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myfieldking ¡ 2 years ago
Farmers can save time and money on labor and fuel costs by using zero tillage machines. Zero-tillage machines are more environmentally friendly and sustainable than traditional tillage methods, as they increase soil health and minimize greenhouse gas emissions. Additionally, the use of zero tillage machines can also reduce erosion and water runoff, leading to improved water quality and conservation. This method also allows for greater crop diversity and can lead to higher yields in the long term.
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planterstires ¡ 9 months ago
Imagine a farming method that nurtures the soil, conserves water, and protects against erosion – all while increasing yields and reducing costs. This is not a futuristic dream but the reality of no-till farming. By strategically leaving crop residue and utilizing specialized equipment like zero-tillage drills with closing wheels for planters and long-lasting planter tires, farmers are revolutionizing agriculture. We are going to explain how no-till farming is transforming the industry, benefiting both the environment and farmers' bottom lines.
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fieldking ¡ 4 years ago
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starlightrows ¡ 3 years ago
8 — The Healer
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The Queen of Tatooine Masterlist
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Pairing: Boba Fett x reader
Word Count: 3.5k
Warnings: NSFW, Blood and injury, medical, unintentional self inflicted harm, mention of disordered eating (Not graphic, but warnings still apply), oral sex (f receiving)
Summary: You get the chance to start working on a long awaited project, and get in over your head.
A few days later your breakfast with Talece and Mira is interrupted by the head of one of the construction and renovation crews to let you know that the sunless garden space is complete.
You’re so excited you can hardly finish your meal. You find yourself wanting to sprint down the halls to see the room. It takes so much self restraint to compose yourself and walk beside the rather stoic and unbothered construction lead down to the room.
Before the renovation it must have been either a ballroom or a massive storage space. Either way it was not well maintained. It was full of piles and piles of junk that climbed all the way to the ceiling, the floors and the walls were damaged, and it was unusable.
It had been your idea to gut the room and turn it into something usable and unique. You loved having a garden on your homeworld, and since nothing grows on Tatooine due to the excessive heat from the suns and the lack of fertile soil, this seemed like the perfect use for the room.
Boba didn’t have much of an opinion on it either way when you initially pitched him the idea. In all honesty, he was just happy to see how happy it made you. He was quite impressed by your ingenuity creating this room. Artificial sun and moon lighting in real time with the seasons, water reclaimer and distributor so that whatever plant you choose can be watered without wasting it, and holo panels covering the walls to make the entire space look like an enclosed greenhouse.
And when you finally get to look at it, it’s perfect. Rows of raised garden beds, the lighting and holo panels look so real you’re almost sure they misunderstood your directions and just built out a patio instead.
“If there’s anything we missed or not up to your standard let us know, my lady” the foreman tells you
“No no, this is absolutely perfect” you can’t contain the smile on your face “Thank you! Thank you so much, it’s wonderful”
The foreman has to hold back a laugh, you’re practically vibrating, you're so elated. In all his years of doing large scale projects like this, he’s never had a client seem so appreciative.
“I’ll leave you to it my lady” The foreman politely exits the room, leaving you to wander around and admire their handiwork.
As you walk you begin taking notes on your data pad, for what plants and flowers you want to put in which planter boxes. It’ll be a tall order to get all the seeds and plant bulbs delivered here, but once they’re planted and growing, this will be a sight to behold!
You land up spending the entire day in the garden, labeling planter boxes with bits of flimsy tacked on the sides. Talece brought down a tray of food and insisted you eat something, but she also took the time to let you gush about the vegetables you planned to grow and how beautiful the room will be when things begin to bloom.
When you’re too exhausted to stand up straight any longer you make the long trek through the palace back to your room. Only to lay down on the bed with your data pad to begin placing the orders for soil, seeds, bulbs, labels, and plant pots. When you finally power off the data pad, you’re so happy. You can’t wait for Boba to be home so you can show him how amazing it all is.
You hear from Boba a couple days later, he is finally returning to Tatooine, and is “very excited” to see your new projects. He can’t help but smile picturing you squealing with delight as you show him all of your little plants and paintings.
On the same day, your soil and seeds finally arrive at the palace. You almost feel bad for having guards and some of the stronger looking servants help you drag bags of soil down to the garden. You feel less bad because you’ve got your sleeves rolled up to do the heavy lifting too.
Once everything is down there though, you release them to go back to their everyday duties. You get into a rhythm. Slice the seam off a soil bag. Dump into a planter box. Distribute evenly, and rake to till it. Move on to the next planter box.
Hours and hours and hours of this pass. You couldn’t be happier. It reminds you of summers back on your home planet, planting the seeds that would eventually become your fall crops. That would later become your fall meals. Soups and stews thickened with vegetables, roasted root and tubers to go with roasted meat, and gourds to be cooked down into mush to be put into pastries. It’s too hot to have such a need for hearty hot foods like that here on Tatooine. But you still crave them from time to time. It’s one of the only things you miss about your previous home.
As you’re slicing open a bag of soil, thinking about soup, you put in just a little too much force and swipe the blade farther than you expected. At first you don’t really feel it. But then you see the colorful bloom of fresh blood staining your sleeve. You’re stunned for a moment looking at it.
Your hands are covered with dirt. Mind over matter you resist the urge to clamp your dirty hand down over the bloody wound. Instead you calmly stand up and go back to your room. Staring straight ahead, not really able to look at it at the moment.
You get back to your room and know without looking that it is still bleeding but not that bad. I’ve had worse. I’ve had worse. I’ve had worse. You recite to yourself. You start the facet in the fresher and clean your hands, some of the blood has dribbled down your arm into your hand. You scrub it away quickly so you can peel off the shirt.
You take a deep breath and look in the mirror. It’s bloody. But not bad. You figure if you can clean it well and wrap it tightly it’ll be fine. You decide you’re done for today and it might be best if you just clean it in the shower. Perhaps not your best decision, but people make poor choices when they’re in shock.
Eventually you are clean, dry, dressed, and have the wound wrapped in a clean bandage. The shock has finally worn off, leaving you feeling exhausted and in quite a bit of pain. You know you’ve probably pushed yourself a bit too far today, and not just because you got hurt. You didn’t remember to take breaks, drink water, or eat meals at all today. A nasty habit you’re still trying to break.
Tomorrow will be better, you promise yourself. You do the responsible thing and lay down for the rest of the evening, falling asleep to an older episode of one of the shows Boba likes to watch.
In the morning, your whole body is sore and the wound hurts pretty badly. You risk taking a peek at it, the bandage is mostly soaked through but not enough to stain the bedding or your clothes… your clothes from yesterday.
You groan in frustration, blood stains are difficult to remove if you let them set. Sitting up you feel a little dizzy, chalk it up to lack of food and water plus everything that happened yesterday. Today is going to be better, you remind yourself. You start by getting out of bed and drinking a glass of water from the fresher. There you already feel a little better.
Next you search around for your dirty clothes from yesterday. Just as you thought, stained. You decide to run some water in the bathtub and let it soak with soap while you take care of the wound. It’s certainly not a pretty sight, but you muscle your way through it and get it clean once more and wrapped as best you can. It’s not perfect but it will have to do.
Just as you finish up you hear a knock at the bedroom door followed by the door opening on its own. You flinch at the sound. Usually if someone in the palace needs your help they will knock but wait for you to bid them entry or open the door yourself. This can only mean one thing.
“Cyare?” It’s Boba! You turn quickly and dash out of the fresher, leaving the medical supplies on the counter.
“Boba!” You exclaim running into his waiting arms. He snatches you up in a bracing hug and laughs at your enthusiasm.
“I tried to com you last night to tell you I would be home in the morning but you didn’t answer. I figured you were asleep” He explains releasing you from the hug and pressing a kiss to you cheek.
“Oh yeah, I was really tired yesterday. I fell asleep with the holo on” you tell him with a bit of an embarrassed heat creeping up into your cheeks.
“You needed rest, can’t be blamed for that my dear” he assures you, tilting your face up to him to give you a proper kiss on the lips. The kiss deepens, both of you finding that you can’t seem to pull away.
“Stars I missed you” you say quietly when you finally have to break for fresh air
“I missed you too cyare. Let me clean up a bit and we can have some breakfast together” he lets you go completely now. You smile and nod happily. He kisses you one more time, and moves past you to go into the fresher while you go find clothes to wear for the day.
Suddenly Boba is calling your name from the fresher. Your heart fills with dread at the thought of what he’s just seen in there.
“What the hell happened in here? Are you alright?” He begins scanning you up and down with his eyes, zeroing in on the bandage on your arm.
“It’s okay! I’m okay” you assure him, trying to push past and clear away the medical supplies from the counter
He places his hands on his shoulders and spins you around to face him, carefully saying your name again with a warning air about him. His hands stay on your shoulders and he looks you in the eye when he asks again. “What happened?”
“It’s nothing really, I cut myself opening a bag of soil yesterday” you explain
He sighs and shakes his head “And what did the healer say?”
“I… I didn’t see a healer” you admit sheepishly
“What? Why not?” He’s appalled and a little frustrated
“I didn’t think it was necessary, I’ve had worse before” you realize his shock and frustration is not unfounded, any rational person probably would have spoken to a healer about this.
“Had worse? And you handled it yourself? Cyare, that is a serious injury” He says, as if repeating it would get you to understand the severity of the situation.
“Boba… I wasn’t welcome to visit the healer on my homeworld. I’m sorry, I didn’t think to ask for help” Suddenly you feel guilty and a little defensive “I don’t… I don’t know how to do that when I’m in trouble. I didn’t even think about it”
Then he understands. Of course you wouldn’t think to ask for help when you hurt yourself. Because you’ve been conditioned to think you would not get it if you asked. He has to remind himself that he too used to struggle with asking for assistance, and it’s something that he needs to be understanding about in this relationship.
“Alright, alright. I’m sorry cyare, I didn’t mean to overwhelm you” he apologizes “I was just worried when I saw the bloody clothing and used medical supplies. I know you did your best with what you had at the moment. But now you’re not in danger, and we have the resources to have a healer that will actually help you. May I call someone to come look at it?”
You nod in acceptance and let him guide you back out into the main living space in your quarters. He sits you down in a chair, and asks that you just sit and relax for a couple minutes while he steps outside to give instructions to a guard or staff member.
He instructs a guard to go into Mos Eisley and bring back a healer, and a second guard to instruct the kitchen staff to bring a pitcher of hot water as well as breakfast. A few moments later there’s a gentle knock at the door. Boba calls for them to enter, and Mira comes forward bringing the pitcher of water and a tray laden with tea, toast, and eggs cooked the way you like them. She has a look of horror on her face as she sees Boba tending to your injured arm, and you cringe thinking back to your conversation with her the other day.
But Boba doesn’t seem to notice at all, “Thank you Mira, we might need more water if the healer asks for it later”
She gives a shaky curtsy and small voiced “Of course, my lord. My lady” before quickly leaving the room.
“So” Boba gives you a look “Cut yourself opening a bag of soil aye? Does that mean your fancy garden is finished?”
“Yes” you smile a little shyly, knowing that if he gets you talking about it you won’t shut up for the next half an hour at least
“Go on then, tell me everything” he encourages you, because more than anything, he missed hearing you gush about things you care about while he was traveling.
As you eat your breakfast you tell him about your new painting studio and the garden and all the plants you’ve ordered. Which things have arrived, which things you’re still waiting for. You tell him the truth about yesterday, that you had been at it for hours and your hand just slipped when you hurt yourself.
“Accidents happen cyare” he reminds you “I just want you to be more careful”
Just then there is another knock at the door, Boba calls for them to enter. The guard he sent into town has returned with the healer, and you’re surprised to see that you recognize him.
“It’s you, hello again” you greet him.
The man looks a little stunned. When you had asked him to make a remedy for chemical burn scars, you had said it was for your partner, not the kriffing king!
“Y-yes… nice to see you again… um… What seems to be the problem?” he asks, struggling to get his bearings.
Boba takes the liberty of explaining your injury to the healer, and invites him to come take his place so he can examine the wound and assess if it needs further treatment. While the healer works Boba excuses himself to remove his armor and get cleaned up in a different room of the palace. But he leaves two guards to watch over you. When Boba’s gone the healer looks up at you.
“You didn’t tell me your partner was the kriffing king” he hisses as he unwraps the bandage
“That was intentional” you explain “I can’t just go broadcasting to the entire city what my business is”
“Yeah but you might have mentioned it” he grumbles “would have charged you more”
He takes a look at your wound and takes on a look of concentration and disappointment
“What?” you ask with a touch of worry in your voice
“This needs stitches and bacta. You should have come to me or another healer immediately” he chastises you
“Hey, I did my best okay. And if you’re going to get mouthy can I at least know your name so I know who to curse in my mind when you stitch me up?” You bite back
“Darius” he replies “And you can curse me all you like, but you’ll thank me later when this heals without an ugly scar”
“Fine” you relent and let him get to work recleaning and stitching up the wound.
By the time Boba returns Darius has the wound rewrapped and is writing out instructions to keep it clean on a spare bit of flimsi. Darius gets markedly more tense when Boba is in the room, clearly he’s more intimidated by Boba than he is by you. He hands you the piece of flimsi and reminds you to be more careful next time before hastily departing the room with guards escorting him. Boba sends the breakfast tray out as well, finally giving you both some privacy.
“Now then, I believe I promised you a reward last we spoke” he leans forward to kiss the sensitive spot just behind your ear.
You hum in contentment as he continues kissing down your neck.
“Have you been a good girl while I’ve been gone?” he purrs
“Yes” you say with a little gasp and he sucks a particularly pleasant spot
“Go lay down for me” he pulls away from your neck and nods his head towards the bed. You get up quickly and toss the pillows up to the head of the bed and lay back.
He crawls up the bed slowly, pushing your legs apart at the knees dipping down to start a trail of kisses leading up and over your thigh. He breezes right past your needy pussy and instead continues kissing over your hips, and across to your tummy.
“You were so good for me on the com” he murmurs, dragging his nose across your skin, down from your belly button to top of your mound. He’s looking up at your pretty face, wanting to see every expression cross it.
Without blinking an eye, pushes his tongue between your lips and licks a broad stripe up, already tasting your arousal. He continues, slowly stroking you with his tongue up and down, up and down, up and down.
You can’t help it, you start squirming. It feels amazing, but his slow pace is driving you wild. Normally Boba might be a little mean and make you stay still, but it’s been too long and he’s loving watching you writhe in pleasure.
He maintains his long strokes but begins increasing his speed. Finally working an audible moan out of your chest. He switches tactic and pauses mid stroke, and begins fluttering his tongue just barely inside your dripping hole.
“Fuck!” You whimper trying to force yourself not to buck your hips into his mouth.
He knows you’re getting close and he knows just what to get you to the finish line, he makes one more broad stroke with his tongue and stops at the top of his path and latches onto your clit. Suckling and circling the swollen bud with his talented tongue.
Your whole body tensed with such force that you’re sure you might have pulled a muscle and moan in ecstasy as you cum on his face. Boba doesn’t stop, he continues to lap up your release all the way through your orgasm. When you’re finally laying back boneless with your eyes closed, breathing heavily he pulls away kissing back up your belly with feather light pressure until he’s hovering over you, kissing your neck and waiting for you to feel ready to open your eyes again.
Eventually you do open your eyes again, and place your hand on the back of his head to guide him away from your neck. He follows your direction and comes back down to kiss your lips.
“That was one hell of a reward” you say with a breathy laugh
“What can I say? I’m a man of my word” he shrugs laying down beside you
“You certainly are” you smile “I’m really glad you’re back”
“You really did miss me” he chuckles
“Of course I did! I love getting to talk to you about the garden and my painting and my projects. And I really missed getting to relax with you at night. And I love watching your weird holo dramas and hearing about your clients and having dinner with you. I just love… you” you find yourself admitting
He reached out, cradling your face in his hand, stroking your cheek with his thumb “I love you too cyare. I missed you dearly while I was gone. Thought about you every morning when I woke up and every night before I went to sleep”
Your heart soars hearing him say that. It’s easy to fall in love. Day in and day out, it just happens. It’s hard to admit you’re in love. You have to find the words to explain to someone why they are the most important person in your life and they give you unending joy even when you’re not right next to them. But with Boba it’s easy. It’s easy to be in love and it’s easy to say it.
“I love you”
Tag List: @cannedsoupsucks​ @otterly-fey​ @paige6768​  @littledragonlady​ @star-hoes​ @aeryntheofficial​ @xx-small-town-witch-xx​ @lokigirlszendaya​ @ladysongmaster​ @2clones-1kamino​ @cagrame​ @ashbyrhymer​ @adancedivasmom​ @4rosydreams​ @heybub​ @thefact0rygirl​ @elinedjarin
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connectyourneed ¡ 3 years ago
Looking for agricultural machinery and enhance your market. Here you go with Connect Your Need.
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Looking for agricultural machinery and enhance your market. Here you go with Connect Your Need. The farming scenario has been changing in India gradually since the independence. Mechanized farming practices due to efforts of Government of India that initiated various schemes to rebuild the country’s farming system to adopt the advance science and technological farming practices. The use of farm machineries differ significantly from one region to other region as use of farm machines greatly depends on the type of soil and the nature of crop grown in the particular soil.   Agriculture sector in India Agriculture being one of the primary employment sectors to millions across the country becomes vital for the country’s growth. India ranks third in farm and agriculture output globally. India is also the largest producer, consumer and exporter of spices and related products. Agricultural exports constitute 10 percent of the country’s exports, and are the fourth-largest exported principal commodity. Indigenously developed agricultural hand tools and implements have also evolved over time and despite the strides agricultural machinery has made, continue to play a critical role in agriculture. New modern farm equipment's, such as precision planter, zero-till drill, seed cum fertilizer drill, raised bed planter, plant production equipment's, harvesting and threshing machines, micro sprinklers, drips and other sprinkler irrigation are also made available to the farmers. The small and marginal farmers face economic hardships due to their small operational units and consequent inability to manage the fixed farm expenses efficiently while there is hardly any difference in input use and productivity across various farm-size classes. The mechanization of farm power is becoming extremely important day by day for the survival, efficiency and competitiveness of all field and plantation crops of the country. The use of machine in farming operations have resulted in sustainable growth with lowering the cost of operation. The farm mechanization is determined by a set of inter-related factors such as size of farm land, irrigation, access to institutional credit, government extension support services and experience of the farmers.   The Government provided the minimum support price, easy access to procurement markets, rural roads and other infrastructures which helped to trigger the green revolution in selected areas of the country. Technological innovations have had profound effect on agricultural sector in the post-Green Revolution period in India.   The adoption of Internet and Technology in common people has been growing exponentially. The prospects of modern agricultural structure, which profoundly bring revolution in the way of agribusiness. The prime objective of connect your need app agribusiness department is to assess the impacts of technology for choosing a productive sales and marketing channels. The greater extent of the use of Technology, the more significant and positive the impact of agricultural income is. Connect your need app use significantly increases the efficiency for selecting the sales channel, and the impact on agricultural income is also prominent. The outcomes of the app users reveal significant positive impacts for selecting productive sales and marketing channels. It is suggested that the Farmers, government and relevant departments should strengthen the construction of agricultural information platforms and websites. Get Connected with all the agricultural machinery companies offices manufacturers buyers sellers wholesalers retailers resellers suppliers mechanic repair services The Most Necessary App To Be Installed On Your Mobiles. Connect With The Person To Get Your Work Done At Your Convenience. Download & Register The Connect Your Need App With Below Links: Play Store Link:- https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.connect.yourneed App Store Link:- https://apps.apple.com/in/app/connect-your-need/id1550984712 For More Details Visit Our Website: https://www.connectyourneed.com Follow Us YouTube, Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, LinkedIn, Pinterest, Reddit, Tumblr. Best Top No1 Trending Agricultural Machinery Companies Offices Manufacturers Buyers Sellers Wholesalers Retailers Resellers Suppliers Mechanic Repair Services App Apps For Mobile Android iOS iPhone iPad In India #connectyourneed #connectyourneedapp #agriculturalmachinery #agriculturalmachineryservices #agriculturalmachinerymechanic #agriculturalmachineryrepair #agriculturalmachinerymanufacturers #agriculturalmachineryoffices #agriculturalmachinerycompanies #agriculturalmachinerybuyers #agriculturalmachinerysellers #agriculturalmachineryretailers #agriculturalmachineryresellers #agricultural #farming #crops #plants #seeds #fertilizers #trees #pesticides #farmers #nurseries #fruits #flowers #vegetables #cereals #pulses #dryfruits #leafvegetables
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lada-m ¡ 4 years ago
Sims 4 Simdew Valley Challenge (base game friendly)
Hello! I tried bunch of farm challenges and came up with this one. It is structured, base game friendly and flexible. Please google how to use cheats or install mods, I won't explain it here.
Also this challenge was inspired by two challenges: 1 and 2.
To win
Main goal is to purchase all upgrades from the list and accomplish Freelance Botanist aspiration. If you own Get to work, you also obligated to open a shop. For more fun I made 21 tasks you can accomplish for reward.
At the end of a challenge your farmer will have big house, happy family and perfect garden.
Your grandpa, nobel farmer, passed away and left you all what he had. Unfortunately collectors sold most of his heritage and left you nothing but an old house and empty soil.
Set up
I played this challenge with long seasons and long life span but you can use any settings you want. Also I would start with spring if I where you (you can change season with cheat). You must start as a young adult. Roll the dice for your starter pack.
Books. Grandpa left you the following skill book (tier one): 1-2 Cooking skill book 2-3 Gardening skill book 3-4 Handiness skill book 5-6 One (!) skill book from any EP you own or mod you installed (Herbalism, Knitting, Juice Fizzing, Baking, Flower Arrangement or Canning, Nectar Making, etc.) If you have nothing to choose from, choose any skill from the base game (everyone have a hobby!).
Your skills. You wasn't born yesterday, right? Set the skill to level two using cheats. Choose skill according to dice. 1-2 Cooking skill 2-3 Gardening skill 3-4 Hndiness skill 5-6 One (!) skill from any EP you own or mod you installed (Herbalism, Juice Fizzing, Baking, Flower Arrangement or Canning, Nectar Making, etc.). If you have nothing to choose from, choose any skill from the base game.
Your traits and aspiration
You have to pick one helping trait (love outdoors, genius, creative, perfectionist, green friend, loner, maker) and one bad trait (hot-headed, gloomy, paranoid, squeamish, klepto, jealous). Third trait can be any excluding listed above.
You have one obligatory aspiration and four additional. I suggest you to try aspirations in that order, even if additional ones won't be finished.
1. The curator (sell collectibles for stratum capital) 2. Freelance botanist (obligatory) 3. Big happy family 4. Angling Ace 5. Mansion Baron
Your appearance
You can wear only clothing appropriate for garden, no fancy stuff. You have to pay 500$ every time you want to add new clothing to category.
Your home
Step 1. Choose big lot, preferably deep in forest or on island. There you have empty home with cracked walls and dirty flooring, half of the roof is missing. If you are not a builder, any gallery home will do, just delete wallpaper/flooring/furniture. If you are a builder, I suggest you to make floor plan now.
Keep in mind that you might need a place for garden, greenhouse, barn, basement and crafting studio.
Step 2. To simulate uncomfortable feelings from nearly destroyed home, I suggest you to place everywhere dirty dishes from debug menu.
Step 3. If you can add bad traits to your lot, do it. Creepy crawlies, cursed, filthy, gremlins, quake zone are bad traits.
Step 4. Place the following objects anywhere in the house: - Tent or cheapest bed, - Woodworking table, - Functional pile of books or cheapest bookcase, - Fetilize-able bush or cheapest toilet (must be outdoors anyway), - Cheapes grill (if there is none around), - Outdoor bin, - Washing tub and clothesline (if you own Laundry Day).
Step 5. Use cheat to reduce money to zero.  That's right, you better hurry before you farmer got hungry! I suggest you to look around for collectibles, harvestibles and lost hotdogs. You can use community lots for plumbing. You can't build mansion for community lot and live there!
First steps. Get plumbing, electricity and roof upgrade. After that you can get rid of dirty dishes.
- You can't sell for profit decorative spider web or cracks in the walls, old furniture and other crap that no one wants. You can't have profit from selling plumbing, walls, windows. Deduct money with cheat.
- Every season OR every four in-game weeks (for base game) you have to sell all old crops and plant new ones. Only crops in greenhouse can stay. Remember, no one wants your crap, leave alone dead roots you just pulled out of the soil! So deduct money you got from sold crops.
- Nothing is free. You have to pay money for wires to be pulled into your house, plumbing to be connected, roof to be repaired, and so on (upgrades list is below).
- You can sell crafted objects and collectibles any way you want: via build mode, inventory, market table, retail business or Plopsy.
- All CC are allowed. Remember, you can't buy cheap or free CC objects, you have to pay for them honest price according to EA prices. Use cheat to deduct money.
Tasks - You can complete tasks for reward. Some of them have penalty for skipping! - Every in-game week have it's own task. For example, you can't take task from week two if you are on week four. - You have only one week for every task, you can't prolong task time. - If you run out of tasks then start list over from the beginning.
Restrictions - You can't start with pre-made family, you start with single sim. Also you can't have pet of your dream from the beginning, getting a pet is another upgrade to purchase. - No potions, spells, immortality, lottery tickets, great-great grandpa money, money tree. - You can hire butler only because he doesn't have to make a long way to your house deep in the woods. All other services forbidden (unless you have live-in services mod). - Your sim can't have a job but he can register profession in the ministry of labor. You are allowed to gain money in any way as long as it is about craft, art and collectibles. - If your main character dies, you have to teach another household member. You can't buy more upgrades with dead sim's skills. - Visiting other sim's house is not allowed if you was not invited. inventory - If task says "hide", you move item to household Inventory and never use it again. - You can't use household Inventory for anything else. That's why you will need to build a barn eventually. - You can carry only following objects using sim's inventory: seeds, upgrade parts, earbuds, camera. 
Please read upgrade list to understand what your sim can and can't do at the very beginning.
(you can buy only one upgrade per day! Purchase upgrades in any order you want. If you don't own mentioned EP, ignore upgrade)
Utilities Plumping upgrade (600$) You can use any plumbing available. Electricity (1200$) You can use any electricity object available. Hello, world (2000$) It's hella expensive to have internet in the country, ya know! But you paid enough and now can order items, browse the web and use other online functions of computer.
Basic building Roof (3000$) You can fix your roof so it covers all rooms.
Barn (2000$, handiness skill 5, gardening skill 5)
Craft studio (400$, any skill 6) You can place woodworking table or any other craft table and hobby item here.
Decorating courses (200$ and Handiness skill 3) You attended decorating courses. Now you can buy wallpaper or drywall, use linoleum and carpets.
Another decorating courses (200$ and Handness skill 5) All types of flooring and walls unlocked, including stone and wood.
Second floor unlock (5 000$) You have to pay every time you need another floor to be build.
Going down (5 000$) You unlocked basement. Do what you want but just don't build kid's bedroom here, alright? For walls and flooring purchase another upgrade.
Garden Garden tier 1 (1000$) Apple won't grow if you just throw it on the ground, fertilizers required. You can place two planter boxes or 8 plants without planter boxes.
Garden tier 2 (1500$ and garden skill 3) You can place one more planter box (3 in total) or 4 more plants without planter boxes.
Garden tier 3 (1800$ and garden skill 6) You can place one more planter box (4 in total) or 4 more plants without planter boxes.
Garden tier 4 (2200$ and garden skill 8) You can place one more planter box (5 in total) or 4 more plants without planter boxes.
Garden tier 5 (3000$ and garden skill 8) You can plant any amount of seeds you want, it's your land now, no fee!
Get wet (Gardening skill 3) You heard about this "sprinklers" thing but could not believe it till you found some in local store. Now you can buy Sprinkle-O-Matic 2001.
Bee boxes (1000$)
New lot trait (20 000$) You hired specialist (exterminator, feng shui master, ghost buster, whatever) and he made your home a better place. You can change one trait to any other of your choice. You have to pay every time you want to change lot trait. If you had no lot trait but ready for makeover, you can pay 20 000$ and get free bonus trait (any trait) for your sim. Use cheat for that.
Your own store (gardening 9, handiness 9, charisma 4, proper house with utilities and 50 000$) Fee was huge but you did it! Congratulations, grandpa would be proud of you. You unlocked retail store, but you have to pay for lot and building now. Yes, 50k was only a fee.
Catalog Pay only once for unlocking price range.
Local store items (200$) You can buy items under 300$, all fancy stuff in another store.
Store in Sunset Valley (500$) You unlocked items in 300-600 price range, but transporting expences was cruel.
Store in Twinbrook (800$) You unlocked items in 600-2000 price range, but delivery company is greedy.
Store in Twinbrook (1200$) You unlocked items in 2000-4000 price range, you shopaholic...
Store in Pleasantview (2000$) You can order whatever you want because you order in Pleasantview, best city for shopping available!
Wedding (5000$, gardening 6, cooking 4, handiness 3, and proper bedroom, kitchen, bathroom, living room, unlocked roofs, utilities, wall and floor decorations) Now you can marry.
Kids (7000$ per kid. Wedding required if kid is not adopted. All room types must be unlocked, all utilities paid) Health and school expences was large. If you own required EP then buy poor kid bike to get to school from your coutry farm!
Pet (gardening 6, handiness 6, 3000$) After medical examination and vaccinations you finally got yourself the furry friend! You unlock pet and/or cowplant owner privilege. You can only adopt pet! No premade perfect pets allowed!
Afterschool activities payment (400$) You love these kids but can't they find a better hobby but talking to monster under the bed? Well, if you pay teachers they will stay with your kid a little longer. Afterschool activities unlocked. If you don't own EP, you unlocked mods that use wormholes (like Explore mod).
Woodcarving society (Handiness 10) After maxing skill you can present to judges five hand-made wooden objects (hide wooden objects). Now you are the part of woodcarving society and can sell every object made with woodworking table for double price.
Farmer society (Gardening 10) After maxing skill you can present to judges ten harvestables (hide harvestables). Now you are the part of gardening society and can hire a gardener FOR FREE as your apprentice (money cheat or club slaves).
Fishing society (Fishing 10) After maxing skill you can present to judges five different fishes (hide fishes). Now you are the part of fishing society and can sell every catched fish for double price.
Creative society After maxing one of these skills (painting, flower arrangement, fizzing, fabrication, knitting) you can sell objects made with it for double price. But first you have to present to judges five examples of your mastery (hide crafted objects).
List of tasks
If you don't have certain character on your save file, choose other NPC.
Week 1. Locals want to meet their new farmer. Talk to everyone on a party on in community lot. Entroduce yourself to at least 10 characters. If you ignore them, you have to pay additional 200$ to every building upgrade because locals don't want to deal with you and you have to hire someone from other city.
Week 2. Local kindergarden run out of greenies. Sell 10 vegetables or fruits before week ends, maybe not from your garden ;) Free activity table for your kids if you participate.
Week 3. Bob Pancakes is terribly ill, only good looking garden salad from organic vegetables can help him. You can give it to him or ignore him. You can visit his house and use his stuff if you helped him. Hide or gift salad.
Week 4. Romance day is coming! You can sell your flowers for double price this week.
Week 5. Local bar lost two baristols in recent nectar accident. You can sell them two crafted baristols for double price or pretend you wasn't there and have no idea they need baristols ;)
Week 6. Mortimer Goth runs charity event. If you want to participate, you have to cook and give away (hide) 3 hot meals of family size and normal quality. In exchange you can get any flower vase under 300$ from catalogue for free as memorable gift from community.
Week 7. Art Gallery of San Myshuno is planning an exibition called "Creativity in everyone". They asked you to participate: make a painting or photo they can show. Hide it. Your reward is free easel.
Week 8. Wildfire in Selvadorada destroyed many trees. You can help and donate 10 trees of any kind. Hide them. Everyone amazed by your kindness! Use traits.equip_trait Gregarious cheat for bunus trait (use testingcheats on first).
Week 9. Geoffrey Landgraab runs fisherman week. Everyone who wants to participate have to catch and cook at least 5 fishes. In exchange you get big or small fish tank for free. Roll the dice, even numbers -- big fish tank.
Week 10. Nancy Landgraab requested 3 flower bushes for her garden. Hide them and give yourself 1000$. You can ignore Nancy but she will pull strings and you barn will cost 2300$ instead of 2000$.
Week 11. Local teacher asked you for a tour. You can ignore request. If you agree, invite 5 kids to your lot and let them stay for three in-game hours. You unlocked one afterschool activity/wormhole mod for your kids for free.
Week 12. Sulani environmentalists concerned with Sylvan Glade. Is it safe? Is it hidden? Go there, take 5 different photos to prove that Sylvan Glade is fine. Hide photos.
Week 13. Windenburg wants to sell souvenirs. You can make some! Any wooden sculpture or other hand made decorative object can be sold for double price this week.
Week 14. Your city is in desprate need of eco tourists. You can shelter tourists this week, all they need -- bed and breakfast. For every day tourist spend in your house they pay you 300$. To simulate that, you can start a club gathering, invite someone to stay for a night, invite roommate or ask to join household.
Week 15. Local zoo requests 10 frogs. Hide caught frogs and give yourself 500$.
Week 16. At this promo week you can pay 1000$ and install premade greenhouse on your lot! Use gallery for that if you want. Greenhouse should be without plants, empty glass box. You can place only 16 plants or 4 planter boxes, they are not included in garden upgrades.
Week 17. Museum of Twinbrook interested in your collection of whatever you collected already. You can gift them 10 collectibles and in exchange they will deliver you anything from Twinbrook (Unlocks Store in Twinbrook upgrade).
Week 18. Amazing bonsai master arrived to your city with lecture on gardening. You can attend and pay 300$. It gives you plus two skill points (gain 2 skill points for gardening using cheat).
Week 19. Local folk heard about your progress and gave you 5 seed packs for free. Buy them for free using cheat. You can get seeds only if you finished 7 or more tasks before that.
Week 20. Evergreen Harbor requested 10 planter boxes for their first community garden. You can hide them and give yourself 3000$. If you have EP installed, you can visit community garden after that.
Week 21. Geo Consul asks you to make photo of The Forgotten Grotto because they can't break it open themselves. Get inside and take five different photos for this curious folk. Hide photos.
Score system
+ 5 once all available upgrades was purchased
+ 5 for every aspiration completed (in no specific order)
+ 5 for every child (any other age does not count)
+ 3 for every adopted child (sorry)
+ 1 for every cowplant and/or pet that lived more than three in-game weeks
+ 1 for every perfect quality plant (gallery plants do not count)
+ 5 once event list is over
+ 5 for every collection finished
+ 1 once your kids gets A in elementary school
+ 1 once your kids gets A in high school
+ 2 for every maxed skill
+ 1 for every full upgraded objects in game (eco upgrades do not count)
+ 1 for every five friends your farmer made
+ 1 for every three bonsai trees you harvested and sold (perfect quality only, full tree, not seeds)
As you can see, EP owners won't have advantage in scores. Tell me if I missed something.
- Painting is most profitable, woodcarving is on second place, writing is on third. Flower arrangement is profitable too.
- If you want to abuse rules then you can simply buy bunch of roses via phone (purchase gifts...) and plant them. Very profitable little things
- Most of the collectibles I found was in parks of  Willow Creek, Oasis Springs and Brindleton Bay
Gardening - You can leave plants on ground and make cheap planter box using low heigh fence or dirt tiles - Death flower will give you many flowers once grafted to another bush plant - Harvest spawns at 5-6 AM and only if you are at home lot - I allow using cheats to make plants on community lots bloom. After that you can take home a piece, graft it to your plant and have harvest in three days or so - Seed collecting is pain in TS4. To make it easier for both of us I allow using debug to purchase seeds. BUT you can't order seeds from planter box, phone or computer until you unlock Hello world upgrade. Fell free to search for seeds in San Mishuno market, use N. A. P. or look for plants on community lots
Seasons EP: - If you own Seasons EP consider building greenhouse eventually - I allow loot Patchy for seeds and use him as help - Bees help plants to gain quality in 6 tiles radius, it's 3 planter boxes. You can also bond with bees and later collect swarm to pollinate plants manually - Fetilizer must be expensive, otherwise it does nothing
Related CC (free, always updated, no ads)
All Icemunmun's and Brazen Lotus's mods are perfect for farming challenges but I use only canning mod and retail displays (it's just personal preference).
Find all collectibles automatically
Better gardening - 1 and 2
No tiny harvestables
More woodcarving recepies
Rustic wooden toilet for set up
Seasons EP:
Weather overhaul for Seasons
Caigel Garden Sign Collection - All Packs Edition + Extra (only basegame required!)
Thank you for your attention! I am opened for suggestions. Also I'm not native eng speaker so pardon my grammar.
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smarchit ¡ 4 years ago
Flash Dance Pt 3
If you want to be added to a tag list (for some reason) let me know!!!
Maxwell found that trying to win over someone instead of just buying their affection was exhausting. He was thrilled with the idea of coming up with new ways to try and win Janine over, to make her smile, to make her laugh. It was harder than he thought, but at the same time, he didn't mind the effort. It made him feel good. Like he was doing something because he wanted to, not because it would benefit his company in any way or make his investors more money. 
The idea of earning someone's attention was... nice.
Maxwell was on the verge of asking Karen what kind of flowers were best to send to someone you'd gone on exactly zero dates when his intercom buzzed. 
"What?" he grumbled into the mic.
"Well, good afternoon to you too, you big grouch," Karen tutted. "You skipped lunch again, I was just wondering if you wanted me to order something."
Maxwell glanced at the clock on the wall. Ten till three. Shit. He sighed and nodded. "Please. Cobb salad, and see if you can find the phone number for that florist on Sixteenth Street."
Karen was silent for a second and Maxwell could practically see her rolling her eyes. 
"Of course. What's her name?" she asked. There was a hint of a smile in her voice and Maxwell felt butterflies in his stomach. 
"Just get me the number, please," he said, hoping his tone wasn't too harsh. 
"Coming right up," she replied, her tone not any less chipper. 
Maxwell sat back in his office chair and ran a hand over his face as he let out a heavy sigh. He had to come up with some excuse to see Janine again. He wanted to, no, needed to see her again. He felt like he had completely fucked up by sending her money before he'd even spoken to her. 
Their last conversation had kept playing over and over in his head and he wanted to go back in time and slap himself stupid. 
"Just two people," Janine had said. 
Now Maxwell was left wondering if she'd ever speak to him again. If she'd want to even see him again. 
He'd gotten his bank statement in the mail a few days prior and noted the check hadn't been cashed yet. Maybe he could call and remind her that she had a limited window to cash it?
He'd figured that no, that sounds desperate. But he was desperate. He thought about her all the time.
Twenty minutes later, Karen let herself into Maxwell's office with a plastic salad bowl in one hand, and a bottle of water in the other. She offered him a knowing smile as she passed both over his desk to him. 
A pink sticky note with a phone number scrawled on it was stuck to the lid of his salad bowl. 
"What's her name?" Karen asked again as she lowered herself into one of the plush chairs across from Maxwell. 
He glared at her, though his gaze held no venom. 
"Is this that girl you met in Gotham?" she asked, gesturing with one well-manicured finger. "What was her name? Velma?"
Maxwell couldn't help but scoff as he mixed his salad. "Please. She was a deplorable woman. If she ever calls here again, I don't know... threaten her with a lawsuit or something."
"Not Velma then," Karen hummed. She thought for a minute and then gasped.  "Oh, Mr. Lord, don't tell me you're taking after your partners and chasing after your interns!"
He shook his head. "Don't you have a front desk to watch? Phone calls to take? Seriously, I think I hear the phone ringing right now."
Karen chuckled and raised her hands as she stood up. "Sorry, sorry, I'm just curious. You know me! I'll let you get back to it then."
Maxwell picked up the sticky note and reached his phone to dial out. 
"Y'know," Karen said right before she closed the door. "If you're not sure what to do, you can't go wrong with one or two roses."
Maxwell looked down at the number and then sighed as he dialed out to the shop.
"Janine!!!" Abby, the resident ballet instructor squealed as she nudged open the door to the back office with her hip. "Janine! A package came for you!"
Janine looked up from her appointment book at Abby as she hung in the doorway. She could see a few other instructors behind her, all whispering excitedly about something.
"What's going on?" she asked as she stood up. She grabbed her sweater from the back of the chair and went out into the main room. 
"These just came for you!" Abby said happily as she gestured to the front desk. 
Janine looked over at the desk and felt her cheeks grow warm at what she saw.  
On the front desk were two red roses in a halo of baby's breath in a simple glass vase. 
"Who's it from?" she asked, looking at each of the girls in the room, hoping one of them saw who'd dropped it off. "Ugh, it wasn't Warren, was it?"
"Nah, looks like it was just a normal florist," Laurie said, shaking her head. She leaned across the desk to try and reach for the card to read it. "It just says it's from 'M.'"
"Oh, Janine!" Abby squealed, hugging her tightly. "You have a secret admirer!"
Janine smiled a bit and tried to hide her blush as the chorus of "Aww's" filled the studio. She had a good idea of who had sent the flowers, but she just wanted to be sure so she didn't look like a fool if she were wrong. 
She knew getting ahold of him by phone as an outsider would be next to impossible, but she knew that if she hung around the building long enough, maybe she would see him leaving for the day. She glanced down at her watch and then back at the flowers on the desk. 
They had to be from him. Janine didn't know anyone else whose name started with an M.
She knew she couldn't dwell on it too much until the afternoon. Thankfully, a few of her aerobics classes would distract her all morning and most of the afternoon.
Four o'clock finally rolled around and she didn't waste any time to bother changing her clothes. She quickly waved to Laurie and rushed out the door, headed up the sidewalk towards the golden-paneled building a few blocks up. 
Afternoon traffic was already backing up the street and Janine was able to easily cross over to the other side when she neared the office building where Maxwell's company was located. Of course it was rhe biggest building in the city.
A few men in suits and expensive looking light jackets were hanging around the entrance to the building and Janine hung back a bit as she approached the doors. She suddenly realized that she had no idea which floor his office was located on, and she couldn't exactly march up to the front desk and ask security either. That typically didn't always go well.
Janine walked over to a nearby cement planter that was filled with tall decorative grasses. She hoisted herself up onto the edge so she would have a clear view of the main entrance to the office building.
Half an hour went by and Janine was starting to feel like an idiot for even coming down. He probably hadn't even sent those flowers, now that she thought about it. Maxwell hadn't come out to get in a fancy car or anything like that and she knew he probably didn't drive himself around. But she still felt silly.
After another fifteen minutes had passed, she was contemplating just leaving and going to grab some Chinese to take back to her apartment for the night. The revolving door to the building opened and a middle-aged woman with short blonde hair stepped out onto the sidewalk. She glanced around the courtyard where Janine was sitting and smiled at her as she started to walk towards the street to hail a cab. 
"Are you waiting for someone?" the blonde woman called out to her. 
"Yeah, he works here, but I don't think he's coming out," she replied with a sigh. Janine jumped down from the planter and walked over to the woman at the curb.
"Men are usually all the same," the woman chuckled. "Don't get yourself worked up over a guy. It's the 1980s, sweetheart, you don't need a man if you don't want." A cab pulled up to the curb and the blonde woman reached down to open the door. 
"This one seemed different," Janine hummed. "I wanted to thank him. He sent some flowers to my work today for me and I wanted to thank him."
The woman straightened suddenly and turned back towards Janine. "He sent you flowers? Roses?"
Janine nodded, a little confused. "Y-yeah. Two of them."
"So you're the mystery girl he won't tell me about," the woman chuckled. She looked into the cab and handed him a ten so he would stop protesting that the meter was running. She held her hand out to Janine. "Karen Reynolds. I'm Mr. Lord's secretary."
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automotivemarketforecasts ¡ 4 years ago
Agriculture & Farm Equipment Market Demand for Food is Expected to be a Key Factor driving at 2025
Mar 18, 2021: Automotive and Transport
The global agricultural equipment market was estimated at $124.2 billion in 2015. Agricultural equipment or machinery are the tools used in various processes of farming, such as planting, threshing, agriculture product processing, harvesting. New agricultural equipment is replacing the traditional tools owing to improved productivity and enhanced quality of the crop.
The need of food is growing at a faster rate as the population is increasing, so the demand for new agricultural equipment is growing to match the requirement of food.
Innovative technologies in the agriculture are increasing the quality & production per square feet for the agricultural products. Manufacturers are focusing on integrating various new technologies such as robotic systems, Google Earth and GPS into existing machinery for tracking productivity and improving it. The government also encourages the use of farming equipment by proving subsidies and offering lower rates to the farmers in emerging countries like India and China to adopt agricultural equipment.
Download sample Copy of This Report at: https://www.millioninsights.com/industry-reports/agriculture-farm-equipment-market/request-sample
Equipment Market
On the basis of Product: Tractors dominate the product category and is estimated to account over 20% of total revenue in 2015 after harvesters. Tractors are the most efficient and effective equipment in the agricultural sector as they can perform several activities in the process of farming. Harvesters are expected to grow at a CAGR of 5% through 2014-25.
Other product segment includes thrasher, combine harvester, rotavator, Zero Till Seed Drill, Power Tiller, Multi Crop Planter, Drip Irrigation, Sprinkler Irrigation, Power Weeder, Power Spray.
On The basis of Application: The products are divided as per the processes in farming such as Sowing & Planting Equipment, Land Development/Seed Bed Preparation/Tillage Equipment, Plant Protection Equipment, Water Inter Cultivation equipment, Agro Processing and Harvesting & Threshing.
Click Here For Complete Report @ https://www.millioninsights.com/industry-reports/agriculture-farm-equipment-market
Threshing and Harvesting expect the fast growth of a CAGR over 6% through the forecast period. Land Development/Seed Bed Preparation/Tillage contributed over 15% of the global revenue in 2015. Agriculture is labor intensive, and the scarcity of farm labor will be the key fueling factor to the increasing demand for agricultural equipment.
Regional Insights
North America Dominated the Agriculture equipment market in 2015. The driving factors behind the most usage of agriculture equipment are the scarcity of labor, improved features and fuel efficiency of the machinery and demand for the food. However, North America and Europe are expected to show moderate growth over the period. The Asia Pacific region is projected to be fastest growing market during the forecasted period owing to India and China are emerging as the fastest growing market. China dominates the region by contributing over 20% of the regional revenue share in 2015. Developing countries are showing strong economic growth, such as India, Middle Eastern countries and China, which will further fuel the growth of the agricultural equipment industry.
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marketanalysisdata ¡ 4 years ago
Agriculture & Farm Equipment Market Growth Trends and Revenue Analysis, 2025
4th February 2021 – The global agricultural equipment market was estimated at $124.2 billion in 2015. Agricultural equipment or machineries are the tools used in various processes of farming, such as planting, threshing, agriculture product processing, harvesting. New agricultural equipment is replacing the traditional tools owing to improved productivity and enhanced quality of the crop. The need of food is growing at a faster rate as the population is increasing, so the demand for new agricultural equipment is growing to match the requirement of food.
Innovative technologies in the agriculture are increasing the quality & production per square feet for the agricultural products. Manufacturers are focusing on integrating various new technologies such as robotic systems, Google Earth and GPS into existing machinery for tracking productivity and improving it. The government also encourages the use of farming equipment by proving subsidies and offering lower rates to the farmers in emerging countries like India and China to adopt agricultural equipment.
Access Agriculture & Farm Equipment Market Report with TOC @ https://www.millioninsights.com/industry-reports/agriculture-farm-equipment-market
On the basis of Product, Tractors dominate the product category and is estimated to account over 20% of total revenue in 2015 after harvesters. Tractors are the most efficient and effective equipment in the agricultural sector as they can perform several activities in the process of farming. Harvesters are expected to grow at a CAGR of 5% through 2014-25. Other product segment includes thrasher, combine harvester, rotavator, Zero Till Seed Drill, Power Tiller, Multi Crop Planter, Drip Irrigation, Sprinkler Irrigation, Power Weeder, and Power Spray. On The basis of Application: The products are divided as per the processes in farming such as Sowing & Planting Equipment, Land Development/Seed Bed Preparation/Tillage Equipment, Plant Protection Equipment, Water Inter Cultivation equipment, Agro Processing and Harvesting & Threshing. Threshing and Harvesting expect the fast growth of a CAGR over 6% through the forecast period. Land Development/Seed Bed Preparation/Tillage contributed over 15% of the global revenue in 2015. Agriculture is labor intensive, and the scarcity of farm labor will be the key fueling factor to the increasing demand for agricultural equipment.
North America Dominated the Agriculture equipment market in 2015. The driving factors behind the most usage of agriculture equipment are the scarcity of labor, improved features and fuel efficiency of the machinery and demand for the food. However, North America and Europe are expected to show moderate growth over the period. The Asia Pacific region is projected to be fastest growing market during the forecasted period owing to India and China are emerging as the fastest growing market. China dominates the region by contributing over 20% of the regional revenue share in 2015. Developing countries are showing strong economic growth, such as India, Middle Eastern countries and China, which will further fuel the growth of the agricultural equipment industry.
The Agriculture machinery market is highly fragmented and competitive due to the existence of prominent players along with some other medium or small-scale participants. Key players in the agriculture industry include Mitsubishi Agricultural Machinery Co. Ltd., AGCO Corp., Same Deutz-Fahr Group S.p.A. (SDF), Iseki & Co., Ltd., Kubota Corporation, Deere & Company Mahindra & Mahindra Limited.
Request a Sample Copy of Agriculture & Farm Equipment Market Report @ https://www.millioninsights.com/industry-reports/agriculture-farm-equipment-market/request-sample
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customizedresearchindustry ¡ 4 years ago
The need of food is growing at a faster rate as the population is increasing, so the demand for new agricultural equipment is growing to match the requirement of food. Innovative technologies in the agriculture are increasing the quality & production per square feet for the agricultural products. Manufacturers are focusing on integrating various new technologies such as robotic systems, Google Earth and GPS into existing machinery for tracking productivity and improving it. The government also encourages the use of farming equipment by proving subsidies and offering lower rates to the farmers in emerging countries like India and China to adopt agricultural equipment. In-Depth research report on Agriculture & Farm Equipment market: https://www.millioninsights.com/industry-reports/agriculture-farm-equipment-market Equipment Market On the basis of Product: Tractors dominate the product category and is estimated to account over 20% of total revenue in 2015 after harvesters. Tractors are the most efficient and effective equipment in the agricultural sector as they can perform several activities in the process of farming. Harvesters are expected to grow at a CAGR of 5% through 2014-25. Other product segment includes thrasher, combine harvester, rotavator, Zero Till Seed Drill, Power Tiller, Multi Crop Planter, Drip Irrigation, Sprinkler Irrigation, Power Weeder, Power Spray. On The basis of Application: The products are divided as per the processes in farming such as Sowing & Planting Equipment, Land Development/Seed Bed Preparation/Tillage Equipment, Plant Protection Equipment, Water Inter Cultivation equipment, Agro Processing and Harvesting & Threshing. Threshing and Harvesting expect the fast growth of a CAGR over 6% through the forecast period. Land Development/Seed Bed Preparation/Tillage contributed over 15% of the global revenue in 2015. Agriculture is labor intensive, and the scarcity of farm labor will be the key fueling factor to the increasing demand for agricultural equipment. Regional Insights North America Dominated the Agriculture equipment market in 2015. The driving factors behind the most usage of agriculture equipment are the scarcity of labor, improved features and fuel efficiency of the machinery and demand for the food. However, North America and Europe are expected to show moderate growth over the period. The Asia Pacific region is projected to be fastest growing market during the forecasted period owing to India and China are emerging as the fastest growing market. China dominates the region by contributing over 20% of the regional revenue share in 2015. Developing countries are showing strong economic growth, such as India, Middle Eastern countries and China, which will further fuel the growth of the agricultural equipment industry. Competitive Insights The Agriculture machinery market is highly fragmented and competitive due to the existence of prominent players along with some other medium or small-scale participants. Key players in the agriculture industry include Mitsubishi Agricultural Machinery Co. Ltd., AGCO Corp., Same Deutz-Fahr Group S.p.A. (SDF), Iseki & Co., Ltd., Kubota Corporation, Deere & Company Mahindra & Mahindra Limited. To get free request sample: https://www.millioninsights.com/industry-reports/agriculture-farm-equipment-market/request-sample
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planterstires ¡ 1 year ago
In modern agriculture, innovation is key to sustainability and productivity. Amidst this quest for advancement, no-till farming emerges as a beacon of change, promising a paradigm shift in cultivation practices. At the heart of this agricultural evolution lies the zero tillage seed drill, a revolutionary tool designed to preserve soil integrity and maximize crop yields. By minimizing soil disturbance and incorporating advanced technology such as closing wheels for no till planters, this method offers a holistic approach to farming that prioritizes efficiency and environmental stewardship. Embracing the future of agriculture means embracing the transformative potential of zero tillage seed drills and their accompanying components.
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fieldking ¡ 4 years ago
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mediabooth29 ¡ 7 years ago
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Only a few weeks until CRT FarmFest 2018, Tuesday 5th to Thursday 7th June at Kingsthorpe Park, 20km west of Toowoomba on the Warrego Highway (Qld, Australia). Mark the dates in your diary and catch up with more than 2,500 individual companies and organisations that come to together to exhibit everything from ATV’s to augers, bins to boomsprays, bull bars to brush cutters, cattle to cultivators, engines to electric fences, front end loaders to fuel supplies, grain dryers to grader blades, harvesters to hoses, laser levelers to livestock, mulchers to mobile phones, ploughs to pumps rock pickers to rippers, sheds to sawmills, tractors to tanks, welders to wood splitters and zero till planters. #farmfest #crtfarmfest #farm #farmersmarket #farmer #farmlife #farming #farmfresh #toowoomba #toowoombaregion #toowoombabusiness #toowoombalife #toowoombasmallbusiness #toowoombaevents #toowoombaliving #darlingdowns #darlingdownsregion #warregohighway #crt #rural #rurallife #rural_love #ruralaustralia #ruralpress #fairfaxruralevents #tractor #tractors #tractorlife #livestockshow #livestock #livestockfarming #cattlecountry #cattle #cultivator #cultivators #grain #grainbowl #tanks #sawmill #rippers #boomspray #electricfence #bullbar #atv #auger #sheds #zerotill (at Kingsthorpe, Queensland, Australia)
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agricultureworld101 ¡ 4 years ago
Fieldking manufacturer of agriculture machine, farm implements manufacturing seed drill, zero-till seed, happy seeder, automatic super seeder automatic and other seeder machines. Fieldking Seeder machines are most suitable for seeding work, primarily when it comes to seeding cover crops with seed drills. 
All seed drills are manufactured under the administration of skilful and trained experts. Fieldking offered a range of seed drills that are highly demanded in the farmer community for its tremendous strength and operational execution. 
Features of Fieldkind Seed Drill machine:
Perfect on-field performance
High durability and compact designs 
Light-weight machine
Can be used in sowing: Wheat, Ground-Nut, Castor, Maize, Cumin seed all types of Cereals, Grains and pulses seeds.
Types of Fieldking Seeder Machine - 
Here are some main types of Fieldking seeder machines. 
Happy Seeder
Super Seeder
Roto Seed Drill
Pneumatic Planter
Zero Till
Disc Seed Drill 
and other seeding and planting equipment
Working Video of Fieldking Seed Drill - 
Fieldking presenting these tractors propelled automatic seed drill at affordable price. Visit Fieldkig website to know about price and specification of seed drill. 
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Agriculture & Farm Equipment Market Research 2020-2025 Report by Emerging Trends, Application Scope, Size, Status
Agriculture & Farm Equipment Market was estimated at $124.2 billion in 2015. Agricultural equipment or machinery are the tools used in various processes of farming, such as planting, threshing, agriculture product processing, harvesting. New agricultural equipment is replacing the traditional tools owing to improved productivity and enhanced quality of the crop.
 The need of food is growing at a faster rate as the population is increasing, so the demand for new agricultural equipment is growing to match the requirement of food.
 Request a Sample PDF Copy of This Report @ https://www.millioninsights.com/industry-reports/agriculture-farm-equipment-market/request-sample
 The key driving factors responsible for the growth of Agriculture & Farm Equipment market :
 Innovative technologies in the agriculture are increasing the quality & production per square feet for the agricultural products. Manufacturers are focusing on integrating various new technologies such as robotic systems, Google Earth and GPS into existing machinery for tracking productivity and improving it. The government also encourages the use of farming equipment by proving subsidies and offering lower rates to the farmers in emerging countries like India and China to adopt agricultural equipment.
 Equipment Market
 On the basis of Product: Tractors dominate the product category and is estimated to account over 20% of total revenue in 2015 after harvesters. Tractors are the most efficient and effective equipment in the agricultural sector as they can perform several activities in the process of farming. Harvesters are expected to grow at a CAGR of 5% through 2014-25.
 Other product segment includes thrasher, combine harvester, rotavator, Zero Till Seed Drill, Power Tiller, Multi Crop Planter, Drip Irrigation, Sprinkler Irrigation, Power Weeder, Power Spray.
 On The basis of Application: The products are divided as per the processes in farming such as Sowing & Planting Equipment, Land Development/Seed Bed Preparation/Tillage Equipment, Plant Protection Equipment, Water Inter Cultivation equipment, Agro Processing and Harvesting & Threshing.
 Threshing and Harvesting expect the fast growth of a CAGR over 6% through the forecast period. Land Development/Seed Bed Preparation/Tillage contributed over 15% of the global revenue in 2015. Agriculture is labor intensive, and the scarcity of farm labor will be the key fueling factor to the increasing demand for agricultural equipment.
 Regional Insights
 North America Dominated the Agriculture equipment market in 2015. The driving factors behind the most usage of agriculture equipment are the scarcity of labor, improved features and fuel efficiency of the machinery and demand for the food. However, North America and Europe are expected to show moderate growth over the period. The Asia Pacific region is projected to be fastest growing market during the forecasted period owing to India and China are emerging as the fastest growing market. China dominates the region by contributing over 20% of the regional revenue share in 2015. Developing countries are showing strong economic growth, such as India, Middle Eastern countries and China, which will further fuel the growth of the agricultural equipment industry.
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mostly-history ¡ 7 years ago
Britain had been helping itself to Africans for a century and a half to man the sugar and other plantations that spread brazenly up the leafy hills of Kingston and along the margins of Jamaica's dense interior.  By 1805 there were over 280,000 slaves at their disposal of their planter landlords in Jamaica.  At the same time there were only 28,000 whites.  Those negroes who had survived the manacled voyage from home, usually brokered by more opportunistic Africans than they, were first 'seasoned' for a while to acclimatize them to their new conditions (during which time one would reckon on a quarter 'wastage' from illness, exhaustion or suicide).  Then they would work till they dropped. The British plantocracy was naturally loath to reward its workforce with any political privilege: apart from the half-acre 'provision grounds' many were granted on which to grow their market goods (which was itself advantageous to the island's economy, saving others the bother and expense of providing food), they had negligible rights.  Rumblings of insurrection in the past taught imperialist entrepreneurs the prudence of zero tolerance.  Look what had happened to neighbouring Saint-Domingue (Haiti) when, inspired by the French Revolution in 1789, its black slaves had bloodily overthrown their French masters and declared their island a free state.  It was a frightening precedent, given the overwhelming disproportion of slaves to non-slaves on Jamaica.  The abolition of the British slave trade was a concept busily being ruminated in the mother-country - it was legally declared in 1807 - but that didn't mean that slaves already in ownership were entitled to freedom.  Emancipation was not to happen for a good quarter-century yet.
“Mary Seacole: The Charismatic Black Nurse Who Became a Heroine of the Crimea”
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