#zarry fluff
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snugglymalik · 3 months ago
I miss writeivywrite :( those reads still to this day make me go maddd
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bottomhaztoplou · 2 years ago
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you're all mine // i want all of you, gimme all you got (5.3k) by DaddyAlphaLouisBabyOmegaHarry // bottomhaztoplou / @paranormalbabydoll
The sequel to you pop when we get intimate!
There will finally be pups in the pack, and the pack will have their Luna at last.
Read it here on AO3!
(Collage info: Collage was made by me on Canva using pictures from Pexels, Unsplash and Google.)
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zarry-fics · 2 months ago
Ooi aceita pedidos?
Se sim poderia fazer um imagine do Zayn ou do Harry (fica a seu critĂ©rio) deles esgueirando a namorada junto com eles na turnĂȘ e tentando colocar ela nĂłs lençóis deles no ĂŽnibus da turnĂȘ ou quarto de hotel sem a gerĂȘncia ver (finja que tem uma regra que namorada sĂł pode acompanhar se for em outro dormitĂłrio e tal)
Contra as regras
N/A:. Sim, aceito pedidos! E fico feliz que vocĂȘ tenha enviado. Escrevi com carinho, espero que vocĂȘ e todas que lerem gostem! NĂŁo ficou mtoo grande, mas eu amei. Decidi fazer com o Z pq nĂŁo tenho muitos imagines escritos com ele aqui e eu adoro ele! Enfim, aproveitem a leitura e sĂł pra enfatizar: estou SIM aceitando pedidos, mandem! NĂŁo garanto que vĂĄ sair rĂĄpido por conta do meu tempo gasto no trabalho, mas a garantia que eu dou Ă© de que uma hora sai! :)) bjsss e aproveitem mtoo, dps me digam oq acharam, meninas. Outra coisa... Inventei tudo oq tĂĄ escrito aqui, entĂŁo algumas coisas nĂŁo condizem com a realidade. Mas relevem! É por puro entretenimento.
AVISOS: nenhum
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O retorno de Zayn aos palcos abalou completamente as estruturas dos fĂŁs, que nĂŁo estavam nem um pouco preparados para esse evento. Era de se esperar que os primeiros shows que marcariam essa volta icĂŽnica seriam lotados, com fĂŁs alucinados por ver Zayn tĂŁo de perto.
Eu estava feliz por ele, Ă© claro. Assisti a todos os seus shows e o acompanhei em sua turnĂȘ. Tudo parecia ter sido orquestrado pelo universo de uma forma quase mĂĄgica, jĂĄ que o inĂ­cio de sua turnĂȘ pelo mundo começaria justamente uma semana apĂłs as minhas fĂ©rias. Partindo desse ponto, nĂŁo hesitei e peguei um vĂŽo para acompanhĂĄ-lo. Estava tĂŁo feliz! Passamos um tempo separados, sem nos vermos com frequĂȘncia devido Ă s minhas provas. Meus Ășltimos dias na faculdade foram um completo caos. Eu nĂŁo tinha tempo nem para mim mesma, apenas me dedicando aos estudos para evitar pendĂȘncias que pudessem me prejudicar.
Sabia que Zayn tambĂ©m estava radiante com a minha presença. No começo, um pouco inseguro devido ao Ăłdio que algumas fĂŁs dele nutrem por mim, mas logo esse sentimento foi se dissipando, pois eu via nos olhos dele o quanto ele amava estar nos palcos e como estava adorando essa nova experiĂȘncia. Zayn ainda nĂŁo tinha ideia do quanto era amado pelas pessoas, e eu tenho certeza de que ele estĂĄ surpreso e satisfeito, confortĂĄvel com a recepção.
ApĂłs o quarto show em Sydney, a equipe estava exultante, comemorando o sucesso e o andamento tranquilo do evento. Zayn estava com as bochechas vermelhas, suando, mas seus olhos brilhavam ao ver o pĂșblico cantando suas novas mĂșsicas. Orgulhosa, eu o observava e via seus olhos se enchendo de lĂĄgrimas, emocionado pelo carinho do pĂșblico. Estava tĂŁo feliz por ele que nĂŁo consegui conter a emoção e, quando ele se aproximou, me joguei em seus braços.
— Estou tão feliz, amor. — ele disse, com um sorriso no rosto.
Dei-lhe um beijo no canto da boca. — E eu estou orgulhosa de vocĂȘ. VocĂȘ sabia disso? VocĂȘ Ă© incrĂ­vel, Z. As pessoas te amam, e eu tambĂ©m! — Ao ouvir isso, os olhos dele brilharam. Mesmo suado, eu nĂŁo me importei e o abracei com mais força, sentindo seu perfume ainda no ar.
— Quero ficar com vocĂȘ hoje. — ele disse, bem perto do meu ouvido, sem se importar com a equipe ao redor, ignorando completamente a regra que devemos seguir Ă  risca.
— VocĂȘ sabe que nĂŁo podemos. — respondi, afastando-me e olhando nos olhos dele. Seu assessor nos observava atentamente. NĂŁo poderĂ­amos continuar a conversa assim, pois ele era o centro das atençÔes naquele momento.
— NĂŁo me importo! — Zayn respondeu com convicção, tirando do bolso um cartĂŁo de acesso e me entregando. — VĂĄ atĂ© o meu quarto esta noite. Vou te mandar mensagem quando for o momento certo. — Ele piscou para mim e, embora eu estivesse confusa e com um pouco de medo, concordei. AlĂ©m disso, estava morrendo de saudades dele e nĂŁo via a hora de podermos dormir juntos novamente, como sempre fizemos desde que assumimos nosso relacionamento.
Era cruel nĂŁo podermos dividir o mesmo quarto. Mas regras sĂŁo regras... e nĂŁo podĂ­amos quebrĂĄ-las.
Até agora.
‱ ‱ ‱
Depois do evento, retornamos para o hotel. No carro, Zayn tinha a sua cabeça repousando na janela, mas ainda segurava a minha mão, massageando-a suavemente. Eu estava tão bem ali, perto dele, e feliz por saber que, por pelo menos algumas horas, poderíamos estar juntos, embora ele jå tivesse me explicado que não poderia ficar comigo até o amanhecer.
E, como o prometido, em poucas horas recebi a sua mensagem:
"JĂĄ pode vir. Estou te esperando!"
Ainda achei que não daria certo, mas deu. Eu não conseguia entender como, mas Zayn conseguiu convencer um funcionårio do hotel a me escoltar até a porta de seu quarto. O homem estava sério, sem se dirigir a mim de forma descontraída, parecia concentrado em seu trabalho. Eu gostei disso, pois além de sério, parecia confiåvel. Jå estava tarde, e os corredores estavam silenciosos, demonstrando que jå não era hora de estarmos acordados, mas era por um bem maior.
— Senhorita, vou acompanhĂĄ-la atĂ© aqui. AmanhĂŁ, antes das 4h, estarei de volta para levĂĄ-la atĂ© o seu quarto. Por favor, nĂŁo se atrase. — Ele falou, com um olhar sĂ©rio.
Eu estava abismada. Quando passei o cartĂŁo na porta, ela se abriu rapidamente. Zayn jĂĄ estava me esperando do outro lado, com um sorriso enorme no rosto. Estava sem camisa, com o cabelo Ășmido, indicando que tomou banho hĂĄ pouco tempo. Estava bem cheiroso.
Me joguei em seus braços, sem pensar. O beijei com carinho, sentindo a pele quente dele na minha, o que me trouxe um conforto imensurĂĄvel. — Eu nĂŁo acredito que vocĂȘ conseguiu, Z. Esse hotel estĂĄ cheio de cĂąmeras, como...
— Consegui subornar os seguranças responsĂĄveis por elas. As gravaçÔes em que vocĂȘ aparece serĂŁo apagadas amanhĂŁ, nĂŁo vai acontecer nada, S/N. NĂŁo nos descobrirĂŁo hoje. — Ele explicou, orgulhoso do que havia feito.
O abracei mais uma vez e o beijei de forma mais demorada. Zayn agarrou minha cintura, pressionando ainda mais nossos corpos, permitindo que eu sentisse a sua protuberùncia, que jå me é comum sempre que temos uma aproximação como essa.
Zayn me guiou atĂ© a cama. LĂĄ, ele me deitou e ficou por cima de mim, sem desgrudar os lĂĄbios. — Eu te amo tanto, sabia? — disse baixo, com a boca a centĂ­metros da minha. Olhei para ele por cima dos cĂ­lios, observando sua respiração ofegante, seus lĂĄbios se movendo enquanto ele respirava, e a expressĂŁo de puro amor em seu rosto.
Ele nĂŁo ficou por muito tempo assim, logo se deitou ao meu lado. Estava disposto a apenas curtir a minha companhia e eu compartilhava do mesmo sentimento, na verdade.
— Eu tambĂ©m te amo, amor. Muito!!! — disse, e o beijei novamente, beijo este que me trouxe uma porrada de sensaçÔes boas e entre elas... Paz.
Eu me sentia completa com ele. E ali, em seus braços, estava verdadeiramente feliz.
Zayn, com seu sorriso tranquilo, me puxou para mais perto de seu peito, e ali, naquele silĂȘncio envolvente, eu me senti completamente protegida. O som da sua respiração era suave, mas ao mesmo tempo tĂŁo cheio de vida, me lembrando o quanto aquele momento era Ășnico. A luz suave da lĂąmpada ao lado da cama refletia em seus olhos, fazendo-os brilhar ainda mais, como se refletissem todo o carinho que ele sentia por mim.
Eu me aconcheguei mais contra ele, sentindo o calor do seu corpo transbordando em mim. Às vezes, as palavras simplesmente nĂŁo eram necessĂĄrias. Naqueles segundos em que permanecemos em silĂȘncio, juntos, tudo o que importava era estarmos ali, nos entregando um ao outro.
— VocĂȘ tem ideia do quanto significa para mim? — Zayn disse baixinho, com a voz rouca, ainda segurando minha mĂŁo suavemente. A pergunta flutuou no ar, mas a intensidade da sua expressĂŁo dizia mais do que qualquer resposta.
Eu sorri, tocando seu rosto com a palma da minha mĂŁo, acariciando sua pele com os dedos. — Eu tambĂ©m sinto isso, Zayn. Cada segundo ao seu lado Ă© como um presente. NĂŁo importa onde estejamos, desde que seja contigo.
Ele fechou os olhos por um momento, como se absorvesse cada palavra minha, e então me beijou novamente, um beijo profundo, cheio de carinho e de tudo o que não sabíamos como dizer. Era, de fato, como se o mundo lå fora tivesse desaparecido e, ali, naquele quarto silencioso, estivéssemos sozinhos no nosso próprio universo.
O tempo parecia ter parado. Mesmo com as responsabilidades e regras que nos cercavam, naquele instante, eu sabia que nada poderia nos separar. A distĂąncia, as regras, as expectativas... Tudo isso se desfazia quando estĂĄvamos juntos. E eu sabia que, nĂŁo importa o que acontecesse depois, este momento, esse amor entre nĂłs, seria sempre o mais verdadeiro e forte.
A noite passou lentamente, e, enquanto Zayn continuava ao meu lado, minha mente se acalmava. Ele era minha paz, minha felicidade. Com ele, eu me sentia completa. E assim, entre carĂ­cias e beijos, adormecemos, sem pressa, apenas aproveitando o calor um do outro.
Eu sabia que, quando acordĂĄssemos, o mundo voltaria a ser o que era antes: cheio de regras e responsabilidades. Mas, naquele momento, nĂŁo importava. Porque com Zayn, eu tinha encontrado algo mais precioso que qualquer coisa: um amor incondicional, forte o suficiente para enfrentar qualquer obstĂĄculo.
E enquanto o amanhecer começava a invadir o quarto, eu sabia que, ao lado dele, eu sempre encontraria meu lugar.
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somedovesfly · 2 years ago
Vexxieverse Fic Thread
OT5 poly AU. They navigate through Hollywood, life, sex, kink, and jealousy but never without abundant love. BDSM comfort fic. 
OT5 work on a hit TV show, Excavated. Harry is added to the cast, its love at first sight for Louis. His costar Liam, director Niall, & FX artist Zayn fall under his spell and the 5 of them find their friendship blossoming into something new (and kinky!)
This is a story about the Happily Ever After, not the journey to start it.
Series: https://archiveofourown.org/series/3396706
On Wattpad too now: Vexxieverse - SomeDovesFly - Wattpad
1. Parallel (Words: 96,550) https://archiveofourown.org/works/45380842
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2. What Happened in Vegas... (Chapter 16 bonus of Parallel) (Words: 16,647) https://archiveofourown.org/works/45579496
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3. Balance (Words: 104,360) https://archiveofourown.org/works/46069951
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4. What Happened in Malibu (Bonus to Chapter 9) (Words: 4,691) https://archiveofourown.org/works/46457245
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5. Equilibrium (Words: 148,048) https://archiveofourown.org/works/46733995/
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6. What Happened in Bradford
 (Chapter 4 Bonus of Equilibrium) (Words: 6,439) https://archiveofourown.org/works/52026418
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cinemastyles-blog · 2 years ago
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Categorized by each of Harry’s Eras
LHH | Frat Boy Harry | Prince Harry | Bandana Harry | Dunkirk Harry | HS1 Harry | Fine Line Harry | Man Bun Harry | Mustache/Quarantine Harry | Harry’s House/ Current Harry | Narry | Zarry
All of these are SMUT one shots unless they say fluff beside them.
The list will be updated as one shots are written.
Niall Horan Smut One Shots -> @wastedonhoran
Louis Tomlinson Smut One Shots -> @holdinonto-heartache
Temporary Fix  
Lights, Camera, Action.
Lights, Camera, Action. Part 2
Lights, Camera, Action. Part 3
Tattooed Harry
Your Brother Will Kill Me
Not A Free Show
You Like That?
Becky’s So Hot
Was It Worth the Wait?
Frat House
Game On.
Model For Me
Cherry Pop
What Happens on the Tour Bus, Stays on the Tour Bus.   What Happens on the Tour Bus, Stays on the Tour Bus Part 2
Can I Take You Somewhere?
Isn’t Your Mom Home?
I Love Being in the Band.
And Scene.
Visiting Home
Visiting Home Part 2
A Friend of Harry’s [Zarry]
Riding the High
Best Tutor Ever
You Got Me
Make Up
Matter of Time apart 2
Under My Skin
Spill or Fill
Spill or Fill Part 2
Spill or Fill Part 3
One & Done?
Assistant C.E.O
Tensions Are High
Teacher’s Lounge
Glad You Passed By
Live in Studio
Live in Studio Part 2
Red Cuffs
Show Me How You Do It
Kiwi. Part 1 and Part 2
It Pays To Be A Harry Girl
Just A Girl in the Bar
Still the One
Still the One Part 2
Loved You First  
Staying Focused
Staying Focused Part 2
To Be So Lonely
When You Know, You Know.
A-hole to Everyone but You
Late Night Talking
Three Plus One fluff blurb
Next Room Over
So, You’re Mr..  
So, You’re Mr.. Part 2
Showered with Love fluff blurb
Iced Vanilla Latte  
We Should[n’t] Be Alone Together 
We Should[n’t] Be Alone Together Part 2
You Think Of Me When Exactly?
Say That Again, Baby
Just Like the Movies?
Just a Guitarist?
Come On, You Got It.
When In Rome [Narry]
To Niall, From Harry  
Now, Imagine That With Two
Guess who [Harry, Niall, Zayn]
Touch Each Other
Two Ghosts [hs]
Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
âœŒă€€ ҉ ă€€âœŒă€€ ҉ ă€€âœŒ
I take requests and my anon is on.
I am open to writing anything your filthy little hearts desire, all you have to do is send them here!
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disgruntledkittenface · 1 year ago
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I Choose You (3.6k, NR) | Larry, Accountant Louis, Established Relationship, Domestic Fluff, No Smut
when we're finished saying nothing (3.3k, M) | Larry, Girl Direction, Alpha/Alpha, Established Relationship, Nesting, Knotting
count me in (3.1k, NR) | Zarry, Girl Direction, Alpha/Omega, Established Relationship, Marriage Proposal, No Smut
too into you (11k, E) | Harry/Chris Pine, Coffeeshop AU, First Date, Dancing, Recreational Drug Use, Spit Kink
routine surveillance (2.6k, E) | Larry, Dark Harry, Voyeurism, Masturbation, Open/Ambiguous Ending
you wanna be on top? (6.1k, NR) | Zouis, Girl Direction, America's Next Top Model AU, Photo Shoot, First Kiss, No Smut
Suddenly Last Summer (44k, E) | Larry, Rich Louis, Strangers to Lovers, Mystery Elements, Open/Ambiguous Ending
if i'm being honest (22.3k, E) | Narry, Girl Direction, Butch/Femme, Falling In Love, Original Cat Character, Smut
it's a holidate (4.3k, M) | Gryles, Famous/Non-Famous, Christmas, Company Holiday Party, Bisexual Harry, Semi-Public Sex
Red (4.3k, E) | Larry, Exes to Lovers, Angst with a Happy Ending, Swiftie Louis, Explicit Sexual Content
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ao3feed-zarry · 2 years ago
I Am Not In Love © - A Zarry Stylik fanfic
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/L37Ua4J
by DeLa_Sousa13
If I say I'm not in love, then I'm not. If I say I don't remember your name, trust that I don't. If I say I'm not thinking of you, that I'm not attracted to you, that your name is not ringing in my brain after our first time...then, it's not. And that's that. But what if all of these statements are lies that I tell myself whenever I look at you to hide the fact that I am, that I do and that it does? What then?
The one where Zayn and Harry fall in love after a one-night stand.
Words: 10960, Chapters: 1/12, Language: English
Fandoms: Nobody Is Listening - Zayn Malik (Album), From the Dining Table - Harry Styles (Song), Zarry Stylik - Fandom, Zarry Stylik-Fandom, One Direction (Band)
Rating: Mature
Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings
Categories: F/M, M/M
Characters: Original Characters, Zarry - Character
Relationships: Zayn Malik/Harry Styles, Zayn Malik & Harry Styles, Sarah Jones/Mitch Rowland, Niall Horan & Zayn Malik & Liam Payne & Harry Styles & Louis Tomlinson, Zayn Malik & Anthony Riach, Zarry
Additional Tags: zarry stylik, zarry is real, Zarry Sylik is real, Gay, Romance, Attraction, Queer Themes, Misunderstandings, Falling In Love, Idiots in Love, Original Fiction, Smut, verse-Zarry, Top/Bottom Versatile Zayn Malik, Top/Bottom Versatile Harry Styles, Alternate Universe, DJ Zayn Malik, Florist Harry Styles, Non-Famous Harry Styles, Non-Famous Zayn Malik, Short & Sweet, Random & Short, Random Encounters, Light Angst, Original Character(s), Fluff and Smut
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/L37Ua4J
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ao3feed-larry · 2 years ago
Feel That Body Shake
by tommostyles28
Harry and Zayn are college friends that like to have fun in between studying and having a social life.
A new student shakes things up.
Words: 1187, Chapters: 1/?, Language: English
Fandoms: One Direction (Band)
Rating: Mature
Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings
Categories: M/M
Characters: Harry Styles, Zayn Malik, Louis Tomlinson, Niall Horan, Liam Payne
Relationships: Zayn Malik/Harry Styles, Harry Styles/Louis Tomlinson, Zayn Malik/Harry Styles/Louis Tomlinson
Additional Tags: Alternate Universe - College/University, Friends With Benefits, Friends to Lovers, Threesome - M/M/M, Anal Sex, Anal Fingering, Blow Jobs, Masturbation, Mutual Masturbation, Bottom Harry Styles, Bottom Harry, Top Zayn Malik, Top Zayn, Top Louis Tomlinson, Top Louis, Top/Bottom Versatile Louis Tomlinson, Bottom Louis Tomlinson, Bottom Louis, bossy bottom, Riding, Come Swallowing, Come Eating, Hand Jobs, Semi-Public Sex, Rimming, Nipple Play, Reverse Cowgirl, Plot What Plot/Porn Without Plot, Maybe Some Plot, Shameless Smut, Some Fluff, Kissing, Alcohol, Underage Drinking, They're American except for Louis, Mildly Dubious Consent, Power Bottom, Oral Sex, Shower Sex, Sex Toys, Rough Sex, watching sex, I'll add more tags as i go, I am not a zarry but you have to admit zarry is hot, Self-Indulgent, British Louis Tomlinson, Explicit Language, Explicit Sexual Content, Kink Exploration, Desk Sex, Dom/sub Undertones, Jealousy
via AO3 works tagged 'Harry Styles/Louis Tomlinson' https://ift.tt/qyCNE1J
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ao3feed-bnha-rarepair · 1 month ago
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ao3feed-bnha-girls · 1 month ago
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nin-jou · 3 months ago
Dog or boyfriend - tags: one piece, zosan, one shot
Vizinhos - tags: exo, baeksoo, one shot, fluff, eles sĂŁo hibridos, porn w/ plot, os dois bem caseiros; (concluĂ­da)
Love Attached - tags: exo, baeksoo, slow burn, comédia romùntica, drama adolescente, podcast, muito fofinha; (em andamento)
Golpe Baixo - tags: exo kaisoo, enemies to lovers, high school au, eu jå li esse trem umas mil vezes, fluff e comédia; (concluída)
Office space - tags: one piece, lawlu, escritĂłrio au, law cadelinha, achei fofo...; (em andamento)
Right down the Line - tags: exo, baeksoo, friends to lovers, fluff domestic, kyungsoo pai de menina; (em andamento)
Ossos do ofício - tags: exo, baeksoo, one shot, humor religioso, demÎnio e anjos au, menção a sechan, engraçadinha; (concluída)
Straight Into My Heart - tags: one direction, zarry, cinderella au, fairy tale au, crossdressing, fantasy; (concluĂ­da)
zetsy frapefruit - tags: one direction, zarry, zayn non famous, harry famous, genma and zayn friendship, summer vibes, zayn student; (concluĂ­da)
Skinmate - tags: got7, jinmarkson, soulmate au, drama, anos 60/70, amor nĂŁo correspondido (nĂŁo tanto); (em andamento)
Monster Cocks and Other Things That Go Bump in the Night - tags: baeksoo, chenbaek, chensoo, kyungsoo mostherfucker, ot3, comédia?; (em andamento)
Hipocampo - tags: exo, chansoo, domestic fluff, smut, mpreg, student - teacher realationship, magic au, NÃO PERGUNTE; (concluída)
Savor This Sweet Moment - tags: exo, chankai, romance, fluff and smut, student/teacher au, collegy au, one shot; (completa)
CĂĄlculo II - tags: exo, xiukai, teacher-student realationship, dirty talk, texting, one shot; (concluĂ­da)
If You Could Leave a Light On Please - tags: naruto, kikurou, modern setting au, angst w/ happy ending, hurt/comfort, polyamory, there is only one bed; (concluĂ­da)
do they know it's christmas? - tags: one direction, zarry, growing up together, non-famous au, christmas fluff; (concluĂ­da)
chance connection - tags: onde direction, zarry, zayn non-famous, harry famous, texting, kid fic, slice of life, smut and fluff; (em andamento)
fanfics que estou obcecado no momento ou jĂĄ li:
/ observaçÔes: no momento estou "hiperfocado" em fanfics que se passam em escritórios e relembrando meus ships favoritos - no caso kagehina, baeksoo e zosan. E eu vou atualizando isso com o tempo
Guilty - tags: exo, baeksoo, escritĂłrio, homofobia internalizada, slow burn, etc; (em andamento)
Rodas Cromadas - tags: exo, baeksoo, escritório, comédia romùntica; (em andamento)
Entre bolos e glacĂȘs - tags: exo, baeksoo, fluff, one shot; (concluĂ­da)
Let me get to romancin’ with (both of) you - tags: exo, chankaisoo, abo, "web namoro", one shot; (concluída)
Gee - tags: exo, taosoo, comédia romùntica, one shot; (concluída)
Salt in my open soup - tags: one piece, zosan, fluff, one shot; (concluĂ­da)
Found amoung the stray - tags: one piece, relação de pai e filho: mihawk e zoro, found family, adoção; (em andamento)
That's only for us - tags: one piece, buggy/crocodile/mihawk, domestic fluff, comédia romùntica, found family; (em andamento)
Despite Everything, it's Still Us - tags: haikyuu, kagehina, slice of life, fake dating, "slow burn", domestic fluff; (em andamento)
Float On - tags: haikyuu, kagehina, wedding, fluff and angst, domestic fluff, minor character death, luto; (em andamento)
VocĂȘ nem imagina - tags: exo, chansoo, comĂ©dia romĂąntica, getting back together, angst, alternative universe farm; (concluĂ­da)
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restless-rebels · 3 years ago
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GA || Zayn Malik/Harry Styles || 10k ||
“It’s fine. Whatever hangover I have tomorrow though, that you can be sorry for.”
“I will take full accountability.” Harry laughed. “What are your plans for tomorrow?”
Zayn thought for a second, her drunken brain muddled together, work so far from her mind that she honestly couldn’t remember. “Um, no clue if I’m being honest.”
“Well, if you don't have anything going on, we could go get coffee and I’ll show you around?”
Zayn nodded and saw Liam finally walking over to them. “I’d like that.”
Zayn's on a journey and Harry is there to help her along
Read on Ao3 now
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medicinedrunk · 4 years ago
Chapters: 1/1 Fandom: One Direction (Band) Rating: Mature Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Relationships: Zayn Malik/Harry Styles Characters: Harry Styles, Zayn Malik Additional Tags: Alternate Universe - After College/University, Moving In Together, Domestic Fluff, Coda Series: Part 2 of so into you Summary:
Zayn and Harry are moving in together.
A short coda to into you, as a treat.
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bottomharrykingdom · 5 years ago
kiss in the kitchen like it's a dance floor (9k)
by questionability
Pairing: Zayn Malik/Harry Styles
Rating: Explicit
Tags: slight D/s, Missionary Position, really benign Choking, Married Life, Fluff, Fluff and Smut, Anxiety, Flashbacks, Alternate Universe - Soulmates, Alternate Universe, Adopted Children
“Haz, don’t go,” Zayn’s voice was soft, pleading, and it made Harry’s heart crack. “You know I...”
Releasing his lip, he leaned forward and kissed Zayn on the lips, closing their eyes in unison as Zayn reached for Harry’s waist. “I know. Come over tonight, we’ll watch Batman and make ramen and smoke a shit ton of weed, just the two of us.”
Zayn’s eyes were tearing up, “Okay.”
There’s a lot more to Zayn and Harry than I initially let you think. This fic is where a little more is revealed, and also just cute marriage and baby fluff.
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zarryficlibrary · 5 years ago
Figuring it can’t hurt to release stress in more ways than one, Zayn turns onto his stomach, bracing himself up a bit with his elbows, and buries his face in his pillow. He screams, muffling it as best he can, and drags the sound out for as long as possible before he loses his breath. He slumps, dead weight, to the mattress. He turns his cheek to drag fresh, cool air into his lungs. His eyes open, his lashes brushing wetly against his cheeks as he blinks.
He thinks he just had a breakup but, because they’d never really talked about it, he isn’t quite sure.
Or, Zayn and Harry are secretly together and both entirely sick of sneaking around. They don't handle it very well.
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onegaydirection · 8 years ago
Boy Almighty
Louis' POV
Few things in the world could ever compare to the feeling of having Liam's arms wrapped around me. And absolutely nothing could compare to the feeling of having Liam's arms wrapped around me as we danced to our song at our wedding ceremony. Or, technically swayed, as neither of us were considered particularly good dancers.
I rested my head on his shoulder as we gently moved to the music. His arms tighten around my waist, and I sighed quietly in contentment.
"You having fun, Love?" Liam asked me for the thousandth time, his chin resting on top of my head. My hair was gelled back, so I assumed that couldn't me comfortable in the slightest, but I didn't say anything about it.
I rubbed my head on his suit covered shoulder, giggling softly. "Of course! I suppose it could have been better have you of worn a dress,  but meh. Still the best day of my life."
"Mine too." he murmured back in my ear as the song was ending.
There was an odd moment of silence when the music had stopped and Liam and I had yet to stop dancing, but a few seconds later the speaker crackled to life.
"H-hello?" Niall's voice was heard through out the hall. "Okay. The mic seems to be working this time." He announced, making me briefly wonder how long they had been working on that. "We are going to begin the toast soon, so can we please have everyone sit down?".
I pulled away from my husband, and with my hand in his, we made our way to our table in the front of the hall. I took my seat quickly,  refusing to let go of Liam's hand. I turned to Harry who was sitting next to me, and smiled. I leaned over to him, whispering. "This is insane."
"I know." he whispered back. "You guys are married! I honestly never thought that would happen. I'm so happy for you guys." he said, the last part tinged with sadness. I noticed his eyes dart over to where Zayn was sitting with Perrie across from us, laughing at something she said.
I patted his back lightly, and responded, "Don't worry Harry. He'll come along."
Harry sighed and began to say something, but was interrupted by someone clearing their throat over the microphone.
"Hi everyone... I'm Niall, Liam's best man... as you probably already knew..." Niall began awkwardly. I silently encouraged him on, and it seemed to work, because he took a breath and continued.
"As you also know, we are all here to celebrate Louis and Liam apparently getting married." A small titter went through the crowd, and that seemed to push him along. "They have been through so much, and not a single one of us even know how much. I admire them so much. They are living proof that society can't chose people's live's for them."
With a glance next to me, I noticed Liam grinning widely. He was always talking about how no one could separate us, no matter how much they wanted to.
I reached under the table and took his hand in mine, squeezing gently. He looked up at me and blew a kiss at me. My heart fluttered even then, even after all the exchanged kisses, the late night drunk make out sessions, and intimate anniversaries. The fact he could still make my insides feel like they were trying to escape proved, to me at least, that he was my other half.
"A lot of, maybe even all of us here, may understand why they didn't tell us, but I'm not going to talk about it though, because that's not important. But I will tell all of you how they told management they were getting married."
My eyes widened at that, and me and Liam both looked at each other in alarm. "Don't worry guys; I'm going to censor it." Niall assured us, and we both took a breath of relief, causing laughter to roll through the crowd.
"So we were all sitting in a meeting room, right?" he began, getting comfortable with talking in front of a crowd. "I think we were discussing this fan fiction someone wrote, I'm not sure. It had a weird title. Like, Before or Until or something. Doesn't really matter I guess.
"Anyway, we were talking about the problems it was causing our fandom and what not, when Liam just stands up, and grabbed Louis out of his chair, and sets him on the meeting table.
"He was getting some odd looks at this point, even from Louis and I. Louis didn't know what was going on, which made the next part even more amazing."
"Someone began to complain, but Liam cut them off by kissing Louis. Which, as you all know, was a surprise to all of us."
I slunk down a little bit in my chair, feeling guilty. Liam and I hadn't told anyone that we were engaged, let alone dating. We weren't sure how either of our families would take it, and we weren't willing to take that risk.
I suddenly felt a very strong squeeze on my hand, and looked up to see everyone looking a me, completely silent. I felt my face heat up, and I waved weakly. The room laughed awkwardly, and Liam leaned over and whispered to me, "It's alright. Nobody is mad Baby."
I nodded and turned back to Niall, indicating he should continue talking before things got even awkwarder.
"Anyway, Liam was just making out with Louis, and we were all just sitting there, trying to process what the fuck was going on."
I let out a small laugh, but caught myself, throwing my hands over my mouth.
"Then Liam took the spirit of Louis within him and did the most sassy thing I have ever seen.
"He took Louis' hand, stuck a ring on it, met eyes with Simon, and stuck up his middle finger at him, before going back to making out with Louis. Honestly, no one even knew they were gay.
"It was great!" he exclaimed, talking between laughing fits. The entire hall was laughing like it was the only joke they had ever heard. "But then Louis being Louis, he pulled away and turned to us and smiled and said, 'Hey guys. I forgot to tell you. Liam and I are dating... wait. Make that married.' It wasn't even sly, it was he thought that was totally a way a lot of people admit to being gay!"
I shook my head, remembering that. That honestly wasn't the best apology, nor the best way to confirm what Liam had just suggested, but it worked fairly well.
"It took about two hours to convince everyone that they were not pranking them, and when they finally realized that they were serious, the entire department had the biggest meltdown I had ever seen. They were just firing the most ridiculous questions out at them. At one point the question was asked: what would you do if Liam got pregnant? Louis immediately responded with who the bottom is in the relationship, not even mentioning the fact guys can't get pregnant."
The crowd was in hysterics by now, and it didn't seem like they were going to stop any time soon. I could feel my face burning, and Liam was biting his lip in discomfort.
"I think that story is really important in their story. It's the end of the beginning. It's the end of hiding. It's the end of pretending to be straight. Now they get to be who they want to be. They get to be with each other in public.
"And I personally, can't wait to complain about the excessive amounts of PDA, or the fact they are both busy doing an odd couple thing. I can't wait to be a part of their story."
Niall raised his glass, his hand shaking slightly as he did so. "So here's to Louis and Liam Tomlinson."
I smiled in satisfaction at the last name, and then raised my glass with theirs. "To Louis and Liam Tomlinson." the party recited back at Niall. I raised my glass to my lips and looked over the rim of my cup at Liam. He was staring back at me, and when he realized he had been caught he winked at me and took a sip of his drink. I laughed softly and took a sip of my own before putting it down.
"I love you." I said, smiling at our interlocked hands.
"I love you too Lou." Liam said, adding a kiss at the end of it.
I blew a kiss back , meeting eyes with him. We just gazed into each other's eyes for a few moments before a familiar voice came over the speakers. "Guys. Just because Liam said he couldn't wait for the PDA doesn't mean I can't either."
We both laughed at Zayn before kissing each other quickly. He groaned loudly, but in an uncommitted way, like he didn't actually care, so I stuck my tongue out at him.
"Alright guys. So even though I am not a best man, I will be giving a speech because I am far superior to the other fools." Zayn said, laughing at himself. "But really, I am going to give a speech. What about, I suppose we shall see. The thing is, I had planned on talking about how we found out those two were gay. I sure hope Harry wasn't too."
Turning to Harry, he asked, "Were you?" Harry shook his head, and Zayn sighed. "That's disappointing. I was really hoping both of us got screwed over here. I guess I'm just alone then."
A wave of laughter surged through the crowd, and I rolled my eyes. It was obvious that Zayn was just as, if not more, uncomfortable up there as Niall was. But the nerves were probably from having to make up a speech on the spot, and I couldn't blame him. If I would have had to make up my vows on the spot, I probably just would have run away.
"See, me and Louis have always been best friends. Ever since I got sick right after X-Factor. Louis made me soup. Eleven bowls of it, actually." Zayn said, shaking his head. I laughed at the memory, his face in that moment was priceless.
"But you know what I did? I drank all eleven bowls of that soup. Chicken noodle, actually. Every last one of them. And I got better a day later. God knows how I didn't throw up even more." Zayn laughed.
"I never told you", I said, chuckling, "I only did that to see if you would actually eat it all. I was assuming I would have at least one bowl. I had to make myself more lunch after. That wasn't to make you feel better."
Zayn stood dumbfounded for a few seconds before rolling his eyes and turning away from me. "But Liam, Liam was much harder to become friends with. We hated each other from the start. He thought I was too dark, and I thought the stick was stuck up too far up his ass.
"Anyway, Liam and I ended up getting stuck together going shopping. No idea how, no idea why. So we were in the like, cereal isle or something, and a fan came up. A type of fan that we refer to as the, 'walker'. They are certifiably in-fucking-sane."
At this point I coughed loudly, getting Zayn attention. When he looked over I motioned with my head to the crowd, which was full of children. He shrugged in response and continued on with what he was saying.
"So this fan takes Liam and just takes picture after picture of her and him, screaming about how amazing he is and how talented he was and how beautiful he was, blah blah blah. Just ask Louis about Liam. He'll basically repeat everything this fan said."
I snorted, pulling my hand out of Liam's. "Zayn, is this going anywhere that won't offend either one of us."
"Yeah, promise." he replied, waving his hands in dismissal at me. "As I was saying before that rude interruption, that crazy fan was fawning over Liam. Then she turns to me, and just sort of stares at me before saying, 'You should probably quit the band. They don't need the talentless in there.'"
I gasped, turning to Liam. His eyes were cast down, and he looked visibly upset. "Is that true?" I whispered. He nodded his head, and I hissed in anger.
"Now wait. Before anyone, and I mean you, Louis, does anything bad, let me finish. So at that point, Liam begins to yell at the fan to leave, and then just hugs me. Just... hugs me. I'm not going to lie, I broke down. I was just letting him support me as I was crying. We eventually just sat on the floor and just talked.
"I remember asking him, 'How do you deal with the hate?'. And he looked me straight in the eye and said, "Nothing. But that's because I'm missing a liver. Now, if I were you, I would be drunk off my ass at the moment."
"Then we went to a bar and I drank water and he got drunk as he possibly could without dying of alcohol poisoning." Liam finished from beside me, his eyes crinkling with laughter.
"So I'm here, to propose a toast to the best couple ever. The silly, easy to get along with one, and the one who will show you what you're worth and what you mean to other people."
He raised his glass, his eyes glistening with tears. "Here's to Louis and Liam Tomlinson."
I looked beside me at Liam and bit my lip when I noticed he was crying. I put my arm around him, hugging him close to me. He sniffled loudly, and wiped underneath his eyes with his thumbs, and smiled widely at Zayn. "That was really good for having to make it up on the spot."
Zayn chuckled and shrugged. "I lied. Totally prepared this speech. Just wasn't sure if it was good, so I was going to use that as my excuse if everyone hated it and chased me off the stage with tomatoes."
"You're not on a stage." I reminded him, giving the big table we were all sitting at a meaningful look.
"Same difference, I'd like to think." he smiled and handed the microphone to Harry.
"I have a speech prepared." Harry began happily, rocking back and forth on the balls of his feet. "Liam, Louis. I am so happy for you guys. Could not be happier. You guys made it past all the management crap, the hate tweets, and odd other shippings people pair you with. And you managed to claw your way out of the closet. It's the relationship everybody wants to have. You know? I would kill for it. Literally, there is nothing I wouldn't do for someone to love me like that."
I noticed Harry's eyes dart constantly to where Zayn and Perrie were sitting, and as it seemed, so did Zayn. His arm was wrapped protectively around her, and he looked like he might slap someone.
Harry continued, oblivious to the hostility being shot his way. "Knowing he'll always be there for you, knowing that he will always love you, must be the best feeling in the world. I mean, who wouldn't want that. You get to wake up next to him, and you won't be labeled as another drunken mistake." Harry began to choke up, biting down hard on his lip. Zayn had let his arm fall from Perrie's shoulder and was sitting up straight, and mix of confusion and fear painting his face.
"I-I can't imagine... Anyway, I was thinking... There was this thing I was reading. Plato, an old Greek philosopher, had this theory. He wrote, 'According to Greek mythology, humans were originally created with four arms, four legs and a head with two faces. Fearing their power, Zeus split them into two separate parts, condemning them to spend their lives in search of their other halves.'
"I think you two have found your other halves. You accomplished what so many of us aren't able to. You found your other half. And they found you.
"So... here's to Louis and Liam Tomlinson." Harry said quickly before running out of the dining hall.
There was an awkward moment of silence as we all sat, hoping for someone else to break the silence, and then Zayn got up and dashed out the hall after Harry, which left us with an even awkwarder moment of silence.
"Can someone come refill all of the champagne glasses?" Liam called out, shattering the air of discomfort. Everyone began to murmur to each other at once, and I stood up, and kissed Liam on the cheek.
"Be back in a second. Going to go after them."
Liam bit his lip but nodded, turning towards Niall, who looked like he was going to explode.
I walked a bit more calmly out of the hall than the other two did, but still in a bit of rush. As I stepped out of the dining hall I heard distant shoutings, and I followed the voices.
As I was about to round the corner I heard a crash, presumably a pot or vase someone had thrown in a fit of anger. I stepped back behind the wall out of sight.
"What is your problem?" I heard Zayn shout, obviously pissed.
"What's my problem?! What's yours?" Harry retorted at the same volume as Zayn.
"My problem is you're up there, talking some bull about a one night stand with my girlfriend!"
"I wasn't talking about your fake girlfriend Perrie, I was talking about you!" Harry yelled, followed by a loud screech of frustration.
I peaked my head around the corner to see Zayn's face go pale and I could practically hear his heart skip a beat.
"You were... what? We never..." Zayn stuttered, breathing heavily and out of rhythm.
"August 17th, last year." Harry recited, looking Zayn dead in the eye. " Do you know how that felt? That night you told me you loved me. You finally did what I had been day dreaming about for so long. And then we slept together. That night was so perfect for me. And then I woke up to you throwing on your clothing and yelling about a drunken mistake before rushing out of my flat. Do you know how that felt? To have my heart ripped in two because you just wanted a quick fuck? Because I was the 'easiest'? Do you know?! Of course not. Because I would never do that to you. So that's what my fucking problem is."
The tears in Harry's eyes spilled over, and he unleashed a loud sob that made me want to do the same.
"I'm so sorry Harry..." Zayn began, pulling Harry into his chest. "I shouldn't have told you I loved you like that. I don't even remember that... You don't deserve that."
"You, you what?" Harry  questioned, looking up from his hands.
"Harry, I've been in love with you since we became a group all the way back at the X Factor. Ever since then, I haven't been able to get you out of my mind. I spend most of my nights reading fan fiction and watching Zarry Proof videos. I'm Zarry as fuck, really." Zayn laughed weakly, attempting to make a joke.
"Why didn't you ever tell me?" Harry asked, his bottom lip still quivering.
"Same reason you didn't tell me you liked me. The fear of rejection. If you had said no to me, that you didn't love me, I would have quit the band. I wouldn't be able to face you every day, knowing you didn't love me back. So I just shoved the feelings down and pretended I didn't have them." Zayn admitted, frowning slightly.
"Do you want us to be together?" Harry asked, his voice shaking. "Or do you want us to continue to push down our feelings for one another? Pretend they aren't there?"
Zayn stood still a moment before leaning his head down and kissing Harry slowly on the lips. He pulled Harry into his lap, and continued kissing him. I interrupted before anything got serious and began to clap.
"You guys finally got together! Congratulations! Never thought it was going to happen. Shall I get the champagne?" I cheered.
"Louis?" Harry questioned, turning his head slightly in wonder.
"Have you been here the entire time?" Zayn asked, pulling Harry's head back into his chest. I could hear Harry's muffled giggles and attempted to hold in my laughter as his arms wrapped around Zayn' torso.
"I have I have. And I'm really happy for you guys." Zayn nodded and rested his chin on top of Harry's head, staring up at me.
"But guys... listen." I began, sitting down cross legged on the floor in front of the two. "This is going to be hard. You're going to have to deal with a lot of shit from a lot of people. It's not easy on any level. And if you believe enough,  you guys will be together by the end of it. All the arguments about tweets proving you are with someone else, the beards, the homophobic fans, and all that, it will seem so insignificant.
"And then you will be able to enjoy the good things. Like singing to each other from across the room, or holding each other's hand in an interview, or spending off days just cuddling and kissing, and maybe you'll even have an odd stage where one of you is one of the most popular smut writers on a couple fan fiction websites." I trailed off awkwardly after the last one, noticing their odd looks. "Honestly, I didn't even know Liam was that good of a writer."
"Much more than I wanted to know Louis." Harry groaned, his voice muffled by Zayn' chest.
"Sorry. But honestly, it is worth it. I promise." I said, standing up and brushing off my pants. "Shall we get back to the wedding?"
"Oh my gosh, yes! I'm so sorry Louis! I didn't mean to distract from your wedding! I promise I didn't mean to ruin your wedding!" Harry apologized, throwing himself off of Zayn's' lap and onto the floor in a rush to get back to the dinning hall.
"It's okay, I promise." I laughed, helping the younger boy up. "Everyone is going to be so happy for you guys. I'm looking forward to everyone's reaction." I admitted, smiling at Zayn.
"Thanks, Lou."
"Of course! Now, if you don't mind, I would like to finish the toasts so I can eat." I laughed, beginning to walk down the hall.
I watched as the two grasped each other's hand and walked beside me. "You know, it's going to be weird. Niall being the only straight boy in One Direction." I noted, thinking about the queer levels in the group.
"Pansexual." I heard Harry mutter under his breath.
Zayn and I both turned towards him, and I questioned, "Really? He never told us."
"I heard him telling Selena about it. Not really a big deal. Most of us avoid talking about our sexual orientation, so I didn't really think about telling you guys."
"Alright." I shrugged, and hugged both of the boys beside me before throwing the doors to the dinning hall open.
The room fell silent as they took in Zayn and Harry clutching to each other and holding hands, and I suppressed laughter as I skipped to my seat beside my husband.
"So should you or I go first?" Liam attempted to ask quietly, but his voice echoed through the otherwise dead silent hall. I shrugged in response, and he stood up, apparently indicating he would go before me.
Liam stood in the center of the room, holding the mic, before sitting down in the middle of the floor. He kept the microphone in his hand, and turned to face me. "Louis, you've been here for me for everything. When I'm energetic and bouncing off the walls, when I'm sad and need a hug, when my medication makes me paranoid and I think the government is controlling us all, when I need to vent after a fan said something rude, or when I'm just being affectionate and want to cuddle with someone." A few laughs and awes rose from the crowd as he began, but as soon as he continued to speak, they stopped.
"I use to think that no one was ever going to love me. After being rejected and tormented for so long, it was easy to believe what everyone was telling me. I would spend most of my time staring at myself in the mirror, staring at myself,  hating myself.
"But then I met you. I remember you holding me after I finished singing for the judges to see who would be eliminated, because I felt like I was the biggest failure there. I thought for sure I would be kicked off. But you just told me I did amazing,  even though you hadn't heard me sing. You almost missed your turn to go,  which would have been rather unfortunate." Liam laughed,  shifting into a more comfortable position.
"When they announced that we would be in a group together,  I was happier than I had been in a long time.  I had barely met you,  but you put more life into me than anyone had in years.
"It was that moment I decided I wanted to make you mine. The only problem with that was,  I wasn't sure what team you played for. So every time I saw you practically,  I would point out a random guy or girl in the room and ask if you found them attractive.  At one point,  I'm pretty sure you caught on,  because I asked you,  and you looked me dead in the eye and said,  'You are the only attractive person I see in this room.' I didn't really know what to say,  so I just grabbed your hand and held it. Which,  to this day,  seems like the best idea I've probably ever had."
"You showed me Louis, that I can be loved.  That I deserved to be loved. That I'm worth something. I'm so happy you agreed to marry me. I can't wait to spend the rest of my life with you Baby.
"I promise every day you will wake up to a day full of love.  I will always love you. I want to show you until the end of the Earth. I will always be there like you were for me. You can count on it Louis."
Liam slowly stood up,  still staring directly at him. I could feel the tears rushing down my face,  and I was holding myself back from running into his arms to kiss him.
"I want to propose this toast to my wonderful husband, Louis Tomlinson . May we last forever." he spoke,  raising his glass up towards the audience. I picked mine up,  my hands quivering.
'I love you',  I mouthed over the top of my cup to Liam.
'I love you too',  he mouthed back,  and I smiled, taking a small sip of my drink.
"I suppose it is my turn now." I announced, clearing my throat. I stood up, kissing Liam as he was beginning to sit back down. He handed me the microphone, and I walked to the center of the room.
"Liam here, he is one of the most loving, honest people I have ever met. He is one of those guys who would trust anyone, and is the most likely to get kidnapped and killed in the group. You know what he use to do when watching a scary movie?" I asked, addressing the audience. "He use to cry when someone was killed. Not because he was scared or anything, but because he felt bad for a character. Because they wouldn't have a life after that."
The group began to laugh, and Liam blushed. I stuck my tongue out at him before continuing. "The only reason I would ever watch horror movies with him was so we could sit afterwards and I could listen to him create lives for the characters once they were dead. The only movie I refuse to watch with him now is Titanic." I joked.
"Liam is like a little puppy. When I first met him, I decided I needed to protect him. I know, it seems weird that the tiny boy would protect the buff brunet. But he is too pure to protect himself from the world. In my mind anyway. I'm sure since then he has toughened up a little  bit, but to me, he is still the little angel."
I heard Liam giggle, and I looked over to him red faced and eyes misty. "When he asked me to marry him, that was probably the happiest moment of my life. I knew then that I would get to spend the rest of my life with him, making him happy and loving him, and whatever he needed me for.
"You know Liam", I added, speaking to my husband now. "To this day I do not understand how you do not view yourself as perfect." I finished, turning to sit down. "Wait, forgot to propose the toast." I loudly mentally told myself. Everyone in the room laughed, even Liam, who had tears streaming down his face.
"I would like to propose the toast to Liam Tomlinson. The best husband someone could ask for. Forever and ever dear." I said, smiling at my husband.
"Forever and ever." Liam whispered back, his voice echoing through the silent hall. "May I propose another toast?" Liam questioned, raising his glass. "To my boy almighty, Louis. My protector and my little teddy bear." he laughed, causing me to laugh too.
"To Louis." everyone repeated, taking a drink of their glasses.
I hope you liked it please tell me! 
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