#zephyr sylvari
hawkepockets · 1 year
27, 40 and G for Prem AND Peppa:3
for prem:
27.  What causes them to feel dread?
prem doesn't experience dread a whole lot. but definitely when he heard that the zephyr fleet had crashed in dry top, not knowing if his mothers or their family airship were in the wreck and having no way to contact them, even if he was ready to face them and apologize for the way they left each other, which he wasn't.
when kas was talking to kormir in path of fire and said "you already know this, don't you?" and they both felt the dawning certainty that the gods were about to disappoint them totally.
and in gyala delve. bc. well.
40. How sensitive are they to their own flaws?
he used to not be self-aware at all, but since having all of his memories restored and put into context in the domain of the lost, much more so. it's been a long, slow process of finding and loosening the roots of his problems instead of just being like "i used to be a piece of shit," though.
G) What trait of theirs bothers you the most?
it might sound silly & conceited, but the fact that i know he'd be a fan favorite if he appeared in an original work and would get mischaracterized and privileged over women in the same story... like sorry but i can see it.
for pepa:
27. What causes them to feel dread?
by contrast, pepa is often FULL of dread. her enemies tend to be forces of nature, and she feels absolutely certain that tyria will crumble apart if she loosens her clawed grip on it for a second or allows anyone, friends included, to deviate too much from her plans for them.
highlights: realizing she'd fired on pact troops in "shell shock" and would have to explain it to trahearne. watching the All destabilize in omadd's machine. the pact fleet crash. aurene's death. the first appearance of void in arborstone. fighting ankka.
40. how sensitive are they to their own flaws?
not very. pepa doesn't think of himself as a control freak, and prefers to project a more laidback, funny, paternal image of the commander. if anything, he thinks he should let less slip through the cracks.
G) What trait of theirs bothers you the most?
before the maguuma campaign, pepa used to be VERY patronizing to sylvari, thanks to the guilt about malomedies she inherited from her father. she didn't trust sylvari allies to make their own risk assessments, and would oscillate between hyper-apologetic and over-protective, and shying away from interacting with sylvari at all for fear of offending, exploiting, or endangering them by accident. pepa's asura guilt complex is an important element of her early character, but the secondhand embarrassment... 🫢
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safewarmbubbly · 2 years
The ~Aesthetics~ of some of my gw2 characters
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Cynthia Everett - Human Ranger - Commoner - Order of Whispers Lightbringer - Commander of the Pact - 20 during 1325 AE - Birthday: Phoenix 38 1305 AE
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Theseus Eupatridae - Human Thief - Adopted Noble - Priory Magister - 23 during 1325 AE - Birthday: Scion 46 1302 AE
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Warren Zelos - Sylvari Ranger - Cycle of Noon - Priory Magister - About 3 months old during the Battle for Claw Island in 1325 AE - Birthday: Zephyr 16 1325 AE
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kerra-and-company · 2 years
(@commanderhorncleaver) Can I get the first question from each category for Mx Kerralind~
You may indeed~ :D And thank you!!
1. Age, Birthday, Star Sign
In terms of literal years old, Kerra's almost 11. She was born at the beginning of 1325, on the 20th of the Season of the Zephyr (which, since that's at the start of the year, is January 20, I believe). That makes her star sign Aquarius!
19. Hobbies
Singing, playing the flute (literally, as in the instrument, to be clear), reading (sometimes, but not paperwork), and swimming (recreationally, sometimes--she's not super fast, but she enjoys it) all definitely make this list! And she sometimes does woodcarving in her spare time, too. Her bow is good evidence of her skill--though it's now been crystallized thanks to Aurene's magic and no longer really looks like wood.
27. What’s their family like? Who’s in it? What’s their relationship with them?
Ah yes, we have opened up the box labeled "Kerra's family." It is a large box. There are many people in it.
Please proceed below the cut :)
Kerra considers both Caithe and Trahearne her siblings. Caithe almost immediately got the "sister" label from the moment Kerra awoke. Though their relationship's definitely had its ups and downs, they're closer at this point than they've ever been. Trahearne got the "brother" label semi-tentatively during the level 20 PS (which was Malyck's story in this case), and it was then solidified during their work together with the Pact. They were, and are, close enough that Kerra fully would have died for him during HoT (which was actually a point of contention between them for a bit of LWS3, since that's not something he would ever have wanted her to do; they talked that through, though).
Kerra also has a couple of friends who are close enough to be sibling-adjacent but don't quite fit into one category, and that's Rel and Minei. Rel has been her friend since they ran into each other in Caledon (sometime between the level 10 and level 20 PS), specifically during an incident with the Soundless and the Nightmare Court. They stuck together through quite a few months, separated for a bit when Kerra joined the Order of Whispers and Rel traveled to Orr with Trahearne to conduct more research, and reunited during the level 60 PS. They're very much on the same wavelength about a Lot of stuff, they get along very well and pretty much always have, and they've kept in touch even as their individual lives take them farther and farther away from each other. Minei and Kerra met on Claw Island and bonded, in part, thanks to Kerra comforting her after Forgal's death (though Kerra was not doing great herself at the time, either). The other reason was that they saw through each other--Kerra figured out that Minei was very young to be part of the Vigil, and Minei saw that Kerra was scared/upset. They worked together a great deal during the rest of the PS and continued to work together during HoT, LWS3, PoF, and LWS4. (And technically some of Icebrood, too.) They still very much keep in touch even when they're not directly working together.
I feel like "family" usually isn't talking about romantic partners? Could be wrong? But, romantically speaking, Kerra has Nisha and Canach, which is a story in and of itself that I won't go into here. They are definitely very happy and very in love, though.
Kerra also has kids--Aurene, Rhi, Tev, and Ia! She wasn't expecting to get a daughter when Aurene hatched, but the second that she did hatch, that was definitely Kerra's daughter. She is so, so proud of Aurene, and she hates that she wasn't able to better protect Aurene from having to carry the weight of the world on her shoulders young. She knows firsthand how hard that is and had hoped Aurene would have more time to grow up. Rhi, Tev, and Ia are all sylvari sprouts, second-gen sylvari (but not Secondborn, haha). Rhi awakened after LWS4, and Tev and Ia (who are twins) awakened after Icebrood. They're all wonderful kids, even though they're pretty different, and they definitely consider Aurene to be their big sister.
(And technically she also has a nephew! Sindri, Rel and Trahearne's kid :) )
There's also the whole other complexity that is the Elder Dragons, if you want to factor them into the family tree. Kerra did label/consider Mordremoth to have the position of "grandfather", but she definitely never loved him like family (and hated him, in fact). It does mean that seeing Aurene facing down Kralkatorrik later on was a painful parallel for her, though.
34. What’s their room look like right now?
Cozy, slightly cluttered, lots of things. Nothing too stacked up or messy, but it's a very lived-in room. The bed's made, but not particularly neatly. There's books and pens and paper on a table to the side. There's an amount of pillows that's more than average. The blankets are blue. There's a few assorted posters on the wall in a corner of the room; you'd have to get close to read the text. The window's open. The closet door's open a crack; it got shut too fast and there's the tip of a boot poking out.
47. What was this character’s biggest turning point in their life, something that changed them almost completely?
There's a whole lot of things in Kerra's life that you could point to as things that had a huge impact, but as far as "biggest turning point"? That happened early for her. That's Tiachren.
Sapling-Kerra was, for the first month-ish of her life, almost painfully optimistic. Very bright, believed fully that though her mission was hard, of course she'd succeed. There wasn't another option for her other than for things to turn out well in the end.
She was very excited to meet Tiachren, to start on part of her Wyld Hunt, and they became friends (not super close, but still friends) very quickly. She was horrified alongside him to find Ysvelta had turned to Nightmare, and though she did truly believe Ysvelta could be saved, her duty was to help those in Astorea. The many over the one. So she let him go alone, and he understood--and then he and Ysvelta came to Astorea both with Nightmare, and Kerra was the one to kill him.
Tiachren has never stopped being a recurring figure in Kerra's nightmares. Ever. It's been almost eleven years now. His death is the reason she learned that she can function under extreme devastation, can talk to someone as important like her Mother (for the first time, no less) like everything's normal if she has to. His death is the reason she learned that to complete her Wyld Hunt did not mean that everything would go well, even if the ultimate goal was achieved.
And his death is the first reason the world ever gave her to be truly, deeply, angry.
Kerra keeps the optimism going forward, to some extent. She smiles a lot by default, is generally friendly and a warm person. But it's optimism shaped by knowledge of what could happen. And she keeps the anger, too.
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rosesandgarbagecans · 5 years
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laurie you’re making him nervous
laurie// @nellcromancy zephyr// me
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littlefoxgw2 · 3 years
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two more doodles - my first ever drawing of Zephyr (done completely from memory) and Lil Bud, DD's snow owl pet
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commander-rory · 4 years
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I thought I would doodle up the current gw2 characters I have (or at least made in game thus far). I have three commanders in their own universes doing their own shenanigans. I’ll put some descriptions of these dweebs under a read more :D
Commander Rory - Asura Holosmith/Scrapper: He is by far my most played character. Rory sort of stumbled into the Commander role more by accident because he has a habit to run towards danger with the idea that he can be helpful in resolving whatever happens. He’s soft for a commander and for being an Asura, but he is definitely a workaholic. He’s the least likely to condescend because he’s excited to teach, and will always try to be anyone’s friend. Rory firmly believes ideas can come from anywhere, especially from the most unexpected places, so he enthusiastically likes to learn from others and try his own spin on things. He’s the krewe leader of Znappii, Rixxitt, Vallixx, and Quizzik. He adores Aurene, and later the Charr cub (who I’m currently developing aha) he adopts in the Charr civil war shenanigans.
Znappii - Asura Ranger: She is very dignified and reserved, but can also come across very arrogant and standoff-ish. This results from being disregarded by most Asura since she had a preference for understanding the natural world more than the technology they were developing. Rory’s earnest interest in her version of the pursuit of knowledge is what lead her to joining this krewe. She ends up cleaning up the messes that can result of her krewe’s shenanigans, especially of Rixxitt. Znappi relies on her panther, Blink, and spider, Webster. 
Rixxitt - Asura Elementalist: He’s beauty, he’s... not grace. Rixxitt is likeable, but by no means tactful. He will definitely do dangerous things for the sake of science, and will be the most likely source of trouble. He comes across as the “loveable idiot”, not because he’s actually stupid... rather just very impractical. His catchphrase could very much be “What’s the worst that could happen?”. Rixxitt is head-over-heels for Znappii. He joined this krewe upon Rory’s request after working together on some projects in their earlier days of Asuran college. 
Vallixx - Asura Mesmer: Acts as the krewe’s muscle in a lot of circumstances, and will handle the “dirty business” if need be. There is some secret joy in sticking it to the inquest when he gets the chance. Vallixx likes to use his abilities of illusions to his advantage and relies on intimidation to get his way. He is soft for Rory, but struggles with the fact his krewe leader is very oblivious to this. There never seems to be a right time to tell him either as Rory is always off doing something be it helping someone get their cat out of a tree or saving Tyria from certain doom. He joined the krewe because he was interested in where this particular band of misfits might go under the leader’s very open perspective to the world. 
Quizzik - Asura Necromancer: He comes across very stern and surly, but is actually a gentle soul. Social graces are not his strong suit, so he makes better friends with corpses than the living. As a brilliant scientist and strong voice of reason, he helps keep the krewe and their experiments from getting too out of hand. Quizzik is convinced Rory only asked him to be a part of his krewe out of pity, due to the lack of invitations and struggles to form his own lab krewe. He has learned over time that Rory respects his insight, and knowledge on how life connects even through death and “undeath”.
Dis Solvidottir - Norn Engineer: A friend of Rory. She met him while he was on a mission for the priory. She very much enjoyed working with him on a variety of projects, and treats him like a little brother. To be fair she likes to act like a big sister to everyone because she always wanted to be a big sister. So far she only has an older brother. Dis is very interested in making golems, but more inspired by nature. She wants to shape golems after the spirits and the wildlife around her as her way to pay respect to these beasts of legend. While she enjoys a good hunt, she is interested in being among the first Norn to “hunt the beasts in knowledge” to find the answers to the big questions out there and make a legend for herself out of that. Dis is determined to be known for her might both in body and in mind. 
Commander Nerys - Sylvari Necromancer: This young Sylvari found herself born into this role of being the Commander, but has many questions as to why. Her wyld hunt never seems to end despite each foe she faces, but she knows of nothing else. She is committed to this role feeling like she’s too deep to leave at this point, and trying to find a way to claim it as her own rather than feeling like something she was thrusted into without choice. Nerys comes across to other as someone who grown a thick shell of withered bark etched with wisdom while somehow being utterly naïve and young deep inside. The wisdom comes from the battles she has faced, while the youth and naivety comes from the fact she is still learning so much from the world around her. There are many moments where she still comes across things she has only heard of from the dream.
Numeria Scrapshield - Charr Engineer: This young Charr relies more on her wits than her strength, and is a proud member of the Ash legion. She’s soft at heart which gets her into a lot of trouble, so she does her absolute best to put on a tough act. Numeria meets Nerys in Elona during the hunt for Balthazar, working as one of the contact agents for the Order of Whispers. She admires the Commander’s strength despite the lack of experience she has lived in the world. 
Sianiss - Sylvari Ranger: Sianiss is a bold sylvari who isn’t afraid to say what she is thinking. She is bold and won’t stand for excuses, and loves the thrill of adventure. She was one of Nerys earliest friends who followed her beyond the grove to fulfill this grand wyld hunt she has been given. Sianiss struggled to make sense of her dream, but knew Nerys would somehow lead her where she was meant to go. Eventually after the death of Mordremoth she found her place as one who finds those who have been corrupted by the dragon and lead them back to some semblance of normality after the dragon’s corruption. Sianiss helps to heal the dragon’s corruption of the jungle as well, while learning the skills of survival from the natives who dwell there already. 
Zephyr - Sylvari Mesmer: A quiet Sylvari who has great compassion for living things. Zephyr follows Nerys acting as her right hand man when all else fails, and hopes to learn through her adventures of saving the world how to reach those who have become corrupted to the nightmare court. Overtime he has broadened this perspective to be a diplomat to try and unite the many races of Tyria, and not just the Sylvari themselves. He finds more success with the more “unwelcomed races” such as Skritt, Dredge, Grawl, and Centaurs than he does those who hold more power. 
Commander Qimmog - Asura Thief: This character was made to fit the more traditional Commander we see in game. Tactical and tempered through lots of strife. He’s sharp and a bit disgruntled which makes him difficult to approach. He had spent a period of time “undercover” among the inquest in the attempts to sabotage and dismantle some of their work within. With time Qimmog realized how corrupt the Arcane Council had become and has a strong distaste for the tolerance the council has for the inquest and their unethical research practices. He then turned his efforts to become a member of the Order of Whispers in the hopes through them he could dismantle the corruption within the council, but ended up focusing his attention on the bigger issues that come along in the in-game cannon. He has taken to the feisty, but reckless Jamie and acts as a mentor to her. He offers a lot of tough love in the attempt to push her towards the potential he sees. 
Jamie Shield - Human Revenant: Jamie is a young human, who also has a particularly youthful appearance and often gets treated like a child. She is determined to make a name for herself, following in the footsteps of her deceased parents. When she learned of the efforts being made to defeat Zhaitan, she was determined to take part and prove herself a worthy fighter. Qimmog saved her from nearly getting herself killed in one of the many battles of Orr, and she has stuck close by ever since with the ambition to one day return the favor to the Commander. Despite being treated as a nuisance by Qimmog, they have developed a good relationship. Jamie still has a lot left to learn, but she is growing under the Commander’s guidance. 
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where-is-caithe · 2 years
Gimme the whole food emoji section for Rhowan and Yden both :3c
thank you fox 💞
these are all going under a read more since most of them ran away from me.
🥞 PANCAKE - what is their comfort breakfast?
Both of them tend to be busy, they don't really have the time for breakfast. Rhowan always wakes up early, with the sun, and she has a few hours to kill before it's safe to wake up Yden, and she'll usually make something with whatever they have available. If they're home, she might make eggs with ham or sausage, sometimes she'll make muffins, but it depends on what they have on hand. Rhowan doesn't think much about food, she might have preferences but to her food is mostly just fuel, especially with how she's been living as the Commander. She likes fish so some days, if she's feeling indulgent, she'll spend a few hours in the morning fishing before making breakfast.
Yden likes pretty much any breakfast, and even at. 26. as a sylvari she's still finding things she's never tasted before. She doesn't usually have time for it, but Rhowan will literally hunt her down and make her eat something every morning. She likes sweet foods especially, so things like muffins, pancakes, and waffles are usually what she would go for as a comfort.
🎂 BIRTHDAY CAKE - when is their birthday? do they like celebrating it?
Rhowan's birthday is August 16! Soon! Or 228 Scion in the gw2 calendar. Yden's birthday is March 26, or 85 Zephyr (it makes Yden an Aries and Rhowan a Leo, and while I don't really care much for horoscopes, it is funny enough to mention. Rhowan also shares her birthday with Madonna so if I ever forget I look up Madonna's birthday and I'll remember).
Rhowan was born at dawn and this isn't very significant to a Norn, but to Yden it is. Yden was born at dusk. They don't really celebrate their birthdays much. It might be written on a calendar or remembered and said to each other, but neither go out of their way to celebrate.
🍩 DONUT - favourite sweet treat?
Rhowan's not big on sweet foods, she likes little candies and small things she can pop in her mouth and suck on for a while. Suckers, small candies, hard caramels. It also has the added effect of shutting her up for a while. Sometimes the Commander is quiet and looking off into the distance thinking hard about something... or maybe she just found a candy.
Yden, on the other hand, loves sweet foods. She thinks chocolate is one of the greatest things ever invented. She especially likes pastries and sweet breads (with chocolate in them) and cakes. There was a chocolate cake she still thinks about, from a little bakery in Lion's Arch, oh some fall probably in 1322. They were visiting some old bookstore and Rhowan bought it for her and she thought it was the best cake she'd eaten, "what I wouldn't give to have one of those again." "That bakery shut down years ago, Yden." "And if I ever see Scarlet I'm killing her a second time for that."
🍟 FRIES - do they order food often? or they prefer to cook their own food?
They don't really go out much, and Rhowan's hobbies are mainly hunting and cooking, so they tend to just eat at home, when they're there.
☕️ HOT BEVERAGE - do they prefer hot or cold drinks? what is their favourite drink?
Yden prefers hot drinks, but she also prefers cold weather and the two go together. She's pretty precise when it comes to making teas and when she has the chance, will like to drink a strong, black tea with honey instead of coffee when she's winding down for the night.
Rhowan doesn't really care if it's cold or hot, she doesn't have much of a preference. She likes to drink strong coffees and it doesn't matter if it has any milk or sugar, she'll drink any coffee. Her other favorite drink is a nice aged whiskey that'll get her drunk fast.
🍓 STRAWBERRY - do they eat their fruit & veg? what is their favourite fruit or vegetable?
Yes they both eat their fruits and veggies. Yden would probably like juicy fruits that are almost too far gone to eat, and she'd like plums based solely on their color and then eat them and think they're okay. Cherries, blackberries, blueberries, all top tier fruits for her. Cherries especially as I don't think they'd have them very often.
Rhowan likes things she can carry around with her so probably apples and other fruits she can take on the road. Berries are something she likes to pick when she finds them while she's out in the woods (and she knows which ones to eat and which will definitely kill you, it was one of her first lessons with her father. On the other hand, Yden also knows which ones will kill you but only because she likes plants that can kill you).
🍰 CAKE SLICE - favourite cake flavour? are they specific about types of cakes?
Yden will eat any cakes but her favorites are chocolate, and Rhowan doesn't have much preference. They're both easy to please here.
🍧 SHAVED ICE - do they still have any objects from their childhood? what significance does it have to them? what would their reaction be if they lost it?
Rhowan I've done already!
As for Yden, I don't think she'd have much from when she was a sapling. Her notebooks she'd keep, and any journals from when she was just starting out in the world. She'd keep them out of sentimentality and, later, as a way to remember herself. She hasn't kept a journal in years now, but the ones she did use, she still has. Rhowan held onto them and kept them safe in her home when Yden was "dead", and when they were on speaking terms later on, Rhowan gave them back to her. Yden still looks at them from time to time.
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abyss-stalker · 3 years
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[The following is written in an ancient language, known only to few:]
70 Zephyr 1335
Scions take this damnable, vexing woman! Have I truly lost my prize to happenstance? Were all my words for naught, let alone my skills? To be bested by this creature, who had so effectively strung me along for days without my knowledge... I have well and truly fallen from grace.
If this is so... [a blot of ink.]
I am uncertain how to proceed. I cannot go back without the krait witch's head, and yet that which is available to me was not cut down by my own hands. I will not take another's prize- that is not how I will be known to the Houses, slow and honorless.
Not after all my bluster.
And yet I have no desire to remain. Human politics, witless norn, hot-headed charr, needlessly complicated asura, and self-righteous sylvari are all that this surface world has to offer. There is no place for me here- I know this because they stare, treat me as some oddity, raise their guard around me, or stick their noses where they do not belong...
I am weary and at the end of my line. All I can do now is stick by this human and hope she does not fail me. I do not have any other choice.
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cycleof-dusk · 3 years
updating my pinned! i want people to have better access to my characters and their basics, along with a small introduction
i’m Jax! 23, located in the EST timezone, and use they/she pronouns! follows come from @darkxyzdragon​ as this is a sideblog - but my main is predominantly FFXIV and chronic illness/disability awareness, for those interested! you can find me on the NA servers at darkxyzdragon.4792 !
Characters are under the cut for length reasons, ofc! (Hikari is all the way at the end to keep everyone in one post)
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Name: Sionedda
Birthday: 69 Scion 1325 AE (almost 9 years old! also yes i did change this)
Orientation: Bisexual
Partner: Aym Riverwolf (found at @/riverwoofs)
Gender & Pronouns: Feminine, she/her
Race: Sylvari
Cycle: Dusk
Role: Pact Commander, Leader of the Crystal Bloom
Profession: Elementalist (Tempest)
Alternate Professions: Thief (Deadeye), Revenant
Titles: Commander, Lightbringer, Voice of Aurene, Champion of Aurene
Likes: Cocoa, cold temperatures, light refracting through crystals
Dislikes: Desert, humidity, chak, fire, early morning
Originally a bright violet dusk bloom, reminiscent of a succulent with her hair pattern, Sionedda is bubbly and affectionate with everyone she meets. She predominantly focuses herself on Air magic, but is also known to fall back into a more supportive role with Water. After The Departing, she has never attuned to Fire again.
Her appearance changes twice throughout the story: First, after The Departing, she awakes from the Realm of the Lost with the fern hair instead of her succulent leaves. Then, during the scene in which Caithe is Branded, in Sionedda’s story, she takes her place, and her colors shift more to richer indigos and teals.
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Name: Tiernanne
Birthday: 42 Zephyr 1333 AE
Orientation: Homosexual
Partner: Pact Marshal Trahearne
Gender & Pronouns: Trans, he/him
Race: Sylvari
Cycle: Dawn
Role: Pale Reaver
Profession: Mesmer (Mirage)
Alternate Professions: n/a
Titles: Warmaster
Likes: arid desert climate, soft textures, cold drinks
Dislikes: humidity, unfamiliar areas
A blind sapling, adopted by Sionedda during the events of the Icebrood Saga. His vision allows him to see enough to fight, but he prefers not to, in the off chance he hurt someone he cared about because of it. He never has, but he would rather not take the risk. He still ascended to Pale Reaver within the Vigil, as he’s hard-working and a damn good swordsman.
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Name: Destiny Sonnen
Birthday: 85 Colossus 1313 AE (20 years old)
Orientation: Homosexual
Partner: n/a
Gender & Pronouns: Cis, she/her
Race: Human
Ethnicity: Canthan/Krytan
Role: Shining Blade Associate, Double Agent
Profession: Necromancer (Reaper)
Alternate Professions: Revenant
Titles: Magister, Lightbringer
Likes: food, her minions, research
Dislikes: dead ends, the ministry guard
A street rat of Divinity’s Reach, Destiny learned that her unknown family were Shining Blade - in addition, a whole line of them, on one side, going back 250 years. In being given a family heirloom - a curved dagger, pointed at both ends - she became determined to find out more about them. She managed to become both a Whispers Lightbringer and a Priory Magister in her efforts to uncover more. She has a feeling there are a few people who know, but possibly don’t realize they do.
In seeing the Pact Commanders in Divinity’s Reach one day, she had glanced at the norn and realized at his side was the twin to her own dagger, and immediately jumped to him and interrogated the two, only to learn the Aym Riverwolf had about as much idea as she did about the daggers. Currently, she’s still searching for her answers.
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Name: Eir Aymsdottir
Birthday: - (currently undecided)
Orientation: -
Partner: n/a
Gender & Pronouns: Cis, she/her
Race: Norn/Sylvari
Spirit: Wolf
Role: baby
Profession: Ranger (Druid)
Alternate Professions: n/a
Titles: Little One, Dreamer
Likes: plants, fluffy animals, sugar
Dislikes: sour foods, slipping on ice, when her pets won’t come back to her side
A bubbly Norn-Sylvari child, short for a norn but massive for a sylvari, with a bioluminescent patterning in her skin easily mistaken for traditional tattoos. These markings, along with her freckles, the roots of her hair, and her eyes glow in the dark.
She’s quite sweet, and very empathetic, with a faint connection to the Dream.
[Note: This was me looking at ArenaNet giving Sylvari a FULLY FUNCTIONING digestive system but saying “nah they absolutely cannot reproduce”; I find it cowardly that none of the main races can reproduce among each other but that’s a conversation for a different day. MY POINT BEING, no one is under any obligation to agree with my headcanons and can choose to not ask/interact with her! <3]
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Name: Hikari Poole
Birthday: 58 Scion 1051 AE
Orientation: Homosexual
Partner: Zhi Yawen (@/riverwoofs), Jora
Gender & Pronouns: Trans, she/her
Race: Human
Ethnicity: Canthan
Role: Hero of Tyria, Cantha, Elona
Profession: Elementalist/Necromancer
Titles: Priestess of Grenth
Likes: girls, opulent clothing & jewelry, street food, Echovald
Dislikes: the desolation, watching her loved ones in pain
A young elementalist and necromancer, originally from a small village on Shing Jea Isle, she’s attended Shing Jea monastery from a young age, honing her magical abilities and expanding on her knack for blood magic and sacrificial arts, as opposed to minions.
She and her partner - both romantically and in crime - Yawen have traveled across Tyria, Elona, and their Canthan homeland, and helped save lives (and the world, a few times).
In death, they both haunted the Echovald forest happily, as well as traveled through the Mists; when Glint arrived, they mourned, but greeted her warmly, having loved the dragon when they met her; it was during one of their forays back into the Mists that they were directed by Glint to assist the current Tyrian heroes in their fight against Joko - seeing as the two of them are the ones who freed him in the first place, two and a half centuries prior.
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the-three-idiots · 4 years
Proflie: Luna Role: Commander, Dragons Watch
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Born: 1325AE, Season of Zephyr Species: Sylvari, Secondborn Bio:
Luna is a second generation sylvari, twin sister to Ashal and adoptive sister to Tomomi.
Luna is quite different from her sister, not only in personality but also in terms of her leadership style. Luna focuses on Dragons watch in a very professional manner, feeling somewhat burdened due the guilds ultimate goal of defeating the elder dragons.
She often believes she can cope on her own which often damages her mental health, the death tolls between various wars and the elder dragons campaigns weigh heavily on her, though it does not stop her fight against the dragons.
Luna is capable of killing elder dragons but not capable of looking after herself.
Despite this, Luna can be a caring and loving person, often keeping tabs on her soldiers. To make sure that their ok when off duty, doing this give’s Luna a sense of ease to know her men are safe.
When Luna and Ashal meet, Luna almost turns into a different person, the two sylvari get as excited as most human children on a sugar rush. The two are practically inseparable when together and are a force of nature, able to take down any foe and laugh about it afterwards.
Those two are a team for life.
[Profile archived By] [The book keeper]
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akurathereaper · 4 years
how eiladhur and akura met
Hooooo boy!
Now... this is still a first draft of the meeting, so I can’t vouch that this stays canon sooo
First some timeline background:
I’ve stretched the peace time just a bit. This bit happens between Kralkatorrik’s death and the Icebrood saga, the aprox. time stretch is 1 year. The Commanders have a tiny breathe room, Akura is catching up to his other side projects along with his work as an Archon in the Priory, Chaton is catching up on much needed time with her children and human noble related bs.
Please keep in mind the areas are a lot bigger in my story, so do not be confused if all the stuff can fit into them.
Time is noon, Eiladhur’s farm in a somewhat isolated part of Caledon Forest.
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     A mysterious and grievously injured sylvari passes out on the outskirts of his field that he was just preparing for Zephyr. From his past as a Warden and his experience as a guardian, he recognizes the wounds to be that of a vicious battle full of flame and blades. The scars were too grown in to be fresh.
     The sylvari’s physique and wounds first made Eiladhur doubt if this was someone he should even try to help, but even though the connection to the Dream was faint as the sylvari wasn’t conscious, it was there. This man was still a Dreamer, and as such, couldn’t be that bad of a person. He hoped.
     Taking in the risk, he -through very rigorous cursing and heaving- managed to get the sylvari inside, to the spare bedroom Eiladhur used as a stash for things he couldn’t bear to throw out. He could heal him, guardians had plenty of healing abilities up their sleeves, but he still wasn’t sure if that would be the right choice. So he decided to try and see if anything on this person could help him identify him. 
     The armour the sylvari was wearing was that of a fabric and metal he’s never seen before, ones that oozed magic from it. He couldn’t have been just some random soldier. 
     There were no weapons on him, although the burnt remnants of straps used to keep weapons told him they were most likely lost to the woods, now.
     No journal that conveniently contained his full name and occupation, no mark that could associate him with any known party, or a tattoo that had his first time lover’s name embedded in his bark, nothing. 
     Yet Eiladhur’s gut wouldn’t let him rest if he just let a fellow sylvari die in his home. If even a little, he treated the most serious wounds, then using most of his salves on remedying the rest of the burns.
     All Eiladhur could do now is to wait for him to wake up. If he wakes up.
     And he has.
     It was not a peaceful awakening, but a thrust to a painful reality, panic and the sudden movement making the awoken sylvari flinch as he sat up on the bed. He couldn’t well guess what time of day it was, like his eyes were draped over with cotton that blurred his vision into an unusable mess of colours and shapes.
     And the pain.
     Why was he in pain?
     He couldn’t understand. Was he injured? Ambushed and beaten? What has happened to him?
     What... who was he?
     “Up’n’about finally, I see.” A voice sounded from the right, and as the sylvari turned his head to look, he tried to focus his eyes, yet he couldn’t clearly see the person by the doors. By the colouring, though, it was a sylvari, and the nudge in his mind proved it. Yes. A sylvari, like him.
     “Hello.” The injured meekly whispered. “Who are you?”
     “That’s what I’d like to know about you. ‘M Eiladhur. You?” 
     “I’m... I don’t know.”
And ye, basically, Akura was effed up in a lost artifact search (priory quest) and the artifact had used a spell that temporarily messed up Akura’s memories, having him woke up with no knowledge of who he was, what he was doing, or why he’s so injured. Which is good, because if Eiladhur knew Akura was... well, Akura, he’d kick his ass out, because Eiladhur hates him.But this gives a way better character drama later where he finally realizes he was shifting blame and got over it. oops spoiler... eh, not like I’ll ever write it so. And this might all get scrapped in the future so who knows *shrug*
This was the reason why the timeline was a tad stretched, I needed time for these to to get to know each other, so Akura spent the almost whole year on Eiladhur’s farm. Fantastically, nobody recognized Akura, because he’s a celebrity basically and nobody recognizes celebrities in the countryside.
He gradually got his memories back, like a few months into his stay there, and got to know how Eiladhur feels about the Commander, so he kept the fact that HE was the Commander a secret. Because living there with Eiladhur was something Akura wanted for some time now. Peace, not worrying about the state of the world, or if he has to go and save it, sacrificing more of people precious to him in the process. (an fyi, they did not really even catch feelings that much this year, although Eiladhur was confused by the HUGE mancrush he got on Akura because... it’s Akura. And Akura was like “oh no I’ve felt this before imma just ignore it it will go away” and is firmly decided he doesn’t want to love anyone anymore, something that Chaton, his bestie, talks him out of, stating that Trahearne would want him to find someone new to love if he wasn’t there anymore. Because Akura’s happiness is the most important thing Trahearne could wish for. It helped Akura get over the feeling he was “cheating” on Trahearne, whenever he gazed at Eiladhur for a bit too long, or lingered with a touch, or smth)
Y’all can guess how that whole thing turned out.
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gw2-rambles · 5 years
Sylvari: Children of the Pale Tree
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     Following the second Awakening event, a dangerous flaw in Sylvari governing structure came to light. The Firstborn received highest honor in Sylvari culture, responsible for most decisions as their bond to the Pale Mother seemed closest, while every Sylvari to awaken in later years felt lesser in worth. Although this was never the intention of the Firstborn who believed their authority protected Sylvari as a community, it was enough disparity to cause dissent. A Secondborn by the name of Cadeyrn clashed with the Firstborn on several occasions, including their refusal to kill youngling Krait before they could grow into savage enemies, as well as the lack of outrage and retaliation against the asura after their treatment of Malomedies and droves of captured Secondborn, and he finally voiced his dissent in action, leading away of group of equally disgruntled Sylvari to form the Nightmare Court. Nightmare itself referred to the unsavory truths in life, such as death and suffering, and embraced these realities. Its name mocked what the Sylvari refer to as the Dream, through which experiences are passed on from generation to generation. 
     Initially, the Nightmare Court’s goal centered around freedom from Ventari’s Teachings, which they perceived as limiting Sylvari to another being’s ethical code, as well as the Firstborn’s control. The Court established locations throughout Caledon Forest, and developed a hierarchical structure of governance where members could rise in rank and influence, rather than be born into status, and over time, different locations became independent from each other. Cadeyrn remained the leader of all Nightmare Courts, and they shared ideology, but they could function and expand independently. Despite their rejection of Ventari’s pacifism, the original Nightmare Courtiers were no more destructive than other inhabitants of Maguuma, interested in growing their influence at whatever expense, and unafraid of violence as a tool. Most Dreamers, followers of Ventari’s Tablet, distrusted Courtiers, and the Firstborn viewed them as a threat, but war did not break out among the opposing Sylvari groups until Faolain uspured Cadeyrn’s position as Grand Duchess of the Nightmare Court.
     Faolain awoke as one of the twelve Firstborn. In her youth, she became infatuated with fellow Firstborn, Caithe, with whom she shared many adventures, including the rescue of Secondborn captives from an asuran testing facility. Her methods were uncharacteristically harsh for a Dreamer, and eventually others began to suspect her of Nightmare, just as she suspected the Pale Mother from withholding secrets from her children. Faolain’s suspicions led her to chase after Wynne, another Firstborn tasked by the Pale Tree with keeping the forbidden knowledge of Sylvari nature a secret, into the Maguuma Wastes, where Wynne had fled to reside among Ventari’s people. There, in the Wastes, Faolain and Caithe both encountered a dark entity. While Caithe rejected the power it offered, Faolain embraced it. This entity, unbeknownst to any but Wynne, whom Faolain killed once her motives were corrupted, turned out to be the slumbering Mordremoth.
     With Mordremoth’s corruption, Faolain returned to Caledon Forest to begin a new era for the Nightmare Court, and for all of Sylvari. Nightmare no longer stood for defiance; instead, it was corruptive, unleashing the truth of Sylvari as creatures predisposed to violence. Faolain murdered Cadeyrn and his original Court which would not submit to her, converting them to her form of Nightmare. They lived again, reborn from a recreation of Blighting Pods, and served as champions to her growing army of Courtiers. Under Faolain’s leadership, Nightmare grew, and Courtiers attempted to spread its influence into the Dream by committing heinous, depraved acts, sometimes performed during an event called a Dark Vigil, intended to teach newborn Sylvari before they awoke that this was their purpose in life. The Nightmare Courts which joined Scarlet’s Toxic Alliance were all indirectly following Mordremoth’s will.
     The Nightmare Court changed once again after Scarlet’s Ley-Line Machine woke Mordremoth, who had been instructing her after her mind became susceptible to greater madness, for although the Court was predominantly populated by those touched with Mordremoth’s corruption, some resisted its call, and Mordremoth became a common enemy to Nightmare Courtiers and Dreamers alike. Even Faolain, with her morals warped more by ambition and pride than any Dragon could completely corrupt, feared to join Mordremoth until her dying moments, when her body was taken and changed into a deadly Vinetooth. In Faolain’s stead, Duchess Chrysanthea led the remnants of the Nightmare Court who had not turned to Mordrem against Mordremoth’s forces, joining with the Pact to aid the final assault into Dragon’s Stand. Chrysanthea reestablished the original Court’s value of freedom over all else, and to protect that freedom, Mordremoth needed to die. Her Court, referred to by some as the Free Nightmare Court, would never be able to see entirely eye-to-eye with Dreamers, but following Mordremoth’s death, she was able to form a fragile coalition with Wardens of the Grove, and her Court would be allowed some land in Maguuma. 
     However, although Chrysanthea leads the organized Free Nightmare Court, renamed to the Zephyr Court after the season's connotation of rebirth, there remain followers of Nightmare that do not bend to her, and prefer to wage war and manipulate new recruits as they historically have. Nightmare Courtiers, when identified, face hostility in public spaces, such as the Grove, as well as other human and Sylvari cities, but gradually, handfuls of Guilds have been permitted registry under Courtier leadership due to Chysanthea’s actions resurrecting a good name for the Court.
     Many believe that Nightmare corruption is inescapable, a theory supported by its draconic properties, but over time, that belief wanes in validity. Sylvari as a race prove that through strong, restorative magic, draconic corruption can be overcome, and so scholars now theorize that all remaining Mordrem and Nightmare individuals could be purified as the Pale Tree once was. A more difficult, but far more realistic, approach to overcoming corruption is by sheer force of will. This is how the jungle-dwelling Sylvari relatives freed themselves from Mordrem corruption, how Sylvari across Tyria resisted Mordremoth’s call, and how a Courtier could theoretically recover from the madness. Most who practice this approach struggle to rid themselves of Nightmare’s influence, but find that Soundless incantations that quell the Dream can also sate the beckon of Nightmare. Its difficulty arises in the fact that corruption corrodes will, and so these individuals find themselves in an exhausting battle for peace. 
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Dianach for the oc questions please!
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Full Name: Dianach 
Gender and Sexuality: Gay man (but honestly like the only person he’s ever loved/ever will love is Trahearne so I mean?)
Pronouns: He/him
Ethnicity/Species: Sylvari
Birthplace and Birthdate: Zephyr 1325, Cycle of Night, the Grove
Guilty Pleasures:  Plushies. He just likes soft cuddly things, how is it fair that something so nice be reserved for children? (He’s not necessarily ashamed that he likes them, but he is a little ashamed about the sheer quantity he owns. People absolutely Are Not allowed into his room in Dreamer’s Terrace.)
Phobias: Losing more people that he cares about is a big one, and he’s been surrounded by death for so long that he’s afraid he’s just sort of cursed, that everyone he cares about will die and it’ll be his fault. After Trahearne’s death, he also starts to worry that he’ll somehow turn evil without meaning/wanting to, bc after all, if he was able to kill the man he loves, then what does that say about him? 
What They Would Be Famous For: Being the Commander is the obvious one, but aside from that, honestly a lot of sylvari tend to just look at him like Trahearne’s trophy husband for a while there lmao
What They Would Get Arrested For: Yknow like weapons checks at big events? He’d probably get arrested for accidentally bringing in a dagger (or several). He didn’t realize it was there, he didn’t mean to, he promises! He just...has so many of them....sometimes he misses one......or five..........
OC You Ship Them With: Not an OC, but Trahearne
OC Most Likely To Murder Them: Morgan would probably threaten to bc she loves him but he’s an absolute idiot sometimes, but other than that idk really
Favorite Movie/Book Genre: He’s a big fan of sappy poetry, although he’d never say so. 
Least Favorite Movie/Book Cliche: Any time there’s a character who’s sneaky/good at doing things on the down low, it’s assumed that they’re shady/bad news/not to be trusted. My boy did not spend his entire life fighting dragons and saving the world to be treated like an inherent threat just bc of the way he chooses to get things done, and his sneakiness comes in part from a sense of compassion to begin with (if you don’t have to kill something, then why would you?)
Talents and/or Powers: As a thief and also as someone who tries to avoid fighting when possible, he puts a lot of work into his stealth skills. Anyone who’s trained with him would also say that he has a particular knack for finding and exploiting an enemy’s blind spots. Also how on Tyria does he hide all those daggers???
Why Someone Might Love Them: He just really really cares about other people and wants to make the world a better place. Even after all the things that have happened to him and all he’s lost, he hasn’t let go of that or turned bitter. As much pain as he’s in, he still tries to help others as much as he can.
Why Someone Might Hate Them: He can be a bit hesitant/indecisive, bc he’s so concerned with what consequences his actions might have and wanting to do what’s right. (This is particularly an issue with Balthazar, bc of the weight of killing someone else’s god.) If it weren’t for his friends pushing him, he’d probably never get anything done. Some have also said he’s too much of a pushover.
How They Change: He gets sadder :’( No but really, he just becomes increasingly hesitant with every bad outcome. The flipside of that is, though, that every time something goes wrong, he becomes more determined to make sure no one else has to watch people they care about die if he can help it. (It creates a lot of internal conflict, bc he thinks it’s the right move to do this thing now, but what if that causes more problems later, but then what if someone dies and he could’ve done something, but then-- etc etc etc)
Why You Love Them: He’s just. So small. And so sad. Someone please give this boy a hug.
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rosesandgarbagecans · 5 years
Draw the boy, you know the one.
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which boy, nell? which boy
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tricksterpale · 5 years
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Name: Mianach (MEE-ah-nock), “Mia” from close friends
Affiliation: The Pale Tree, Dragon’s Watch Year of Birth: Zephyr 2, 1302 AE (Dawn Bloom) Age: Firstborn, 30 years Occupation: Traveler and Explorer on behalf of The Pale Tree Class: Warrior/Revenant
Mianach was the first to awaken during Dawn on the first day of the Sylvari’s awakening into the world. He awoke with the Wyld Hunt to explore the world and bring back his findings to his brothers and sisters, and in particular, to the Pale Mother. As such, he wasn’t in the Grove long before he set out into Tyria to adventure and experience it firsthand. He was the first of the Firstborn to do so. Mianach was also the first Sylvari to encounter each of the other races of Tyria. He’s naturally inquisitive with an insatiable curiosity, always seeking new ideas, places, peoples, and theories. When observing the world in exploration, he always questions why things happen the way they do. In fact, he’s so insatiably curious that he’ll often rapid-fire questions regardless of manners or etiquette and can be rather point blank when there’s something he wants to know. In any case, he’s very childlike and harbors a deep well of emotion that comes out easily when impassioned. He can be quite emphatic and ardent. He can write and speak multiple languages, including a few dead ones, just so he can learn more unhindered. He hungers for ever more knowledge and new insight.
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stormdancer · 5 years
Zephyr 41, 1330
Volimnu’s gun continues to have minor problems, this morning’s load and unload remained slightly sticky, despite them having just machined it smooth the day before, and clean&lubed it last night. Suspect some kind of blowback or metal issue very slightly deformed something, but lack proper tools here to determine what. Will continue watch, but since it works fine during actual use not considering it worth withdrawing over yet. Sn Gnarlmace wants them tested to failure if they can fail, so we will.
Shawrun paused, looking up from his writing. The late risers were starting in on their breakfasts, primarily people who had been on the later watch shifts. Returning his attention to his journal he made a few more notes about the previous day’s conflict, observations about interacting with the Pact, and then made a couple of sketches of the area, and the people at work. Putting the notebook away, he hefted his pack onto his back, picked up his shotgun, and made his way to the Pact commander, who sat in quiet conversation with one of her soldiers.
“We’re moving out,” he said. “As much fun as it’s been, I’ve got mail to deliver.”
The Sylvari got to her feet, grinning. “Well, we’ll see you in week, maybe ten days or so then, probably,” she said, and offered her hand.
He shook it firmly. “Maybe a little longer, we’ll see how busy it is out there. If yesterday is any indication...”
“Ah, actually, I was just talking with analyst ***name here about that,” she said, gesturing to the human, who simply nodded in greetings. “That group was definitely an aberration, but we’ve seen a shift in aggression and organization over the last couple of weeks. If the pattern repeats what we’ve seen over the last year, Pact indexes suggest we’ll see an increase in spotty but intense action scattered across the map, culminating in a major aggression somewhere South or Southwest probably.”
(( The Story So Far... ))
(( Anybody got a good name suggestion for this analyst? ))
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