#zelink week wip
cucco-egg · 11 months
Chapter Thirty-Six - It Was Always You
If you like Zelink, well then, this chapter is for you!!! <3 <3
Link below:
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verflares · 4 months
at this point i have a good mental image of how i want botw/totk link to look. but until i actually draw a ref for him everytime i draw his scars out its an exercise in "fuck it we ball"
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writingnocturne · 3 months
Here's a little snippet from my WIP for Zelink Week ( @zelinkcommunity)! It will be a 7-chapter fairytale centered around an original version of Zelink! ✨️ I'll be drawing them a LOT once the fic is posted. :)
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It was then that something struck Link; it struck him swiftly and painfully, right in his chest. He realized that, at some point in the years he knew Zelda, something had taken root in his heart. And, perhaps at that moment— or perhaps even earlier— it had burst into a storm of blossoms like none other.
𓆩o𓆪 ࿐₊‧⁺˖
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abbyzwrites · 3 months
Zelink Week 2024 WIP - Under the Stars
Zelda dips into a curtsy, the billowing skirts of her dress pinched between thumb and forefinger. Something about the formality of it all brings a smile to her face. This is Link, her best friend. The one who has seen her soaked and smeared with mud, clutching at a wriggling lizard. The one who has rubbed her feet at their campsite after a hard day of walking. The one who shovels food into his mouth one massive spoonful at a time until he has to lie on his back, holding his stomach and moaning. They’ve seen each other at their most exposed, their most intimate. And here they are, dressed in their finest, smirking through the formality of a New Year’s dance.
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iti-iskuna · 3 months
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Happy WIP Wednesday, fellow Zelink brainrot enjoyers! Here's a little snippet from my Day 1: Under the Stars one-shot for y'all to hold you over until the 15th. (Note: This is a role swap AU!)
“When did the last elixir wear off?” Zelda asked. When Link refused to respond, staring up at her through half-lidded eyes, she held his face firmly in her hands and matched his stare. “Link.” “About an hour ago,” Link conceded. “And why didn’t you tell me you needed another one?” Link swallowed and broke his gaze. “I was…I thought that, maybe, Hylia wasn’t speaking to me because I was using the elixir to protect myself. That I needed to prove myself to Her by withstanding the cold as She intended.” Zelda sighed sadly as she loosened her hold on Link’s cheeks. With one hand, she brushed his bangs back out of his eyes, now damp with snowmelt. Link closed his eyes at the gentleness of her touch, tilting his head to rest his cheek against the hand that remained as he allowed the elixir to warm his body. “Link,” she whispered, “you didn’t have to do that.” Zelda had a million other things that she wanted to say instead: that he was already more than worthy, that he had nothing to prove, that even if he never unlocked his power, they would still find a way to save Hyrule from whatever evil lurked in the shadows. That a goddess who put him through such suffering was not a goddess worth his devotion. Zelda pressed her lips together tightly to keep that last thought from slipping out. The image of the Queen of Hyrule’s fierce and icy gaze was enough to keep her from adding “blasphemy” to the list of rules she’d broken today. The sudden sensation of the weight of Link’s head lifting from her lap brought her attention away from her anger and back to her present worry. “I’m going back in,” said Link as he slowly sat himself up. “No, you are not,” Zelda said. She grabbed his wrist as he moved to stand, her grip tight and firm. “The snowstorm has gotten worse, and you are in no shape to be out in such weather.” “I have to,” Link said. He did not move to free himself from Zelda’s grasp. “This is the last chance I have. You know that as well as I do, Zelda.” “I know that if you go back into that water, you will freeze to death, and if your usefulness to the kingdom is all you care about, then you will be of no use to anyone dead!” Zelda knew better than to speak to the prince so brazenly. She knew better than to touch him more than was necessary, to hold his head in her lap or his wrist in her hand. To look him in the eye as if she were his equal and plead with him to see himself as she did, as more than just a vessel to be used and discarded at the whim of some unreachable divinity. And yet, Zelda also knew that if she did not do these things, she herself may as well die, too.
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zelinkcommunity · 3 months
Zelink Week 2024 WIP Wednesdays
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As Zelink Week 2024 comes up on us fast, we want to showcase your Zelink Week WIPs!
On Wednesday, July 3, and Wednesday, July 10, post your Zelink Week WIP (or a snippet of a completed work) and tag us ( @zelinkcommunity ). We will reblog your post!
We will reblog any kind of work--art, writing, videos, etc., as long as it's a Zelink Week WIP!
We will reblog NSFW WIPs--please tag properly, and we will add our own NSFW tag as well!
If you have any questions, send us an ask!
Thanks everyone!
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lily-alphonse · 3 months
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Hey hey its another WiP Wednesday, only one more week till Zelink Week! I've been hard at work writing FIVE fics for this event I'm so excited!! Here is a snippet of another fic, this one for the prompt of "Under the Stars"
“You know we can always come back to visit whenever you want.” “Yeah I know,” she said quietly to the stars, packing away thoughts of their future in the back of her mind, and turning to look at him with a smile. “Are you ready?”   “After you, milady.” He gestured to the edge.  Excitement. Excitement, not anxiety, she repeated like a mantra as she looked over the edge again. It almost felt like the first time she flew as a child, the same trepidation. She knew logically they would be alright, but first times were always scary, and it was so different at night.  She steeled her nerves, taking a step forward, then another until her feet pushed off the platform. Darkness swallowed her as she disappeared over the edge of the island, her heart flying into her throat with the world dropping around her.  Falling came so naturally to her, the sky’s embrace familiar. But the darkness triggered some primal fear in her that had her skin bristling against the wind. Still, she smiled.   She flipped herself over in the air, looking through a tunnel of her own long hair to see the fading aura surrounding Skyloft above, and the stars beyond. Then Link leapt after her, only a distant shadow now. Her smile widened.  She felt grateful suddenly; that they had even made it here. And that they had made it together.
-- Excerpt from My Piece of Home by Lily Alphonse (Coming soon on AO3!)
This one follows SkSw Link and Zelda one year after the events of the game, on the night of their graduation. It's the fluffiest thing I've ever written honestly.
Check it out when it drops in 1 week for #ZelinkWeek2024 hosted by @zelinkcommunity !
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zeldaelmo · 1 year
And once again, it's WIP Wednesday! @zelinkcommunity 's prompt 'forbidden', this time. Link accompanies Zelda to the school in Hateno so that the kids learn firsthand about the knights of Hyrule. Everything works out just fine until one of the kids remembers the old rule that humble knights and princesses aren't allowed to court... Oops.
"This is a Royal Halberd,” Link explained. “Only the most trusted knights who guarded Hyrule Castle's throne room were equipped with it. Its ornate design was applied by a craftsman in service to the royal family."
A lot of 'ohs' and 'ahs' came from the children's mouths and Zelda giggled into her hand. She would never deny that Link was a sight to behold in his full armor, and these kids had never laid their eyes upon a knight before. It was a shame that Link wouldn’t wear it more often. He only bothered with the full armor when he accompanied Hoz’ Monster-Control-Crew and they had set their eyes on a particularly nasty bunch of enemies. He claimed it was for their morals and not for his protection, but she knew he had become gradually more responsible about his own well-being with every year that had passed after he beat back Ganon.
"How do you know that about the knights?" Sefaro asked, his eyebrows drawn together in a skeptical frown. "I've seen weapons like this hanging from a Hinox's neck. So why would you know that they were given to the knights who guarded the throne room?"
Link made eye contact with Zelda and winked. As always, it made her stomach flutter. Then, he turned back to the kids and leaned conspiratorially closer, all of his armor clinging together. "I was one of them. And Zelda's father, King Rhoam, gave it to me."
"No way!" Aster cried. "You're the weird guy who lives with Miss Zelda in the house behind the bridge! No way you're a knight! You can't even remember the Bolson dance! I bet you just bought the armor in the Ventest Clothing Boutique!"
At these terrible (but not untrue) accusations, all four children jumped from their places and started to inspect Link from close up. They tugged at the gauntlets and pricked at the chainmail, all while Link hid his face in the little stand-up collar so that only his eyes twinkled under the helmet and nobody but Zelda saw him giggle.
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aurathian · 3 months
Zelink Week WIP Wednesday 7/10
Working on a witchy fic to fit the fairytale prompts for @zelinkcommunity Zelink Week 2024!!! Here's an excerpt from chapter 2, Fading:
“Zelda,” the little fairy at her side chirped. “Should we help him?” “I don’t sense any danger,” Zelda decided. “Come along, Navi. We need to bring him home.” Gripping her golden staff, which swirled into a helix at the top, Zelda stepped down the hill as Navi flew ahead to inspect the strange person. When the witch approached, Navi chittered, “Hey, look! He’s badly wounded.” She illuminated his mangled thigh by floating near it. Zelda hummed. “Old wounds, too… probably infected.” With her staff, Zelda lifted his limp body into the air. She took a moment to examine him: tan, fit, blonde hair and blue eyes, and absolutely covered in blood and cuts and scrapes, caked with dirt and gravel that clung to his skin. His breathing was terrifyingly slow, but despite his sorry state, he seemed at peace. “What are we gonna do?” Navi asked, swirling about the man’s body. “He could die before we make it back.” “He won’t. He’s on the cusp, but… some potions and he should be fine. I hope.” The pair made their way across the big clearing and back into the woods, expertly traversing the dense foliage and thick trees, crossing a small brook before finally arriving at a small cottage. It was white with dark wood beams, topped with a straw roof and a sprawling garden sat off to the side. The windows glowed yellow, a stark contrast to the white light of the moon, and as they approached Zelda waved her hand to open the door.
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bahbahhh · 1 year
another preview from my upcoming zelink week fic for @zelinkcommunity
Zelink Week 2023 starts July 10th!
This is for the chapter surrounding the prompt “Forbidden” (find all the prompts here). I’m trying to avoiding giving too much away, but for those who are interested, this fic takes place in the years between botw and totk and one of the main purposes of the fic is to try to explain many of the changes we see in totk. I have an amazing beta in @zeldaelmo (thank you thank you thank you) and I’m really excited for what I’ve got planned for you all!
“You said you think the Shrines work like the Divine Beasts? So, in theory, those stopped working because our friends–” Grief, unexpected and sudden, crackles her voice. She clears her throat. Pivots. “You can’t use their gifts any longer, right?”
Link flexes his fingers slowly. Like he’s just missing something that keeps passing through his fingers. “I let them go.”
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linkcities · 1 year
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fractions | zelda/link, botw/totk
since it's already 06/21 in my timezone, WIP Wednesday for @zelinkcommunity !
day 4 | hand in hand
note | i'll only be participating for one day this coming zelink week because of my unfortunately hectic schedule x[ laid ease, i'll make it count! this wip is part of a larger, more fleshed out one-shot with a word count estimate of 10,000 words for day four, hand-in-hand. enjoy this snippet in the mean time! :]
“How about you?” He asks her, voice barely above a whisper at first. “Are you fine with that?”
She retrieves the piece of cloth settled on her lap, bringing it up to wipe the sauce at the corner of her mouth. “I’m hoping to avoid making too much of a big deal out of it,” she answers, “though I doubt I can.”
“Well, you are the princess.” He shrugs.
Zelda huffs. “I could imply the same to you, hero. But I know that you do not like celebrating your birthday, so I told them that it’s off the table.”
He blinks at her.
This question is the one that ultimately impels her to copy his previous action—or lack thereof—now idly holding her spoon and fork, but not attending to what remained of her dinner. She clears her throat. “What?”
Link becomes acutely aware of the way her entire focus is on him now; undivided. “I mean,” he fakes a cough, “how do you know that?”
Quizzically, she tilts her head. “You…told me, back then. Before the calamity.”
“And you remember?”
They hold each other’s stares, green meeting blue and blue firmly plastered on green, unmoving for a while. The walls of their house in Hateno fall away, along with the linen draped on the dinner table laden with mugs and bowls of fruit, viands, whatever else. Reluctantly, Zelda nods. Link uncurls the tension in his shoulders.
“Of course.”
She enunciates every word of it. Of course, she had said. It reverberates inside his head. Of course. An unspoken thing hangs after the end of it. Of course I remember. How could I forget?
The silence that wades through the air around them isn’t unsettling per se, but it isn’t very calm either. Link is stunned more than anything, and Zelda, he assumes, is afraid that she might have said something to upset him, which she hadn’t; not particularly, he thinks. There’s a breath hitched in his throat, though. He doesn’t know why, but it’s there, anyway, so he does only what he can do while it is. Hold his breath for a while. Wait for things to ebb back to its state of tranquility, bordering on tired.
After a while— “If you want,” she starts, “we could celebrate your birthday this year, just the two of us.” Her eyes are fixed on her plate, staring at it almost as if it were the most interesting thing in the room. “If you want.” She reiterates.
Link does not remember the date of his birthday. But apparently Zelda does, and he thinks it to be fate doing its thing again for the two of them; furthering the storyline of how they were destined to meet, always completing where the other fell short, always fulfilling the discrepancies. It’s a fickle thing, but it’s there. Comes and goes, but he wouldn’t have it any other way, and neither would she.
He looks away, nodding his head affirmatively, before continuing his meal. They sit in silence. Link, for one, only remains attuned to the clinking glasses, the swaying flowers in the dinner table’s vase, the wax dripping down the candlestick. Much like how he was at the celebration from earlier before he decided to dance with Zelda and the others. The memory of it stirs in his head for a bit.
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skyyknights · 1 year
Yearning WIP
The feeling leaves him as quickly as it arrived, and he frowns, shoulders slumping in confusion. It must have just been a lord or lady who’s never seen him before, who wanted a brief look at the legendary Hero but nothing more. Typical. He shrugs to himself, stifling another yawn as he settles back against the wall, gaze drifting to the clock on a nearby mantel. Two more hours until freedom.
Startled, he jumps, banging his elbow on the wall. “Y– your Highness,” he stammers, flustered at her unexpected approach and cringing at the twang of his accent. Zelda slips around a final drunken guest and halts before him, her expression unreadable. Sweat has curled the loose tendrils around her face, and there is a flush in her cheeks as she tilts her head. “Are you all right? You looked rather alarmed just a moment ago.” Concern fractures her voice.
“Oh, yes, I’m fine.” He clears his throat, forcing himself to stand a bit straighter and trying desperately not to stare at her. She is absolutely stunning, radiant in an amethyst-hued dress with gold accents, but as usual she seems barely aware of her own beauty.
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writingnocturne · 3 months
Here's a little snippet from my WIP for Zelink Week ( @zelinkcommunity)! It will be a 7-chapter fairytale centered around an original version of Zelink! ✨️ You can find last week's WIP here.
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“What you feel is an early sign of sickness. And, from what I have been told, allowing yourself to be thrust into such a state is used as a gateway for your curse to attack. Am I correct?” “If we succeed, there will be no curse to fear—” “Wait.” Link whirled around, his muscles burning as he resisted the Great Fairy’s will. “Your… Fairy—ness—” He shook his head. Whatever! Racing down the steps and into the water himself, he continued. “My sword. She sang with Zelda. She could help her. Maybe if you let me—” “You will do no such thing.” The fairy outstretched her arm over Zelda to point right at Link, her massive claw poking his chest. “You are of no use to her yet, boy.”
𓆩o𓆪 ࿐₊‧⁺˖
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haste-waste · 1 year
WIP Wednesday: Yearning
It’s almost Zelink week 2023! Here’s a snippet of something I’ve had lying around in my WIP fics since October 2020 or so. Thanks to @zelinkcommunity​ for organizing the event!
This fluffy hurt/comfort fic takes place a year or so after the events of BoTW. More under the cut!
Prompt: He wants to kiss her all of the time. He yearns to kiss her. But he never does. Until…
"What do you think?" she asks. 
Zelda sits at the table as he prepares their dinner in advance. She's removing rice from the stalk to complement the humongous mushroom cap he's filleting in their kitchen. It's a nice afternoon in Hateno Village, and she is here, living with him like it was the most normal thing in the world. 
He's still not used to this. She's asking him what he thinks? Even after one hundred years it still amazes him. She is one of few people who takes his thoughts into consideration and values his words, whether they be eloquent or otherwise. 
He ponders her request for a moment, and switches to a smaller knife to remove the woody ends of the mushroom stem. "I think that's a proposition for Purah."
"I respectfully disagree. You've had far more practical field experience with the Sheikah Slate than she has. But if you truly think so, I will ask her."
Zelda wants to implement "stress tests" to the slate. Not the actual body of the slate, mind, but the potential and scope of the runes. 
The conversation lulls for a short time. Then, she says something he doesn’t expect: "In all actuality, your observational skills are beyond my own when it comes to kinetics. Of course, your skills as a warrior are a factor. Your inherent ability to manipulate a multitude of objects with such precision over distances great and small is absolutely fascinating."
He scrapes the sliced mushrooms into the cast iron pan with the unsharpened edge of the knife. They sizzle enticingly, and absorb the oil as he tosses them around the pan with a wooden spoon. 
He's a bit taken aback by Zelda's commentary. It's not that big of a deal, it's just something he does. Things move all the time. With enough practice, she could fell a deer across Retsam Forest with the right equipment or skip a stone across Hateno Bay. She's a quick learner, a trait he greatly admires. 
But he doesn't know what to say, so he shrugs. She gives him a long look. He knows she's planning something by the way her eyebrows shift. Then she grabs a dinner roll from the basket on the table and tosses it to him. Unthinking, he catches it. 
He gives her a dry look, but she has other things in mind. "How fortunate that the door is open. I challenge you to hit Karson in the head with this from the door frame."
"Do you have something against Karson?"
"Not at all! He does tend to laze about our front lawn, though. Maybe a delicious surprise will do him some good."
Something in his chest flutters at the sound of "our front lawn." So, he acquiesces. He takes the pan off the heat. Then, he gives a playful smile as he struts to the door and eyes his target. Karson sits cross-legged near the cooking pot by the towering oak tree. 10 meters, perhaps? That was manageable. 
He yeets the bread perfectly—too fast to make a clear, sailing, parabolic arch, but not hard enough to leave a bruise. He hears Zelda gasp excitedly (Oh!) as the roll bounces with a thonk off of Karson's forehead. 
"Hey!" he shouts. They both freeze in anticipation. Uh oh. He sees the both of them standing dumbly in the doorway, obviously watching. 
He looks down, seemingly in slow motion. Then, his face lights up like a child at winter solstice.  
"Thanks for the bread!" he calls, giving a friendly wave. Amusingly, Bolson attempts to snatch it from him as Link gives a half-hearted wave and shuts the door. Satisfied, he returns the still-hot cast iron pan to the stove and continues sauteing the mushrooms. 
"I cannot believe you actually did that," Zelda says, heaving the rice pot into place on the stove. Anything for you, he thinks. He moves out of the way as she stokes the coals within, shutting the door with a clang. Then she brushes her hair out of her face. It frames her chin beautifully. "It was a perfect throw. Excellent work!" 
"I try," he says, flustered by her continued praise, and extinguishes the urge to kiss her cheek. 
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legofanguy1999 · 1 year
Here is a sneak peek at my entry for @zelinkcommunity Zelink week day 2: Forbidden. This is set after The Adventure of Link. The present day Zelda design is based on A Link to the Past Zelda.
“Well,” Zelda comment about her ancestor, “She seem happy to be awake after sleeping for thousand of years.” Link reply, “Yeah. She even give me a kiss for it.” His words cause Zelda to halt for a moment.
The princess turn to Link and ask in a nervous tone, “What did you said, Link?” and he reply, “Zelda the First give me a kiss.” which cause the current Zelda to shout, “THAT’S FORBIDDEN!” while thinking to herself, ‘I wanted to be the one whose kiss Link.’
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zelink5ever · 1 year
This is my submission for the Zelink Week 2023 prompt, "Letters." 🥰 @zelinkcommunity
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