#zenitsu still likes nezuko i'm not changing that they are lovely
strawberrymochin · 3 months
A Letter.....Long Lost!
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kyojuro rengoku x fem!reader
word count- 12.2k
synopsis- the discovery of an old letter from kyojuro rengoku's room shakes the world of tanjiro. he thought he fulfilled every wish of rengoku. however he missed one. tanjiro needs to deliver it to the one it was written for; but the letter has nothing written except a name 'y/n'. who is y/n and how will tanjiro find her?
genre/warnings- post war timeline/ mentions of death/ slice of life/ angst/ fluff/ lots of flashbacks/ kamaboko trio going on a quest to find reader/ emotionally unavailable parents/ just read it i swear it wont disappoint/ comfort/ scenes of rengoku and mitsuri training/ mentions of mugen train
a/n- i had this idea in my head and i literally wrote this in two days. Loosely based off a film I'm obsessed with...this is my first time writing a long fic. im hella nervous. it will have a sequel with a reincarnation au and smut. not fully proof read, ignore small errors.
Nezuko chimed in as urokodaki made his appearance. Soon more people will join in. Kanao and aoi are helping in the kitchen, making several dishes while inosuke is trying to get aoi give him some to taste.
Tanjiro and zenitsu are spreading out the mats for people to sit and get comfy.
“urokodaki sensei! Please come and join.” tanjiro said noticing his former teacher, carrying a huge basket wrapped in a cloth with water patterns similar to his haori. Nezuko trails behind him bringing another basket.
“i brought some mitarashi dango and some hanami-zake for everyone.” said urokodaki with a soft voice, that made nezuko wonder if he was smiling under his tengu mask.
It's been 2 years since the war ended. People lost their dear ones with a pain bearing smile. Some endured injuries that would sustain through out their life marking them as ‘crippled’; while some sacrificed themselves for the greater good.
Seasons changed since then.
So did several people.
People who turned their hearts into stone, heavy from guilt of their family dying; who suffered from the culpability of being protected…
“giyuu san’s here too, please sit inside with the others while we get the stuff ready.”
“yeah how's your sister? I brought her some new kimonos”
A mild smile forming on his lips.
Tanjiro’s eyes widened a bit. It's kinda still new to him seeing such a soft side of the guy who barely used to smile.
……have let their guard down, allowing themselves to move on, now that there's no more threat hanging in the air.
People who had been afflicted by the remorseful long sleepless nights of trauma; killing the one who once bore them in her womb; whose eyes had become dull and frantic, dying inside in agony…..
“oi tomioka! Move outta my way!” grumbled sanemi, throwing a box wrapped in a delicate green cloth in tanjiro's direction as he catches it with difficulty. Having a hand crippled like an old man is sure a poor thing, not that tanjiro minds that.
“ahh the scary guy's here again! Don't touch the box tanjiro. It must've been poisoned!!!” shouted zenitsu, panicking around, hiding himself behind tanjiro.
“What did you just say?” Sanemi’s eyes narrowed at zenitsu, veins becoming more prominent, ready to throw a first at the blonde head's face.
“Goddamn shinazugawa! Don't scare the kid…” said giyu, grabbing his wrist and pulling him inside. “Wh-you’re such a creep tomioka!”
“Stop giving me that kanroji face!” sanemi said as shivers ran down his spine. Somehow a smiling tomioka was scarier than muzan to him.
…have let go of their distraught, accepting the dreams which they wanted for their loved ones. Fulfilling it in their place.
“Both of them are creeps!” Zenitsu said digging his nails into tanjiro's skin as he spit curses on them. “Zenitsu they are gone now, can you please give this box to kanao san, it smells of fresh ohagi.”
“I'm telling you…it's fuckin poisoned”
“It's not, zenitsu…don't be like that” tanjiro pushed him away with the box. He then took up a broom and started sweeping any other leaves that fell down from the trees.
Pink flowers blossomed everywhere, now that another peaceful season had arrived.
Kanao had suggested nezuko and aoi that they should spend time together this hanami festival. Nezuko and aoi agreed to that instantly. Thus this is how they ended up inviting everyone at tanjiro's, whose house was surrounded by a lots of cherry blossoms.
Kiyo chan naho chan and sumi chan were playing with tengen’s baby as Suma kept pestering urokodaki san for loosening his face mask (I can't blame my lil curious mommy). Makio was sure annoyed at her behavior while hinatsuru just chuckled. Murata sat stiff in the presence of four former hashiras.
Almost all of them had arrived. Except the rengokus.
Aoi brought them some appetizers, as they kept on chatting. After decorating the food all of them would join outside admiring the moment of bliss.
“Senjuro Kun and shinjuro san ain't here yet right?” Asked tengen.
“They haven't made their arrival yet” announced aoi, “however tanjiro san is waiting outside for them, the food is almost done, we can start after they get here”
“HAHAHAHA…. RUSHING IN LIKE A BOAR!!!” inosuke dashed in with a sakura onigiri in his mouth, from the kitchen. “WAhahhh scar guy!! Fight me!” As expected from inosuke, nothing could ever stop him. At first he was a bit spooked seeing a lot of people at once and sticked to aoi till his normal composure returned.
“Still that dumb boar head! Will he ever get mature?” Sanemi grumbled lazily. “I agree” said giyu, smiling at sanemi, which almost made his stomach churn. Tengen bursted out in laughter, “I see you are still in spirit huh? Quite flamboyant of you.”
“YEAH THE GOD OF MOUNTAINS INOSUKE SAMA IS ALWAY—” Aoi smacked him on his head and dragged him away while muttering some apologies to the hashiras.
“He's still much of energy…and his voice has become much hoarse ain't it? I still remember taking those kids on that mission. And this kid in particular was such a ruckus.” Said tengen, stretching his arms.
“Isn't it good to see all of us after so long without having to fear losing someone?” Said hinatsuru, makio and Suma smiled at each other.
“But we had already lost many people.” Sanemi sighed. He wished he could apologize to genya. If life ever gives him another chance he would like to be a little less aggressive.
“If you keep sulking like that, your brother will definitely curse you from heaven.” giyu took a gulp of the matcha tea, sanemi sent at tanjiro's a month ago.
“Now that there are no demons, you two get along with each other quite well don't you think so?” Tengen threw the snarky question at them.
“what the—”
“I wish rengoku could have seen you guys like this…remember the one time himejima san told us that oyakata sama wanted to see giyu smile….”
“See me smile?”
“Yeah, what a waste of time i swear.”
“Rengoku disappeared for a while to buy glasses in order to make giyu smile.” laughed tengen.
“It didn't work though and then kochou emotionally blackmail me to make him laugh.”
“Oh so this is why you wanted to have sake daikon with me?” Giyu smiled again at sanemi.
“I swear if you make that kanroji face again at me, I will kick you on your balls.”
“Everyone food’s ready, let's go and sit outside!!” Said nezuko halting the heated nostalgic conversation of the two.
Murata finally lets himself relax a bit as the hashiras start moving out. Urokodaki slammed a hand at his back, as he felt his stiff posture return. “Don't be so stiff we aren't gonna ask you to duel.” murata’s cheeks reddened in embarrassment as urokodaki laughed off at the kid's nervousness.
These days are indeed peaceful.
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Senjuro made his appearance a bit late. He apologized for his fathers absence, blaming on his health. It's not been that best for a few days.
“Oh goodness, is he really going to be fine, we can go run a check up on him you know?” Kanao offered an idea, worried about the shinjuro’s health.
“Thanks a lot. Actually there's something that has been troubling us for a while.”
“Is everything okay?” Tanjiro's asked with concern lacing his eyes. Sanemi noticed, he had always been kind. He was kind to his brother. During hashira training when tanjiro stepped over the line, it actually made sanemi kinda happy and relaxed. Atleast genya had someone in life he could rely on.
Shinjuro's put down his bowl and chopstick on the mats as he brought his hand to his knees.
“There's something we found a month ago….while cleaning aniki’s room.”
Not only tanjiro but tengen, giyu, sanemi, zenitsu and inosuke froze for a second. The untimely death of the young guy was such a sad event that has ached their hearts for a long time.
Tanjiro could smell senjuro’s emotions and it was odd. It wasn't sadness, or guilt, or anger. It was pity. And somehow it stinged tanjiro, the same way it did years ago.
Senjuro took out some bunch of old papers from the sleeves of his yukata.
Tanjiro's throat felt dry and uneasy. It were a bunch of letters.
All of them looked like they were forgotten for months. The letter envelopes had stained yellow and some even have their edges teared off. But it sure emitted a strong smell. The smell of kyojuro rengoku. Tanjiro's still remembers the distinct hints of his aura. And it somehow still lingered around these letters. Especially the one which was sealed.
“What is it?” asked aoi, finally breaking the deafening silence. A strong gust of wind blew the pink petals along with the letters from senjuro's hand. It's scattered around the mats as all of them tried to collect them.
“Y….y/n?” read nezuko aloud. She hold the sealed letter in her hand as tanjiro extended his palm to grab it. It had tear stains. One side of it had brush marks written ‘to y/n’. The ink has now blurred a bit. But it was still readable.
“What's the meaning of all this?” Tengen asked, grabbing one of the opened letters in his hand. Giyu had hold of one reading in pure shock, while sanemi pondered from the side. Eyes as shocked as giyu’s.
“What happened tengen-sama?” asked makio, seeing all of their disturbed expressions. Zenitsu tried to snatch away the papers from inosuke who was trying to eat it.
“We found these letters from aniki’s room. A lady named y/n had sent those letters to him. An—?”
“And that lady was his lover?” asked giyu.
“What nonsense!”
“He never mentioned any of that to me.” frowned tengen.
“Nor did aniki said anything about it at home. At that time our father didn't pay us any attention. He was drowned totally in despair from the death of our mother. Seeing us only infuriated his anger and sorrow. Aniki would train or be at missions and he was rarely at home. He never told me anything about that….”
‘A letter?’ thought tanjiro. He started sweating all of a sudden. He thought he fulfilled all his wishes but—
“Rengoku san! Please think about yourself, can you stop the bleeding with your breathing technique?” Tanjiro has muttered those words back then, panickingly, devastatingly.
He wanted rengoku to say yes. He wanted him to live beside him, fight beside him, eat beside him. But he didn't get that as an answer.
“No, very soon i'll be dead. Before that happens, i need you to hear me out. I have a younger brother named senjuro. Please tell him to follow his heart. And walk down the path he feels is right.” Rengoku’s face had the same content smile, which warmed their hearts up. He continued, “And tell my father to look after himself…and lastly…”
Rengoku went on and expressed his views on nezuko. It felt like a warm hug. Someone has accepted nezuko. Not because they pitied her but since they saw her true potential and that she was no harm to humans. And now when he remembers it clearly, there was something rengoku whispered before his heart stopped pumping.
It was a faint whisper. So subtle that tanjiro thought it was his ears ringing. But now that he recalls, after he said he trusted them as a slayers, he whispered a few words
“and the lette—”
Rengoku stopped mid sentence as tanjiro kept weeping. He wasn't looking at tanjiro but something behind him. It made him smile as he took his last breath.
“Oni-chan? What happened? Are you okay?” Nezuko pulled tanjiro out of his daze. Everyone was looking at him worriedly. Even sanemi was worried.
“I've not fulfilled rengoku san’s last wishes. I- i haven't. I haven't delivered…how can I be so dumb!!”
“What? Tanjiro san! Calm down! You told us everything aniki wanted to say to us.” Senjuro tried to comfort tanjiro.
“No…before dying he whispered something. I thought my ears were ringing but he did whispered something. It was about a letter.” tanjiro kept on babbling as everyone felt dead silent even senjuro couldn't move his hands.
The sealed letter stayed in tanjiro's hands.
Something that belonged to the girl named y/n.
Something probably dear to kyojuro rengoku.
Some words which were waiting since 3 years.
But…..who is y/n?
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The rest of hanami festival gathering went by silent. Senjuro entrusted the letter to tanjiro as per as his request before leaving early since he need to be home before sunset to check upon his father. Murata and urokodaki san accompanied him on the way.
“That's completely ridiculous. None of us have any idea who the fuck this y/n is? how are the fuck are you even planning to find her?” Sanemi spit out bitter words at tanjiro, sitting on the porch, watching the sun slowly turn a deep shade of orange. It reminded him of rengoku’s odd hair colour. It's funny how not only he, but his tsugoku also had weird hair colour— a colour which was dear to Iguro obanai.
Tanjiro lowered his head, smiling a bit. Sanemi changed a lot, even if he speaks harshly, he can only smell pure concern. “But I can't start a new life without paying my debts. Rengoku san saved my life. Whoever lady y/n is….I need to deliver this letter to her.”
“I get what you're saying…but there's no address in any part of the letter. Moreover you are being hesitant on opening it. How do you think you will find her then?” Tengen spoke from the back, alerting the former wind hashira and tanjiro. Both wondered how long he's been eavesdropping them. They expect nothing less. He was a hashira and before that he was a ninja. Even after losing one arm and one eye, he still holds the same power.
“Honestly, I've no idea. But I just can't sit and let it slide.” said tanjiro.
“you’re getting married to kanao next year. Better focus on that. Don't get into useless troubles hanging her off.” sanemi said lazily, yawning and getting up to his feet, stretching a bit. “I will be leaving then. Take care.” Tanjiro didn't reply to him.
Tengen shared a look with sanemi. His eyes shooting a mischievous look filled with pride. Tengen has been in a mission with tanjiro and he knows how stubborn he can be. He knows how pure of a heart he had. And how he even had empathy for demons. He knows sanemi have to surrender infront of him.
Annoyed, sanemi rolled his eyes, “if you're that insistent on finding the girl, then why not refer to kasugai crows. Rengoku's crow might know something about the girl.” He suggested as tengen was in literal awe. He never thought sanemi could ever think logically with his brain. Tanjiro’s head perked up in joy at his idea. Now he finally has a path to look up. Sanemi felt awkward and took his leave, avoiding to look in their eyes.
“Ah! Shinazugawa san! Thanks for the idea!!”
“That brat finally seems to work a bit humane ain't he ?!” A deep laugh bubbled up tengen’s throat.
“I’m happy that he has softened a little now that demons have perished. However, about rengoku san’s kasugai crow, do you know where do I get in contact with it?”
“About that, i would recommend writting letter to kiriya sama. I'm sure he would know.” Tengen patted his head with a reassuring smile.
Soon he took his leave with his wives and giyu, since they were going to an onsen. Basically makio Suma and hinatsuru dragged him along forcefully. Giyu looked a bit tired but he was happy.
Things changed and improved rapidly in a short time. Zenitsu and nezuko got married last year. Murata also got engaged. Tanjiro couldn't help but wonder if the lady named y/n had moved on or not? Will rengoku san be happy if she found someone else? Will he be sad? He looked at nezuko smiling at zenitsu as he played with kiyo, naho and sumi. He looked at inosuke giving his shiniest acorns to aoi. He looked at kanao, smiling delicately, just like shinobu did.
He was happy.
But was the lady named y/n happy in her life?
Kanao looked at him and smiled. She came near him and took his wrinkled hand in hers. “Tanjiro san, you know I would really like you to deliver this letter to y/n san before we start a new life.”
“Even if it takes time?”
“Even if it does. I will wait for you for an eternity.” Tanjiro chuckled as red tints his cheeks. How pure kanao’s heart is? How did he get so lucky to have her in his life? God knows.
“Then I will write a letter to kiriya.”
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After a few days, a letter arrived from ubuyashiki's. Along with that two kasugai crows were found circling over the house. Among them one belonged to tanjiro, when he was a demon slayer— tennoji.
The other was the one who accompanied rengoku till his last breath. Kiriya felt sad for rengoku and wrote his kind regards to tanjiro sending the crow to him. His name was kaname.
The crow looked pretty much normal and wasn't as hot -tempered as tennoji.
This was the first time tanjiro had seen him. “Hello, kaname san. Sorry for summoning you all of a sudden. But I wanted to ask you something…” the crow didn't reply, but tilted his head at tanjiro.
“I-ahh- do you know anything about a lady named y/n?”
The crow remained quite for a while, as if reminiscing the days which followed great sorrow. “Master's…y/n sama…master's lover…letters…”
His words were what tanjiro was expecting. Tanjiro finally saw a path clear.
“Can you tell me where she lives?” Asked tanjiro hopefully.
The crow shaked his head,“i don't know.”
Slightly disappointed, tanjiro started asking how she looked. The crow wasn't exactly able to describe her. Accepting his defeat, he asked the crow where he saw her for the first time. Maybe if he goes there, he will be able to find her.
the crow wasn't that helpful, they only got to know two things.
First- whoever this y/n is, she was rengoku's lover.
Second- rengoku's crow saw her in tokyo, the capital.
This indicates maybe rengoku and the people who went to the mission in tokyo as said by the crow, if alive, they might know something about it. Tanjiro wrote updates to the others.
A few days later, giyu’s letter came along with some sweets. In that he wrote that rengoku went to tokyo for a battle with lower moon 2 back then. Oyakata sama had assigned him to that mission, before he was a hashira. There were a bunch of people accompanying him, one of them being kanroji mitsuri.
Oh! Mitsuri kanroji was his tsugoku, tanjiro almost forgot about that, he got excited to ask her when reality struck him down. She died after the war. Even if she knew y/n tanjiro couldn't ask her.
He continued reading the letter from giyu as the path which formed in his mind started getting blurry.
Upon hearing from tanjiro, kanao dropped by at the kamado’s. She said she might have one way to get to know about y/n. Tanjiro's eyes perked up at kanao’s remark, which almost made kanao’s heart jolt since he was so cute.
Kanao explained, when shinobu was alive, she had once told her that mitsuri was close to a kakushi couple. She further said that mitsuri used to write letters to them about her missions on a regular basis. Those two even came to congratulate her when she was promoted to hashira. She said it was nice to see that a girl around her age so lively.
Tanjiro wrote a letter to kiriya again. And next week when tanjiro went out with inosuke to sell some charcoal in the city, a couple came to visit them.
Nezuko welcomed them, while zenitsu narrowed his eyes on them, especially upon the male.
When tanjiro returned home he was delighted to find the kakushi couple still waiting for him. They didn't hide their faces anymore. Dressed normally as regular citizens. Honestly they were pretty young, and tanjiro admired how they served the corps group keeping them intact.
“I'm so glad you both came.” Tanjiro bowed infront of them in gratitude.
“Oh no, that's completely fine. We are happy to be of any help. Oyakata sama said you wanted to know about mitsuri.” said the woman.
“Ahh not exactly about her, but for instance, do you have any idea if she ever mentioned a name called ‘y/n’?” tanjiro said pulling inosuke back beside him as he kept munching on the snacks for the guests. The guy gave him a creeped stare as he focused back on tanjiro's words.
“y/n? No I don't think so….she ever mentioned that name. Did she tanaka san?” The woman said.
Tanjiro felt anxious as the guy named tanaka tilted his head to think a bit.
“Nope I don't think she did.”, he clarified.
“Oh….” Tanjiro's voice was barely a whisper, that even inosuke sat straight checking if he's alright.
“Is there something else we can do, tanjiro kun? You look upset.”
“No no…it's fine. I was just trying to deliver a letter to rengoku san's love—”
“Rengoku san? Kanroji san’s master ain't it?” Tanaka spoke before tanjiro could finish his sentence.
“Oh my god? The one whom rengoku san loves was y/n?”
“You guys know her?” Hope shined bright in tanjiro's eyes. So did a fervent fear. Fear of disappointment. Fear of not being able to pay his debts. Fear of not fulfilling rengoku san's last wish.
“We didn't know about her name but kanroji san used to tell us about her…isn't it shimi san?” The guy turned to his wife with a fuzzy smile on his face.
“Yeah, she seemed so happy, wanting to have a love like them.” Said the wife.
And for the first time till now tanjiro wasn't let down. “Really? Did she lived in tokyo? Rengoku san's crow said he saw her for the first time during a mission.”
“A mission? No.” The wife let out a chuckle, “it started way before that. Kanroji san said….. ”
“Ahh! Master! Can we please have a break! I'm tired from hitting the sword, my limbs are sore.” Mitsuri cried barely holding another strike from her master.
“Haha you got tired this fast, we haven't even started.” the blazing hair resembling fire, moved swiftly as the guy attempted another strike on mitsuri, but thanks to a call outside, he stopped midway.
“Wait a bit, I will be back in a while.” Said kyojuro rengoku, her master. ‘i will be happy if you don't come back for a while.’ she thought as she collapsed on her knees, to exhausted to move.
“Ahh senjuro kun! Bring me some snacks please!!!” She shouted hoping for the little kid to hear.
A bit later, rengoku comes back. Senjuro looked at his elder brother, frowning while holding a letter. Mitsuri sat beside senjuro, who brought her some onigiris.
“What's that master?” She asked, stuffing another onigiri in her mouth.
“Even I'm confused. It's a letter but it wasn't delivered by a kasugai crow but by a postman.”
“Huh? Maybe it's from some neighbour wanting to lower your voice while eating.” Senjuro said shrugged off his shoulders as mitsuri suppress her laugh bubbling on her throat, almost choking on rice. It wasn't an irregular thing that neighbors anonymously complained about kyojuro shouting ‘umai’ every time he ate.
“Open it.” Said senjuro, curious what type of sarcastic words they might have chosen now.
Kyojuro did as his little brother requested. However kyojuro didn't reacted after reading the letter.
“Today's practice is over. You can relax.” He, then ordered senjuro to boil him some bathwater, shooing him away.
Senjuro obeyed his brother, while mitsuri felt kinda odd, yet she was happy to have a day off.
As soon as both of them left the backyard, rengoku blushed like crazy. The letter was still in his hand as he tried to digest the words.
“A love lett—” a big palm shut mitsuri’s mouth, preventing her from shouting. Yet she was squealing. “I thought you left! You've gotten quite quick in sly footing didn't ya? I'm impressed.” He finally removed his hand from mitsuri's mouth.
“Ofcourse you made me practice for 23 hours without sleep. Anyways, what's written in that?”
“Do you want me to make you practice for 2 days straight?”
“Naah I'm fine! But master, I'm happy.”
“And curious too. Please let me read it.”
After shooing mitsuri out of the backyard he tucked the letter in his sleeves. This letter was sure weird.
“Rengoku san thought that she didn't read the letter, but she had a strong memory and could remember each word after seeing it once. She was so excited telling us about that.” said the wife, looking outside the window at the moon.
The flame of the lantern flickered a bit. “So that might mean that the letter should be among those papers…”
“Woah zenitsu! I thought you were asleep?!”
“How am I supposed to sleep if you're talking that loudly idiot!”
Yeah the paper. There were a lot of papers. Some were smudged and unreadable, so they didn't read all of them. Tanjiro went over their cupboard and brought the bunch of papers.
“Can you identify the letter among them?” He asked the guy to inspect. The couple looked at each other. “Maybe we can try but the writings aren't clear.”
“Please if you can. I need to deliver that letter.” tanjiro bowed his head down begging to the couple.
“You're a nice kid, Tanjiro kun. We will surely help you.”
It's been more than twenty minutes since they are reading each and every paper. Inosuke got bored and slept on the tatami mats. Nezuko was already asleep so they didn't wanted to bother her.
“Yeah maybe this one. From what Kanroji san had explained, this seems to be the one.” The guy tanaka handed the delicate piece of paper to tanjiro.
“However, in each of these letters, she referred herself as his wife…I didn't know he was married…?”
“Huh?” Tanjiro frowned upon the man's words. ‘what?’ he checked the letters again. And the guy was right, y/n did refer herself as his wife. They didn't read the papers as carefully since they were long, they just assumed she was his lover. But rengoku san wasn't the one to hide such crucial information.
Tanjiro was confused, they were so focused on finding the address of y/n that they ignored reading the letters, which could provide information about her.
Tanjiro spent the entire night reading each word carefully. Fingers running across elegant handwriting and smudged ink. As he kept reading those with a pain in his heart. There were in total 7 of those letters, which were written to rengoku. And the one which tanjiro kept seemingly in care— the sealed one; one which has a strong smell of rengoku’s aura; one with tear stains.
The couple spent the night in their house and left the next morning after breakfast.
This helped but not that much. However the path had become clearer.
He knew that the girl was from a nice family who had hands in education from the curves in each characters of her words.
Second, she had mentioned that he had saved her and her friends from a fire, in yokaichi.
“I'm leaving for yokaichi.” Said tanjiro during breakfast.
“Eh? Oni- chan?”
“Don't worry nezuko, oni-chan will be back soon.”
“I will also go!” Said inosuke, “inosuke-sama will protect kamaboko gonpachiro, his minon from any harm.”
Tanjiro chuckled at how inosuke shows his care for him, “fine then.”
“Zenitsu san you also go with them…”
“Ehh, but nezuko chan won't you be lonely without me? I know you will be lonely without m—”
“I won't. You guys will be back soon. Till then I will be at butterfly mansion.”
“B-but nezuko channn!!!!” Inosuke dragged him away as nezuko watched the poor soul. She felt bad but she wanted him to be with her brother. She just felt that the three of them should go together.
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The three of them finally reached yokaichi town. It was small but quite dense in population. Tanjiro felt that this was an advantage for them since they stories and folks might spread fast in a vast social surroundings.
“Inosuke, zenitsu let's ask the older citizens first, since they might be living here for a while, they must have known about any fire incidents.”
“I was about to say the same thing as you.” Snorted the board masked guy rushing off in the east direction. Zenitsu simply nodded and went in the opposite direction, sulking. He has been giving tanjiro silent treatment since he had to leave nezuko alone.
Tanjiro sighed as he started finding old citizens nearby asking about a fire incident.
After asking a few of them, he sighed, it didn't really do any help, since many weren't able to hear and some weren't able to remember. When he asked the youngsters, they ran away seeing his old crippled hand.
Tanjiro, let down, returned to the spot where they had started searching. Inosuke was already there tapping his feet as he was waiting for the others.
“Did you find anything?” Asked tanjiro.
“Nahh! They were mere cowards. Running way from me. Though I liked it! Everyone should fear the great inosuke sama.” As expected from inosuke, zenitsu was yet to return. Both of them decided to wait till he comes back.
After a while, zenitsu came back. His sulking still hasn't tailed off. “Ahh zenitsu! Did you find anything? You took so long!!”
Zenitsu didn't reply.
He stared at him with dead eyes.
Oh god! Zenitsu’s moody phases are the worst, especially if it's an urgent task. The whining and sulking from a few years ago flashed in front of tanjiro’s eyes.
“You turned mute or what?” said inosuke, already having enough of zenitsu’s tantrums.
But the only reply that came from the blonde was an eye roll. Inosuke got pissed, ready to throw hands at him if not stopped by tanjiro.
“Zenitsu, I will get nezuko chan make sweet washagis for you when we get back home.”
“Really!! You better do that. I can't even explain how much I've missed my dear wife nezuko chan. She must be so lonely without me.” Babbled zenitsu, finally speaking for the first time till they left home.
“She won't.”
“Stop making snarky comments you stupid boar head. What do you even know about pure love between me and nezuko chan?!!!”
“Ahh zenitsu! Did you get to know anything?”
Zenitsu considered tanjiro a while, before giving in, “At the very west of this town, there's an inn. People said it almost burned down about four years ago…I looked for its owner but they said he will be back late.”
Tanjiro let out a breath. If that's the case, then the owner might remember the incident clearly. If only he could provide any useful information.
“Btw do you really believe whoever this y/n is…she's still alive?” Zenitsu scratched the back of his neck, shooing away the mosquitos ready to feed upon his blood. It's been long three of them are waiting in front of the inn for its owner to arrive.
“Let's just not lose hope.” The inn did looked like it suffered severe consequences from whatever happened 4 years ago. Most of it has been repaired but the aura and the smell can still be recognised. There are still some wooden planks with burn marks which are yet to be repaired.
“May I ask who you three are?”
A chilly voice turned their attention. There stood a thin, frail boy, barely an adult. His eyes were small with hair falling down on his brows. He speculated about them with a suspicious look in his eyes(especially on the boat masked guy). Was he the owner? He looked too young for that.
“Ahh good evening! I'm tan—”
“If you're wanting to stay the night, go somewhere else, I'm not opening the inn today.” He replied coldly before tanjiro could even introduce himself.
“Ahh no, you're misunderstanding…. actually we are here to ask you something about the incident four years ago…”
The look on the boy’s face changed from suspicion to disgust.
“Well…I don't wanna talk about it. You guys can leave.”
“No please, at least hear our questions. It's really important.”
“As if I care.”
“Hey fucker! If you don't answer I'll break each and every bone in your body.”
“Stop it inosuke!” This isn't going any better. It's almost night, they also need to find a place to stay.
“tanjiro can you move aside a bit” said zenitsu, without waiting for his reply, he went to the kid. Apparently he whispered something in his ears which seemed to have creeped the guy out.
Tanjiro gulped. He must be desperate to go home and see nezuko. Sometimes he forgets that their coward friend can be hell scary when it comes to nezuko.
“Okay. He's ready to spill anything he knows.” The look on the kids face made it clear he didn't wanted to recall anything about that incident. However tanjiro had no choice but to push him off the edge.
“Hey I'm sorry if we're causing you any trouble, but you know we really need to know anything you know about a girl named y/n.”
“Yeah. Heard it before?”
“No. There were none with this name.”
“Eh? Can you try to recall. There must be someone. A girl who was saved by rengoku san. A guy whose hair was similar to fire.”
“Kyojuro rengoku you mean? He pretty much saved everyone. The inn you see here, is small. Before the incident also it was small and not that popular. Only a few people stayed here occasionally. So I can be sure there was no one named y/n.”
An ‘oh’ is just what tanjiro could manage. The boy got inside the house behind the inn. The night fell and they were still in the same position as before.
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Inosuke was throwing tantrums in hunger, so they decided to go to an udon shop nearby. Perhaps they should not lose hope. Thinking empty stomach is not always the best option. This they were sitting in the shop waiting for their order to come.
“But she did mention in those letters that she was saved by him. How come the owner doesn't know anything about that?”
“I already told you we should have broken his bones, monjiro.”
“I think it's useless, let's just go back home to my nezuko chan.”
“Zenitsu! What if you were in place of rengoku san? Would you be happy if your last words don't reach nezuko?” zenitsu went silent at that.
They stayed silent till three bowls of hot udon were placed infront of them. Tanjiro and zenitsu thanked the server for the food whereas inosuke just shoved his head into the hot udon bowl. “You guys seem a bit tense, is everything okay? Asked the old man, the owner of the udon restaurant.
“Yeah we're just a bit disappointed.” Said tanjiro. “Haha and why so? Got rejected by a girl? Can't blame her, it's your hand.” The old man pointed at tanjiro's crippled hand. “What happened that's it's such in a bad condition?”
“Oh! It's…from…from a fight.” Tanjiro smiled, it's hard to offend him anyway,“ i already have a fiance and we are getting married soon.”
“Oh my god! Please forgive my mean words then. I wish you both happiness.”
“Thank you.”
“Then why pull a sad face. My udon tastes the best when you eat it with a good mood, ya know?!”
“Haha, I'm sure it will still taste good. Actually we were here wanting to acquire some information about the fire incident 4 years ago.”
“Oh that was such a bad one. If there wasn't that guy everyone would have lost their life…”
“Rengoku san? You mean?” Tanjiro's eyes perked up. “I see, you know kyojuro. Yeah, that boy was a regular in my shop. Although it's been more than three years since he last visited, i wonder how he's doing? Tell him to visit once, the old man misses him.” the man bursted in laughter while the three of them couldn't even managed to smile even once.
How are they even supposed to tell him, tell him that, “rengoku san died three years ago while saving us from…” zenitsu's voice trailed down into nothingness. So did the old man's. They didn't knew if he's aware about demons so they didn't exaggerated it anymore.
No one spoke for a while.
“I see. What did you guys want to know then? I'm sure you were close to him if he gave up on his life for you all…”
“do you know anyone named y/n? I need to deliver this letter to her.” tanjiro took out the yellow stained letter and handed it to the old man, who squinted his eyes on the writings, drawing a wrinkled finger tracing it's shapes.
“Y…y/n…..yeah she asked me to send some letters to his residence. The kid was young and beautiful.” he returned the letter back to tanjiro.
“She did?!”
“Yeah…that kid almost begged me to not tell kyojuro anything about that.”
The three of them looked at each other. “Can you tell us more about her?” “Do you know where she lives?” “Can I get a refill?” The three of them threw questions at the old man's face, whose lips creaked a bit. “Hmm, I don't know where she lives but I can tell you about her.” He said taking inosuke’s bowl to the counter for another refill.
The restaurant was almost empty so they went and sat on the round seats opposite of the counter.
“It was about four years ago when she appeared in my shop after kyojuro left….”
“umm excuse me…” you said
“Yeah young lady, what would you prefer?” asked the owner pointing at the chart hung on the wall which displayed all the items on the menu.
“I will take a hot tempura udon please.” said the girl beside you.
“And you miss?” The owner directed the question towards you. “Umm I will take anything you prefer.” “Ehh is that so? Fine, I'll make you the tastiest bowl of my special udon.”
“Just tell already…!” The girl beside you whispered into your ear, which was audible to the owner, he chuckled a bit. “Can you shut up….!!”
“I will if you say it…!”
“Okay fine!”
“Umm…if you don't mind, is there any way you can ask the address of the man who just left a while ago?” you asked hesitantly, fiddling with your fingers.
“Kyojuro you mean? I already know his residence, he made me deliver udon to his place before.” the owner said trying to keep his composure, young kids are just so bold nowadays.
“Is that so?” your eyes shined dreamily.
“Why harbored a crush on the man you saw a few mins ago? Hahaha!!” you felt blood rush to your cheeks as you couldn't find words to answer his question.
“She wants to thank him for saving her.” said the girl beside you. “Atsuko!” Atsuko just gave a smirk, ignoring how she threw you in such humiliation.
“Ah…if you don't mind then can you please deliver this letter to him anonymously. Don't tell him I asked you to send it. Please…I can pay you for that..”
“I don't need any payment. I will do that. You can just come and enjoy my special udon sometimes.” the owner accepted the letter from your hands, tucking it in his sleeves. “And maybe watch that man you talked about…he comes here around weekends.” The man hinted you the place which kyojuro normal has his lunch. And if you weren't blushing any harder, you felt your entire face burn with embarrassment. But you want to do it anyway.
Atsuko giggled beside you excited to see what happens next.
“So you delivered the letters in her stead?” asked zenitsu.
“Yeah…she kept coming back with letters for a good six months, if i remember correctly. Maybe kyojuro replied to them…”
It fell silent for a while. The only sound echoing was of inosuke slurping on the noodles.
“So, while you delivered letters rengoku san didn't knew her?” The guy with red eyes pointed the question at the owner.
“No i don't think so, she never came when he used to visit, that is, the weekends.”
“Can you tell us what was the name of her friend again?”
“Atsuko…if I remember correctly..”
“Can you describe how she looked?”
“Ehh? I can't really remember people's faces clearly, but she was very beautiful, big eyes with a nice soft skin. Her hair was long and dark. She had a soft voice. She looked like she belonged from a privileged family. So did her friend.”
“Oh is there anything specific you remember about her?”
“Hmm…let me think…if I'm not wrong rengoku once mentioned her name to a boy who tagged along with him. If you go to him i believe he could provide you some answers.”
“Really? Who was he?”
“His name was….daisuke I guess. He used to wear a similar black sort of uniform like kyojuro.”
After finishing their meal, tanjiro payed for everyone and thanked the old man for all that information. They went to a nearby inn and spent the night.
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Tanjiro wrote some letters updating each one of their current status. And he sent a crow to kiriya requesting him to take a look if there's any former slayer named Daisuke and used to frequent his missions with rengoku.
The next day around afternoon, tennoji returned from ubuyashiki's. He said there was indeed a slayer named Daisuke. He had suffered severe injuries from the war and now lives in his village.
As directed by tennoji, tanjiro's crow, they went to the south east from their current position. After two days and one night of sleeping in the jungle without the fear of demons, a village appeared. It wasn't that populated. After asking a few kids, they showed the path which led to Daisuke’s hut.
“Umm excuse me? Daisuke san?”
“Yes, wh— ta…tanjiro….aren't you tanjiro?” the guy said, he was blind from one eye similar to tanjiro, with a missing arm and a limp leg. Tanjiro felt sorry for him.
“Yes, they are inosuke and zenitsu. Sorry for being a bother….”
“Oh no please come inside. I will get tea for you…” he said excited.
“Oh, you don't have to. It's fine. Actually we wanted to ask something….”
“Yeah? Please come in. I will surely help you as much as possible.”
They entered the hut and sat on the tatami mats. Even after pleading not to bring any snacks, Daisuke brought some rice crackers for them.
“Please have them.”
“You didn't have to.”
“Oh it's nothing. Now what did you wanted to ask about?”
“It's about y/n.” Tanjiro said as the rest simply focused on rice crackers. A hint of familiarity glistened in Daisuke's eyes. “Y/n? You mean the one rengoku san was madly in love with?”
Madly in love with? Tanjiro felt a pinch in his heart. Rengoku san must have adored you. The sealed letter had tear stains. Did rengoku cried while writing that?
“Ah…yeah…I need to deliver this letter to y/n but I don't know where she lives. Did rengoku san ever mentioned where she lived?”
“A letter? Why sent a letter when he was so adamant about that?”
“Yeah…he said that the pages limited his words to her. He was so desperate wanting to see her that he spent like 2 weeks searching for her without taking rest after his missions.”
“Seriously? So how are you supposed to recover from those injuries?” Daisuke said to his senior with an exasperated expression.
“It will heal when I get to see her face.” Said rengoku, bandaging the cut from a demon's blood arts whom he just killed.
“You're gonna exhaust yourself from build up fatigue.” The sun rays kissed the soil painted in crimson from the shedded blood.
“I will be fine. You go and take rest.”
“I can't believe you're going to find the creepy girl sending you creepy letters claiming herself as your wife.” Daisuke let you a sigh at rengoku's stubborness.
“In that case I gotta meet my wife.” Rengoku's laughter echoed among the vast field.
It still echoed in Daisuke's memories.
“So rengoku wasn't married…?”
“Naah. Honestly I think, after rengoku san’s mother died, he had faced severe neglect from his father. He was the oldest son of the family, so he had to be strong for his sibling. But sometimes we forget, even the strong needs someone to back for them. Even they need some kind words to let go all their tiredness and have a tight sleep. Even they need someone who assured them that they have a bright future…”
That's right. Tanjiro had seen how shinjuro, rengoku san's father, disrespected his sacrifice. He was so lost and depressed in his wife's loss that he forgot about the ones who need the most care— his kids.
Daisuke continued, “when the letter came from y/n, rengoku san must have read comforting words for the first time since that. He used to reread those letters a thousand times when he was free. Sometimes I wondered if he ever got bored doing that…but I knew he didn't. A starved man will eat anything. And I knew he was emotionally starving.”
Zenitsu and inosuke stopped eating rice crackers. Rengoku's death solely hurted them as much as it did to tanjiro, but they never thought it was that deep. That it was something beyond his life as a demon slayer.
Zenitsu could relate. After all he was an orphan. And rengoku was too, being in a situation similar to him, where his only parent was emotionally unavailable for him. He felt sorry for him.
No one dared to say anything. The silence was piercing their hearts like splinters of iron.
“Fun fact was that he did find her,” Daisuke chorted a bit before continuing, “and he literally begged her to marry him…”
Rengoku searched from cabin to cabin in the steam train. In the last letter you mentioned you were going to aomori to visit your relatives by train.
After a bit of negotiation he learned that there was only one train which was going to stop at aomori. This is how he ended up buying tickets at the last moment getting in the train, to find you.
He hasn't seen you before. He wondered how you would look. Even more beautiful and kind than your letters. Even more beautiful than the slight hooks of the curved kanjis you had written his name. Even more beautiful than the blazing sun.
He had checked almost the entire train. The content smile on his face has now thinned into pursed lips. He was nervous. What if he fails to find you? What if he never gets to find you? What if he never gets to see your face?
What if he didn't recognise you?
He flashed all the passengers in his head before lowering his head. None of them carried the same demeanor your letters did. He couldn't imagine any one of them being you.
He entered the last cabin. It was empty. However this cabin seemed a bit different. It had a narrow passage on the right with doors while the opposite side had small rooms. It seemed private. One previously booked by someone.
Rengoku turned back to return to his cabin when the door beside him shot open.
Inside was a girl, who seemed to have frozen for a while.
The girl’s eyes widened at the name which left rengoku's lips. She shut the door close, but it didn't closed, something was blocking it. The girl looked down, realizing rengoku had slipped his feet in to prevent her from doing that.
He barged the door open. “Y/n right?”
The girl remained silent for some time.
“I apologize to you with all my might rengoku san. Please forgive my intrusiveness.” you said, lowering your head, nervous at the sudden appearance of him.
“God you're even more beautiful than I thought…” you shoot your head up only to see him looking with such dreamy eyes at you as if you're the only thing he's ever wanted to look at. And it made your stomach churn. Guilt rushed in each of your veins.
“Rengoku san, i shouldn't have wrote those letters to you.” You say. Your friend had warned you before. You didn't listen.
“Why?” He took a step closer.
You gulped before answering,“i wrote nonsense, pretending to be your wife I'm very sorry yo—”
“Then don't pretend anymore.”
“Be my wife.” Rengoku suggested. His face now inches away from yours.
“And then she ran away?” Said daisuke, barely containing his laugh.
“Yeah…did I do something wrong?” Rengoku said with visible confusion plastered on his face. It was rare to see any expression other than his smiling face.
“Of course she would run away.”
“and why so?”
“Rengoku san, a girl thinks about her future first after marriage. She knows nothing about you.”
“But she wrote me lett—”
“Which you didn't answered….since you thought you couldn't fit your words in papers.” Rengoku couldn't say anything in his defense. It was true rengoku never replied to any of your letters. When he received the first one he thought someone was pranking him. But then the letters came continuously, one each month. He slowly fell in love with those. He fell in love with your letters. And somehow, he fell in love with you.
“Then what do I do?”
“Be honest, tell her about your salary and your job, tel her you can take care of her needs.”
“Yeah? Kk I'm going then…”
Rengoku stood at the aomori station waiting for you to get on the train for your return. Upon spotting you, he called out for you. The train had a delay and he had a good 1 hour to make things clear.
“Eh? R-rengoku san!”
“I work in demon slayer corps. And currently I'm in the highest rank which is kinoe. I get a decent salary of 42,500 yen. I live with my younger brother and father. My mother died a few years ago from illness. I spend my day training, slaying demons and rereading your letters,” guilt rushed through your veins again. “I promise, I will fulfill all your needs and treat you like my queen.”
“rengoku san...”
“sorry i didn't replied to any of those, I just couldn't express myself much in writing. If possible I would like to crawl into a hole. However you don't need to worry. I will make sure that I keep you happy.”
You frowned at his words, unable to explain him. How could you do that to him?
“Y/n san, let's make the words on the letters true. Let's be husband and wife. I know that I work in an organization that isn't approved by governm—”
“Rengoku san, shall we walk while talking? We are blocking the road.” you change the topic, not wanting to talk about it.
Rengoku continued telling you everything…everything about him. From his childhood till his mother's death. From his father's neglect, to his way up to kinoe, from his sword to the number of demons he slayed. You didn't believe in demons before, but now that rengoku tells you about this, demon folks is something you want to believe. You wanted to believe in everything he said. Even if he's telling the dumbest thing, far from reality, you wanted to believe it.
“Y/n san! Look here!” You turn back to rengoku.
“And did she said yes?”
“Maybe. He didn't mention her answer. He was so happy that finally he met her.”
“You must have seen her then…can you tell us how she looked?”
“I think I might have a photo of her. Rengoku san, asked to recieve a photo delivery, since he had a mission from the previous oyakata sama.” Daisuke got up limping to the one of the backrooms of his hut. He returned a few minutes later, handling a black and white photo to tanjiro.
Inosuke and zenitsu peeped from the sides to take a look at the long awaited moment, when they finally get to see y/n.
The photo was black and white, but tanjiro felt it was still colorful to rengoku san. In the photo there was a girl, young, with long beautiful hair, in a loose braid. She wore a flower hair ornament, which must have shone in gold back then. She was just how the udon owner described her, big doe eyes, pretty mouth, she looked educated. She was dressed in a floral patterned kimono. Zenitsu wondered what sort of colour the kimono would have been. He wondered if he could get a similar one for nezuko as a souvenir.
The girl was beautiful. Inosuke thought, she had similar smile to shinobu, he wondered if his mom’s smile was like that.
The girl's reflection reflected in several mirrors behind her, and one of the mirror had caught the reflection of the one clicking the photo— kyojuro rengoku.
“The last I heard from rengoku san, he said she wanted to meet him before taking the mugen train mission. He seemed happy, maybe she agreed eventually to marry him….if only he didn't…” Daisuke didn't finished the sentence, considering his surroundings.
They sit in deafening silence for a bit.
A bit later tanjiro thanked Daisuke for the rice crackers and his help. He asked if it were okay to take the photo with him. Daisuke had no problem with that. After bidding farewell they continued their journey, unsure what to do next.
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After two days of staying at an inn, cluelessly with no idea how to find y/n, inosuke suggests to go to the station from where they got on mugen train.
“If we go to that lord's land and ask the people over there and show this painting of this long haired girl, then some might recognize her.” He had said.
“First of all that's a train station, second it's a photo. How can you still be the same stupid even after 3 years?” zenitsu cringed hard.
“Inosuke’s right zenitsu, we should go there and ask the people over there.” tanjiro said halting the cat and mouse fight which was about to start between the two.
Daisuke had said rengoku was about to meet her before the mission, which means before getting on the mugen train. Even if it is difficult, some locals must have seen even one glance of her.
The next morning, as per inosuke's idea, three of them left for the station.
“Umm excuse me…” said tanjiro, forwarding the photo in front of the local he stopped on his way, “can you tell me if you've seen this girl?”
The man gave a disgusted look at tanjiro. “no I haven't.”
“Ehh? Are you sure you haven—”
“I don't have time for bullshit.” He went off ignoring tanjiro. Strange. People here are less friendly, some even get irritated if stopped on their way.
It's almost lunch time, zenitsu and inosuke had tried to stop the locals as tanjiro asked them about you. It was clear that this ain't ending soon. Especially when they've got nothing good in hand.
“Let's go buy something to eat.”
“I saw a kid wearing glasses, selling bentos…let's buy some then…she went in that direction.”
Upon seeing the kid, tanjiro asked her to give them three boxes of bentos. It seemed similar to the ones they had three years ago. The girl was about to leave after receiving her payment, but tanjiro's instinct told him to stop her.
“Wait!” The girl turned back to him as zenitsu and inosuke watched him, confused. Tanjiro put his hand inside the sleeves of yukata, taking out the only photo they had of you.
“Have you ever seen this girl around here?”
The girl squinted her eyes behind the round glass frames,“y/n san! Isn't she y/n san…”
Zenitsu’s eyes popped out, he wondered if tanjiro's a mind reader or something, how can he be so quick?
“Yes! You know her? Can you tell us where she lives?” Tanjiro asked desperately.
“She never mentioned that to us…” the girl said frowning her eyebrows.
“Oh…how did you know her then?”
“Well, a demon slayer who saved us three years ago, requested…”
You waited for kyojuro to come. The sun shone brightly above you. The empty roadway started getting crowdy. You've had enough.
“Y/n san. You wanted to see me?” kyojuro had become a hashira now, and amongst his tight schedule he barely had time for you. It's not like you were disappointed, but still…you and kyojuro often talked through phone booths, after you've suggested that casually one day while strolling with him. Last week when he called you, after what felt like years, you said you wanted to meet him soon. ‘fine meet me at the near hinakawa station, I will be waiting.’ he'd said.
Though it was you, waiting for him to come. You've felt distant from him. And you didn't like it.
“I ran away.” You announced looking in his honey drizzled eyes. Though you aren't sure if it were your overthinking but those eyes seemed a bit dull today.
Kyojuro didn't say anything, maybe confused how to interpret your words.
“my family's against us. And I'm against them. I left the old relations to form a new one. With whom I love. Let's get married.” You said taking his hand in yours.
Kyojuro said nothing but wrapped you in his arms. You hugged him tighter, never wanting to let go. “I'm not alone anymore.” He said before nuzzling his face on the crook of your neck.
Yes. You've always wanted to hear these words from his lips. You've wanted to let him know that he's not alone even when he thinks he is. You wanted him to know that there's someone who will always support him even if he's father thinks he has no talent. This was the reason you wrote him letters in first place. This was the reason you let yourself get tangled in a world far different from yours— in the world of kyojuro rengoku.
He left soon saying he will be back after completing a mission. He said he will send someone to you and asked you to wait for him till then. And you agreed gladly. About half an hour later a girl wearing round steel rimmed glasses along with her grandmother appeared.
“Y/n?” You nodded your head at them. “Rengoku sama asked us to keep you safe till he gets back. If you don't mind then you can come home with us.”
You got to know from the grandmother, how the rengokus had saved their lives two times. You've never seen kyojuro fight, but you knew he was hella strong. Still your heart sinks into your stomach whenever he mentions a mission. You've never encountered demons, once you didn't even believed in them, and now here you are nodding at each of those demon tales of the grandmother.
It didn't mattered anyway as long as he comes back safe. You have to wait for a while for him to comeback….after all you weren't done….you still had an important thing to say.
“Then days turned into weeks and weeks turned into months, the slayer never made its return. She left eventually, thanking us. We told her to wait for a while more…but she was too stubborn.” said the girl, fixing her specks again.
Tanjiro couldn't believe what he heard. Rengoku had so many things going on in his life. He had more priorities than him and his friends. Someone who was more important. Someone who left her entire family for him.
And yet.
He chose to save them sacrificing himself.
He wondered if the you hate him now.
Zenitsu and inosuke were too stunned to speak. All of them were on the verge of crying. To think…that he couldn't return because of them. To think that they played a role in ruining you happiness. That he died saving them.
“She said she was going to asakusa at her friend’s house, named atsuko.”
Tanjiro bowed at the girl, he couldn't manage thanking her, since he knew if he draws one more breath trying to talk, he would break down right there.
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The three of them took a train to asakusa after eating those bentos. They looked similar because rengoku had bought the same boxes from that bento girl 3 years ago.
Inosuke was oddly quiet inside the train. The other two also barely chatted before reaching their destination.
Tanjiro had visited asakusa before and he didn't liked that experience very much. Especially the narrow lanes. This time the city looked more developed than before. And it was more crowdy too. They made their way as the girl has previously informed, that atsuko works as a teacher in a big school for aristocrats.
Coincidentally, tanjiro found the same vendor from his last visit. Back then nezuko wasn't able to savor his ramens since she was a demon. He wished he brought her along. They ordered a steaming bowl of ramen, as the vendor was delighted seeing tanjiro again.
“Where that bamboo girl you carried along with you?”
“She's at home right now.”
“Don't give my wife stupid Nicknames.” ,shouted the blonde at the vendor. Tanjiro apologized in his stead as he kept fuming. “So why are you three here all of a sudden? It's been long ain't it?”
“Yeah we're looking for a girl named y/n. She has a friend who teaches in a big school named atsuko.”
“Y/n never heard that sort of peculiar name…”
“are there any big schools in this area, where aristocrats study?”
“Umm…there are a lot of big schools, you could go and ask at the library. There's only one library here and all the school students or teachers borrow books from there. They must know something about that.”
“Oh really! Thankyou very much.”
Without any further do, the three of them went to the public library after eating.
“Woah this is so big.” Tanjiro said.
“It has so many books shall I borrow some for nezuko chan” zenitsu got lost in his dream world. Inosuke was quite whenever he gets in a new environment with a lots of people, so tanjiro didn't bother checking at him.
However, inosuke tugged on tanjiro's yukata pointing at something with his boar mask tugged on his head. Tanjiro could see his eyes popping out.
“What happened tanji—” zenitsu choked on his spit. Tanjiro’s jaw dropped, his mouth open wide. Inosuke was pointing at a picture hung on the wall. Tanjiro took out the photo hurriedly from his sleeves.
There's no mistake. This was indeed the same girl. Underneath the painting was written ‘princess akiko’ in bold letters carved carefully on metal.
“But isn't her name y/n?” Said zenitsu. What's going on? Before tanjiro could say anything, a woman in her twenties bumped into them while rushing.
The photo slipped out from tanjiro’s fingers.
“I'm so sorr—” the women's words halted as she looked at the photo lying on the ground in front of her. She picked it up before tanjiro could.
“Where did you get this picture from?” She asked as if it were a taboo to have this.
“Ahh you know y/n?”
“She looks similar to the girl in that painting” the boy with the boar mask declared.
“For the hundredth time inosuke it's a photo.” said zenitsu.
“She doesn't looks like her. She is her. She is princess akiko. The youngest daughter of the imperial family.”
Three of them couldn't believe their ears. “But her name is y/n…” whispered tanjiro in a low voice.
“Just who are you?” She looked at the picture carefully, as if hiding it from the world, “isn't this rengoku?”
“You know rengoku san?”
“That's the man who saved us from a fire incident in an old town. And then became the main reason of the storms in akiko’s life.”
Tanjiro's eyes widened at the mention of the fire incident “Are you atsuko?”
The women nodded, surprised they know her name. Tanjiro, then explained the whole matter.
“I see.”
“This isn't right akiko…you shouldn't have continued writing letters to him in first place.” Atsuko said trying to persuade her not to run away.
“I can't. I can't live here. They will never accept him. And I can't live without him.”
“Akiko, try to understand…rengoku loves y/n.”
“And i am y/n!” The sound of the rain pouring down increased.
“You are princess akiko. Y/n is just a fake name, you created to hide your real identity when decided to write him letters. I supported you then since i thought it was a one time thing.” Atsuko shook the girl's shoulders trying to bring her to the path she considered right.
“But I don't wanna be akiko. I wanna be y/n…y/n rengoku.” Tears fell from the eyes in front of her as sobs escaped her lips.
“You're playing with rengoku’s feelings. Even if you run away, how do you intend to tell him the truth? You can't pretend to be y/n your entire life akiko.”
The girl didn't answered atsuko. That day slowly came to an end along with the rain. And Akiko did run away to rengoku, away from her pointless life, being a puppet in her family's hands.
“She returned a month after she ran away. When I asked him about rengoku she said nothing. Soon her brother came and took her away.” Whispered atsuko in a voice so doleful, that it was clear, it hurted.
“Did rengoku san knew she was a princess?” Zenitsu asked.
“He probably didn't. Akiko's family arranged several politicians later to set her up but she caused such a ruckus that her family gave up at last.”
“Do you know where she is now…i need to deliver this letter to her.” Each word tasted like bile to him. He couldn't even imagine how miserable it had been. You literally rejected a crystal palace only to live a normal life with him. Which didn't even come true. How feverishly would it have hurt? How apathetic fate was…
“She lives in osaka, running an orphanage. You would find her there. Shall I get someone two drive you three over there?”
“That will be very thoughtful of you” said tanjiro.
Atsuko arranged a driver, who would drive them to the orphanage, they expect to find you in. The car ride was even more silent than the train one. Inosuke, even, didn't make any fuss seeing a car for the first time.
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‘So this is where princess akiko lives.’ thought tanjiro. The building was similar to butterfly mansion, nothing that luxurious but quite spacious. The driver left soon after dropping them.
They crossed several corridors of children buzzing like bees. Laughter echoed among the hallways. How wonderful of a place for someone who lost their parents. Similar to them. They wondered if they would have grown up in this orphanage if they were born here.
Finally they reached to what seemed like an office. Similar to one shinobu used when researching herbs, the one which kanao uses now. They entered with a knock.
“Y/n san?”
Your head perked up at the name, which once your beloved used to refer. That beloved who never came.
Your heart ached a bit expecting kyojuro. A melancholic smile forms on your face seeing three kids infront of you. Of Course it wasn't him.
“yes?” you said gently, trying not to give in to your emotions.
But tanjiro could smell it. He smelled the intense grief bubbling within you. He could imagine how long you've bottled up your emotions.
Without saying much, he took the letter out of his sleeve placing it on your desk.
“It's been waiting for 3 years.”
“Rengoku san wanted me to deliver this to you. Sorry this took so long.” your hands froze at his name. Your chest heaved without even you realizing as you grab the letter.
A single drop of tear fell on the spot which had been previously stained with tears. Tears of kyojuro rengoku.
Your fingers shaked tracing your name on the letter. The name which he used to call. Y/n not Akiko.
You teared the seal, taking out a paper. It was filled with words. Words, he never thought he could express on paper.
Dear y/n,
If you're reading this, then I'm sorry. I might have broken my promise of protecting you forever because by the time you read it— I will be dead.
Y/n i wanted to tell you, that I've loved you. I have loved you from the very beginning. Before even I saw you. You were the one who protected the flame in my heart. While others told me to set it ablaze, you made me learn how to keep the flame burning.
You were as beautiful to me as the rising sun. So bright, so clear. You were the epitome of my life. I wanted to live a peaceful life with you, in which my father let's go of his depression. In which your family accepts us. In which we don't have to hide from others. I wanted you to have my surname.
Your words were like the first rain of summer to me. You saved me from quenching my thirst by your words. I have been starved…. starved for so long that I forgot what being hungry for love feels like. Until you came into my life. you healed my heart, handled it as if it's porcelain.
I thought papers were something I would never choose to express myself with. But look at me now. Haha. I don't know why I'm writing it now, but I just feel like, the time’s soon going to be over. And I feel like I will be gone without seeing your face.
Please don't hate me for that.
If I get to spend my life with you I will probably burn this off, but if this letter somehow unfortunately finds you…I want you to know, I gave my best. I gave my very best to save the ones surrounding me. That I fullfilled my duty till the end. So don't feel sad.
I still can't believe you chose to love me. If possible I would like to meet you in another birth, in another universe without demons, where I will be yours, completely yours. You're the best thing that happened to me, y/n. You're just perfect.
But I must say….you’re dumb for choosing a man who bets his life for others, leaving the silver spoon you had in your mouth.
Sadly, our time was limited in this birth. Good bye princess akiko.
~ your kyojuro
The letter fell from your hands. Your lips quivering as you barely contained your tears, which stained the letter.
You just managed a smile at the kids who brought you this letter. He was no more. And you couldn't believe that. He knew you were Akiko not y/n. The truth you weren't able to tell him.
“I'm sorry for making this long. Rengoku san died saving us from a demon, 3 years ago” said tanjiro, tears staining his cheeks. So do the others, barely containing their emotions.
“oh! But i-im glad you all are safe. H-he fulfilled his duties right?”
“Does it hurts?” Tanjiro asked.
“A lot.” And if he wasn't seeing things, he saw rengoku for one second with a silly smile on his face, maybe wondering how to comfort you.
The second he blinked his eyes he was gone. What remained was his letter. Tanjiro handed the photo to you before leaving. He wondered if in another birth he gets to see the both of you reconcile.
He took a deep breath wanting to return to kanao. Maybe he would just ask her to marry him this year. He doesn't want to waste anymore time away from her.
“Where were you?” Asked zenitsu to inosuke, who went missing for a while. They are currently waiting for a train to go back home.
“To buy this.” Inosuke showed a butterfly hair pin decorated with blue crystals. It was beautiful.
“Woah. Who did you buy it for?”
“Aoi.” Tanjiro chuckled at his bluntness, while zenitsu smirked. It's funny how inosuke still gets both of their names incorrect but he never made a mistake in saying aoi’s name correctly. Who knows they might have two weddings…
Now that tanjiro had finally payed off the debt, he wished you happiness as he looked forward to a happier future. He will remember you, not as princess akiko, but as y/n.
“Let's go! I can't wait to see nezuko!!”
“Zenitsu watch out your way!!”
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© strawberrymochin 24 | plagiarism won't be tolerated | comments are reblogs are appreciated | banners are by me |
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demonslayedher · 2 years
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Things that went through my mind while watching this episode:
--I think this was the episode that converted a lot of people who were on the fence about Uzui, that scene with Hinatsuru is just so tender that people cannot help but feel for him. The way they animate his fingers moving as Hinatsuru talks because their resting on her chin is such a nice detail. And then we get him pumped back up by the good news that he's found one of his wives alive, and we get that skid and change in direction the roof. So good!! So cool!!
--On that note, I'm just going to jump to the end of the episode because this episode was a very flashy Uzui sandwich. I think that given that we see Makio & Suma more often interacting with each other and Hinatsuru steals the spotlight for drama gives people the impression that she's the favorite or something like that, which makes me a bit sad because I read him as loving and cherishing all of them in different but egalitarian ways. All three are his most important treasures, and unfortunately we see Makio & Suma's immature sides come out most around him, and he seems to baby them in a way different from how he treats Hinatsuru like more of an equal (even though we see in this opening scene that she still speaks like someone subservient to him--that ninja training runs deep). Makio, though, I like that we get her flashback, as it brings out a very different, contemplative, sometimes anxious side of her character which keeps her from just being the hot-blooded one or something like tat. It's not a side she can show to just anyone, but someone as mature as Hinatsuru can draw it out. Suma, though? Let her be a simple bimbo. I love her. She's my favorite. She's adorable and I never get tired of seeing her crying as she tears a kunai through the obi.
--Right! That end of the episode! Uzui's grand entrance and twirling the swords around just to show off (he and Shinobu may relate to each other more than they think), and the perfect placement of a catchphrase. Fine!! Yes!!! I like the catchphrase now!!! I hated it more than anything at the Pillar Meeting, but yes, YES, GIVE ME UZUI TENGEN-SAMA!!!!
--Back to Tanjiro!! I forgot how long this one-on-one fight with Daki took and accidentally queued up my Nezuko reblogs too early. Nezuko is still just hanging out in her box as Tanjiro turns off the Water Breath and turns on the Hinokami Kagura and flashbacks enough to the last four months to show us that he's been working at using it better--and that he's realized his limits to Water Breath. In general, I find these flashbacks to totally unbeforeseen content in the mist of battle distracted and generally not good writing advice for how it cuts into the flow of a scene, but I have also totally come to accept this as a signature piece of KnY's storytelling style. And we aren't even done yet with Tanjiro's flashbacks for this solo battle against Daki! With all these reflections, though, it's really nice to get that foreshadowing for more Haganezuka content, especially Daki's accusation that Haganezuka isn't much of a swordsmith (and he faces criticism too), and Tanjiro's insistence that it's him abusing the sword. He has always fully believed that everything that happened to his swords is his own fault for using them roughly. (And gosh, that context and comparison against someone who uses Water Breath damn near perfectly makes it all the more startleing how Akaza will later very easily break Giyuu's sword in two.) Speaking of swords, BOYS WITH SWORDS!!! BOYS PLAYING WITH SWORDS!!! Zenitsu handling his sword in a context other than the brief moments he's using Thunderclap and Flash, placing it on the ground the way you're supposed to, so unlike Inosuke who doesn't care for proper sword use whatsoever. Thank you, Ufotable!! Thank you for this filler!!
--Speaking of foreshadowing, if Tanjiro's already been maintaining fever over days at a time this whole time, this gives us lots of juicy stuff to analyze about his mark. Perhaps can interpret the damage done to the human body (and the reason all those Sengoku demon hunters died by the age of 25) as being due to the sudden increase in temperature and heart rate, but with Hinokami Kagura techniques, Tanjiro's been able to find a more sustainable way of doing it so his body is more prepared to draw on that power. I wonder, then, did he subconsciously start to do this during the Final Selection, and that's why the scar changed? Also, I believe that Tanjuro's general weakness is do to long-term sustained damage of performing Hinokami Kagura imperfectly, in a way that put stress on his body before he mastered the proper Breathing technique. Which is all to say, it makes me ponder that Tanjiro may have more years than he's assumed to, but he probably will decline in a similar way as his father.
--BUT HEY ALSO, there's imperfect knowledge and hearsay passed down from the Sengoku era about how, like, "swordsmen with black swords can't advance (because they got kicked out)" so maybe that "dead by 25" thing was a matter of looking at patterns and also counting all the guys who happened to get killed in battle? And sure, maybe enough of them dropped dead to lead to conclusions??? I'm looking for whatever hope we can for Giyuu and Sanemi, let me dig with a tiny spoon as I like.
--Anyway! We also get this beautiful, "moyase… moyase… kokoro o moyase!!!" line from Tanjiro. Yes, please.
--And all this reflection from Tanjiro about how he won't allow anyone else to go through the pain that he and other members of the Demon Slayer Corps have with losing people to the violence of demons. That's great, Tanjiro, but you're about to witness a huge failure to do so.
--Ok… so… Inosuke's scene going Homer Simpson through that tunnel is… not one of my favorites. I appreciate that he and the obi found each other mutually gross. Go ahead, keep calling her the Worm Woman, Inosuke. You're the worm, though.
--This scene down in the food cellar reminds me of the Chinese idiom, "The Eight Immortals Cross The Sea," meaning everyone shows up their individual talents and strengths. Here we've got Inosuke doing it, Makio & Suma doing it, Zenitsu doing it, and then The God of Festivities himself. So much flamboyant fun! That Zenitsu's upside-down twirl, my gosh, he's totally writing that into the Legend of Zenitsu.
--I love it when Inosuke realizes he's in over his head in battle, though. Recognizing he's in a tight spot because he can't fight the obi while also protecting the humans, and that if this isn't the actual body, then there will be no end to fighting there. It makes it so gratifying when Makio & Suma step in to help.
--Okay, but also to sandwich this post… Uzui is totally back in his proper flamboyant mode after being so happy to see Makio & Suma are alive and kicking--especially kicking butt. Relief seems to be a big part of it, but his wives truly are a source of strength and joy for him. Having reunited with all three of them, everything is once again right in his world and it's time to do the butt-kicking in his own flashy way!!
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silverynight · 1 year
Chapter 10
"I'm glad you're here now, you know..." Zenitsu smiles, looking from Tanjirou to Nezuko, stopping eating for a moment as Inosuke keeps devouring his food. "Even though at first we missed you a lot..."
"But we're together now," Tanjirou grins back, taking Zenitsu's and Inosuke's hands in his. "We can keep living together as a family, like we used to..."
Zenitsu tries not to tear up, but he nods for a moment, before the soft smile on his face disappears completely.
"I think he's looking for you," he mumbles after a while, shivering as he says the words. He then glances briefly at Tanjirou's sister with concern. "But I think he's more interested in finding Nezuko. I don't know why, probably because of that drug..."
Tanjirou looks at his sister then, she seems surprisingly calm, although he knows that even if she's scared she won't show it in front of him.
"We are safe here," he mumbles. Although it's like he's trying to convince himself. "The Pillars won't let anything happen to you."
"I usually don't trust topsiders," Zenitsu says then, looking a little bit irritated but amused at the same time. "But I can tell those nine would do anything for you, Tanjirou. So I'm glad you have them wrapped around your pinky, even though I know it'll get annoying eventually."
"I don't..." Tanjirou stops, because he knows no matter what he says, Zenitsu won't change his mind about it. But it really sounds ridiculous... They're just nice people, it's not like they're doing all of this because of him.
"So whom you're going to marry?"
"Monjiro, you must choose the strongest to be your mate," even Inosuke leaves his second plate aside to join the conversation. "The biggest one, he looks like he can protect you!"
"I like Himejima too, Tanjirou," Nezuko chuckles, noticing how flustered his brother is now. "Although I have a soft spot for Shinazugawa because he was the first one who helped us. We wouldn't be here if it wasn't for him."
"Which one is Shinazugawa?"
"The one with the scars on his chest and white hair," Nezuko says, watching as Zenitsu shivers.
"Not that one, Tanjirou! He's scary!"
"I'm not going to marry anyone," Tanjirou says then, feeling like his face is on fire. "Please stop saying that. What if they hear you and get mad about it?"
"They'll certainly get mad if they find out you don't want to marry anyone..."
"They don't like me that way, Zenitsu..."
"Tanjirou, they're in love with you," Nezuko blurts out, prompting everyone to suddenly shut up.
Tanjirou shakes his head, he refuses to believe it, besides, that's not the moment to be thinking about love.
"Let's just... eat."
Tanjirou can't stop thinking about it, despite knowing there are other things he should be focusing on, Nezuko's words are still in his mind.
He can't help it and it's even worse when Kanroji or Rengoku bring him food or when Himejima pulls him into his huge arms or when Tomioka comes to show him something new he's working on.
Are they really...?
But that's not possible, they're the Pillars and Tanjirou just arrived there a couple of weeks ago. Besides, all of them can't be in love with him at the same time...
No, he needs to focus on Nezuko's progress...
"Are you alright, Tanjirou?" Tokito asks, running his fingers through his hair.
Tanjirou can't help but blush at the sincere concern on the hashira's face.
"I'm fine, no need to worry."
It's obvious that he doesn't believe him, but Tokito doesn't say anything else. Instead he pulls him into a hug and starts nuzzling against his cheek like a very affectionate cat.
"Remember that you can count on us. We'd do anything for you."
"Thank you," Tanjirou stammers, trying to shake Nezuko's words from his mind.
They're not actually in love with him.
Something's about to happen, he can feel it. Or maybe it's just Tanjirou worrying too much about everything around him.
Why can't he enjoy the fact that his friends are now with him? That Nezuko seems to be getting better? That she hasn't lost control of her body in a couple of weeks?
For some reason, it just feels too good to be true.
Muzan must be planning something, besides, he's sure he's still using the drug on other people in Undercity... Tanjirou wishes he had the power to stop him or at least do something.
When Kocho pays the Kamados a visit, it takes Tanjirou just a couple of seconds to remember that's usually the day Himejima comes to visit them.
He's not sure why, but now that he thinks of it, the hashira all have different days in which they come to his house. It's almost like each one gets to spend time with them one after the other.
"It's just you," Nezuko chuckles when he tells her. "They just come to see you. And it seems like they're more willing to share now. I like this new method better..."
"Nezuko, please not this again..."
"She's right, Tanjirou and you know it!" Zenitsu cuts in. "Even Inosuke has noticed! So please, just choose one already!"
Tanjirou decides not to listen to them. Instead he starts thinking about how to find more information on what Muzan is trying to do at the moment.
The next day, when he sees Iguro and not Himejima, he starts getting seriously concerned.
"Why hasn't Himejima-san come here to talk with us?" He can't help but ask and to his surprise, Iguro looks immediately away.
So there's a reason, he knows something.
"Is he okay?" Nezuko mumbles, growing worried as well.
"Yes, he'll be fine. He just went to Undercity to take care of something."
"He went alone?" Tanjirou rises from the couch in an instant. "What if... He's..."
"He's very capable of taking care of himself, Tanjirou." Iguro stands up too, only to take one of Tanjirou's hands to try to reassure him. "He'll be alright."
"Why is he there?"
"That's something I cannot tell you."
Tanjirou is about to protest, but he nods instead, because he knows Iguro won't say anything no matter how many times he pleads. But he knows where to get that information.
Genya rolls his eyes as soon as he sees Tanjirou; his friends are there with him too, but just because they're curious.
"Fight me!" Inosuke immediately says, trying to get closer to the enforcer until Tanjirou stops him by gently pulling his arm.
Genya and he never got along when they were in Undercity.
Tanjirou is hoping to fix that, but he knows now is not the time for it.
"What do you want from me? You always want something..."
Suddenly, Tanjirou stops himself from asking, even though he wants to because he doesn't like the expression on Genya's face. He hates hurting people, even if he didn't mean to.
Much to Genya's surprise, Tanjirou takes his hand. The others get inside the Shinazugawas house, but Tanjirou stays at the entrance with him.
"Genya, you've been my friend for a while now and I really like spending time with you... I didn't mean to make you feel like I didn't actually care about you. The reason I always come to you for help is because I trust you." Tanjirou bites his bottom lip, feeling bad still. He's desperate to know about Himejima, but Genya's friendship is important to him too. He was the one who found a way to get him out of prison after all. "I won't ask you anything again. Why don't we do something you want today?"
For some reason, Genya's face turns completely red in seconds and Tanjirou lets go of his hand, thinking he's angry with him.
"I'm sorry, Genya."
"Tanjirou, I'm not mad... I don't think I could be mad at you."
The redhead starts smiling in response, completely missing the way Zenitsu rolls his eyes behind them. But he hears Nezuko chuckle.
"I think our friend deserves a hug and a kiss on the cheek from you, Tanjirou!"
"What?" Genya squeaks, glancing at Nezuko like she just betrayed him. "Why are you doing this..."
"She's right!" Tanjirou beams; he had many siblings and got used to give them lots of hugs, besides he really enjoys physical affection. He pulls the young enforcer into his arms and gives him a quick kiss on his cheek.
Genya's face is red now.
"Listen... T-Tanjirou... It was just... I know you really like me as a friend. You don't have to do this to p-prove it to me." He takes a deep breath before he intertwines his fingers with the redhead's. "Listen, if you want to know about Himejima-san, I think he went to meet Kibutsuji. He wants to make a deal with the Pillars."
Tanjirou turns pale; it's a trap, it must be... They need to do something quickly...
"Hey," Genya cups Tanjirou's face, probably noticing the panic in his eyes. "He's the strongest of them all. Besides, Uzui-san went with him, but he's undercover. They'll be fine, trust me."
This time when Tanjirou pulls Genya into his arms it's because he feels like he needs comfort and he really appreciates when the other boy starts running his fingers through his hair.
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atlasotherside · 3 months
Demon Slayer Mugen Train Thoughts As I Watch
(Movie) (Spoilers)
-I like trains.
-The demon in this arc is interesting. Because I'm the little glimpse the first season, he seemed to really like the suffering. But the attempting to kill everyone this way is almost... Humane? Giving them good dreams. It's odd and fascinating.
-I'm also curious as to why Rengoku's dream isn't as good.
-Zenitsu (little fucking bastard) 's dream was actually kinda cute and that's the nicest thing I'll ever say about him.
-Inosuke 's dream was also adorable. Nezuko was his little buddy and the others were there. The train. 10/10
-Everything about Tanjirou's dream hurt. All of it. Big ouches all around.
-Learning about the kids being sick made a lot of sense. I could condemn their actions while also feeling bad for them.
-Tanjirou's spirit and inner world being so pure is so fitting. He really is my fav besides Nezuko. Boy was so pure he gave that kid a change of heart.
-Ok, demon guy revealed he likes to change the good dreams into nightmares. Much more in line with his previous characterization. Bastard.
-My poor boy keeps having to kill himself in the dream because of this creepy fuck.
-Oh. Oh fuck. It gets worse.
-Fuck yeah! Get his ass! You know they don't blame you Boy!
-Inosuke was right the whole train is a monster.
-Rengoku is strong as hell. He's cool, smart, and determined. Nothing good is going to happen to him. I love him and yet I can already tell this is going to hurt.
-Also I hate this demon's weird fleshy tentacle things. I hate the flesh train.
-This battle is so cool. It's gorgeous and fluid and suspenseful and weird.
-Inosuke is so oddly precious. He's concerned yet still can't remember Tanjirou's name. Inosuke is fascinating. I'd love to pick his brain and backstory.
-Again, Rengoku is too great.
-The soundtrack for this Akaza flight is fucking delicious.
-This hurts. Please live long enough to kill this bitch.
-Nononono. No. No.
-Not the flashback of his mama. Please. I'm crying.
-Tanjirou's speech also hurts. This all hurts.
-Stand tall and be proud.
-The animation is gorgeous. Can barely see through my tears.
-Even the fucking bird is crying.
-I feel like I didn't have much to say here honestly. I've got almost a migraine and now I'm sad.
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saffron0v0 · 1 year
I've procrastinated long enough!
I am going to finally write the Zenitsu chapter of the therapy sessions! LET'S GOOOOOOOOO.
*before zenitsu gets to go inside the room, aoi gives Sayaki some fair warnings about zenitsu's behavior*
Zenitsu: excuse me... Is anyone here? *he opens the door after sleepily knocking*
Sayaki: what a pleasant day to see you, agatsuma-san.
Sayaki: Please calm down agatsuma-san! I would like you to know that I am a married woman, so I would appreciate it if you would behave yourself!
Zenitsu: Oh, I... See. *he says sitting down with a blush of both embarrassment and disappointment.*
Sayaki: Agatsuma-san, you know why you're here right?
Zenitsu: *nods, head still bowed down*
Sayaki: Then would you mind talking a little about yourself? A small introduction would be a good start.
Zenitsu: *hesitates, but then slowly starts talking* Well, as you may already know, my name is Agatsuma Zenitsu, I am going to turn 17 very soon. I am an orphan who has no brothers or sisters, and I might as well be labeled homeless. I was taken in by my jii-chan a few years ago, and was trained to be a demon slayer to pay off my debts.
Sayaki: So you came into this lifestyle because you were indebted money? May I ask how you got into the spiral of debt?
Zenitsu: I kept buying expensive gifts for my ex until she decided I wasn't worth it and ditched me for a much more handsome and rich man from Tokyo. *he seethed at the memory of that shameless disgusting man and his gold digging ex* It was the 7th time that happened and I was already in a huge mountain of debt, so my only escape was letting jii-chan pay it off in exchange of becoming his successor.
Sayaki: That explains... Alot. It seems that you are desperately trying to get married from what I heard, and that you have your eyes set on Kamado-chan.
Zenitsu: *intensively nods* I'd lie and I'd kill to keep her with me.
Sayaki: Agatsuma-san, do you not realize that this destructive mindset will just make you feel worse?
Zenitsu: *tilts head questioningly*
Sayaki: From what you said, you had seven girlfriends, and what lead you to the path of becoming a demon slayer, is falling too hard in love with someone, who you barely know, or someone who doesn't love you back. I know it hurts, but what can you do? I've been here for a few days. I saw you interact with Kamado-change from afar, she clearly sees you as a younger brother from the way she treats you.
Nezuko: *sneezes and feels a chill down her spine*
Back with zenitsu:
Zenitsu: *intensively crying* no woman would ever love me! It's not fair! Even nezuko-chan considers me worthless! I am totally pathetic! If I wasn't a cowardish crybaby then maybe nezuko-chan would've loved me! It's not fair! It's not!
Sayaki: AGATSUMA-SAN! CALM DOWN PLEASE! *loudly clears her throat as zenitsu's cries reduce to sobs* so it seems that you don't have any positive feelings for yourself-
Sayaki: *gets up and gives zenitsu a hug* I believe you really need a hug.
Zenitsu: *continues to cry, hugging Sayaki tighter, and finally getting the comfort he really needed*
*they stay like that for about 10 minutes, by then, zenitsu's eyes are puffy and his throat is coarse*
*Zenitsu continues talking about his trauma and past, how kaigaku had treated him, how awfully lonely and always hungry he was as a child. He also spoke of how he really wants someone who loves him, and take care of him, to love him in his ups and downs, and to be there for him through his highs and lows. Someone he could truly love.*
Zenitsu: I- I want a family.
Sayaki: So why not have the familial love you get from your friends? Do you really NEED a wife? Or do you just want someone to love and be there for you? Just like a family!
Sayaki: Then you can be the best friend and brother to all of your friends! A wife is not necessary! Yes falling in love is beautiful, but you can't force it. Being around people you care for is just as great!
Zenitsu: Maybe, I guess. *he says bowing and waving* can I come by again later? It was nice chatting with you.
Sayaki: unless it's at an ungodly hour, then you are most definitely welcome to come by, I hope this session was helpful to you in anyway.
*later that day, zenitsu was very quiet and didn't really talk to anyone, he didn't even refuse nor cry when he was given his medicine. Tanjiro and the rest are very concerned, wondering what happened in that room that made him go so quiet.*
Zenitsu: yes, thank you for your time.
Side note: Zenitsu will still be a bit whiny, but he will gradually mature, currently, he's just tired from all the crying and trauma telling he did. He also has a lot of processing to do, in the end of the day he's still Agatsuma thick skull Zenitsu. He will also need to go through his character development arc, he just needs time.
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loosesodamarble · 1 year
Hi Erika! Sending you lots of positive vibes and much love! Also a couple of questions for you for your new ask game:
Demon Slayer or My Hero Academia?
Tanjiro Kamado or Asta?
Zenitsu x Nezuko or Finral x Finesse? (Flirty Guy x Sweet Girl pairings hehe🥰)
Mist Breathing or Love Breathing? (In honor of the new KNY season)
Thank you so much, friend! Cheers!! 💖
Thank you for the vibes, Acacia, they are must appreciated... 💖
Now, to answer your questions!
Show: Demon Slayer. Hngh... I still have a fondness for MHA but for the earlier arcs. The current arc is just... dragging. I miss the simpler days when the students weren't expected to lead the front lines against the Villains. Okay yes, I know Demon Slayer has the same problem of having youths being the main fighters against dangerous foes, but it feels different. I don't know how to explain it, it just does. Also, the way the two medias handle the whole "the enemy is hurt" thing is done better in KnY. When Tanjirou is fighting, he's thinking of fighting and of how cruel demons are for the evil they commit. But once they're defeated and Tanjirou can let his guard down, he softly watches them pass and laments their tragedy (Rui and the Upper Moon 6 siblings in particular). But then Ochaco is in the middle of drowning on Himiko's Twice copies and she's like "I like seeing people happy so I notice when they cry." Like, my child, your life in on the line right now; stop the sympathy and kick some butt right now.
Character: (frantically looks between my two boys like I'm in a burning house and I can only save one) Girl no, this is too mean!/lh I'm sorry Asta. I'm sorry baby boy, I do love you but Tanjirou is who I pick today. Tanjirou is just... a little less yell-y compared to Asta. The boys both share an ability to touch the hearts of others and while I do love how Asta inspires the Bulls and other characters to change, I prefer how Tanjirou inspires people while those characters still get to draw power from other places. Tengen is impressed by Tanjirou but it's his love for his wives and wish to be a better man that keeps him going against Upper Moon 6. Genya and Sanemi... Enough said. Kanao's change of heart was started by Tanjirou but ultimately, it's her bond with her sisters that pushes her through her final battle. I think it's lovely to see Tanjirou be one strengthening aspect to characters, like how everyone Tanjirou meets also strengthens him.
Ship: Ahsiuhfast! You're right! That got those base traits in common! UIehsrt! I think I'll have to pick Finral x Finesse this time around. I do love Zenitsu and Nezuko's wholesomeness. Zenitsu is a young lad in love and is so mushy-gushy about Nezuko. And she's there just kinda taking it in (her subconsciously remembering Zenitsu's sweetness though, that has me all kshasrtuisarht IT'S TOO CUTE DARN IT!) 😂. But Finral and Finesse is so... Ah! It's wholesome as well, since Finral's flirtatiousness doesn't really show around Finesse. It's a little stronger for me since Finesse isn't in a state like Nezuko. She can actively observe Finral and recognize what he's trying to do for her sake. And the fact that she doesn't judge him and simply encourages him as he tries his best. It's so sweet and lovely and ajshgiaushtr!
Other: Yes, in honor of the new KNY season! I pick Breath of Love (yes, I know that's not the actual terminology used in canon but it's what I adopted when I first started reading and while I usually adopt the terminology in canon material, not this time). Breath of Mist is a very cool (ha ha, because mist is... hah... you know...) breath style (oh my gosh the way it was animated was a feast for the eyes) but I prefer Breath of Love for its uniqueness. The way Mitsuri fights is like she's doing a ribbon dance, light and graceful. But she's also in extreme control of her body when she fights. Also, Mitsuri canonically has the coolest weapon in canon which just adds to my love of her breath style.
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rubylarkspur22 · 2 years
Another angsty fic prompt to ask but what Roleswap AU manga ending but Nezuko dies at the end after Muzan's defeat and passes away in front of a just cured Tanjiro?
DISCLAIMER: The following one shot is NOT canon to the Role Swap AU. Simply an idea proposed to me by this lovely anon!
Zenitsu finished getting his injuries wrapped up when he heard a new sound approach. Not new. Changed. Zenitsu corrected himself, because he recognized the sound. The pure kindness that radiated from it, it was undoubtedly Tanjirou. But the sound didn’t have any demonic undertones. It sounded human.
“Nezuko!” Tanjirou called out, looking around for his sister until his eyes landed on Zenitsu. The older boy was shocked to see burgundy eyes instead of the bright red he was accustomed to.
“Tanjirou! You’re human!” he exclaimed.
“Where’s Nezuko?” Tanjirou asked as he ran up to Zenitsu. “I can’t find her scent! I don’t know if it’s because I need to adjust to my nose being less sensitive, or if something’s blocking her scent, but I have to find her!” Zenitsu nodded before cupping a hand to his ear, listening for the sound he had memorized as Nezuko’s. There was no sign of it, not even her heartbeat. Zenitsu didn’t want to tell Tanjirou that his sister was dead, he knew it would devastate him, but he didn’t know if he could lie to the brother of the girl he loved.
"Tanjirou..." Zenitsu trailed off, unable to say it. Tanjirou teared up, and began searching frantically for Nezuko. He called out for her, sounding more desperate as he continued to be met with silence. Zenitsu ran after the younger boy, hoping his hearing had deceived him just the once.
Please don't let it be too late. Please let her be okay. Tanjirou ran, hoping that he had gotten there in time. He came to a stop in the town square. The first thing he saw was the mass of flesh disintegrating to ashes in the morning sun. The monster was gone. Kibutsuji was dead. He turned away from the ashes of the Demon King, and was faced with something he never wanted to see.
A pair of Kakushi were standing beside the hunched-over Demon Slayer, one of the Hashira, he couldn't remember which one it was, was seated in front of them. In front of her. Tanjirou took uncertain steps toward the group, stumbling and dropping to his knees in front of his sister. "Nezuko?" He slowly reached out to her, keeping his gaze off the bloodstained fabric surrounding where her left arm should have been.
"Kamado..." someone spoke up, but Tanjirou ignored them as he pulled Nezuko close.
"Nezuko, come on. Wake up." he muttered. He brought his hand to the fleshy mass covering Nezuko's right eye, a part of him wishing he still had his Blood Demon Art. Maybe if he had arrived sooner, or the medicine hadn't taken effect and turned him back when it did, he could have saved her. "I'm sorry, Nezuko." he whispered.
"Big brother... Why are you always apologizing?" a familiar voice, Nezuko's voice asked. Tanjirou glanced up, finding his little sister standing in front of him. But she was translucent, the morning sunlight shining through her form. Nezuko, or rather her spirit, smiled faintly, dropping into a crouch in front of Tanjirou. "Don't blame yourself, Tanjirou. This wasn't your fault."
"If I hadn't become a demon--"
"Either you would be dead, or we would both be going after Kibutsuji for what he did to mom and our little siblings." Nezuko cut in. "You may not be the violent or vengeful type, but you've never taken kindly to someone harming others, least of all those you care about."
"But why did it have to end like this?" Tanjirou asked, unconsciously tightening his hold on Nezuko's body. "Why couldn't we have gone home together?" Nezuko's gaze lowered, her expression becoming thoughtful until she sighed.
"I don't know." she admitted, her shoulders drooping with resignation. "I wish we could've gone home together too. Physically. But I guess it's just... not going to happen."
"I don't know what to do." Tanjirou muttered. Nezuko responded by placing a hand over his.
"I'm sure you'll figure it out. And you won't be alone. The others will look out for you." she told him with a sad smile. "I want you to promise me something." she said. "Tanjirou, I want to promise that you're going to live your life. That you'll continue living until it's your time to join us." Tanjirou could only nod, and Nezuko responded with a nod of her own. "We'll watch over you. All of us." she assured him. "And don't try to hurry to the other side, okay? I'll flick your forehead if I see you here early."
"I promise, Nezuko." Tanjirou whispered. "I'll keep going. Could you... say hi to everyone for me? Please?"
"You don't have to ask." Nezuko replied, standing up and turning to the sun. "I'll see you when you get here. And in our next lives, if we're reborn as siblings, I won't let us hurt like this again. Promise." she told Tanjirou before vanishing. He could have sworn he saw six more figures in front of her, but they were gone in the blink of an eye. Tanjirou nodded again, letting his tears fall as he continued to hug his little sister.
"Me, too." he said at a volume only he could hear.
And that concludes this sad one shot. As I said, this is not canon to the AU, but it was kinda interesting to write! *turns to the boys and Kanao* HUG TIME, FOLKS!! GIVE THE SUNSHINE BOY HIS HUGS!!
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madamxrose · 2 years
Hi! This is my first time asking and am really nervous. Take as long as you need! :) My request is a Tanjiro x reader which the reader uses siren breathing but the problem is the reader has extreme social issues can it be fluff? Tysm :) (take your time btw)
♡ Word Count: 910
♡ Warnings: contains the reader confronting social anxiety and occasional physical affection/contact (mainly hand-holding) please avoid reading if any would make you uncomfortable <3 also, I used “damn” once
❥ A/N: Hi! Thank you for requesting, I'm so glad you let me be your first ask <3 I wasn’t sure how siren breathing would work, so I mainly treated it as just singing. I hope you enjoy! Feel free to let me know if there’s anything you want changed. And of course, you’re always welcome to request something else in the future, no judgement here <33
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➷ By pure coincidence, Tanjiro found you training on the outskirts of the Butterfly Mansion one day
➷ He was returning from a successful solo mission — with Nezuko comfortably napping in the box suspended the straps draped over his shoulders
➷ Originally, he was on his way towards the infirmary, but stops dead in his tracks when he hears singing in the distance. Drawn to it, he follows the voice as it increases in volume, eventually picking up your scent, but still unable locate you
➷ Carefully concealed by a tree's shadow, he only finds you because of your voice and your body shifting every so often — presumably practicing your postures for each form
➷ Your angelic voice sent shivers throughout his body, his ears craving more and more of your voice, practically addicted
➷ When you leisurely release the final note, you tense up at the sound of another voice. Anxious thoughts permeate your mind, but lasts only a moment before Tanjiro's compliments and gentle tone take their place
➷ Dipping his head to bow, he apologies for intruding. Your scent emphasized just how much of a bundle of nerves you were, so the least he could do was acknowledge it in some way
➷ With a dismissive hand, you insist it's fine, which prompts him to further the conversation; curious as to why he's never heard you sing until now, despite knowing you for some time. He's not completely in the dark, but he's not one to assume when he can get answers from the source
➷ When you go into detail about your social anxiety, the softness in his eyes highlighted the kindness in his heart. So when he asks if there's a way to support you, your thoughts involuntarily escape your lips, suggesting to train with him
➷ Initially, the both of you would meet in secret, holding your meetings in the same place as the first time. Originally, Shinbou was the only person aware of your meetings since Tanjiro requested she watch over Nezuko for the first few meetings
➷ The first meeting was the most nerving, but Tanjiro's gaze and words were always devoid of judgement; so over time, a profound confidence developed inside you — even if unbeknownst to you for some time
➷ He's sure to ask multiple times how you're feeling throughout your sessions. During instances where your nerves get the best of your mind, he'll use the 5-4-3-2-1 technique to draw you out of your thoughts  
➷ Inviting Nezuko to your sessions was easiest step for you. Her presence was like a reward. The gentle, encouraging clapping, loving pats and warm hugs she gave greatly motivated you to continue facing your fears
➷ …but including Zenitsu and Inosuke was a big feat for you. Both were prone to being rousey, so Tanjiro was sure to shut them up. It did take a few attempts, and there were times where you were on the verge of a mental breakdown, but he was always there to give you a helping hand, an open ear, and soothing words
➷ Slowly, but surely, Tanjiro became a prominent person in your life, and vice versa. Most of your free time was spent with him. Your favorite activity was sitting alongside him on the rooftop: basking in the cool breeze, the starry, clear sky, and Tanjiro's presence
➷ From the beginning, the both of you found ease in each other's presence, but one particular night, the air around you two felt different
➷ Tanjiro was sure of it
➷ When you softly call his name, he shifts his attention from the sky to you, his body following in suit
➷ The instant he meets your gaze, he realizes something is amiss
➷ Tanjiro's seen your face countless times before, but tonight, he just couldn't take his eyes off you. The way the moonlight illuminated your skin paired with the bright, affectionate glimmer in your eyes, he was at a loss for words. You were just too stunning
➷ He was no stranger to your physical affection, but the way your fingers intertwined with his, palms pressed together, the new warmth instantly spread throughout his body — the rose red tinge on his cheeks indicating so
➷ He couldn't put into words how desperately he hoped your touch had even the slightest romantic intent to it
➷ Not that he'd outwardly express it, for now. So, you could imagine how grateful he was for the gentle breeze tickling his skin, hoping it'd compose his hot skin
➷ "Thank you," you start, before detailing the reasons you're thankful for him. Your voice interrupts his train of thought because of how sweet it sounds — almost like it's a melody
➷ If someone asked him to distinguish your regular voice to your singing one right now, he'd fail to differentiate the two
➷ What really sent him over the edge, and consequently, turned him into a pile of nervous mush, was the innocent, genuine grin you give him as you joke about being able to face anything now — because of him
➷ His heart was pounding so loudly throughout the moment, that he was sure you could hear
➷ Finally, he knew what was amiss
➷ He was falling for you
➷ Tanjiro wasn't one to be nervous, but the effect you had on him said otherwise
➷ Not that he minded much
➷ Because damn, you made nervousness a beautiful feeling
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reblogs and comments are always appreciated! ♡
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serodev · 3 years
Heyo! can i please ask some headcanons of yandere! Tanjiro with a fem! reader who is the adoptive younger sister of Kyojuro Rengoku?
How would Tanjiro react if his beloved is nothing more and nothing less than the Tsuguko of the flame hashira, besides being his younger sister? You can decide if Kyojuro is dead or alive in these headcanons :') although both scenarios would be fine (I already went to my DR and there I am Kyojuro and Senjuro's sister, so the idea seemed interesting to me jhasha)
Warnings: Yandere themes
Pairing: Tanjiro x gn!reader
Note(s): Hello! I'm not sure if you've read the pinned post on my profile, but I don't write for female readers :(. I hope you don't mind that I changed the reader's gender to gn, and I'm only going to write general yandere headcanons of Tanjiro.
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» Tanjiro isn't even aware of the way he acts towards you. He only wants to protect you and keep you safe because the world is a cruel place, and he can't stand the thought of losing you as well.
» This poor boy has been left with trauma after seeing his dead family members, and it shows through his need for closeness and the need to protect people close to him.
» Tanjiro can actually be kind of sweet when you listen to him, but he can switch quickly if, for example, you go out when he has told you not to do so.
» He doesn't want to hurt you, and he won't lay his hand on you in a negative manner even when he's angry at you, but he will lock you in a room for "your own safety".
» One thing's for sure, and it's that Tanjiro's clingy. He wants to hold you in his arms, and he wants you to stay close to him no matter where he is. This also means that you two will be sharing baths, etc. Together.
» He will let you have friends, but only when he knows them. He doesn't like to keep you close to Zenitsu, though, because that boy will get a crush on everyone, you included, and he doesn't want anyone to steal you from him.
» Tanjiro loves it when you spend time with his little sister, Nezuko, because he's really family-oriented. In fact, he wants to build a family with you in it.
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Author's note: I hope you liked these headcanons! I'm really sorry that I couldn't fulfill your request 100%, but I still hope that you got a chance to enjoy these.
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demonslayedher · 2 years
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Things that charged through my mind with a kitchen knife while watching this episode:
--this episode is ------SO FUNNY
--The comedic timing, the changes in BGM, letting the voice actors go wild, it's so good
--the Haganezuka & Kanamori scene especially, they let that scene live a whole life of its own, and it makes me so excited to see them again --the comedic timing and shifts in tone, like Tanjiro sounding like he's an 8-year-old and then the moment he picks up on Haganezuka's murderous intent, Haganezuka taking the moment to leave the precious sword in Kanamori's arms so that he can charge with a knife, the inflection on Haganezuka's statements as he finger-stabs Tanjiro's cheek, the change in Kanamori's tone as he goes from total opposite of everyone in this series with his utter calm and then his ballistic (and well deserved) anger, the way Inosuke pauses to stare back at him AND THEN JUST DEMOLISHES THE SECOND SWORD ANYWAY
--Okay but also, Shinobu, you know she had waaaay too much fun "encouraging" Inosuke and Zenitsu. That was precisely the result she knew she'd get. The way that first pat on Inosuke's shoulder echoes through the dojo? AHAHAHAHA, IT'S SO GOOD. Also, once again, total lack of respect for personal space as she comes in all familiar with Tanjiro as though he's her own little brother. Speaking of, I have always, always loved the comedic timing on her conversation with Tanjiro and how well it sets up his upcoming connection to Rengoku. She truly cares a lot about Tanjiro and absolutely means it when she says she expects great things from him.
--No one expects him to be a good teacher, though. It is so laughable how much faster Zenitsu & Inosuke learn to do constant Total Concentration Breathing once Shinobu teaches them. Tanjiro's BOOM BOOM is one of the best lines Hanae Natsuki has ever delivered, but he has so much range in this episode and it is great, right down to the intensity of when he takes on Kanao in what's nearly battle. And those squeaky violins in the BGM as he poorly explains it? Hahaha, I love it. Also, two things that get in my Kamado Tanjiro feels are that he states by whole-heartedly proclaiming that his faith in Inosuke & Zenitsu to pick this technique up right away--he KNOWS their abilities and KNOWS they pick things up without the same amount of effort Tanjiro has to expend, and the effort Tanjiro puts into this technique truly makes it feel earned. He knows he's hard-headed and it takes that amount of time and effort before he gets something and can make it a part of himself, but teh fact that he never gives up and just gets started right away on that effort is so respectable. The second thing? He's using a line he learned from Makomo, those are her words!!
--What is Inosuke even doing with the broom balancing act?
--This conversation between Zenitsu & Chuntaro is some of my favorite filler
--Once again, we get a nice filler scene with Tanjiro talking to Nezuko, and in advance of the series' conclusion, reminding us that he needs to defeat as many powerful demons as he can so he can send that blood to Tamayo for Nezuko's cure. What I love is that it still bothers him that Nezuko sleeps so long and she gets worried if she doesn't wake up sometimes. On my first thought I was like, "sheesh, another convenient long nap to let Oniichan do his thing" but nowadays I'm like, "AWWWW, NEZUKO IS IN TRAINING TOOOOO." Granted, it's because of Ufotable's choice to give Nezuko her own room (a former Tsuguko's room? Kanae's room? Hospital VIP private room?) in which to set this Tanjiro orations that the scene of Zenitsu talking to Nezuko in her box had to be sacrificed. But hey, maybe she liked to sit in the both during the day sometimes to be closer to everybody, only to be all alone anyway because Oniichan was outside training! And we do know she was awake at least sometimes, as she Zenitsu cared for her entertainment needs by stealing goldfish and taking her own to see nighttime blooming flowers (in the light novels, that chapter was set during this period if I remember correctly).
--Forgot to mention this in the previous episode, but Zenitsu's mouth covered in crumbs and Inosuke covered in leaves and dirt reminds me how much I love the Taisho Secret in the previous episode when it's heavily implied through Tanjiro & Shinobu's innocent conversation that Shinobu is pissed off about Zenitsu & Inosuke's behavior while they're not in training, and how in the background they're like, "OH NO"
--Okay, so, this episode is about Kanao. Ufotable once again shows they can make excellent character-driven filler scenes, that moment when Shinobu suggests she go off and join her silly batchmates in training and Kanao's like, "let me go consult with my coin" was such a good set-up for the coin thing, and gave us such a good moment to get inside her head and artfully work in the Kanao flashback which appeared in the manga in the middle of the Mugen Train arc. The silent pauses on Kanao say so much, especially in an episode with such high energy in every other scene. Kanao may not know it, but we the viewers who know Kanao better than she yet knows herself can see that she was conflicted because she DID want to join the dumb batchmates.
--The flashback, oh my gosh, the flashback, I was already so weak and loving Shinobu more and more and more with every single scene she was in and then they gave me THIS and I was like, "!!!!!!!! THE REAL SHINOBU!!!!!!!!!!!!"
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wornoutmouse · 3 years
Yandere Tanjiro
Everytime I write salty sweet I think of peanut m&m's
Shout out to all my big areola having ass hoes. Pizza platter with the thick marshmallow tall nipples
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You were so obvious and you didn't even realize it. Tanjiro doesn't blame you, many people forget how great his sense of smell was. So in the end he found it amusing when your scent would change to arousal and adoration whenever he was around you. In fact it entertained him
At first he thought it was misplaced, you couldn't feel such a thing towards him, that wasn't in your character. But all of his tests gave fruitful results. As he watched you from an unnoticeable distance He was able to confirm that no one ever made your scent change into any romantic auras. Not with Inosuke or Zenitsu. He even tried to see if you had feelings for Nezuko, she was always around him. But once again there was no change.
Even after finding out, he didn't care about this discovery. It wasn't the first time a woman or man alike has had an attraction to him. He knew he was handsome and everyone loves a kind soul. But your feelings weren't going to get him closer to his goal or keep you alive in the long run so he did not address it. That doesn't mean he didn't use it to his advantage though. On many occasions, he'd find himself teasing you subtly about your crush often.
Harmless grazes along your skin, being more extravagant when he fought with Inosuke. A few times he even waited around shirtless just to see you look away from him to hide your embarrassment. The sticky sharp smell that emanated from your body clung to your skin like a cologne. Tanjiro would even say that the smell gave him a bit of a high whenever it would fluctuate from the things he did. 
Getting real close to you with a neutral face to make the arousal spark before committing a distracting act of kindness to make the soft smell of adoration and content swirl and mix into your aura. It was fun for him, almost like a game, and soon it became a routine way of life. After defeating a demon and the buzz of adrenaline dies down, you'd go right back to your bumbling self.
But then like everything Tanjiro has had in life, it is interrupted.
It happened right after you all just barely made it out of fighting the spider family. You and the others were relocated to the infirmary while Tanjiro was put on trial. He was already agitated when Sanemi pushed his filthy sword through Nezuko's flesh. So in an effort to calm himself, he decided that a little bit of teasing would help boost his mood. 
When he finally ran across you again, you were lying in your own room resting. But not alone, one of the Hashira, Uzui Tengen sat by your side telling you stories of his battles and cracking jokes.
This would be fine normally, but the scent emanating from you was annoyingly familiar. You didn't even look at Tanjiro when he walked in and had a genuine look and scent of surprise when you noticed him. "Oh Kamado, what are you doing here?" Your scent still had its tinge of attraction but it had significantly lessened, not by much but enough to annoy him. 
Tengen excused himself when he noticed his presence adding a head pat as he walked past the shorter male. For a moment Tanjiro lost focus and concern invaded your aura as you watched his face contort into one of disgust and unbridled rage. 
Kamado, Since when did you call me that? Why are you giving your attention to a Hashira? What, am I not good enough for you anymore now that you found someone stronger. 
Tanjiro never took you for the power-hungry type, you can't be. No that's not it, Tanjiro adjusts his face again to one of a content smile. "Are you okay?" 
No, you weren't trying to abandon him on purpose. It's his fault partially, he doesn't blame you, his poor sweet naive Y/n. It's understandable that after ignoring your feelings for so long you'd try to move on and save yourself from the pain. But now it was okay, cause Tanjiro would fix it, he'd accept you, cause he was all you needed. "I'm okay, I broke my ankle and wrists." You raise said appendages to the best of your ability to show off your bandages.  
For a second a dark thought crosses Tanjiro's mind. How weak you and flimsy you were,  how easy it would be for one to take advantage of you at this moment. That's why you needed him to protect you. Someone so easy to break and seduce shouldn't be on their own. That's why Tanjiro would accept you, so you could stay close. For your own good.. All you had to give him was your attention and being. 
Tanjiro sighed but for a different reason than you would ever know. If only he could put you in a box too.
B "Luckily I'm not as badly hurt like the rest of you." Tanjiro sat at your side and picked up your limp hands. "I don't know what I would have done if something were to happen to you." A small smile spreads across your face, "You would never lose us Tanjiro, Inosuke would definitely be hard to bring down." 
The attempt to make a joke is invaded as Tanjiro cups your cheek. Rough battle-worn fingertips graze your lips. Tanjiro gazes at them as he speaks, his bottom lip worried by his teeth as his other hand ghosts over your bandaged wounds. It was a perfect performance. One that replicated the emotion of one who wants to make a move but holding themselves back. One that you effortlessly believed. "You don't understand, I don't want to lose you."
Tanjiro stands up and walks towards your door. Just before opening it, he turns with a doleful look on his face. "Rest up okay?" You nod quickly. Lips puckered into an O of surprise. Tanjiro closed the door, his demeanor doing a complete 180. His gaze was calculated and precise. Tanjiro had planted a seed of conflict, and all he had to do was wait till tomorrow to sow it.
You woke up bright and early the next day, wrists sore but thankfully no longer numb. Unthankfully, you were bedridden until your ankle has healed itself correctly. Sitting alone in the dark with nothing but your thoughts was a dreadful way to spend time. However, you didn't want to disturb your friends. "Their life does not revolve around me." Getting sleep was an inviting solution.
A light tap on your door shifts your goal ever so slightly. "Come in!" You try not to look deflated when only a Kakushi boy comes in with a pail of water and new bandage wraps. 
Similarly, Tanjiro was helping around the state trending to his friends. Inosuke was being difficult as usual,  only wanting the springer to fetch him water and tea to feed his sore throat. On multiple occasions, he had to dissuade Zenitsu from trying to propose to random Kakushi women that would help clean his wounds but in the end, it was futile as he returned his infatuation to Nezuko who wistfully stayed in their shared room asleep.
By the time Tanjiro got any time to himself, the evening sun was already setting and most had retired to their own rooms. Heading to your room, Tanjiro thought of ways to get you to succumb faster to his advances. The sound of a door opening made his gaze shift abruptly. His vibrant brown eyes dulled when he saw a Kakushi boy leaving your room again. 
Entering your room was almost as if a joyous bomb had gone off. The smell of happiness was so strong it almost stinked. You didn't notice Tanjiro's soured mood as you observed your room. "He taught me how to make paper butterflies and put them on my ceilings, what do you think?!" He had indeed taught you Tanjiro mused as many of the butterflies had deformed wings of all sorts. "So what brings you here.?" Tanjiro looks back at you with a soft smile. "I just wanted the check-in on you, you must have been bored being cooped up in the room alone all day."
You shook your head, "No Kocho was here with me all day!" Tanjiro bit his tongue but maintained his smile, "Who's Kocho?" You laughed, "The Kakushi boy that just left. He had originally come just to change my wounds but then we got so interested in each other that he never left." With a blissful sigh, you tilt your head and murmur, "I hope he doesn't get into any trouble on the way back." 
Tanjiro is on you in a second, wrists held haphazardly above your head drawing slight sharp pains to your inner elbow. "Tanjiro?" His eyes observe the dark bruises swirling underneath your bandages, your hair slightly matted and in disarray, since you were the only one who knew how to do it. "You're so soft…" Having no reason to leave your room you had remained only partially dressed as a large kimono hung around your figure. Your chest easily being exposed by unnatural movements. "T-Tanjiro?" 
The boy hummed, leaning down to press a slow kiss on your brown nipple. "Say my name again.." You're taken aback by the sudden boldness and the warm feeling on your breast. "Tanjiro, what are you doing?!" He could feel himself becoming harder underneath his robe. Even though he said he was only indulging your crush to keep you near, he couldn't help but notice how sweet your skin tasted underneath his lips. "One more time, say it once again." Tanjiro begins to grind on the leg trapped in between his. He uses his other hand to cup your other boob before biting down on your nipple making you gasp. "Tanjiro!"
Your smell begins to become more lucid and tender at your arousal peaks through the haze. Your moans get airy and each time you say his name it turns more and more into gasps. Tanjiro squeezes down on your chest before traveling to your neck where his teeth sink into the flesh there. You ground yourself by holding onto his wrists. 
Tanjiro peels himself away from you as you go pliant underneath him. ‘This wasn’t the plan.’ Tanjiro removes his robe from around his shoulders exposing his tan skin. He couldn’t focus past your addicting scent and you couldn’t focus past the feeling of his hands fondling your chest. The belt of your kimono is quickly unraveled, “Look at you.”
Tanjiro pulls your undergarments off exposing your body completely. Through the fabric of his robe he thrusts shallowly against your pussy. The fabric rubs against your clit on every thrust. Both sides of the robe are becoming damp. "I haven't even touched you yet and you're already so wet." The smell of sweat and sex floods Tanjiro's nostrils making him more sensitive.
He unwraps his robe the rest of the way, tossing it elsewhere to leave himself completely exposed. Tanjiro felt a sense of pride as he watched your eyes trail over his muscled form. He wasn't buff by any means, but his training in agility and swordsmanship made his body lean and bulked in his arms and legs. "Only look at me."
You let out a surprised gasp when delicately firm hands drag your body down by your calf. Tanjiro uses his fingers to push the skin of your pussy up to force your clit to peek through. His other hand holds the base of his cock and he swirls the tip around your clit. "Tanjiro please, I'm begging you!" 
For a split second a look of unaltered disdain crosses his face before a more loving one takes over. "Your face is so cute, it almost makes me want to tease you more." Yes, that's it, play the part of a doting lover. You flinch the further his cock is pushed into you. Your bodies combine into a pulsating rhythm of jealousy and lust.
You squeeze snuggly around Tanjiro's and he sets a quick pace. Your legs try to curl to your chest but are stopped by Tanjiro's own body cornering you to the wood floor. Tanjiro steadies his breathing on every thrusts until his strokes are as smooth as the water he drinks. Slopping sounds and your pitiful cries equalize around the room. 
Tanjiro knew these walls were thin, in fact he was betting on it. "Y-You're so loud Y/n." You close your mouth at the tease but it doesn't work. Just as you go to cover your mouth you're stopped by a hand and a loving smile, "Dont, I like hearing you feel good." 
You cum, barely suppressing your sounds, hips twitching when Tanjiro cums inside right after you. An unnecessary act but one that could ensure even greater attachment if your body accepted him. 
Expertly playing the role Tanjiro cleans you up with an ever content smile on his face, this time genuine. "You should get some sleep, you'll be more sore than you were this morning." Tanjiro puts his hand on the know before flinching when you call out to him. "Tanjiro?" He doesn't turn around unwilling to force another smile. "Yes?" He can smell your apprehension as it covers the smell of sex. 
"I know its stupid to ask this but could you give me another kiss?" Tanjiro sighs silently, "Of course!" He forces his persona for the last time tonight and heads towards your bed. Halfway there he stops.
"Promise me you'll only look at me from now on." You smile giddily, "You're so weird Tanjiro of course I'll only love you." Tanjiro frowns and you fail to notice the space between the two of you growing smaller. "No, that's not good enough. I don't want to see you near that damn Hashira again." And then it happens. It only takes a split second before Tanjiro's face is in front of yours and the cold kiss of his blade presses against your neck.
"You wouldn't want something to happen would you?" You shake your head as he knew you would, "Good girl." Tanjiro has no care for the shocked tears gathering behind your lashes. Greedily he cups the back of your head and forces you into a kiss. All teeth pure spite as he swaps saliva with you. 
"There's your kiss." Without having to pretend any longer he drops his smile. The sinister complex of a perceived hero shining through dark eyes. He looks you up and down once again, fingers tapping along his blackened blade before taking his leave.
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shxyo-sho · 3 years
can we be mutuals ?? ( I just wanna get to know you better and you seem rlly nice <3 )
could I pls request headcanons of what it would be like to be muichiros’ younger sibling ??
( eg . is he very protective of you , does he show affection etc . )
thank you in advance , have a wonderful day / noon / night 💞
Muichiro with a younger sibling
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Pairing: muichiro tokito x gn!reader (platonic)
Warnings: major manga spoilers for muichiro's back story, mentions of death
Genre: fluff, slight angst
A/n: Firstly, ofc we can be mutuals bebe!! I'd love to get to know you more as well <3 Secondly, I am sincerely thanking you for requesting my bby Muichiro 😩 Also sorry for this being so late!
|| kny m.list ||
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↳ I personally think he would be an amazing older brother!
↳ as we know, his is the younger twin of Yuichiro Tokito
↳ now these two practically raised you with your parents being dead
↳ they protected you from anything and everything, mostly Yuichiro
↳ your pampered! like really pampered
↳ are you hungry ?
↳ good cause they already made your favorite
↳ oh, now your bored ?
↳ I'm sure they can act fools for your entertainment
↳ after Yuichiro was killed by a demon you were left alone with Muichiro
↳ he definitely had changed, he's much quieter and spaces out more often
↳ and he's more protective then ever now, not wanting to lose you as well
↳ but he's still your loving big brother
↳ he refused to become a pillar unless you could come with him
↳ Ubuyashiki had no choice but too allow you to come along
↳ you end up becoming his tsugoku and he makes sure to train you like crazy
↳ he just wants to make sure your strong enough to take care of yourself :(
↳ the rest of the pillars adore you!
↳ you being younger than Muichiro makes you a little baby in their eyes
↳ even Nezuko is older than you 👀
↳ he isn't a man of many words so he shows you that he cares through actions
↳ not very big actions but it's the thought that counts
↳ he always lays his head on you, whether it's on your lap or shoulder
↳ when you guys go out together, either on a mission or to eat, he makes sure to grab hold of your clothes
↳ wants to make sure you stay close by
↳ Is an anxious mess whenever your away on missions
↳ his mind always wanders to the worst case scenarios
↳ he waits for you by the entrance so he's the first person to greet you
↳ lowkey threatens the Kamaboko squad when you make friends with them
↳ Zenitsu never flirted with you again
↳ Inosuke tries his best to not scream and threaten you
↳ overall is just a very nice and protective older brother! he simply wants what's best for you
shxyo-sho © 2021 | all content and its rights belong to me. please do not modify or repost on any other websites.
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amazingmsme · 3 years
Baking Something Sweet
AN: Merry Christmas! I really tried to get this out on Christmas even though I’ve been super busy with family & cooking/baking. @local-trash-arts I hope you enjoy! I was your Squealing Santa & loved getting to write for Demon Slayer! Have a Christmas cookie from me to you, & happy holidays everyone!
Ah the holidays. Such a wonderful time to spend time with friends and family. So many festivities to partake in: shopping, watching Christmas movies, looking at Christmas lights, and most importantly the baking. It was Christmas and Inosuke, along with Tanjiro, finished off the last of the cookies. Nezuko's muffled scolding could be heard from the other room, drawing Zenitsu closer. He peered inside the kitchen, watching as she smacked both boys over and over, shoving them out of the room.
"S-sorry Nezuko, we couldn't help ourselves! They're just so good!" Tanjiro apologized, trying to appeal to her with compliments. She shook her head, blocking them from the kitchen. Anyone could see that she was angry, and Zentisu just had to come to the rescue.
"Hey what did you do to her? Leave her alone!" he cried out, wedging himself between them to shield her.
"Nothing, she's just mad because we ate the rest of the cookies," Tanjiro explained, leaning away from m his weak swats. "H-hey, I got an idea, why don't you help her make more!"
“Mmhmm!” Nezuko nodded, hooking arms as she leaned into him. He held back a squeal, tensing up as his face turned red before melting into the touch.
"Absolutely! Whatever you need me to do, I'm your guy!" Tanjiro smiled as he watched his sister lead him to the recipe that laid on the counter. She deserved to do fun, normal things other girls got to do. She should get to bake cookies with a guy who likes her, and she deserved to be treated without fear. While he had to admit that Zenitsu could be clingy and over the top sometimes, he did think that it was good for Nezuko to be treated like an average girl instead of the demon that nearly everyone reminded her she was.
Even though he was the most fearful in the group, he hasn't been afraid when he found out she was a demon. But more importantly, he didn't change the way he would act around her. He didn't flinch of shy away from her touches and he tried to make sure she was included in things. Tanjiro knew they would have fun.
Nezuko gathered the ingredients as he read the instructions. He grabbed a spoon and gathered a large bowl, sifter, and cookie cutters. He was about to get started when she stopped him, making him wash his hands. He added the butter to the bowl and poured in a cup of sugar. He started to cream the ingredients together, but she made a fuss, flapping her arms while muffled protests filled the air. Zenitsu could barely make out an "I wanna do it!" so he backed off, handing her the spoon. She beamed, happily taking the utensil and mixing the sugar and butter until it was creamy and fluffy.
"Wow, it looks like mashed potatoes!" he said in awe.  When he tried to dip his finger in to try some, she swatted his hand away. She shook her head and fixed him with a look that said don't even try it. He heeded her warning and kept his hands to himself, adding in the eggs and flour. She added a dash of vanilla and began mixing. The dough got thicker and thicker, causing her to grow tired as she mixed it together.
Not wanting to waste an opportunity to show off his strength, he offered to knead the dough for her. He immediately dove his hands in the bowl, massaging and kneading the contents together. He folded it in on itself and continuously worked at it. He was so busy focusing on the dough in front of him that he nearly didn't notice Nezuko staring at him. Her eyes were glued to him, watching his muscles flex as he worked.
By now, Zenitsu had learned to decipher what Nezuko was trying to say. "I can really tell you've been training."
A bright blush overtook his features, but he still preened at those words and puffed out his chest. "Y-you think so? I know I'm no Inosuke but I like to think you can tell a difference!" He flexed for her, patting himself down as well to "check" his own muscles. She followed his lead and grabbed onto his arm, feeling the muscle for herself.
Zenitsu thought he was going to explode. He couldn't believe that he had a cute girl clinging onto him and feeling his muscles! Normally, he just didn't have that kind of luck. And he was getting to bake with her!
As she squeezed his arm, her hand moved up to slip underneath. He flinched away rather noticeably, a loud shriek leaving his mouth. She jumped away, worried she hurt him with her long nails. She was ready to shy away, but Zenitsu would sooner die than let that happen.
"NO DON'T GO, I'M SORRY!" his outburst made her  jump even more, eyes going wide as he clung to her and pulled her closer. "You didn't hurt me I promise!  I'm just really ticklish and it made me freak out, please don't go Nezukooooo!" he whined, burying his face into her shoulder.
She giggled and rolled her eyes, patting his head to let him know she'd stay.
After rolling out some of the dough, they used festive cookie cutters of all shapes and sizes to make dozens of cookies. She took the first batch out of the oven and laid them out to cool. The sprinkles glistened in the light and they looked absolutely mouthwatering. Nezuko missed real food. Sometimes, she snuck a little whenever it smelled really good. It still tasted just as good as she remembered, but she'd always feel a little sick afterwards. She decided it was worth it.
She grabbed a cookie for herself and held another out to Zenitsu. She moved the bamboo bit from her mouth and took a bite. Her eyes fluttered closed, the taste bringing back a flood of happy memories.  He grabbed the cookie and took a big bite.
"We uh, make a really good team," he said with a mouthful of food. She nodded in agreement, nibbling silently. They got back to work in the self proclaimed cookie factory, only there was a slight problem. Zenitsu was just as bad as her brother when it came to chowing down on the freshly baked cookies.
"Hey quit it! You can't just eat them all!" He paused, cheeks stuffed like a chipmunk and still reaching for another. He blinked cluelessly, holding out another cookie for her. She sighed, but still wore a tiny smile. She accepted the cookie and said, "Thanks, but that's not what I meant. You need to save some for everyone!"
"But that means less for us!" he cried indignantly.
"There's still plenty of dough to make more. Now get back to work," she teased, poking his side. He squeaked, face turning bright red as she laughed.
"H-hey don't do that! I already told you I'm ticklish so be careful!" he shrieked. She just gave him a smirk and pointed at the half decorated cookies. He groaned, but grabbed the sprinkles and got back to work. She nabbed one more cookie before fitting the piece of bamboo back in her mouth, just in case one of the hashira walked into the kitchen.
He slid the tray into the oven, whistling while he closed the door. He grabbed a reindeer cookie, already moving to bite off its head, when Nezuko started to scold him through her muzzle. She smacked his hand, making him drop the cookie. It split in two, and he shrugged, but not before an exaggerated gasp left his throat.
"Nezuko look what you did! You know we have to eat the ugly broken ones!" he playfully whined, taking a bite from the front half. She glared and growled at him, shaking her head.
He didn't listen to the warning signs and kept trucking on. "Thank you, I really do deserve it.  Baking is surprisingly hard work!" he mused. Her eyes flashed with anger and she stomped her foot.
"What? You can help yourself," he said dismissively. Zenitsu was rarely cocky, but when girls were involved, he'd do just about anything to show off or get a rise out of them. He was just about to take another bite when she lunged out to stop him. Her hands buried underneath his arms and he instantly shrieked.
"No please! Ihihihi'm sohorry!" he squealed, flattening his arms against his sides. He doubled over, cackling like mad. She followed his every move, scribbling her nails in his armpits. His laugh was bubbly and shrill, full of shrieks and snorts.
She moved down to scribble over his sides and tummy. He doubled over, his laughter turning a bit more frantic.
“Plehehease I wohohon’t eat the cookies up frohohom everyone ehehehelse!” he weakly promised. She hummed in content and decided to grant mercy. She poked his belly a few more times before pulling away, ruffling his hair. She grabbed one of the cookies, holding up a single finger and handed him the cookie.
He accepted it with a dazed, embarrassed grin. His hair was disheveled and cheeks hot pink. “Um t-thanks I guess. I’ll try to stay out of the cookies until we make the rest,” he said, rubbing the back of his neck. She nodded with a sassy note, placing sprinkles on the unbaked dough. They went back to work, listening to Zenitsu’s mindless chatter to fill the silence.
And if he tried to sneak more sweet treats, well, Nezuko knew how to handle that.
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Hi WhoTalks! You've stated in one of your posts that Sen had been wearing his clothes that he wore when his school was attack the whole time until he met the Kamadosquad and Tanjiro gave him new ones. Does he still wear them through out the AU or does he wear his old clothes in the Rengoku house? The blue yukata and hakama? What did his old outfit look like, the bloody ones? Where they his old school uniform shredded to pieces? What were the Kamadosquad thoughts on him during his time with then before they knew of his previous identity, and after? What was Senjuro's thoughts on them, before his memories return and afterwards? What were Kyo and Shin's thoughts on the companionship Sen had? Does he ever go back to wearing sock and sandals?
Welcome to Agatha drags herself kicking and screaming out of burnout to answer asks due to a heavy dose of fanart to her motivation.
He'll change to his old clothes sometimes when he gets to the Rengoku house in an attempt to remember his past but he also still has the clothes Tanjiro got him and wears them sometimes as well. In his appearances in the plot except for the final battle he's dressed in his old clothes but when with Kiriya he wears what Tanjiro got him as a sort of good luck charm since meeting them is what lead to him remembering his life and being reunited with his family.
His outfit going to school tbh Im super confused on fashion stuff cause of the fact it fluctuates a lot due to the Taisho era being the era Japan got a lot of western influences but I imagine like this??
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Apparently its from a Taisho era fashion show and with how the Rengoku family is I cant imagine them transitioning yet to the more western clothes yet when Senjuro's in school (Tho I imagine they could if they wanted to they're just traditonal) and during the attack his hat comes off. The uniform was badly damaged after he became a demon but I imagine like Nezuko's kimono it just magically manages to stay on Senjuro (seriously how is her kimono still together, Daki slashed her to pieces)
The squad's thoughts of Senjuro
Tanjiro - "He's another kind demon like Nezuko and he reminds of Takeo and my other younger siblings. We have to get more blood from the 12 demon moons so we can cure Nezuko AND Senjuro."
Nezuko - "Mmmm!" (I like to treat him like my younger siblings. I'm happy to share my box with him even if it gets a bit cramped.)
Zenitsu - "He's alright" (He loves the kid, he's jealous he can spend so much time with Nezuko)
Inosuke - "I want to fight him but his presence isn't threatening at all! What kind of demon has such a weak presence!?!"
Senjuro was happy that the group welcomed him into their group despite him being a rather demonic looking demon and happy that Nezuko can relate with him. He wishes Inosuke would stop trying to fight him tho, fighting just isn't his thing.
Shinjuro and Kyojuro didn't really think much of the Kamaboko squad who Senjuro traveled with for a bit but they are immensely thankful that they didn't kill him when as demon slayers they should've.
Yes he goes back to wearing socks and sandals.
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zennezu · 2 years
I must confess that before, I didn't like zenitsu....Maybe because of him being Noisy in the anime. (LOL😅) More I Changed From, Idea! Zenistu Did Something So Generous Protecting Nezuko, From Inosuke. I don't know much about Nezuko's feelings about, the agatsuma boy! (😶) It was so cute Zenitsu, Talking to Nezuko in the manga. People Say What, Zenitsu is a Womanizer. More...Well, to the girls that Agatsuma had relationships with, they wanted your money. Zenitsu was, Only used by them.
Aaawww, I'm so happy you grew fond of him! His devotion to Nezuko and Tanjiro is admirable for sure! That's something I love about him so much, he's so loyal! That's why I know he would never hurt Nezuko even if he likes girls a lot. If he had Nezuko I know he would only have eyes for her! 💛💗⚡🎀 And yeah, if he was a womanizer he would use women! Instead, women used him and treated him so badly! It's a miracle the poor thing still believes in love at all! That's also why I'm so happy he found lovely kind Nezuko! 😭😍❤️💖💝
Also about Nezuko's feelings for him, @forzenitsu made a post about it, but it's spoilers from the manga so beware if you haven't read it yet!!
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loosesodamarble · 1 year
Hi Erika! 💙 Thank you again for all of the wonderful discussion about the world’s best grumpy, tsundere spatial mage. You always have such wonderful and thoughtful ideas, and your headcanons are so spot on and delightful! 😊 It’s switching gears a bit, but I wanted to ask you about Demon Slayer (I’ve been on a bit of a KNY kick—lots of excitement for Season 3 I think). I apologise if you’ve already answered this somewhere in a past post, but who are your favourite Demon Slayer characters? Thanks dear! 💕
Hello hello, Acacia~! Sorry for taking forever and a half to answer your question but here's the answer now! (Also gonna tag you @acacia-may to make sure you see this because it's been so long.)
This ask has been sitting in the inbox so long that Season 3 of the anime is currently airing now. Whoops! 😅🤣 I don't think I've answered this exact question regarding my KnY faves, especially since I mostly post Black Clover... So thanks for making me think of Demon Slayer again~! 💖
Now for my favorites, I think I'm gonna go ahead and start with some honorable mentions before listing a Top 5.
I'm gonna talk a lot so the meat of this post will be under the cut.
Honorable mentions
I've talked about how similar Zenitsu and I are to each other and that's why he's an honorable mention. I vibe with the kid. He's so funny with how extra complainy he is about... everything. Poor child. (Side note: the store I work at sells some KnY character pens and the Zenitsu ones don't sell well and I lowkey feel bad about that.)
And Tanjirou is the MC. He's so sweet and kind to his friends. But he's a strong-willed fighter and knows what's right for everyone. Killing demons is how he saves humans threatened by demons and humans who have become demons. I love the way he learns in each arc, whether it be something emotional or in terms of how he fights. His worldview and morality don't really change but I do feel like he experiences growth nonetheless.
Top 5 Faves
5) Sanemi: I like this jerk, okay? I am drawn to jerk older brothers who secretly love and want to protect their siblings (Nacht, Nozel, and Sanemi have a little club in my mind.) He's a little off-putting at first but you know there's depth to his character when we see how he speaks to Kagaya with such respect. He acts rough but he's thoughtful deep down. And his bond with his mother and Genya! Like! This man is soft deep down, let me have it!
4) Nezuko: Before Nacht was my tumblr pfp, it was actually Nezuko. She is the cutest sister character in any series I've read (which actually isn't that many but sssshhhhhh!). I love her anti-demon flames. I love how she's allowed to fight and get bloody (mostly because she has a healing factor and can get absolutely wrecked but come back from it). She doesn't get to say a lot but she still has strong moments. Like how Tanjirou dreams of her telling him not to worry about their family not having nice things and to just try his best. Gosh, when that got animated I cried... I love Nezuko so much... Baby...
3) Mitsuri: Mitsuri is such a sweetheart! She's one of the two KnY characters that I'd date if given the chance. I love how she carries herself. She wears her heart on her sleeve whether she be happy or sad. Like, her second introduction to Tanjirou is crying openly in front of him. In the present, she's not afraid to be vulnerable. Her story in the second light novel is also really nice as it shows how Mitsuri became the open-hearted gal she is in the present. She went from feeling self-conscious about her reason for being in the Corps to learning how she brings cheer to people's lives and that renewing her convictions. She knows the Corps members have hard lives but her attitude doesn't make light of it. It's okay to have cheer after hardship because bogging oneself in pessimism will only hurt. Also, and this might be me bragging a little but I actually used Mitsuri and Obanai's failed romance in a college essay about romance literature in Japan. It was a silly little essay but to be able to cite one of my favorite mangas for a college assignment was fun (and actually my second time doing it. First time was talking about Daki and Gyuutarou in regards to depictions of "geisha"). I just love Mitsuri a lot and would love to be more like her (attitude, appearance, and ability-wise honestly...).
2) Kyoujurou: I love this man so much that I saw the movie in theaters and cried all three times because man does his death really hit hard in the anime. Kyoujurou is bright and warm and inspiring. While he's unable to help Tanjirou regarding the Dance of the Fire God, he still offers to make Tanjirou and the other boys his students. I think it's a mix of genuinely seeing their potential and just wanting the chance to teach the younger generation but it's kinda hilarious how quickly he latches onto the trio. I really like Kyoujurou's philosophy on life, how the fleeting nature of it is what makes it beautiful (mayhaps he read a bit of the Hojoki in his free time?/lh+j). It's a little sad to see people leave or even die but change is what makes life what it is. Kyoujurou also the second KnY characters I'd want to date so there's that.
1) Inosuke: MY BABY BOAR BOY! From the first panel he was in, he had me entertained. Inosuke is loud and chaotic and fun. I'm not usually about chaotic boys but Inosuke learning what kindness and friendship are are what endear me to him. He's so confused by affection is absolutely the cutest thing. And despite acting macho and like he's supposed to be a leader, all of his major victories are a team effort. Working alongside Tanjirou to beat that puppeted demon on Natagumo Mountain, the fight against Daki, and even in his fight of the final arc. I do kinda wish he had more solo moments though because he should get a little more spotlight, but what he does get, I enjoy thoroughly. He's the character that got me to make a KnY oc (Shizuka) because I wanted someone fiery but also sweet to play off him (and be shipped with him). Inosuke is a feral boy but still a sweet guy and I find that really cute for whatever reason. The bonus chapter about his early life is really stinking adorable as well! It's great! Inosuke is very adoptable in my mind. Thus, he is my favorite character.
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