. You didn't need to be told twice if it meant you could let go, your eyes nearly closing from the pleasure. You managed to keep them at a questionable squint, and you hoped Matthew would be okay with it.
As he slid his fingers out of you, your body fell completely onto him. The rough hand in your hair was now softly petting as you tried to catch your beath.
"Now where's that apology?" He said softly when he felt you calm down.
"I'm sorry for not being nice." You'd be ashamed of yourself if he didn't just fuck you up with his fingers alone. Maybe he deserved some sincerity. "I won't make you repeat yourself again, sir."
"Hmm," He hummed as he pretended to think on it. "Do you think you deserved to cum so quickly?"
"No, sir." You shook your head. "Thank you for letting me."
You were starting to fear the heat on your face was now permanent. How were you supposed to move on from this? The idea of maintaining a friendship was gone, but how were you supposed to even look at him after this?
"Do you still want me to bend you over the couch or would you rather stay right here?"
You whined against him at the way he phrased it.
"You'll call me 'sir' but I can't ask where you want it?" He laughed his usual laugh and your heart fluttered. "Come on," He moved you off of him and took his shirt off. "We can do missionary and you can stare at me all you want."
It was your turn to laugh.
"As much as I'd love more eye contact," You chuckled. "I'll take my chances over the couch."
"Don't blame me if you fall off." He smirked.
"Are you saying you'd let me fall?" You gave him your best puppy dog eyes. "That's not very nice, sir."
Instead of words, he grabbed you and pushed you over the back of the couch, your knees steady against the back of the sofa. You were glad to not be looking at him, but something about not knowing what he'd do first was getting to you.
You lightly flinched when your felt his hands at your waist, his hands hooking both your shorts and underwear into his grasp before he pulled them down.
"As much as I'd love to just push them to the side, I don't want to ruin such cute pajamas." You couldn't see him licking his lips as the pieces of clothing landed on your knees.
He ran his hands over your legs, his eyes trained on how goosebumps trailed behind his touch.
"Do you know how many times I thought about this?" He whispered as he took in the scene in front of him. It was more to himself, and he wasn't expecting an answer, but when you spoke up, he couldn't contain himself.
"Don't hold back, then." You whispered. "I'm all yours right now."
You felt a sharp slap on your ass and you hissed.
"You're all mine from now on." He said before slapping the opposite cheek.
The words had you clenching around nothing. You wanted nothing more than to ask him to fuck you, but you were scared he'd get upset again.
"Say it." He said, the sound of his pants shifting filling the silence after the question.
"I'm yours, sir." You repeated. "Always."
You felt him move behind you and place a hand on your back. It wasn't long before you felt him run himself along your folds, the pressure on your clit making your hips buck.
It didn't take long until you felt him teasingly slip himself inside just to pull out, then repeat, pushing himself deeper and deeper with every thrust.
"Fuck," He groaned once he bottomed out, the hand on your back balling into a fist.
"Please," You moaned as you clenched around him. "Matthew, I need you."
The desperation in your voice as you said his name was enough to pull him from his thoughts.
"I'll take it that we really can't go back from this." He groaned as his hands moved to grip your hips for support.
"You're literally inside me, why are you bringing this up," You whined as you gripped the sofa. He would bring up the most irrelevant shit.
"Because -fuck- I need to know this isn't a one-time thing." His voice was strained.
Of all the times to get emotional.
"It will be if you don't shut up." You bit back a moan when his hips sped up. "I'm trying to enjoy this." Your hand reached behind you and without asking, he was quick to hold on.
The interaction was enough to make your stomach tighten, and it wasn't long before you opened you mouth in a failed attempt to ask for permission to let go. He could feel you getting closer and spoke up for you.
"You don't have to, y/n." He ran his finger over your hand. "Just let go."
The gesture had your legs shaking and it confused you. You weren't one to come undone from gentleness in bed. Yet, here you were, Matthew's name falling off your lips as you tried to catch your breath. When he groaned your name as he came, you swore you could cum again on the spot.
When you both calmed down, he slowly pulled out and wrapped his hands around you to pull you off the back of the couch. He moved the both of you so you were laying down, but you moved so you were on his side instead of his chest.
There was a strange silence that took over and you started to wonder if he was regretting it. There was nothing wrong with crossing the line, but what if the realization took over that he couldn't uncross the line? Sure, he mentioned it, but what if that was a heat-of-the-moment thing to say?
As if he read your mind, he spoke up.
"Tell me this wasn't a one-time thing." He looked down at you while his thumb ran lines over your hip.
Maybe it wasn't a heat-of-the-moment type thing.
"Do you think I'd embarrass myself for a one-night stand?" You raised a brow. "After everything you made me say, it better not be a one-time thing."
"And just how did you embarrass yourself?" He chuckled. "The begging? The tears? Screaming my name?"
"You wish I screamed your name." You rolled your eyes. "Be nice or I'm locking you out."
"You'd let me back in." He challenged.
"You sure about that?" You raised a brow.
"Of course, I am." He smirked.
"You listen to me so well."
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soobrownie · 2 months ago
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cutie stylist Hanbin
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globaloppaaa · 1 year ago
gif: @spoopymatthew
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i’m not letting ANYONE escape this image-
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seokryus · 5 months ago
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240921 9️⃣🩵
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tyudeongi · 6 months ago
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jebeplanet · 2 months ago
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isamovingon · 6 months ago
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big baby?
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guniniz · 5 months ago
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its me, i’m girls.
@𝗀𝗋𝖺𝗏𝗂𝗍𝗒040520 𝗈𝗇 𝗍𝗐𝗂𝗍𝗍𝖾𝗋
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guzhufuren · 3 months ago
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chaezhuo · 1 year ago
zb1 ktown4u group order ✮ ⋆ ˚。𖦹
pob only, switzerland based, ww ok !
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instagram post linked in title <3
three payments: 1. initials 2. ems 3. doms
hb ❌ jw ❌ zh ❌ mt ✅ tr ✅ rk ✅ gv ✅ gw ✅ yj ✅
price in CHF, payments through paypal f&f and twint only !
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shenmaomaos · 1 month ago
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seokmattchuus · 2 months ago
ZB1 Wanting to go public - Fake Texts
A/n: Happy New Years! 🩵🩶
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eternallyhyucks · 1 year ago
hazelnut latte | kim gyuvin (fluff, wc: 640)
gyuvin x barista! reader
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𖤐 ྀ
after almost a full year of working at your local cafè, you had become really close with your coworkers and they were some of your best friends, which made talking about your love lives come easy.
“i can’t believe i’ve been working here for 8 months and haven’t encountered even one cute customer” you sighed, wiping down the counter after a small rush.
“hey what about that guy from last week” your coworker, ricky, giggled.
“enough on that” you laughed and rolled your eyes thinking about the random man that was trying to flirt with you in front of his children.
as your shift slowly moved along, the two of you were becoming more tired and ready to clock out.
“i’m gonna run to the bathroom, you can handle being alone for a bit right?” you asked while untying your apron.
“yeah i’ll be fine but what if your soulmate walks in when you leave” ricky said giggling
“well-“ but you trailed off as you saw the prettiest boy you had ever laid your eyes on walk into the store.
quickly putting your apron back on, you slightly pushed ricky to the side. he was confused by your action before looking at the line behind the register and saw the same pretty boy at the end of it.
“the world was listening to your complaints huh”
after a couple minutes, it was finally the boy’s turn to order.
“hi! i’ve never been here before, what’s your favorite thing on the menu?” he said smiling brightly at you.
“i love the hazelnut latte! sometimes i mix it with a little bit of caramel and that always tastes really good as well” you say smiling back
“ooh, i’ll try that then!”
you reply back with a quick ‘okay’ and ring his order up. you hesitate before also adding your discount on his order.
the boy took out his card to pay, but noticed the discount and looked up at you, confused.
“since it’s your first time!” you say smiling.
he smiled back, a slight blush forming on his cheeks.
after he finished paying, you hand him his reciept and say, “your order number is 25, and you can pick up the drink on the left!”
he walks over to the side while you walk over to join ricky in preparing orders.
“so how was flirting with your new obsession”
“flirting?? obsession??”
“well knowing you, you’ll be thinking about him for the next couple months. bro’s gonna become ‘hazelnut latte with caramel boy’” ricky teased you, “and yes, flirting, you just gave that random kid a discount all because you think he’s cute, sorry, because ‘it’s his first time’ my ASS,” he snickered.
before you could reply, hazelnut latte with caramel boy walked up closer to the pick up counter, making eye contact with you. fixing your apron, you went up to him.
“hey i was wondering if you guys are by chance hiring? i’m new to town and have been looking for a job”
you slightly cheer on the inside, feeling ricky smirking next to you, and say, “yeah we are actually! you can just fill out the form through the qr code on the wall over there and you should get a call or text soon after”
ricky passes you the boy’s drink,
“and here’s your drink um …?”
“.. gyuvin. i’m y/n! i hope next time i see you is your first shift!”
“me too, see you y/n!” he says picking up his drink and taking a sip. his eyes widen, “this is so good by the way, thank you!”
“see you and of course!”
you smile and turn to see ricky with his arms crossed and a smug look on his face.
“hazelnut latte boy just became ‘coworker i’m in love with’”
“and after that, my boyfriend gyuvin”
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— tysm for 500!! <3
@izchone , @baekswoons , @jiwon-44 , @junityy , @pr0dbeomgyu , @yyx2 , @wccycc , @koishua , @changminurheart , @rainbowglitteramythyst , @baekhyunstruly , @soobin-chois , @yjwfav , @fairybinie
—send an ask if you would like to be a part of my taglist!!
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y-eontan · 2 years ago
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congrats to the zerobaseone boys on debuting today !
bonus zhang hao baffled by his p01 position
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