#zeph x pip
annemarieyeretzian · 29 days
zeph shouting “pip!” and then re-remembering he’s dead and whispering “pippin…” and shouting “I don’t want to miss him all over again!” and dutch saying “I know, I’m sorry, zeph, I’m sorry, it’s all my fault, it’s all my fault, I’m so sorry, I’m sorry.” and crying
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capinejghafa · 5 years
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@klutzygirl requested zeph & pip + any scene [5/6]
or the scene ft-ing the jaqobis brothers
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kathleenkatmary · 5 years
I’m shocked, shocked, at the Killjoys fandom and that nobody’s completely ripped my heart out by making a gifset of Zeph remembering Pip and saying “I don’t want to miss him all over again” yet. What’s wrong with all of you?
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multifandomfanficss · 4 years
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Killjoys Pippin x Zeph
Prompt: This takes place after The Last Dance. Zeph has a nightmare and Pippin comes to comfort her. Zeph finally tells Pip what she’s been wanting to say since the day she lost him.
A/N: There is seriously not enough Pippin fanfiction
“Meet me the middle” I hear the Pip say as I try to control my sobs. Then my ears start to ring as I hear a big explosion on the other side of the coms. It’s like my lungs are being crushed. The air is barley breathable. I collapse to my knees. I barley feel Johnny’s arms wrapped around me. I feel like I’m dying.
“PIPPIN!” I scream tossing and turning in my sheets. I jolt awake to a pair of arms shaking my sweaty, trembling body. “Pippin?!” I gasp as tears start to form in my eyes. I can’t help, but break out into a sob. He pulls me into his arms and rubs my back. “Shhh it’s okay Zeph. It was just a nightmare. It’s all over now. I’m back” He said calming me down. “I’m back” he repeated as he held me tighter.
A few minutes pass as I lay quietly against Pip’s chest listening to his heartbeat, syncing our breathing. He lays a kiss to my forehead. “Pip?” I get his attention. “Yes, Zephyr, genius girl of Leith?” He asks. He cracks a smile and I can’t help, but let out a small giggle. “How can this even be happening? You died. Pip, I can’t lose you again” I tell him. “I told you to stop worrying about it!” He reminds me. “I know, I know, don’t look a gift Pippin in the mouth,” I start, “But I lost you” I add. “If for some reason this is some kind of trick...I can’t go through that again” I finish. Pip moves his hand to my chin and pushes my head up for our eyes to meet. “Zeph, we talked about this. I know it’s hard, but I’m really back. Just put down the science for now and pick up some hope. I know I certainly don’t want to think about how I got out of inescapable death” He reminds me. Pip looks down to my lips and then kisses me softly. It’s short, but sweet, not filled with sexual tension like our usual. I know why. We both do. Whatever we have is so much more than just sex. I think I’ve known that for a long time, even before he died. I’ve just been scared to admit it. I’ve just been scared to be vulnerable. I have to say it here and now. I have to say it because everything is perfect. I’ve got him and I’m never letting go. “Pippin...I’m in love with you” I say quietly. “Losing you was the hardest thing I’ve ever had to go through and I can’t go through it again” I add. Pip smiles. “Zephyr of Leith, you are stubborn, loud, sometimes a little crazy, and you always have to be the smartest person in the room...well universe-“ I smile and shrug it off. He’s not wrong. “And I have been in love with you since the day I met you” He adds. He places a kiss on my forehead as I snuggle deeper into him. “You have no idea how long I’ve wanted to tell you that” He says. I smile. “If it really means that much to you, if it’ll make you feel better, we can do some more tests tomorrow” He offers. I nod as I yawn. I start to drift back to sleep feeling safe. For a girl who ran away from home at 15, I’ve been searching for my real home my whole life. In this bed, on this spaceship, in Pippin’s arms I know I’ve found it. Who would have thought that a genius farm girl from Leith would fall for a spoiled loud mouth from Qresh? Hells if that ain’t magic.
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wmhalliwell · 6 years
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ah, okay, windpipe’s crushing!
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i-am-infinite · 6 years
Ok but why are there not more gifs of Atticus Mitchell as pip foster cause boy was he relatable. "A bigger helmet??"
"If you're scared you can leave now" "BYE"
(Also I just really loved pip and love Atticus with all my heart)
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dailykilljoys · 6 years
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arbitrarygreay · 5 years
This was a very good series finale. The rushed feel of the previous episodes wasn't the case here. We got character integrated with action in ways that could breathe, espeically with the way the Dutch/Khlyen conversations got to extend across multiple scenes and address multiple facets of their dynamic. Even the Zeph/Pip scenes got to breathe. In-character closure for everyone. And overall, this show still stands as one of my very favorites. Will be looking into buying DVDs/BRs. But whoops, time to rain on some parades.
As above, the conversations between Dutch, Khlyen, The Lady, and Aneela were all delicious. Really good stuff. But it was all so contained in this episode. As per my last post, I wish they had seeded things earlier in the season a little more. The Dutch-Aneela climax of S3 was preceded and supported by our seeing their evolving conflicting feelings about each other all season, so I wish we had seen a similar buildup of Dutch's feelings on Khlyen for S5. More damningly, the prison arc payoffs don't feel like they were worth the extra screentime. They needed to tie it to the Westerley spirit way more. It's really telling that the prison is basically irrelevant to the series finale. S3 and S4 were so focused on the Hullen side of things that the broader societal politics fell by the wayside, the show getting a little insular to focus on the character relationships and backstory. But that meant that the prison arc never really integrated, and didn't have the time to. I don't think they really earned its payoff either, of gaining the prisoners' loyalty. If they could have tied the prison arc to either the Kin Rit Family Feelings, or made the comparison to the way Qresh exploits Westerley more apparent, then it wouldn't feel so out of place. The focus on X-wing was weird, too, since they didn't make it any sort of metaphor for the main characters. Just, there was no thematic bent to the prison arc, so it was just disconnected from the show and the season. Just plot setup, little to no emotional stakes. Speaking of the prison, we saw way more of Rennika politicking with Dutch, than we saw her tech/doctor side to relate to Johnny. And then we did slightly fall in to the "femslash storyline is only about femslash" trap, where Aneela and Delle Seyah were off in their own little world, doing their own things, their romance being separate from their relationships with everyone else, in contrast to S3. To be fair, though, all of the relationships were only about themselves, this season. Take the Khlyen/The Lady storyline, where everything was surface or plot, themes not matching with the themes of what the team was working on. Arguably the Dutch/D'avin "I lesbians you" storyline was even more disconnected. There sure is a lot of character analysis that could be written about how Dutch's first instinct is always to deflect (her initial reaction to D'avin's confession is a mirror to her "am I your girlfriend?" reaction in S5E02), but...it has zero relevance to the greater plot, and no indication of why this storyline is even happening, how do they not know already? Like, at least the Dutch/Johnny storyline had a modicum of plot relevance, of how their adventurous lifestyle affects their relationship, and how their relationship affects their team functionality. If they're going to point out that Dutch always deflects, they need to process it before they resolve. But also, D'avin being weird about confessing is out of character for him, anyways. In everything else this season, including his relationship with Dutch, he's been actively and openly processing and secure in his feelings. A love confession should be a cakewalk, compared to how hard Dutch and D'avin had to work to be together in the first place. It's not like S1 and S2 were super unified in their themes, either. But that was because the connecting thread was the growing bonds between our primary trio, and Khlyen's machinations paralleled the boot of The Company upon the workers. In S5, everyone is basically self-actualised, so the plot and new relationships need to do the heavy lifting to have thematic coherence. Instead, all of the conflicts for S5 were like what many other shows fall into for sophomore slumps, where they just extrapolate whatever conflict threads are there, and make the mistake of treating them as separate subplots. So all of these threads have grounding in the characters, but not enough connective tissue, so the plot becomes a weird piecemeal construction to justify all of the threads' existence, and lacks stakes of its own. Consider how Aneela and Delle Seyah conquering Qresh was done in all of one scene, easy peasy. It was rooted in the characters, letting them demonstrate their strengths, but it was also basically a hand-wave of The Lady's firepower, moving her to Arkyn, and not a culmination of Aneela and Delle Seyah's character journeys. Hell, it pulled double duty in being a stepping stone to Aneela bringing up re-Hullenization, as it sweeps the war and empire conquest out of the way. Pree as the governor of Westerley is a great solution, and a logical extrapolation, but again, not given a direct storyline to make this a true payoff. His stuff this season was mostly about his relationship with Gared, not his feelings on Old Town. So, again again, this season had lots of relationship storylines that were insular, didn't speak to the broader relationship web or world-building. Hell, the series finale kind of lampshaded it all, with Johnny's dumbfounded reaction to Pip's resurrection. Still, for all of this nitpicking, everything was still in service of the characters and/or Fun Train. So it wasn't as good as Killjoys could be, but it was still very worth watching and rewatching. And figuring out this kind of unified season storytelling is just hard, so I don't begrudge them running out of time to pull everything together. You could tell that all of the storytelling moves they made were out of love for the characters, the relationships, and the story, a far cry from some of the malicious moves that writers of Prestige TV have gone for. I'd much prefer that a show took the Killjoys approach here. Honestly, I do think Killjoys S5 was better than PoI S5, though the latter had higher highs.
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yalenayxrdeen · 6 years
Killjoys ep 4.04
First of all, can we talk about how in every episode so far (except the 1st, I believe) a secondary character has felt the need to ask about whether or not Dutch x Johnny are a couple? The way Pip did it in this episode was so extra I really think Michelle is laying the prospect of Dutch and Johnny going all the way on SO thick, and honestly I’m loving every second of it.
Did anyone else’s heart clench when Johnny was talking about how much it hurt to look at Dutch’s “beautiful damn face”?? Listen, I literally almost had a stroke—I really wasn’t ready for the EMOTIONS Aaron brought to the scene. Someone give my sweet summer child an award because HE DID NOT COME TO PLAY.
D’av is going to be such a great dad, although he didn’t ask for parenthood, I think it’s clear to everyone he sees his kid as an extension of himself. D’av wants to give him the childhood he never had since he and John had such an awful dad; his own childhood is fundamentally intwined with who D’av is, and it’s the same with Johnny. John’s a fixer and problem-solver because he had to mediate between his angry, drunk dad and drug-addicted mum, always trying to figure out ways to resolve conflict and get himself or one of them out of trouble from a young age, while D’av on the other hand, has always been a protector. He protected John when they were kids from their dad’s abuse, most-likely also did the same for his mother from what we’ve seen of their backstory so far, joined the army when he couldn’t take his home situation anymore, and he would shield Dutch from every dark and twisted thing in the universe if it meant she could keep her light in a heartbeat.
D’avin is the purest character on the show, the perfect subversion of the strong alpha male trope, and needs to be protected. It really bothered me when Dutch hit him because he was only trying his best in a really *really* shitty situation. Then again, I understood where she was coming from, too.
The final thing I have to say is holy shit that flash-forward scared the crap out of me. I can’t believe our boy goes full-Hullen and no one manages to get through to him. Can you imagine what his reaction is gonna be when he finds out what Dutch saw? Omg the ANGST, I can’t wait.
What the hell is the Lady’s weird obsession with Johnny anyway? She said she wasn’t Hullen and was something much stronger. Khlyen knows what she is and what her connection to Johnny is, too—he just isn’t telling anyone which is very annoying. I get that he couldn’t tell Dutch in the Green because then the Lady would also hear him by default, but it’s still SO FRUSTRATING.
I’m starting to think that Johnny might not be entirely human or something. Maybe there’s something deeper connecting him and the Lady. Like what if all those red 17 experiments came back into play somehow and we find out there’s something special about Johnny in the same way D’av has powers with the Green? I mean, they are brothers so I can see the possibility. Whatever it is, the Lady hasn’t figured it out yet but Khlyen has (or already knew but just didn’t get the chance to tell anyone before he died.)
This is all speculation ofc, but either way, I’m so excited for the next episode!! I can’t wait to see what Michelle has planned for us now that the whole team is back together.
Honorary mentions:
— Zeph is amazing and we don’t deserve her. Truly she is the best nerd to ever nerd.
— Pree needs to get revenge for what Seyah Kendry did because that was so rude
— Sleeper agent Pip really freaks me out
— Aneela is such a BAMF I love her
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hithelleth · 6 years
Killjoys 4 x 06 “Baby, Face Killer”
Highlights below the cut.
Zeph found the spider from the green melded with Pippin’s brain she can’t get it out without killing Pippin, but she fried its connection to Pippin via sonic frequency, so it can’t control him, at least. Alas, the spiders don’t survive long outside the green, so Pip is going to die soon anyway. :( (Maybe she’ll figure something out at the last moment.)
Delle Seyah gave her kid a name, finally, Ozzman after her father, and Kin Rit, which was Annela’s family name. Then she left for Qresh to take over the ruling – or so she told the team, but went somewhere else (to look for Aneela, I assume.)
The kid has some ‘supernatural’ senses, as he just ‘knows’ certain things. 
Dutch and Johnny visited a memory-retrieval .bloke to find the ‘she’ assassin from Khlyen’s story, which in turn brought an assassin after them to protect his ‘colleague’ – Dutch surmised that both of them work for the Lady.
(Also, I saw someone speculate the female assassin might be Aneela’s/Dutch’s mom – and OMG, yes, please?)
Auntie Dutch was also tasked with teaching D’avin’s kid self-defence, which was nice and fun, but then she was going to teach him less savoury things when she proceeded to interrogate the male assassin, but D’avin put a stop to it, calling Khlyen’s parenting methods a spade for what they were: abuse.
Well fucking done, show! I love that they remember these things, that even though they flipped the story and Khylen turned out to be on the right side and for all his intentions were good, what he did to Dutch was still wrong and no kid should go through that.
And D’avin was a perfect person for spelling it out. This is going to be my second favourite moment of the show after Sabine’s episode.
And I love how they write the relationship between D’avin and Dutch, where even though he loves her and respects her, he isn’t afraid to tell her how it is.
And Dutch’s reaction, defending Khlyen for doing what he ‘had to do’, and being hurt by D’avin calling it abuse was perfect, so very real-life like.
This show. See, that’s why I like it.
Sure, this season has been a bit whacky (well, all of them were)/different (?) and the show overall isn’t without its issues, but in comparison to other shows, it’s still one of the best ones I’ve ever watched, especially with jewels like that.
(Although, the fandom seems to be getting smaller and smaller/near extinct this season. (Apparently it’s also hard to watch legally even in the US. WTF.) I might have to start giffing it myself again.)
Anyway, D’avin also looks quite good at being a dad, he’s had nice bonding moments with junior, who at the end, as per his earlier advice, chose his own name, Jaqobis, Jaq for short. And then they left, we shall see where to.
And we also got Pree and Fancy trying to find Gared and the kids and setting up a trap for the Hullen hunters with the intention for Pree to be caught and taken, so Fancy could find via out a hidden camera where they took everyone – which was the RAC, as we already knew, I think.
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annemarieyeretzian · 30 days
pippin telling zeph “you’re looking at this the wrong way, zephyr. genius farm girl from leith almost falling for a spoiled loudmouth from qresh… the odds of that ain’t magic?” and zeph starting “pip? I–” and crying harder and covering her mouth with her hands and pip saying “it’s ok, zeph. I know.” and entering the destruction codes before saying “meet me in the middle.”
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capinejghafa · 5 years
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@klutzygirl requested zeph & pip + any scene [1/6]
or becoming “official” killjoys
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transnames · 7 years
Some one-syllable neutral names
(Two-syllable names)
A: Ace, Add, Ade, Aim, Al, Ames, An, Ant, Art, Ash, Aud, Ax, Az
B: Bard, Barr, Bas, Bay, Baz, Beach, Beau, Beck, Bee, Beech, Bel, Bell, Bev, Birch, Bird, Blaine, Blair, Blake, Blaze, Bliss, Blue, Blythe, Bo, Bon, Boo, Brae, Brace, Brave, Bree, Breeze, Bret, Brook, Brooks, Bronx, Bry, Bryce, Bryn, Byrd
C: Cade, Cai, Cal, Cale, Cam, Case, Cass, Cat, Cay, Ceil, Cer, Chan, Char, Chas, Chase, Chay, Chi, Chip, Chris, Clare, Claude, Clay, Clor, Cloud, Clove, Co, Cole, Colt, Crane, Crow, Cruz, Cy, Cyd
D: Dahl, Dai, Daine, Dale, Dane, Dar, Dare, Dash, Dax, Day, Dee, Dell, Den, Dev, Dez, Di, Doe, Dor, Doss, Dove, Dray, Dream, Drew, Dru, Duff, Dune
E: East, Edge, El, Elk, Elm, Em, En, Eun, Ev, Eyre, Ez
F: Fang, Fawn, Fay, Fern, Fife, Finch, Finn, Fionn, Flame, Flann, Flick, Flint, Flip, Flor, Flynn, Fox, Fran, Free, Frost
G: Gab, Gale, Gen, Gene, Gil, Glade, Glaw, Glenn, Glo, Glynn, Gray, Green, Grey, Grove, Gull, Gus, Gwyn
H: Hal, Hale, Hail, Hall, Halle, Han, Hao, Harl, Hawk, Hayes, Haze, Hyeon
I: Ille, Inge, Io, Ire, Isle, Iss, Iv, Ives, Ix, Iz
J: Jade, Jae, Jak, Jam, Jan, Jas, Jax, Jay, Jayme, Jazz, Jean, Jem, Jeri, Jerre, Jess, Jet, Jewel, Jin, Jo, Joyce, Jude, Jules, June
K: Kade, Kai, Kal, Kam, Kass, Kay, Kaz, Keats, Kei, Kel, Kerr, Kick, Kim, Kit, Klaude, Klay, Klee, Knight, Knox, Kris, Ky, Kyle
L: Lan, Land, Lane, Lang, Lake, Lark, Leaf, Lee, Leeds, Leigh, Leith, Len, Lex, Li, Lin, Liv, Loch, Locke, Lon, Lorne, Lou, Luck, Lute, Lux, Lyre, Lyse
M: Mack, Mai, Maize, Mal, Mar, March, Marl, Mars, Marsh, Max, Mays, Mel, Mer, Merce, Merle, Mies, Miles, Mills, Min, Mint, Moe, Moon, Murph, Muse, Myrl, Myrrh
N: Nao, Nat, Neel, Nell, Nev, Nic, Night, Nile, Noe, Noel, Noor, Norm, North, Nove, Nox, Nyx
O: Oak, Oakes, Oates, Ode, Ore, Oz
P: Pace, Page, Park, Pat, Patch, Payne, Pau, Pax, Paz, Peace, Pearl, Per, Phi, Pier, Pierce, Pike, Pim, Pine, Pip, Poe, Puck
Q: Quail, Quay, Quest, Quill, Quince, Quinn
R: Rae, Rail, Rain, Raz, Red, Ree, Reed, Reese, Reeve, Rei, Reid, Reign, Ren, Reyes, Rho, Rhys, Rian, Ridge, Riles, Rin, Ro, Roan, Roar, Rome, Ronne, Roone, Roth, Roux, Rowan, Rox, Roy, Royce, Rue, Rune, Ry, Ryn, Ryo
S: Sage, Sal, Sam, Scout, Sea, Sev, Sey, Shade, Shale, Shan, Shark, Shaw, Shawn, Shay, Shea, Shel, Sim, Siv, Sky, Slate, Sloane, Smith, Snow, Spike, Sol, Sorrel, Spring, Spruce, Star, Steel, Stone, Storm, Sun, Sy, Syd
T: Tai, Taj, Tal, Tam, Tate, Tau, Tay, Taz, Teal, Tee, Tib, Tide, Tix, Tobes, Trace, Trev, True, Truth, Ty
U: Ulf, Ull
V: Val, Vale, Van, Vane, Verne, Vi, Vic, Viv, Von, Voss, Vox
W: Wade, Ward, West, Whit, Wil, Wild, Win, Wolf, Worth, Wren, Wyle, Wynn
X: Xan, Xande, Xav, Xen, Xi, Xie
Y: Yale, Yang, Yates, Yeats, Yon, Yu, Yule, Yve, Yves
Z: Zabe, Zade, Zahn, Zale, Zan, Zane, Zeal, Zed, Zee, Zell, Zen, Zeph, Zev, Zinc, Ziv, Zo
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It took me a little while to warm up to Zeph/Pip, but now... yeah, I’m feeling it.
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annemarieyeretzian · 30 days
pippin smiling and saying “you scientists don’t believe in magic.” and zeph crying as she says “I will if it’ll bring you back.”,,, these two
(bonus: johnny crying and looking down)
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annemarieyeretzian · 30 days
zeph calling pip, demanding “I want you to get out of there, and I want you to do it now, do you hear me?” and pip saying “then the rac would blow you up, and I’m not cool with that.”
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