#zelda mulan au
botwriter · 1 year
Blooming in Adversity Chapter 17: Compromised ao3 link <--
Zelda glanced at Tojiri as they passed, but his eyes were focused sharp on the fire and unmoving. He didn’t look up as they passed. Was he still upset over what had happened on the ridge? That conversation she’d interrupted outside of Link’s room the night before had been heated, and she understood it; falling in love with Link had come with a possessiveness she wasn’t expecting, as well as a stronger fear of things going wrong. It wasn’t just about her anymore. As much as he talked about having to keep her safe, the feeling was mutual. If anything happened to him because he was trying to protect someone else… it could be difficult not to be bitter.
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twin-chains · 4 months
Happy Pride!!
Tis the gay month so here's some silly little art with some of the TC cast's flags
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Close-ups for quality below
Genderfluid Four - Trans, Ace Fay
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Gay Ravio and Bi Clover - Lesbian Sun and Polyam, Enby Star
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(Gray)Aroace Neptune - Demiboy Legend - Pan(romantic) Tears and Bigender Wild
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crazylittlejester · 4 months
I return with more LU EAH AU brainrot.
I have solved some problems and made some more problems. (It's Twilight, Twilight's the problem child.)
So the general progress I have made in my WIP document I've got going on right now is starting with Wild's portion of the story. The major issue is figuring out how to make his personality pre-Calamity and post-Calamity fit because Rip van Winkle is supposed to be about a lazy person.
Anyway, I figured I should make him sleep for 100 years instead of 20 years, by putting him in the crossfire of something like Sleeping Beauty's curse. The spindle has been weaponized. (I think it'd make a good rapid-fire weapon based on that one EAH episode where it was basically like a firehose but full of magic sleeping dust. Or maybe someone made grenades out of it. I'm undecided.)
This is when I remembered that in Zelda 2 Hyrule saved Aurora from her magic sleep thing, so I did some fact checking and no kissing was required. Apparently he just put all the Triforce pieces together and made a wish or something like that. Which means I can have Aurora and Wild be woken up at the same time if I assume the Triforce will let Hyrule wake up two people at the same time or if he can kiss Aurora awake and use the wish on Wild.
So the new problem is that wolves don't live for 100+ years and I kind of forgot about that. Which means I'm probably going to have to fudge it. I have no idea how Wolfie is supposed to work in canon, much less the mess I've made for myself here.
I also don't know how Flora is supposed to survive either. Something something standard holy magic princess combined with princess that's also a dragon part-time. Dragons probably live for like... forever, right? The light dragon is supposed to be super old at the end of TotK.
Haven't really made much progress beyond that except deciding that Sheik gets to be Mulan because it's cool.
I need you to know how genuinely excited i get when i see ‘LU EAH AU’ in my inbox
Having Aurora and Wild woken up at the same time is really cool! Would there be some way for Wolfie to be put to sleep too?
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gryphonlover · 4 months
well you know me, i wanna know more about the eah au 👁️👁️ but also the emotional support loftwing. Whichever you feel like sharing :)
- crazylittlejester
Ever After High AU - Main
As you know, the premise is that the Links have been crammed into the Ever After High universe. I'm treating them as characters in addition to the canon characters in EAH, which means a lot of fudging, as it turns out. It's also turning into a game of "how mean can I be to the characters" and I can't exactly lose at it. XD
I've already given you a list of all the Links' and Zeldas' roles so far, but to recap, here's an updated list.
Time/Mask - a child stolen by fairies, unknown legacy, possibly the next Godfather Death, unsure of his stance on destinies.
Lullaby - Mulan's legacy, neutral about destinies.
Warriors - Helen of Troy's legacy, hates his destiny but too afraid to rebel against it.
Artemis/Athena - Athena's legacy, thinks her destiny is boring but is going along with it.
Wild - Rip van Winkle's legacy, but it got messed up with Sleeping Beauty's curse during a magical attack on the school, accidentally woken up by Hyrule.
Flora - Unknown legacy, gains the ability to turn into a dragon and uses her dragon form to wait for Wild to wake up.
Sky - The next person to fight the Jabberwocky, likes his destiny but wants to end the cycle of legacies.
Sun - [redacted] legacy, just waves it off and says it isn't important right now, 100% in love with Sky and supportive of his agenda.
Legend - Merlin's legacy, feels neutral about it since he has to wait a long time to be an adult wizard due to their longevity.
Fable - Legend's twin sister, inherited magical abilities as well, but is not a fan of the princess legacy she inherited, which will make her a side character in someone else's story.
Twilight - Unknown legacy, cursed to be a wolf-dog that Wild adopted and now is stuck with him until someone puts two and two together, he just wanted to be a farmer.
Dusk - Unknown princess legacy, is very suspicious of the weird dog Wild takes everywhere with him, but can't prove anything.
Wind - The child of an ocean deity, probably from Atlantis, doesn't care about his destiny and spends all his free time with Tetra.
Tetra - Knows who her parents are but refuses to be boxed into a destiny, so she never tells anyone what her legacy is.
Hyrule - Jack the Giant Killer's legacy, saves a bunch of people because he's just that nice, is wonderful at what he does, but everyone thinks he knows the technical stuff when he doesn't.
Dawn & Aurora - Miscellaneous princesses, they don't really know what they want to do with their lives and are kind of figuring themselves out.
Four & Shadow - Were supposed to share a legacy, but there was a falling out in the family and now the whole story is messed up.
Dot - Is fine with her destiny and really just spends all her time working on hobbies and getting random certifications while she waits to be rescued. Honestly could not be happier, this changes nothing for her.
Ravio - This is probably going in a side story later, sorry.
Malon - Also probably going to be in a side story later. Sorry.
Spirit - Wasn't supposed to have a destiny but ended up befriending a ghost and then died in a train accident caused by a magic fight that made him a ghost, too.
Phantom - Was born into a legacy family but was an "extra princess" who ended up getting assassinated before she ever found out what her destiny was supposed to be, ends up being best friends with Spirit.
Anyway, here's a bit from the main plot. :)
No, it was too early for him to fall asleep! It wasn’t supposed to happen like this. He didn’t sign The Storybook of Legend yet, none of this was supposed to be happening… Regardless of his opinion on the matter, his eyes drooped shut. The magic permeating every fiber of his being and lulling it to a deep, dark sleep. Despite his best efforts, he was rendered unable to fight it, his will simply too weak to assert itself over something so powerful. His last dim thought was gratefulness for the fact that Flora would be his last sight before he woke up again. If he ever did.
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luimagines · 8 months
It is it! The Wizard!
So, a bit of background, I was digging through my old art folder (Oh how my art has grown-) and I found a bunch of old stories in them. One of them was a Linksona(?). A character that was a link I made years back. You know. that angsty teenager phase at like 14-15? Yea, so I found all the papers and basically it's a hyrule that was very misogynistic towards the female link. Now that got me thinking about like . . . is there misogynistic stuff in Hyrule? I the games I never seem any of it but I've been thinking about how the social hierarchy is.
Then I started thinking 'how would the chain react to a F!Link getting ignored at shops and told some icky stuff? Would they be surprised at this cause they never experience this stuff (they drink their respect women juice-) or would they be angry because F!Link saved hyrule too, font doubt them because of their gender! So now I might write something about it. . .
Please dont think this is a request either, just sharing my thoughts. But I'm curious about your take on this.
Hmmmm.... I don't personally think it would be that bad since Hyrule not has the their three golden goddesses but the ruler is typically Zelda. Sure, there are Kings. But that's only the case if Zelda is unable to rule at the time and there is no queen. Otherwise, Zelda is the Queen.
I don't think that would stop misogyny in it's entirety. I think F!Link would get more crap from being a hero than anything else just because why would she be going out fighting monsters?
Reminds me of Mulan! Link, an au we had on the blog a while back where Link was a girl and managed to convince the guys that she was also a guy- albeit, unintentionally.
There have been a few others as well, like Dame who's come up from time to time.
But if there was a time where that would be the case, I think Link would just get angry on F!Link's behalf. I'm sure of it. They all know someone who could kick their butts and they're no different.
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science-lings · 2 years
Top 5 favorite LU fics you've read
Top 5 favorite fics that you've written too!
first of all, I haven't been reading a whole lot of fic lately and I am absolutely terrible at keeping track of what I read and how much I like it so take that into account, also it's hard for me to decide which one I like the most just in general so it's less of a top five and more of a rec list lmao. anyway, without further ado...
Man, I Feel Like A by Ontoxay (xaymak): Wild has gender stuff, there is more than one of this theme and I only just realized it. He's genderfluid and starts out presenting femininely so the rest of the chain assumes that he's a woman and he kinda goes with it until it becomes a bit of a problem.
Different by Janazza, WhyDidIWriteThisTrainwreck: Another one with Wild vs Gender, where she's kind of a woman who dressed as a man since a very young age to keep with the standard of being the hero and singlehandedly inspired me to write my own Fem!Wild au, marketed as a Mulan AU.
Sapphire Circlets; (solution) by Aquaticflames: last Wild vs Gender one I promise, this time featuring Gerudo Town and Time being a bit of an enby king.
Not Half Pawd by Song Mina: Legend and Twilight get stuck in their animal forms and Wild is there too, they go on a road trip to fix that. Legend gets the pats he deserves.
Level One by LightBlueScrubs: this one is a more recent addition that I really enjoyed, most of the chain is part of an emergency trauma center which is all fine and good until someone familiar gets sent in to be treated. (it's Wild) I really liked how informative this one was, you can tell that the author actually works in the medical industry and knows how things work. This one made me enjoy learning things and that's always nice. It's like found family but they're all co-workers and exhausted. It balances POVs extremely well and bounces from past to present a lot to show Wild's relationship to each of them and why it's so devastating when he gets injured and it shows each of their reactions to finding out and UGH it's so good. Modern AUs can kinda be hit or miss, I like a lot of Zelda stuff for the magic and fantastical elements but this one is so good at making the characters interesting without having to include destiny and all that.
Now to my own fics...
Of Dubious Sophistication: My own Wild meets the chain fic, which is ongoing, slowly... but it focuses on different parts of his past and personality that he is trying to hide and how the chain slowly learns about him outside of their first impression of him. There's also more going on behind the surface but that's not a surprise. Most chapters are focused on Wild and another one of the chain, giving them each time to shine and a moment to realize that Wild is not what they thought he was.
Another Second Chance: Wild goes back in time to the AoC timeline to help prevent Ganons return, but no one recognizes him and he decides that it might just be best if they never find out. (this one is old but it's getting a revival... believe me :)) There's a lot of focus on Wild and his family and also his connection to the champion's spirits and how he's a little more magical than he lets on.
Who Could Ever Leave (But Who Could Stay): Warning, this one is sad and I had a great time writing it. I love the fact that Wild is so far in the future for the others and that there's so much time between them and he's the last one. I love thinking about endings and death and mourning and having to confront his place in time. I love making him (and you) cry. I like to think it's in a cathartic way though, I feel like people kill the Links for shock value all the time but that's not the part that hurts the most in my opinion. But also I wanted there to be hope, because canonically, there's a bit of an afterlife, and even after ten thousand years, the heroes were remembered.
Heavy in Your Arms: Basic bitch Twi and Wild bonding fic featuring Wild's memories. Hurt/ comfort, a bit of self-projection in the way that I want what Twilight says to Wild to be said to me and that's the crux of this fic. Everyone (specifically me) needs a Twilight.
I've Seen Hell (But This is a Bit More My Style): the first fic in my previously mentioned fem!Wild AU! Focuses on her life pre-calamity and how she was treated due to her obvious distinction from fate. There's also a fic where she's with the chain and one where she gets to be gay with Zelda, I am writing more for her though, she's just so much fun.
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quietwings-fics · 4 months
Tag Masterpost
[go to my main]
Ratings: general audiences, teen and up audiences, mature, explicit, not rated
Wordcount: 0-99, drabble, 101-1000, 1001-5000, 5001-10000, 10000+
Podfic Lengths: 0-10 minutes, 10-20 minutes, 20-30 minutes, 45-60 minutes
Fandoms: crimson peak, doctor who, fnaf, goncharov, guardians of ga'hoole, legend of zelda, lilo & stitch, the magnus archives, mcyt (3rd life), marvel, mass effect, mulan, my little pony, sarah jane adventures, supernatural, torchwood
Other: fanfiction, gift work, nsfw, podfic, prompt fic, wip
Series: special children union au
Gen Ships/Ships/Characters/Additional Tags
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louwhose · 2 years
the wip ask game
thanks for the tag @adrift-in-thyme !!!!!
rules: post the names of all the files in your WIP folder regardless of how non-descriptive or ridiculous. let people send you an ask with the title that most intrigues them and then post a little snippet of it or tell them something about it! then tag as many people as you have WIPs.
I am going to try to actually do it by the rules this time and just put the names of the files (or folders in the case of a few larger projects) down rather than whatever I have them listed as on my list to keep track of things. drawback to this is that I don't actually have them all in one wip folder they're scattered everywhere so this took forever but here's the list:
Detective Zelda AU
Sunset Firefly
The Knight Before Christmas
Link's Lawn Mowing Service
Turn of the Century
A Princess to Protect
Crack Rumors
Fake It 'Til You Date It
Link Spellbound AU
Raindrops Keep Fallin' on My Head
Royal Enigma
Storms AU
Suspension Bridge Effect Angsty One
That one prison au
Zelink Aladdin AU
Zelink Aladdin AU (for real this time)
Zelda in Shining Armor
stupidly pretentious
And. YEAH. I am ignoring the 200 or so art files that are more abandoned than WIPs because this is honestly long enough as it is
and that being said there is NO WAY I am going to tag that many people but I will be no pressure tagging @dwightinshiningarmorfan @dawn-the-rithmatist @pastelsandpining @farore-or-less @jenseits-der-sterne @cooking-with-hailstones @bahbahhh and anyone else who may want to do this!!!
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readythefanons · 2 years
Thank you for tagging me @mrs-steve-harrington ! Tagging in @tinygigas and @tkwritesdumbassassins
Rules: post the top 5 works* you’re most proud of that you released in 2022 (not necessarily your most popular), your top 4 current WIPs that you’re excited to release in the new year, your top 3 biggest improvements in your writing over the past year, your top 2 resolutions (ways you wish to improve your writing/blog) for the new year, and your number 1 favorite line you’ve written this year! 
*for my own taste, I'd this to offer "or scenes" if you're a fewer-than-five-fics-per-year person.
Favorite line
I have no earthly idea 😅 I've been trying to think of this for a WHILE
1 and 2 have to be Pull It Together/the Lorenz of Doubt. This was my "big WIP" for such a long time! I'm so pleased with it :) For anyone not familiar, this is a two-fic project (a duology) for my rarepair ship Leonie/Lorenz (from Fire Emblem 3 Houses AKA FE3H) where I wrote the same overall story from the POV of the two leads
Leonie's POV: "Don't ask me 'cause I don't know (pull it together, Leonie)"
Lorenz's POV: "I have so many feelings, none of them actionable (pull it together, Lorenz)"
3 "the glass slipper (now kiss: with a cinderella spin)" I LOVE THIS FIC. Yes, it's my own fic. This fic just gelled for me.
Count's son Lorenz is ready for another monotonous ball, but a mysterious lady changes that.
Leonie's stoked she got to go to the fancy ball wearing a disguise from her fairy godmother.
4 "now kiss: under the full moon" This is a fluffy oneshot! There's a funny line, there's fluff, it's incredibly self-indulgent. I just... I love the mix of fluff and fun this fic brought me.
5 "forget-me-lots" This is my hanahaki fic (with a twist)! It was incubating for a long time, and I almost didn't post it because of a last-minute crisis of confidence. BUT here it is. Hooray!
Oo I get to talk about some unrevealed WIPs
1: Petra/Sylvain post-crimson flower political-marriage-to-lovers fic. Petra returns to Brigid. This one is shaping up to be... long.
WIP summary:
Petra boards the ship even as the victory celebrations are still being planned. While her comrades-in-arms are toasting their success, she will be sailing west.
Emperor Edelgard has promised a new era of friendship and equality between the new United Adrestia and the kingdom of Brigid. If Petra is to see the Emperor's promise realized--if her people are to remain truly free--she must assume leadership of her island home.
She was once the favored grandchild of the Macneary family, her position as her grandfather's successor all but assured. That was more than a decade ago, before agents of Adrestia kidnapped her to ensure her people's good behavior.
She will need allies. Although her newly-acquired husband Sylvain was chosen for his understanding of Fodlan's politics, he will prove to be one of Petra's most valuable supporters… and, in time, her friend.
The war of Fodlan is over, but for Petra, a new journey is just beginning.
2: Leonie/Lorenz sci fi au! I'm trying to follow a Romance (genre) outline!
3: a very personal FE3H fic that I'm still to shy to even specify who is the main character and what the premise is.
4: my very obscure jollybaby/blorp (murderbot) fic! One chapter to go!
Also-rans: leonie/lorenz mulan AU. Leonie/Lorenz beauty and the beast AU. Leonie/Lorenz monsterfucker AU. Leonie/lorenz A/b/o AU. My next life as a villainess keith/sophia+gerald heat fic. Also a continuation of my smutty Zelda: Breath of the Wild fic "Inside of you are two wolves (both of them are DTF)"
My brain is empty so I'm interpreting this prompt broadly
1. I did some experimentation with different ways of getting feedback!
2. I got involved in some fandom events! I got accepted into a zine for the first time!
3. I wrote some varied stuff, including some (mildly, for me) experimental fics, fics I don't know I would have been comfortable posting a few years ago, that sort of thing. So I'm pleased with that.
Also, I learned ficbinding!
1. completely prewrite this next big fic before posting a single part of it. (Will I actually finish the fic without the rush of posting? TBD. I write as I go for a reason, so this is an experiment)
2. be more self indulgent and more subject to enthusiasms!!!!
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a-simple-peanut · 3 years
Well I redrew it! Too lazy to draw the training design too, but I gave him a face(and it is a very nice face)
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Also… happy new year. First post of 2022!
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liquid-geodes · 3 years
Omg what is the Mulan au? It sounds really cool! Also I'm a simp, what is Revali's role in this au?
So in this one, no single character takes on the role of Mulan. It's not really meant to be a nice cohesive story, but mostly looking at how Zelda, Link, and the new champions really fit in with certain aspects of Mulan's story.
Zelda cuts her hair and leaves the castle to fight in the war as a soldier, her father's disappointment at her inability to awaken her sealing power heavily guiding this decision. Link (who would really just take the position of Shang and warp it more into a "he's just the general" position) sees right through Zelda's guise, he is her appointed knight after all, but he doesn't say anything. He knows Zelda is resilient, and she's honestly a lot better off in the middle of this unit of soldiers anyways.
During "a girl worth fighting for" Zelda's line changes to "wish that I was…" while it finishes with a girl worth fighting for, showing her deeply rooted insecurities because of her father's disappoinment
The scene at the very beginning, Riju will take Mulan's place for this. Instead of being about being pretty enough for the matchmaker to find her a husband, it's about Riju proving she isn't too young to be Chief of the gerudo.
(Insert some fuckin name): Makeela Riju?
Riju, overenthusiastically: Sav'otta!
(Idfk), taking notes: childish.
Riju: darn it!
Different facet of Mulan's personality. Sidon's father forbids him from joining the Hylians in this war with Calamity Ganon ever since Mipha's death.
Dorephan: I forbid it! I refuse to lose another child because of some Hylian's foolishness!
Sidon: Father dont you see? Calamity Ganon is a threat to us all! I know you mean well, I too miss her dearly… But I refuse to sit back and do nothing! I won't let Mipha's death be in vain!
Dorephan: Sidon..
Sidon: goodbye father.
Teba is unfortunately harder to fit into this, ie the only snippet of the story I have is an interaction between him and Link during "A Girl Worth Fighting For".
More or less the responsible one here. Had to leave his wife and son behind to take on Calamity Ganon.
Teba: I've got a girl back home who's unlike any other
Link: if you wind up dead she'll be a single mother-
Not the time Link, not the time..
Yunobo was expected to join the fight and live up to Daruk's legacy, same way Shang tried to live up to his father the general. Is actually just really nervous and not having a good time. Freezes up in battle using his power of protection, causing Zelda to do most of the fighting for him.
Yunobo: you- you got them all! You're so powerful
Zelda: oh it was hardly anything really! They were mostly distracted by you
Yunobo: yeah but you defeated them all! You're a hero!
Zelda, not used to being praised at all: well i-
As for the original champions? They are the bickering, omniscient spirits following our rag tag team of soldiers around. Yes, Revali instigates most of if not all of the antagonizing, because he's dead, and he has nothing better to do. Link really wishes he could punch ghosts, like REALLY wishes he could
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supersmashrumble · 4 years
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Shane Highland
Best Subject: Unknown
Extracurriculars: None
Zelda’s “cousin” has recently transferred to Harold Nintendowitz High. He’s a quiet loner, but he’s been helping Lance look into corruption in the school administration, using espionage skills from his shady past as a juvenile delinquent. Lance thinks Shane bears more than a passing resemblance to his cousin – they’re nearly identical! Right down to the sharp chin, smooth skin, and bright, intelligent eyes… Could Lance be falling for this handsome stranger? Andy why has he never seen Shane and Zelda in the same room together?
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crazylittlejester · 4 months
Coming over here to bother you about my EAH AU thoughts because I want to write but this stupid fatigue wall let me write my daily prompt and nothing else today. Spent a good chunk of time staring at the document file.
I'm thinking about the Zeldas. Obviously most of them will fit in as the miscellaneous princesses for their respective Links, but not all of the stories even have princesses in them.
Artemis/Athena: Obviously I could just have her be Athena, but I feel like she could also do a Mulan story. She could match with Warriors, they could be Greek mythology buddies.
Flora: I think the thing that really sets her apart is her role in TotK, but there aren't any old fairytales about princesses that turn into dragons, so the best I've got is this book by E. D. Baker that I read when I was a kid. It's probably close enough? I'm already going to have to fudge things for Wild anyway.
Sun: Her whole thing is being the reincarnation of Hylia, so I feel like she should be either a full-on mythological goddess or the avatar of one. I feel like there aren't really any good real-world mythology equivalents because LoZ lore has such a distinct vibe to it. Since Sky's story is going to be about fighting the Jabberwocky, she's probably also from Wonderland, I just need to figure out her role.
Fable: I feel like she'd fit into one of the Charming families alright. Alternatively she could be one of the princesses from Oz, most likely Gayelette if she's related to Legend because they both would inherit magical abilities and Gayelette was both a princess and a sorceress. No clue how that's going to work with Camelot. Maybe Legend could have dual citizenship or something. Although I could be mean and say she's a human princess who fades into obscurity because he outlives her.
Dusk: I can't find any good old fairy tales about princesses that involve puppets or wolves. I'm probably going to have to fudge the entire thing. Which shouldn't be horribly difficult since TP is literally just a fairytale anyway, but I was really hoping to find something.
Tetra: Definitely a pirate. Probably Blackbeard or Bluebeard. Maybe one of those lady pirates that were 100% lesbians. (Side note: The Great Sea could totally be the ocean that Atlantis is under. Wind's divine parent could be one of the gods that sunk it or something.)
Dawn & Aurora: I feel like being miscellaneous princesses actually works in their favors because that's pretty much what they are in canon. I can probably just gloss over the details a little bit and say they're cousins and that Hyrule helped rescue them while he was out killing giants.
Dot: I'm just going to say she's the princess from the story about the four brothers since it fits perfectly. Least amount of work to give her a role. Honestly sort of wish she could be Dorothy from The stories about Oz because of her nickname, but that wouldn't work. She deserves a QPR with Four so that's what she's getting.
Lullaby: I don't think she really does much in OoT other than be Sheik? So my best idea is Mulan, but with the whole ocarina thing she could also be a type of magical princess like Fable, but those are in surprisingly limited supply.
Honorary mention of ST!Zelda: She should be a ghost. A victim of train assassination, maybe Orient Express style. Ends up befriending ST!Link and they get along like a house on fire and she helps him get used to being a ghost after he dies in a tragic train accident.
- I am still so so so so so obsessed with Sky and the Jabberwocky I am absolutely just eating that up dude, and I can’t wait to see what you end up deciding for Sun
- A PRINCESS SORCERESS FOR FABLE GOES SO HARD and you’re right that is mean >:( im eating it up tho
- I suppose red riding hood wouldn’t work for Dusk? There’s gotta be SOME fairy tale about wolves out there, I dunno the rules of EAH but there’s gotta be at least some vague one
- Dot as Dorothy would be soooooo good, and slay her havin a qpr with Four
- Any Mulan story I see I will absolutely eat up and encourage, that’s one of my favorite Disney movies
dude i am so excited for all this I love it soooo much!!! please come bother me about it whenever!!
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ordonianhero · 4 years
All the guys are in a near by pond.
Legend: *climbs up on the rock* I am king of the rock and there nothing you ladies can do about it!
Sky: *covers his face*
Time: *sighs and sinks into the water blowing bubbles*
Wild: *half naked in the water, trying to use a lilly pad to cover*
Twilight: that won’t cover shit cub.
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luimagines · 3 years
Anon Submission Master List
Mulan! Link (the tag will reveal all that went on here, it was a lot)
Reader and Legend con a merchant, with Lucky
Chain Courtship
Reader, Farore’s Chosen hero
Four/Minish Courtship
Great Fairy Reader Part 1 Part 2 Part 3
Domestic Life with Four
Twilight has too buy a bed
Reader dies in a dream
Future Kids Visit
Bunny Legend
Prince Legend
Four says it’s Reader Loving Hours
Reader Meets Fas, Spirit of Their Fang of Courage
Read gets tired of Vio and his standoffish self
Ravio handholding headcanon
Colors Handholding headcanon
Growling Twilight
Link x Reader Coffee Shop AU Part 1 Part 2 Part 3 Part 4
Twilight As Wolfie Is not a pervert Anon 1   Anon 2  My Two Cents
God! Reader
Hated Triforce! Reader runs away with Fortune and Lucky
Disowned Royalty! HoF! Reader gets found out- Twilight panics
Mulan! Link, Little Link and Evil! Reader All Walk into a Bar  Part 2
Evil! Reader is Actually Ganon in Reader’s body
Twilight x Maid! Reader
Evil! Reader fight’s pregnant Mulan! Link
LU meets SCP  Wild’s File  Mulan! Link’s File Wind’s File
Colors! Mulan! Link are separated from the group
Royal! Prince! Sky
Royal! Prince! Wild
Prince/King - Royal! Warrior
Deaged! Link and Reader!
Autumn Vibes With Twilight
The princess.. err the prize is in another castle... dungeon
Reader can Hear the Game Music
Domestic Four Life
Reader goes off about the Chain’s Clothes
Reader is getting little notes in their bag
Reader meets First   Part 2
Twilight is Time’s Grandson (The Rewrite)
Royal! Prince! Four
BackseatDriver! Reader checks up on the gang again (there’s a tag to check out for full backstory)
Royal! Fairy! Prince! Hyrule
Blue Wants to Give Reader Flowers
BackseatDriver! Reader thanks First for the Ride
Royal! Prince! First
Wild Has a Bad Memory
Royal! King! Time
Enter Tiny Time
Merchant! Reader Knows Wild and Freaks Out Over Time
Pokemon Trainer! Reader Can’t See the Minish but Their Pokemon Can
Dame- and her prince and FD
(Pokemon Trainer! Reader) Legend Get’s His Snacks Stolen
Do They Think They Can Dance?
Zelda and Reader were Childhood Friends
Everybody Hates Sky
Quick Talk
(Crack! Fic) Sky Gets Angry At Twilight
Dame- First Meeting with FD
Wind Steals a Bride on Their Wedding Day
Android! Reader Comes Alive
Hero! Reader meets Modern au! Link
Streamer AU
The Chain meets Rebellion Leader! Reader (and Mask’s s/o)
Dame and FD have a chat (based off an ai bot)
Twilight Sings To his Lover (But They Didn’t Know of His Feelings)
Twilight Proposes
Soulmates from the Start Anon Submission
Legend and Reader, a story 
We Love a Short King
Warrior Adopts Xenia (But never says it out loud)
Painter! Reader x Time
Warrior is hounded by some lady’s husband
Siren! Reader Protects Wind  Part 2
Legend Tries to Run Away From his Feelings (Literally)
Four Dreams of a Reality (angst)
You Realize You Love Him Extended (Ft. Time)
Historian! Reader Gets Caught Knowing Something They Shouldn’t
Reader Finds Majora’s Mask
Reader Misses Link (Pre-TotK)
Fairy Whisperer! Reader Ft. Wizard (anon)
Time Writes Me a Love Letter 
Reader Sees the Ghosts of the Pasts
Reader and Legend (Marin speaks so Legend can live on)
(Short fic) Wild Eats to Heal
Reader cheats on Wild with Wild
Mama! Reader Meets the Chain
Wolfie Only Gets Kisses From Pretty People
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science-lings · 2 years
my father had no sons at all
(third, I don't know why but I really like taking song lyrics that are from a female perspective)
(that's good bc I love womanifying Link, transgendering or otherwise)
You know my fem!Wild AU? this would be the title of that if she was forced to hide her identity, like a mulan AU. It would delve into how she refused to speak so that no one would realize and the things she would have to do to conceal her gender. Perhaps it's by the will of her father who does his best to help her, but only to keep his own reputation. She is only referred to as a man by other characters and at most, only the champions and Zelda ever find out before she's sent to the shrine of resurrection.
Anyway, she, Mipha, Zelda, and Urbosa have girls day's to help Wild be more comfortable with herself when she was so aggressively forced to shun all semblance of femininity.
Send me a title and I'll tell you what fic I'd write with it!
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