#zero janvier
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Yes girl, dump his ugly ass!
Inspiré par @everythingnox
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starmaniamania · 2 months ago
Ego Trip - Check out David as the guard, crawling on his stomach to grab one of the frames which flew into the audience 🤣 (June 22, 2024)
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braimee · 6 months ago
I was having a conversation with a friend the other day (about – you guessed it – Starmania) and she made an interesting point which I thought I could share here
She said that during their little introduction at the start of the show and later during the debate, there’s a curious paradox with Zéro and the Gourou’s musical themes
Zéro’s theme is pretty smooth, a little round, if you will, and pretty seamless, while the things he sings are quite brutal, and his logo itself is very angular, with sharp edges.
As for the Gourou, his musical theme is very sharp with more abrupt sounds and rhythms, which opposes itself to the roundness of his logo – not so much to his ideas though 😅
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I don’t think it really means anything (or at least anything I can think of, other than maybe don’t judge a book by its cover) but I thought it was a pretty neat detail :)
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chocolateluma · 9 months ago
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They are, in fact, all wearing Louis Vuitton.
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enbyfallenfromthedeadstars · 4 months ago
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what if i say Zero Janvier ?
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capitaletele · 4 months ago
do you think during Ego Trip Stella and Zero Janvier knew what their employees were doing and ignored them because they had other things to worry about or they were somehow completely oblivious to it?
Omg what an excellent question, I had never considered that before!!
I don't actually know what I think! I think it's possible that the maid & secret agent are so stealthy, and Stella and Zero so self-involved, that they could possibly not have noticed! Like, if you allow that the 2022 staging is stylized and the maid is not literally getting head on the stairs and then Stella almost steps over her. But if they're doing it in dark corners and cupboards and behind the door... Plausible!
But I also think it's funny if Stella and Zero do notice but just don't give a shit for some reason! Like they're just looking at their employees fucking wildly with a disinterested air and going "My god you just can't find decent help anymore," and then back to their much more important fight.
(I'm realizing by writing this that my actual headcanon is that Ego Trip sort of condenses several moments, like it's an amalgamation of lots of little scenes where the maid & the agent start noticing each other, then start flirting, then starting Doing It Like Bunnies Everywhere while the relationship between Stella and Zero slowly deteriorates?? And so I feel like Stella and the maid definitely have had time to talk about her feelings and maybe Stella is actually interested in a very "Oh look she got her man, good for her" way!)
What about you??
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starmaniamania · 1 month ago
Nooo but it makes so much sense :p Firstly because Roger-Roger doesn't sing in this version, but also because it makes it much clearer that Zéro is using violence to control the city. It gives the song a narrative purpose outside of just being exposition. The re-positioning/re-casting of the song is in the grand tradition of successive Starmania versions moving songs from place to place and from character to character, and its staging makes it into something so sinister, I love it👌
So you're telling me Starmania 2022 modified the songs' order? and that my boy Zero sings Il se passe quelque chose à Monopolis?? noooooool that's bad, I refuse to accept to live in that world
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feelkindadizzy · 10 months ago
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[Description d'image en français: 1. Un dessin numérique de la femme de chambre de Stella Spotlight dans Starmania. Les couleurs sont violacées et claires. Elle a la peau légèrement foncée, les cheveux courts bouclés et noirs. Elle porte sa robe grise avec un col blanc, et un serre-tête jaune. Elle est assise en haut de l'escalier de chez Stella dans la version 2022 de Starmania. Elle a les jambes écartées et ses mains sont entre ses jambes, elle tient le bouquet d'orchidées dorées et noires offert par Zéro Janvier. 2. La même image sans le bouquet d'orchidées. Fin de la description]
[English ID: 1. A digital drawing of Stella Spotlight's maid from Starmania. The colors are purple and pale. She has light brown skin, short and dark curly hair. She is wearing her gray dress with a white collar and a yellow hairband. She is sitting at the top of Stella's staircase from the 2022 version of Starmania. She is holding Zero Janvier's golden and black orchid bouquet. 2. The same drawing without the orchid bouquet. END ID]
Her silly goofy vibe and five minutes of stage time have bewitched us body and soul
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chaotictomtom · 2 years ago
pas pole emploi qui doit envoyer des mails pour dire "svp arretez de nous solliciter autant on a remarqué une grosse augmentation de demande et questions concernant les indemnisations et vos droits pour genre vivre on comprend que vous voulez des réponses mais bon attendez tranquille jsp hihi ✨" 💀
#de l'augmentation de gens qui demandent des indemnités pour vivre et manger🤔🤔 bizarre#c'est de pire en pire les services d'aides#ils sont débordés parce que de plus en plus de personnes sont dans la grosse merde#et derrière y'a des services comme la mission locale où les conseillers depuis janvier 2023 reçoivent des refus pour TOUTES les demandes#d'aides d'urgence. ils ont également plus le droit de donner un billet de 20 quand la personne est dans la merde la plus totale pour manger#l'aide de la cej qui a remplacé la garantie jeune a encore changé et ne dure plus que SIX MOIS. si tu as le malheur de sortir de formation#avec la rfpe aka l'aide qu'on te donne de 500/mois parce que t'as ZERO revenu à côté bah pour la cej c'est trop 👍#donc tu peux te faire niquer 2 mois d'aide sur les pauvres 6 mois de cej. si t'as un loyer a payer et genre. tu dois bouffer bah temps pis#derrière les services d'assistance sociale pareil tu sors de formation et t'as olus AUCUN revenu bah t'es trop haut dans les barèmes vu que#y'a ça prend sur TROIS MOIS en arrière ou purée tu gagne 500/mois c'est beaucoup trop en fait t'es riche à ce stade là#vraiment au bout du bout jamais on s'en sortira les pauvres j'ai juste plus une once d'espoir.#tomtom_is_rambling#tomtom_communique#je vent pour pas sauter du 3eme jvais pas vous mentir#jsuis fier que depuis pas mal de temps je relativise et arrive à tenir le coup malgré tout les bails mais là#là y'a plus rien qui me donne de l'espoir c'est fini pour de bon je pense.#oh well
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blood-gremlin · 2 months ago
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starmaniamania · 1 year ago
The fact that the song is unironically many people's favourite keeps blowing my mind for this exact reason :p
j'ai enfin vu Starmania
toute ma vie j'avais entendu Le blues du businessman sans le petit couplet d'intro de Cristal--c'est donc pas des regrets sincères mais un PR stunt ?? d'un politique pire que pourri ??? dans une interview de télé-"réalité" ? my whole life is a lie
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gregor-samsung · 2 months ago
" In fondo, il nostro problema intellettuale è che noi amiamo l’America. Gli Stati Uniti sono stati uno di quei paesi che hanno sconfitto il nazismo, ci hanno mostrato la strada da seguire per la prosperità e la distensione. Se vogliamo accettare pienamente l’idea che oggi stiano tracciando la strada che porta alla povertà e all’atomizzazione sociale, è indispensabile ricorrere al concetto di nichilismo. Quanto alle ragioni tecniche, un’altra cosa che mi spinge a utilizzare questo concetto è la constatazione che i valori e il comportamento della società americana sono oggi profondamente negativi. Come per il nichilismo tedesco […], questa negatività è il prodotto di una decomposizione del protestantesimo, solo che non si verifica allo stesso stadio.
Il nazismo apparve nella sua prima fase dopo che, tra il 1880 e il 1930, il protestantesimo ebbe cessato di essere una religione attiva. Il nazismo corrisponde a un’esplosione di disperazione durante la sua fase zombi, a un’epoca in cui i valori protestanti, positivi e negativi, continuavano a persistere nonostante il venir meno della pratica religiosa. La fase zombi del protestantesimo americano è stata complessivamente positiva. In linea di massima va dalla presidenza di Roosevelt a quella di Eisenhower, e ha visto la nascita dello Stato sociale, delle università che assicurano un insegnamento esteso a tutti e di qualità e il diffondersi di una cultura ottimistica che ha conquistato il mondo. Questa America aveva recuperato i valori positivi del protestantesimo (alto livello di istruzione, egalitarismo tra i bianchi) e stava cercando di liberarsi dei suoi valori negativi (razzismo, puritanesimo). La crisi attuale corrisponde, viceversa, all’approdo allo stadio zero del protestantesimo. Ciò ci consente di comprendere al contempo sia il fenomeno Trump che la politica estera di Biden, tanto il deterioramento interno quanto la megalomania esterna, come pure le violenze che il sistema americano esercita sui propri cittadini e su quelli degli altri paesi. La dinamica tedesca degli anni Trenta e la dinamica americana attuale hanno in comune il fatto di essere animate dal vuoto. In entrambi i casi, la vita politica funziona senza valori, non essendo che un movimento tendente alla violenza. Rauschning definiva il nazismo non diversamente da ciò. Prima di abbandonarlo, fu membro del Partito Nazionalsocialista Tedesco dei Lavoratori (NSDAP): questo conservatore, per così dire “normale”, non poteva tollerare la violenza gratuita. Nell’America di oggi vedo un pericoloso vuoto di pensiero e di idee, condito dall’ossessione per il denaro e il potere, i quali non possono essere in sé dei fini, dei valori. Questo vuoto conduce all’autodistruzione, al militarismo, a una negatività endemica: in sostanza, al nichilismo. "
Emmanuel Todd, La sconfitta dell'Occidente, traduzione di Alessandro Ciappa e Michele Zurlo, Fazi Editore, 2024.
[Edizione originale: La Défaite de l'Occident, Paris, Gallimard, janvier 2024]
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starmaniamania · 1 month ago
David got a little bit carried away that day during the debate (May 25, 2024)
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braimee · 1 year ago
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starmaniamania · 9 months ago
I looooove this so much!
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They are, in fact, all wearing Louis Vuitton.
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unknown171204 · 6 months ago
Starmania 1979
The French singer, author and composer Michel Berger one day heard about a surprising news item . Patricia Campbell Hearst, the daughter of a billionaire, kidnapped by terrorists ended up joining their movement out of love for one of her kidnappers !
This true story will fascinate him, to the point of starting an album inspired by this story :
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This will be the “Angelina Dumas” project .
Ultimately the album never saw the light of day and only one song that remained of Berger's work remained that he recorded as a duet with his wife France Gall :
Frustrated by what he considers to be a failure, Michel will not let go of what he thinks (rightly) is a good artistic vein
thanks to his wife who will make him meet the Canadian singer Diane Dufresne, Michel will work with her lyricist Luc Plamondon with whom he created the most famous rock opera in France :
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The story takes place in an undated future (despite a now outdated reference to the year 2000 and the 80s) Humans now live in underground galleries redeveloped into a huge city called Monopolis. The only mirage of happiness for ordinary citizens is the number 1 television show "Starmania" where everyone can become a star for one night .
We simultaneously follow the lives and actions of several characters :
Johnny Rockfort : A young anarchist leader of the terrorist group " les étoiles noires " ( the black stars )
Sadia : A transvestite student co-creator of " les étoiles noires "
Marie Jeanne : The depressed waitress who works at the " Underground café "
Ziggy : A mythomaniac and ambitious homosexual record store owner
Cristal : The host of Starmania
Stella Spotlight : A sex symbol on the decline
Zéro Janvier : An extremist politician running for became president
Gourou Marabout : An extremist politician also competing in the presidential election
Roger-Roger : the TV presenter
Brilliantly the duo Berger / Plamondon went out of their way to organize the broadcast of a special television program in 1978 in order to present the songs to as many people as possible :
The show was performed for a short month , only 33 performances at the Palais des Congrès , but it is considered one of the greatest French musicals
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Daniel Balavoine : Johnny Rockfort
France Gall : Cristal
Fabienne Thibeault : Marie-Jeanne
Étienne Chicot : Zéro Janvier
Diane Dufresne : Stella Spotlight
Grégory Ken : Ziggy
Nanette Workman : Sadia
Roddy Julienne : le Gourou
René Joly : Roger-Roger
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Due to his short presence on stage, the show did not have the right to a complete recording (it is today considered a highly sought after lost media) but fortunately the audio of the show has available in its entirety !
To get an idea of ​​the visual identity of the show I had to dig into the TV archives :
The repetitions :
Full live audio of the show :
한국어 자막과 함께 :
Single :
Monopolis / Quand on arrive en ville / Le blues du business man / La complainte de la serveuse automate / Ziggy / Le monde est stone
But the most memorable song is " SOS d'un terrien en détresse "
A song renowned for its difficulty and which launched the career of Daniel Balavoine then, years later, that of Star Academy 2004 winner Grégory Lemarchal :
The original album contains two songs missing from the final show :
Petite Musique terrienne Part 2
L'air de l'extraterrestre
This extraterrestrial is a deleted character who only appeared physically in two production ( Francis Martin in 1980 and Marc Gabriel in 1986 , in this last version we discovered that Roger-Roger was in reality an alien ) the song, or rather its theme, will be recycled in several subsequent versions .
The show also contains several unreleased and missing songs from the album that will never be reused !!
La serveuse et les clients
Jingle de Stella
Sex shops , cinéma porno
Les parents de Cristal
Le tango de l'amour et de la mort
Claude Dubois (the original voice of Zéro Janvier) is the only one of the singers present on the album who did not reprise the role on stage, unfortunately it was because of his drug addiction, he took his revenge in 1989 when he replaced Richard Groulx on stage ( thanks to miss-starmania for the archive picture and additional information )
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Michel Berger abandons his role of Grand Gourou to Roddy Julienne without any explanation ?!
In this version, in addition to randomly attacking wealthy people in the street, scratching their cars and raping girls in parking lots, les étoiles noires of 79 are a bit more extreme than in the other versions … Roger Roger specifies that the terrorists deliberately disconnected the oxygen ventilation of an entire neighborhood, killing all the residents ! This free murder will be deleted from other versions
The name Johnnie Rockfort (a complicated pun to translate which can mean "strong rock'n'roll " or just the cheese of the same name ? ) is perhaps not a coincidence , the producer of the show Roland Hubert, not being convinced by Balavoine, completely unknown at the time, he fought (in vain) with Berger so that the role was offered to the rocker Johnny Halliday
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According to the memories of France Gall, during one of the performances a disgruntled spectator had fun whistling throughout the show exhausting Daniel Balavoine who patiently waited for the curtain call to jump into the audience to beat him up while he was still wearing his bulky costume ( the one below )
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France Gall speaks about the show :
For more Starmania or to discover other French musicals I invite you to follow the path of my main masterlist to learn more about French musicals and their stories :
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