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isharaneith · 3 months ago
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Farscape Deck
2 of Diamonds – Zelkin, played by Linal Haft
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abslover · 6 months ago
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almanach-international · 1 year ago
8 mars : la Journée internationale des droits des femmes
L’idée de cette Journée internationale des femmes est à la fois féministe et socialiste. Elle aurait été proposée en 1910 par la journaliste féministe allemande Clara Zelkin lors de 2e conférence de l’internationnale des femmes à Copenhague. Mais déjà en 1909, le Parti socialiste américain avait pris l’ initiative d’un Woman’s Day qui s’est déroulé le 28 février dans les seuls États-Unis. C’est le 19 mars 1911, que cette journée est devenue vraiment internationale : plus d’un million de femmes manifestaient dans divers pays. Dans les années qui suivent une Journée internationale des femmes est donc organisée un dimanche de la fin février ou de début mars.
La date du 8 mars a été choisie en 1921 par Lénine en souvenir des femmes de Saint-Pétersbourg qui avaient profité, en 1917, de la Journée internationale des femmes (le 8 mars du calendrier grégorien) pour manifester contre la vie chère et leurs conditions de travail. Ce mouvement de protestation allait aboutir à la chute du tsar une semaine plus tard. Cette journée fut donc la première de la Révolution russe. À l’époque, la Russie vivait encore au rythme du calendrier julien si bien que localement, on était le 23 février. Par un curieux cheminement de l’histoire, cette date de l’ancien calendrier russe est devenue en Russie la Journée de... l’homme, en particulier celle des militaires (voir le 23 février).
Cette fête du 8 mars est donc très liée à l’ancien monde communiste. Elle est devenue une commémoration obligatoire à partir de 1946 dans tous les pays qui deviennent des satellites de l’URSS. Si bien que la Tchéquie l’abolira en 2008 comme un mauvais souvenir d’une époque révolue.
La dimension féministe de la Journée de la femme a resurgi en Occident dans les années 1970 et son caractère international a été renforcé par son adoption par l’ONU comme une commémoration officielle en 1977. La France a fait de même après l’arrivée de la gauche au pouvoir en 1981, sans pour autant en faire un jour férié comme c’était le cas dans les très conservatrices républiques soviétiques, qui l’avait transformé en fête des mères, ou dans certains pays d’Afrique... En Chine ou au Népal, on accorde qu’une demi-journée chômée aux salariées, seulement aux femmes.
À l’heure où la célébration est devenue mondiale et où la dimension partisane a disparu (en même temps que le monde communiste), certaines voix s’élèvent pour se demander si cette journée a bien lieu d’être, si elle ne produit pas l’effet inverse du but recherché tant le 8 mars est l’occasion de débiter des discours truffés de stéréotypes qui deservent la cause des femmes. Pour d’autres, cette journée est loin d’être un gadget politique, c’est l’occasion de rappeler à l’opinion publi­que qu’un siècle de combat politique n’a pas effacé les inégalités (tant dans le monde du travail que dans la politique), ni les violences faites aux femmes.
La Journée internationale des femmes (selon l'appellation officielle de l'ONU), est également appelée Journée internationale des droits des femmes dans certains pays comme la France (depuis 1982).
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vulpine-spectacle · 10 months ago
Giedilith Language
I have been working on the actual language for Giedilith for EIOB. Fun fact, in the films the language is described as Harkonnen, which, yeah, checks out. They would be narcissistic enough to name their language after their name. But I truly loved the visual of Giedilith. Lilith also means belonging to the night and is associated with biblical themes. And I love secret meanings. So, here is the language! It is a work in progres and I will update it periodically, but otherwise here ya go! ;)
Naroth zelkrin mevithin roshivvak?
Would you let me have you?
Black cat.
House of Conquest.
Agvárok / agvárok'd.
Fuck / fucked.
To become.
Amein vut mir.
I love you.
Zelkrin lothariv devil.
Let us escape together.
Väritin kullak.
Black flower.
City of Dreamers.
Agvárokas veltro.
Fuck off.
Iltira ranakthas.
To become stronger.
Amein dhav thir.
I cherish you.
Vilinaroth roshen.
Would you dance with me?
Mevithin vilshantarum.
House of love.
Naroth Giedilithas?
Will you speak Giedilith?
Vut mir angor.
Love conquers all..
Zelkrin varanthar.
Let us explore.
Black Forest.
Shantarus olom.
City of secrets.
To make love.
Ranakthas zedil.
To become wise.
Amein shal grethir.
I adore you.
Vilshantarum kaezil.
House of warriors.
Iltira naroth envel?
Would you sing for me?
Amein zelkrinathil.
Let me be with you.
Väritin roshviel.
Black sunset.
Zelkrin tharúl.
Let us dream.
Shantarus vaerdel.
City of the lost.
Agvárokar shadil.
Intense passion.
Ranakthas ilithia.
To become free.
Amein zelkrinah ralthas.
I want to be with you forever.
Vilshantara zelshad.
The conqueror’s house.
Iltira zelkin árla?
Will you dream with me?
Shantarus vilamor.
City of the poets.
Zelkrin veratha.
Let us discover.
Agvárodil zelshar.
Passionate heart.
Ranakthas zelanthil.
To become one with nature
Amein shantarus ralthil.
I cherish the city.
Iltira zelkrin shadathas?
Do you desire passion?
Amaranthine zelkrin veratha olathin kiröthas.
Let us embark on an eternal journey under the fiery sky.
Värisol zelkrin verilína ránarithas ärurivil.
In the sunset of love, we shall embrace each other under the black rays.
Shantarus zelkroth shanahrin athilidin zalathin.
In the city of the brave, courage and honor shall prevail forever.
Agvárodil zelsharär vilrothas ilkarathin shrikrin.
In the passionate heart, a flame of desire burns brightly and fiercely.
Ranakthas zelanthilán zelmirithas ilárlar ázirathin
To become one with nature is to feel the wind whispering through the olden trees.
Amein shantarus ralthilínä zarokril shanralin vazentin.
I cherish the city where every corner holds a story waiting to be told.
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kainsword17 · 2 years ago
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Here is the whole character-roster for a made-up fighting-game I've come up with called SEGA vs. Capcom: Clash of Heroes, featuring both heroes and villains from both the SEGA & Capcom universes that would be like the Marvel vs. Capcom and Capcom vs. SNK series. It has a roster of 14 SEGA-characters for SEGA and 14 characters for Capcom, 2 bosses and 8 DLC-characters (4 from each world)
Here's the basic story of the game idea: Sigma (from Megaman X) and Infinite the Jackel (from Sonic-Forces) have joined forces, combing their powers to conquer both worlds while hosting a fighting tournament in which many heroes and villains battle it out to see who well be the ultimate winner of their worlds, while also either helping or stopping the villains evil plan to take over the multiverse.
Now here is the main cast for the game: SEGA-Side: 
Sonic the Hedgehog (from Sonic the Hedgehog)
Amy Rose (from Sonic the Hedgehog)
Axel Stone (from Streets of Rage)
Cyclic (from Cosmic-Carnage)
Jack Caymen (from MadWorld and Anarchy Reigns)
Death-Adder (from Golden-Axe)
Nights (from NiGHTS into Dreams)
The Hermit (from House of the Dead).
Ulala (from Space-Channel 5)
Joe Masashi (from Shinobi)
Juggernaut (from Kid Chameleon)
Knuckles the Echidna (from Sonic the Hedgehog).
Zygrunt (from Fighting-Masters)
Astal (from Astal)
Ryu (from Street-Fighter II)
Morrigan Aensland (from Darkstalkers)
Ken (from Street-Fighter II)
Jedah Dohma (from Darkstalkers 3)
Magma Dragoon (from Megaman X4)
UVA-02 Helion (from Cyberbots: Full Metal-Madness)
Zelkin Fiskekrogen (from Star-Gladiator and Plasma-Sword)
Cyber-Samurai (from Battle-Circuit)
Angelo-Agnus (from Devil-May Cry 4)
Ayame (from Power-Stone)
Hydron (from Warzard)
Chun-Li (from Street-Fighter II)
Gill (from Street-Fighter III)
Deathtanz Mantisk (from Megaman-Zero3)
Now here is the DLC characters for the game: SEGA-Side:
Akira Yuki (from Virtua Fighter)
Tails (from Sonic the Hedgehog)
Honey the Cat (from Sonic the Fighters)
Segata Sanshiro (from the Sega Saturn adverts)
Zangief (from Street-Fighter II)
Alien-Green (from Battle-Circuit)
Kuwagust Anchus (from Megaman Zero2)
Ruby Heart (from Marvel vs. Capcom 2)
Now for the final Bosses:
Infinite the Jackel (from SEGA's Sonic Forces)
Sigma (from Capcom's Megaman x series)
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romanlightman001 · 5 months ago
Alexandre Zelkine - Along The River (Вдоль да по речке)
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erla-film · 1 year ago
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andthegeekshallinherit · 2 years ago
In my friendship group I was practically unbeatable at this game, especially if I used Zelkin.
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Select Your Fighter ‘Star Gladiator’ PlayStation
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washburnillustration · 2 years ago
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Special treat for today's fighter - it's Zelkin from Star Gladiator and Plasma Sword 🗡️! Never heard of it? Think Star Wars if it was designed by Capcom concept artists. #zelkin #stargladiator #plasmasword #fightober #arcade #capcom #capcomfanart #pixelart #pixelartist #fanart https://www.instagram.com/p/CllrVBerN9S/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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shalmonsdraws · 7 years ago
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zelkin from star gladiator! 0:
a nearby retro arcade was looking for some local art, so i’m gonna resize it for print & see if they’ll accept it  c’: 
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abslover · 6 months ago
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eye4muscle · 4 years ago
Jesse Zelkin’s shredded contest prep.
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millardcrow · 2 years ago
Movement is Plasma Sword's greatest detail.
Crossposted from my co-host:
If I can be introspective for a moment, I think one of the reasons I have fallen madly in love with Plasma Sword (despite some of its objective flaws, which I'll probably address some other time) is that I think it probably is the only 2D-mechanic based game to hit real 3D movement in a way that I like, both in terms of the movement itself and how the move list is built around it.
The move button activates sidestep universally, and can also be used as a macro for forward/backdash. Every character can also cancel forward dash into sidestep and most can cancel their backdash into sidestep, as well. (I have found some weird exceptions: June and Ele, for example, can only cancel their forward dash.) You may see a loop here—effectively, everyone can box dash forward by doing 5M, 6M, 5M... over and over again. It feels great, and it looks great, and it's really effective because one of the things Plasma Sword was smart in doing was aligning the A button exclusively for vertical attacks and B for horizontal attacks. (Identical to SC1 in concept, only with the buttons flipped.)
It's also cancelable into special moves, so a lot of characters can do some really cool tricks with it. For example, Vector can use it as part of his sniping game, or to setup ambiguous body splash mixups.
It goes a long way in weirdly balancing the game. Look at the example below—Zelkin is arguably the game's S+ #1 character. This is thanks to some absurd safety, block pressure that can only be described as accidentally designed, theoretical infinites, and wildly high damage even without the infinites that result in a character that can win off of just about any two touches. All of this is anchored by his 2K string, which starts virtually everything for the character (infinites, combo damage, pressure) on both block and hit, and also can't be parried due to being a kick.
And yet, sidestep beats everything that he can do that would normally allow him to pressure on block, forcing even the game's #1 meme top tier to use some esoteric options to stop safe defensive step. Can you learn flight cancel combo videos and win off one/two conversion's with Zelkin? Yeah, probably. But if you don't learn how step shapes the neutral of Plasma Sword, or can't adapt to someone that does, you'll never get the chance to prove it.
As a Soul Calibur II player at heart, strong movement can really do a lot for me in appreciating a game. In fact, I see a lot of similarities between the spirit of these two games, in the sense that there's meta-shattering broken offense that gets reigned in by smart movement design. (Though, well, in SCII's case, it was a glitch, but... that's a different essay.) It's the only 2D-minded game (in the sense it uses back to block, 2D jump arcs, overheads, etc.) that I've played that really captures what I love about the 3D genre.
Sadly (well, for me at least) it's the last time the director, Hideaki Itsuno, would keep this strong meta-shaping 3D movement. Future 3D titles under his belt—Rival Schools and Project Justice—would incorporate a success/fail command-step akin to Virtua Fighter's step system, something that I personally find a lot more wooden and uninteresting. Coincidentally, Project Justice has block strings far more oppressive than what's found in Plasma Sword, despite having demonstrably worse frame data across the board on everything /and/ a guard cancel that has no meter cost. That's just how important the third dimension is to a game—when you let it be.
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pachucojuan · 5 years ago
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Pelle Pelle by Marc Buchanan ad (2000) // Sergio Valente ad (2000) | Despite the brand’s name, there is no one named Sergio Valente behind it. The label was actually formed by William Hsu, Martin Heinfling, Brian Leung, Tony Lau, Eli Kaplan and Leo Zelkin of Englishtown Sportswear, an NYC-based company. [ via @ Archivealive Twt]
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luxieloo · 5 years ago
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BORGAR. @zelkin
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fuckyeahedayan · 6 years ago
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Star Gladiator
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