#agricultural machinery offices
kamogryadeshi · 4 months
Photo of the consequences of the Russian attacks on Kholodnohirskyi district of Kharkiv on May 27, which killed a woman.
Her name was Natalia, she was on the first floor of one of the industrial buildings that came under Russian attack. The woman received shrapnel injuries, the medics were unable to save her, Serhiy Bolvinov, the chief of the police of Kharkiv region, said.
"Natalia was at the enterprise that manufactures agricultural machinery. 11 people — the total number of injured at two industrial facilities: the enterprise where the deceased was located and the enterprise for the production of sweets. Some have light injuries, some have moderate injuries," said the policeman.
A 47-year-old woman was killed and the injured were employees of the enterprises, the press service of the regional prosecutor's office reported. According to preliminary data, the Russians struck with three universal interspecies planning ammunition D-30 from the territory of the Belgorod region
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object-vault-9 · 11 days
Question I have about the vault itself, do you have an idea of what it looks like? The whole interior layout and everything? I've been wondering for some time now...
Ohh I should really sit down in a map maker and put it together ! A lot of the inspiration for the layout comes from Vault 101 and Vault 76 in the fallout games, plus a huge agricultural inspiration is from Vault 33 This is gonna be long and have pictures from the games/show/my comic/etc so it'll be under a break, might include some rambling about the way the vault used to operate too ! Very rambly/unorganized for now
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Vault 9 is built into a cliff face, and behind it is a mountain range.
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The vault was built for much more people that currently live there, and large portions of it are ominously empty. You can genuinely get lost in there, even Timer/Shovel/Mousetrap can even get turned around in there and they were born and raised there. Had Car Key survived he was intended to be the one that knew the layout almost perfectly, being the head security officer (and lone survivor of the security teams prior to the opening of the vault). If I were to draw less visited parts of the vault, portions of it would be roped off. The largest open areas in the vault are the farm (above) and the cafeteria
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Vault 9's structure and culture when established was less individual, there were not a lot of rec rooms, rooms were all bunks to hold multiple people, etc. A lot of stuff involves some degree of depersonalization, etc. So thats why despite there being so many empty rooms presumably, most characters are shown to share rooms when their rooms are shown. Lcukily, especially with a colorful cast of characters from different backgrounds and over a century past its establishment, people are more encouraged to be themselves here There's a few rooms set aside for professions, there's the clinic, plus a larger room beside it for long term patients, though with the small population Mousetrap keeps people close to better monitor them There are classrooms, pretty much always empty, Spade/Shovel/Timer/etc are among the last to "graduate", and school years were not hosted every year due to the diminishing amount of people being born. So while Timer is a little older than Spade and Shovel, and Push Pin was a little younger, they likely all attended the same "grades/classes" together. Usually the family will teach basics (basic math/reading/writing) before the official vault curriculum, with classes starting for older students (like 10+) instead of starting at kindergarten
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The intention of Vault 9 was mostly on self sustaining populations, so most people were intended to be involved with the care of the farm over anything else. Other roles were security/education/medical/culinary/etc, as well as leadership roles like a peoples court and the overseer The armory is very small and depleted/half destroyed, and there is only one or two quarantine/prison rooms
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The floor structure is built in a way that the further down you go, the less likely you need to be there, this is my vague idea of it but with floor plans some things might be rearranged The surface level is only the door, airlock and door controls. Some storage is kept up there too Second floor down/B2 is the largest area. Farm, cafeteria, public rooms, clinic, classrooms, etc. There's a small library Third floor/B3 down are the living quarters, as well as the overseers office, peoples court, and locker rooms for showering and stuff. The overseers office is the best furnished room in the vault, and it had personal living quarters for the overseers family that were nicer too Fourth floor/B4 are guard armory/small training room/most storage/certain aspects of vault maint, etc. Fifth/B5 is storage and machinery for the most part. The boiler/furnace/etc, there's also a work shop down there and where Hehe/Apricot/CoG hang out. There's also the columbarium and morgue down there
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Lowest level, heavy clearance, is where the power is. It's still nuclear power, the intention is to keep it buried so a failure might destroy the vault but cause less damage on the surface
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I'll revisit this soon and have drawings and floorplans hopefully
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scavengedluxury · 2 years
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Mosonmagyaróvár Agricultural Machinery Factory office, 1965. From the Budapest Municipal Photography Company archive.
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blessed1neha · 2 years
10th House of Astrology
The 1st, 4th, 7th and 10th houses are the pillars upon which the strength of the horoscope depends. These are the four pillars of your horoscope, lying on the horizon and meridian plane. These are called Angular or Kendra houses.
Amongst the 12 houses in Astrology, the role and purpose of the 10th house need not be overemphasized. The 10th house is called the Karma Bhava in Vedic Astrology. It deals with the kind of work that you do. Your area of occupation is determined by the planetary placements in this house as per 10th house astrology.
In the worldly or mundane astrology, 10th house refers to the main or the chief leader whether it is the Prime Minister (PM) or a royal figure. Besides, the ruling political party in the country or the state is also represented by the 10th house. In fact, the cream of the society (that is the most influential people) also fall under the domain of the 10th house. The factors determined by the 10th house are values, integrity, status and pride of a nation. Besides, the house also relates to the areas like the commercial, political and employment industries, according to 10th house Vedic astrology.
The importance of the 10th house is immense as this house is about what we earn and how we earn it. As the occupation and profession is the bread butter for most people, so the planetary position in this house can determine and influence a very significant factor in our life. The 10th house in Kundli is the region in Astrology diagram that is the highest at the time and place of your birth. And that is exactly what the 10th house represents – your highest achievements and your desire to rise high. Well, the 10th house is also about power, prestige, social status, financial success, achievement, accomplishment, respect and position.
Well, the 10th house in horoscope points to a lot many things surrounding your profession. It is indeed the house of career. An exhaustive study of the 10th house in Astrology provides the answers to some key questions like what kind of work will you do, whether you will be successful in your work, what are the big mistakes that you are likely to make in your career, whether you will be an employee or an entrepreneur who will appoint employees. Your connections with the high and mighty are also determined by the tenth house astrology
The 10th house in Kundli determines your materialistic success in life, be it your profession or the financial status. And your worldly success is bound to influence the other areas of life as well like your relationship with others, your love life and so on. Certainly, the planetary placement in the 10th house strongly influences the quality of your life.
1. If sun is in tenth house then the native may work for government or take up fathers business or he will have some benefits from government or he will working in an administrative role in a firm, medicine, etc.
2. If moon is in tenth house then the native may work related to Water related dairy, agriculture, boarding and lodging, writers, poets, lyricists, hotel business, agriculture, medical sciences, grocery business, oil business, wine store etc.
3. If mars is in tenth house then the native may work related to police, armed forces, electrical engineering, mechanical/ automobile/aerospace/civil engineering, fire service, medical, surgery, historical objects, weapons manufacturing, machinery and tools, marbles and tiles business, construction items
4. If mercury is in tenth house then the native may work related to Teaching job, educational institutions, financial institutions, accountancy, astrology, law, lyricist, singers, media, journalism, telecommunication related, networking, postal office, printing press, publishing house, book business, spy, orator, translator, working in embassy, banking etc.
5. If Jupiter is in tenth house then the native may work related to respected jobs, law, ministers, teaching, religious preachers, guide, spiritual teachers, accountancy, professors, training and development, yoga and astrology etc.
6. If Venus is in tenth house then the native may work related to software (developer), footwear, literature, cinema related, music, dance, financial services, banking, selling of artistic crafts, cosmetic, perfumes, sweet shop, cloth business , textile , wines, drawing, painting, vehicles, art and architecture, selling of musical instruments, beauty parlor, judge, lawyer etc.
7. If Saturn is in tenth house then the native may work related to Iron and steel related, oil business, charcoal, archaeology, quarry, hard laborious job, selling of products related to sanitation and toilets, people cleaning garbage, toilets, leather business, sheep , goat business, selling of old objects, second hand articles, barber, furniture, working in graveyard, working in construction business.
8. If rahu is in tenth house then the native may work related to chemicals, computers, spy/ intelligence agency, detectives, foreign affairs ( embassy, NRI) , drugs, smuggling, customs, snake hunters, selling of poisons, pesticides, working in prison, tantric, magician, black magic, manufacturing of bombs, photography, shade related, cinema industry, driving vehicles, selling of old and broken articles, illegal items.
9. If ketu is in tenth house, then the native may work related to Medicine, astrology ,theology, philosophy, spiritual, meditation, healers, wireless and wire communication job, information technology, thread related job , law related, pharmaceuticals, siddha , Ayurveda, medicinal herbs, occult, chemistry, temple priest etc.
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knihovnachrastany · 2 years
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In the south of England, in the village of Stanbridge Mill, which is located near the town of Wimborne Minster, a new library was created in the building of a listed farm. According to the design of the Crawshaw Architects studio, the Gregorian farmhouse was rebuilt and, in addition to a publicly accessible library with seating, it also offers the necessary facilities, an office and a kitchen. The main building was originally a cow shed and for the last 40 years a warehouse for agricultural machinery.
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ofcruelheart · 7 months
closed to @acridtongue / janus & eunha / in the shadows
It was folly to attempt reconnaissance without Eunha - he knows that now. The photographs he'd managed last time spent in the brush of this senator's marbled home were fine... but regrettably blurry seeing as he'd been chased by a damned Rottweiler. This time, their target is the gleaming high-rise of TerraTech Technologies, a monolith among architectural monstrosities, its facade of synthetic agriculture and bioengineering brilliance concealing, he suspects, a trove of clandestine skeletons.
With a replicated key card, they infiltrate the building, weaving through the shadows that drape each floor. TerraTech's pride lies in machinery fueled by the rare mineral zentarium, the extraction of which has scarred the earth. Where those in power falter to provide painful consequences, the Executioners vow to bridge the chasm of justice.
They've made their way to one of the uppermost floors, and they slip into a smaller office, the kind likely to harbor secrets of grave import, guarded with a zeal that betrays its significance. Outside, under the moon's watchful eye, security guards pace with vigilant steps.
Janus busies himself with shoving laptops into a knapsack - they will have someone break into them later, perhaps do some real harm to the server, find some truly repugnant information to broadcast.
"Eunha." He steps towards the enforcer, eyes bright and alight with resolve, holding out the knapsack. "Should they discover us, should they pursue, take these and flee. Your nimbleness, your agility, are our best hope. You'll be able to outrun any of them. Understand?"
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felxnefxne · 11 months
Boo's Backstory
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Pauline Elizabeth Thurman, who later became better known as Boo, was born in 1926 to a father she didn't remember, but to a mother who loved her very dearly from the moment she began to exist. Memories of her father were non-existent due to her parents parting ways before she could form any. From what she'd been told in later years, however, she wasn't missing much. The man had been distant; cold; even vulgar and aggressive at times.
"He became a husk of his former self," Pauline's mother had said.
She'd grown so weary of the man, in fact, that she took her daughter, not quite yet five years of age, and moved out of state: to South Dakota, where they knew no one, and no one knew them. They could start over, start fresh, carve their own paths and live their own lives. Unfortunately, several economic and climatic conditions combined with disastrous results for their new home: a lack of rainfall, extremely high temperatures and inappropriate cultivation techniques created the Dust Bowl.
That, combined with local bank foreclosures and the general economic effects of the Great Depression, resulted in Pauline, not quite yet having turned ten, and her mother both moving once again.
Perhaps the third time would be the charm.
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As it turned out, it was.
Saint Paul, Minnesota was their final stop. Here, Pauline settled in and grew up. She went to school, made friends and good grades, and graduated. And when she turned 18 in 1944, she expressed an interest in joining the army's efforts. World War 2 was still ongoing, and she wanted to help in any way she can. That was simply Pauline's way: altruistic to far past those that were in her personal circle.
It was the first and last time she ever truly argued with her mother, who had vehemently objected to her desire; something Pauline never truly came to understand. Nevertheless, she won. She was old enough to make her own decisions now, and she wasn't going to let anyone stand in her way -- not even Mother Dearest. 
For roughly a year and a half, Pauline drove trucks for the army. Times were different back then; tilted far more in favor of man than woman. Women could join the army, but they couldn't fight alongside the men -- or fight at all, really. Instead, they drove trucks, repaired airplanes, took up nursing duties, and provided clerical services. When the war ended, she returned home to find that new technology was on the rise in her state. Automation of feedlots for hogs and cattle, machine milking at dairy farms, and machinery like tractors and combines were becoming the norm.
She found a new path, becoming a secretary for her county's agricultural office. The rampant sexism continued, of course. Certain colors of nail polish and lipstick were forbidden, she was expected to wear clothes outside her budget, and of course, that budget was tight. Not to mention the indecent stares she'd sometimes get from the men at the office, both customers and employees.
Just smile and nod, Pauline, she told herself. Smile and nod and hope they choke on their cigars.
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Despite the environment not always being ideal, Pauline enjoyed her work. It kept her busy, kept her mind engaged, and it let her live comfortably enough. She even managed to earn enough to move into her own small home and purchase a cream-colored Plymouth Deluxe of her very own.
Over the years, however, a curiosity had grown -- one she'd had ever since she was a young girl, in complete honesty. Who and where was her father? Her duties as a secretary had given her skills with finding and collecting paperwork, so that was the route she took instead of going through her mother. Somehow, she figured an argument similar to the one she'd had about her joining the army might take place, and Pauline wasn't sure if she could stomach the drama this time.
Her search was fruitful, but not in a satisfactory manner. It was 1954 by then, and the obituary she managed to get her hands on said that her father had passed away in 1951. From self-inflicted injuries, no less.
She was too late. There was no chance for her to try and make a connection with him now.
Despite her never knowing the man, Pauline still felt like she'd lost something. Not quite a person, there weren't any memories to hold onto to form that in her mind's eye, but still.
It couldn't stop her from living, though. Nothing should. Nothing could.
...except for the DeSoto Adventurer Convertible that slammed into the driver's side door of her Plymouth Deluxe one sunny Tuesday morning in June as she was on her way to work.
That could stop her from living.
And it did.
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When she woke up, Pauline wasn't herself anymore.
She wasn't the same girl with bobbed brunette hair and blue-gray eyes. She was a monster, covered in black fur, with bright orange cat eyes, claws long and sharp enough to be knives, and a catty tail with a ghostly purple light at its tip.
As it turned out, her assessment wasn't too far off from the truth. It took her several hours to get her bearings and find someone that would bother to explain things to her, but she was, indeed, dead, and now she was in Hell.
Why? Who knows. She hadn't really believed in Hell before. She hadn't believed in the existence of anything after death. And besides, the why didn't matter. She was here, wasn't she? She was still sentient and conscious and able to live, albeit in a different sort of sense. That's what mattered.
As far as she was concerned, Pauline -- or, rather, Boo, if she was going to shed her old life and start new just like she had when she was barely old enough to recall it -- was going to continue living as best as she can, in whatever manner she can attain it.
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dzthenerd490 · 10 months
File: Fullmetal Alchemist - Alchemy
Code Name: Book of Alchemy
Object Class: Safe
Special Containment Procedures: SCP-ACI is held at Site-AR within the office of Malcom Wyllt. It is held within a safe that can only be accessed by his fingerprint, retina scanner, and an 8-digit passcode known only to him. The safe's security can only be bypassed by another Level 5 Clearance Foundation staff member. 
Description: SCP-ACI is a normal hardcover book closely resembling ones made in the early 20th century. SCP-ACI itself is not anomalous but instead the inscriptions inside it are what hold the anomalous properties. The illustrations and descriptions of SCP-ACI tell how to create alchemy transmutation circles each one having properties that are slightly different form one another. Please see Addendum X-27 for details
Addendum X-27
The following is a list of transmutation circles found within SCP-ACI and what they are best used for.
Small Circle - self-explanatory for small scale transmutation of matter. such as to create small tools or perhaps create flowers from fertile soil. Normally measures in 20-30 centimeters. 
Normal Circle - most commonly used for larger purposes of transmutation like creating slightly more complex tools as well as creating or fixing furniture. Normally measures in 50-70 centimeters.
Big Circle - Used in more large-scale transmutations for more complex structures, an entire garden, or even more complex alchemy circles as well. The possibilities are only limited to the size of the circle which is anywhere between 90-200 centimeters. 
Large Circle - Largest possible alchemy circle allowing the most powerful, the largest, and the most complex forms of alchemy to exist. Exists in sizes of 4 meters to 10 meters. Often the hardest to create perfectly and thus are rarely used. 
Matter Manipulation Circle - Most basic type of circle able to change the shape of matter such as turning a common stone into the shape of a pyramid as well as being able to turn led into gold.
Chemical Chain Reaction Circle - Releases the common energy of all alchemy into targeted elements and matter allowing instantaneous chemical reactions as the name implies. Most commonly used to make fire and explosions out of air alone. 
Heavy Condensing Circle - Used to heavily condense materials affected by the energy within the circle. It is able to condense any material into any shape desired and is able to condense them as much as physically possible. mainly used for weaponry purposes. 
Organic Manipulation Circle - Considered dangerous if used incorrectly by most sections within SCP-ACI. Common practices include healing, instantaneous blood transfusion, instantly growing flowers or plants in a garden. Great for medical and agriculture purposes. 
Advanced Reconstruction Circle - As the name implies can be used to create complex machinery with all the parts and materials needed. Allows for instantaneous construction of large buildings down to the very last detail. most commonly used in Big and Large Circles. 
Artificial Biology Circle - First of the forbidden sections within SCP-ACI they are used to create chimeras between animals. Most forbidden is how it's shown that its possible for humans to be turned into animal chimeras as well.
Human Soul Resurrection Circle - Considered the absolute worst by many self-inscriptions within SCP-ACI there are even blood written over the descriptions of the circle stating, "THE DEAD CANNOT COME BACK!" all over them. Describes a practice of alchemy on the human soul, more specifically the ability to resurrect the dead. Due to the fact that the circles and instructions on how to properly draw them are scribbled out or drawn over, testing on this particular circle is impossible. Though many Foundation staff argue it's for the best. 
Human Soul Binding Circle - Within the forbidden section. Shows how it's possible to trap a human soul into an object or even an artificial body. Sort of obtaining immortality in a way with no longer having to eat or breath to survive but also not being able to feel or sleep either. Can be used as both a form of punishment as well as a possible weaponization. 
Advanced Soul Manipulation Circle - [data expunged]. All research is being conducted by the Department of Alchemy. All research has been transferred to the Department of Technology, Alchemy, Science, Magic and Warfare. 
SCP-ACI has a section that shows the math behind equivalent exchange regarding all forms of matter. Whoever wrote SCP-ACI was able to treat all elements as math problems and can process their ability to transmute into different elements or chemicals through something called "the Law of Equivalent Exchange". In simple terms the law states: something cannot be made from nothing. In order to create something, another thing of equal value must be exchanged and is then lost. Naturally there is no reason to refute this as it is no different to the laws of nature and physics of our world. However, what is surprising is how this Law of Equivalent Exchange is descried as a law of tested science. It's as if the world where SCP-ACI originated form is actually a world where this form of instantaneous transmutative alchemy is commonplace. 
SCP-ACI was discovered in 1940 by Mobile Task Force Tau-9 "Book Worms" during one of their research missions within The Wanderer's Library. One of the agents within a Tau-9 unit found SCP-ACI and was interested by its inscriptions. However, upon testing one circle out as a joke it ended up working turning the lead within her pencil into a nugget of gold. Because of the dangerous knowledge within SCP-ACI and how it can be easily replicated, the Tau-9 units quickly snuck SCP-ACI out of the library and into Foundation custody. 
After reviewing the circles and their anomalous properties on alchemy it naturally fell into the hands of the Department of Alchemy. This of course eventually lead SCP-ACI to the DA's successor the Department of Technology, Alchemy, Science, Magic and Warfare when it was established in 1975 with Malcom Wyllt as the director. Naturally the DTASMW used SCP-ACI to increase their knowledge, researching capabilities, and even as the first step to create artificial magic spells. Of course, there were setbacks at first with Alchemy still having limitations the DTASMW wanted to get past but that all changed when Dr. Alvik revealed the hidden possibilities of SCP-AFD-4.3.
By combining the Alchemic knowledge within SCP-ACI and the anomalous properties SCP-AFD-4.3 had on the human body the Foundation finally was able to create its own nearly limitless supply of thaumaturgy, no longer bound to any anomaly or religion. This quickly led to the creation of Mobile Task Force Hecate-Alpha "Real Magic" in 1995 right after Mobile Task Force Delta-3 "Solomon's Hand" was dissolved in 1990. Of course, many of the Delta-3 units that didn't retire came to Hecate-Alpha afterwards to further improve their magical capabilities and knowledge.
SCP: Horror Movie Files Hub
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that-is-who-you-are · 2 years
Yesterday, our enemy shelled Zaporizhzhia: 5 S-300 missile strikes on an infrastructure object.
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«Law enforcement officers discovered funnels from rockets, completely destroyed premises. An employee of the enterprise was buried under the rubble, he died at the scene of the tragedy.
Enemy shells also hit not far from the villages of Zarichne and Novoiakovlivka of the Komyshuvais'ka settlement community. Damaged houses, farm buildings, agricultural machinery, a cultural center» - Department of National police of Zaporizhzhia Region reported.
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loinguyen2k · 1 year
Established in 2008, Kim Binh Industrial Joint Stock Company (KBI) is one of the pioneers in the field of manufacturing industrial and agricultural equipment in Vietnam, serving domestic and export needs. exports with a production output of tens of thousands of products per year.
KBI has its head office and factory located in Tan Tao Industrial Park, Ho Chi Minh City with a factory area of ​​up to 10,000m2, and 9,000m2 of warehouse area. In addition, the Company also invests in modern production machinery along with specialized and skilled human resources who always research and develop product lines that are best suited to the farming practices of each region in the region. country as well as export to foreign countries.
See more at https://greenlandonline.com.vn/
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dpr-lahore-division · 7 hours
With compliments from, the Directorate General of Public Relations,
Government of the Punjab, Lahore Ph. 99201390 
No. 1015
CM Maryam Nawaz Sharif to Introduce Corporate Farming to Increase Cultivation of Vegetables Like Tomato & Onion
Lahore, 22 September 2024: “Vegetable farmer groups consisting of 5 to 10 farmers will be given subsidy on seeds, fertilizers, drip irrigation and solarisation,” said Chief Minister Punjab Maryam Nawaz Sharif while chairing a special meeting to review recommendations for transforming agriculture in Punjab. She added,”By launching a project for the cultivation of onion and tomato on 2000 acres, the local availability of onion and tomato will be ensured.” She noted,”Due to off-season cultivation, there will be no artificial inflation as onion and tomato will be available locally in Punjab for 6 months.”
Earlier, Madam Chief Minister was briefed by the relevant authorities,”Off-season tomato cultivation plan was arranged in Kahrupka, Rahim Yar Khan, Vehari and Rajanpur; while onion cultivation plan was arranged in Khushab, Chakwal, Pindi and Jhelum.” She approved a plan to start agricultural machinery rental services across Punjab for the convenience of farmers. She said,”Tractors, harvesters and other modern agricultural machinery will be available on rent to farmers on a No-Profit, No-Loss basis.” A joint working group was formed for the selection of more than 67 locations and agricultural machinery. She also directed the authorities concerned to ensure sowing of wheat on government land. 
Senior Provincial Minister Marriyum Aurangzeb, Information & Culture Minister Azma Zahid Bukhari and Agriculture Minister Ashiq Hussain Kirmani attended the meeting. Chief Secretary Zahid Akhtar Zaman, Principal Secretary to CM Sajid Zafar Dal, Secretary Agriculture, Secretary Finance, Secretary Energy and other relevant officers were also present.
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jobskenyaplace · 3 days
GIZ TENDER SEPTEMBER 2024  INVITATION TO TENDER TENDER FOR SUPPLY OF AGRICULTURAL MACHINERY AND TRANSPORT EQUIPMENT The Deutsche Gesellschaft fur Internationale Zusammenarbeit [GIZ] GmbH is implementing technical cooperation measures on behalf of the Government of the Federal Republic of Germany. The GIZ Office Nairobi invites bidders to submit, free of charge, and without obligation on part of…
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commercialroplants · 10 days
Who Is The Best Commercial RO Plant Manufacturer In Gurgaon ?
Netsol Water is the leading commercial RO plant manufacturer in Gurgaon. We have the Stainless Steel RO plant, with capacities ranging from 100 LPH to a higher level greater than 5000 LPH.
What kind of contaminants or impurities can a commercial RO plant remove?
The RO membrane in a commercial RO plant removes dissolved impurities solids like arsenic or fluoride, among other pollutants. Carbon filtration helps to provide a wide range of reduction in the amount of sediments.
Carbon filters integrated in a Commercial RO system also helps in removing chlorine as well as are capable of preventing bad odor & taste.
A commercial RO plant can be implemented at any location demanding it to remove all kinds of these impurities & pollutants.
The pollutants which are listed above, are some of the most usual contaminants that are managed as well as handled by a common Commercial RO Plant, however the RO system also removes a wide spectrum of other types of contaminants.
Commercial RO plant proves to be environment-friendly machinery
When water from home or offices washes of into the drains, chemicals along with other pollutants must be removed so as to be recycled or re-utilize. Wastewater is then sent to a water treatment plant then diluted to make it easier to treat, or it is diverted to the to areas of rivers where it is naturally purified through water cycle.
As a commercial RO plant manufacturer in Gurgaon, we usually optimize waste treatment efficiency. Because contaminants are eliminated or removed during the carbon filtering process, RO water released from your home or offices is already chemical-free. For the increasing implementation of these RO Plants has also made Netsol Water as the largest supplier in the city.
The dissolved particles which are now mostly inorganics in the remaining impure water is a little higher. Since, new impurities do not enter into the water supply then when RO wastage water drains from our residents or houses, the recycling process is accelerated.
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Commercial RO Plants can be applied in Agriculture Practices as well
Even though RO purified water is perfect for cultivating hydroponic means crops specifically vegetables that are growing on the water directly but such technique of growing or cultivation is applicable only for limited number of crops. RO is the most suitable form of the treatment process in greenhouses as well as in small gardens, depending on the type of plant while giving showering water.  
Since hydroponic cultivation does not required soil instead grows fruits-flowers- vegetables with nutrient-rich RO water, high-quality water is very important for hydroponic cultivation to be successfully occurring. Even tiny amounts of impurities like silt, salt, or even other dissolved organics can cause mishap in the hydroponic farming.
RO water gives you total control over your crop-plants' requirements for nourishment. Thus, pre-post treatments can assist provide high-quality water for agricultural applications.
If you use well water for agriculture, Commercial Reverse Osmosis Plants are a viable solution.
For residential wells, a Commercial RO system ensures clean water. An effective system is suitable for eliminating difficult contaminants found in well water, such as nitrates & iron.
We should be looking if RO plants can be utilized for the entire domestic residential house?
Reverse osmosis can treat the whole house's water supply with an ease. However, unless your water has a specific pollution that requires Reverse Osmosis, setting-up & installing an RO system for the entire house may be viably unnecessary.
A simple commercial-based RO system will not supply or deliver the same flow rate required to pressurize an entire house & which might irritate the users. A large booster pump must be installed for that to provides adequate water pressure in the unlikely event where a whole household be needing or requires RO water. 
To disinfect the water as it departs the tank, a UV system, a large water pump, & a storage tank are necessary.
Commercial RO Plants has a major role in the application of purified water in the Swimming or Recreational Pool Water. The only time a commercial RO plant is utilized for a pool is if the water has a contaminant that no other filtration technology can remove. Contaminants if left in the swimming pools can cause skin problems to the users, so it is better removing the harmful impurities in it.
That is why a reputed as well as a fine Commercial RO Plant manufacturer in Gurgaon is very much important for this developing city where the recreational pools are increasing on demands.
For larger aquariums & farming of fish for commercial sellingalso requires purified water upto the level fishes can easily survive in it. So, giving a supply of RO water from a commercial RO Plant in the fishing ponds or farms can help re-mineralize the salt-content which will allow the fishes to survive.
Netsol Water is currently stand as one of the Best Commercial RO Plant Manufacturer In Gurgaon. Netsol Water provides water & wastewater treatment services, as well as chemical goods. We provide our clients across India with a unique along comprehensive range of traditional, creative, yet ecologically friendly solutions.
Netsol Water breadth, knowledge, therefore abilities are fairly wide, & as a solutions-focused firm, we are confident in resolving any water-related issues, including Commercial RO Plants for huge office buildings or schools.
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peterfernandas · 12 days
Ammonium Arsenite Manufacturing Plant Project Report 2024: Industry trends and Plant Setup
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Ammonium arsenite, known chemically as (NH₄)₃AsO₃, is a compound of interest primarily used in various industrial and agricultural applications. It is particularly noted for its role as a pesticide and a component in some chemical processes. Despite its utility, ammonium arsenite is handled with care due to its toxic nature. Setting up a manufacturing plant for ammonium arsenite involves careful planning and adherence to safety and regulatory standards. This Ammonium Arsenite Manufacturing Plant Project Report  provides a comprehensive guide to establishing such a plant, covering market analysis, plant setup, production processes, and financial projections.
Market Analysis
Demand and Growth Trends
Ammonium arsenite has specific applications that influence its market demand:
Agriculture: Historically used as a pesticide and fungicide. However, its use has declined due to regulatory changes and the development of safer alternatives.
Chemical Industry: Employed in certain chemical syntheses and reactions.
Specialty Applications: Used in niche areas such as metallurgy and analytical chemistry.
The market for ammonium arsenite is influenced by:
Regulatory Changes: Increasing restrictions on the use of arsenic compounds due to environmental and health concerns can impact demand.
Innovation in Alternatives: Development of safer and more environmentally friendly pesticides and chemical processes.
Specialized Uses: Continued use in specific industrial applications where no viable alternatives exist.
Regions with notable demand include North America, Europe, and parts of Asia. However, market growth is tempered by stringent regulations and the search for less hazardous alternatives.
Competitive Landscape
The ammonium arsenite market is niche and regulated, with a few established players. To succeed, new entrants should focus on:
Regulatory Compliance: Ensuring adherence to safety and environmental regulations to avoid legal issues and market restrictions.
Product Safety: Implementing rigorous safety protocols and handling procedures due to the toxic nature of arsenic compounds.
Cost Efficiency: Streamlining production processes to manage costs and enhance competitiveness.
Innovation: Exploring alternative uses and improving production methods to meet industry demands.
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Plant Setup
Location and Infrastructure
Selecting the right location for the manufacturing plant is crucial. Key considerations include:
Proximity to Raw Materials: Ammonium arsenite is synthesized from arsenic trioxide and ammonium salts. Locating near these raw material sources can reduce transportation costs.
Access to Skilled Labor: Availability of workers with expertise in handling hazardous materials and managing specialized equipment.
Transportation and Logistics: Efficient transport links for receiving raw materials and distributing finished products.
The plant should be designed to include:
Production Area: Equipped with reactors, filtration systems, and drying units for synthesizing and processing ammonium arsenite.
Quality Control Laboratory: For testing the purity and safety of ammonium arsenite.
Warehouse: For storing raw materials and finished products safely.
Administrative Offices: For managing operations, sales, and support functions.
Employee Facilities: Including break rooms, restrooms, and specialized safety equipment.
Machinery and Equipment
Key machinery and equipment required include:
Reaction Vessels: For the chemical reaction between arsenic trioxide and ammonium salts to produce ammonium arsenite.
Filtration Units: For separating and purifying the compound.
Drying Ovens: For drying the final product to achieve the desired consistency and form.
Safety Equipment: Including ventilation systems, protective gear, and emergency response equipment.
Quality Testing Equipment: For analyzing product purity and ensuring compliance with safety standards.
Technology and Innovation
Incorporating advanced technology can enhance production efficiency and safety. Automation, process control systems, and advanced analytical techniques can streamline operations and ensure consistent product quality. Innovations in handling and processing hazardous materials can also improve safety and regulatory compliance.
Production Process
Raw Materials
The primary raw materials for ammonium arsenite production are:
Arsenic Trioxide (As₂O₃): Derived from arsenic ore or as a byproduct of other industrial processes.
Ammonium Salts: Such as ammonium chloride or ammonium hydroxide.
Production Stages
Raw Material Preparation: Arsenic trioxide and ammonium salts are prepared and pre-processed.
Chemical Reaction: Arsenic trioxide is reacted with ammonium salts in a controlled environment to produce ammonium arsenite.
Separation and Purification: The ammonium arsenite is separated from impurities using filtration and purification techniques.
Drying: The purified ammonium arsenite is dried to produce the final product in the desired form (e.g., powder).
Quality Control: Rigorous testing to ensure the product meets purity and safety standards.
Packaging and Distribution: The final product is packaged and prepared for shipment, with careful labeling and safety instructions.
Environmental and Safety Considerations
Ammonium arsenite production involves handling toxic materials, necessitating stringent safety and environmental controls. Key considerations include:
Waste Management: Proper disposal of hazardous waste and by-products.
Emission Controls: Implementing measures to minimize air and water emissions.
Safety Protocols: Ensuring worker safety through protective equipment, training, and emergency procedures.
Financial Projections
Revenue and Profitability
Revenue potential depends on production capacity and market prices. With a plant producing 5,000 tons of ammonium arsenite annually, and an average selling price of $1,500 per ton, annual revenue could reach $7.5 million. Effective cost management and market positioning can lead to profitability within 2-3 years.
Funding and Financing
Funding options include bank loans, venture capital, and government grants. A detailed business plan and financial projections are essential for securing financing from investors and financial institutions.
1. What is ammonium arsenite used for?
Ammonium arsenite is used in certain chemical processes, historically as a pesticide and fungicide, and in specialized industrial applications. However, its use has declined due to safety and environmental concerns.
2. What are the safety concerns with ammonium arsenite?
Ammonium arsenite is toxic and requires stringent safety measures, including proper handling, storage, and disposal. Compliance with regulatory standards is crucial to prevent health risks and environmental contamination.
3. How much does it cost to set up an ammonium arsenite manufacturing plant?
The cost varies based on plant size, location, and scale. A moderate-sized plant can cost between $16-20 million, covering land, machinery, and initial operating expenses.
4. What are the environmental impacts of ammonium arsenite manufacturing?
Environmental impacts include potential contamination from waste products and emissions. Implementing waste management and emission control measures is essential to mitigate these effects.
5. How can I ensure compliance with safety regulations in ammonium arsenite production?
Ensuring compliance involves adhering to industry regulations, implementing rigorous safety protocols, training employees, and maintaining proper documentation and reporting practices.
Related Reports
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jobstaraustralia · 13 days
Upskilling Your Employees
The world has changed. Two-year-old's are computer literate, whilst you and your employees were educated years ago. This is a digital world where almost every facet of business is now ruled by IT specialists and even robots.
Business leaders have to move with the times, dragging their workers along with them. The rules of running a business are exactly the same as they have always been, however, there are new ways of doing things. So much equipment is now redundant, but it is not financially viable to replace loyal employees with new people who may or may not be reliable or dedicated to the job even though they have additional skills.
The solution is to upskill existing employees: dedicate time to learn IT skills, new equipment, and new ways of handling logistics. One example is using barcoding connected to your computer system, allowing automatic stocktaking and reordering, Other examples are using robotic functions to operate agricultural equipment or to completely control a warehouse using automated picking and packing without human labour. The global economy has allowed marketing worldwide, often a large part of sales. Medical practitioners are heavily dependant upon computer records.
Employees with old university degrees and who have not upskilled are unable to meet the requirements necessary to operate in today’s environment. Many skilled workers are have to understand maths at a high level when beginning their apprenticeships.
A multiplicity of courses are available to bring employees up to a standard that will improve your business, be it computer courses, training on the new factory and agricultural machinery, and understanding global marketing and international logistics.
All of this is available right here in Australia – onsite at your business, online, at TAFE’s, and in universities. Upskilling must be a significant part of the work week, applicable to all parts of your business. At the same time work on feedback, speaking to each and every employee from the machine operators to the office staff, and before considering their opinions on bettering your business.
That is what successful leaders in business do.
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aircompressor88 · 16 days
The Role of Air Compressors in Enhancing Operations Across Diverse Industries
Air compressors have become indispensable across a multitude of industries, ranging from manufacturing and automotive to healthcare and agriculture. Their ability to generate compressed air for powering tools, equipment, and systems has made them an essential component in modern industrial operations. By providing a reliable, energy-efficient source of power, air compressors contribute significantly to enhancing productivity and operational efficiency. In this blog, we will explore the role of air compressors in various industries and how they help streamline processes, improve efficiency, and reduce operational costs.
1. The Importance of Air Compressors in Industrial Operations
Air compressors are vital in many industries for several reasons. They serve as a consistent and efficient source of power, reducing the need for manual labour and increasing productivity. Compressed air is cleaner, safer, and more flexible than other forms of power like electricity or hydraulic systems, making it ideal for use in environments where cleanliness and safety are paramount.
Additionally, air compressors offer a high degree of reliability. This ensures that operations can continue without interruptions, which is critical in industries like manufacturing, where downtime can be costly. Their energy-efficient nature also contributes to a reduction in operational expenses, helping companies minimize their carbon footprint.
2. Manufacturing: Powering Production Lines
In manufacturing, air compressors play a crucial role in powering production lines. They are used to operate pneumatic tools, control systems, and automated machinery. Compressed air powers conveyor belts, packaging equipment, and even robotic arms, allowing for seamless and efficient production.
Pneumatic Tools: Pneumatic tools, such as drills, grinders, and sanders, are commonly powered by compressed air. These tools are not only faster and more efficient than their electric counterparts but also last longer, reducing maintenance costs.
Automated Systems: Many manufacturing plants utilize air compressors to control automated systems that ensure precision and accuracy in production. This helps reduce human error and increases overall product quality.
Cleaning and Maintenance: Compressed air is often used for cleaning and maintenance tasks, such as removing debris from workspaces and equipment. This helps maintain a clean working environment, which is essential for efficient production.
3. Automotive Industry: Driving Efficiency in Vehicle Production
The automotive industry relies heavily on air compressors to drive production efficiency. From assembling car parts to painting and inflating tires, air compressors play a key role in multiple stages of vehicle manufacturing.
Assembly Lines: Air compressors power tools that are used for assembling various car components, including engines, body parts, and interiors. The use of compressed air ensures faster and more accurate assembly processes.
Spray Painting: Air compressors are integral to the painting process in the automotive industry. They provide a smooth and even application of paint, ensuring a high-quality finish on every vehicle.
Tire Inflation and Testing: Compressed air is used for inflating tires during production and in-service stations. Additionally, air compressors are employed in testing vehicle components for durability and safety.
4. Healthcare: Ensuring Clean and Reliable Operations
In the healthcare sector, the demand for clean, oil-free air is critical. Air compressors are used in medical devices, laboratories, and operating rooms, making them an essential tool for healthcare professionals.
Respiratory Equipment: Medical air compressors are used in ventilators and other respiratory devices to supply clean, breathable air to patients. These devices are vital in hospitals and emergency care settings.
Dental Practices: Dental offices use air compressors to power various tools, including drills and suction devices. Clean, dry air is crucial to ensure the safety and comfort of patients during procedures.
Medical Laboratories: In laboratories, compressed air is used in analytical instruments and processes, ensuring accurate results and efficient operations.
5. Construction: Boosting On-Site Productivity
Construction sites benefit significantly from the use of air compressors, as they power a range of tools and equipment essential for building and construction work.
Pneumatic Tools: Compressed air powers pneumatic tools like jackhammers, nail guns, and concrete vibrators. These tools are crucial for completing tasks quickly and efficiently, improving overall site productivity.
Site Maintenance: Air compressors are also used to clean up construction sites, removing dust and debris from machinery and equipment. This ensures a safer and more organized working environment.
Powering Machinery: Air compressors help power heavy machinery like cranes, loaders, and excavators, providing the necessary force to move materials and complete large-scale projects efficiently.
6. Agriculture: Enhancing Efficiency in Farming Operations
The agricultural industry utilizes air compressors to enhance efficiency and productivity in various farming operations, from crop irrigation to machinery maintenance.
Irrigation Systems: Compressed air is used to power irrigation systems, ensuring consistent water flow to crops. This helps farmers maximize crop yield and maintain healthy farmland.
Machinery Maintenance: Farmers use air compressors to clean and maintain farming equipment, such as tractors and plods. This ensures machinery remains in good working condition, reducing downtime and repair costs.
Livestock Care: In livestock farming, air compressors are used in pneumatic systems to automate feeding and milking processes, making daily operations more efficient.
7. Food and Beverage Industry: Maintaining Hygiene and Efficiency
In the food and beverage industry, air compressors are essential for maintaining hygiene and efficiency throughout the production process.
Food Processing: Compressed air is used to power equipment that handles food processing, packaging, and sealing. Air compressors help maintain cleanliness and reduce the risk of contamination.
Beverage Bottling: In beverage manufacturing, air compressors are used to power bottling machines and ensure that liquids are sealed properly without contamination. This process is critical to maintaining the quality of the product.
Product Conveyance: Compressed air is also used to move products along conveyor belts, ensuring that items are transported efficiently through different stages of production.
8. Energy Sector: Powering Critical Operations
The energy sector, including oil and gas, relies on air compressors for a variety of essential operations, from drilling to refining and distribution.
Drilling and Extraction: Air compressors provide power for pneumatic tools used in drilling and extraction processes. This allows for more efficient resource extraction and reduced environmental impact.
Pipeline Maintenance: Compressed air is used to power tools that inspect and maintain pipelines, ensuring the safe and efficient transportation of oil and gas.
Refining Operations: In oil refineries, air compressors are used in various processes to control valves and actuators, ensuring smooth and reliable operations.
Air compressors are indispensable across a wide range of industries, enhancing efficiency, productivity, and safety. Their ability to provide reliable, clean, and cost-effective power makes them a crucial component in many industrial processes. From manufacturing and automotive to healthcare and agriculture, the versatility of air compressors ensures their continued importance in driving industrial innovation and success. As industries continue to evolve, air compressors will remain a key player in enhancing operations and shaping the future of industrial productivity.
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