yourmommycallsmemommy · 4 months
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would you put a discarded fruit sticker on my forehead in whimsical jest yes or no
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You deserved better!!
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any time that white old lady in the tumblr ads changes position I get scared I feel like the next ad is going to be a picture of the couch empty and I'm going to start seeing her around town
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don't talk to me or my 300 pornbot followers ever again
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Dude i totally get why you say “help” now. It’s literally like, ....help! lol
like girl... help! lol
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This tweet totally describes me
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are you dominant or submissive?
I’m tired
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All I want is romantic love and filthy sex, is that too much to ask..
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is jake gyllenhaal gay??
why would you ask us, a narnia blog, this
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He's so cute 🥺
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If I had a nickel for every piece of media released in 2020 in which Oliver Jackson-Cohen plays an abusive boyfriend that nobody can see, I'd have two nickels. Which isn't a lot, but it's weird that it happened twice.
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I don’t have a title for this
A måneskin/Damiano David fanfic, you're a contender for the ESC for your country 
word count: 1.3k
AN: Y’all go easy on me for this one I haven’t written fanfic since 2019, so if it’s bad just lemme know what i can do better, for now i hope you enjoy. If y’all enjoy maybe i’ll write a part 2
Damiano looked down at your sleeping form that was clinging onto him, his headache pounding in his head, he regretted drinking so much the previous night. 
He looked around your hotel room trying to recollect what happened the evening before, he remembered the party that happened in the hotel lobby, all the contestants were invited, so of course you were there. He remembered Vic and Thomas trying to get him to talk to you after a little too much to drink, he remembers going up to talk to you. He remembers giving you his number. He remembers drinking some more with you. He remembers you taking him to your hotel room, and he definitely remembers what happened in your hotel room. The only thing he can’t seem to remember is what he told you after that. 
Knowing himself he wouldn’t just fall asleep, that was even less likely in his drunken state. He looked down at you again, he needed to leave. Quietly he removed your arms from his torso and got out of bed, he picked up his pants off the floor and put them on, got his shirt off the floor and put it back on. He carried his shoes in one hand trying to make as little noise as possible. He quickly took his phone off the nightstand and put it in his pocket. Feeling his other pocket if his jewelry was in there and his room keycard, it was. He looked around if he didnt for forget anything and walked to the door. 
He placed his hand on the door handle and turned his head back to look at you for a second, your face facing him. He decided this would be best for the both of you, sighed and left your room, starting the walk of shame back to his room.
A loud bang startled you awake, in your sleepy state you couldn’t place the sound. You stretched your arms above your head and turned to put your hand on the place next to you where you thought Damiano would be. But all you were met with was a cold spot on the mattress, you sat up quickly and looked around. “Damiano?” you called out quitely to see if he was in the bathroom maybe, but you were only met with a deafening silence. 
Unlike Damiano you remembered everything from the night before, even the little conversation you had before you both drifted to sleep.
“Is this a one time thing?” you asked him, your head laid on his chest listening to his heartbeat. “I don’t hope so.” Damiano replied, running his fingers through your hair. “So what when the Eurovision is over?” “Maybe I take you back with me to Italy, wouldn’t that be nice?” he said with a small laugh. He didn’t know if he meant it, alcohol clouding his thoughts. You didn’t know if you meant it “Yeah that would be kinda nice.” you replied, you weren’t that drunk, sure you had drunk a lot of alcohol but you would call it very drunk, you’d just call it very tipsy. He gave you a little kiss on your forehead before you both drifted to sleep.
You let out a small sigh as you remember the conversation, you know you were both drunk and probably didn’t mean it like that but you hadn't expected him to just leave you in the morning, to let you wake up all alone. 
‘I shouldn’t judge so quickly,’ you thought to yourself ‘maybe he just went to get us some coffee.’ You looked around the room to see if anything was left of him, your eyes scanned the room and found nothing, no note, nothing. You grabbed your phone from the night stand and checked if you had gotten a text from him explaining where he went. But again nothing. 
Without even thinking about it you send him a message ‘hey, where are you?’ ‘Fuck’ you thought ‘he probably thinkings I’m so clingy now.’ Before you could overthink it, you placed your phone back on the nightstand and got out of bed. Ready to take a long, hot shower.
Damiano unlocked his room and stepped inside, it was still pretty dark in the room, he let his back fall against the door and groaned. “You’re back early, loverboy.” he heard Vic say as her face was revealed when she turned on the light next to her. “How did you get in here? Why are you here?” he asked, looking at her sitting on the chair, a mischievous smirk on her face. “You gave me the spare key when we first arrived.” “That was for emergencies only!” he exclaimed, rubbing his hands over his face. "This is an emergency" she replied and shrugged her shoulders. “Okay so what are they doing here?” he asked, turning his head looking at Ethan and Thomas sitting on his bed.
“We were curious how it was.” Thomas said, grinning widely. “How what was?” Damiano replied playing dumb. “We saw you leaving the party with Y/n yesterday, don’t try to play dumb with us, we see right trhough you” Ethan said looking over Damiano’s form noticing him not wearing his shoes. “Oh yeah right Y/n, yeah it was fun.” "I bet it was." Thomas said, wiggling his eyebrows. "So why are you back so early?" Ethan asked. "Well," Damiano said, thinking of a reason, not wanting to tell the truth, that he left without you knowing. "I had to take a shower!" he said and tossed his phone to the bed, and let his shoes fall to the floor.
"So why didn't you just take a shower in her room?" Vic said not taking any of his lies. "Well she had to shower too?" Damiano wasn't sure of himself but came with his lies on the spot. "So she knows you're gone?" Vic said standing up. "Y-yeah of c-" before Damiano could finish his sentence his phone pinged, he tried to get to his phone as soon as possible, but Vic was faster. She read your message 'hey, where are you?' "Are you sure she knows that you're gone? it sure doesn't seem like it." She said as Thomas and Ethan stood up to read the message on Damiano's phone. "Man you're a dick." Ethan said, moving his eyes from the screen to Damiano.
"I know, can you all leave now." Damiano said, snatching his phone out of Vic's hand. "You should reply to her." Thomas ignored what Damiano said. Damiano groaned "And say what?". "I don't know? What about the truth, that you just left her in the morning because you're a pussy." "You should go back to her, and just tell her you went to get coffee." Ethan chimed in. "No you all should go back to your own room and leave me alone." Damiano said, already walking to the bathroom, he was annoyed with his bandmates acting like it was such a big deal.
Vic walked behind him "You should've just told her this was a one time thing for you." Damiano turned around to face her "Maybe I did tell her last night, maybe I didn't, I can't remember to be honest." “You can’t remember anything?” Thomas laughed. “Okay I remember pretty much everything until right before we fell asleep, but I think what I said must’ve been pretty important.” Damiano sighed “I’m just gonna take a shower and forget about it, I’ll see her at the rehearsals today, and maybe I'll talk to her.” Damiano turned back to the bathroom, Vic, Ethan and Thomas walked to the door of the hotel room “You should definitely talk to her, or at least text her back.” Vic said before she, Thomas and Ethan exited the room, leaving Damiano alone to shower. He thought about sending you a text explaining where he went, but decided to let it be and walked into the bathroom.
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me waiting for people to write måneskin fanfic
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im still writing it but idk if i wanna publish it cos maybe its kinda weird because they are real people, what yall think
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